public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteMessage(int id, int userId) { if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var messageFromRepo = await _repo.GetMessage(id); if (messageFromRepo.SenderId == userId) { messageFromRepo.SenderDeleted = true; } if (messageFromRepo.RecipientId == userId) { messageFromRepo.RecipientDeleted = true; } if (messageFromRepo.SenderDeleted && messageFromRepo.RecipientDeleted) { _repo.Delete(messageFromRepo); } if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { return(NoContent()); } throw new Exception("Error deleting the message"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddPhotoForUser(int userId, [FromForm] PhotoForCreationDto photoForCreationDto) { // Check token ID if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)) { return(Unauthorized()); } // Get the user from the Repo var userFromRepo = await _repo.GetUser(userId); // Need a var for the File var file = photoForCreationDto.File; // Need to store var uploadResult = new ImageUploadResult(); if (file.Length > 0) { // Filestream so we must dispose file in memory once we finish calling this method. using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream()){ var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams() { File = new FileDescription(file.Name, stream), Transformation = new Transformation().Width(500).Height(500).Crop("fill").Gravity("face") }; uploadResult = _cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams); } } photoForCreationDto.Url = uploadResult.Uri.ToString(); photoForCreationDto.PublicId = uploadResult.PublicId; // Mapping from the Dto var photo = _mapper.Map <Photo>(photoForCreationDto); // For the Main photo if (!userFromRepo.Photos.Any(u => u.IsMain)) { photo.IsMain = true; } userFromRepo.Photos.Add(photo); if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { // Return from HTTP Post // Created a get request and modify the IRinkRepository var photoToReturn = _mapper.Map <PhotoForReturnDto>(photo); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetPhoto", new { userId = userId, id = photo.Id }, photoToReturn)); } return(BadRequest("We could not add the photo.")); //next create the component for SPA }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateUser(int id, UserForUpdateDto userForUpdateDto) { // Check token ID if (id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)) { return(Unauthorized()); } // Get the user from the Repo var userFromRepo = await _repo.GetUser(id); // Update values from DTO and upate them on the repo user _mapper.Map(userForUpdateDto, userFromRepo); //Save changes if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { return(NoContent()); } throw new Exception($"Updatating user with {id} failed while saving."); }