private void WriteDetails(IReportWriter writer, string prefix, SecurityGroup securityTypeGroup) { decimal marketValue = 0; decimal costBasis = 0; decimal gainLoss = 0; bool foundSecuritiesInGroup = false; SecurityType st = securityTypeGroup.Type; string caption = prefix + Security.GetSecurityTypeCaption(st); IList <SecurityGroup> groups = calc.RegroupBySecurity(securityTypeGroup); foreach (SecurityGroup g in groups) { foreach (var i in g.Purchases) { // only report the security group header if it has some units left in it. if (i.UnitsRemaining > 0) { if (!foundSecuritiesInGroup) { foundSecuritiesInGroup = true; // create the security type group and subtable for these securities. writer.WriteSubHeading(caption); writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); foreach (var minwidth in new double[] { 20, //Expander 80, // Date Acquired 300, // Description 100, // Quantity 100, // Price 100, // Market Value 100, // Unit Cost 100, // Cost Basis 100, // Gain/Loss 50, // % }) { writer.WriteColumnDefinition("Auto", minwidth, double.MaxValue); } writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); WriteRowHeaders(writer); break; } } } if (foundSecuritiesInGroup) { WriteSecurities(writer, g.Purchases, ref marketValue, ref costBasis, ref gainLoss); } } writer.StartFooterRow(); WriteRow(writer, true, true, FontWeights.Bold, null, "Total", null, null, null, marketValue, null, costBasis, gainLoss); // only close the table writer.EndTable(); }
private void WriteDetails(IReportWriter writer, string prefix, Predicate <Account> filter) { // compute summary foreach (var securityTypeGroup in calc.GetHoldingsBySecurityType(filter)) { decimal marketValue = 0; decimal costBasis = 0; decimal gainLoss = 0; SecurityType st = securityTypeGroup.Key; string caption = prefix + Security.GetSecurityTypeCaption(st); bool foundSecuritiesInGroup = false; Security current = null; List <SecurityPurchase> bySecurity = new List <SecurityPurchase>(); foreach (SecurityPurchase i in securityTypeGroup.Value) { if (current != null && current != i.Security) { WriteSecurities(writer, bySecurity, ref marketValue, ref costBasis, ref gainLoss); bySecurity.Clear(); } current = i.Security; // only report the security group header if it has some units left in it. if (i.UnitsRemaining > 0) { if (!foundSecuritiesInGroup) { foundSecuritiesInGroup = true; // create the security type group and subtable for these securities. writer.WriteSubHeading(caption); writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); foreach (var minwidth in new double[] { 20, //Expander 80, // Date Acquired 300, // Description 100, // Quantity 100, // Price 100, // Market Value 100, // Unit Cost 100, // Cost Basis 100, // Gain/Loss 50, // % }) { writer.WriteColumnDefinition("Auto", minwidth, double.MaxValue); } writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); WriteRowHeaders(writer); } bySecurity.Add(i); } } if (foundSecuritiesInGroup) { // write the final group of securities. WriteSecurities(writer, bySecurity, ref marketValue, ref costBasis, ref gainLoss); writer.StartFooterRow(); WriteRow(writer, true, true, FontWeights.Bold, null, "Total", null, null, null, marketValue, null, costBasis, gainLoss); // only close the table writer.EndTable(); } } }
public void Generate(IReportWriter writer) { writer.WriteHeading("Net Worth Statement"); List <PieData> data = new List <PieData>(); // outer table contains 2 columns, left is the summary table, right is the pie chart. writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("420", 420, 420); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("620", 620, 620); writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); writer.StartRow(); writer.StartCell(); // inner table contains the "data" writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); foreach (double width in new double[] { 300, 100 }) { writer.WriteColumnDefinition(width.ToString(), width, width); } writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); WriteHeader(writer, "Liquid Assets"); decimal totalBalance = 0; decimal balance = 0; bool hasTaxDeferred = false; bool hasRetirement = false; Transactions transactions = myMoney.Transactions; foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if (a.Type == AccountType.Retirement) { hasRetirement = true; continue; } if (a.IsTaxDeferred) { hasTaxDeferred = true; } if (a.Type == AccountType.Credit || a.Type == AccountType.Asset || a.Type == AccountType.Brokerage || a.Type == AccountType.CategoryFund || a.Type == AccountType.Loan) { continue; } balance += a.BalanceNormalized; } if (balance > 0) { data.Add(new PieData() { Name = "Cash", Total = balance }); } WriteRow(writer, "Cash", balance); totalBalance += balance; balance = this.myMoney.GetInvestmentCashBalance(new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(!a.IsClosed && (a.Type == AccountType.Brokerage)); })); if (balance > 0) { data.Add(new PieData() { Name = "Investment Cash", Total = balance }); } WriteRow(writer, "Investment Cash", balance); totalBalance += balance; bool hasNoneRetirement = false; if (hasRetirement) { WriteHeader(writer, "Retirement Assets"); balance = this.myMoney.GetInvestmentCashBalance(new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(!a.IsClosed && a.Type == AccountType.Retirement); })); if (balance > 0) { data.Add(new PieData() { Name = "Retirement Cash", Total = balance }); } WriteRow(writer, "Retirement Cash", balance); totalBalance += balance; totalBalance += WriteSecurities(writer, data, "Retirement ", new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(a.Type == AccountType.Retirement); }), out hasNoneRetirement); } bool hasNoneTypeTaxDeferred = false; if (hasTaxDeferred) { WriteHeader(writer, "Tax Deferred Assets"); totalBalance += WriteSecurities(writer, data, "Tax Deferred ", new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(a.Type == AccountType.Brokerage && a.IsTaxDeferred); }), out hasNoneTypeTaxDeferred); } balance = 0; WriteHeader(writer, "Long Term Assets"); foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if ((a.Type == AccountType.Loan || a.Type == AccountType.Asset) && a.Balance > 0) // then this is a loan out to someone else... { if (a.BalanceNormalized > 0) { data.Add(new PieData() { Name = a.Name, Total = a.BalanceNormalized }); } WriteRow(writer, a.Name, a.BalanceNormalized); totalBalance += a.BalanceNormalized; } } bool hasNoneType = false; totalBalance += WriteSecurities(writer, data, "", new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(a.Type == AccountType.Brokerage && !a.IsTaxDeferred); }), out hasNoneType); balance = 0; WriteHeader(writer, "Liabilities"); foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if (a.Type != AccountType.Credit) { continue; } balance += a.BalanceNormalized; } totalBalance += balance; if (balance > 0) { data.Add(new PieData() { Name = "Credit", Total = balance }); } WriteRow(writer, "Credit", balance); balance = 0; foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if (a.Type == AccountType.Loan && a.BalanceNormalized < 0) { balance += a.BalanceNormalized; if (a.BalanceNormalized > 0) { data.Add(new PieData() { Name = a.Name, Total = a.BalanceNormalized }); } WriteRow(writer, a.Name, a.BalanceNormalized); } } totalBalance += balance; writer.StartFooterRow(); writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteParagraph("Total"); writer.EndCell(); writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber(totalBalance.ToString("C")); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); writer.EndTable(); writer.EndCell(); writer.StartCell(); // pie chart Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.MinWidth = 600; chart.MinHeight = 400; chart.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0); chart.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; PieSeries series = new PieSeries(); series.IndependentValueBinding = new Binding("Name"); series.DependentValueBinding = new Binding("Total"); chart.Series.Add(series); series.ItemsSource = data; writer.WriteElement(chart); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); writer.EndTable(); if (hasNoneRetirement || hasNoneTypeTaxDeferred || hasNoneType) { writer.WriteParagraph("(*) One ore more of your securities has no SecurityType, you can fix this using View/Securities", System.Windows.FontStyles.Italic, System.Windows.FontWeights.Normal, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Maroon); } writer.WriteParagraph("Generated on " + DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString(), System.Windows.FontStyles.Italic, System.Windows.FontWeights.Normal, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Gray); }
public void Generate(IReportWriter writer) { writer.WriteHeading("Net Worth Statement"); var series = new ChartDataSeries() { Name = "Net Worth" }; IList <ChartDataValue> data = series.Values; // outer table contains 2 columns, left is the summary table, right is the pie chart. writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("450", 450, 450); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("620", 620, 620); writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); writer.StartRow(); writer.StartCell(); // inner table contains the "data" writer.StartTable(); writer.StartColumnDefinitions(); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("30", 30, 30); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("300", 300, 300); writer.WriteColumnDefinition("Auto", 100, double.MaxValue); writer.EndColumnDefinitions(); WriteHeader(writer, "Cash"); decimal totalBalance = 0; decimal balance = 0; bool hasTaxDeferred = false; bool hasTaxFree = false; Transactions transactions = myMoney.Transactions; foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if (a.IsTaxDeferred) { hasTaxDeferred = true; } if (a.IsTaxFree) { hasTaxFree = true; } if (a.Type == AccountType.Credit || a.Type == AccountType.Asset || a.Type == AccountType.Brokerage || a.Type == AccountType.Retirement || a.Type == AccountType.CategoryFund || a.Type == AccountType.Loan) { continue; } balance += a.BalanceNormalized; } // Non-investment Cash var color = GetRandomColor(); if (balance > 0) { data.Add(new ChartDataValue() { Label = "Cash", Value = (double)balance, Color = color }); } WriteRow(writer, color, "Cash", balance); totalBalance += balance; // Investment Cash balance = this.myMoney.GetInvestmentCashBalanceNormalized(new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(!a.IsClosed && IsInvestmentAccount(a)); })); color = GetRandomColor(); data.Add(new ChartDataValue() { Label = "Investment Cash", Value = (double)balance, Color = color }); WriteRow(writer, color, "Investment Cash", balance); totalBalance += balance; bool hasNoneTypeTaxDeferred = false; if (hasTaxDeferred) { WriteHeader(writer, "Tax Deferred Assets"); totalBalance += WriteSecurities(writer, data, "Tax Deferred ", new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(a.IsTaxDeferred); }), out hasNoneTypeTaxDeferred); } bool hasNoneTypeTaxFree = false; if (hasTaxFree) { WriteHeader(writer, "Tax Free Assets"); totalBalance += WriteSecurities(writer, data, "Tax Free ", new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(a.IsTaxFree); }), out hasNoneTypeTaxFree); } balance = 0; WriteHeader(writer, "Other Assets"); foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if ((a.Type == AccountType.Loan || a.Type == AccountType.Asset) && a.Balance > 0) // then this is a loan out to someone else... { color = GetRandomColor(); if (a.BalanceNormalized > 0) { data.Add(new ChartDataValue() { Label = a.Name, Value = (double)a.BalanceNormalized, Color = color }); } WriteRow(writer, color, a.Name, a.BalanceNormalized); totalBalance += a.BalanceNormalized; } } bool hasNoneType = false; totalBalance += WriteSecurities(writer, data, "", new Predicate <Account>((a) => { return(IsInvestmentAccount(a) && !a.IsTaxDeferred && !a.IsTaxFree); }), out hasNoneType); balance = 0; WriteHeader(writer, "Liabilities"); foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if (a.Type != AccountType.Credit) { continue; } balance += a.BalanceNormalized; } totalBalance += balance; color = GetRandomColor(); if (balance > 0) { data.Add(new ChartDataValue() { Label = "Credit", Value = (double)balance, Color = color }); } WriteRow(writer, color, "Credit", balance); balance = 0; foreach (Account a in this.myMoney.Accounts.GetAccounts(true)) { if (a.Type == AccountType.Loan && a.BalanceNormalized < 0) { balance += a.BalanceNormalized; color = GetRandomColor(); if (a.BalanceNormalized > 0) { data.Add(new ChartDataValue() { Label = a.Name, Value = (double)a.BalanceNormalized, Color = color }); } WriteRow(writer, color, a.Name, a.BalanceNormalized); } } totalBalance += balance; writer.StartFooterRow(); writer.StartCell(1, 2); writer.WriteParagraph("Total"); writer.EndCell(); writer.StartCell(); writer.WriteNumber(totalBalance.ToString("C")); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); writer.EndTable(); writer.EndCell(); writer.StartCell(); // pie chart AnimatingPieChart chart = new AnimatingPieChart(); chart.Width = 600; chart.Height = 400; chart.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0); chart.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; chart.Series = series; chart.ToolTipGenerator = OnGenerateToolTip; chart.PieSliceClicked += OnPieSliceClicked; writer.WriteElement(chart); writer.EndCell(); writer.EndRow(); writer.EndTable(); if (hasNoneTypeTaxDeferred || hasNoneTypeTaxFree || hasNoneType) { writer.WriteParagraph("(*) One ore more of your securities has no SecurityType, you can fix this using View/Securities", System.Windows.FontStyles.Italic, System.Windows.FontWeights.Normal, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Maroon); } writer.WriteParagraph("Generated on " + DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString(), System.Windows.FontStyles.Italic, System.Windows.FontWeights.Normal, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Gray); }