public ActionResult Register(Users user, HttpPostedFileBase UploadResume) { Users objUser = new Users(); user.UserType = "R"; if (UploadResume != null) { string uploadedPath = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/ReviewerResume"); bool exists = Directory.Exists(uploadedPath); if (!exists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadedPath); } string sFileName = Path.GetFileName(UploadResume.FileName); string sUploadFileName = string.Format("{0}-{1}{2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sFileName), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Path.GetExtension(sFileName)); string filePath = Path.Combine(uploadedPath, sUploadFileName); user.ResumeFileName = sUploadFileName; UploadResume.SaveAs(Path.Combine(uploadedPath, user.ResumeFileName)); } objUser = _review.Register(user); if (objUser.ResultMessage.ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS")) { TempData["ReviewerRegisterHeading"] = "Registration Completed!"; TempData["ReviewerRegisterMessage"] = "Thank you for registering with us. Your Registration is successfull and you can check your email for your login credentials."; return(View("CompleteRegister")); } else { CommonCode commonCode = new CommonCode(); List <Tuple <int, string> > lstSpecialization = _review.GetSpecialization(commonCode); List <SelectListItem> lstSpec = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var specialization in lstSpecialization) { lstSpec.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = specialization.Item1.ToString(), Text = specialization.Item2 }); } ViewBag.Specialization = new SelectList(lstSpec, "Value", "Text"); TempData["ReviewerUserExists"] = "Reviewer Email Address already registered with us. Please try with another Email Address..."; return(View()); } }