public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            var musicData = data as IMusicData;

            MusicTrack[]  tracks  = musicData.MusicTracks();
            AudioSource[] sources = musicAudioSources.GetComponentsInChildren <AudioSource>();

            // Keep runing till replaced by new enumerator
            while (true)
                for (int i = 0; i < sources.Length; i++)
                    // TODO: Using tracks length in such a fasion assumes that the number of 'a' tracks is the same number
                    // of 'b' tracks and the same number of 'percussion' tracks etc. If we want a different size array for each
                    // type of track this code needs to be changed accordingly.
                    int   trackIndex = i / tracks.Length;
                    float vol        = 0;
                    int   innerIndex = i % tracks.Length;

                    if (innerIndex == tracks[trackIndex].track)
                        // Debug.Log("I: " + i.ToString() + " track index: " + trackIndex.ToString() + " Inner index: " + innerIndex.ToString());
                        vol = tracks[trackIndex].vol;

                    var newVolume = Mathf.Lerp(originalVolumes[sources[i].name], vol, changeSpeed * (Time.time - startTime));
                    sources[i].volume = newVolume;

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            var groundData   = data as IGroundData;
            var groundColors = groundData.GroundColors();

            // Keep runing till replaced by new enumerator
            while (true)
                // Change each layer color
                for (int i = 0; i < MaxLayers; i++)
                    var currColor = Color.Lerp(orgLayerColors[i], Helpers.FromText(groundColors[i]), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime));
                    textureData.layers[i].tint = currColor;

                // Apply color changes

                // Change glossiness and metallic
                groundMaterial.SetFloat(Glossiness, Mathf.Lerp(orgGlosiness, groundData.Smoothness(), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime)));
                groundMaterial.SetFloat(Glossiness, Mathf.Lerp(orgMetallic, groundData.Metallic(), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime)));

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            System.Random random = new System.Random();
            var           animalData = data as IAnimalsData;
            float         actualPosX, actualPosZ;

            int[] maxes = new int[] { 1, 1 };

            foreach (var animal in animalData.Animals())
                // Origin center of section
                actualPosX = origin.x + (animal.pos_x_percent * sectionData.SectionLength() * Globals.animalSeperateMul);
                actualPosZ = origin.z + (animal.pos_z_percent * sectionData.SectionLength() * Globals.animalSeperateMul);

                // FOR DEBUG (choose one of the available animal subsub types)
                int subSubType = random.Next(1, maxes[animal.subtypeIndex - 1]);

                var animalName = "Animals_" + animal.subtypeIndex + "_" + subSubType;
                //var newAnimal = GameObject.Instantiate(originalModels.transform.Find(animalName));
                GameObject newAnimal;

                if (poolsDict[animalName].TryGetNextObject(new Vector3(), Quaternion.Euler(0, animal.angle * 360, 0), out newAnimal))
                    // Set org scale
                    newAnimal.GetComponent <ItemComponent>().SetOrgLocalScale(newAnimal.transform.localScale);

                    // Uniform scale
                    newAnimal.transform.localScale *= animal.scale_mul;

                    // Rotation around Y axis
                    //newAnimal.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, animal.angle * 360, 0);

                    // Set chunk parent
                    var chunk = Helpers.FindClosestTerrain(terrainChunksParent, new Vector2(actualPosX, actualPosZ));
                    chunk.AddItem(newAnimal.GetComponent <ItemComponent>());

                    if (newAnimal.GetComponent <GroundItemComponent>() != null)
                        // Save original actual pos
                        newAnimal.GetComponent <GroundItemComponent>().ActualOriginalPos = new Vector2(actualPosX, actualPosZ);

                        // Set inital pos!
                        chunk.PositionSingleGroundItem(newAnimal.GetComponent <GroundItemComponent>());
                    else if (newAnimal.GetComponent <AirborneItemComponent>() != null)
                        // Set current item position
                        newAnimal.GetComponent <ItemComponent>().UpdatePosition(new Vector3(actualPosX, animal.height, actualPosZ));

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            var skyData = data as ISkyData;

            // Keep runing till replaced by new enumerator
            while (true)
                // Interpolate colors!
                // Interpolate Environment settings & directional lights as well
                var newSkyColor = Color.Lerp(orgSkyColor, Helpers.FromText(skyData.ColorSky()), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime));
                skyMaterial.SetColor(SkyColorId, newSkyColor);
                RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = newSkyColor;

                // Darken color
                float h, s, v;
                Color.RGBToHSV(newSkyColor, out h, out s, out v);
                v = Mathf.Clamp01(v * FogDarknessFactor);

                RenderSettings.fogColor = Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, v); // TODO Color a bit darker than the actual sky color!

                foreach (var light in lights.GetComponentsInChildren <Light>())
                    // Just a touch of the new light color
                    light.color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, newSkyColor, 0.1f);

                // Change horizon to new horizon color
                if (skyData.IsSkyGradient())
                    var newHorizonColor = Color.Lerp(orgHorizonColor, Helpers.FromText(skyData.ColorHorizon()), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime));
                    RenderSettings.ambientEquatorColor = newHorizonColor;
                    skyMaterial.SetColor(HorizonColorId, newHorizonColor);
                    var newHorizonColor = Color.Lerp(orgHorizonColor, Helpers.FromText(skyData.ColorSky()), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime));

                    // Change horizon to sky color
                    RenderSettings.ambientEquatorColor = newHorizonColor;
                    skyMaterial.SetColor(HorizonColorId, newHorizonColor);

                // Change ground color to match horizon
                RenderSettings.ambientGroundColor = RenderSettings.ambientEquatorColor;

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            var pathData = data as IPathData;

            // Keep runing till replaced by new enumerator
            while (true)
                BloomModel.Settings effectSettings = myProfile.bloom.settings;

                // Lerp changes
                effectSettings.bloom.intensity = Mathf.Lerp(orgIntensity, pathData.BloomIntensity(), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime));
                effectSettings.bloom.threshold = Mathf.Lerp(orgThreshold, pathData.BloomThreshold(), Globals.speedChange * (Time.time - startTime));

                myProfile.bloom.settings = effectSettings;

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            System.Random random = new System.Random();
            var           rocksData = data as IRocksData;
            float         actualPosX, actualPosZ;

            int[] maxes = new int[] { 6 };

            foreach (var rock in rocksData.Rocks())
                // Origin center of section
                actualPosX = origin.x + (rock.pos_x_percent * sectionData.SectionLength() * Globals.groundSeperateMul);
                actualPosZ = origin.z + (rock.pos_z_percent * sectionData.SectionLength() * Globals.groundSeperateMul);

                // FOR DEBUG
                int subSubType = random.Next(1, maxes[rock.subtypeIndex - 1]);
                var rockName   = "Rocks_" + rock.subtypeIndex + "_" + subSubType;
                //var newRock = GameObject.Instantiate(originalModels.transform.Find(rockName));
                GameObject newRock;

                if (poolsDict[rockName].TryGetNextObject(new Vector3(), Globals.defaultRotation, out newRock))
                    newRock.GetComponent <ItemComponent>().SetOrgLocalScale(newRock.transform.localScale);

                    // Uniform scale
                    newRock.transform.localScale *= rock.scale_mul;

                    // Set chunk parent
                    var chunk = Helpers.FindClosestTerrain(terrainChunksParent, new Vector2(actualPosX, actualPosZ));
                    chunk.AddItem(newRock.GetComponent <ItemComponent>());

                    // Save original actual pos
                    newRock.GetComponent <GroundItemComponent>().ActualOriginalPos = new Vector2(actualPosX, actualPosZ);

                    // Set inital pos!
                    chunk.PositionSingleGroundItem(newRock.GetComponent <GroundItemComponent>());

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            var weatherData = data as IWeatherData;

            // Cancel any active weather effects
            if (!weatherData.IsWeatherActive())
                // If no more particles & active - turn inactive
                if (hail.isPlaying)
                    hail.Stop(true, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting);

            while (weatherData.IsWeatherActive())
                // Enable correct system once
                if (!hail.isPlaying && (weatherData.WeatherType() == WeatherTypes.Hail))
                    // If type and active mismatch but weather should be active, set active/inactive according to type

                // Enable/disable wind once
                if (wind.gameObject.activeSelf != weatherData.IsWindActive())

                // TODO make change to weather more versetile
                main.gravityModifier    = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(Mathf.Lerp(main.gravityModifier.constant, weatherData.GravityModifier(), Globals.speedChange * Time.deltaTime));
                wind.windMain           = Mathf.Lerp(wind.windMain, weatherData.WindMain(), Globals.speedChange * Time.deltaTime);
                wind.windTurbulence     = Mathf.Lerp(wind.windTurbulence, weatherData.WindTurbulence(), Globals.speedChange * Time.deltaTime);
                wind.windPulseMagnitude = Mathf.Lerp(wind.windPulseMagnitude, weatherData.WindPulseMag(), Globals.speedChange * Time.deltaTime);
                wind.windPulseFrequency = Mathf.Lerp(wind.windPulseFrequency, weatherData.WindPulseFreq(), Globals.speedChange * Time.deltaTime);

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            System.Random random = new System.Random();
            var           cloudData = data as ICloudsData;
            float         actualPosX, actualPosZ;

            int[] maxes = new int[] { 3, 9 };

            foreach (var cloud in cloudData.Clouds())
                // Origin center of section
                actualPosX = origin.x + (cloud.pos_x_percent * sectionData.SectionLength() * Globals.cloudSeperateMul);
                actualPosZ = origin.z + (cloud.pos_z_percent * sectionData.SectionLength() * Globals.cloudSeperateMul);

                // FOR DEBUG
                int subSubType = random.Next(1, maxes[cloud.subtypeIndex - 1]);
                var cloudName  = "Clouds_" + cloud.subtypeIndex + "_" + subSubType;
                //GameObject newCloud = GameObject.Instantiate(originalModels.transform.Find(plantName));
                GameObject newCloud;

                if (poolsDict[cloudName].TryGetNextObject(new Vector3(), Globals.defaultRotation, out newCloud))
                    newCloud.GetComponent <ItemComponent>().SetOrgLocalScale(newCloud.transform.localScale);

                    // Uniform scale
                    newCloud.transform.localScale *= cloud.scale_mul;

                    // Set chunk parent
                    var chunk = Helpers.FindClosestTerrain(terrainChunksParent, new Vector2(actualPosX, actualPosZ));
                    chunk.AddItem(newCloud.GetComponent <ItemComponent>());

                    // Set current item position to X, Y = cloud height, Z
                    newCloud.GetComponent <ItemComponent>().UpdatePosition(new Vector3(actualPosX, cloud.height, actualPosZ));

                yield return(Globals.EndOfFrame);
        public IEnumerator <WaitForEndOfFrame> ModifySection(ISentenceData data)
            var sectionData = data as ISectionData;

            // Get data
            angles = sectionData.SectionAngles();
            Array.Sort(angles, new SectionAngleComp());

            points = new Vector2[angles.Length + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < angles.Length; i++)
                points[i] = new Vector2(initialPosition.x + angles[i].pos_x * sectionData.SectionLength(),
                                        initialPosition.z + angles[i].pos_z * sectionData.SectionLength());

            points[angles.Length] = new Vector2(sectionData.SectionLength(), 0);

            // Move Character! Currently not working well...
            // If not done with curr sub path
            //if (Vector2.Distance(points[currSubPath], new Vector2(player.position.x, player.position.z)) < distThreshold) {
            //    currSubPath++;

            //if (currSubPath < points.Length)
            //    movement = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(points[currSubPath].x - player.position.x, 0, 1),
            //                       Mathf.Clamp(points[currSubPath].y - player.position.z, 0, 1));
            //    movement = new Vector2();

            yield return(null);