        public void VerifyISeqRestMaintainsMeta(ISeq s)
            IPersistentMap meta = ((IMeta)s).meta();

            for (; s.next() != null; s = s.next())
                Expect(((IMeta)s.next()).meta(), EqualTo(meta));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="PersistentHashSet">PersistentHashSet</see> initialized from an <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see> of items.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="items">An <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see> of items</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="PersistentHashSet">PersistentHashSet</see>.</returns>
 public static PersistentHashSet create(ISeq items)
     PersistentHashSet ret = EMPTY;
     for (; items != null; items = items.next())
         ret = (PersistentHashSet)ret.cons(items.first());
     return ret;
 public static PersistentHashSet create(ISeq items)
     ITransientSet ret = (ITransientSet)EMPTY.asTransient(); 
     for (; items != null; items = items.next())
         ret = (ITransientSet)ret.conj(items.first());
     return (PersistentHashSet)ret.persistent();
 public static Expr Parse(ISeq form)
     Expr fexpr = Compiler.GenerateAST(form.first());
     IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
     for ( ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
         args = args.cons(Compiler.GenerateAST(s.first()));
     return new InvokeExpr(Compiler.TagOf(form),fexpr,args);
 public static Expr Parse(ISeq form)
     Expr fexpr = Compiler.GenerateAST(form.first(),false);
     IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
     for ( ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
         args = args.cons(Compiler.GenerateAST(s.first(),false));
     return new InvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(),(int)Compiler.LINE.deref(),Compiler.TagOf(form),fexpr,args);
        public void VerifyISeqContents(ISeq s, IList<object> values)
            int i=0;

            for (; s != null; s = s.next(), i++)
                Expect(s.first(), EqualTo(values[i]));

            Expect(i, EqualTo(values.Count));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a struct from a struct definition and values (in order) for the fixed keys.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="def">A struct definition</param>
 /// <param name="valseq">A sequence of values for the fixed keys (in definition order).</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="PersistentStructMap">PersistentStructMap</see>.</returns>
 public static PersistentStructMap construct(Def def, ISeq valseq)
     object[] vals = new object[def.Keyslots.count()];
     IPersistentMap ext = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
     for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length && valseq != null; valseq = valseq.next(), i++)
         vals[i] = valseq.first();
     if (valseq != null)
         throw new ArgumentException("Too many arguments to struct constructor");
     return new PersistentStructMap(null, def, vals, ext);
        public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentMap form)
            ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr();
            bool          constant  = true;

            IPersistentVector keyvals = PersistentVector.EMPTY;

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = s.next())
                IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry)s.first();
                Expr      k = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e.key());
                Expr      v = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e.val());
                keyvals = (IPersistentVector)keyvals.cons(k);
                keyvals = (IPersistentVector)keyvals.cons(v);
                if (!(k is LiteralExpr && v is LiteralExpr))
                    constant = false;
            Expr ret = new MapExpr(keyvals);

            IObj iobjForm = form as IObj;

            if (iobjForm != null && iobjForm.meta() != null)
                return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret));
            else if (constant)
                // This 'optimzation' works, mostly, unless you have nested map values.
                // The nested map values do not participate in the constants map, so you end up with the code to create the keys.
                // Result: huge duplication of keyword creation.  3X increase in init time to the REPL.
                //IPersistentMap m = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
                //for (int i = 0; i < keyvals.length(); i += 2)
                //    m = m.assoc(((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i)).Val, ((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i + 1)).Val);
                //return new ConstantExpr(m);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The Object to compare to the current object.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the specified Object is equal to the current object; otherwise <c>false</c></returns>
        /// <remarks>Equality is value-based, ie.e. depends on the sequence of items.</remarks>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is Sequential || obj is IList))

            ISeq ms = RT.seq(obj);

            for (ISeq s = seq(); s != null; s = s.next(), ms = ms.next())
                if (ms == null || !Util.equals(s.first(), ms.first()))

            return(ms == null); // hit end of sequence on both sequences
        internal static Type[] CreateTypeArray(ISeq seq)
            List <Type> types = new List <Type>();

            for (ISeq s = seq == null ? null : seq.seq(); s != null; s = s.next())
                Object o       = s.first();
                Type   oAsType = o as Type;
                if (oAsType != null)
                else if (o is ISeq)
                    object first         = RT.first(o);
                    Symbol firstAsSymbol = first as Symbol;
                    if (firstAsSymbol == null || !firstAsSymbol.Equals(HostExpr.ByRefSym))
                        throw new ArgumentException("First element of parameter definition is not by-ref");

                    Type secondAsType = RT.second(o) as Type;

                    if (secondAsType == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("by-ref must be paired with a type");

                    throw new ArgumentException("Bad parameter definition");

            if (types.Count == 0)

            return(types.ToArray <Type>());
        public static void pushThreadBindings(Associative bindings)
            Frame       f    = CurrentFrame;
            Associative bmap = f.Bindings;

            for (ISeq bs = bindings.seq(); bs != null; bs = bs.next())
                IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry)bs.first();
                Var       v = (Var)e.key();
                if (!v._dynamic)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Can't dynamically bind non-dynamic var: {0}/{1}", v.Namespace, v.Symbol));
                bmap = bmap.assoc(v, new TBox(Thread.CurrentThread, e.val()));
            CurrentFrame = new Frame(bmap, f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if an object is equivalent to this (handles all collections).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The object to compare.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the object is equivalent; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public bool equiv(object o)
            if (!(o is Sequential || o is IList))

            ISeq ms = RT.seq(o);

            for (ISeq s = seq(); s != null; s = s.next(), ms = ms.next())
                if (ms == null || !Util.equiv(s.first(), ms.first()))

            return(ms == null); // hit end of sequence on both sequences
        private ConstructorBuilder EmitConstructorForNonDefType(TypeBuilder fnTB, Type baseType)
            ConstructorBuilder cb = fnTB.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.HasThis, CtorTypes());
            CljILGen gen = new CljILGen(cb.GetILGenerator());

            GenContext.EmitDebugInfo(gen, SpanMap);

            //Call base constructor
            ConstructorInfo baseCtorInfo = baseType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);
            if (baseCtorInfo == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to find default constructor for " + baseType.FullName);

            gen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, baseCtorInfo);

            // Store Meta
            if (SupportsMeta)
                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(IPersistentMap));

            // store closed-overs in their fields
            int a = 0;
            int offset = !SupportsMeta ? 1 : 2;

            for (ISeq s = RT.keys(Closes); s != null; s = s.next(), a++)
                //LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding)s.first();
                FieldBuilder fb = ClosedOverFields[a];
                bool isVolatile = IsVolatile(ClosedOverFieldsToBindingsMap[fb]);

                gen.EmitLoadArg(0);             // gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
                gen.EmitLoadArg(a + offset);         // gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, a + 1);
                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fb);
            return cb;
        internal static List <HostArg> ParseArgs(ParserContext pcon, ISeq argSeq)
            List <HostArg> args = new List <HostArg>();

            for (ISeq s = argSeq; s != null; s = s.next())
                object arg = s.first();

                HostArg.ParameterType paramType = HostArg.ParameterType.Standard;
                LocalBinding          lb        = null;

                ISeq argAsSeq = arg as ISeq;
                if (argAsSeq != null)
                    Symbol op = RT.first(argAsSeq) as Symbol;
                    if (op != null && op.Equals(ByRefSym))
                        if (RT.Length(argAsSeq) != 2)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments to {0}", op.Name);

                        object localArg    = RT.second(argAsSeq);
                        Symbol symLocalArg = localArg as Symbol;
                        if (symLocalArg == null || (lb = Compiler.ReferenceLocal(symLocalArg)) == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Argument to {0} must be a local variable.", op.Name);

                        paramType = HostArg.ParameterType.ByRef;

                        arg = localArg;

                Expr expr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), arg);

                args.Add(new HostArg(paramType, expr, lb));

        void LightCompileMethods()
            Dictionary <int, DynamicMethod> dict = new Dictionary <int, DynamicMethod>();

            // Create a dynamic method that takes an array of closed-over values
            // and returns an instance of AFnImpl.

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(_methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                FnMethod method = (FnMethod)s.first();
                method.LightEmit(this, CompiledType);
                int key = GetMethodKey(method);

                //dict[key] = new WeakReference(method.DynMethod);
                dict[key] = method.DynMethod;

            DynMethodMap[DynMethodMapKey] = dict;
            _dynMethodMap = dict;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new key/value pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The key/value pair to add.</param>
        /// <returns>A new map with key+value pair added.</returns>
        public IPersistentMap cons(object o)
            if (o is IMapEntry e)
                return(assoc(e.key(), e.val()));

            if (o is DictionaryEntry de)
                return(assoc(de.Key, de.Value));

            if (o != null)
                Type t = o.GetType();
                if (t.IsGenericType && t.Name == "KeyValuePair`2")
                    object key = t.InvokeMember("Key", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, o, null);
                    object val = t.InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, o, null);
                    return(assoc(key, val));

            if (o is IPersistentVector v)
                if (v.count() != 2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Vector arg to map cons must be a pair");
                return(assoc(v.nth(0), v.nth(1)));

            IPersistentMap ret = this;

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(o); s != null; s = s.next())
                IMapEntry me = (IMapEntry)s.first();
                ret = ret.assoc(me.key(), me.val());
        public bool equiv(object o)
            if (this == o)
            if (!(o is Sequential || o is IList))
            ISeq ms = RT.seq(o);

            for (ISeq s = seq(); s != null; s = s.next(), ms = ms.next())
                if (ms == null || !Util.equiv(s.first(), ms.first()))
            return(ms == null);
            /// <summary>
            /// The creator method.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="args">A sequence of elements.</param>
            /// <returns>A new list.</returns>
            protected override object doInvoke(object args)
                if (args is IArraySeq ias)
                    object[]        argsarray = (object[])ias.ToArray();
                    IPersistentList ret       = EMPTY;
                    for (int i = argsarray.Length - 1; i >= ias.index(); i--)
                        ret = (IPersistentList)ret.cons(argsarray[i]);

                List <object> list = new List <object>();

                for (ISeq s = RT.seq(args); s != null; s = s.next())
        static List <Type> ParseGenericMethodTypeArgs(ISeq targs)
            List <Type> types = new List <Type>();

            for (ISeq s = targs; s != null; s = s.next())
                object arg = s.first();
                if (!(arg is Symbol))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Malformed generic method designator: type arg must be a Symbol");
                Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(arg, false);
                if (t == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Malformed generic method designator: invalid type arg");

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (this == obj)
            if (!(obj is Sequential || obj is IList))
            ISeq ms = RT.seq(obj);

            for (ISeq s = seq(); s != null; s = s.next(), ms = ms.next())
                if (ms == null || !Util.equiv(s.first(), ms.first()))
            return(ms == null);
            static public object invokeStatic(ISeq args)
                if (args is IArraySeq ias)
                    object[]        argsarray = (object[])ias.ToArray();
                    IPersistentList ret       = EMPTY;
                    for (int i = argsarray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        ret = (IPersistentList)ret.cons(argsarray[i]);

                List <object> list = new List <object>();

                for (ISeq s = RT.seq(args); s != null; s = s.next())
        /// <summary>
        /// Move to the next item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><value>true</value> if there is a next item;
        /// <value>false</value> if the sequence is already at the end.</returns>
        public bool MoveNext()
            if (_isAtEnd || _origSeq == null)

            if (_seq == null)
                _seq = _origSeq;
                _seq = _seq.next();
                if (_seq == null)
                    _isAtEnd = true;
        public static bool mapEquals(IPersistentMap m1, Object obj)
            if (m1 == obj)

            //if(!(obj instanceof Map))
            //    return false;
            //Map m = (Map) obj;

            IDictionary d = obj as IDictionary;

            if (d == null)

            // Java had the following.
            // This works on other APersistentMap implementations, but not on
            //  arbitrary dictionaries.
            //if (d.Count != m1.Count || d.GetHashCode() != m1.GetHashCode())
            //    return false;

            if (d.Count != m1.count())

            for (ISeq s = m1.seq(); s != null; s = s.next())
                IMapEntry me    = (IMapEntry)s.first();
                bool      found = d.Contains(me.key());
                if (!found || !Util.equals(me.val(), d[me.key()]))
        public ITransientMap conj(object val)

                IMapEntry e = val as IMapEntry;
                if (e != null)
                    return(assoc(e.key(), e.val()));

            if (val is DictionaryEntry)
                DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)val;
                return(assoc(de.Key, de.Value));

                IPersistentVector v = val as IPersistentVector;
                if (v != null)
                    if (v.count() != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Vector arg to map conj must be a pair");
                    return(assoc(v.nth(0), v.nth(1)));

            // TODO: also handle KeyValuePair?
            ITransientMap ret = this;

            for (ISeq es = RT.seq(val); es != null; es = es.next())
                IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry)es.first();
                ret = ret.assoc(e.key(), e.val());
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if an object is equivalent to this (handles all collections).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The object to compare.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the object is equivalent; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In Java Rev 1215, Added equiv.  Same as the definition in Equals, as in they took out the hashcode comparison.
        /// Different, as in Util.Equal above became Util.equals. and below it is Util.equiv.
        /// </remarks>
        public bool equiv(object o)
            //if(!(obj instanceof Map))
            //    return false;
            //Map m = (Map) obj;

            if (o is IPersistentMap && !(o is MapEquivalence))

            IDictionary d = o as IDictionary;

            if (d == null)

            // Java had the following.
            // This works on other APersistentMap implementations, but not on
            //  arbitrary dictionaries.
            //if (d.Count != this.Count || d.GetHashCode() != this.GetHashCode())
            //    return false;

            if (d.Count != this.Count)

            for (ISeq s = seq(); s != null; s = s.next())
                IMapEntry me    = (IMapEntry)s.first();
                bool      found = d.Contains(me.key());
                if (!found || !Util.equiv(me.val(), d[me.key()]))
        public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentSet form)
            ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr();
            bool          constant  = true;

            IPersistentVector keys = PersistentVector.EMPTY;

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = s.next())
                object e    = s.first();
                Expr   expr = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e);
                keys = (IPersistentVector)keys.cons(expr);
                if (!(expr is LiteralExpr))
                    constant = false;
            Expr ret      = new SetExpr(keys);
            IObj iobjForm = form as IObj;

            if (iobjForm != null && iobjForm.meta() != null)
                return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret));
            else if (constant)
                IPersistentSet set = PersistentHashSet.EMPTY;
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++)
                    LiteralExpr ve = (LiteralExpr)keys.nth(i);
                    set = (IPersistentSet)set.cons(ve.Val);
                return(new ConstantExpr(set));
        public virtual void Emit(RHC rhc, ObjExpr objx, CljILGen ilg)
            //emitting a Fn means constructing an instance, feeding closed-overs from enclosing scope, if any
            //objx arg is enclosing objx, not this

            if (IsDefType)
                if (SupportsMeta)
                    ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, typeof(IPersistentMap));

                for (ISeq s = RT.keys(Closes); s != null; s = s.next())
                    LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding)s.first();
                    if (lb.PrimitiveType != null)
                        objx.EmitUnboxedLocal(ilg, lb);
                        objx.EmitLocal(ilg, lb);

                ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, _ctorInfo);

            if (rhc == RHC.Statement)
        public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentSet form)
            ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr();
            bool          constant  = true;

            IPersistentVector keys = PersistentVector.EMPTY;

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = s.next())
                object e    = s.first();
                Expr   expr = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e);
                keys = (IPersistentVector)keys.cons(expr);
                if (!(expr is LiteralExpr))
                    constant = false;
            Expr ret = new SetExpr(keys);

            if (form is IObj iobjForm && iobjForm.meta() != null)
                return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret));
        protected override void GenerateMethods(GenContext context)
            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(Methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                FnMethod method = (FnMethod)s.first();
                method.GenerateCode(this, context);

            if (IsVariadic)
                GenerateGetRequiredArityMethod(TypeBuilder, _variadicMethod.RequiredArity);

            List <int> supportedArities = new List <int>();

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(Methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                FnMethod method = (FnMethod)s.first();

            GenerateHasArityMethod(TypeBuilder, supportedArities, IsVariadic, IsVariadic ? _variadicMethod.RequiredArity : 0);
        private static void DefineMethod(TypeBuilder proxyTB, IPersistentVector sig)
            Symbol mname = (Symbol)sig.nth(0);

            Type[] paramTypes = GenClass.CreateTypeArray((ISeq)sig.nth(1));
            Type   retType    = (Type)sig.nth(2);
            ISeq   pmetas     = (ISeq)(sig.count() >= 4 ? sig.nth(3) : null);

            MethodBuilder mb = proxyTB.DefineMethod(mname.Name, MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, retType, paramTypes);

            SetCustomAttributes(mb, GenInterface.ExtractAttributes(RT.meta(mname)));
            int i = 1;

            for (ISeq s = pmetas; s != null; s = s.next(), i++)
                IPersistentMap meta = GenInterface.ExtractAttributes((IPersistentMap)s.first());
                if (meta != null && meta.count() > 0)
                    ParameterBuilder pb = mb.DefineParameter(i, ParameterAttributes.None, String.Format("p_{0}", i));
                    GenInterface.SetCustomAttributes(pb, meta);
        protected override void EmitMethods(TypeBuilder tb)
            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(_methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                FnMethod method = (FnMethod)s.first();
                method.Emit(this, tb);

            if (IsVariadic)
                EmitGetRequiredArityMethod(_typeBuilder, _variadicMethod.RequiredArity);

            List <int> supportedArities = new List <int>();

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(_methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                FnMethod method = (FnMethod)s.first();

            EmitHasArityMethod(_typeBuilder, supportedArities, IsVariadic, IsVariadic ? _variadicMethod.RequiredArity : 0);
        Type Generate(Type superclass, ISeq interfaces, IPersistentMap attributes, string className)
            // define the class
            List <Type> interfaceTypes = new List <Type>

            for (ISeq s = interfaces; s != null; s = s.next())

            TypeBuilder proxyTB = _context.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(
                TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Sealed,

            GenInterface.SetCustomAttributes(proxyTB, attributes);

            DefineCtors(proxyTB, superclass);
            MaybeImplementISerializable(proxyTB, interfaceTypes);
            FieldBuilder mapField = AddIProxyMethods(proxyTB);

            HashSet <Type>          allInterfaces  = GetAllInterfaces(interfaces);
            HashSet <MethodBuilder> specialMethods = new HashSet <MethodBuilder>();

            AddInterfaceMethods(proxyTB, mapField, superclass, allInterfaces, specialMethods);
            AddInterfaceProperties(proxyTB, superclass, allInterfaces, specialMethods);  // Must follow AddInterfaceMethods

            Type t = proxyTB.CreateType();

            //if (Compiler.IsCompiling)
            //    SaveProxyContext();
        public object this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "Index must be non-negative.");

                ISeq s = seq();
                for (int i = 0; s != null; s = s.next(), i++)
                    if (i == index)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "Index past end of sequence.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
 public object this[int index]
         //Java has this: return RT.nth(this, index);
         // THis causes an infinite loop in my code.
         // When this was introduces, a change was made in RT.nth that changed the List test in its type dispatch to RandomAccess.
         // CLR does not have the equivalent notion, so I just left it at IList.  BOOM!
         // So, I have to do a sequential search, duplicating some of the code in RT.nth.
         ISeq seq = this;
         for (int i = 0; i <= index && seq != null; ++i, seq = seq.next())
             if (i == index)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot modify an immutable sequence");
        protected override void EmitMethods(TypeBuilder tb)
            HashSet <MethodInfo> implemented = new HashSet <MethodInfo>();

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(Methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                NewInstanceMethod method = (NewInstanceMethod)s.first();
                method.Emit(this, tb);

            foreach (List <MethodInfo> ms in _methodMap.Values)
                foreach (MethodInfo mi in ms)
                    if (NeedsDummy(mi, implemented))
                        EmitDummyMethod(tb, mi, true);

            EmitHasArityMethod(TypeBuilder, null, false, 0);
 private static Object process_output(Object o, int level)
     if (o is IPersistentCollection)
         o = ((IPersistentCollection)o).seq();
     if (o is ISeq)
         ISeq     r2     = (ISeq)o;
         object[] outArr = new object[r2.count()];
         int      i      = 0;
         while (r2 != null)
             outArr[i] = level == 1 ? process_output(r2.first(), 0) : cleanValue(r2.first());
             r2 = r2.next();
         return(level == 1 ? pack(outArr) : outArr);
         return(level == 1 ? pack(cleanValue(o)) : cleanValue(o));
        protected override void GenerateMethods(GenContext context)
            HashSet <MethodInfo> implemented = new HashSet <MethodInfo>();

            for (ISeq s = RT.seq(Methods); s != null; s = s.next())
                NewInstanceMethod method = (NewInstanceMethod)s.first();
                method.GenerateCode(this, context);

            foreach (List <MethodInfo> ms in _methodMap.Values)
                foreach (MethodInfo mi in ms)
                    if (NeedsDummy(mi, implemented))
                        GenerateDummyMethod(context, mi);

            GenerateHasArityMethod(TypeBuilder, null, false, 0);
        static void GatherMethods(
            Type st,
            ISeq interfaces,
            out Dictionary<IPersistentVector, List<MethodInfo>> overrides)
            Dictionary<IPersistentVector, List<MethodInfo>> allm = new Dictionary<IPersistentVector, List<MethodInfo>>();
            GatherMethods(st, allm);
            for (; interfaces != null; interfaces = interfaces.next())
                GatherMethods((Type)interfaces.first(), allm);

            overrides = allm;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="PersistentHashMap">PersistentHashMap</see> initialized from 
 /// an <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see> of alternating keys and values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="items">An <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see> of alternating keys and values.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="PersistentHashMap">PersistentHashMap</see>.</returns>
 public static PersistentHashMap create(ISeq items)
     ITransientMap ret = (ITransientMap)EMPTY.asTransient();
     for (; items != null; items = items.next().next())
         if ( items.next() == null )
             throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No value supplied for key: {0}", items.first()));
         ret = ret.assoc(items.first(), RT.second(items) );
     return (PersistentHashMap)ret.persistent();
 public static PersistentHashSet createWithCheck(ISeq items)
     ITransientSet ret = (ITransientSet)EMPTY.asTransient(); 
     for (int i = 0; items != null; items = items.next(), ++i)
         ret = (ITransientSet)ret.conj(items.first());
         if (ret.count() != i + 1)
             throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate key: " + items.first());
     return (PersistentHashSet)ret.persistent();
 public static object ApplyToHelper(IFn fn, ISeq argList)
     switch (RT.BoundedLength(argList, 20))
         case 0:
             argList = null;
             return fn.invoke();
         case 1:
             return fn.invoke(Util.Ret1(argList.first(),argList=null));
         case 2:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(),argList = null)
         case 3:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 4:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 5:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 6:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 7:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 8:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 9:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 10:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 11:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 12:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 13:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 14:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 15:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 16:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 17:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 18:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 19:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
         case 20:
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , Util.Ret1((argList = argList.next()).first(), argList = null)
             return fn.invoke(argList.first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , (argList = argList.next()).first()
                     , RT.SeqToArray<object>(Util.Ret1(argList.next(),argList=null)));
        public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, ISeq form)
            pcon = pcon.EvEx();

            // TODO: DO we need the recur context here and below?
            Expr fexpr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon,form.first());

            if ( fexpr is VarExpr && ((VarExpr)fexpr).Var.Equals(Compiler.INSTANCE))
                if ( RT.second(form) is Symbol )
                    Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(RT.second(form),false);
                    if ( t != null )
                        return new InstanceOfExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(), (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SOURCE_SPAN.deref(), t, Compiler.Analyze(pcon,RT.third(form)));

            if (fexpr is VarExpr && pcon.Rhc != RHC.Eval)
                Var v = ((VarExpr)fexpr).Var;
                object arglists = RT.get(RT.meta(v), Compiler.ARGLISTS_KEY);
                int arity = RT.count(form.next());
                for (ISeq s = RT.seq(arglists); s != null; s = s.next())
                    IPersistentVector sargs = (IPersistentVector)s.first();
                    if (sargs.count() == arity)
                        string primc = FnMethod.PrimInterface(sargs);
                        if (primc != null)
                            return Compiler.Analyze(pcon,
                                            ((Symbol)form.first()).withMeta(RT.map(RT.TAG_KEY, Symbol.intern(primc))),

            if (fexpr is KeywordExpr && RT.count(form) == 2 && Compiler.KEYWORD_CALLSITES.isBound)
                Expr target = Compiler.Analyze(pcon, RT.second(form));
                return new KeywordInvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(), (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SOURCE_SPAN.deref(), Compiler.TagOf(form), (KeywordExpr)fexpr, target);

            IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
            for ( ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
                args = args.cons(Compiler.Analyze(pcon,s.first()));

            //if (args.count() > Compiler.MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY)
            //    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No more than {0} args supported", Compiler.MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY));

            return new InvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(),
                (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SOURCE_SPAN.deref(), //Compiler.GetSourceSpanMap(form),
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a struct from a struct definition and a sequence of alternating keys and values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="def">The struct definition</param>
 /// <param name="keyvals">A sequence of alternating keys and values.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="PersistentStructMap">PersistentStructMap</see>.</returns>
 public static PersistentStructMap create(Def def, ISeq keyvals)
     object[] vals = new object[def.Keyslots.count()];
     IPersistentMap ext = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
     for (; keyvals != null; keyvals = keyvals.next().next())
         if (keyvals.next() == null)
             throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No value supplied for key: {0}", keyvals.first()));
         object k = keyvals.first();
         object v = RT.second(keyvals);
         IMapEntry me = def.Keyslots.entryAt(k);
         if (me != null)
             vals[Util.ConvertToInt(me.val())] = v;
             ext = ext.assoc(k, v);
     return new PersistentStructMap(null, def, vals, ext);
        //static string[] InterfaceNames(IPersistentVector interfaces)
        //    int icnt = interfaces.count();
        //    string[] inames = icnt > 0 ? new string[icnt] : null;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < icnt; i++)
        //        inames[i] = SlashName((Type)interfaces.nth(i));
        //    return inames;

        //static string SlashName(Type t)
        //    return t.FullName.Replace(',', '/');


        #region Method reflection

        static void GatherMethods(
            Type st,
            ISeq interfaces,
            out Dictionary<IPersistentVector, IList<MethodInfo>> overrides,
            out Dictionary<IPersistentVector, IList<MethodInfo>> explicits)
            overrides = new Dictionary<IPersistentVector, IList<MethodInfo>>();
            explicits = new Dictionary<IPersistentVector, IList<MethodInfo>>();

            GatherMethods(st, overrides);
            for (; interfaces != null; interfaces = interfaces.next()) {
                GatherMethods((Type)interfaces.first(), overrides);
        public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, ISeq form)
            pcon = pcon.EvalOrExpr();

            Expr fexpr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon,form.first());
            VarExpr varFexpr = fexpr as VarExpr;

            if (varFexpr != null && varFexpr.Var.Equals(Compiler.InstanceVar))
                if ( RT.second(form) is Symbol )
                    Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(RT.second(form),false);
                    if ( t != null )
                        return new InstanceOfExpr((string)Compiler.SourceVar.deref(), (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref(), t, Compiler.Analyze(pcon,RT.third(form)));

            if (varFexpr != null && pcon.Rhc != RHC.Eval)
                Var v = varFexpr.Var;
                object arglists = RT.get(RT.meta(v), Compiler.ArglistsKeyword);
                int arity = RT.count(form.next());
                for (ISeq s = RT.seq(arglists); s != null; s = s.next())
                    IPersistentVector sargs = (IPersistentVector)s.first();
                    if (sargs.count() == arity)
                        string primc = FnMethod.PrimInterface(sargs);
                        if (primc != null)
                            return Compiler.Analyze(pcon,
                                            ((Symbol)form.first()).withMeta(RT.map(RT.TagKey, Symbol.intern(primc))),

            KeywordExpr kwFexpr = fexpr as KeywordExpr;

            if (kwFexpr != null && RT.count(form) == 2 && Compiler.KeywordCallsitesVar.isBound)
                Expr target = Compiler.Analyze(pcon, RT.second(form));
                return new KeywordInvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SourceVar.deref(), (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref(), Compiler.TagOf(form), kwFexpr, target);

            IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
            for ( ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
                args = args.cons(Compiler.Analyze(pcon,s.first()));

            //if (args.count() > Compiler.MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY)
            //    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No more than {0} args supported", Compiler.MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY));

            return new InvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SourceVar.deref(),
                (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref(), //Compiler.GetSourceSpanMap(form),
        public static PersistentVector create(ISeq items)
            Object[] arr = new Object[32];
            int i = 0;
            for (; items != null && i < 32; items = items.next())
                arr[i++] = items.first();

            if (items != null)
                // >32, construct with array directly
                PersistentVector start = new PersistentVector(32, 5, EmptyNode, arr);
                TransientVector ret = (TransientVector)start.asTransient();
                for (; items != null; items = items.next())
                    ret = (TransientVector)ret.conj(items.first());
                return (PersistentVector)ret.persistent();
            else if (i == 32)
                // exactly 32, skip copy
                return new PersistentVector(32, 5, EmptyNode, arr);
                // <32, copy to minimum array and construct
                Object[] arr2 = new Object[i];
                Array.Copy(arr, 0, arr2, 0, i);

                return new PersistentVector(i, 5, EmptyNode, arr2);
        private static object MacroexpandSeq1(ISeq form)
            object op = RT.first(form);

            if (IsSpecial(op))
                return form;

            // macro expansion
            Var v = IsMacro(op);
            if (v != null)
                    return v.applyTo(RT.cons(form, RT.cons(LocalEnvVar.get(), form.next())));
                catch (ArityException e)
                    // hide the 2 extra params for a macro
                    throw new ArityException(e.Actual - 2, e.Name);
                Symbol sym = op as Symbol;
                if (sym != null)
                    string sname = sym.Name;
                    // (.substring s 2 5) => (. x substring 2 5)
                    if (sname[0] == '.')
                        if (form.count() < 2)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Malformed member expression, expecting (.member target ...)");
                        Symbol method = Symbol.intern(sname.Substring(1));
                        object target = RT.second(form);
                        if (HostExpr.MaybeType(target, false) != null)
                            target = ((IObj)RT.list(IdentitySym, target)).withMeta(RT.map(RT.TagKey, ClassSym));
                        // We need to make sure source information gets transferred
                        return MaybeTransferSourceInfo(PreserveTag(form, RT.listStar(DotSym, target, method, form.next().next())), form);
                    else if (NamesStaticMember(sym))
                        Symbol target = Symbol.intern(sym.Namespace);
                        Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(target, false);
                        if (t != null)
                            Symbol method = Symbol.intern(sym.Name);
                            // We need to make sure source information gets transferred
                            return MaybeTransferSourceInfo(PreserveTag(form, RT.listStar(Compiler.DotSym, target, method, form.next())), form);
                        // (x.substring 2 5) =>  (. x substring 2 5)
                        // also (package.class.name ... ) (. package.class name ... )
                        int index = sname.LastIndexOf('.');
                        if (index == sname.Length - 1)
                            // We need to make sure source information gets transferred
                            return MaybeTransferSourceInfo(RT.listStar(Compiler.NewSym, Symbol.intern(sname.Substring(0, index)), form.next()), form);

            return form;
 public void VerifyISeqRestTypes(ISeq s, Type type)
     for ( ; s.next() != null; s = s.next())
         Expect(s.next(), InstanceOf(type));
 public static PersistentVector create(ISeq items)
     ITransientCollection ret = EMPTY.asTransient();
     for (; items != null; items = items.next())
         ret = ret.conj(items.first());
     return (PersistentVector)ret.persistent();
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="PersistentVector">PersistentVector</see> from an <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="items">A sequence of items.</param>
 /// <returns>An initialized vector.</returns>
 public static PersistentVector create(ISeq items)
     IPersistentVector ret = EMPTY;
     for (; items != null; items = items.next())
         ret = ret.cons(items.first());
     return (PersistentVector)ret;
        public override object applyTo(ISeq args)
            int reqArity = getRequiredArity();

            if (RT.BoundedLength(args, reqArity) <= reqArity)
                return AFn.ApplyToHelper(this, Util.Ret1(args, args = null));

            switch (reqArity)
                case 0:
                    return doInvoke(Util.Ret1(args, args = null));
                case 1:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 2:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 3:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 4:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 5:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 6:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 7:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 8:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 9:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 10:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 11:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 12:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 13:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 14:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 15:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 16:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 17:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 18:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 19:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));
                case 20:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , Util.Ret1(args.next(), args = null));

            throw WrongArityException(-1);
 private static ISeq sqExpandList(ISeq seq)
     IPersistentVector ret = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
     for (; seq != null; seq = seq.next())
         Object item = seq.first();
         //if (item is Unquote)
         //    ret = ret.cons(RT.list(LIST, ((Unquote)item).Obj));
         // REV 1184
         if (isUnquote(item))
             ret = ret.cons(RT.list(LIST, RT.second(item)));
         else if (isUnquoteSplicing(item))
             ret = ret.cons(RT.second(item));
             ret = ret.cons(RT.list(LIST, syntaxQuote(item)));
     return ret.seq();
        private static object MacroexpandSeq1(ISeq form)
            object op = RT.first(form);

            if (IsSpecial(op))
                return form;

            // macro expansion
            Var v = IsMacro(op);
            if (v != null)
                    Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(RT.MACRO_META, RT.meta(form)));
                    return v.applyTo(form.next());
                if (op is Symbol)
                    Symbol sym = (Symbol)op;
                    string sname = sym.Name;
                    // (.substring s 2 5) => (. x substring 2 5)
                    if (sname[0] == '.')
                        if (form.count() < 2)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Malformed member expression, expecting (.member target ...)");
                        Symbol method = Symbol.intern(sname.Substring(1));
                        // TODO:  Figure out why the following change made in Java Rev 1158 breaks ants.clj
                        // Note on that revision: force instance member interpretation of (.method ClassName), e.g. (.getMethods String) works
                        //  However, when I do this, it makes ants.clj choke on: (def white-brush (new SolidBrush (.White Color)))
                        object target = RT.second(form);
                        if (MaybeType(target, false) != null)
                            //target = RT.list(IDENTITY, target);
                            target = ((IObj)RT.list(IDENTITY, target)).withMeta(RT.map(RT.TAG_KEY, CLASS));
                        return RT.listStar(DOT, target, method, form.next().next());
                        // safe substitute: return RT.listStar(Compiler.DOT, RT.second(form), method, form.next().next());
                    else if (NamesStaticMember(sym))
                        Symbol target = Symbol.intern(sym.Namespace);
                        Type t = MaybeType(target, false);
                        if (t != null)
                            Symbol method = Symbol.intern(sym.Name);
                            return RT.listStar(Compiler.DOT, target, method, form.next());
                        // (x.substring 2 5) =>  (. s substring 2 5)
                        int index = sname.LastIndexOf('.');
                        if (index == sname.Length - 1)
                            return RT.listStar(Compiler.NEW, Symbol.intern(sname.Substring(0, index)), form.next());

            return form;
        public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, ISeq form)
            pcon = pcon.EvEx();

            // TODO: DO we need the recur context here and below?
            Expr fexpr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon,form.first());

            if ( fexpr is VarExpr && ((VarExpr)fexpr).Var.Equals(Compiler.INSTANCE))
                if ( RT.second(form) is Symbol )
                    Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(RT.second(form),false);
                    if ( t != null )
                        return new InstanceOfExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(), (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SOURCE_SPAN.deref(), t, Compiler.Analyze(pcon,RT.third(form)));

            if (fexpr is VarExpr && pcon.Rhc != RHC.Eval)
                Var v = ((VarExpr)fexpr).Var;
                if (RT.booleanCast(RT.get(RT.meta(v), Compiler.STATIC_KEY)))
                    return StaticInvokeExpr.Parse(v, RT.next(form), Compiler.TagOf(form));

            if (fexpr is KeywordExpr && RT.count(form) == 2 && Compiler.KEYWORD_CALLSITES.isBound)
                Expr target = Compiler.Analyze(pcon, RT.second(form));
                return new KeywordInvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(), (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SOURCE_SPAN.deref(), Compiler.TagOf(form), (KeywordExpr)fexpr, target);

            IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
            for ( ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
                args = args.cons(Compiler.Analyze(pcon,s.first()));
            return new InvokeExpr((string)Compiler.SOURCE.deref(),
                (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SOURCE_SPAN.deref(), //Compiler.GetSourceSpanMap(form),
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="PersistentTreeMap">PersistentTreeMap</see> from a comparison method
 /// an <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see> of alternating keys and values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="comp">A comparison method.</param>
 /// <param name="items">The <see cref="ISeq">ISeq</see>  of alternating keys and values.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="PersistentTreeMap">PersistentTreeMap</see>.</returns>
 public static PersistentTreeMap create(IComparer comp, ISeq items)
     IPersistentMap ret = new PersistentTreeMap(comp);
     for (; items != null; items = items.next().next())
         if (items.next() == null)
             throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No value supplied for key: %s", items.first()));
         ret = ret.assoc(items.first(), RT.second(items));
     return (PersistentTreeMap)ret;
        private static object MacroexpandSeq1(ISeq form)
            object op = RT.first(form);

            if (IsSpecial(op))
                return form;

            // macro expansion
            Var v = IsMacro(op);
            if (v != null)
                // TODO: Check this against current code
                return v.applyTo(RT.cons(form, RT.cons(LOCAL_ENV.get(), form.next())));
                if (op is Symbol)
                    Symbol sym = (Symbol)op;
                    string sname = sym.Name;
                    // (.substring s 2 5) => (. x substring 2 5)
                    if (sname[0] == '.')
                        if (form.count() < 2)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Malformed member expression, expecting (.member target ...)");
                        Symbol method = Symbol.intern(sname.Substring(1));
                        object target = RT.second(form);
                        if (HostExpr.MaybeType(target, false) != null)
                            target = ((IObj)RT.list(IDENTITY, target)).withMeta(RT.map(RT.TAG_KEY, CLASS));
                        // We need to make sure source information gets transferred
                        return MaybeTransferSourceInfo(PreserveTag(form, RT.listStar(DOT, target, method, form.next().next())), form);
                    else if (NamesStaticMember(sym))
                        Symbol target = Symbol.intern(sym.Namespace);
                        Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(target, false);
                        if (t != null)
                            Symbol method = Symbol.intern(sym.Name);
                            // We need to make sure source information gets transferred
                            return MaybeTransferSourceInfo(PreserveTag(form, RT.listStar(Compiler.DOT, target, method, form.next())), form);
                        // (x.substring 2 5) =>  (. x substring 2 5)
                        // also (package.class.name ... ) (. package.class name ... )
                        int index = sname.LastIndexOf('.');
                        if (index == sname.Length - 1)
                            // We need to make sure source information gets transferred
                            return MaybeTransferSourceInfo(RT.listStar(Compiler.NEW, Symbol.intern(sname.Substring(0, index)), form.next()), form);

            return form;
 public static PersistentHashMap createWithCheck(ISeq items)
     ITransientMap ret = (ITransientMap)EMPTY.asTransient();
     for (int i = 0; items != null; items = items.next().next(), ++i)
         if (items.next() == null)
             throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("No value supplied for key: {0}", items.first()));
         ret = ret.assoc(items.first(), RT.second(items));
         if (ret.count() != i + 1)
             throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate key: " + items.first());
     return (PersistentHashMap)ret.persistent();
 // do we need this?
 protected static ISeq FindKey(object key, ISeq args)
     while (args != null)
         if (key == args.first())
             return args.next();
         args = RT.next(args);
         args = RT.next(args);
     return null;
        public override object applyTo(ISeq args)
            if (RT.BoundedLength(args, _reqArity) <= _reqArity)
                return base.applyTo(args);

            switch (_reqArity)
                case 0:
                    return doInvoke(args);
                case 1:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , args.next());
                case 2:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 3:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 4:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 5:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 6:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 7:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 8:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 9:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 10:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 11:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 12:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 13:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 14:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 15:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 16:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 17:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 18:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 19:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());
                case 20:
                    return doInvoke(args.first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , (args = args.next()).first()
                            , args.next());

            throw WrongArityException();
        private static Expression GenerateInvoke(ISeq form)
            Expression fn = Generate(form.first());

            fn = Expression.Convert(fn,typeof(IFn));

            ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next());
            int n = s == null ? 0 : s.count();
            Expression[] args = new Expression[n];
            for (int i = 0; s != null; s = s.next(), i++)
                args[i] = MaybeBox(Generate(s.first()));

            Type returnType = ComputeInvocationReturnType(form.first(), form);

            Expression call = GenerateInvocation(returnType, fn, args);

            return call;