/// <summary> /// Remove handler that protects stream playback. /// </summary> /// <param name="handler">Handler to remove.</param> public void UnregisterStreamPlaybackSecurity(IStreamPlaybackSecurity handler) { _playbackSecurityHandlers.Remove(handler); }
/// <summary> /// Add handler that protects stream playback. /// </summary> /// <param name="handler">Handler to add.</param> public void RegisterStreamPlaybackSecurity(IStreamPlaybackSecurity handler) { _playbackSecurityHandlers.Add(handler); }
public void play(string name, double start, double length, bool flushPlaylist) { IConnection connection = FluorineContext.Current.Connection; if (!(connection is IStreamCapableConnection)) { return; } IStreamCapableConnection streamConnection = connection as IStreamCapableConnection; IScope scope = connection.Scope; int streamId = GetCurrentStreamId(); if (name == null || string.Empty.Equals(name)) { SendNSFailed(streamConnection as RtmpConnection, "The stream name may not be empty.", name, streamId); return; } IStreamSecurityService security = ScopeUtils.GetScopeService(scope, typeof(IStreamSecurityService)) as IStreamSecurityService; if (security != null) { IEnumerator handlers = security.GetStreamPlaybackSecurity(); while (handlers.MoveNext()) { IStreamPlaybackSecurity handler = handlers.Current as IStreamPlaybackSecurity; if (!handler.IsPlaybackAllowed(scope, name, (long)start, (long)length, flushPlaylist)) { SendNSFailed(streamConnection as RtmpConnection, "You are not allowed to play the stream.", name, streamId); return; } } } IClientStream stream = streamConnection.GetStreamById(streamId); bool created = false; if (stream == null) { stream = streamConnection.NewPlaylistSubscriberStream(streamId); stream.Start(); created = true; } if (!(stream is ISubscriberStream)) { return; } ISubscriberStream subscriberStream = stream as ISubscriberStream; SimplePlayItem item = new SimplePlayItem(); item.Name = name; item.Start = (long)start; item.Length = (long)length; if (subscriberStream is IPlaylistSubscriberStream) { IPlaylistSubscriberStream playlistStream = subscriberStream as IPlaylistSubscriberStream; if (flushPlaylist) { playlistStream.RemoveAllItems(); } playlistStream.AddItem(item); } else if (subscriberStream is ISingleItemSubscriberStream) { ISingleItemSubscriberStream singleStream = subscriberStream as ISingleItemSubscriberStream; singleStream.PlayItem = item; } else { // not supported by this stream service return; } try { subscriberStream.Play(); } catch (System.IO.IOException ex) { if (created) { stream.Close(); streamConnection.DeleteStreamById(streamId); } SendNSFailed(streamConnection as RtmpConnection, ex.Message, name, streamId); } }
public void play(string name, double start, double length, bool flushPlaylist) { IConnection connection = FluorineContext.Current.Connection; if (connection is IStreamCapableConnection) { IStreamCapableConnection connection2 = connection as IStreamCapableConnection; IScope scope = connection.Scope; int currentStreamId = this.GetCurrentStreamId(); if ((name == null) || string.Empty.Equals(name)) { this.SendNSFailed(connection2 as RtmpConnection, "The stream name may not be empty.", name, currentStreamId); } else { IStreamSecurityService scopeService = ScopeUtils.GetScopeService(scope, typeof(IStreamSecurityService)) as IStreamSecurityService; if (scopeService != null) { IEnumerator streamPlaybackSecurity = scopeService.GetStreamPlaybackSecurity(); while (streamPlaybackSecurity.MoveNext()) { IStreamPlaybackSecurity current = streamPlaybackSecurity.Current as IStreamPlaybackSecurity; if (!current.IsPlaybackAllowed(scope, name, (long)start, (long)length, flushPlaylist)) { this.SendNSFailed(connection2 as RtmpConnection, "You are not allowed to play the stream.", name, currentStreamId); return; } } } IClientStream streamById = connection2.GetStreamById(currentStreamId); bool flag = false; if (streamById == null) { streamById = connection2.NewPlaylistSubscriberStream(currentStreamId); streamById.Start(); flag = true; } if (streamById is ISubscriberStream) { ISubscriberStream stream2 = streamById as ISubscriberStream; SimplePlayItem item = new SimplePlayItem { Name = name, Start = (long)start, Length = (long)length }; if (stream2 is IPlaylistSubscriberStream) { IPlaylistSubscriberStream stream3 = stream2 as IPlaylistSubscriberStream; if (flushPlaylist) { stream3.RemoveAllItems(); } stream3.AddItem(item); } else if (stream2 is ISingleItemSubscriberStream) { ISingleItemSubscriberStream stream4 = stream2 as ISingleItemSubscriberStream; stream4.PlayItem = item; } else { return; } try { stream2.Play(); } catch (IOException exception) { if (flag) { streamById.Close(); connection2.DeleteStreamById(currentStreamId); } this.SendNSFailed(connection2 as RtmpConnection, exception.Message, name, currentStreamId); } } } } }