public IHttpActionResult GetParameterListById(int id) { try { List <ParamType> paramTypeList = _systemParameterContext.GetSystemParameterListById(id); return(Ok(paramTypeList)); } catch (Exception ex) { _errorLog.LogException(ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to check whether items can be returned to a supplier. - JJ /// </summary> /// <param name="SupplierReturnRequest">list of objects of SupplierReturnRequest</param> /// <param name="SupplierId"></param> /// <returns>status</returns> private string CheckSupplierConditions(int SupplierId, List <SupplierReturnItemAC> SupplierReturnItemAC) { var causeList = _systemParameterContext.GetSystemParameterListById(35); var causeId = 0; var supplier = _supplierProfileContext.DoesSupplierAcceptExpiredItem(SupplierId); var allowSave = true; if (supplier != null) { if (supplier.IsActive) { foreach (var cause in causeList) { if (cause.ValueEn == StringConstants.Expier) { causeId = cause.Id; } } foreach (var returnItem in SupplierReturnItemAC) { if (causeId == returnItem.ReturnCauseId && !supplier.IsAcceptReturnForExpiredItem) { allowSave = false; break; } } if (allowSave) { return("ok"); } else { return("Supplier does not accept expired items"); } } else { return("Items cannot be returned as Supplier is Inactive"); } } else { return("Supplier Does Not Exist"); } }