        public static IDominoShape[] AddRowColumn(IRowColumnAddableDeletable reference, bool column,
                                                  PositionWrapper[] positions, int[][] shapes, out int[] inserted_positions)
            int total_added = positions.Length;
            int new_width   = reference.current_width + (column ? total_added : 0);
            int new_height  = reference.current_height + (!column ? total_added : 0);

            int[] distinct = getDistinct(column, reference, positions);
            total_added = distinct.Sum();
            IDominoShape[] new_shapes        = reference.getNewShapes(new_width, new_height);
            int            typicallength     = reference.getLengthOfTypicalRowColumn(column);
            List <int>     insertedPositions = new List <int>();
            int            added_counter     = 0;

            for (int i = -1; i < distinct.Length; i++)
                if (i != -1 && distinct[i] > 0)
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < distinct[i]; i2++)
                        reference.ReinsertRowColumn(shapes[added_counter + i2], column,
                                                    i + added_counter + i2, new_shapes, new_width, new_height);
                        insertedPositions.AddRange(getAllIndicesInRowColumn(reference, i + i2 + added_counter, column, new_shapes.Length, new_width, new_height));
                    added_counter += distinct[i];
                copyColors(reference, new_shapes, -1, column ? reference.current_height : reference.current_width, i, i,
                           0, added_counter, new_width, new_height, column);
            reference.current_width  = new_width;
            reference.current_height = new_height;
            inserted_positions       = insertedPositions.ToArray();
        public static IDominoShape[] DeleteRowColumn(IRowColumnAddableDeletable reference, bool column, PositionWrapper[] positions,
                                                     out PositionWrapper[] remaining_positions, out int[][] deleted_shapes)
            int[] distinct = getDistinct(column, reference, positions);
            distinct[distinct.Length - 1] = 0;
            int total_deleted = distinct.Sum(x => x > 0 ? 1 : 0);

            if (total_deleted == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Nothing to delete. Borders can't be deleted.");
            int new_width  = reference.current_width - (column ? total_deleted : 0);
            int new_height = reference.current_height - (!column ? total_deleted : 0);

            IDominoShape[] new_shapes = reference.getNewShapes(new_width, new_height);
            deleted_shapes      = new int[total_deleted][];
            remaining_positions = new PositionWrapper[total_deleted];
            int deleted_counter = 0;
            int rowcollength    = deleted_shapes.Length / total_deleted;

            for (int i = -1; i < distinct.Length; i++)
                if (i != -1 && i != distinct.Length - 1 && distinct[i] > 0)
                    deleted_shapes[deleted_counter]      = reference.ExtractRowColumn(column, i);
                    remaining_positions[deleted_counter] = new PositionWrapper()
                        X = column ? (i - deleted_counter) : 0,
                        Y = column ? 0 : (i - deleted_counter),
                        CountInsideCell = 0
                    copyColors(reference, new_shapes, -1, column ? reference.current_height : reference.current_width, i, i,
                               0, -deleted_counter, new_width, new_height, column);
            reference.current_width  = new_width;
            reference.current_height = new_height;