        /// <summary>
        /// match the section of the screen definition against content of an actual
        /// screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="section"></param>
        /// <param name="Content"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool Match(
            this ISectionHeader section, IScreenLoc Start, ScreenContent Content, string DebugInfo)
            bool isMatch = true;

            // match from screenDefn to the screenContent.
            foreach (var item in section.Items)
                if (isMatch == false)

                isMatch = item.Match(Start, Content, DebugInfo);

                // BgnTemp
                if ((isMatch == false) && (DebugInfo == "DisplayMessages"))
                    isMatch = item.Match(Start, Content, DebugInfo);
                // EndTemp

        /// <summary>
        /// recalc range as an absolute range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Start"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ScreenLocRange ToAbsolute(IScreenLoc Start)
            var from = this.From.AbsoluteLoc(Start);
            var to   = this.To.AbsoluteLoc(Start);

            return(new ScreenLocRange(from, to, this.RangeForm));
    public static ScreenItemInstance FindItem(
      this IScreenItem item, IScreenLoc Start, IScreenLoc FindZeroLoc, 
      ScreenContent Content)
      ScreenItemInstance findItem = null;

      if (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Section)
        var sectionItem = item as IScreenSection;
        findItem = sectionItem.FindItem(Start, FindZeroLoc, Content);

        // adjust screen loc of the item by start pos of the section it is contained in.
        var adjRow = Start.RowNum - 1;
        var adjCol = Start.ColNum - 1;
        var loc = new OneScreenLoc(
          item.ScreenLoc.RowNum + adjRow, item.ScreenLoc.ColNum + adjCol);
        var zeroLoc = loc.ToZeroRowCol();

        var itemAtomic = item as IScreenAtomic;
        var range = new ScreenLocRange(zeroLoc, itemAtomic.Length, Content.ScreenDim);
        if (range.Contains(FindZeroLoc) == true)
          findItem = new ScreenItemInstance(item, range.From);

      return findItem;
    public static Tuple<DataItem, DataItemReport> CaptureReport(
      this IScreenItem item, IScreenLoc Start, ScreenContent Content)
      string captureText = null;
      DataItem dataItem = null;
      DataItemReport itemReport = null;
      ContentItemBase contentItem = null;

      // get the content item at the rowcol location.
      bool rc = true;
      IScreenAtomic atomicItem = null;

      // adjust screen loc of the item by start pos of the section it is contained in.
      var adjRow = Start.RowNum - 1;
      var adjCol = Start.ColNum - 1;
      var loc = new OneScreenLoc(
        item.ScreenLoc.RowNum + adjRow, item.ScreenLoc.ColNum + adjCol);
      var zeroLoc = loc.ToZeroRowCol();

      if (item.ItemType != ShowItemType.Section)
        rc = Content.FieldDict.TryGetValue(zeroLoc, out contentItem);
        atomicItem = item as IScreenAtomic;

      if (rc == false)

      else if (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Section)
        var sectionItem = item as IScreenSection;
        itemReport = sectionItem.CaptureReport(Content);

      else if (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Field)
        if ((contentItem is ContentField) == true)
          var contentField = contentItem as ContentField;
          dataItem = new DataItem(item.ItemName, contentField.GetShowText(Content));
          captureText = item.ItemName + "=" + contentField.GetShowText(Content);

      // match fixed literal
      else if (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Literal)
        if ((contentItem is ContentText) == true)
          var contentText = contentItem as ContentText;
          var itemLit = item as IScreenLiteral;
          var ctValue = contentText.GetShowText(Content).TrimEndWhitespace();

      return new Tuple<DataItem, DataItemReport>(dataItem, itemReport);
        public bool Contains(IScreenLoc RowCol)
            bool contains = false;

            if ((RowCol.CompareTo(this.From) >= 0) &&
                (RowCol.CompareTo(this.To) <= 0))
                contains = true;
 public ScreenLocRange(IScreenLoc From, int Length, ScreenDim Dim)
     this.From = From;
     if (Length == 0)
         this.To = From;
         this.To = From.Advance(Length - 1, Dim);
        public static ScreenItemInstance FindItem(
            this IScreenDefn Defn, IScreenLoc FindLoc, ScreenContent Content)
            ScreenItemInstance found = null;

            ISectionHeader sectionHeader = Defn as ISectionHeader;
            var            start         = new OneScreenLoc(1, 1);

            found = sectionHeader.FindItem(start, FindLoc, Content);

        /// <summary>
        /// calc absolute location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Loc"></param>
        /// <param name="Start"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IScreenLoc AbsoluteLoc(this IScreenLoc Loc, IScreenLoc Start)
            var rowNum = Start.RowNum + Loc.RowNum;
            var colNum = Start.ColNum + Loc.ColNum;

            if (Loc.LocationFrame == LocationFrame.OneBased)
                rowNum -= 1;
                colNum -= 1;
            return(Loc.NewInstance(rowNum, colNum));
 public static IScreenLoc ToOneBased(this IScreenLoc ScreenLoc)
     if (ScreenLoc.LocationFrame == LocationFrame.ZeroBased)
         int rowNum = ScreenLoc.RowNum + 1;
         int colNum = ScreenLoc.ColNum + 1;
         return(ScreenLoc.NewOneBased(rowNum, colNum));
        public static DataItemReport CaptureReport(this IScreenSection section, ScreenContent Content)
            var sb            = new StringBuilder();
            var sectionHeader = section as ISectionHeader;
            var sectionDim    = section.CalcDim();
            var itemReport    = new DataItemReport();

            IScreenLoc start = section.ScreenLoc;
                start = start.NewInstance(start.RowNum, start.ColNum);

            int  repeatIx  = 0;
            bool endOfRows = false;

            while (endOfRows == false)
                if ((repeatIx > 0) && (repeatIx >= section.RepeatCount))
                repeatIx += 1;

                // section is a subfile. subfile row can be blank. If blank consider as
                // the end of rows of the subfile. So no need to match.
                bool rowIsBlank = false;
                if (section.PurposeCode == ScreenPurposeCode.ReportDetail)
                    if (Content.RowIsBlank(start.RowNum) == true)
                        rowIsBlank = true;

                // a blank row. no more rows to match.
                if (rowIsBlank == true)
                    endOfRows = true;

                if (endOfRows == false)
                    var report = sectionHeader.CaptureToReport(start, Content);
                    var combo  = DataItemReport.CombineVertically(itemReport, report);
                    itemReport = combo;
                start.RowNum += 1;

        public ScreenLocRange Extend(IScreenLoc loc)
            var fromRow = this.From.RowNum;
            var from    = this.From;
            var to      = this.To;

            if (this.RangeForm == RangeForm.Linear)
                if (loc.RowNum < from.RowNum)
                    from = loc;
                else if ((loc.RowNum == from.RowNum) && (loc.ColNum < from.ColNum))
                    from = loc;

                if (loc.RowNum > to.RowNum)
                    to = loc;
                else if ((loc.RowNum == to.RowNum) && (loc.ColNum > to.ColNum))
                    to = loc;

            else if (this.RangeForm == RangeForm.Rectangular)
                if (loc.RowNum < from.RowNum)
                    from = from.NewInstance(loc.RowNum, from.ColNum);
                if (loc.ColNum < from.ColNum)
                    from = from.NewInstance(from.RowNum, loc.ColNum);

                if (loc.RowNum > to.RowNum)
                    to = to.NewInstance(loc.RowNum, to.ColNum);
                if (loc.ColNum > to.ColNum)
                    to = to.NewInstance(to.RowNum, loc.ColNum);

            return(new ScreenLocRange(from, to));
        /// <summary>
        /// create a new RowCol from component parts. Either a ZeroRowCol or OneRowCol,
        /// depending on LocationFrame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <param name="RowNum"></param>
        /// <param name="ColNum"></param>
        /// <param name="Height"></param>
        /// <param name="Width"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IScreenLoc Factory(LocationFrame frame, int RowNum, int ColNum)
            IScreenLoc rc = null;

            if (frame == LocationFrame.OneBased)
                rc = new OneScreenLoc(RowNum, ColNum);
                rc = new ZeroScreenLoc(RowNum, ColNum);
        public static IScreenLoc ToScreenLoc(this XElement Elem, XNamespace Namespace)
            IScreenLoc item = null;

            if (Elem != null)
                int rowNum = Elem.Element(Namespace + "RowNum").IntOrDefault(0).Value;
                int colNum = Elem.Element(Namespace + "ColNum").IntOrDefault(0).Value;
                var frame  =
                    Elem.Element(Namespace + "Frame").StringOrDefault("").TryParseLocationFrame(LocationFrame.ZeroBased).Value;

                item = ScreenLocBase.Factory(frame, rowNum, colNum);
 /// <summary>
 /// compare rowCol to 2nd RowCol value. Return -1 if 1st RowCol is less than
 /// 2nd RowCol. 0 if equal. 1 if 1st RowCol > 2nd RowCol.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RowCol1"></param>
 /// <param name="RowCol2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static int CompareTo(this IScreenLoc RowCol1, IScreenLoc RowCol2)
     if (RowCol1.RowNum < RowCol2.RowNum)
     else if (RowCol1.RowNum > RowCol2.RowNum)
        public static bool Match(this IScreenSection section, ScreenContent Content, string DebugInfo)
            bool isMatch    = true;
            var  header     = section as ISectionHeader;
            var  sectionDim = section.CalcDim();

            IScreenLoc start = section.ScreenLoc;
                start = start.NewInstance(start.RowNum, start.ColNum);

            int  repeatIx  = 0;
            bool endOfRows = false;

            while (isMatch == true)
                if ((repeatIx > 0) && (repeatIx >= section.RepeatCount))
                repeatIx += 1;

                // section is a subfile. subfile row can be blank. If blank consider as
                // the end of rows of the subfile. So no need to match.
                bool rowIsBlank = false;
                if (section.PurposeCode == ScreenPurposeCode.ReportDetail)
                    if (Content.RowIsBlank(start.RowNum) == true)
                        rowIsBlank = true;

                // a blank row. no more rows to match.
                if (rowIsBlank == true)
                    endOfRows = true;

                if (endOfRows == false)
                    isMatch = header.Match(start, Content, DebugInfo);
                start.RowNum += 1;

        public ScreenLocRange(IScreenLoc From, IScreenLoc To, RangeForm rangeForm = RangeForm.Rectangular)
            // make sure from preceeds to.
            if (To.CompareTo(From) < 0)
                this.From = To;
                this.To   = From;
                this.From = From;
                this.To   = To;

            this.RangeForm = rangeForm;
        public static ContentItemBase GetContentItem(this ScreenContent Content, IScreenLoc loc)
            ContentItemBase foundItem = null;

            foreach (var contentItem in Content.ContentItems())
                var itemLoc = contentItem.RowCol as IScreenLoc;
                var range   = new ScreenLocRange(
                    itemLoc, contentItem.GetItemLength(Content), Content.ScreenDim);
                if (range.Contains(loc))
                    foundItem = contentItem;
        public static ScreenItemInstance FindItem(
            this ISectionHeader section, IScreenLoc Start, IScreenLoc FindLoc, ScreenContent Content)
            ScreenItemInstance findItem = null;

            // find the screenitem located at the find location.
            foreach (var item in section.Items)
                findItem = item.FindItem(Start, FindLoc, Content);
                if (findItem != null)

        public static IScreenLoc Advance(this IScreenLoc Loc, int Length, ScreenDim Dim)
            int col = Loc.ColNum + Length;
            int row = Loc.RowNum;

            // adjust to zero based.
            if (Loc.LocationFrame == LocationFrame.OneBased)
                col -= 1;
                row -= 1;

            // negative advance and column off the charts to the left.
            while (col < 0)
                col += Dim.Width;
                row -= 1;
                if (row < 0)
                    row = Dim.Height - 1;

            // positive advance and column out of bounds to the right.
            while (col >= Dim.Width)
                col -= Dim.Width;
                row += 1;
                if (row >= Dim.Height)
                    row = Dim.Height - 1;

            // back to one based.
            if (Loc.LocationFrame == LocationFrame.OneBased)
                col += 1;
                row += 1;

            return(Loc.NewInstance(row, col));
        public static ScreenAtomic FindFieldItem(
            this IEnumerable <ScreenAtomic> List, IScreenLoc ScreenLoc, int Length)
            ScreenAtomic found = null;
            var          dim   = new ScreenDim(24, 80);
            var          range = new ScreenLocRange(ScreenLoc, Length, dim);

            foreach (var item in List)
                if (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Field)
                    if (item.ScreenLocRange.CompletelyContains(range) == true)
                        found = item;
 public static bool CompareEqual(this IScreenLoc RowCol1, IScreenLoc RowCol2)
     if ((RowCol1 == null) && (RowCol2 == null))
     else if ((RowCol1 == null) || (RowCol2 == null))
     else if (RowCol1.RowNum != RowCol2.RowNum)
     else if (RowCol1.ColNum != RowCol2.ColNum)
        public static DataItemReport CaptureToReport(
            this ISectionHeader section, IScreenLoc Start, ScreenContent Content)
            var report = new DataItemReport();
            var row    = new DataItemList();

            // capture item data from each item of the section that is marked for capture.
            // ( by default, all ScreenField items are captured. )
            foreach (var item in section.Items)
                var rv         = item.CaptureReport(Start, Content);
                var dataItem   = rv.Item1;
                var itemReport = rv.Item2;

                if (dataItem != null)

                // this item is a section. The capture function returned a DataItemReport
                // contains the data of the report. Join that report with what has been
                // captured up to this point.
                if (itemReport != null)
                    var comboReport = DataItemReport.CombineHorizontally(report, itemReport);
                    report = comboReport;

            if (row.Count > 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// find the item within the screen section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="section"></param>
        /// <param name="Start"></param>
        /// <param name="FindLoc"></param>
        /// <param name="Content"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ScreenItemInstance FindItem(
            this IScreenSection section, IScreenLoc Start, IScreenLoc FindLoc,
            ScreenContent Content)
            ScreenItemInstance foundItem = null;
            var header     = section as ISectionHeader;
            var sectionDim = section.CalcDim();

            var adjRow = Start.RowNum - 1;
            var adjCol = Start.ColNum - 1;
            var start  = new OneScreenLoc(
                section.ScreenLoc.RowNum + adjRow, section.ScreenLoc.ColNum + adjCol);

            int  repeatIx  = 0;
            bool endOfRows = false;
            int  loopCx    = 0;

            while (foundItem == null)
                if (section.PurposeCode != ScreenPurposeCode.ReportDetail)
                    if (loopCx > 0)
                    if (repeatIx >= section.GetRepeatCount())
                    repeatIx += 1;
                loopCx += 1;

                // section is a subfile. subfile row can be blank. If blank consider as
                // the end of rows of the subfile. So no need to match.
                bool rowIsBlank = false;
                if (section.PurposeCode == ScreenPurposeCode.ReportDetail)
                    if (Content.RowIsBlank(start.RowNum) == true)
                        rowIsBlank = true;

                // a blank row. no more rows to match.
                if (rowIsBlank == true)
                    endOfRows = true;

                if (endOfRows == false)
                    foundItem = header.FindItem(start, FindLoc, Content);
                    if (foundItem != null)
                        foundItem.RepeatNum = repeatIx;
                start.RowNum += 1;

 /// <summary>
 /// return the value as text. Different from ToString in that ToString
 /// includes the class name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RowCol"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string ToText(this IScreenLoc RowCol)
     return(RowCol.RowNum + "/" + RowCol.ColNum);
 public ScreenItemInstance(IScreenItem item, IScreenLoc itemLoc)
     this.Item      = item;
     this.ItemLoc   = itemLoc;
     this.RepeatNum = 0;
 public OneScreenLoc(IScreenLoc RowCol)
     : this(RowCol.RowNum, RowCol.ColNum)
 public void Apply(IScreenLoc Value)
     this.RowNum = Value.RowNum;
     this.ColNum = Value.ColNum;
        /// <summary>
        /// fill and make visible the hover window.
        /// Called by the DrawHoverBox method of ItemCanvas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Position"></param>
        /// <param name="CanvasRowCol"></param>
        /// <param name="MatchScreenDefn"></param>
        /// <param name="Content"></param>
        public void DrawHoverBox(
            Point Position, IScreenLoc CanvasRowCol, IScreenDefn MatchScreenDefn,
            ScreenContent Content)
            // first remove any existing popup hover box.

            // hovering on a screen with a screen defn. Find the item on the screen
            // which is being hovered over.
            string             itemName   = "";
            string             itemValue  = "";
            int                itemRowNum = 0;
            ScreenItemInstance hoverItem  = null;

            if ((MatchScreenDefn != null) && (CanvasRowCol != null))
                var foundItem = MatchScreenDefn.FindItem(CanvasRowCol, Content);
                if (foundItem != null)
                    hoverItem  = foundItem;
                    itemName   = foundItem.GetItemName().EmptyIfNull();
                    itemValue  = foundItem.GetValue(Content);
                    itemRowNum = foundItem.RepeatNum;

            // capture the contents of the screen to a DataTable.
            EnhancedDataTable itemTable = null;
            Grid   srcmbrGrid           = null;
            object hoverData            = null;
            string hoverXaml            = null;
            string hoverCode            = null;

            if ((MatchScreenDefn != null) && (hoverItem != null))
                itemTable = MatchScreenDefn.Capture(Content, hoverItem);
                    hoverXaml = FindHoverXaml(hoverItem.Item);
                    hoverCode = FindHoverCode(hoverItem.Item);

                if (hoverCode.IsNullOrEmpty( ) == false)
                    hoverData = CompileAndRunHoverCode(hoverCode, itemTable);

                if ((MatchScreenDefn.ScreenName == "wrkmbrpdm") && (hoverData == null))
                    // BgnTemp
                        if (itemTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                            var rep = Content.ToColumnReport("Content report");
                            itemTable = MatchScreenDefn.Capture(Content, hoverItem);
                    // EndTemp

                    var srcmbr      = itemTable.SelectedRow["MbrName"].ToString();
                    var srcfName    = itemTable.SelectedRow["SrcfName"].ToString();
                    var srcfLib     = itemTable.SelectedRow["SrcfLib"].ToString();
                    var sourceLines = SrcmbrScripts.GetSrcmbrLines(srcfName, srcfLib, srcmbr);
                    hoverData = new { srcmbr, srcfName, srcfLib, sourceLines };

            Grid grid = null;

            if (hoverData != null)
                if (hoverXaml.IsNullOrEmpty( ) == false)
                    var sr     = new StringReader(hoverXaml);
                    var xr     = XmlReader.Create(sr);
                    var uiElem = XamlReader.Load(xr);
                    grid             = uiElem as Grid;
                    grid.DataContext = hoverData;
                    var uiElem = hoverData.ToUIElement();
                    grid = uiElem as Grid;
                // create the controls that make up the hover control.
                ListBox lb = null;
                System.Windows.Controls.Canvas canvas = null;

                if (srcmbrGrid != null)
                    var rv = BuildSrcmbrHoverGrid(srcmbrGrid);
                    grid = rv.Item1;
                    var rv = BuildFoundation();
                    grid   = rv.Item1;
                    lb     = rv.Item2;
                    canvas = rv.Item3;

                    lb.Items.Add("field name:" + itemName);
                    lb.Items.Add("RowCol:" + CanvasRowCol.ToText());
                    lb.Items.Add("Value:" + itemValue);
                    lb.Items.Add("Row number:" + itemRowNum);

            ShowHoverBox(grid, Position);
    public static bool Match(
      this IScreenItem item, IScreenLoc Start, ScreenContent Content, 
      string DebugInfo)
      bool isMatch = true;
      ContentItemBase contentItem = null;

      // get the content item at the rowcol location.
      bool rc = true;
      IScreenAtomic atomicItem = null;

      // adjust screen loc of the item by start pos of the section it is contained in.
      var adjRow = Start.RowNum - 1;
      var adjCol = Start.ColNum - 1;
      var loc = new OneScreenLoc(
        item.ScreenLoc.RowNum + adjRow, item.ScreenLoc.ColNum + adjCol) ;
      var zeroLoc = loc.ToZeroRowCol();

      // item is not a section. Get the field or literal located at the item loc.
      if (item.ItemType != ShowItemType.Section)
        atomicItem = item as IScreenAtomic;

      if ((rc == false) && ( 1 == 2))
        if ( item.IsOptional == false )
          isMatch = false;

      else if ((isMatch == true) && (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Section))
        var sectionItem = item as IScreenSection;
        isMatch = sectionItem.Match(Content, DebugInfo);

      else if ((isMatch == true) && (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Field))
        var fieldItem = item as IScreenField;
        rc = Content.FieldDict.TryGetValue(zeroLoc, out contentItem);
        if (rc == false)
          isMatch = false;
        // can match a screen field to a literal, but only if the field is output
        // only.
        else if ((contentItem is ContentText) 
          && (fieldItem.Usage != ShowUsage.Output))
          isMatch = false;

        else if ((contentItem is ContentField) == false)
          isMatch = false;
          var contentField = contentItem as ContentField;
          if (contentField.LL_Length != atomicItem.Length)
            isMatch = false;

      // match screen literal to actual content on the screen. The content can be
      // either a field or a literal. But the content has to match one of the 
      // values of the screen literal.
      else if ((isMatch == true) && (item.ItemType == ShowItemType.Literal))
        // screen literal has a dsply attr. advance ....
        if ( atomicItem.DsplyAttr.IsNullOrEmpty( ) == false )
          zeroLoc = zeroLoc.Advance(1) as ZeroRowCol;

        var buf = Content.GetContentBytes_NonNull(zeroLoc, atomicItem.Length);
        var itemLit = item as IScreenLiteral;
        var contentText = buf.EbcdicBytesToString().TrimEndWhitespace();

        // match the screen defn item to the screen content.
        isMatch = itemLit.MatchValue(contentText);

        // failed the match. But if the item content is blank. And this screen
        // item is optional then that is ok.
        if ((isMatch == false) && (item.IsOptional == true) && (contentText.Length == 0))
          isMatch = true;

      else if (isMatch == true)
        throw new Exception("unrecognized screen item type");

      return isMatch;
 public ScreenLocRange(IScreenLoc RowCol, RangeForm RangeForm = RangeForm.Rectangular)
     this.From      = RowCol;
     this.To        = RowCol;
     this.RangeForm = RangeForm;