/// <summary>
        /// Removes items from the provided site map.
        /// Note: The items are retrieved by the GetSiteMapItems() function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteMap"></param>
        public virtual void Remove(ISiteMap siteMap)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Removing items from the provided site map."))
                foreach (ISiteMapNode item in GetSiteMapItems())
                    LogWriter.Debug("Action: " + item.Action + " | Type name: " + item.TypeName + " | Category: " + item.Category + " | Title: " + item.Title);

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes items from the provided site map.
        /// Note: The items are retrieved by the GetSiteMapItems() function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteMap"></param>
        public virtual void Remove(ISiteMap siteMap)
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Removing items from the provided site map."))
                foreach (ISiteMapNode item in GetSiteMapItems())
                    LogWriter.Debug("Action: " + item.Action + " | Type name: " + item.TypeName + " | Category: " + item.Category + " | Title: " + item.Title);
