public CustomerModel GetCustomer(int id) { try { IEnumerable <int> listOfIds = _salonManager.GetIds(); if (listOfIds.Contains(id)) { CustomerEntity selectedCustomer = _salonManager.GetSingle(id); CustomerModel customerViewModel = new CustomerModel { Id = selectedCustomer.Id, FirstName = selectedCustomer.FirstName, LastName = selectedCustomer.LastName, PhoneNumber = selectedCustomer.PhoneNumber, Email = selectedCustomer.Email }; return(customerViewModel); } else { throw new Exception($"Customer with id {id} doesen't found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public ServiceModel GetService(int id) { try { IEnumerable <int> listOfIds = _salonManager.GetIds(); if (listOfIds.Contains(id)) { ServiceEntity selectedService = _salonManager.GetSingle(id); ServiceModel serviceViewModel = new ServiceModel { Id = selectedService.Id, NameOfService = selectedService.NameOfService, Price = selectedService.Price }; return(serviceViewModel); } else { throw new Exception($"Service with id {id} doesen't found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public OrderModel GetOrder(int id) { try { IEnumerable <int> listOfIds = _orderManager.GetIds(); if (listOfIds.Contains(id)) { OrderEntity selectedOrder = _orderManager.GetSingle(id); CustomerEntity customer = _customerManager.GetSingle(selectedOrder.CustomerId); ServiceEntity service = _serviceManager.GetSingle(selectedOrder.ServiceId); StateEntity state = _stateManager.GetSingle(selectedOrder.StatusId); OrderModel orderViewModel = new OrderModel { Id = selectedOrder.Id, Customer = new CustomerModel { Id = customer.Id, FirstName = customer.FirstName, LastName = customer.LastName, PhoneNumber = customer.PhoneNumber, Email = customer.Email }, Service = new ServiceModel { Id = service.Id, NameOfService = service.NameOfService, Price = service.Price }, Price = service.Price, Date = selectedOrder.DateOfProcedure, Status = new StateModel { Id = state.Id, OrderStatus = state.OrderStatus } }; return(orderViewModel); } else { throw new Exception($"Order with id {id} doesen't found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }