        public void ParseAllSteps_Success()
            IStandardIOReaderWriter consoleMock = Substitute.For <IStandardIOReaderWriter>();

                "4",            // the number of directional commands to process
                "10 20",        // the starting point coordinate
                "E 2",          // from there and below follow navigation commands
                "E 5",
                "W 3",
                "S 7",
                "S 7",
                "whatever invalid argument won't be processed as we retrieve only the first four directional parameters");

            var sut          = new ConsoleParser(consoleMock);
            var inputCommand = sut.ParseAllSteps();

            Assert.IsTrue(inputCommand.StartingCoordinate.X == 10);
            Assert.IsTrue(inputCommand.StartingCoordinate.Y == 20);
            Assert.IsTrue(inputCommand.AtomicNavigationSteps.Count == 17);

            consoleMock.Received(6).ReadLine(); // we invoked the ReadLine only 6 = 2 + 4 times regardless of how many additional navigation parameters we supplied
 public ConsoleParser(IStandardIOReaderWriter standardIoReaderWriter)
     _standardIoReaderWriter = standardIoReaderWriter;