public JsonResult GetMemoResources(string usercode) { try { var user = _unitOfWork.Users.GetUsersByCode(usercode); if (user == null) { return(Json(new ReturnData <string> { Success = false, Message = "You are not allowed to create a memo. Kindly contact admin" })); } if (!_studentServices.CheckIfGenesis().Data) { return(Json(new ReturnData <string> { Success = false, Message = "Sorry, memos not supported at the moment." })); } var departments = _unitOfWork.Department.GetStaffDepartments(); var staffDetails = _staffServices.GetEmployees(usercode)?.Data; var participants = _unitOfWork.HrpEmployee.GetWhere(e => e.Terminated == false); return(Json(new ReturnData <dynamic> { Success = true, Data = new { staffDetails, departments, participants } })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new ReturnData <string> { Success = false, Message = "An error occurred" })); } }
public JsonResult GetStaffInfo(string userCode) { return(Json(_staffServices.GetEmployees(userCode))); }