        private void Execute(DateTime start, DateTime end, IList <Employer> employers, EmployerSubRole subRole)
            const string method = "Execute";

            // Grab the number of new candidates.

            var joinedUserIds             = _accountReportsQuery.GetNewUserIds(UserType.Member, new DateTimeRange(start, end));
            var updatedResumeCandidateIds = _resumeReportsQuery.GetUpdatedResumeCandidateIds(new DateTimeRange(start, end));
            var newCandidates             = joinedUserIds.Union(updatedResumeCandidateIds).Count();

            // Only send emails if in fact there are new candidates.

            if (newCandidates > 0)
                employers = (from e in employers where e.SubRole == subRole select e).ToList();

                EventSource.Raise(Event.Information, method, string.Format("Sending usage reminder emails to {0} {1}...", employers.Count, subRole == EmployerSubRole.Employer ? "employers" : "recruiters"));

                foreach (var employer in employers.OrderBy(e => e.EmailAddress.Address))
                        // Only send an email if this employer has not already received one.

                        _emailsCommand.TrySend(new EmployerUsageEmail(employer, newCandidates), DateTime.MinValue);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        EventSource.Raise(Event.Error, method, string.Format("Failed to send a usage reminder email to '{0}'", employer), ex, new StandardErrorHandler());

                EventSource.Raise(Event.Information, method, string.Format("Finished sending {0} usage reminder emails to {1}.", employers.Count, subRole == EmployerSubRole.Employer ? "employers" : "recruiters"));
