public async Task <IActionResult> CompleteAndSendIn(string org, string service, Guid instanceId)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, instanceId);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Reportee = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);


            // Identify the correct view
            // Getting the Form Data from database
            object serviceModel = _form.GetFormModel(instanceId, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));

            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            ViewBag.FormID         = instanceId;
            ViewBag.ServiceContext = serviceContext;

            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Validation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="org">the organisation.</param>
        /// <param name="service">the service.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceId">the instance id.</param>
        /// <returns>The api response.</returns>
        public async Task <IActionResult> ModelValidation(string org, string service, Guid instanceId)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, instanceId);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Reportee = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;
            requestContext.Form     = Request.Form;

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Assign the Requestcontext and ViewBag to the serviceImplementation so
            // service developer can use the information in any of the service events that is called
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Set the platform services to the ServiceImplementation so the AltinnCore service can take
            // use of the plattform services

            // Getting the populated form data from disk
            dynamic serviceModel = _form.GetFormModel(


            // Do Model Binding and update form data
            await TryUpdateModelAsync(serviceModel);

            // ServiceEvent : HandleValidationEvent
            // Perform Validation defined by the service developer.
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Validation);

            ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();

            ModelHelper.MapModelStateToApiResult(ModelState, apiResult, serviceContext);

            if (apiResult.Status.Equals(ApiStatusType.ContainsError))
                Response.StatusCode = 202;
                Response.StatusCode = 200;

            return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));
        /// <summary>
        /// Action method to present.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="org">The Organization code for the service owner.</param>
        /// <param name="service">The service code for the current service.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceId">The instanceId.</param>
        /// <returns>The receipt view.</returns>
        public IActionResult Receipt(string org, string service, int instanceId)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, instanceId);

            requestContext.UserContext = _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);
            requestContext.Reportee    = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, org, service);


            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            PopulateViewBag(org, service, instanceId, 0, requestContext, serviceContext, platformServices);

            object serviceModel = _archive.GetArchivedServiceModel(instanceId, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, requestContext.Reportee.PartyId);
            List <ServiceInstance> formInstances = _testdata.GetFormInstances(requestContext.Reportee.PartyId, org, service, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));

            ViewBag.ServiceInstance = formInstances.Find(i => i.ServiceInstanceID == instanceId);

        public BackgroundServiceWrapper(
            IEnumerable <IStartupActivity> startupActivities,
            ILogger <BackgroundServiceWrapper> loggerInstance,
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation,
            IOptions <ProbeConfig> probeConfiguration)
            _startupActivities     = startupActivities;
            LoggerInstance         = loggerInstance;
            _serviceImplementation = serviceImplementation;
            _probeConfiguration    = probeConfiguration.Value;

            var currentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

            _probeConfiguration.StartupFilePath  = _probeConfiguration.StartupFilePath ?? Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "started.signal");
            _probeConfiguration.LivenessFilePath = _probeConfiguration.LivenessFilePath ?? Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "alive.signal");

            // Retry policy for all started and alive signals. Retries happen with exponential delay for only 3 times.
            SignalRetryPolicy = Policy
                                .Handle <Exception>()
                                                   retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)),
                                                   (exception, timeSpan, retryCount, context) =>
                LoggerInstance.LogInformation($"Uable to send {context.OperationKey} signal. Retrying...");
        internal void InitializeServices()
            foreach (Type type in this.ServiceTypes)
                IServiceImplementation instance = Instanciate(this.Client, type);
                this.RegisterService(type, instance);

                foreach (EventInfo eventInfo in DiscordClientEvents)
                    this.RegisterDiscordHandler(this.Client.DiscordClient, eventInfo, type, instance);

                foreach ((string _, IService service) in this.Services)
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets a data element (form data) from storage and performs business logic on it (e.g. to calculate certain fields) before it is returned.
        ///  If more there are more data elements of the same elementType only the first one is returned. In that case use the more spesific
        ///  GET method to fetch a particular data element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>data element is returned in response body</returns>
        private async Task <ActionResult> GetFormData(
            string org,
            string app,
            int instanceOwnerId,
            Guid instanceGuid,
            Guid dataGuid,
            string elementType)
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = await PrepareServiceImplementation(org, app, elementType);

            // Get Form Data from data service. Assumes that the data element is form data.
            object serviceModel = dataService.GetFormData(

            if (serviceModel == null)
                return(BadRequest($"Did not find form data for data element {dataGuid}"));

            // Assing the populated service model to the service implementation

            // send events to trigger application business logic
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Calculation);

        private async Task <Instance> StorePrefillParts(Instance instance, List <RequestPart> parts)
            Guid     instanceGuid         = Guid.Parse(instance.Id.Split("/")[1]);
            int      instanceOwnerIdAsInt = int.Parse(instance.InstanceOwnerId);
            Instance instanceWithData     = null;
            string   org = instance.Org;
            string   app = instance.AppId.Split("/")[1];

            foreach (RequestPart part in parts)
                logger.LogInformation($"Storing part {part.Name}");
                object data = new StreamReader(part.Stream).ReadToEnd();

                IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = await PrepareServiceImplementation(org, app, part.Name, true);

                instanceWithData = await dataService.InsertFormData(

                if (instanceWithData == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Dataservice did not return a valid instance metadata when attempt to store data element {part.Name}");

 public void ServiceImplementationTestSetUp()
     _fixture = new Fixture();
     _repo    = new Mock <IPatientDemographicsRepo>(MockBehavior.Strict);
     _mapper  = new Mock <IMapper>(MockBehavior.Strict);
     _serviceImplementation = new ServiceImplementation(_mapper.Object, _repo.Object);
        /// <summary>
        /// Action method to present.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="org">The Organization code for the service owner.</param>
        /// <param name="service">The service code for the current service.</param>
        /// <param name="partyId">The partyId.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceGuid">The instanceGuid.</param>
        /// <returns>The receipt view.</returns>
        public async Task <IActionResult> Receipt(string org, string service, int partyId, Guid instanceGuid)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, instanceGuid);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;


            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            PopulateViewBag(org, service, instanceGuid, 0, requestContext, serviceContext, _platformSI);

            object serviceModel = _archive.GetArchivedServiceModel(instanceGuid, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, requestContext.Party.PartyId);
            List <ServiceInstance> formInstances = _testdata.GetFormInstances(requestContext.Party.PartyId, org, service);
            string properInstanceId = $"{requestContext.Party}/{instanceGuid}";

            ViewBag.ServiceInstance = formInstances.Find(i => i.ServiceInstanceID == properInstanceId);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(string org, string service, string edition, int instanceId)
            // Getting the Service Specific Implementation contained in external DLL migrated from TUL
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, edition);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, instanceId);

            requestContext.UserContext = _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);
            requestContext.Reportee    = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, edition);

            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            ViewBag.ServiceContext = serviceContext;
            ViewBag.RequestContext = requestContext;
            ViewBag.Org            = org;
            ViewBag.Service        = service;
            ViewBag.Edition        = edition;
            ViewBag.FormID         = instanceId;

            // Assign the RequestContext and ViewBag to the serviceImplementation so
            // service developer can use the information in any of the service events that is called
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, ViewBag, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Set the platform services to the ServiceImplementation so the AltinnCore service can take
            // use of the plattform services
            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, org, service, edition);


            ViewBag.PlatformServices = platformServices;

            // Getting the Form Data from datastore
            object serviceModel = this._form.GetFormModel(

            // Assing the populated service model to the service implementation

            // ServiceEvent 1: HandleGetDataEvent
            // Runs the event where the service developer can implement functionality to retrieve data from internal/external sources
            // based on the data in the service model
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            // ServiceEvent 2: HandleCalculationEvent
            // Perform Calculation defined by the service developer
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.Calculation);

        public async Task <IActionResult> CompleteAndSendIn(string org, string service, int instanceId, string view)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = PopulateRequestContext(instanceId);

            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, org, service);


            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            PopulateViewBag(org, service, instanceId, 0, requestContext, serviceContext, platformServices);

            // Getting the Form Data from database
            object serviceModel = _form.GetFormModel(instanceId, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));


            ViewBag.FormID         = instanceId;
            ViewBag.ServiceContext = serviceContext;

            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, ViewBag, serviceContext, null, ModelState);
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Validation);

            ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                ServiceState currentState = _workflowSI.MoveServiceForwardInWorkflow(instanceId, org, service, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId);
                if (currentState.State == WorkflowStep.Archived)
                    _archive.ArchiveServiceModel(serviceModel, instanceId, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId);
                    apiResult.NextState = currentState.State;

            ModelHelper.MapModelStateToApiResult(ModelState, apiResult, serviceContext);

            if (apiResult.Status.Equals(ApiStatusType.ContainsError))
                Response.StatusCode = 202;
                Response.StatusCode = 200;

            return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateDataElement(
            [FromRoute] string org,
            [FromRoute] string app,
            [FromRoute] int instanceOwnerId,
            [FromRoute] Guid instanceGuid,
            [FromQuery] string elementType = "default")
            bool startService = true;

            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = await PrepareServiceImplementation(org, app, elementType, startService);

            Application application = repositoryService.GetApplication(org, app);

            if (application != null)
                return(NotFound($"AppId {org}/{app} was not found"));

            Instance instanceBefore = await instanceService.GetInstance(app, org, instanceOwnerId, instanceGuid);

            if (instanceBefore == null)
                return(BadRequest("Unknown instance"));

            object serviceModel = null;

            if (Request.ContentType == null)
                serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();
                serviceModel = ParseContentAndDeserializeServiceModel(serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), out ActionResult contentError);
                if (contentError != null)


            // send events to trigger application business logic
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Instantiation);

            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.ValidateInstantiation);

            InstancesController.SetAppSelfLinks(instanceBefore, Request);

            Instance instanceAfter = await dataService.InsertData(serviceModel, instanceGuid, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, app, instanceOwnerId);

            InstancesController.SetAppSelfLinks(instanceAfter, Request);
            List <DataElement> createdElements = CompareAndReturnCreatedElements(instanceBefore, instanceAfter);
            string             dataUrl         = createdElements.First().DataLinks.Apps;

            return(Created(dataUrl, instanceAfter));
        private async Task <ActionResult> PutFormData(string org, string app, Instance instance, Guid dataGuid, string elementType)
            Guid instanceGuid = Guid.Parse(instance.Id.Split("/")[1]);
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = await PrepareServiceImplementation(org, app, elementType);

            object serviceModel = ParseContentAndDeserializeServiceModel(serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), out ActionResult contentError);

            if (contentError != null)

            if (serviceModel == null)
                return(BadRequest("No data found in content"));


            // send events to trigger application business logic
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Calculation);

                // Run the model Validation that handles validation defined on the model

                // send events to trigger application business logic
                await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Validation);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.LogError($"Validation errors are currently ignored: {ex.Message}");

            // Save Formdata to database
            Instance instanceAfter = await this.dataService.UpdateData(

            InstancesController.SetAppSelfLinks(instanceAfter, Request);
            DataElement updatedElement = instanceAfter.Data.First(d => d.Id == dataGuid.ToString());
            string      dataUrl        = updatedElement.DataLinks.Apps;

            return(Created(dataUrl, updatedElement));
        public async Task <ActionResult> GetDataElement(
            [FromRoute] string org,
            [FromRoute] string app,
            [FromRoute] int instanceOwnerId,
            [FromRoute] Guid instanceGuid,
            [FromRoute] string elementType = "default")
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = await PrepareServiceImplementation(org, app, elementType);

            Instance instance = await instanceService.GetInstance(app, org, instanceOwnerId, instanceGuid);

            if (instance == null)
                return(NotFound("Did not find instance"));

            // Assume that there is only one data element of a given type !!
            DataElement dataElement = instance.Data.Find(m => m.ElementType.Equals(elementType));

            if (dataElement == null)
                return(NotFound("Did not find data element"));

            Guid dataId = Guid.Parse(dataElement.Id);

            // Get Form Data from data service. Assumes that the data element is form data.
            object serviceModel = dataService.GetFormData(

            if (serviceModel == null)
                return(BadRequest($"Did not find form data for data element {dataId}"));

            // Assing the populated service model to the service implementation

            // send events to trigger application business logic
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.Calculation);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Lookup([FromBody] AltinnCoreApiModel model, string reportee, string org, string service, string edition)
            ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();

            // Load the service implementation for the requested service
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, edition);

            // Get the service context containing metadata about the service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, edition);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, 0);

            requestContext.UserContext = _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);
            requestContext.Reportee    = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            // Create platform service and assign to service implementation making it possible for the service implementation
            // to use plattform services. Also make it avaiable in ViewBag so it can be used from Views
            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, org, service, edition);

            ViewBag.PlatformServices = platformServices;

            // Create a new instance of the service model (a Get to lookup will always create a new service model)
            dynamic serviceModel = null;

            // Assign the different context information to the service implementation making it possible for
            // the service developer to take use of this information
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, ViewBag, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Do Model Binding and update form data
            serviceModel = ParseApiBody(serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), out apiResult, model);
            if (serviceModel == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 403;
                return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));


            // Run the Data Retriavel event where service developer can potensial load any data without any user input
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the service implementation for a given dataElement, that has an xsd or json-schema.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="org">unique identifier of the organisation responsible for the app</param>
        /// <param name="app">application identifier which is unique within an organisation</param>
        /// <param name="elementType">the data element type</param>
        /// <param name="startApp">indicates if the app should be started or just opened</param>
        /// <returns>the serviceImplementation object which represents the application business logic</returns>
        private async Task <IServiceImplementation> PrepareServiceImplementation(string org, string app, string elementType, bool startApp = false)
            logger.LogInformation($"Preparing data element instantiation for {elementType}");

            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = executionService.GetServiceImplementation(org, app, startApp);

            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, Guid.Empty);

            requestContext.UserContext = await userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;

            ServiceContext serviceContext = executionService.GetServiceContext(org, app, startApp);

            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

        private async Task <ActionResult> CreateFormData(
            string org,
            string app,
            Instance instanceBefore,
            string elementType)
            bool startService = true;
            Guid instanceGuid = Guid.Parse(instanceBefore.Id.Split("/")[1]);
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = await PrepareServiceImplementation(org, app, elementType, startService);

            object serviceModel;

            if (Request.ContentType == null)
                serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();
                serviceModel = ParseContentAndDeserializeServiceModel(serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), out ActionResult contentError);
                if (contentError != null)


            // send events to trigger application business logic
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Instantiation);

            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.ValidateInstantiation);

            InstancesController.SetAppSelfLinks(instanceBefore, Request);

            Instance instanceAfter = await dataService.InsertFormData(serviceModel, instanceGuid, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, app, int.Parse(instanceBefore.InstanceOwnerId));

            InstancesController.SetAppSelfLinks(instanceAfter, Request);
            List <DataElement> createdElements = CompareAndReturnCreatedElements(instanceBefore, instanceAfter);
            string             dataUrl         = createdElements.First().DataLinks.Apps;

            return(Created(dataUrl, createdElements));
        public async Task <IActionResult> CompleteAndSendIn(string org, string service, string edition, int instanceId, string view)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, edition);

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, edition);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = PopulateRequestContext(instanceId);

            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, org, service, edition);


            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            PopulateViewBag(org, service, edition, instanceId, 0, requestContext, serviceContext, platformServices);

            //Getting the Form Data from database
            object serviceModel = _form.GetFormModel(instanceId, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, edition, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId);


            ViewBag.FormID         = instanceId;
            ViewBag.ServiceContext = serviceContext;

            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, ViewBag, serviceContext, null, ModelState);
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Validation);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                _archive.ArchiveServiceModel(serviceModel, instanceId, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, edition, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId);

                return(RedirectToAction("Receipt", new { org, service, edition, instanceId }));

        public async Task <IActionResult> Lookup(string reportee, string org, string service)
            // Load the service implementation for the requested service
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Get the service context containing metadata about the service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, Guid.Empty);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;

            // Create platform service and assign to service implementation making it possible for the service implementation
            // to use plattform services. Also make it avaiable in ViewBag so it can be used from Views
            ViewBag.PlatformServices = _platformSI;

            // Create a new instance of the service model (a Get to lookup will always create a new service model)
            dynamic serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();


            // Assign the different context information to the service implementation making it possible for
            // the service developer to take use of this information
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Run the Data Retriavel event where service developer can potensial load any data without any user input
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

        public async Task <Instance> InstantiateInstance(StartServiceModel startServiceModel, object serviceModel, IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation)
            string app             = startServiceModel.Service;
            string org             = startServiceModel.Org;
            int    instanceOwnerId = startServiceModel.PartyId;

            Instance instanceTemplate = new Instance()
                InstanceOwnerId = instanceOwnerId.ToString(),
                Process         = new ProcessState()
                    CurrentTask = new ProcessElementInfo
                        Started   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ElementId = _workflow.GetInitialServiceState(org, app).State.ToString(),

            Instance instance = await CreateInstance(org, app, instanceTemplate);

            if (instance == null)

            Guid instanceGuid = Guid.Parse(instance.Id.Split("/")[1]);

            // Save instantiated form model
            instance = await _data.InsertFormData(

 public Service(string name, IServiceImplementation inst)
     this.Name     = name;
     this.Instance = inst;
 public PhotosService(IServiceImplementation wcfService)
     this.wcfService = wcfService;
        public async Task <IActionResult> StartService(StartServiceModel startServiceModel)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            bool startService = true;
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Get the service context containing metadata about the service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, Guid.Empty);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            // Populate the reportee information
            requestContext.UserContext.Party = await _register.GetParty(startServiceModel.PartyId);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;

            // Create platform service and assign to service implementation making it possible for the service implementation
            // to use plattform services. Also make it available in ViewBag so it can be used from Views

            // Assign the different context information to the service implementation making it possible for
            // the service developer to take use of this information
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            object serviceModel = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startServiceModel.PrefillKey))

            if (serviceModel == null)
                // If the service model was not loaded from prefill.
                serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();

            // Assign service model to the implementation

            // Run Instansiation event
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Instantiation);

            // Run validate Instansiation event where
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.ValidateInstantiation);

            // If ValidateInstansiation event has not added any errors the new form is saved and user is redirercted to the correct
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (serviceContext.WorkFlow.Any() && serviceContext.WorkFlow[0].StepType.Equals(StepType.Lookup))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Lookup", new { org = startServiceModel.Org, service = startServiceModel.Service }));

                int instanceOwnerId = requestContext.UserContext.PartyId;

                // Create a new instance document
                Instance instance = await _instance.InstantiateInstance(startServiceModel, serviceModel, serviceImplementation);

                // Create and store the instance created event
                InstanceEvent instanceEvent = new InstanceEvent
                    AuthenticationLevel = requestContext.UserContext.AuthenticationLevel,
                    EventType           = InstanceEventType.Created.ToString(),
                    InstanceId          = instance.Id,
                    InstanceOwnerId     = instanceOwnerId.ToString(),
                    UserId       = requestContext.UserContext.UserId,
                    WorkflowStep = instance.Process.CurrentTask

                await _event.SaveInstanceEvent(instanceEvent, startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service);

                Enum.TryParse <WorkflowStep>(instance.Process.CurrentTask, out WorkflowStep currentStep);

                string redirectUrl = _workflowSI.GetUrlForCurrentState(Guid.Parse(instance.Id), startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, currentStep);

            startServiceModel.PartyList = _authorization.GetPartyList(requestContext.UserContext.UserId)
                                          .Select(x => new SelectListItem
                Text  = (x.PartyTypeName == PartyType.Person) ? x.SSN + " " + x.Name : x.OrgNumber + " " + x.Name,
                Value = x.PartyId.ToString(),

            HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append(_generalSettings.GetAltinnPartyCookieName, startServiceModel.PartyId.ToString());
        public async Task <IActionResult> CompleteAndSendIn(string org, string service, int partyId, Guid instanceGuid, string view)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = await PopulateRequestContext(instanceGuid);


            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            PopulateViewBag(org, service, instanceGuid, 0, requestContext, serviceContext, _platformSI);

            // Getting the Form Data
            Instance instance = await _instance.GetInstance(service, org, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId, instanceGuid);

            Guid.TryParse(instance.Data.Find(m => m.ElementType == FORM_ID).Id, out Guid dataId);
            object serviceModel = _data.GetFormData(instanceGuid, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), org, service, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId, dataId);


            ViewBag.FormID         = instanceGuid;
            ViewBag.ServiceContext = serviceContext;

            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Validation);

            ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                ServiceState currentState = _workflowSI.MoveServiceForwardInWorkflow(instanceGuid, org, service, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId);

                if (currentState.State == WorkflowStep.Archived)
                    await _instance.ArchiveInstance(serviceModel, serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), service, org, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId, instanceGuid);

                    apiResult.NextState = currentState.State;

                // Create and store the instance submitted event
                InstanceEvent instanceEvent = new InstanceEvent
                    AuthenticationLevel = requestContext.UserContext.AuthenticationLevel,
                    EventType           = InstanceEventType.Submited.ToString(),
                    InstanceId          = instance.Id,
                    InstanceOwnerId     = instance.InstanceOwnerId.ToString(),
                    UserId       = requestContext.UserContext.UserId,
                    WorkflowStep = instance.Process.CurrentTask,

                await _event.SaveInstanceEvent(instanceEvent, org, service);

            ModelHelper.MapModelStateToApiResult(ModelState, apiResult, serviceContext);

            if (apiResult.Status.Equals(ApiStatusType.ContainsError))
                Response.StatusCode = 202;
                Response.StatusCode = 200;

            return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));
        public async Task <IActionResult> StartService(StartServiceModel startServiceModel)
            // Dependency Injection: Getting the Service Specific Implementation based on the service parameter data store
            // Will compile code and load DLL in to memory for AltinnCore
            bool startService = true;
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Get the service context containing metadata about the service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, startService);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, 0);

            requestContext.UserContext = _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            // Populate the reportee information
            requestContext.UserContext.Reportee = _register.GetParty(startServiceModel.ReporteeID);
            requestContext.Reportee             = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            // Create platform service and assign to service implementation making it possible for the service implementation
            // to use plattform services. Also make it available in ViewBag so it can be used from Views
            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service);

            ViewBag.PlatformServices = platformServices;

            // Assign the different context information to the service implementation making it possible for
            // the service developer to take use of this information
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, ViewBag, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            object serviceModel = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startServiceModel.PrefillKey))

            if (serviceModel == null)
                // If the service model was not loaded from prefill.
                serviceModel = serviceImplementation.CreateNewServiceModel();

            // Assign service model to the implementation

            // Run Instansiation event
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Instantiation);

            // Run validate Instansiation event where
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.ValidateInstantiation);

            // If ValidateInstansiation event has not added any errors the new form is saved and user is redirercted to the correct
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (serviceContext.WorkFlow.Any() && serviceContext.WorkFlow[0].StepType.Equals(StepType.Lookup))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Lookup", new { org = startServiceModel.Org, service = startServiceModel.Service }));

                // Create a new instance Id
                int formID = _execution.GetNewServiceInstanceID(startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service);


                ServiceState currentState = _workflowSI.InitializeService(formID, startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, requestContext.UserContext.ReporteeId);
                string       redirectUrl  = _workflowSI.GetUrlForCurrentState(formID, startServiceModel.Org, startServiceModel.Service, currentState.State);

            startServiceModel.ReporteeList = _authorization.GetReporteeList(requestContext.UserContext.UserId)
                                             .Select(x => new SelectListItem
                Text  = x.ReporteeNumber + " " + x.ReporteeName,
                Value = x.PartyID.ToString(),

            HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("altinncorereportee", startServiceModel.ReporteeID.ToString());
 public EventsService(IServiceImplementation wcfService)
     this.wcfService = wcfService;
 public IServiceImplementation GetForScope(string scope)
     if (scope == null)
         return nullScopeImplementation ?? (nullScopeImplementation = CreateNew());
     if (scopedImplementations == null)
         scopedImplementations = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IServiceImplementation>();
     return scopedImplementations.GetOrAdd(scope, s => CreateNew());
        public async Task <IActionResult> Gindex(string org, string service, int partyId, Guid instanceId)
            // Getting the Service Specific Implementation contained in external DLL migrated from TUL
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, instanceId);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Assign data to the ViewBag so it is available to the service views or service implementation
            ViewBag.ServiceContext = serviceContext;
            ViewBag.RequestContext = requestContext;
            ViewBag.Org            = org;
            ViewBag.Service        = service;
            ViewBag.FormID         = instanceId;

            // Assign the RequestContext to the serviceImplementation so
            // service developer can use the information in any of the service events that is called
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Set the platform services to the ServiceImplementation so the AltinnCore service can take
            // use of the plattform services

            ViewBag.PlatformServices = _platformSI;

            Instance instance = await _instance.GetInstance(service, org, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId, instanceId);

            Guid dataId = Guid.Parse(instance.Data.Find(m => m.ElementType.Equals(FORM_ID)).Id);

            // Getting the Form Data from datastore
            object serviceModel = this._data.GetFormData(

            // Assing the populated service model to the service implementation

            // ServiceEvent 1: HandleGetDataEvent
            // Runs the event where the service developer can implement functionality to retrieve data from internal/external sources
            // based on the data in the service model
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            // ServiceEvent 2: HandleCalculationEvent
            // Perform Calculation defined by the service developer
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.Calculation);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index([FromBody] AltinnCoreApiModel model, string org, string service, string edition, int instanceId, ApiMode apiMode)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();

            // Getting the Service Specific Implementation contained in external DLL migrated from TUL
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, edition);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, 0);

            requestContext.UserContext = _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);
            requestContext.Reportee    = requestContext.UserContext.Reportee;

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, edition);

            // Assign the Requestcontext and ViewBag to the serviceImplementation so
            // service developer can use the information in any of the service events that is called
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, ViewBag, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Set the platform services to the ServiceImplementation so the AltinnCore service can take
            // use of the plattform services
            PlatformServices platformServices = new PlatformServices(_authorization, _repository, _execution, org, service, edition);


            ViewBag.PlatformServices = platformServices;

            dynamic serviceModel = ParseApiBody(serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), out apiResult, model);

            if (serviceModel == null)
                // The parsing did not create any result
                Response.StatusCode = 403;
                return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));


            // ServiceEvent 2: HandleGetDataEvent
            // Runs the event where the service developer can implement functionality to retrieve data from internal/external sources
            // based on the data in the service model
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            // RunService 3: Calcuation
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Calculation);

            // ServiceEvent 3: HandleCalculationEvent
            // Perform Calculation defined by the service developer
            // Only perform when the mode is to create a new instance or to specific calculate
            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Calculate) || apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Create))
                if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Calculate))
                    // Returns a updated Service model with new calculated data.

            // ServiceEvent 4: HandleValidationEvent
            // Perform additional Validation defined by the service developer.
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.Validation);

            // Run the model Validation that handles validation defined on the model

            // If ApiMode is only validate the instance should not be created and only return any validation errors
            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Validate) || (!ModelState.IsValid && !apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Create)))
                MapModelStateToApiResult(ModelState, apiResult, serviceContext);

                if (apiResult.Status.Equals(ApiStatusType.ContainsError))
                    if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Validate))
                        Response.StatusCode = 202;
                        Response.StatusCode = 400;

                    return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));


            // Save Formdata to database

            apiResult.InstanceId = instanceId;
            apiResult.Status     = ApiStatusType.Ok;
            if (!requestContext.RequiresClientSideReleoad)
                Response.StatusCode = 303;
                return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index([FromBody] AltinnCoreApiModel model, string org, string service, Guid instanceId, ApiMode apiMode)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult();

            // Getting the Service Specific Implementation contained in external DLL migrated from TUL
            IServiceImplementation serviceImplementation = _execution.GetServiceImplementation(org, service, false);

            // Create and populate the RequestContext object and make it available for the service implementation so
            // service developer can implement logic based on information about the request and the user performing
            // the request
            RequestContext requestContext = RequestHelper.GetRequestContext(Request.Query, Guid.Empty);

            requestContext.UserContext = await _userHelper.GetUserContext(HttpContext);

            requestContext.Party = requestContext.UserContext.Party;
            if (Request.Headers.Keys.Contains(VALIDATION_TRIGGER_FIELD))
                requestContext.ValidationTriggerField = Request.Headers[VALIDATION_TRIGGER_FIELD];

            // Get the serviceContext containing all metadata about current service
            ServiceContext serviceContext = _execution.GetServiceContext(org, service, false);

            // Assign the Requestcontext to the serviceImplementation so
            // service developer can use the information in any of the service events that is called
            serviceImplementation.SetContext(requestContext, serviceContext, null, ModelState);

            // Set the platform services to the ServiceImplementation so the AltinnCore service can take
            // use of the plattform services

            ViewBag.PlatformServices = _platformSI;

            dynamic serviceModel = ParseApiBody(serviceImplementation.GetServiceModelType(), out apiResult, model);

            if (serviceModel == null)
                // The parsing did not create any result
                Response.StatusCode = 403;
                return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));


            // ServiceEvent 2: HandleGetDataEvent
            // Runs the event where the service developer can implement functionality to retrieve data from internal/external sources
            // based on the data in the service model
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.DataRetrieval);

            // RunService 3: Calcuation
            await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(ServiceEventType.Calculation);

            // ServiceEvent 3: HandleCalculationEvent
            // Perform Calculation defined by the service developer
            // Only perform when the mode is to create a new instance or to specific calculate
            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Calculate) || apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Create))
                if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Calculate))
                    // Returns a updated Service model with new calculated data.

            // Run the model Validation that handles validation defined on the model

            // ServiceEvent 4: HandleValidationEvent
            // Perform additional Validation defined by the service developer. Runs when the ApiMode is set to Validate or Complete.
            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Validate) || apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Complete))
                await serviceImplementation.RunServiceEvent(AltinnCore.ServiceLibrary.Enums.ServiceEventType.Validation);

            // If ApiMode is only validate the instance should not be created and only return any validation errors
            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Validate) || (!ModelState.IsValid && !apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Create)))
                MapModelStateToApiResultForClient(ModelState, apiResult, serviceContext);

                if (apiResult.Status.Equals(ApiStatusType.ContainsError))
                    if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Validate))
                        Response.StatusCode = 202;
                        Response.StatusCode = 400;

                    return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));


            Instance instance = await _instance.GetInstance(service, org, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId, instanceId);

            Guid dataId = Guid.Parse(instance.Data.Find(m => m.ElementType.Equals(FORM_ID)).Id);

            // Save Formdata to database

            // Create and store instance saved event
            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Update))
                InstanceEvent instanceEvent = new InstanceEvent
                    AuthenticationLevel = requestContext.UserContext.AuthenticationLevel,
                    EventType           = InstanceEventType.Saved.ToString(),
                    InstanceId          = instance.Id,
                    InstanceOwnerId     = instance.InstanceOwnerId.ToString(),
                    UserId       = requestContext.UserContext.UserId,
                    WorkflowStep = instance.Process.CurrentTask

                await _event.SaveInstanceEvent(instanceEvent, org, service);

            if (apiMode.Equals(ApiMode.Complete))
                ServiceState currentState = _workflowSI.MoveServiceForwardInWorkflow(instanceId, org, service, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId);
                instance.Process = new Storage.Interface.Models.ProcessState()
                    CurrentTask = currentState.State.ToString(),
                    IsComplete  = false,

                Instance updatedInstance = await _instance.UpdateInstance(instance, service, org, requestContext.UserContext.PartyId, instanceId);

                Response.StatusCode   = 200;
                apiResult.InstanceId  = instanceId;
                apiResult.Instance    = updatedInstance;
                apiResult.Status      = ApiStatusType.Ok;
                apiResult.NextStepUrl = _workflowSI.GetUrlForCurrentState(instanceId, org, service, currentState.State);
                apiResult.NextState   = currentState.State;
                return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));

            apiResult.InstanceId = instanceId;
            apiResult.Status     = ApiStatusType.Ok;
            if (!requestContext.RequiresClientSideReleoad)

                Response.StatusCode = 303;
                return(new ObjectResult(apiResult));
 public ServiceImplementationInfo(Type serviceInterface, ServiceDescription description, IServiceImplementation implementation)
     Interface = serviceInterface;
     Description = description;
     Implementation = implementation;
 public PhotosService(IServiceImplementation wcfService, IMapper mapper)
     this.wcfService = wcfService;
     this.mapper     = mapper;