        //[Authorize(Roles = "AddStudyPlan")]
        public IActionResult Add([FromBody] AddStudyPalnDTO addStudyPalnDTO)
                var year = _yearRepositroy.Find(addStudyPalnDTO.YearId);
                if (year == null)
                    var message = Messages.NotFound;
                    message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                    message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                    message.Message        = "السنة غير موجودة";
                var specialization = _specializationsRepositroy.Find(addStudyPalnDTO.SpecializationId);
                if (specialization == null)
                    var message = Messages.NotFound;
                    message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                    message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                    message.Message        = "الاختصاص غير موجود";

                #region check temporary Id
                var tempId = addStudyPalnDTO.Subjects.Select(c => c.AddSubjectDTO.TempId).ToArray();
                if (tempId.Contains(0))
                    var message = new BadRequestErrors();
                    message.ActionName     = "Update";
                    message.ControllerName = "YearSystem";
                    message.Message        = "الرجاء إعادة تحميل الصفحة";
                if (tempId.Count() != tempId.Distinct().Count())
                    var message = new BadRequestErrors();
                    message.ActionName     = "Update";
                    message.ControllerName = "YearSystem";
                    message.Message        = "الرجاء إعادة تحميل الصفحة";

                #region check subject
                //but it should replace after asking the Eng
                //check subject
                var studyYear       = _studyYearRepositroy.Get().ToList();
                var subjectsTypesId = _subjectTypeRepositroy.Get().Select(c => c.Id);
                var subjectsId      = _subjectRepositroy.Get().Select(c => c.Id);
                foreach (var item in addStudyPalnDTO.Subjects)
                    //there's not thered study semester
                    if (item.StudySemesterNumber > 2)
                        var message = Messages.NotFound;
                        message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                        message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                        message.Message        = "ليست 3 فصول تدريسية";
                    //chekc if all the year is correct
                    //this subject is for thered year and in our collage don't have any thered year yet
                    //so it return an confliect
                    if (studyYear.Select(c => c.Id).ToList().IndexOf(item.StudyYearId) < 0)
                        var message = new BadRequestErrors();
                        message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                        message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                        message.Message        = "السنة الدراسية غير موجودة";

                    //check Type if exist
                    if (!subjectsTypesId.Contains(item.AddSubjectDTO.SubjectTypeId))
                        var message = Messages.NotFound;
                        message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                        message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                        message.Message        = "نوع المادة غير موجود";

                    var subject = item.AddSubjectDTO;
                    //befor tempId
                    //if (subject.DependencySubjectsId.Except(subjectsId).Any())
                    //    return Conflict();
                    subject.Name = subject.Name.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject.Name))
                        var message = Messages.EmptyName;
                        message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                        message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                    if (subject.DependencySubjectsId.Except(tempId).Any())
                        var message = Messages.ReLoadPage;
                        message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                        message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                    if (subject.EquivalentSubjectsId.Except(subjectsId).Any())
                        var message = Messages.ReLoadPage;
                        message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                        message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                    subject.DependencySubjectsId = subject.DependencySubjectsId.Distinct().ToList();
                    subject.EquivalentSubjectsId = subject.EquivalentSubjectsId.Distinct().ToList();

                var studyPaln = _mapper.Map <StudyPlan>(addStudyPalnDTO);
                _abstractUnitOfWork.Add(studyPaln, UserName());
                Dictionary <int, Subjects> tempIdAndSubject = new Dictionary <int, Subjects>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= studyYear.Count(); i++)
                    //get the subject for this year mean first year and secound year ..etc
                    var subjectsForYear = addStudyPalnDTO.Subjects.Where(c => c.StudyYearId == studyYear[i - 1].Id);
                    //for adding in semester
                    //semester number because we have 2 semester in the year
                    for (int semesterNumber = 1; semesterNumber <= 2; semesterNumber++)
                        var semester = new StudySemester()
                            Number      = (short)semesterNumber,
                            StudyYearId = studyYear[i - 1].Id,
                            StudyplanId = studyPaln.Id,
                        _abstractUnitOfWork.Add(semester, UserName());
                        //get subject for the semester
                        var subjectsForSemester = subjectsForYear.Where(c => c.StudySemesterNumber == semesterNumber);
                        #region explain
                        //the output is like subject for first yaer and semester 1 in the first looping .
                        //exmple of output for Specialization Softwere engineering.
                        // programing 1 , electorinec , math1 , operaing system 1
                        //in the secound loop for the inner loop
                        //out put example
                        //programing 2 , math2 ,e2 ,
                        //in the seocund loop for the outer loop and first loop for inner loop
                        // advance programing 1 , oracle 1 ,operaing system 2
                        // this example depend on input

                        //for git subject without any extande proraty
                        var finalSubjectAfterFilering = subjectsForSemester.Select(c => c.AddSubjectDTO).ToList();
                        finalSubjectAfterFilering.ForEach(c => c.StudySemesterId = semester.Id);
                        foreach (var subjectDTO in finalSubjectAfterFilering)
                            var subject = _mapper.Map <Subjects>(subjectDTO);
                            subject.StudySemester = semester;
                            _abstractUnitOfWork.Add(subject, UserName());
                            //foreach (var DependencySubjectId in subjectDTO.DependencySubjectsId)
                            //    _abstractUnitOfWork.Repository<DependenceSubject>()
                            //        .Add(new DependenceSubject()
                            //        {
                            //            SubjectId = subject.Id,
                            //            DependsOnSubjectId = DependencySubjectId
                            //        }, UserName());
                            tempIdAndSubject[subjectDTO.TempId] = subject;
                            foreach (var EquivalentSubjectId in subjectDTO.EquivalentSubjectsId)
                                _abstractUnitOfWork.Add(new EquivalentSubject()
                                    FirstSubject   = subject.Id,
                                    SecoundSubject = EquivalentSubjectId
                                }, UserName());

                foreach (var subjectDTO in addStudyPalnDTO.Subjects.Select(c => c.AddSubjectDTO))
                    var subject = tempIdAndSubject[subjectDTO.TempId];
                    foreach (var DependancySubjectId in subjectDTO.DependencySubjectsId)
                        var depenacySubjct = tempIdAndSubject[DependancySubjectId];

                        // if this subject can't depand on another subject
                        if (!_subjectServices.CheckCanBeDepandacy(subject, depenacySubjct))
                            var message = new BadRequestErrors();
                            message.ActionName     = "Add Study Plan";
                            message.ControllerName = "Study Plan";
                            message.Message        = "خطأ في تحديد اعتمادية المواد";
                            new DependenceSubject()
                            SubjectId          = subject.Id,
                            DependsOnSubjectId = depenacySubjct.Id
                        }, UserName());
            catch (Exception)