public Program()
     _versionIdentifier = new DLLVersionIdentifier();
     _packageDiscoverer = new NugetPackageDiscoverer();
     _dllAuditor = new DLLVersionAuditor();
     _resultsFormatter = new ResultsFormatter();
 public Program()
     _versionIdentifier = new DLLVersionIdentifier();
     _packageDiscoverer = new NugetPackageDiscoverer();
     _dllAuditor        = new DLLVersionAuditor();
     _resultsFormatter  = new ResultsFormatter();
 public Engine(IRuleCollection <T> rules, IResultsFormatter resultFormatter = null)
     this.rules     = rules;
     this.formatter = resultFormatter;
     if (formatter == null)
         formatter = new NoopFormatter();
        public static void InitializeTestClass(TestContext testContext)
            _testServerFixture = new TestServerFixture();

            //for use in helper methdods - logic stolen from unit tests
            _resultsFormatter           = new ResultsFormatter();
            _prizeSelectionTableHelper  = new PrizeSelectionTableHelper(_resultsFormatter);
            _prizeResultsTableHelper    = new PrizeResultsTableHelper();
            _selectionEngine            = new SelectionEngine(_prizeSelectionTableHelper, _prizeResultsTableHelper, new NullLogger <ISelectionEngine>());
            _selectionSuccessCalculator = new SelectionSuccessCalculator(_prizeResultsTableHelper, _selectionEngine);

            _mapper = ConfigureMappings();
        static int Main(string[] args)
            _versionIdentifier = new DLLVersionIdentifier();
            _packageDiscoverer = new NugetPackageDiscoverer();
            _dllAuditor = new DLLVersionAuditor();
            _resultsFormatter = new ResultsFormatter();

            // Test if input arguments were supplied:
            if (args.Length != 2 && args.Length != 3)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter a path to the Sitecore zip file as the 1st argument, and the path you want to generate the config for as the 2nd argument. 3rd argument is optional, as the name of a single DLL you want to check.");
                return 1;

            string binDirectoryPath = ExtractBinDirectoryFromZip(args.Skip(0).First());

            return Process(binDirectoryPath, args.Skip(1).First(), (args.Length == 3) ? args.Skip(2).First() : "");
        static int Main(string[] args)
            _versionIdentifier = new DLLVersionIdentifier();
            _packageDiscoverer = new NugetPackageDiscoverer();
            _dllAuditor        = new DLLVersionAuditor();
            _resultsFormatter  = new ResultsFormatter();

            // Test if input arguments were supplied:
            if (args.Length != 2 && args.Length != 3)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter a path to the Sitecore zip file as the 1st argument, and the path you want to generate the config for as the 2nd argument. 3rd argument is optional, as the name of a single DLL you want to check.");

            string binDirectoryPath = ExtractBinDirectoryFromZip(args.Skip(0).First());

            return(Process(binDirectoryPath, args.Skip(1).First(), (args.Length == 3) ? args.Skip(2).First() : ""));
 public PrizeSelectionTableHelper(IResultsFormatter resultsFormatter)
     _resultsFormatter = resultsFormatter;