        public BpmtkTestCase(ITestOutputHelper output)
            var loggerProvider = new XunitLoggerProvider(output);


            this.output = output;
            this.engine = this.BuildProcessEngine();

            this.context = this.engine.CreateContext();

            this.deploymentManager = context.DeploymentManager;
            this.runtimeManager    = context.RuntimeManager;
            this.taskManager       = context.TaskManager;
            this.identityManager   = context.IdentityManager;

            this.transaction = context.DbSession.BeginTransaction();

            var user = this.identityManager.FindUserById("felix");

            if (user == null)
                user = new User()
                    Id = "felix", Name = "felix"

            var group = this.identityManager.FindGroupById("tests");

            if (group == null)
                group = new Group()
                    Id = "tests", Name = "tests"
                group.Users = new List <UserGroup>();
                group.Users.Add(new UserGroup()
                    User = user


 private void StartSynchronous(IExecutionItem[] items, IRuntimeManager manager)
     using (var mre = new AutoResetEvent(false)) {
         foreach (IExecutionItem item in items) {
             if (m_abortRequested) break;
             if (item.State == ProjectExecutionState.Pending) {
                 item.IsSelected = true;
                 item.BeginExecute(manager, i => mre.Set());
 private void StartAsynchronous(IExecutionItem[] items, IRuntimeManager manager)
     IExecutionItem[] executableItems = items.Where(i => i.State == ProjectExecutionState.Pending).ToArray();
     int count = executableItems.Length;
     if (count > 0) {
         executableItems.First().IsSelected = true;
     using (var mre = new ManualResetEvent(false)) {
         foreach (IExecutionItem item in executableItems) {
             if (m_abortRequested) break;
             item.BeginExecute(manager, i => {
                 if (--count == 0) {
 private void Start(ExecutionMode mode, IExecutionItem[] items, IRuntimeManager manager)
     try {
         if (mode == ExecutionMode.Synchronous) {
             StartSynchronous(items, manager);
         else {
             StartAsynchronous(items, manager);
     finally {
         IsExecuting = false;
 internal void StartWhenFullyLoaded(ExecutionMode mode, IExecutionItem[] items, IRuntimeManager manager)
     IsExecuting = true;
     m_manager = manager;
     Items = items;
     Action a = () => SelfDisposingBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync((s,e) => Start(mode, items, manager));
     if (IsLoaded) {
         Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(a, DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, null);
     else {
         RoutedEventHandler handler = null;
         handler = (s, e) => {
             Loaded -= handler;
             Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(a, DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, null);
         Loaded += handler;
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes those of the supplied project invocation rules that are valid and enabled.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">The ExecutionMode to be used.</param>
 /// <param name="rules">The project invocation rules that are to be invoked.</param>
 /// <param name="manager">The IRuntimeManager with which to perform the underlying Absyntax project-
 /// loading and invocation activities.</param>
 /// <param name="coordinator">The IExecutionCoordinator needed to coordinate the execution sequence.</param>
 public void Run(ExecutionMode mode, ProjectInvocationRule[] rules, IRuntimeManager manager, IExecutionCoordinator coordinator)
     UnloadProjectsWhereNecessary(rules, manager);
     ExecutionItem[] items = CreateExecutionItems(rules);
     coordinator.Start(mode, items, manager);
     lock (m_ruleState) {
         foreach (ExecutionItem item in items) {
             switch (item.State) {
                 case ProjectExecutionState.Completed:
                 case ProjectExecutionState.WriteDataErrors:
                     if (!m_ruleState.ContainsKey(item.Id)) {
                         m_ruleState[item.Id] = item.Detail;
                 case ProjectExecutionState.Ineligible:
                 case ProjectExecutionState.Pending:
                     // Do nothing
             ProjectInvocationRule rule = rules.First(r => r.Id == item.Id);
             rule.LastExecutionResult = GetLastExecutionResult(item.State);
 /// <summary>
 /// Instructs the Absyntax runtime host to close certain project slots.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Project slots to be closed are:
 /// (a) those that are not referred to in the incoming invocation rules;
 /// (b) those that are associated with rules whose material details have changed;
 /// (c) those that are associated with rules for which the property ReloadProjectBeforeExecuting 
 /// returns true.
 /// </remarks>
 private void UnloadProjectsWhereNecessary(IProjectInvocationRule[] rules, IRuntimeManager manager)
     KeyValuePair<int, ProjectExecutionDetail>[] items;
     lock (m_ruleState) {
         items = m_ruleState.ToArray();
     var list = new List<int>();
     foreach (var kvp in items) {
         int ruleId = kvp.Key;
         ProjectExecutionDetail ped = kvp.Value;
         IProjectInvocationRule matchingRule = rules.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == ruleId);
         if (matchingRule == null || DetailsHaveChanged(ped, matchingRule) || matchingRule.ReloadProjectBeforeExecuting) {
             int? key = ped.Key;
             if (key.HasValue) {
     lock (m_ruleState) {
         list.ForEach(i => m_ruleState.Remove(i));
 /// <summary>
 /// Causes this WorkbookRuntimeAdapter to close all open project runtime slots.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="manager">The IRuntimeManager to be used to perform the unload.</param>
 public void UnloadAll(IRuntimeManager manager)
     ProjectExecutionDetail[] items;
     lock (m_ruleState) {
         items = m_ruleState.Values.ToArray();
     foreach (var key in items.Select(i => i.Key)) {
         if (key.HasValue) {
 /// <summary>
 /// Begins execution of the supplied items and waits for them to complete before returning.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">Indicates whether items are to be executed synchronously or asynchronously.</param>
 /// <param name="items">An array of IExecutionItem instances to be executed.</param>
 /// <param name="manager">The IRuntimeManager with which to perform the underlying Absyntax
 /// project-loading and invocation activities.</param>
 public void Start(ExecutionMode mode, IExecutionItem[] items, IRuntimeManager manager)
     Content.StartWhenFullyLoaded(mode, items, manager);
 public void ReturnToPool(IRuntimeManager runtimeManager)
 private static void SetupForLongInvocation(out ExecutionItem i, out IRuntimeManager manager)
     var args = new MockProjectInvocationRuleSetupArgs() {
         CanExecute = true,
         UsesInput = false
     int key = 1;
     var d = new ProjectExecutionDetail() { Key = key };
     i = CreateItem(args, d);
     var rmMock = new Mock<IRuntimeManager>();
     rmMock.Setup(m => m.Invoke(key)).Callback(() => Thread.Sleep(200));
     manager = rmMock.Object;
 public void ReturnToPool(IRuntimeManager runtimeManager)
 public ProcessInstanceController(IContext context)
     this.context        = context;
     this.runtimeManager = context.RuntimeManager;