public LinearRegressionFactor(IRegressionVariable regressor, double coefficient, double standardError, double nullProbability)
     Regressor = regressor;
     Coefficient = coefficient;
     StandardError = standardError;
     T = coefficient / standardError;
     NullProbability = nullProbability;
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression Fit(IRegressionVariable regressand, IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable> regressors)
			if (regressors == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();

			return Fit(regressand, regressors.ToArray());
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression Fit(IRegressionVariable regressand, params IRegressionVariable[] regressors)
			if (regressand == null || regressors == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();

			int p = regressors.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
				if (regressors[i] == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException();

			// The regressand is required not to be an infinite sequence.
			double[] y = regressand.Values.ToArray();
			int n = y.Length;

			// The regressor sequences may be. But must be at least as long as the regressand.
			double[,] x = new double[n, p];
			for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
				using (IEnumerator<double> iterator = regressors[i].Values.GetEnumerator())
					for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
						if (!iterator.MoveNext())
							throw new Exception("Regressor sequence ended unexpectedly.");
						x[j, i] = iterator.Current;

			LinearRegression lr = LinearRegression.Fit(new Vector(y), new Matrix(x));
			//SimpleLinearRegression lr = new SimpleLinearRegression.Fit(new Vector(y), new Matrix(x));

			LinearRegressionFactor[] factors = new LinearRegressionFactor[p];
			for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
				double t = lr.Beta[j] / lr.Sigma[j];

				// Null probability, $Pr(>|t|)$.
				throw new NotImplementedException(); double pr;//double pr = 2.0 * Gsl.gsl_cdf_tdist_Q(Math.Abs(t), n - p);

				factors[j] = new LinearRegressionFactor(regressors[j], lr.Beta[j], lr.Sigma[j], pr);

			return new AutomatedLinearRegression(factors);
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression FitBySignificance(double significanceLevel, IRegressionVariable regressand, params IRegressionVariable[] regressors)
			return FitBySignificance(significanceLevel, regressand, (IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable>)regressors);
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression FitBySignificance(double significanceLevel, IRegressionVariable regressand, IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable> regressors)
			if (significanceLevel < 0.0 || significanceLevel > 1.0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

			return FitBySignificanceFactors(significanceLevel, int.MaxValue, regressand, regressors);
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression FitByFactorsCombinatorial(int factors, IRegressionVariable regressand, params IRegressionVariable[] regressors)
			return FitByFactorsCombinatorial(factors, regressand, (IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable>)regressors);
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression FitByFactorsCombinatorial(int factors, IRegressionVariable regressand, IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable> regressors)
			if (factors < 1)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

			int n = regressors.Count(r => !r.Required);

			if (n <= factors)
				// Already below maximum number of factors.
				return Fit(regressand, regressors);

			throw new NotImplementedException();
		private static AutomatedLinearRegression FitBySignificanceFactors(double significanceLevel, int factors, IRegressionVariable regressand, IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable> regressors)
			if (regressors.Count(r => r.Required) > factors)
				throw new ArgumentException("Too many factors are required.");

			// Threshold p-value.
			double p0 = 1.0 - significanceLevel;

			// Start by a non-automated regression.
			AutomatedLinearRegression lr = AutomatedLinearRegression.Fit(regressand, regressors);

			while (true)
				// Find worst non-significant factor.
				LinearRegressionFactor f0 = lr.Factors.Where(f => !f.Regressor.Required).OrderByDescending(f => f.NullProbability).First();

				if (lr.Factors.Count <= factors && f0.NullProbability <= p0)
					// Satisfying maximum number of factors and worst significance level.
					return lr;

				if (lr.Factors.Count == 1)
					// About to remove last factor.
					return new AutomatedLinearRegression(new LinearRegressionFactor[0]);

				lr = AutomatedLinearRegression.Fit(regressand, lr.Factors.Where(f => f != f0).Select(f => f.Regressor));
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression FitByFactors(int factors, IRegressionVariable regressand, params IRegressionVariable[] regressors)
			return FitBySignificance(factors, regressand, (IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable>)regressors);
		public static AutomatedLinearRegression FitByFactors(int factors, IRegressionVariable regressand, IEnumerable<IRegressionVariable> regressors)
			// The backward mode described here:

			if (factors < 1)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

			return FitBySignificanceFactors(double.NegativeInfinity, factors, regressand, regressors);