        public ViewModelFactory()
            playerHand = new PlayerHand();
            IPlayerService player = new PlayerService(playerHand);

            _controller = new SimulationController(player);
        public void Initialize(
            ISimulationController <WS> simulationController,
            OnlineSession onlineSession,
            int localPlayerControllersCapacity,
            int totalPlayerControllersCapacity,
            int initialReceivedPlayerCommandsCapacity,
            int snapshotsRingBufferCapacity)
            _simulationController        = simulationController;
            OnlineSession                = onlineSession;
            LocalPlayerControllers       = new Dictionary <int, PC>(localPlayerControllersCapacity);
            RegisteredPlayerControllers  = new Dictionary <int, PC>(totalPlayerControllersCapacity);
            ReceivedPlayerCommandsBuffer = new List <TimestampedIdentifiedConnectionData <CMD> >(initialReceivedPlayerCommandsCapacity);

            OnlineSession.NetworkEventHandler = this;

            // Initialize snapshots
            SnapshotsCapacity   = snapshotsRingBufferCapacity;
            SnapshotsRingBuffer = new GlobalSnapshot <CMD, WS> [SnapshotsCapacity];
            for (int i = 0; i < SnapshotsCapacity; i++)
                SnapshotsRingBuffer[i].SimulationEvents = new List <ISimulationEvent>();
                _simulationController.InitializeSnapshot(ref SnapshotsRingBuffer[i].WorldSnapshot);

            _tmpConnectionsToUpdateBuffer = new Dictionary <int, int>(totalPlayerControllersCapacity);

        public MainWindow()
            _imageRunway = new Image();

            _worker = new BackgroundWorker()
                WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
            _worker.DoWork += BackgroundWorkerDoWork;

            _fpsList = new List <int>();

            var bindings = new Bindings();

            using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(bindings))
                SimProperties = kernel.Get <ISimulationProperties>();
                SimProperties.SimulationSpeed       = 1;
                SimProperties.InstructionsPerMinute = 10;

                var canvas = new Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument("canvas", CanvasDraw);
                SimController = kernel.Get <ISimulationController>();
                kernel.Get <IDrawController>(canvas);
                _weatherController = kernel.Get <IWeatherController>();

            SimController.AirplaneManager.Collision += (o, e) => OnCollision();

            Loaded      += MainWindow_Loaded;
            SizeChanged += Image_Runway_Loaded;
            SimController.FlightDirector.AircraftLanded += FlightDirector_AircraftLanded;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new thin client, instantly joining the specified server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">The local server to join.</param>
        /// <param name="playerName">The player name to use.</param>
        /// <param name="playerData">The player data to use.</param>
        public ThinClientController(ISimulationController <IServerSession> server,
                                    string playerName, TPlayerData playerData)
            : base(new HybridClientSession <TPlayerData>())
            _server = server;

            Session.Join(_server.Session, playerName, playerData);
        public DrawController(Canvas canvas, ISimulationController simcontroller)
            this._canvas        = canvas;
            this._simController = simcontroller;

            this.AircraftImageList = new Dictionary <Aircraft, Image>();

            this._simController.AircraftLanded += SimController_Aircraft_Landed;
 public MainViewModel(ISimulationController controller, IPlayerHand playerHand)
     _controller           = controller;
     _playerHand           = playerHand;
     _roundCounts          = controller.InitializeRoundCounts();
     _simulatedDoubleQuote = "0% (0/0)";
     _result = new Result();
     My      = 22;
     Sigma   = 12;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new client that will automatically connect to the given local server, and reuse the server's game
        ///     state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The game to create the client for.</param>
        /// <param name="server">The server to couple the client with.</param>
        /// <returns>A new client.</returns>
        public static IClientController <FrameCommand> CreateLocalClient(
            Program game, ISimulationController <IServerSession> server)
            // Create actual controller.
            var controller = new ThinClientController <Profile>(
                server, Settings.Instance.PlayerName, (Profile)Settings.Instance.CurrentProfile);

            // Check if the server has all the services we need (enough to
            // check for one, because we only add all at once -- here).
            if (server.Simulation.Manager.GetSystem(CameraSystem.TypeId) == null)
                // Needed by some systems. Add all systems we need in
                // *addition* to the ones the server already has.
                AddSpaceClientSystems(server.Simulation.Manager, game, controller.Session, server);

            // Done.
        /// <summary>Adds systems only used by the client.</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSession">The type of the session.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="manager">The manager.</param>
        /// <param name="game">The game.</param>
        /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller.</param>
        private static void AddSpaceClientSystems <TSession>(
            IManager manager, Game game, IClientSession session, ISimulationController <TSession> controller)
            where TSession : ISession
            var audioEngine     = (AudioEngine)game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioEngine));
            var audioRange      = audioEngine.GetGlobalVariable("MaxAudibleDistance");
            var soundBank       = (SoundBank)game.Services.GetService(typeof(SoundBank));
            var simulationSpeed = new Func <float>(() => controller.ActualSpeed);

                new AbstractSystem[]
                // Provide local player's avatar ID.
                new LocalPlayerSystem(session),

                // Trigger combat text rendering.
                new CombatTextSystem {
                    Enabled = true

                // Provides interpolation of objects in view space. This uses the camera
                // for the viewport, but the camera uses it for its own position (based
                // on the avatar position). It's not so bad if we use the viewport of the
                // previous frame, but it's noticeable if the avatar is no longer at the
                // center, so we do it this way around.
                new CameraCenteredInterpolationSystem {
                    Enabled = true

                // Update camera first, as it determines what to render.
                new CameraSystem(game.GraphicsDevice, game.Services),
                new CameraMovementSystem(),

                // Handle sound.
                new CameraCenteredSoundSystem(soundBank, audioRange)
                    Enabled = true

                // Biome system triggers background changes and stuff.
                new BiomeSystem {
                    Enabled = true

                // Setup for post processing.
                new PostProcessingPreRenderSystem(),

                // Draw background behind everything else.
                new CameraCenteredBackgroundSystem {
                    Enabled = true

                // Mind the order: orbits below planets below suns below normal
                // objects below particle effects below radar.
                new OrbitRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new PlanetRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new SunRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new CameraCenteredTextureRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new ShieldRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new CameraCenteredParticleEffectSystem(simulationSpeed)
                    Enabled = true
                new InformationDisplaySystem {
                    Enabled = true

                // Perform post processing on the rendered scene.
                new PostProcessingPostRenderSystem
                    Enabled = Settings.Instance.PostProcessing,
                    Bloom   = ParseBloomFromSettings()

                // Do not apply post processing to overlays.
                new FloatingTextSystem {
                    Enabled = true
                new RadarRenderSystem {
                    Enabled = true

            // Add some systems for debug overlays.