/// <summary>
		/// Configures the factories.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="config">The config.</param>
		/// <param name="sessionFactoryResolver">The session factory resolver.</param>
		/// <param name="firstFactory">if set to <c>true</c> [first factory].</param>
		protected void ConfigureFactories(IConfiguration config, 
			ISessionFactoryResolver sessionFactoryResolver, bool firstFactory)
			String id = config.Attributes[SessionFactoryIdConfigurationKey];

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
				String message = "You must provide a " + 
					"valid 'id' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used as key for " + 
					"the ISessionFactory component registered on the container";

				throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);

			String alias = config.Attributes[SessionFactoryAliasConfigurationKey];

			if (!firstFactory && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias)))
				String message = "You must provide a " + 
					"valid 'alias' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used to obtain " + 
					"the ISession implementation from the SessionManager";

				throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);
			else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
				alias = Constants.DefaultAlias;
			string configurationBuilderType = config.Attributes[ConfigurationBuilderConfigurationKey];
			string configurationbuilderKey = string.Format(ConfigurationBuilderForFactoryFormat, id);
			IConfigurationBuilder configBuilder;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationBuilderType))
				configBuilder = Kernel.Resolve<IConfigurationBuilder>();
				configBuilder = Kernel.Resolve<IConfigurationBuilder>(configurationbuilderKey);
			var cfg = configBuilder.GetConfiguration(config);

			// Registers the Configuration object
		    Kernel.Register(Component.For<NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration>().Instance(cfg).Named(String.Format("{0}.cfg", id)));

			// If a Session Factory level interceptor was provided, we use it

			if (Kernel.HasComponent(SessionInterceptorKey))
				cfg.Interceptor = (IInterceptor)Kernel[SessionInterceptorKey];
			// Registers the ISessionFactory as a component

			//var model = new ComponentModel(id, typeof(ISessionFactory), typeof(Empty));
			//model.LifestyleType = LifestyleType.Singleton;
			//model.ExtendedProperties[Constants.SessionFactoryConfiguration] = cfg;
			//model.CustomComponentActivator = typeof (SessionFactoryActivator);

			sessionFactoryResolver.RegisterAliasComponentIdMapping(alias, id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the factories.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The config.</param>
        /// <param name="sessionFactoryResolver">The session factory resolver.</param>
        /// <param name="firstFactory">if set to <c>true</c> [first factory].</param>
        protected void ConfigureFactories(NHibernateFactoryConfiguration config, ISessionFactoryResolver sessionFactoryResolver, bool firstFactory)
            String id = config.Id;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                const string message = "You must provide a " +
                                       "valid 'id' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used as key for " +
                                       "the ISessionFactory component registered on the container";

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);

            String alias = config.Alias;

            if (!firstFactory && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias)))
                const string message = "You must provide a " +
                                       "valid 'alias' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used to obtain " +
                                       "the ISession implementation from the SessionManager";

                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                alias = Constants.DefaultAlias;

            string configurationBuilderType = config.ConfigurationBuilderType;
            string configurationbuilderKey  = string.Format(ConfigurationBuilderForFactoryFormat, id);
            IConfigurationBuilder configBuilder;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationBuilderType))
                configBuilder = Kernel.Resolve <IConfigurationBuilder>();
                    Component.For <IConfigurationBuilder>().ImplementedBy(Type.GetType(configurationBuilderType)).Named(
                configBuilder = Kernel.Resolve <IConfigurationBuilder>(configurationbuilderKey);

            var cfg = configBuilder.GetConfiguration(config.GetConfiguration());

            // Registers the Configuration object
            Kernel.Register(Component.For <NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration>().Instance(cfg).Named(String.Format("{0}.cfg", id)));

            // If a Session Factory level interceptor was provided, we use it
            if (Kernel.HasComponent(SessionInterceptorKey))
                cfg.Interceptor = Kernel.Resolve <IInterceptor>(SessionInterceptorKey);

            // Registers the ISessionFactory as a component
                            .For <ISessionFactory>()
                            .Activator <SessionFactoryActivator>()

            sessionFactoryResolver.RegisterAliasComponentIdMapping(alias, id);
        private void ConfigureFactories(IConfiguration config,
                                        ISessionFactoryResolver sessionFactoryResolver, bool firstFactory)
            String id = config.Attributes["id"];

            if (id == null || String.Empty.Equals(id))
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must provide a " +
                                                       "valid 'id' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used as key for " +
                                                       "the ISessionFactory component registered on the container");

            String alias = config.Attributes["alias"];

            if (!firstFactory && (alias == null || alias.Length == 0))
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("You must provide a " +
                                                       "valid 'alias' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used to obtain " +
                                                       "the ISession implementation from the SessionManager");
            else if (alias == null || alias.Length == 0)
                alias = Constants.DefaultAlias;

            if (config.Attributes["isWeb"] == "true")
                appRootPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/");
                appRootPath = Application.StartupPath;

            NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg = new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration();

            ApplyConfigurationSettings(cfg, config.Children["settings"]);
            RegisterAssemblies(cfg, config.Children["assemblies"]);
            RegisterResources(cfg, config.Children["resources"]);

            // Registers the Configuration object

            Kernel.AddComponentInstance(String.Format("{0}.cfg", id), cfg);

            // If a Session Factory level interceptor was provided, we use it

            if (Kernel.HasComponent("nhibernate.sessionfactory.interceptor"))
                cfg.Interceptor = (IInterceptor)Kernel["nhibernate.sessionfactory.interceptor"];

            // Registers the ISessionFactory as a component

            ISessionFactory sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

            Kernel.AddComponentInstance(id, typeof(ISessionFactory), sessionFactory);

            // Registers the ISessionFactory within the ISessionFactoryResolver

            sessionFactoryResolver.RegisterAliasComponentIdMapping(alias, id);
		/// <summary>
		/// Configures the factories.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="config">The config.</param>
		/// <param name="sessionFactoryResolver">The session factory resolver.</param>
		/// <param name="firstFactory">if set to <c>true</c> [first factory].</param>
		protected void ConfigureFactories(IConfiguration config, 
			ISessionFactoryResolver sessionFactoryResolver, bool firstFactory)
			String id = config.Attributes["id"];

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
				String message = "You must provide a " + 
					"valid 'id' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used as key for " + 
					"the ISessionFactory component registered on the container";

				throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);

			String alias = config.Attributes["alias"];

			if (!firstFactory && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias)))
				String message = "You must provide a " + 
					"valid 'alias' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used to obtain " + 
					"the ISession implementation from the SessionManager";

				throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);
			else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
				alias = Constants.DefaultAlias;

			var configurationBuilder = Kernel.Resolve<IConfigurationBuilder>();
			var cfg = configurationBuilder.GetConfiguration(config);

			// Registers the Configuration object
			Kernel.AddComponentInstance( String.Format("{0}.cfg", id), cfg );

			// If a Session Factory level interceptor was provided, we use it

			if (Kernel.HasComponent("nhibernate.sessionfactory.interceptor"))
				cfg.Interceptor = (IInterceptor) Kernel["nhibernate.sessionfactory.interceptor"];
			// Registers the ISessionFactory as a component

			var model = new ComponentModel(id, typeof(ISessionFactory), typeof(Empty));
			model.LifestyleType = LifestyleType.Singleton;
			model.ExtendedProperties[Constants.SessionFactoryConfiguration] = cfg;
			model.CustomComponentActivator = typeof (SessionFactoryActivator);
			sessionFactoryResolver.RegisterAliasComponentIdMapping(alias, id);
		private void ConfigureFactories(IConfiguration config, 
			ISessionFactoryResolver sessionFactoryResolver, bool firstFactory)
			String id = config.Attributes["id"];

			if (id == null || String.Empty.Equals(id))
				String message = "You must provide a " + 
					"valid 'id' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used as key for " + 
					"the ISessionFactory component registered on the container";

				throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);

			String alias = config.Attributes["alias"];

			if (!firstFactory && (alias == null || alias.Length == 0))
				String message = "You must provide a " + 
					"valid 'alias' attribute for the 'factory' node. This id is used to obtain " + 
					"the ISession implementation from the SessionManager";

				throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(message);
			else if (alias == null || alias.Length == 0)
				alias = Constants.DefaultAlias;

			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();

			ApplyConfigurationSettings(cfg, config.Children["settings"]);
			RegisterAssemblies(cfg, config.Children["assemblies"]);
			RegisterResources(cfg, config.Children["resources"]);

			// Registers the Configuration object

			Kernel.AddComponentInstance( String.Format("{0}.cfg", id), cfg );

			// If a Session Factory level interceptor was provided, we use it

			if (Kernel.HasComponent("nhibernate.sessionfactory.interceptor"))
				cfg.Interceptor = (IInterceptor) Kernel["nhibernate.sessionfactory.interceptor"];

			// Registers the ISessionFactory as a component

			ISessionFactory sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

			Kernel.AddComponentInstance( id, typeof(ISessionFactory), sessionFactory );

			// Registers the ISessionFactory within the ISessionFactoryResolver

			sessionFactoryResolver.RegisterAliasComponentIdMapping(alias, id);