private async Task RefreshBannedPlayerCount() { try { List <string> suspectIdList = await _cacheService.GetSuspectsListFromCache(); List <string> bannedIdList = await _cacheService.GetSuspectsBannedList(); List <Suspect> newSuspectBannedList = await _steamService.GetNewSuspectBannedList(suspectIdList, bannedIdList); if (newSuspectBannedList.Any()) { NewBannedPlayerCount += newSuspectBannedList.Count; NotificationMessage = NewBannedPlayerCount + " suspects have been banned!"; // Add new banned suspects to banned list foreach (Suspect suspectBanned in newSuspectBannedList) { await _cacheService.AddSuspectToBannedList(suspectBanned); } IsBusy = false; await Task.Delay(5000); HasNotification = false; } } catch (Exception e) { await _dialogService.ShowErrorAsync("Error while trying to get suspects information.", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); Logger.Instance.Log(e); } }