private void StartSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ISearchAlgorithm sa = (ISearchAlgorithm)this.Algorithms.SelectedItem; _activeResults = sa.Search(_activeProblem); _activeResultsMethod = sa.ToString(); RefeshUIComponents(); }
// optimal cost of -1 represents no solution! private void TestSolver <TProblemState>(ISearchAlgorithm <TProblemState> solver, IProblem <TProblemState> problem, double optimalCost) where TProblemState : IProblemState <TProblemState> { output.WriteLine(solver.ToString()); var timer = new Stopwatch(); double lastTotalS = 0d; ulong lastEvals = 0UL; // var reportingTimer = new Timer(10_000); Action reportingHeartbeat = () => { var currentTotalS = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; var currentEvals = solver.StatesEvaluated; var statesPerSecond = (currentEvals - lastEvals) / (currentTotalS - lastTotalS); output.WriteLine($"evals: {solver.StatesEvaluated:#,0} ms: {timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds} S/s: {statesPerSecond:#,#.###} cost: {solver.MaxCostEvaulated}"); lastTotalS = currentTotalS; lastEvals = currentEvals; }; reportingTimer.Elapsed += (Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) => reportingHeartbeat(); reportingTimer.AutoReset = true; reportingTimer.Enabled = true; timer.Start(); var solution = solver.Solve(problem); timer.Stop(); reportingTimer.Enabled = false; reportingHeartbeat(); output.WriteLine("Time: {0}", timer.Elapsed); if (solution == null) { Assert.True(optimalCost == -1d, "Found no solution but one should exist."); } else { var state = problem.GetInitialState(); output.WriteLine("Initial State ----------------"); output.WriteLine(state.ToString()); int i = 0; double stepCost, totalCost = 0d; foreach (var move in solution) { i++; (state, stepCost) = problem.ApplyAction(state, move); totalCost += stepCost; //output.WriteLine(state.ToString()); } output.WriteLine("Final State ({0} moves, {1} cost) ----------------", i, totalCost); output.WriteLine(state.ToString()); Assert.True(problem.IsGoal(state), "Non-goal state claimed to be goal."); Assert.True(Math.Abs(optimalCost - totalCost) < 1e-8, "Found a non optimal cost: expected = " + optimalCost + "; actual = " + totalCost); } }