        public async Task SendToRules(int taskID, ConnectionToRulesManagerAdapterArgs args, bool responsive = true)
            var Connection = args.Connection;
            var toRules    = args.toRules;
            var cache      = args.cache;
            IConnectionRoutedCacheManager connectionRoutedCacheManager = args.connectionRoutedCacheManager;


            var taskInfo = $"task: {taskID} connection: {Connection.name}";

            //            RoutedItem[] temp;

            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Entering SendToRules.");
                    RoutedItem routedItem = null;
                    var        count      = 0;
                    //                    bool newItems = false;

                    // lock (toRules)
                    // {
                    //     newItems = toRules.Any(e => e.attempts == 0);
                    // }

                    // if (count == 0 || !newItems)
                    // {
                    //     bool success = await ToRulesSignal.WaitAsync(LITE.profile.kickoffInterval, LITETask.cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // }

                    // lock (toRules)
                    // {
                    //     temp = toRules.ToArray();
                    // }
                    //send everything in toRules
                    // foreach (var routedItem in temp)
                    // {
                    //  if (LITETask.cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    //   {
                    routedItem = toRules.Take(_taskManager.cts.Token); //item removed from list prior to processing

                    count = toRules.Count + 1;
                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} toRules: {count} items to transfer.");

                    // if (routedItem.lastAttempt != null && routedItem.lastAttempt < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-retryDelayMinutes)) //not attempted lately
                    // {
                    routedItem.lastAttempt = DateTime.Now;
                        if (routedItem.attempts <= Connection.maxAttempts)
                            //  shb 2019-03-15 BOUR-85 to support intelligent routing of items based on pre-determined routing info
                            // EX: hl7 has the routing info while subsequent dicom items do not
                            // Order of precedence
                            // 0.5) No caching for request / response, done elsewhere
                            // 1) No routing info - use connection - based rules
                            // 2) Prior routing info for patientID and accession # - use provider routing rules
                            // 3) Address - oriented routing in item - override all other rules
                            if (routedItem.id != null && routedItem.type != RoutedItem.Type.RPC)
                                routedItem = _connectionCache.CacheResponse(Connection, routedItem, cache); //for a dicom/file item to look up prior toConnections of hl7

                            var currentProfile = _profileStorage.Current;

                            routedItem = await _rulesManager.SendToRules(routedItem, _routedItemManager, connectionRoutedCacheManager);

                            if (routedItem != null && routedItem.id != null &&
                                routedItem.type != RoutedItem.Type.RPC)
                                routedItem = _connectionCache.CacheResponse(Connection, routedItem, cache); //for an hl7 to record the toConnections

                            _routedItemManager.Dequeue(Connection, toRules, nameof(toRules), error: false);
                            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"{taskInfo} {routedItem.RoutedItemMetaFile} exceeded maxAttempts");

                            _routedItemManager.Dequeue(Connection, toRules, nameof(toRules), error: true);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        _logger.LogFullException(e, $"{taskInfo} returning item to queue: {routedItem.RoutedItemMetaFile}");

                        if (routedItem != null)
                            toRules.Add(routedItem, _taskManager.cts.Token);
                    //                        }

                    // ToRulesSignal.Dispose();
                    // ToRulesSignal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
                    // }
                    //  }
                } while (responsive);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} Task was canceled.");
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogFullException(e, taskInfo);

            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Exiting SendToRules.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the cloud requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskID"></param>
        /// <param name="Connection"></param>
        /// <param name="cache"></param>
        /// <param name="httpManager"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task GetRequests(int taskID, LifeImageCloudConnection Connection, IConnectionRoutedCacheManager cache, IHttpManager httpManager)
            var taskInfo = $"task: {taskID} connection: {Connection.name}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = null;

            var httpClient = _liteHttpClient.GetClient(Connection);

                while (!_taskManager.cts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await Task.Delay(_profileStorage.Current.KickOffInterval, _taskManager.cts.Token);

                    //BOUR-1022 shb I think the code that checks for dictionary entry before enqueuing is enough to prevent duplicate behavior
                    //skip if response cache is not empty
                    if (LifeImageCloudConnectionManager.cache.Count > 0)
                        int requestCount = 0;
                        //check to see if there are any requests
                        foreach (var cacheItem in LifeImageCloudConnectionManager.cache.ToArray())
                            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Cache entry id: {cacheItem.Key}");

                            foreach (var item in cacheItem.Value.ToArray())
                                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} fromConnection: {item.fromConnection} id: {item.id} started: {item.startTime} complete: {item.resultsTime} status: {item.status}");

                                if (item.type == RoutedItem.Type.RPC)

                        if (requestCount > 0)
                            //BOUR-1060 relax condition and rely on dictionary logic below
                            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"{taskInfo} response cache has {requestCount} request items.");
                            // _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"{taskInfo} response cache has {requestCount} request items, skipping getting new requests until clear");
                            // return;

                    //set the URL
                    //string agentTasksURL = Connection.URL + "/api/agent/v1/agent-tasks";
                    string agentTasksURL = Connection.URL + CloudAgentConstants.GetAgentTasksUrl;

                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} agentTasksURL: {agentTasksURL}");

                    var cookies = _liteHttpClient.GetCookies(agentTasksURL);
                    _logger.LogCookies(cookies, taskInfo);

                    // issue the GET
                    var task = httpClient.GetAsync(agentTasksURL);
                    response = await task;

                    // output the result
                    _logger.LogHttpResponseAndHeaders(response, taskInfo);

                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                            httpManager.loginNeeded = true;

                        _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"{taskInfo} Problem getting agent tasks. {agentTasksURL} {response.StatusCode}");


                    // convert from stream to JSON
                    string results = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    var objResults = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, List <Dictionary <string, string> > > >(results);

                    foreach (var key in objResults)
                        _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} key: {key.Key}");
                        var list = key.Value;

                        foreach (var item in list)
                            foreach (var subkey in item)
                                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} subkey.Key: {subkey.Key} subKey.Value: {subkey.Value} ");

                    if (objResults.Count > 0)
                        // 2018-09-19 shb unwrap encoded task data and then send to rules
                        var agentRequestList = objResults["modelMapList"];
                        foreach (var agentRequest in agentRequestList)
                            byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(agentRequest["task"]);
                            string agentRequestAsString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
                            agentRequest["task"] = agentRequestAsString;
                            string id          = agentRequest["id"];
                            string request     = agentRequest["task"];
                            string requestType = agentRequest["task_type"];
                            string connection  = null;
                            agentRequest.TryGetValue("connection", out connection);
                            RoutedItem ri = new RoutedItem(fromConnection: Connection.name, id: id, request: request,
                                                           requestType: requestType)
                                type      = RoutedItem.Type.RPC,
                                status    = RoutedItem.Status.PENDING,
                                startTime = DateTime.Now,
                                TaskID    = taskID
                            if (connection != null && connection != "*")
                                ConnectionSet connSet = new ConnectionSet
                                    connectionName = connection

                            LifeImageCloudConnectionManager.cache.TryGetValue(ri.id, out List <RoutedItem> cacheItem);
                            if (cacheItem == null)
                                //determine which connections will need to reply and prime the response cache
                                //var connsets = _profileStorage.Current.rules.Eval(ri);
                                var connsets = _rulesManager.Eval(ri);
                                foreach (var connset in connsets)
                                    var prime = (RoutedItem)_routedItemManager.Clone();
                                    prime.startTime      = DateTime.Now; //clock starts ticking now
                                    prime.status         = RoutedItem.Status.PENDING;
                                    prime.fromConnection = _profileStorage.Current.connections.Find(e => e.name == connset.connectionName).name;
                                                $"{taskInfo} Priming Response cache id: {id} conn: {prime.fromConnection} ");

                                //enqueue the request

                                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Enqueuing id: {id} requestType: {requestType} subKey.Value: {request} ");

                                _routedItemManager.Enqueue(Connection, Connection.toRules, nameof(Connection.toRules));

                                //BOUR-995 let cloud know we got the request with a status of PENDING
                                await _postResponseCloudService.PostResponse(Connection, ri, cache, httpManager, taskID);
                                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Exists id: {id} requestType: {requestType} subKey.Value: {request} ");
                                foreach (var item in cacheItem)
                                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} fromConnection: {item.fromConnection} started: {item.startTime} complete: {item.resultsTime} status: {item.status}");
                                    foreach (var ctr in item.cloudTaskResults)
                                        foreach (var result in ctr.results)
                                            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Exists id: {item.id} results: {result}");
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} Task was canceled.");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException) //for the Collection was Modified, we can wait
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} Waiting for requests to complete before getting new requests");
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogFullException(e, taskInfo);
                    if (response != null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogFullException(e, taskInfo);