public void SendInput(ISInputData input) { byte[] data = new byte[6]; data[0] = (byte)IpcMessageType.AnonIpcInputData; input.ToBytes(data, 1); Write(data); }
public void SendInput(ISInputData input, ISServerSocket client) { byte[] data = new byte[6]; data[0] = (byte)UdpMessageType.Input; input.ToBytes(data, 1); udpSocket.BeginSendTo(data, 0, data.Length, 0, client.UdpAddress, SendToCallback, null); }
public void SendInput(ISInputData input) { if (!Connected) { return; } SendQueue.Add(new InputMessage(input)); }
private void ThreadLoop() { while (!cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { ISInputData input = outputQueue.Take(); if (SwitchThreadDesktop) { WinDesktop.SwitchThreadToInputDesktop(); SwitchThreadDesktop = false; } outManager.Send(input); } ISLogger.Write("Exited output thread loop"); }
/// <summary> /// We want to use scan codes instead of virtual codes as they are inserted lower into the stack, /// but some virtual keys cannot be mapped into scan codes so we need to decide whether to use /// the scan or virtual key /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="useScan"></param> /// <returns></returns> private short CheckKey(ISInputData input, out bool useScan) { useScan = false; if (input.Param2 == 0 || input.Param1 == 91) { return(input.Param1); } uint mappedScanb = MapVirtualKeyA((uint)input.Param1, MAPVKTYPE.MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); if (mappedScanb != input.Param2) { ISLogger.Write("Invalid key virtual key:{0} scan code:{1} mapped: {2}", input.Param1, input.Param2, mappedScanb); return(input.Param2); } useScan = true; return(input.Param2); }
/// <summary> /// We want to use scan codes instead of virtual codes as they are inserted lower into the stack, /// but some virtual keys cannot be mapped into scan codes so we need to decide whether to use /// the scan or virtual key /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="useScan"></param> /// <returns></returns> private short CheckKey(ISInputData input, out bool useScan) { useScan = false; if (input.Param2 == 0 || input.Param1 == 91) { return(input.Param1); } uint mappedScanb = MapVirtualKeyA((uint)input.Param1, MAPVKTYPE.MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); if (mappedScanb != input.Param2) { ISLogger.Write("Cannot translate key '{0}' to a scan code!", (WindowsVirtualKey)input.Param1); return(input.Param1); } useScan = true; return(input.Param2); }
public void HandleInputReceived(ISInputData input) { if (CurrentInputClient != ISServerSocket.Localhost) { if (CurrentInputClient.IsConnected) { if (CurrentInputClient.UdpEnabled && udpHost != null) { udpHost.SendInput(input, CurrentInputClient); } else { CurrentInputClient.SendInputData(input.ToBytes()); } } else { ISLogger.Write("TARGET NOT CONNECTED"); } } }
public abstract void Send(ISInputData input);
public InputMessage(ISInputData input) { Input = input; }
public void Send(ISInputData input) { ISInputCode c = input.Code; switch (c) { case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMOVERELATIVE: MoveMouseRelative(input.Param1, input.Param2); break; case ISInputCode.IS_KEYDOWN: if (input.Param1 == 91) //Windows key cant be mapped to a scan code, so we'll use the virtual code instead { KeyDownVirtual(91, true); break; } KeyDownScan(input.Param1, true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_KEYUP: if (input.Param1 == 91) { KeyDownVirtual(91, false); break; } KeyDownScan(input.Param1, false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELDOWN: MouseLDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELUP: MouseLDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERDOWN: MouseRDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERUP: MouseRDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMDOWN: MouseMDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMUP: MouseMDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEYSCROLL: MouseYScroll(input.Param1); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXDOWN: MouseXDown(input.Param1, true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXUP: MouseXDown(input.Param1, false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_RELEASEALL: ReleaseAllKeys(); break; } }
public override void Send(ISInputData input) { if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMOVERELATIVE) { XWarpPointer(xConnection.XDisplay, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0, 0, input.Param1, input.Param2); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELDOWN) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_LEFTBUTTON, true, 0); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELUP) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_LEFTBUTTON, false, 0); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERDOWN) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_RIGHTBUTTON, true, 0); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERUP) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_RIGHTBUTTON, false, 0); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMDOWN) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_MIDDLEBUTTON, true, 0); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMUP) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_MIDDLEBUTTON, false, 0); } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEYSCROLL) { //Param1 contains the mouse direction, 120 = up; -120 = down if (input.Param1 > 0) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_SCROLLDOWN, true, 0); XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_SCROLLDOWN, false, 0); } else { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_SCROLLUP, true, 0); XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_SCROLLUP, false, 0); } } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXSCROLL) { //todo } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXDOWN) { //first param is the ID of the button. 4 = forward, 5 = back if (input.Param1 == 4) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_XBUTTONFORWARD, true, 0); } else { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_XBUTTONBACK, true, 0); } } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXUP) { if (input.Param1 == 4) { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_XBUTTONFORWARD, false, 0); } else { XTestFakeButtonEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, X11_XBUTTONBACK, false, 0); } } else if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_KEYDOWN || input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_KEYUP) { bool down = input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_KEYDOWN; try { uint key = ConvertKey((WindowsVirtualKey)input.Param1); if (input.Code == ISInputCode.IS_KEYDOWN && Settings.DEBUG_PRINTOUTPUTKEYS) { ISLogger.Write("DEBUG: KEY {0}", XKeysymToString(XKeycodeToKeysym(xConnection.XDisplay, (int)key, 0))); } if (key < 1) { throw new Exception("Could not translate key " + (WindowsVirtualKey)input.Param1); } XTestFakeKeyEvent(xConnection.XDisplay, key, down, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { ISLogger.Write("Failed to send key {0}: {1}", (WindowsVirtualKey)input.Param1, ex.Message); } } XFlush(xConnection.XDisplay); }
private void OnInputReceived(ISInputData input) { InputReceived?.Invoke(this, input); }
public void Send(ISInputData input) { ISInputCode c = input.Code; switch (c) { case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMOVERELATIVE: MoveMouseRelative(input.Param1, input.Param2); break; case ISInputCode.IS_KEYDOWN: { short useKey = CheckKey(input, out bool useScan); if (useScan) { KeyDownScan(useKey, true); } else { KeyDownVirtual(useKey, true); } break; } case ISInputCode.IS_KEYUP: { short useKey = CheckKey(input, out bool useScan); if (useScan) { KeyDownScan(useKey, false); } else { KeyDownVirtual(useKey, false); } break; } case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELDOWN: MouseLDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELUP: MouseLDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERDOWN: MouseRDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERUP: MouseRDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMDOWN: MouseMDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMUP: MouseMDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEYSCROLL: MouseYScroll(input.Param1); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXDOWN: MouseXDown(input.Param1, true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXUP: MouseXDown(input.Param1, false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_RELEASEALL: ResetKeyStates(); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMOVEABSOLUTE: MoveMouseAbs(input.Param1, input.Param2); break; } }
public override void Send(ISInputData input) {; }
public override void Send(ISInputData input) { switch (input.Code) { case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMOVERELATIVE: MoveMouseRelative(input.Param1, input.Param2); break; case ISInputCode.IS_KEYDOWN: { if (Settings.DEBUG_PRINTOUTPUTKEYS) { ISLogger.Write("DEBUG: VIRTUAL KEY {0} SCAN {1}", (WindowsVirtualKey)input.Param1, input.Param2); } short useKey = CheckKey(input, out bool useScan); if (useScan) { KeyDownScan(useKey, true); } else { KeyDownVirtual(useKey, true); } break; } case ISInputCode.IS_KEYUP: { short useKey = CheckKey(input, out bool useScan); if (useScan) { KeyDownScan(useKey, false); } else { KeyDownVirtual(useKey, false); } break; } case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELDOWN: MouseLDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSELUP: MouseLDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERDOWN: MouseRDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSERUP: MouseRDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMDOWN: MouseMDown(true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMUP: MouseMDown(false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEYSCROLL: MouseYScroll(input.Param1); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXDOWN: MouseXDown(input.Param1, true); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEXUP: MouseXDown(input.Param1, false); break; case ISInputCode.IS_RELEASEALL: ResetKeyStates(); break; case ISInputCode.IS_MOUSEMOVEABSOLUTE: MoveMouseAbs(input.Param1, input.Param2); break; } }