private static byte[] EncryptKeyData(
            byte[] rawKeyData,
            SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag encAlgorithm,
            char[] passPhrase,
            ISecureRandom random,
            out S2k s2K,
            out byte[] iv)
            IBufferedCipher c;

                var cName = PgpUtilities.GetSymmetricCipherName(encAlgorithm);
                c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(cName + "/CFB/NoPadding");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new PgpException("Exception creating cipher", e);

            var s2KIv = new byte[8];

            s2K = new S2k(HashAlgorithmTag.Sha1, s2KIv, 0x60);

            var kp = PgpUtilities.MakeKeyFromPassPhrase(encAlgorithm, s2K, passPhrase);

            iv = new byte[c.GetBlockSize()];

            c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(new ParametersWithIV(kp, iv), random));

         * Method init
         * @param forWrapping
         * @param param
        public void Init(
            bool forWrapping,
            ICipherParameters parameters)
            this.forWrapping = forWrapping;
            this.engine      = new CbcBlockCipher(new RC2Engine());

            if (parameters is ParametersWithRandom)
                ParametersWithRandom pWithR = (ParametersWithRandom)parameters;
                sr         = pWithR.Random;
                parameters = pWithR.Parameters;
                sr = new SecureRandom();

            if (parameters is ParametersWithIV)
                if (!forWrapping)
                    throw new ArgumentException("You should not supply an IV for unwrapping");

                this.paramPlusIV = (ParametersWithIV)parameters;
                this.iv          = this.paramPlusIV.GetIV();
                this.parameters  = this.paramPlusIV.Parameters;

                if (this.iv.Length != 8)
                    throw new ArgumentException("IV is not 8 octets");
                this.parameters = parameters;

                if (this.forWrapping)
                    // Hm, we have no IV but we want to wrap ?!?
                    // well, then we have to create our own IV.
                    this.iv = new byte[8];
                    this.paramPlusIV = new ParametersWithIV(this.parameters, this.iv);
        public byte[] Wrap(
            byte[]  inBytes,
            int inOff,
            int inLen)
            if (!forWrapping)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("not set for wrapping");

            engine.Init(true, param);

            int blockSize = engine.GetBlockSize();

            byte[] cekBlock;

            if (inLen + 4 < blockSize * 2)
                cekBlock = new byte[blockSize * 2];
                cekBlock = new byte[(inLen + 4) % blockSize == 0 ? inLen + 4 : ((inLen + 4) / blockSize + 1) * blockSize];

            cekBlock[0] = (byte)inLen;
            cekBlock[1] = (byte)~inBytes[inOff];
            cekBlock[2] = (byte)~inBytes[inOff + 1];
            cekBlock[3] = (byte)~inBytes[inOff + 2];

            Array.Copy(inBytes, inOff, cekBlock, 4, inLen);

            rand.NextBytes(cekBlock, inLen + 4, cekBlock.Length - inLen - 4);

            for (int i = 0; i < cekBlock.Length; i += blockSize)
                engine.ProcessBlock(cekBlock, i, cekBlock, i);

            for (int i = 0; i < cekBlock.Length; i += blockSize)
                engine.ProcessBlock(cekBlock, i, cekBlock, i);

        private byte[] EncodeBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, int inLen)
            if (inLen > GetInputBlockSize())
                throw new ArgumentException(@"input data too large", "inLen");

            var block = new byte[_engine.GetInputBlockSize()];

            if (_forPrivateKey)
                block[0] = 0x01;                        // type code 1

                for (var i = 1; i != block.Length - inLen - 1; i++)
                    block[i] = (byte)0xFF;
                _random.NextBytes(block);               // random fill

                block[0] = 0x02;                        // type code 2

                // a zero byte marks the end of the padding, so all
                // the pad bytes must be non-zero.
                for (var i = 1; i != block.Length - inLen - 1; i++)
                    while (block[i] == 0)
                        block[i] = (byte)_random.NextInt();

            block[block.Length - inLen - 1] = 0x00;       // mark the end of the padding
            Array.Copy(input, inOff, block, block.Length - inLen, inLen);

            return(_engine.ProcessBlock(block, 0, block.Length));
        /// <summary> Generate a signature for the message we've been loaded with using
        /// the key we were initialised with.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual byte[] GenerateSignature()
            _contentDigest1.DoFinal(_mDash, _mDash.Length - _hLen - _sLen);

            if (_sLen != 0)
                _salt.CopyTo(_mDash, _mDash.Length - _sLen);

            var h = new byte[_hLen];

            _contentDigest2.BlockUpdate(_mDash, 0, _mDash.Length);

            _contentDigest2.DoFinal(h, 0);

            _block[_block.Length - _sLen - 1 - _hLen - 1] = (byte)(0x01);
            _salt.CopyTo(_block, _block.Length - _sLen - _hLen - 1);

            byte[] dbMask = MaskGeneratorFunction1(h, 0, h.Length, _block.Length - _hLen - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i != dbMask.Length; i++)
                _block[i] ^= dbMask[i];

            _block[0] &= (byte)((0xff >> ((_block.Length * 8) - _emBits)));

            h.CopyTo(_block, _block.Length - _hLen - 1);

            _block[_block.Length - 1] = _trailer;

            byte[] b = _cipher.ProcessBlock(_block, 0, _block.Length);


        private static byte[] EncryptKeyData(
            byte[] rawKeyData,
            SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag encAlgorithm,
            char[] passPhrase,
            ISecureRandom random,
            out S2k s2K,
            out byte[] iv)
            IBufferedCipher c;
                var cName = PgpUtilities.GetSymmetricCipherName(encAlgorithm);
                c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(cName + "/CFB/NoPadding");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new PgpException("Exception creating cipher", e);

            var s2KIv = new byte[8];
            s2K = new S2k(HashAlgorithmTag.Sha1, s2KIv, 0x60);

            var kp = PgpUtilities.MakeKeyFromPassPhrase(encAlgorithm, s2K, passPhrase);

            iv = new byte[c.GetBlockSize()];

            c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(new ParametersWithIV(kp, iv), random));

            return c.DoFinal(rawKeyData);
        /// <summary> Generate a signature for the loaded message using the key we were
        /// initialised with.
        /// </summary>
        public byte[] GenerateSignature()
            int digSize = digest.GetDigestSize();

            byte[] m2Hash = new byte[digSize];
            digest.DoFinal(m2Hash, 0);

            byte[] C = new byte[8];
            LtoOSP(messageLength * 8, C);

            digest.BlockUpdate(C, 0, C.Length);
            digest.BlockUpdate(mBuf, 0, messageLength);
            digest.BlockUpdate(m2Hash, 0, m2Hash.Length);

            byte[] salt;
            if (standardSalt != null)
                salt = standardSalt;
                salt = new byte[saltLength];

            digest.BlockUpdate(salt, 0, salt.Length);

            byte[] hash = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()];
            digest.DoFinal(hash, 0);

            int tLength = 2;

            if (trailer == TrailerImplicit)
                tLength = 1;

            int off = block.Length - messageLength - salt.Length - hLen - tLength - 1;

            block[off] = (byte)(0x01);

            Array.Copy(mBuf, 0, block, off + 1, messageLength);
            Array.Copy(salt, 0, block, off + 1 + messageLength, salt.Length);

            byte[] dbMask = MaskGeneratorFunction1(hash, 0, hash.Length, block.Length - hLen - tLength);
            for (int i = 0; i != dbMask.Length; i++)
                block[i] ^= dbMask[i];

            Array.Copy(hash, 0, block, block.Length - hLen - tLength, hLen);

            if (trailer == TrailerImplicit)
                block[block.Length - 1] = (byte)TrailerImplicit;
                block[block.Length - 2] = (byte)((uint)trailer >> 8);
                block[block.Length - 1] = (byte)trailer;

            block[0] &= (byte)(0x7f);

            byte[] b = cipher.ProcessBlock(block, 0, block.Length);

            messageLength = 0;
