private IEnumerable <ISliceId> ComputeCallersDependencies(ISliceId sliceId) { Contract.Requires(sliceId != null); lock (this.LockDependencesCache) { IEnumerable <ISliceId> cachedCallers; if (this.callersCache.TryGetValue(sliceId, out cachedCallers)) { return(cachedCallers); } var result = new Set <ISliceId>(); // TODO: generalize to a set of methods? var methodIdForSliceId = this.sliceOfMethod.Where(pair => pair.Value.Equals(sliceId)).Select(pair => pair.Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (methodIdForSliceId != null) { foreach (var slice in this.slices) { if (slice.Value.Dependencies.Contains(methodIdForSliceId)) { // the slice depends on the method result.Add(slice.Key); } } } this.callersCache.Add(sliceId, result); return(result); } }
public WorkToDo(ISliceId sliceId, DateTime time, ISliceHash sliceHash, TPriority priority) { this.sliceId = sliceId; this.time = time; this.sliceHash = sliceHash; this.Priority = priority; }
public bool AddTodo(ISliceId sliceId) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; var sliceHash = this.ComputeSliceHash(sliceId, t); if (this.AlreadyComputed(sliceId, sliceHash)) { return(false); } if (this.WorkInProgress.ContainsKey(sliceHash)) { return(false); } var priority = this.ComputePriority(sliceId, t); // by default it is based on time, but we can put whatever we want var workToDo = new WorkToDo <TPriority>(sliceId, t, sliceHash, priority); lock (this.Lock) { // Notify that the queue is not empty anymore. // The main program ends when the queue is empty and all the workers are idle this.EmptyQueue.Reset(); // Remove all the things to do which have the same slice ID // This is not true, as our analysis is not monotonic this.ToDo.Remove(workToDo); // Add to to the queue this.ToDo.Add(workToDo); // Untested option if (this.optionB1) { foreach (var p in this.WorkInProgress.GetValueOrEmpty(sliceId).AssumeNotNull()) { this.CancelWork(p.Key, p.Value); } } // Untested option if (this.optionA1) { this.WorkInProgress.Remove(sliceId); } } return(true); }
public IEnumerable <ISliceId> SlicesForMethodsInTheSameType(ISliceId sliceId) { SliceDefinition sliceDefinition; if (this.slices.TryGetValue(sliceId, out sliceDefinition)) { foreach (var m in sliceDefinition.MethodsInTheSameType) { foreach (var slice in this.slices) { if (slice.Value.Methods.Contains(m)) { Console.WriteLine("Scheduling slice: {0}", slice.Key); yield return(slice.Key); break; // done with the methodId m; } } } } }
public IEnumerable <ISliceId> Dependences(ISliceId sliceId) { IEnumerable <ISliceId> res; lock (this.LockDependencesCache) { if (this.dependencesCache.TryGetValue(sliceId, out res)) { return(res); } } SliceDefinition sliceDef; if (!this.slices.TryGetValue(sliceId, out sliceDef)) { return(EmptySliceIdArray); // should not happen } var result = new Set <ISliceId>(); ISliceId depSliceId; foreach (var m in sliceDef.Dependencies) { if (this.sliceOfMethod.TryGetValue(m, out depSliceId)) { result.Add(depSliceId); } } lock (this.LockDependencesCache) { var callers = ComputeCallersDependencies(sliceId); result.AddRange(callers); this.dependencesCache.Add(sliceId, result); } return(result); }
public ISliceHash ComputeSliceHash(ISliceId sliceId, DateTime t) { // We do not consider the methods in the same type at the moment SliceDefinition sliceDef; // If we do not know the slice, we just return null if (!this.slices.TryGetValue(sliceId, out sliceDef)) { return(null); } // TODO: wire the hashing option using (var tw = new HashWriter(false)) { foreach (var methodId in sliceDef.Dependencies) { tw.Write(methodId); tw.Write(':'); var methodHash = this.GetHashForDate(methodId, t, false); Method methodModel; if (methodHash == null || !this.TryGetMethodModelForHash(methodHash, out methodModel)) { tw.WriteLine("<null>"); } else { tw.WriteLine(this.GetResultHash(methodModel)); } } return(new SliceHash(tw.GetHash())); } }
public void MarkAsComputed(ISliceId sliceId, ISliceHash sliceHash) { lock (this.LockComputed) this.computed.Add(Pair.For(sliceId, sliceHash)); }
public bool AlreadyComputed(ISliceId sliceId, ISliceHash sliceHash) { lock (this.LockComputed) return(this.computed.Contains(Pair.For(sliceId, sliceHash))); }
public bool Equals(ISliceId other) { return(other != null && == other.Id); }
protected override long ComputePriority(ISliceId sliceId, DateTime t) { return(-t.Ticks); }
protected abstract TPriority ComputePriority(ISliceId sliceId, DateTime t);