        public static void CreateStepperButtons <TButton>(IStepperRenderer renderer, out TButton downButton, out TButton upButton)
            where TButton : AButton
            downButton           = (TButton)renderer.CreateButton();
            downButton.Id        = AppCompat.Platform.GenerateViewId();
            downButton.Focusable = true;
            upButton             = (TButton)renderer.CreateButton();
            upButton.Id          = AppCompat.Platform.GenerateViewId();
            upButton.Focusable   = true;

            downButton.Gravity = GravityFlags.Center;
            downButton.Tag     = renderer as Java.Lang.Object;
            upButton.Gravity = GravityFlags.Center;
            upButton.Tag     = renderer as Java.Lang.Object;

            // IMPORTANT:
            // Do not be decieved. These are NOT the same characters. Neither are a "minus" either.
            // The Text is a visually pleasing "minus", and the description is the phonetically correct "minus".
            // The little key on your keyboard is a dash/hyphen.
            downButton.Text = "-";
            downButton.ContentDescription = "−";

            // IMPORTANT:
            // Do not be decieved. These are NOT the same characters.
            // The Text is a visually pleasing "plus", and the description is the phonetically correct "plus"
            // (which, unlike the minus, IS found on your keyboard).
            upButton.Text = "+";
            upButton.ContentDescription = "+";

            downButton.NextFocusForwardId = upButton.Id;
        public static void UpdateButtons <TButton>(IStepperRenderer renderer, TButton downButton, TButton upButton, PropertyChangedEventArgs e = null)
            where TButton : AButton
            if (!(renderer?.Element is Stepper stepper))

            // NOTE: a value of `null` means that we are forcing an update
            if (e == null ||
                e.IsOneOf(Stepper.MinimumProperty, Stepper.MaximumProperty, Stepper.ValueProperty, VisualElement.IsEnabledProperty))
                downButton.Enabled = stepper.IsEnabled && stepper.Value > stepper.Minimum;
                upButton.Enabled   = stepper.IsEnabled && stepper.Value < stepper.Maximum;