//fills the database if it empty. public void FillDatabase() { if (_restaurantRepository.Read().Count == 0) { var res = new Restaurant { Name = "Bones", Address = "BonesAddres", Describing = "kendt for et spareRibs", Webside = "bones.dk", Foods = new List <Food>() }; var resWithId = _restaurantRepository.Create(res); var food = new Food { Describing = "smagte godt", Name = "SpareRibs", Price = 120, Rating = 3, RestaurantId = resWithId.Id }; _foodRespository.Create(food); res.Foods.Add(food); _restaurantRepository.Update(res); } }
private async void Delete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FoodList.SelectedItem != null) { var food = FoodList.SelectedItem as Food; var answer = await DisplayAlert("Delete " + food.Name, "Do you want to Delete " + food.Name + "?", "Yes", "No"); if (answer == true) { var restaurantId = food.RestaurantId; _foodRespository.Delete(food.Id); FoodList.ItemsSource = _restaurantRespository.Read(restaurantId).Foods; } } }
private async void Options(object sender, EventArgs e) { var action = await DisplayActionSheet("choose Option", "", "", "Add Restaurant", "Details", "Delete Restaurant", "Cancel"); switch (action) { case "Add Restaurant": await Navigation.PushAsync(new CreateResPage()); break; case "Details": if (ResList.SelectedItem != null) { restaurant = ResList.SelectedItem as Restaurant; await Navigation.PushAsync(new ResDetailPage(restaurant)); } break; case "Delete Restaurant": if (ResList.SelectedItem != null) { restaurant = ResList.SelectedItem as Restaurant; var answer = await DisplayAlert("Delete " + restaurant.Name, "Do you want to Delete " + restaurant.Name + "?", "Yes", "No"); if (answer == true) { foreach (var food in restaurant.Foods) { _FoodRepository.Delete(food.Id); } _restaurantRepository.Delete(restaurant.Id); ResList.ItemsSource = _restaurantRepository.Read(); } } break; case "Cancel": break; } }
public void CreateTest_when_exist_record_should_update_budget() { this._budgetService = new BudgetService(_budgetRepositoryStub); var budgetFromDb = new Budget { Amount = 999, YearMonth = "2017-02" }; _budgetRepositoryStub.Read(Arg.Any <Func <Budget, bool> >()).ReturnsForAnyArgs(budgetFromDb); var model = new BudgetAddViewModel { Amount = 2000, Month = "2017-02" }; var wasUpdated = false; this._budgetService.Updated += (sender, args) => wasUpdated = true; this._budgetService.Create(model); _budgetRepositoryStub.Received().Save(Arg.Is <Budget>(x => x == budgetFromDb && x.Amount == 2000)); Assert.IsTrue(wasUpdated); }
public void Create(BudgetAddViewModel model) { var budget = _budgetRespository.Read(x => x.YearMonth == model.Month); if (budget == null) { this._budgetRespository.Save(new Budget { Amount = model.Amount, YearMonth = model.Month }); var handler = this.Created; handler?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { budget.Amount = model.Amount; this._budgetRespository.Save(budget); var handler = this.Updated; handler?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }