/// <summary> /// Method that allows manager to stock the shelves and prompts them accordingly /// </summary> private void StockShelves() { _location = validation.ValidateString("Enter the store's name:"); _address = validation.ValidateAddress("Enter the store's address in format CityName, ST"); try{ _store = _storeLoBL.GetStore(_address, _location); if (_store == null) { Console.WriteLine("Store Not Found, please add the store"); return; } //_storeLoBL.RemoveStore(_address,_location); string breed = validation.ValidateString("Enter breed of the dog"); char gender = validation.ValidateGender("Enter gender of the dog either m or f"); double price = validation.ValidateDouble("Enter price of the dog in the form dollars.cents"); Dog dog = new Dog(breed, gender, price); int quant = validation.ValidateInt("How many? Just enter a number"); Console.WriteLine(_store.ToString()); _storeLoBL.AddItem(_store, dog, quant); //_storeLoBL.AddStoreLocation(_store); Console.WriteLine("Thanks!"); }catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Error while stocking"); } }
/// <summary> /// Over-arching order method that gives customer the tools to perform an order /// </summary> private void OrderDog() { string input; bool repeat = true; do { Console.WriteLine("What store would you like to buy from?"); Console.WriteLine("[0] View list of stores"); Console.WriteLine("[1] I know what store I want to order from"); input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "0": foreach (StoreLocation s in ViewStoreList()) { Console.WriteLine(s.ToString()); } repeat = false; break; case "1": repeat = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); break; } }while(repeat); repeat = true; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the store you'd like to buy from"); Console.WriteLine("[0] View list of stores"); Console.WriteLine("[1] I know what store I want to order from"); input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "0": foreach (StoreLocation s in ViewStoreList()) { Console.WriteLine(s.ToString()); } repeat = false; break; case "1": repeat = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); break; } }while(repeat); ViewStoreInv(); repeat = true; _runningCount = 0; //string storeLocation = validation.ValidateString("Enter the store's name:"); //string storeAddress = validation.ValidateAddress("Enter the store's address in format CityName, ST"); _dogOrder = new DogOrder(_dogBuyer, 0, _storeLoBL.GetStore(_address, _location)); do { char gender = validation.ValidateGender("Enter the gender of dog you'd like to purchase"); string breed = validation.ValidateString("Enter the breed of the Dog you'd like to purchase"); int quant = validation.ValidateInt("Enter how many you would like to purchase"); Item lineItem = _storeLoBL.FindItem(new StoreLocation(_address, _location), new Dog(breed, gender, 1000.0), quant); if (lineItem != null) { _dogOrder.AddItemToOrder(lineItem); _dogOrder.Total += ((double)quant * lineItem.Dog.Price); } else { Console.WriteLine("Not a valid item"); } Console.WriteLine("Enter c to complete order or any other character to continue"); if (Console.ReadLine().Equals("c")) { repeat = false; } //get all the items you want to order }while(repeat); if (_orBL.AddOrder(_dogOrder) == null) { Console.WriteLine("If you're seeing this, something went terribly wrong"); } //send the list of items to the database and remove them from the store's inventory }