文件: BuildMode.cs 项目: wblong/UE4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a list of targets with a given set of makefiles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefiles">Makefiles created with CreateMakefiles</param>
        /// <param name="TargetDescriptors">Target descriptors</param>
        /// <param name="BuildConfiguration">Current build configuration</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The source file working set</param>
        /// <param name="Options">Additional options for the build</param>
        /// <param name="WriteOutdatedActionsFile">Files to write the list of outdated actions to (rather than building them)</param>
        /// <returns>Result from the compilation</returns>
        static void Build(TargetMakefile[] Makefiles, List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile)
            // Export the actions for each target
            for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor = TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx];
                foreach (FileReference WriteActionFile in TargetDescriptor.WriteActionFiles)
                    Log.TraceInformation("Writing actions to {0}", WriteActionFile);
                    ActionGraph.ExportJson(Makefiles[TargetIdx].Actions, WriteActionFile);

            // Execute the build
            if ((Options & BuildOptions.SkipBuild) == 0)
                // Make sure that none of the actions conflict with any other (producing output files differently, etc...)
                ActionGraph.CheckForConflicts(Makefiles.SelectMany(x => x.Actions));

                // Check we don't exceed the nominal max path length
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.CheckPathLengths"))
                    ActionGraph.CheckPathLengths(BuildConfiguration, Makefiles.SelectMany(x => x.Actions));

                // Clean up any previous hot reload runs, and reapply the current state if it's already active
                for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                    HotReload.Setup(TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx], Makefiles[TargetIdx], BuildConfiguration);

                // Merge the action graphs together
                List <Action> MergedActions;
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count == 1)
                    MergedActions = new List <Action>(Makefiles[0].Actions);
                    MergedActions = MergeActionGraphs(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                // Gather all the prerequisite actions that are part of the targets
                HashSet <FileItem> MergedOutputItems = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                    GatherOutputItems(TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx], Makefiles[TargetIdx], MergedOutputItems);

                // Link all the actions together

                // Get all the actions that are prerequisites for these targets. This forms the list of actions that we want executed.
                List <Action> PrerequisiteActions = ActionGraph.GatherPrerequisiteActions(MergedActions, MergedOutputItems);

                // Create the action history
                ActionHistory History = new ActionHistory();
                for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Reading action history"))
                        TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor = TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx];
                        if (TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile != null)

                // Figure out which actions need to be built
                Dictionary <Action, bool> ActionToOutdatedFlag = new Dictionary <Action, bool>();
                for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                    TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor = TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx];

                    // Create the dependencies cache
                    CppDependencyCache CppDependencies;
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Reading dependency cache"))
                        CppDependencies = CppDependencyCache.CreateHierarchy(TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.Name, TargetDescriptor.Platform, TargetDescriptor.Configuration, Makefiles[TargetIdx].TargetType, TargetDescriptor.Architecture);

                    // Plan the actions to execute for the build. For single file compiles, always rebuild the source file regardless of whether it's out of date.
                    if (TargetDescriptor.SpecificFilesToCompile.Count == 0)
                        ActionGraph.GatherAllOutdatedActions(PrerequisiteActions, History, ActionToOutdatedFlag, CppDependencies, BuildConfiguration.bIgnoreOutdatedImportLibraries);
                        foreach (FileReference SpecificFile in TargetDescriptor.SpecificFilesToCompile)
                            foreach (Action PrerequisiteAction in PrerequisiteActions.Where(x => x.PrerequisiteItems.Any(y => y.Location == SpecificFile)))
                                ActionToOutdatedFlag[PrerequisiteAction] = true;

                // Link the action graph again to sort it
                List <Action> MergedActionsToExecute = ActionToOutdatedFlag.Where(x => x.Value).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

                // Allow hot reload to override the actions
                int HotReloadTargetIdx = -1;
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; Idx++)
                    if (TargetDescriptors[Idx].HotReloadMode != HotReloadMode.Disabled)
                        if (HotReloadTargetIdx != -1)
                            throw new BuildException("Unable to perform hot reload with multiple targets.");
                            MergedActionsToExecute = HotReload.PatchActionsForTarget(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[Idx], Makefiles[Idx], PrerequisiteActions, MergedActionsToExecute);
                        HotReloadTargetIdx = Idx;

                // Make sure we're not modifying any engine files
                if ((Options & BuildOptions.NoEngineChanges) != 0)
                    List <FileItem> EngineChanges = MergedActionsToExecute.SelectMany(x => x.ProducedItems).Where(x => x.Location.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory)).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.FullName).ToList();
                    if (EngineChanges.Count > 0)
                        StringBuilder Result = new StringBuilder("Building would modify the following engine files:\n");
                        foreach (FileItem EngineChange in EngineChanges)
                            Result.AppendFormat("\n{0}", EngineChange.FullName);
                        Result.Append("\n\nPlease rebuild from an IDE instead.");
                        Log.TraceError("{0}", Result.ToString());
                        throw new CompilationResultException(CompilationResult.FailedDueToEngineChange);

                // Make sure the appropriate executor is selected
                foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor in TargetDescriptors)
                    UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetDescriptor.Platform);
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowXGE    &= BuildPlatform.CanUseXGE();
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowDistcc &= BuildPlatform.CanUseDistcc();
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowSNDBS  &= BuildPlatform.CanUseSNDBS();

                // Delete produced items that are outdated.

                // Save all the action histories now that files have been removed. We have to do this after deleting produced items to ensure that any
                // items created during the build don't have the wrong command line.

                // Create directories for the outdated produced items.

                // Execute the actions
                if ((Options & BuildOptions.XGEExport) != 0)
                    OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                    // Just export to an XML file
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("XGE.ExportActions()"))
                else if (WriteOutdatedActionsFile != null)
                    OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                    // Write actions to an output file
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.WriteActions"))
                        ActionGraph.ExportJson(MergedActionsToExecute, WriteOutdatedActionsFile);
                    // Execute the actions
                    if (MergedActionsToExecute.Count == 0)
                        if (TargetDescriptors.Any(x => !x.bQuiet))
                            Log.TraceInformation((TargetDescriptors.Count == 1)? "Target is up to date" : "Targets are up to date");
                        if (TargetDescriptors.Any(x => !x.bQuiet))
                            Log.TraceInformation("Building {0}...", StringUtils.FormatList(TargetDescriptors.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct()));

                        OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                        using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.ExecuteActions()"))
                            ActionGraph.ExecuteActions(BuildConfiguration, MergedActionsToExecute);

                    // Run the deployment steps
                    foreach (TargetMakefile Makefile in Makefiles)
                        if (Makefile.bDeployAfterCompile)
                            TargetReceipt Receipt = TargetReceipt.Read(Makefile.ReceiptFile);
                            Log.TraceInformation("Deploying {0} {1} {2}...", Receipt.TargetName, Receipt.Platform, Receipt.Configuration);

 /// <summary>
 /// Compiles the module, and returns a list of files output by the compiler.
 /// </summary>
 public abstract List <FileItem> Compile(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHModules, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph);
文件: BuildMode.cs 项目: wblong/UE4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a list of targets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TargetDescriptors">Target descriptors</param>
        /// <param name="BuildConfiguration">Current build configuration</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The source file working set</param>
        /// <param name="Options">Additional options for the build</param>
        /// <param name="WriteOutdatedActionsFile">Files to write the list of outdated actions to (rather than building them)</param>
        /// <param name="bSkipPreBuildTargets">If true then only the current target descriptors will be built.</param>
        /// <returns>Result from the compilation</returns>
        public static void Build(List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile, bool bSkipPreBuildTargets = false)
            List <TargetMakefile> TargetMakefiles = new List <TargetMakefile>();

            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; ++Idx)
                TargetMakefile NewMakefile = CreateMakefile(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[Idx], WorkingSet);
                if (!bSkipPreBuildTargets)
                    foreach (TargetInfo PreBuildTarget in NewMakefile.PreBuildTargets)
                        TargetDescriptor NewTarget = TargetDescriptor.FromTargetInfo(PreBuildTarget);
                        if (!TargetDescriptors.Contains(NewTarget))

            Build(TargetMakefiles.ToArray(), TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, Options, WriteOutdatedActionsFile);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of C++ files, generates another set of C++ files that #include all the original
        /// files, the goal being to compile the same code in fewer translation units.
        /// The "unity" files are written to the CompileEnvironment's OutputDirectory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">The target we're building</param>
        /// <param name="CPPFiles">The C++ files to #include.</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment that is used to compile the C++ files.</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">Interface to query files which belong to the working set</param>
        /// <param name="BaseName">Base name to use for the Unity files</param>
        /// <param name="IntermediateDirectory">Intermediate directory for unity cpp files</param>
        /// <param name="Graph">The makefile being built</param>
        /// <param name="SourceFileToUnityFile">Receives a mapping of source file to unity file</param>
        /// <returns>The "unity" C++ files.</returns>
        public static List <FileItem> GenerateUnityCPPs(
            ReadOnlyTargetRules Target,
            List <FileItem> CPPFiles,
            CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment,
            ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet,
            string BaseName,
            DirectoryReference IntermediateDirectory,
            IActionGraphBuilder Graph,
            Dictionary <FileItem, FileItem> SourceFileToUnityFile
            List <FileItem> NewCPPFiles = new List <FileItem>();

            //UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Platform);

            // Figure out size of all input files combined. We use this to determine whether to use larger unity threshold or not.
            long TotalBytesInCPPFiles = CPPFiles.Sum(F => F.Length);

            // We have an increased threshold for unity file size if, and only if, all files fit into the same unity file. This
            // is beneficial when dealing with PCH files. The default PCH creation limit is X unity files so if we generate < X
            // this could be fairly slow and we'd rather bump the limit a bit to group them all into the same unity file.

            // When enabled, UnrealBuildTool will try to determine source files that you are actively iteratively changing, and break those files
            // out of their unity blobs so that you can compile them as individual translation units, much faster than recompiling the entire
            // unity blob each time.
            bool bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = Target.bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && !Target.bStressTestUnity;

            // Optimization only makes sense if PCH files are enabled.
            bool bForceIntoSingleUnityFile = Target.bStressTestUnity || (TotalBytesInCPPFiles < Target.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP * 2 && Target.bUsePCHFiles);

            // Build the list of unity files.
            List <FileCollection> AllUnityFiles;
                // Sort the incoming file paths alphabetically, so there will be consistency in unity blobs across multiple machines.
                // Note that we're relying on this not only sorting files within each directory, but also the directories
                // themselves, so the whole list of file paths is the same across computers.
                List <FileItem> SortedCPPFiles = CPPFiles.GetRange(0, CPPFiles.Count);
                    // Case-insensitive file path compare, because you never know what is going on with local file systems
                    Comparison <FileItem> FileItemComparer = (FileA, FileB) => { return(FileA.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant().CompareTo(FileB.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant())); };

                // Figure out whether we REALLY want to use adaptive unity for this module.  If nearly every file in the module appears in the working
                // set, we'll just go ahead and let unity build do its thing.
                HashSet <FileItem> FilesInWorkingSet = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)
                    int CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount = 0;
                    int WorkingSetSourceFileCount          = 0;
                    foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)

                        // Don't include writable source files into unity blobs
                        if (WorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile))

                            // Mark this file as part of the working set.  This will be saved into the UBT Makefile so that
                            // the assembler can automatically invalidate the Makefile when the working set changes (allowing this
                            // code to run again, to build up new unity blobs.)

                    if (WorkingSetSourceFileCount >= CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount)
                        // Every single file in the module appears in the working set, so don't bother using adaptive unity for this
                        // module.  Otherwise it would make full builds really slow.
                        bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = false;

                UnityFileBuilder CPPUnityFileBuilder          = new UnityFileBuilder(bForceIntoSingleUnityFile ? -1 : Target.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP);
                StringBuilder    AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)
                    if (!bForceIntoSingleUnityFile && CPPFile.AbsolutePath.IndexOf(".GeneratedWrapper.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)

                    // When adaptive unity is enabled, go ahead and exclude any source files that we're actively working with
                    if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && FilesInWorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile))
                        // Just compile this file normally, not as part of the unity blob

                        // Let the unity file builder know about the file, so that we can retain the existing size of the unity blobs.
                        // This won't actually make the source file part of the unity blob, but it will keep track of how big the
                        // file is so that other existing unity blobs from the same module won't be invalidated.  This prevents much
                        // longer compile times the first time you build after your working file set changes.

                        string CPPFileName = Path.GetFileName(CPPFile.AbsolutePath);
                        if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length == 0)
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(String.Format("[Adaptive unity build] Excluded from {0} unity file: {1}", BaseName, CPPFileName));
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(", " + CPPFileName);
                        // If adaptive unity build is enabled for this module, add this source file to the set that will invalidate the makefile
                        if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)

                        // Compile this file as part of the unity blob

                if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length > 0)
                    if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityCreatesDedicatedPCH)
                        Graph.AddDiagnostic("[Adaptive unity build] Creating dedicated PCH for each excluded file. Set bAdaptiveUnityCreatesDedicatedPCH to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");
                    else if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityDisablesPCH)
                        Graph.AddDiagnostic("[Adaptive unity build] Disabling PCH for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityDisablesPCH to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");

                    if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityDisablesOptimizations)
                        Graph.AddDiagnostic("[Adaptive unity build] Disabling optimizations for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityDisablesOptimizations to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");
                    if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityEnablesEditAndContinue)
                        Graph.AddDiagnostic("[Adaptive unity build] Enabling Edit & Continue for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityEnablesEditAndContinue to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");


                AllUnityFiles = CPPUnityFileBuilder.GetUnityFiles();

            // Create a set of CPP files that combine smaller CPP files into larger compilation units, along with the corresponding
            // actions to compile them.
            int CurrentUnityFileCount = 0;

            foreach (FileCollection UnityFile in AllUnityFiles)

                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriter = new StringWriter();

                OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("// This file is automatically generated at compile-time to include some subset of the user-created cpp files.");

                // Add source files to the unity file
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", CPPFile.AbsolutePath.Replace('\\', '/'));

                // Determine unity file path name
                string UnityCPPFileName;
                if (AllUnityFiles.Count > 1)
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}_of_{3}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName, CurrentUnityFileCount, AllUnityFiles.Count);
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName);
                FileReference UnityCPPFilePath = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDirectory, UnityCPPFileName);

                // Write the unity file to the intermediate folder.
                FileItem UnityCPPFile = Graph.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath, OutputUnityCPPWriter.ToString());

                // Store the mapping of source files to unity files in the makefile
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    SourceFileToUnityFile[SourceFile] = UnityCPPFile;
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in UnityFile.VirtualFiles)
                    SourceFileToUnityFile[SourceFile] = UnityCPPFile;

        /// <summary>
        /// Build a list of targets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TargetDescriptors">Target descriptors</param>
        /// <param name="BuildConfiguration">Current build configuration</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The source file working set</param>
        /// <param name="Options">Additional options for the build</param>
        /// <param name="LiveCodingManifest">Path to write the live coding manifest to</param>
        /// <param name="WriteOutdatedActionsFile">Files to write the list of outdated actions to (rather than building them)</param>
        /// <returns>Result from the compilation</returns>
        public static void Build(List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, BuildOptions Options, FileReference LiveCodingManifest, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile)
            // Create a makefile for each target
            TargetMakefile[] Makefiles = new TargetMakefile[TargetDescriptors.Count];
            for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                Makefiles[TargetIdx] = CreateMakefile(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx], WorkingSet);

            // Output the Live Coding manifest
            if (LiveCodingManifest != null)
                List <Action> AllActions = Makefiles.SelectMany(x => x.Actions).ToList();
                HotReload.WriteLiveCodingManifest(LiveCodingManifest, AllActions);

            // Export the actions for each target
            for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor = TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx];
                foreach (FileReference WriteActionFile in TargetDescriptor.WriteActionFiles)
                    Log.TraceInformation("Writing actions to {0}", WriteActionFile);
                    ActionGraph.ExportJson(Makefiles[TargetIdx].Actions, WriteActionFile);

            // Execute the build
            if ((Options & BuildOptions.SkipBuild) == 0)
                // Make sure that none of the actions conflict with any other (producing output files differently, etc...)
                ActionGraph.CheckForConflicts(Makefiles.SelectMany(x => x.Actions));

                // Find all the actions to be executed
                HashSet <Action>[] ActionsToExecute = new HashSet <Action> [TargetDescriptors.Count];
                for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                    ActionsToExecute[TargetIdx] = GetActionsForTarget(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx], Makefiles[TargetIdx]);

                // If there are multiple targets being built, merge the actions together
                List <Action> MergedActionsToExecute;
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count == 1)
                    MergedActionsToExecute = new List <Action>(ActionsToExecute[0]);
                    MergedActionsToExecute = MergeActionGraphs(TargetDescriptors, ActionsToExecute);

                // Link all the actions together

                // Make sure the appropriate executor is selected
                foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor in TargetDescriptors)
                    UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetDescriptor.Platform);
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowXGE    &= BuildPlatform.CanUseXGE();
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowDistcc &= BuildPlatform.CanUseDistcc();
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowSNDBS  &= BuildPlatform.CanUseSNDBS();

                // Delete produced items that are outdated.

                // Save all the action histories now that files have been removed. We have to do this after deleting produced items to ensure that any
                // items created during the build don't have the wrong command line.

                // Create directories for the outdated produced items.

                // Execute the actions
                if ((Options & BuildOptions.XGEExport) != 0)
                    // Just export to an XML file
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("XGE.ExportActions()"))
                else if (WriteOutdatedActionsFile != null)
                    // Write actions to an output file
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.WriteActions"))
                        ActionGraph.ExportJson(MergedActionsToExecute, WriteOutdatedActionsFile);
                    // Execute the actions
                    if (MergedActionsToExecute.Count == 0)
                        if ((Options & BuildOptions.Quiet) == 0)
                            Log.TraceInformation((TargetDescriptors.Count == 1)? "Target is up to date" : "Targets are up to date");
                        if ((Options & BuildOptions.Quiet) != 0)
                            Log.TraceInformation("Building {0}...", StringUtils.FormatList(TargetDescriptors.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct()));

                        OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                        using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.ExecuteActions()"))
                            ActionGraph.ExecuteActions(BuildConfiguration, MergedActionsToExecute);

                    // Run the deployment steps
                    foreach (TargetMakefile Makefile in Makefiles)
                        if (Makefile.bDeployAfterCompile)
                            TargetReceipt Receipt = TargetReceipt.Read(Makefile.ReceiptFile);
                            Log.TraceInformation("Deploying {0} {1} {2}...", Receipt.TargetName, Receipt.Platform, Receipt.Configuration);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the binary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">Rules for the target being built</param>
        /// <param name="ToolChain">The toolchain which to use for building</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment to compile the binary in</param>
        /// <param name="LinkEnvironment">The environment to link the binary in</param>
        /// <param name="SharedPCHs">List of templates for shared PCHs</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ActionGraph">Graph to add build actions to</param>
        /// <returns>Set of built products</returns>
        public IEnumerable <FileItem> Build(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHs, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            // Return nothing if we're using precompiled binaries
            if (bUsePrecompiled)
                return(new List <FileItem>());

            // Setup linking environment.
            LinkEnvironment BinaryLinkEnvironment = SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(Target, ToolChain, LinkEnvironment, CompileEnvironment, SharedPCHs, WorkingSet, ActionGraph);

            // If we're generating projects, we only need include paths and definitions, there is no need to run the linking logic.
            if (ProjectFileGenerator.bGenerateProjectFiles)

            // If linking is disabled, our build products are just the compiled object files
            if (Target.bDisableLinking)

            // Generate import libraries as a separate step
            List <FileItem> OutputFiles = new List <FileItem>();

            if (bCreateImportLibrarySeparately)
                // Mark the link environment as cross-referenced.
                BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsCrossReferenced = true;

                if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform != CppPlatform.Mac && BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform != CppPlatform.Linux)
                    // Create the import library.
                    OutputFiles.AddRange(ToolChain.LinkAllFiles(BinaryLinkEnvironment, true, ActionGraph));

            // Link the binary.
            FileItem[] Executables = ToolChain.LinkAllFiles(BinaryLinkEnvironment, false, ActionGraph);

            // Produce additional console app if requested
            if (bBuildAdditionalConsoleApp)
                // Produce additional binary but link it as a console app
                LinkEnvironment ConsoleAppLinkEvironment = new LinkEnvironment(BinaryLinkEnvironment);
                ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.bIsBuildingConsoleApplication = true;
                ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.WindowsEntryPointOverride     = "WinMainCRTStartup";                           // For WinMain() instead of "main()" for Launch module
                ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.OutputFilePaths = ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.OutputFilePaths.Select(Path => GetAdditionalConsoleAppPath(Path)).ToList();

                // Link the console app executable
                OutputFiles.AddRange(ToolChain.LinkAllFiles(ConsoleAppLinkEvironment, false, ActionGraph));

            foreach (FileItem Executable in Executables)
                OutputFiles.AddRange(ToolChain.PostBuild(Executable, BinaryLinkEnvironment, ActionGraph));

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the binary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">Rules for the target being built</param>
        /// <param name="ToolChain">The toolchain which to use for building</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment to compile the binary in</param>
        /// <param name="LinkEnvironment">The environment to link the binary in</param>
        /// <param name="SingleFileToCompile">If non-null, specifies a single cpp file to be compiled</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ExeDir">Directory containing the output executable</param>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile to add actions to</param>
        /// <returns>Set of built products</returns>
        public List <FileItem> Build(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, FileReference SingleFileToCompile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, DirectoryReference ExeDir, TargetMakefile Makefile)
            // Return nothing if we're using precompiled binaries. If we're not linking, we might want just one module to be compiled (eg. a foreign plugin), so allow any actions to run.
            if (bUsePrecompiled && !Target.bDisableLinking)
                return(new List <FileItem>());

            // Setup linking environment.
            LinkEnvironment BinaryLinkEnvironment = SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(Target, ToolChain, LinkEnvironment, CompileEnvironment, SingleFileToCompile, WorkingSet, ExeDir, Makefile);

            // If we're generating projects, we only need include paths and definitions, there is no need to run the linking logic.
            if (ProjectFileGenerator.bGenerateProjectFiles)

            // If linking is disabled, our build products are just the compiled object files
            if (Target.bDisableLinking)

            // Generate import libraries as a separate step
            List <FileItem> OutputFiles = new List <FileItem>();

            if (bCreateImportLibrarySeparately)
                // Mark the link environment as cross-referenced.
                BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsCrossReferenced = true;

                if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac &&
                    BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux &&
                    BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.LinuxAArch64)
                    // Create the import library.
                    OutputFiles.AddRange(ToolChain.LinkAllFiles(BinaryLinkEnvironment, true, Makefile.Actions));

            // Link the binary.
            FileItem[] Executables = ToolChain.LinkAllFiles(BinaryLinkEnvironment, false, Makefile.Actions);

            // Save all the output items for this binary. This is used for hot-reload, and excludes any items added in PostBuild (such as additional files copied into the app).
            if (Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Modular)
                Makefile.ModuleNameToOutputItems[PrimaryModule.Name] = OutputFiles.ToArray();

            // Produce additional console app if requested
            if (bBuildAdditionalConsoleApp)
                // Produce additional binary but link it as a console app
                LinkEnvironment ConsoleAppLinkEvironment = new LinkEnvironment(BinaryLinkEnvironment);
                ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.bIsBuildingConsoleApplication = true;
                ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.WindowsEntryPointOverride     = "WinMainCRTStartup";                           // For WinMain() instead of "main()" for Launch module
                ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.OutputFilePaths = ConsoleAppLinkEvironment.OutputFilePaths.Select(Path => GetAdditionalConsoleAppPath(Path)).ToList();

                // Link the console app executable
                FileItem[] ConsoleAppOutputFiles = ToolChain.LinkAllFiles(ConsoleAppLinkEvironment, false, Makefile.Actions);

                foreach (FileItem Executable in ConsoleAppOutputFiles)
                    OutputFiles.AddRange(ToolChain.PostBuild(Executable, ConsoleAppLinkEvironment, Makefile.Actions));

            foreach (FileItem Executable in Executables)
                OutputFiles.AddRange(ToolChain.PostBuild(Executable, BinaryLinkEnvironment, Makefile.Actions));

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the makefile is valid for the current set of source files. This is done separately to the Load() method to allow pre-build steps to modify source files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile that has been loaded</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="Platform">The platform being built</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The current working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the makefile is not valid, is set to a message describing why</param>
        /// <returns>True if the makefile is valid, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool IsValidForSourceFiles(TargetMakefile Makefile, FileReference ProjectFile, UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles()"))
                // Get the list of excluded folder names for this platform
                ReadOnlyHashSet <string> ExcludedFolderNames = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(Platform).GetExcludedFolderNames();

                // Check if any source files have been added or removed
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectoryItem, FileItem[]> Pair in Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles)
                    DirectoryItem InputDirectory = Pair.Key;
                    if (!InputDirectory.Exists || InputDirectory.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        FileItem[] SourceFiles = UEBuildModuleCPP.GetSourceFiles(InputDirectory);
                        if (SourceFiles.Length < Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file removed";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Length > Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file added";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Intersect(Pair.Value).Count() != SourceFiles.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file modified";

                        foreach (DirectoryItem Directory in InputDirectory.EnumerateDirectories())
                            if (!Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles.ContainsKey(Directory) && ContainsSourceFiles(Directory, ExcludedFolderNames))
                                ReasonNotLoaded = "directory added";

                // Check if any external dependencies have changed. These comparisons are done against the makefile creation time.
                foreach (FileItem ExternalDependency in Makefile.ExternalDependencies)
                    if (!ExternalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was built.", ExternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", ExternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (ExternalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was built.", ExternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", ExternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check if any internal dependencies has changed. These comparisons are done against the makefile modified time.
                foreach (FileItem InternalDependency in Makefile.InternalDependencies)
                    if (!InternalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was written.", InternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", InternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (InternalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.ModifiedTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was written.", InternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", InternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check that no new plugins have been added
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(ProjectFile))
                    FileItem PluginFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PluginFile);
                    if (!Makefile.PluginFiles.Contains(PluginFileItem))
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());

                // Load the metadata cache
                SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache = SourceFileMetadataCache.CreateHierarchy(ProjectFile);

                // Find the set of files that contain reflection markup
                ConcurrentBag <FileItem> NewFilesWithMarkupBag = new ConcurrentBag <FileItem>();
                using (ThreadPoolWorkQueue Queue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue())
                    foreach (DirectoryItem SourceDirectory in Makefile.SourceDirectories)
                        Queue.Enqueue(() => FindFilesWithMarkup(SourceDirectory, MetadataCache, ExcludedFolderNames, NewFilesWithMarkupBag, Queue));

                // Check whether the list has changed
                List <FileItem> PrevFilesWithMarkup = Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders.Where(x => !x.bUsePrecompiled).SelectMany(x => x.HeaderFiles).ToList();
                List <FileItem> NextFilesWithMarkup = NewFilesWithMarkupBag.ToList();
                if (NextFilesWithMarkup.Count != PrevFilesWithMarkup.Count || NextFilesWithMarkup.Intersect(PrevFilesWithMarkup).Count() != PrevFilesWithMarkup.Count)
                    ReasonNotLoaded = "UHT files changed";

                // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
                // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
                // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
                // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
                // iteration times.)

                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.WorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.CandidatesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the makefile is valid for the current set of source files. This is done separately to the Load() method to allow pre-build steps to modify source files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile that has been loaded</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The current working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the makefile is not valid, is set to a message describing why</param>
        /// <returns>True if the makefile is valid, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool IsValidForSourceFiles(TargetMakefile Makefile, FileReference ProjectFile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles()"))
                // Check if any source files have been added or removed
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectoryItem, FileItem[]> Pair in Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles)
                    DirectoryItem InputDirectory = Pair.Key;
                    if (!InputDirectory.Exists || InputDirectory.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        FileItem[] SourceFiles = UEBuildModuleCPP.GetSourceFiles(InputDirectory);
                        if (SourceFiles.Length < Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file removed";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Length > Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file added";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Intersect(Pair.Value).Count() != SourceFiles.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file modified";

                // Check if any of the additional dependencies has changed
                foreach (FileItem AdditionalDependency in Makefile.AdditionalDependencies)
                    if (!AdditionalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was built.", AdditionalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", AdditionalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (AdditionalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was built.", AdditionalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", AdditionalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check that no new plugins have been added
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(ProjectFile))
                    FileItem PluginFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PluginFile);
                    if (!Makefile.PluginFiles.Contains(PluginFileItem))
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());

                // We do a check to see if any modules' headers have changed which have
                // acquired or lost UHT types.  If so, which should be rare,
                // we'll just invalidate the entire makefile and force it to be rebuilt.

                // Get all H files in processed modules newer than the makefile itself
                HashSet <FileItem> HFilesNewerThanMakefile = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                foreach (UHTModuleHeaderInfo ModuleHeaderInfo in Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders)
                    foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in ModuleHeaderInfo.SourceFolder.EnumerateFiles())
                        if (HeaderFile.HasExtension(".h") && HeaderFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)

                // Get all H files in all modules processed in the last makefile build
                HashSet <FileItem> AllUHTHeaders = new HashSet <FileItem>(Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders.SelectMany(x => x.HeaderFiles));

                // Check whether any headers have been deleted. If they have, we need to regenerate the makefile since the module might now be empty. If we don't,
                // and the file has been moved to a different module, we may include stale generated headers.
                foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in AllUHTHeaders)
                    if (!HeaderFile.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("File processed by UHT was deleted ({0}); invalidating makefile", HeaderFile);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("UHT file was deleted");

                // Makefile is invalid if:
                // * There are any newer files which contain no UHT data, but were previously in the makefile
                // * There are any newer files contain data which needs processing by UHT, but weren't not previously in the makefile
                SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache = SourceFileMetadataCache.CreateHierarchy(ProjectFile);
                foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in HFilesNewerThanMakefile)
                    bool bContainsUHTData = MetadataCache.ContainsReflectionMarkup(HeaderFile);
                    bool bWasProcessed    = AllUHTHeaders.Contains(HeaderFile);
                    if (bContainsUHTData != bWasProcessed)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} {1} contain UHT types and now {2} , ignoring it", HeaderFile, bWasProcessed ? "used to" : "didn't", bWasProcessed ? "doesn't" : "does");
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("new files with reflected types");

                // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
                // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
                // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
                // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
                // iteration times.)

                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.WorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.CandidatesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Compiles the module, and returns a list of files output by the compiler.
 /// </summary>
 public abstract List <FileItem> Compile(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, TargetMakefile Makefile);
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a list of targets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TargetDescriptors">Target descriptors</param>
        /// <param name="BuildConfiguration">Current build configuration</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The source file working set</param>
        /// <param name="Options">Additional options for the build</param>
        /// <param name="WriteOutdatedActionsFile">Files to write the list of outdated actions to (rather than building them)</param>
        /// <returns>Result from the compilation</returns>
        public static void Build(List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile)
            // Create a makefile for each target
            TargetMakefile[] Makefiles = new TargetMakefile[TargetDescriptors.Count];
            for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                Makefiles[TargetIdx] = CreateMakefile(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx], WorkingSet);

            // Export the actions for each target
            for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor = TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx];
                foreach (FileReference WriteActionFile in TargetDescriptor.WriteActionFiles)
                    Log.TraceInformation("Writing actions to {0}", WriteActionFile);
                    ActionGraph.ExportJson(Makefiles[TargetIdx].Actions, WriteActionFile);

            // Execute the build
            if ((Options & BuildOptions.SkipBuild) == 0)
                // Make sure that none of the actions conflict with any other (producing output files differently, etc...)
                ActionGraph.CheckForConflicts(Makefiles.SelectMany(x => x.Actions));

                // Check we don't exceed the nominal max path length
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.CheckPathLengths"))
                    ActionGraph.CheckPathLengths(BuildConfiguration, Makefiles.SelectMany(x => x.Actions));

                // Find all the actions to be executed
                HashSet <Action>[] ActionsToExecute = new HashSet <Action> [TargetDescriptors.Count];
                for (int TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < TargetDescriptors.Count; TargetIdx++)
                    ActionsToExecute[TargetIdx] = GetActionsForTarget(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptors[TargetIdx], Makefiles[TargetIdx]);

                // If there are multiple targets being built, merge the actions together
                List <Action> MergedActionsToExecute;
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count == 1)
                    MergedActionsToExecute = new List <Action>(ActionsToExecute[0]);
                    MergedActionsToExecute = MergeActionGraphs(TargetDescriptors, ActionsToExecute);

                // Link all the actions together

                // Make sure we're not modifying any engine files
                if ((Options & BuildOptions.NoEngineChanges) != 0)
                    List <FileItem> EngineChanges = MergedActionsToExecute.SelectMany(x => x.ProducedItems).Where(x => x.Location.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory)).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.FullName).ToList();
                    if (EngineChanges.Count > 0)
                        StringBuilder Result = new StringBuilder("Building would modify the following engine files:\n");
                        foreach (FileItem EngineChange in EngineChanges)
                            Result.AppendFormat("\n{0}", EngineChange.FullName);
                        Result.Append("\n\nPlease rebuild from an IDE instead.");
                        Log.TraceError("{0}", Result.ToString());
                        throw new CompilationResultException(CompilationResult.FailedDueToEngineChange);

                // Make sure the appropriate executor is selected
                foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor in TargetDescriptors)
                    UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetDescriptor.Platform);
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowXGE    &= BuildPlatform.CanUseXGE();
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowDistcc &= BuildPlatform.CanUseDistcc();
                    BuildConfiguration.bAllowSNDBS  &= BuildPlatform.CanUseSNDBS();

                // Delete produced items that are outdated.

                // Save all the action histories now that files have been removed. We have to do this after deleting produced items to ensure that any
                // items created during the build don't have the wrong command line.

                // Create directories for the outdated produced items.

                // Execute the actions
                if ((Options & BuildOptions.XGEExport) != 0)
                    OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                    // Just export to an XML file
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("XGE.ExportActions()"))
                else if (WriteOutdatedActionsFile != null)
                    OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                    // Write actions to an output file
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.WriteActions"))
                        ActionGraph.ExportJson(MergedActionsToExecute, WriteOutdatedActionsFile);
                    // Execute the actions
                    if (MergedActionsToExecute.Count == 0)
                        if (TargetDescriptors.Any(x => !x.bQuiet))
                            Log.TraceInformation((TargetDescriptors.Count == 1)? "Target is up to date" : "Targets are up to date");
                        if (TargetDescriptors.Any(x => !x.bQuiet))
                            Log.TraceInformation("Building {0}...", StringUtils.FormatList(TargetDescriptors.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct()));

                        OutputToolchainInfo(TargetDescriptors, Makefiles);

                        using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("ActionGraph.ExecuteActions()"))
                            ActionGraph.ExecuteActions(BuildConfiguration, MergedActionsToExecute);

                    // Run the deployment steps
                    foreach (TargetMakefile Makefile in Makefiles)
                        if (Makefile.bDeployAfterCompile)
                            TargetReceipt Receipt = TargetReceipt.Read(Makefile.ReceiptFile);
                            Log.TraceInformation("Deploying {0} {1} {2}...", Receipt.TargetName, Receipt.Platform, Receipt.Configuration);

 // UEBuildModule interface.
 public override List <FileItem> Compile(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHs, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
     return(new List <FileItem>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>One of the values of ECompilationResult</returns>
        public override int Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments)

            // Initialize the log system, buffering the output until we can create the log file
            StartupTraceListener StartupListener = new StartupTraceListener();


            // Write the command line
            Log.TraceLog("Command line: {0}", Environment.CommandLine);

            // Grab the environment.
            UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            if (UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment.Count < 1)
                throw new BuildException("Environment could not be read");

            // Read the XML configuration files

            // Create the log file, and flush the startup listener to it
            if (!Arguments.HasOption("-NoLog") && !Log.HasFileWriter())
                FileReference LogFile = new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                foreach (string LogSuffix in Arguments.GetValues("-LogSuffix="))
                    LogFile = LogFile.ChangeExtension(null) + "_" + LogSuffix + LogFile.GetExtension();

                TextWriterTraceListener LogTraceListener = Log.AddFileWriter("DefaultLogTraceListener", LogFile);

            // Create the build configuration object, and read the settings
            BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();


            // now that we know the available platforms, we can delete other platforms' junk. if we're only building specific modules from the editor, don't touch anything else (it may be in use).
            if (!bIgnoreJunk && !UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("DeleteJunk()"))

            // Parse and build the targets
                // Parse all the target descriptors
                List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors;
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine()"))
                    TargetDescriptors = TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine(Arguments, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile);

                // Hack for single file compile; don't build the ShaderCompileWorker target that's added to the command line for generated project files
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count >= 2)
                    TargetDescriptors.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == "ShaderCompileWorker" && x.SingleFileToCompile != null);

                // Handle remote builds
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; Idx++)
                    TargetDescriptor TargetDesc = TargetDescriptors[Idx];
                    if (RemoteMac.HandlesTargetPlatform(TargetDesc.Platform))
                        FileReference BaseLogFile   = Log.OutputFile ?? new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                        FileReference RemoteLogFile = FileReference.Combine(BaseLogFile.Directory, BaseLogFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_Remote.txt");

                        RemoteMac RemoteMac = new RemoteMac(TargetDesc.ProjectFile);
                        if (!RemoteMac.Build(TargetDesc, RemoteLogFile))


                // Handle local builds
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count > 0)
                    // Get a set of all the project directories
                    HashSet <DirectoryReference> ProjectDirs = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
                    foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDesc in TargetDescriptors)
                        if (TargetDesc.ProjectFile != null)
                            DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory = TargetDesc.ProjectFile.Directory;

                    // Get all the build options
                    BuildOptions Options = BuildOptions.None;
                    if (bSkipBuild)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.SkipBuild;
                    if (bXGEExport)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.XGEExport;

                    // Create the working set provider
                    using (ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet = SourceFileWorkingSet.Create(UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, ProjectDirs))
                        Build(TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, Options);
                // Save all the caches
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the binary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">Rules for the target being built</param>
        /// <param name="ToolChain">The toolchain which to use for building</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment to compile the binary in</param>
        /// <param name="LinkEnvironment">The environment to link the binary in</param>
        /// <param name="SharedPCHs">List of templates for shared PCHs</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ActionGraph">Graph to add build actions to</param>
        /// <returns>Set of built products</returns>
        public IEnumerable <FileItem> Build(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHs, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            // Return nothing if we're using precompiled binaries
            if (bUsePrecompiled)
                return(new List <FileItem>());

            // Setup linking environment.
            LinkEnvironment BinaryLinkEnvironment = SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(Target, ToolChain, LinkEnvironment, CompileEnvironment, SharedPCHs, WorkingSet, ActionGraph);

            // If we're generating projects, we only need include paths and definitions, there is no need to run the linking logic.
            if (ProjectFileGenerator.bGenerateProjectFiles)

            // If linking is disabled, our build products are just the compiled object files
            if (Target.bDisableLinking)

            // Return linked files.
            return(SetupOutputFiles(ToolChain, CompileEnvironment, BinaryLinkEnvironment, ActionGraph));
文件: BuildMode.cs 项目: wblong/UE4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the makefile for a target. If an existing, valid makefile already exists on disk, loads that instead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BuildConfiguration">The build configuration</param>
        /// <param name="TargetDescriptor">Target being built</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">Set of source files which are part of the working set</param>
        /// <returns>Makefile for the given target</returns>
        static TargetMakefile CreateMakefile(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet)
            // Get the path to the makefile for this target
            FileReference MakefileLocation = null;

            if (BuildConfiguration.bUseUBTMakefiles && TargetDescriptor.SpecificFilesToCompile.Count == 0)
                MakefileLocation = TargetMakefile.GetLocation(TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.Name, TargetDescriptor.Platform, TargetDescriptor.Architecture, TargetDescriptor.Configuration);

            // Try to load an existing makefile
            TargetMakefile Makefile = null;

            if (MakefileLocation != null)
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.Load()"))
                    string ReasonNotLoaded;
                    Makefile = TargetMakefile.Load(MakefileLocation, TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.Platform, TargetDescriptor.AdditionalArguments.GetRawArray(), out ReasonNotLoaded);
                    if (Makefile == null)
                        Log.TraceInformation("Creating makefile for {0} ({1})", TargetDescriptor.Name, ReasonNotLoaded);

            // If we have a makefile, execute the pre-build steps and check it's still valid
            bool bHasRunPreBuildScripts = false;

            if (Makefile != null)
                // Execute the scripts. We have to invalidate all cached file info after doing so, because we don't know what may have changed.
                if (Makefile.PreBuildScripts.Length > 0)

                // Don't run the pre-build steps again, even if we invalidate the makefile.
                bHasRunPreBuildScripts = true;

                // Check that the makefile is still valid
                string Reason;
                if (!TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles(Makefile, TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.Platform, WorkingSet, out Reason))
                    Log.TraceInformation("Invalidating makefile for {0} ({1})", TargetDescriptor.Name, Reason);
                    Makefile = null;

            // If we couldn't load a makefile, create a new one
            if (Makefile == null)
                // Create the target
                UEBuildTarget Target;
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("UEBuildTarget.Create()"))
                    Target = UEBuildTarget.Create(TargetDescriptor, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled);

                // Create the pre-build scripts
                FileReference[] PreBuildScripts = Target.CreatePreBuildScripts();

                // Execute the pre-build scripts
                if (!bHasRunPreBuildScripts)
                    bHasRunPreBuildScripts = true;

                // Build the target
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("UEBuildTarget.Build()"))
                    const bool bIsAssemblingBuild = true;
                    Makefile = Target.Build(BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, bIsAssemblingBuild, TargetDescriptor.SpecificFilesToCompile);

                // Save the pre-build scripts onto the makefile
                Makefile.PreBuildScripts = PreBuildScripts;

                // Save the additional command line arguments
                Makefile.AdditionalArguments = TargetDescriptor.AdditionalArguments.GetRawArray();

                // Save the environment variables
                foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry EnvironmentVariable in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables())
                    Makefile.EnvironmentVariables.Add(Tuple.Create((string)EnvironmentVariable.Key, (string)EnvironmentVariable.Value));

                // Save the makefile for next time
                if (MakefileLocation != null)
                    using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.Save()"))
                // Restore the environment variables
                foreach (Tuple <string, string> EnvironmentVariable in Makefile.EnvironmentVariables)
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariable.Item1, EnvironmentVariable.Item2);

                // If the target needs UHT to be run, we'll go ahead and do that now
                if (Makefile.UObjectModules.Count > 0)
                    const bool bIsGatheringBuild  = false;
                    const bool bIsAssemblingBuild = true;

                    FileReference ModuleInfoFileName = FileReference.Combine(Makefile.ProjectIntermediateDirectory, TargetDescriptor.Name + ".uhtmanifest");
                    ExternalExecution.ExecuteHeaderToolIfNecessary(BuildConfiguration, TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.Name, Makefile.TargetType, Makefile.bHasProjectScriptPlugin, UObjectModules: Makefile.UObjectModules, ModuleInfoFileName: ModuleInfoFileName, bIsGatheringBuild: bIsGatheringBuild, bIsAssemblingBuild: bIsAssemblingBuild, WorkingSet: WorkingSet);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of C++ files, generates another set of C++ files that #include all the original
        /// files, the goal being to compile the same code in fewer translation units.
        /// The "unity" files are written to the CompileEnvironment's OutputDirectory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">The target we're building</param>
        /// <param name="CPPFiles">The C++ files to #include.</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment that is used to compile the C++ files.</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">Interface to query files which belong to the working set</param>
        /// <param name="BaseName">Base name to use for the Unity files</param>
        /// <param name="IntermediateDirectory">Intermediate directory for unity cpp files</param>
        /// <returns>The "unity" C++ files.</returns>
        public static List <FileItem> GenerateUnityCPPs(
            ReadOnlyTargetRules Target,
            List <FileItem> CPPFiles,
            CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment,
            ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet,
            string BaseName,
            DirectoryReference IntermediateDirectory
            List <FileItem> NewCPPFiles = new List <FileItem>();

            UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Platform);

            // Figure out size of all input files combined. We use this to determine whether to use larger unity threshold or not.
            long TotalBytesInCPPFiles = CPPFiles.Sum(F => F.Info.Length);

            // We have an increased threshold for unity file size if, and only if, all files fit into the same unity file. This
            // is beneficial when dealing with PCH files. The default PCH creation limit is X unity files so if we generate < X
            // this could be fairly slow and we'd rather bump the limit a bit to group them all into the same unity file.

            // When enabled, UnrealBuildTool will try to determine source files that you are actively iteratively changing, and break those files
            // out of their unity blobs so that you can compile them as individual translation units, much faster than recompiling the entire
            // unity blob each time.
            bool bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = Target.bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && !Target.bStressTestUnity;

            // Optimization only makes sense if PCH files are enabled.
            bool bForceIntoSingleUnityFile = Target.bStressTestUnity || (TotalBytesInCPPFiles < Target.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP * 2 && Target.bUsePCHFiles);

            // Build the list of unity files.
            List <FileCollection> AllUnityFiles;
                // Sort the incoming file paths alphabetically, so there will be consistency in unity blobs across multiple machines.
                // Note that we're relying on this not only sorting files within each directory, but also the directories
                // themselves, so the whole list of file paths is the same across computers.
                List <FileItem> SortedCPPFiles = CPPFiles.GetRange(0, CPPFiles.Count);
                    // Case-insensitive file path compare, because you never know what is going on with local file systems
                    Comparison <FileItem> FileItemComparer = (FileA, FileB) => { return(FileA.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant().CompareTo(FileB.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant())); };

                // Figure out whether we REALLY want to use adaptive unity for this module.  If nearly every file in the module appears in the working
                // set, we'll just go ahead and let unity build do its thing.
                if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)
                    int CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount = 0;
                    int WorkingSetSourceFileCount          = 0;
                    foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)

                        // Don't include writable source files into unity blobs
                        if (WorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile.Location))

                            // Mark this file as part of the working set.  This will be saved into the UBT Makefile so that
                            // the assembler can automatically invalidate the Makefile when the working set changes (allowing this
                            // code to run again, to build up new unity blobs.)

                    if (WorkingSetSourceFileCount >= CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount)
                        // Every single file in the module appears in the working set, so don't bother using adaptive unity for this
                        // module.  Otherwise it would make full builds really slow.
                        bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = false;

                UnityFileBuilder CPPUnityFileBuilder          = new UnityFileBuilder(bForceIntoSingleUnityFile ? -1 : Target.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP);
                StringBuilder    AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)
                    if (!bForceIntoSingleUnityFile && CPPFile.AbsolutePath.IndexOf(".GeneratedWrapper.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)

                    // When adaptive unity is enabled, go ahead and exclude any source files that we're actively working with
                    if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && SourceFileWorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile))
                        // Just compile this file normally, not as part of the unity blob

                        // Let the unity file builder know about the file, so that we can retain the existing size of the unity blobs.
                        // This won't actually make the source file part of the unity blob, but it will keep track of how big the
                        // file is so that other existing unity blobs from the same module won't be invalidated.  This prevents much
                        // longer compile times the first time you build after your working file set changes.

                        string CPPFileName = Path.GetFileName(CPPFile.AbsolutePath);
                        if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length == 0)
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(String.Format("[Adaptive unity build] Excluded from {0} unity file: {1}", BaseName, CPPFileName));
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(", " + CPPFileName);

                        // If adaptive unity build is enabled for this module, add this source file to the set that will invalidate the makefile
                        if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)

                        // Compile this file as part of the unity blob

                        // Now that the CPPFile is part of this unity file, we will no longer need to treat it like a root level prerequisite for our
                        // dependency cache, as it is now an "indirect include" from the unity file.  We'll clear out the compile environment
                        // attached to this file.  This prevents us from having to cache all of the indirect includes from these files inside our
                        // dependency cache, which speeds up iterative builds a lot!
                        CPPFile.CachedIncludePaths = null;

                if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length > 0)
                    if (PrintedSettingsForTargets.Add(Target.Name))
                        if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityDisablesPCH)
                            Log.TraceInformation("[Adaptive unity build] Disabling PCH for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityDisablesPCH to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");
                        if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityDisablesOptimizations)
                            Log.TraceInformation("[Adaptive unity build] Disabling optimizations for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityDisablesOptimizations to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");

                AllUnityFiles = CPPUnityFileBuilder.GetUnityFiles();

            // Create a set of CPP files that combine smaller CPP files into larger compilation units, along with the corresponding
            // actions to compile them.
            int CurrentUnityFileCount = 0;

            foreach (FileCollection UnityFile in AllUnityFiles)

                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriter = new StringWriter();

                OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("// This file is automatically generated at compile-time to include some subset of the user-created cpp files.");

                // Add source files to the unity file
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    string IncludePath;
                    if (BuildPlatform.UseAbsolutePathsInUnityFiles())
                        IncludePath = CPPFile.AbsolutePath;
                        // @todo: MakeRelativeTo does not work with code projects on a different drive than the engine. reverting to old version until we can come
                        // up with a better solution
                        IncludePath = RemoteExports.ConvertPath(CPPFile.AbsolutePath).Replace('\\', '/');
                    OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", IncludePath);

                // Determine unity file path name
                string UnityCPPFileName;
                if (AllUnityFiles.Count > 1)
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}_of_{3}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName, CurrentUnityFileCount, AllUnityFiles.Count);
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName);
                FileReference UnityCPPFilePath = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDirectory, UnityCPPFileName);

                // Write the unity file to the intermediate folder.
                FileItem UnityCPPFile = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath, OutputUnityCPPWriter.ToString());

                UnityCPPFile.RelativeCost = UnityFile.TotalLength;

                // Cache information about the unity .cpp dependencies
                // @todo ubtmake urgent: Fails when building remotely for Mac because unity .cpp has an include for a PCH on the REMOTE machine
                FileItem FirstCppFile = UnityFile.Files.First();
                UEBuildModuleCPP.CachePCHUsageForModuleSourceFile(CompileEnvironment, FirstCppFile);
                UnityCPPFile.CachedIncludePaths = FirstCppFile.CachedIncludePaths;
                UnityCPPFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename = FirstCppFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename;

文件: BuildMode.cs 项目: wblong/UE4
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>One of the values of ECompilationResult</returns>
        public override int Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments)

            // Initialize the log system, buffering the output until we can create the log file
            StartupTraceListener StartupListener = new StartupTraceListener();


            // Write the command line
            Log.TraceLog("Command line: {0}", Environment.CommandLine);

            // Grab the environment.
            UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            if (UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment.Count < 1)
                throw new BuildException("Environment could not be read");

            // Read the XML configuration files

            // Fixup the log path if it wasn't overridden by a config file
            if (BaseLogFileName == null)
                BaseLogFileName = FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineProgramSavedDirectory, "UnrealBuildTool", "Log.txt").FullName;

            // Create the log file, and flush the startup listener to it
            if (!Arguments.HasOption("-NoLog") && !Log.HasFileWriter())
                FileReference LogFile = new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                foreach (string LogSuffix in Arguments.GetValues("-LogSuffix="))
                    LogFile = LogFile.ChangeExtension(null) + "_" + LogSuffix + LogFile.GetExtension();

                TextWriterTraceListener LogTraceListener = Log.AddFileWriter("DefaultLogTraceListener", LogFile);

            // Create the build configuration object, and read the settings
            BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();


            // Check the root path length isn't too long
            if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory.FullName.Length > BuildConfiguration.MaxRootPathLength)
                Log.TraceWarning("Running from a path with a long directory name (\"{0}\" = {1} characters). Root paths shorter than {2} characters are recommended to avoid exceeding maximum path lengths on Windows.", UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory.FullName.Length, BuildConfiguration.MaxRootPathLength);

            // now that we know the available platforms, we can delete other platforms' junk. if we're only building specific modules from the editor, don't touch anything else (it may be in use).
            if (!bIgnoreJunk && !UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("DeleteJunk()"))

            // Parse and build the targets
                List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors;

                // Parse all the target descriptors
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine()"))
                    TargetDescriptors = TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine(Arguments, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile);

                // Hack for specific files compile; don't build the ShaderCompileWorker target that's added to the command line for generated project files
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count >= 2)
                    TargetDescriptors.RemoveAll(x => (x.Name == "ShaderCompileWorker" || x.Name == "LiveCodingConsole") && x.SpecificFilesToCompile.Count > 0);

                // Handle remote builds
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; ++Idx)
                    TargetDescriptor TargetDesc = TargetDescriptors[Idx];
                    if (RemoteMac.HandlesTargetPlatform(TargetDesc.Platform))
                        FileReference BaseLogFile   = Log.OutputFile ?? new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                        FileReference RemoteLogFile = FileReference.Combine(BaseLogFile.Directory, BaseLogFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_Remote.txt");

                        RemoteMac RemoteMac = new RemoteMac(TargetDesc.ProjectFile);
                        if (!RemoteMac.Build(TargetDesc, RemoteLogFile, bSkipPreBuildTargets))


                // Handle local builds
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count > 0)
                    // Get a set of all the project directories
                    HashSet <DirectoryReference> ProjectDirs = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
                    foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDesc in TargetDescriptors)
                        if (TargetDesc.ProjectFile != null)
                            DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory = TargetDesc.ProjectFile.Directory;

                    // Get all the build options
                    BuildOptions Options = BuildOptions.None;
                    if (bSkipBuild)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.SkipBuild;
                    if (bXGEExport)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.XGEExport;
                    if (bNoEngineChanges)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.NoEngineChanges;

                    // Create the working set provider per group.
                    using (ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet = SourceFileWorkingSet.Create(UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, ProjectDirs))
                        Build(TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, Options, WriteOutdatedActionsFile, bSkipPreBuildTargets);
                // Save all the caches
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a UBTMakefile from disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MakefilePath">Path to the makefile to load</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the function returns null, this string will contain the reason why</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">Interface to query which source files are in the working set</param>
        /// <returns>The loaded makefile, or null if it failed for some reason.  On failure, the 'ReasonNotLoaded' variable will contain information about why</returns>
        public static UBTMakefile LoadUBTMakefile(FileReference MakefilePath, FileReference ProjectFile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            // Check the directory timestamp on the project files directory.  If the user has generated project files more
            // recently than the UBTMakefile, then we need to consider the file to be out of date
            FileInfo UBTMakefileInfo = new FileInfo(MakefilePath.FullName);

            if (!UBTMakefileInfo.Exists)
                // UBTMakefile doesn't even exist, so we won't bother loading it
                ReasonNotLoaded = "no existing makefile";

            // Check the build version
            FileInfo BuildVersionFileInfo = new FileInfo(BuildVersion.GetDefaultFileName().FullName);

            if (BuildVersionFileInfo.Exists && UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(BuildVersionFileInfo.LastWriteTime) < 0)
                Log.TraceVerbose("Existing makefile is older than Build.version, ignoring it");
                ReasonNotLoaded = "Build.version is newer";

            // @todo ubtmake: This will only work if the directory timestamp actually changes with every single GPF.  Force delete existing files before creating new ones?  Eh... really we probably just want to delete + create a file in that folder
            //			-> UPDATE: Seems to work OK right now though on Windows platform, maybe due to GUID changes
            // @todo ubtmake: Some platforms may not save any files into this folder.  We should delete + generate a "touch" file to force the directory timestamp to be updated (or just check the timestamp file itself.  We could put it ANYWHERE, actually)

            // Installed Build doesn't need to check engine projects for outdatedness
            if (!UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                if (DirectoryReference.Exists(ProjectFileGenerator.IntermediateProjectFilesPath))
                    DateTime EngineProjectFilesLastUpdateTime = new FileInfo(ProjectFileGenerator.ProjectTimestampFile).LastWriteTime;
                    if (UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(EngineProjectFilesLastUpdateTime) < 0)
                        // Engine project files are newer than UBTMakefile
                        Log.TraceVerbose("Existing makefile is older than generated engine project files, ignoring it");
                        ReasonNotLoaded = "project files are newer";

            // Check the game project directory too
            if (ProjectFile != null)
                string   ProjectFilename = ProjectFile.FullName;
                FileInfo ProjectFileInfo = new FileInfo(ProjectFilename);
                if (!ProjectFileInfo.Exists || UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(ProjectFileInfo.LastWriteTime) < 0)
                    // .uproject file is newer than UBTMakefile
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Makefile is older than .uproject file, ignoring it");
                    ReasonNotLoaded = ".uproject file is newer";

                DirectoryReference MasterProjectRelativePath        = ProjectFile.Directory;
                string             GameIntermediateProjectFilesPath = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath.FullName, "Intermediate", "ProjectFiles");
                if (Directory.Exists(GameIntermediateProjectFilesPath))
                    DateTime GameProjectFilesLastUpdateTime = new DirectoryInfo(GameIntermediateProjectFilesPath).LastWriteTime;
                    if (UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(GameProjectFilesLastUpdateTime) < 0)
                        // Game project files are newer than UBTMakefile
                        Log.TraceVerbose("Makefile is older than generated game project files, ignoring it");
                        ReasonNotLoaded = "game project files are newer";

            // Check to see if UnrealBuildTool.exe was compiled more recently than the UBTMakefile
            DateTime UnrealBuildToolTimestamp = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).LastWriteTime;

            if (UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime.CompareTo(UnrealBuildToolTimestamp) < 0)
                // UnrealBuildTool.exe was compiled more recently than the UBTMakefile
                Log.TraceVerbose("Makefile is older than UnrealBuildTool.exe, ignoring it");
                ReasonNotLoaded = "UnrealBuildTool.exe is newer";

            // Check to see if any BuildConfiguration files have changed since the last build
            List <XmlConfig.InputFile> InputFiles = XmlConfig.FindInputFiles();

            foreach (XmlConfig.InputFile InputFile in InputFiles)
                FileInfo InputFileInfo = new FileInfo(InputFile.Location.FullName);
                if (InputFileInfo.LastWriteTime > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime)
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Makefile is older than BuildConfiguration.xml, ignoring it");
                    ReasonNotLoaded = "BuildConfiguration.xml is newer";

            UBTMakefile LoadedUBTMakefile = null;

                DateTime LoadUBTMakefileStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                using (FileStream Stream = new FileStream(UBTMakefileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    BinaryFormatter Formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                    LoadedUBTMakefile = Formatter.Deserialize(Stream) as UBTMakefile;

                if (UnrealBuildTool.bPrintPerformanceInfo)
                    double LoadUBTMakefileTime = (DateTime.UtcNow - LoadUBTMakefileStartTime).TotalSeconds;
                    Log.TraceInformation("LoadUBTMakefile took " + LoadUBTMakefileTime + "s");
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log.TraceWarning("Failed to read makefile: {0}", Ex.Message);
                ReasonNotLoaded = "couldn't read existing makefile";

            if (!LoadedUBTMakefile.IsValidMakefile())
                Log.TraceWarning("Loaded makefile appears to have invalid contents, ignoring it ({0})", UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                ReasonNotLoaded = "existing makefile appears to be invalid";

            // Check if any of the target's Build.cs files are newer than the makefile
            foreach (UEBuildTarget Target in LoadedUBTMakefile.Targets)
                string TargetCsFilename = Target.TargetRulesFile.FullName;
                if (TargetCsFilename != null)
                    FileInfo TargetCsFile        = new FileInfo(TargetCsFilename);
                    bool     bTargetCsFileExists = TargetCsFile.Exists;
                    if (!bTargetCsFileExists || TargetCsFile.LastWriteTime > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime)
                        Log.TraceVerbose("{0} has been {1} since makefile was built, ignoring it ({2})", TargetCsFilename, bTargetCsFileExists ? "changed" : "deleted", UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("changes to target files");

                IEnumerable <string> BuildCsFilenames = Target.GetAllModuleBuildCsFilenames();
                foreach (string BuildCsFilename in BuildCsFilenames)
                    if (BuildCsFilename != null)
                        FileInfo BuildCsFile        = new FileInfo(BuildCsFilename);
                        bool     bBuildCsFileExists = BuildCsFile.Exists;
                        if (!bBuildCsFileExists || BuildCsFile.LastWriteTime > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime)
                            Log.TraceVerbose("{0} has been {1} since makefile was built, ignoring it ({2})", BuildCsFilename, bBuildCsFileExists ? "changed" : "deleted", UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                            ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("changes to module files");

                foreach (FlatModuleCsDataType FlatCsModuleData in Target.FlatModuleCsData.Values)
                    if (FlatCsModuleData.BuildCsFilename != null && FlatCsModuleData.ExternalDependencies.Count > 0)
                        string BaseDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(FlatCsModuleData.BuildCsFilename);
                        foreach (string ExternalDependency in FlatCsModuleData.ExternalDependencies)
                            FileInfo DependencyFile        = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(BaseDir, ExternalDependency));
                            bool     bDependencyFileExists = DependencyFile.Exists;
                            if (!bDependencyFileExists || DependencyFile.LastWriteTime > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTime)
                                Log.TraceVerbose("{0} has been {1} since makefile was built, ignoring it ({2})", DependencyFile.FullName, bDependencyFileExists ? "changed" : "deleted", UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                                ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("changes to external dependency");

            // We do a check to see if any modules' headers have changed which have
            // acquired or lost UHT types.  If so, which should be rare,
            // we'll just invalidate the entire makefile and force it to be rebuilt.
            foreach (UEBuildTarget Target in LoadedUBTMakefile.Targets)
                // Get all H files in processed modules newer than the makefile itself
                HashSet <string> HFilesNewerThanMakefile =
                    new HashSet <string>(
                        .SelectMany(x => x.Value.ModuleSourceFolder != null ? Directory.EnumerateFiles(x.Value.ModuleSourceFolder.FullName, "*.h", SearchOption.AllDirectories) : Enumerable.Empty <string>())
                        .Where(y => Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(y) > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc)
                        .OrderBy(z => z).Distinct()

                // Get all H files in all modules processed in the last makefile build
                HashSet <string> AllUHTHeaders = new HashSet <string>(Target.FlatModuleCsData.Select(x => x.Value).SelectMany(x => x.UHTHeaderNames));

                // Check whether any headers have been deleted. If they have, we need to regenerate the makefile since the module might now be empty. If we don't,
                // and the file has been moved to a different module, we may include stale generated headers.
                foreach (string FileName in AllUHTHeaders)
                    if (!File.Exists(FileName))
                        Log.TraceVerbose("File processed by UHT was deleted ({0}); invalidating makefile", FileName);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("UHT file was deleted");

                // Makefile is invalid if:
                // * There are any newer files which contain no UHT data, but were previously in the makefile
                // * There are any newer files contain data which needs processing by UHT, but weren't not previously in the makefile
                foreach (string Filename in HFilesNewerThanMakefile)
                    bool bContainsUHTData = CPPHeaders.DoesFileContainUObjects(Filename);
                    bool bWasProcessed    = AllUHTHeaders.Contains(Filename);
                    if (bContainsUHTData != bWasProcessed)
                        Log.TraceVerbose("{0} {1} contain UHT types and now {2} , ignoring it ({3})", Filename, bWasProcessed ? "used to" : "didn't", bWasProcessed ? "doesn't" : "does", UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("new files with reflected types");

            // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
            // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
            // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
            // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
            // iteration times.)
            if (LoadedUBTMakefile.bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)
                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in LoadedUBTMakefile.SourceFileWorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile.Location) && File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceVerbose("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile ({1})", SourceFile.AbsolutePath, UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in LoadedUBTMakefile.CandidateSourceFilesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile.Location) && File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) > UBTMakefileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceVerbose("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile ({1})", SourceFile.AbsolutePath, UBTMakefileInfo.FullName);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
        private LinkEnvironment SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHs, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            LinkEnvironment         BinaryLinkEnvironment         = new LinkEnvironment(LinkEnvironment);
            HashSet <UEBuildModule> LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules = new HashSet <UEBuildModule>();
            List <UEBuildBinary>    BinaryDependencies            = new List <UEBuildBinary>();

            CppCompileEnvironment BinaryCompileEnvironment = CreateBinaryCompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            foreach (UEBuildModule Module in Modules)
                List <FileItem> LinkInputFiles;
                if (Module.Binary == null || Module.Binary == this)
                    // Compile each module.
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Compile module: " + Module.Name);
                    LinkInputFiles = Module.Compile(Target, ToolChain, BinaryCompileEnvironment, SharedPCHs, WorkingSet, ActionGraph);

                    // NOTE: Because of 'Shared PCHs', in monolithic builds the same PCH file may appear as a link input
                    // multiple times for a single binary.  We'll check for that here, and only add it once.  This avoids
                    // a linker warning about redundant .obj files.
                    foreach (FileItem LinkInputFile in LinkInputFiles)
                        if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Contains(LinkInputFile))

                // Allow the module to modify the link environment for the binary.
                Module.SetupPrivateLinkEnvironment(this, BinaryLinkEnvironment, BinaryDependencies, LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules);

            // Allow the binary dependencies to modify the link environment.
            foreach (UEBuildBinary BinaryDependency in BinaryDependencies)

            // Remove the default resource file on Windows (PCLaunch.rc) if the user has specified their own
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Select(Item => Path.GetFileName(Item.AbsolutePath).ToLower()).Any(Name => Name.EndsWith(".res") && !Name.EndsWith(".inl.res") && Name != "pclaunch.rc.res"))
                BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.RemoveAll(x => Path.GetFileName(x.AbsolutePath).ToLower() == "pclaunch.rc.res");

            // Set the link output file.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputFilePaths = OutputFilePaths.ToList();

            // Set whether the link is allowed to have exports.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bHasExports = bAllowExports;

            // Set the output folder for intermediate files
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.IntermediateDirectory = IntermediateDirectory;

            // Put the non-executable output files (PDB, import library, etc) in the same directory as the production
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputDirectory = OutputFilePaths[0].Directory;

            // Setup link output type
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingDLL     = IsBuildingDll(Type);
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary = IsBuildingLibrary(Type);

            // If we don't have any resource file, use the default or compile a custom one for this module
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == CppPlatform.Win32 || BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == CppPlatform.Win64)
                if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Any(x => x.Location.HasExtension(".res")))
                    if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.DefaultResourceFiles.Count > 0)
                        // Use the default resource file if possible
                        // Create a compile environment for resource files
                        CppCompileEnvironment ResourceCompileEnvironment = new CppCompileEnvironment(BinaryCompileEnvironment);

                        // @todo: This should be in some Windows code somewhere...
                        // Set the original file name macro; used in PCLaunch.rc to set the binary metadata fields.
                        string OriginalFilename = (OriginalOutputFilePaths != null) ? OriginalOutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName() : OutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName();
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add("ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME=\"" + OriginalFilename + "\"");

                        // Set the other version fields
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST={0}", Target.Version.Changelist));
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILD_VERSION={0}", Target.BuildVersion));

                        // Otherwise compile the default resource file per-binary, so that it gets the correct ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME macro.
                        FileItem  DefaultResourceFile   = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory, "Runtime", "Launch", "Resources", "Windows", "PCLaunch.rc"));
                        CPPOutput DefaultResourceOutput = ToolChain.CompileRCFiles(BinaryCompileEnvironment, new List <FileItem> {
                        }, ((UEBuildModuleCPP)Modules.First()).IntermediateDirectory, ActionGraph);

            // Add all the common resource files

 // UEBuildModule interface.
 public override List <FileItem> Compile(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, TargetMakefile Makefile)
     return(new List <FileItem>());
        private LinkEnvironment SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, FileReference SingleFileToCompile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, DirectoryReference ExeDir, TargetMakefile Makefile)
            LinkEnvironment         BinaryLinkEnvironment         = new LinkEnvironment(LinkEnvironment);
            HashSet <UEBuildModule> LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules = new HashSet <UEBuildModule>();
            List <UEBuildBinary>    BinaryDependencies            = new List <UEBuildBinary>();

            CppCompileEnvironment BinaryCompileEnvironment = CreateBinaryCompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            if (BinaryCompileEnvironment.bUseSharedBuildEnvironment && Target.ProjectFile != null && IntermediateDirectory.IsUnderDirectory(Target.ProjectFile.Directory))
                BinaryCompileEnvironment.bUseSharedBuildEnvironment = false;

            foreach (UEBuildModule Module in Modules)
                List <FileItem> LinkInputFiles;
                if (Module.Binary == null || Module.Binary == this)
                    // Compile each module.
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Compile module: " + Module.Name);
                    LinkInputFiles = Module.Compile(Target, ToolChain, BinaryCompileEnvironment, SingleFileToCompile, WorkingSet, Makefile);

                    // Save the module outputs. In monolithic builds, this is just the object files.
                    if (Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Monolithic)
                        Makefile.ModuleNameToOutputItems[Module.Name] = LinkInputFiles.ToArray();

                    // NOTE: Because of 'Shared PCHs', in monolithic builds the same PCH file may appear as a link input
                    // multiple times for a single binary.  We'll check for that here, and only add it once.  This avoids
                    // a linker warning about redundant .obj files.
                    foreach (FileItem LinkInputFile in LinkInputFiles)
                        if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Contains(LinkInputFile))

                    // Force a reference to initialize module for this binary
                    if (Module.Rules.bRequiresImplementModule.Value)
                        BinaryLinkEnvironment.IncludeFunctions.Add(String.Format("IMPLEMENT_MODULE_{0}", Module.Name));

                // Allow the module to modify the link environment for the binary.
                Module.SetupPrivateLinkEnvironment(this, BinaryLinkEnvironment, BinaryDependencies, LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules, ExeDir);

            // Allow the binary dependencies to modify the link environment.
            foreach (UEBuildBinary BinaryDependency in BinaryDependencies)

            // Set the link output file.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputFilePaths = OutputFilePaths.ToList();

            // Set whether the link is allowed to have exports.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bHasExports = bAllowExports;

            // Set the output folder for intermediate files
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.IntermediateDirectory = IntermediateDirectory;

            // Put the non-executable output files (PDB, import library, etc) in the same directory as the production
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputDirectory = OutputFilePaths[0].Directory;

            // Setup link output type
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingDLL     = IsBuildingDll(Type);
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary = IsBuildingLibrary(Type);

            // If we don't have any resource file, use the default or compile a custom one for this module
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 || BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                // Figure out if this binary has any custom resource files. Hacky check to ignore the resource file in the Launch module, since it contains dialogs that the engine needs and always needs to be included.
                FileItem[] CustomResourceFiles = BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Where(x => x.Location.HasExtension(".res") && !x.Location.FullName.EndsWith("\\Launch\\PCLaunch.rc.res", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
                if (CustomResourceFiles.Length == 0)
                    if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.DefaultResourceFiles.Count > 0)
                        // Use the default resource file if possible
                        // Get the intermediate directory
                        DirectoryReference ResourceIntermediateDirectory = BinaryLinkEnvironment.IntermediateDirectory;

                        // Create a compile environment for resource files
                        CppCompileEnvironment ResourceCompileEnvironment = new CppCompileEnvironment(BinaryCompileEnvironment);

                        // @todo: This should be in some Windows code somewhere...
                        // Set the original file name macro; used in Default.rc2 to set the binary metadata fields.
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add("ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME=\"" + OutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName() + "\"");

                        // Set the other version fields
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST={0}", Target.Version.Changelist));
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILD_VERSION={0}", Target.BuildVersion));

                        // Otherwise compile the default resource file per-binary, so that it gets the correct ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME macro.
                        FileItem  DefaultResourceFile   = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Build", "Windows", "Resources", "Default.rc2"));
                        CPPOutput DefaultResourceOutput = ToolChain.CompileRCFiles(ResourceCompileEnvironment, new List <FileItem> {
                        }, ResourceIntermediateDirectory, Makefile.Actions);

            // Add all the common resource files

        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles the module, and returns a list of files output by the compiler.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual List <FileItem> Compile(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, FileReference SingleFileToCompile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, IActionGraphBuilder Graph)
            // Generate type libraries for Windows
            foreach (ModuleRules.TypeLibrary TypeLibrary in Rules.TypeLibraries)
                FileReference OutputFile = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDirectory, TypeLibrary.Header);
                ToolChain.GenerateTypeLibraryHeader(CompileEnvironment, TypeLibrary, OutputFile, Graph);

            return(new List <FileItem>());