        /// <summary>
        /// Add a movement command to the queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="moveCommand">Movement command to be added to the queue</param>
        public void Enqueue(IRobotCommandEvent moveCommand)
            if (retracingSteps == true)

            Debug.WriteLine("Enqueuing: " + moveCommand.Command);
            Debug.WriteLine("moveQueue.Count: " + moveQueue.Count);

            // remove oldest command if queue gets too big. Unlikely
            while (moveQueue.Count > size)
                Debug.WriteLine("queue size too big");
        /// <summary>
        /// Redo the commands in the queue in reverse to retrace steps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_misty">The IRobotMessenger representing the current Misty in use</param>
        /// <param name="stepsToRetrace">Number of commands in the queue to retrace</param>
        public void RetraceSteps(IRobotMessenger _misty, int stepsToRetrace = -1)
            HazardSettings hazardSettings = new HazardSettings();

            hazardSettings.DisableTimeOfFlights = true;
            hazardSettings.DisableBumpSensors   = true;
            _misty.UpdateHazardSettings(hazardSettings, null);

            currentTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            retracingSteps = true;
            if (stepsToRetrace >= moveQueue.Count || stepsToRetrace == -1)
                stepsToRetrace = moveQueue.Count;
            //int size = inputBuffer.Count;
            Debug.WriteLine("size: " + size);
            Debug.WriteLine("stepstoretrace: " + stepsToRetrace);
            for (int i = 0; i < stepsToRetrace; i++)             // TODO: maybe change the <= to <
                IRobotCommandEvent moveCommand = Pop();

                TimeSpan millisecondsToDriveFor = currentTime.Subtract(moveCommand.Created);
                currentTime = moveCommand.Created;

                if (moveCommand.Command == "Drive" || moveCommand.Command == "DriveAsync")
                    var    linearVelocityString  = moveCommand.Parameters["LinearVelocity"];
                    var    angularVelocityString = moveCommand.Parameters["AngularVelocity"];
                    double linearVelocity        = Convert.ToDouble(linearVelocityString);
                    double angularVelocity       = Convert.ToDouble(angularVelocityString);

                    Debug.WriteLine("MoveCommand[" + i + "] Drive() Linear Velocity: " + (double)linearVelocity * -1 + ", Angular Velocity: " + (double)angularVelocity * -1 + " , ms: " + (int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds);
                    _misty.DriveTime(linearVelocity * -1, angularVelocity * -1, (int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds, DriveTrackResponse);

                    Thread.Sleep((int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds + 500);
                else if (moveCommand.Command == "DriveTime" || moveCommand.Command == "DriveTimeAsync")
                    var linearVelocity  = Convert.ToDouble(moveCommand.Parameters["LinearVelocity"]);
                    var angularVelocity = Convert.ToDouble(moveCommand.Parameters["AngularVelocity"]);
                    var timeMs          = (int)Convert.ToInt64(moveCommand.Parameters["TimeMs"]);
                    Debug.WriteLine("MoveCommand[" + i + "] DrivTime() Linear Velocity: " + (double)linearVelocity * -1 + ", Angular Velocity: " + (double)angularVelocity * -1 + " , ms: " + (int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds);
                    _misty.DriveTime(linearVelocity * -1, angularVelocity * -1, (int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds, DriveTrackResponse);
                    Thread.Sleep((int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds + 500);
                else if (moveCommand.Command == "Stop" || moveCommand.Command == "StopAsync")
                    Debug.WriteLine("MoveCommand[" + i + "] Stop() Linear Velocity: 0, Angular Velocity: 0 , ms: " + (int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds);
                    _misty.DriveTime(0, 0, (int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds, DriveTrackResponse);
                    Thread.Sleep((int)millisecondsToDriveFor.TotalMilliseconds + 500);
                else if (moveCommand.Command == "DriveArc" || moveCommand.Command == "DriveArcAsync")
                    var heading = Convert.ToDouble(moveCommand.Parameters["Heading"]);
                    var radius  = Convert.ToDouble(moveCommand.Parameters["Radius"]);
                    var timeMs  = (int)Convert.ToInt64(moveCommand.Parameters["TimeMs"]);
                    var reverse = Convert.ToBoolean(moveCommand.Parameters["Reverse"]);
                    Debug.WriteLine("MoveCommand[" + i + "] DriveArc() Heading: " + heading + ", Radius: " + radius + ", TimeMs: " + timeMs + ", Reverse: " + reverse);
                    _misty.DriveArc(heading, radius, timeMs, !reverse, DriveTrackResponse);

                    Thread.Sleep(timeMs + 500);

                Debug.WriteLine("int i = " + i + ", stepstoretrascce = " + stepsToRetrace);

            hazardSettings.DisableTimeOfFlights = false;
            hazardSettings.RevertToDefault      = true;
            _misty.UpdateHazardSettings(hazardSettings, null);

            retracingSteps = false;