        // Token: 0x0600032E RID: 814 RVA: 0x00012254 File Offset: 0x00010454
        private void SaveToRegistry(string objectXml)
            Exception    ex;
            IRegistryKey registryKey = Dependencies.RegistryKeyProvider.TryOpenKey(SharedHelper.AmRegKeyRoot, ref ex);

            if (ex != null)
                throw ex;
            if (registryKey != null)
                using (registryKey)
                    registryKey.SetValue("LastKnownGoodConfig", objectXml, RegistryValueKind.String);
        public MareRegHandlerTests()
            RegKeyFake = A.Fake <IRegistryKey>();
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.GetSubKeyNames()).Returns(new string[] { "1" });
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.GetValue("KMD_EnableInternalLargePage", null)).Returns(0);
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.GetValue("EnableCrossFireAutoLink", null)).Returns(0);
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.GetValue("EnableUlps", null)).Returns(0);
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.GetValue("DriverDesc", null)).Returns("FAKE_GPU");
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.SetValue(A <string> .Ignored, A <object> .Ignored, A <RegistryValueKind> .Ignored)).DoesNothing();
            A.CallTo(() => RegKeyFake.OpenSubKey(A <string> .Ignored, A <bool> .Ignored)).Returns(RegKeyFake);

            RegFake = A.Fake <IRegistry>();
            A.CallTo(() => RegFake.OpenSubKey(A <string> .Ignored)).Returns(RegKeyFake);

            MsgBoxFake = A.Fake <IMessageBox>();
            A.CallTo(() => MsgBoxFake.Show(A <string> .Ignored)).DoesNothing();
        public Task <bool> Set(RegistrySettingGroup settingGroup, Values values)
            using IRegistryKey? key = this.OpenKey(settingGroup.RootKeyName, settingGroup.KeyPath, true);

            if (key != null)
                foreach ((Setting setting, object?value) in values)
                    // TODO: Infer value kind from the setting data type, or set it explicitly.
                    RegistryValueKind valueKind = RegistryValueKind.Unknown;// RegistrySettingsHandler.GetValueKind(setting.DataType);
                    key?.SetValue(setting.Name, value, valueKind);

            return(Task.FromResult(key != null));
        private void RecurseCopyKey(IRegistryKey sourceKey, IRegistryKey destinationKey)
            //copy all the values
            foreach (var valueName in sourceKey.GetValueNames())
                var objValue = sourceKey.GetValue(valueName);
                var valKind  = sourceKey.GetValueKind(valueName);
                destinationKey.SetValue(valueName, objValue, valKind);

            //For Each subKey
            //Create a new subKey in destinationKey
            //Call myself
            foreach (var sourceSubKeyName in sourceKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                var sourceSubKey = sourceKey.OpenSubKey(sourceSubKeyName);
                var destSubKey   = destinationKey.CreateSubKey(sourceSubKeyName);
                RecurseCopyKey(sourceSubKey, destSubKey);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the active changes to the current theme.
        /// This is needed to be performed before enabling high-contrast because when high-contrast is de-activated it
        /// loads the settings (such as the wallpaper) from the last used .theme file, rather than the applied settings.
        /// These means, any unsaved theme customisations will be lost.
        /// Theme files are described in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/themesfileformat-overview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentThemeFile">
        /// The current theme file used by the OS. This will be used as a base to create a new theme file, and currently
        /// applied settings will be added to it.</param>
        /// <param name="saveAs">The file to write the saved theme to.</param>
        private async Task SaveCurrentTheme(string currentThemeFile, string saveAs)
            this.logger.LogInformation($"Saving current theme, using {currentThemeFile}.");

            bool isValid = false;
            Dictionary <string, string>?themeData = null;

                // Read the .theme file that's currently being used.
                Ini themeReader = new();
                await themeReader.ReadFile(currentThemeFile);

                themeData = themeReader.ReadData();
                isValid   = themeData.ContainsKey("MasterThemeSelector.MTSM");
            catch (IOException e)
                this.logger.LogInformation(e, $"Unable to read {currentThemeFile}.");

            if (!isValid || themeData is null)
                string defaultTheme = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows),
                if (currentThemeFile != defaultTheme)
                    // OBSERVATION: this code is re-entrant; also note that if the aero.theme file is corrupt...this might reenter infinitely until the stack was full
                    await this.SaveCurrentTheme(defaultTheme, saveAs);
            else if (themeData.ContainsKey("VisualStyles.HighContrast"))
                // Only save the current theme if it is not high-contrast.

            using IRegistryKey hKeyCurrentUser =
                      this.registry.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default);

            // Wallpaper
            using IRegistryKey desktopKey = hKeyCurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\Desktop", false);

            themeData["Theme.DisplayName"] = "morphic";

            themeData["Control Panel\\Desktop.Wallpaper"] =
                desktopKey.GetValue("WallPaper")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
            themeData["Control Panel\\Desktop.TileWallpaper"] =
                desktopKey.GetValue("TileWallPaper")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
            themeData["Control Panel\\Desktop.WallpaperStyle"] =
                desktopKey.GetValue("WallPaperStyle")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;

            using IRegistryKey wallpapersKey =
            string?backgroundType = wallpapersKey.GetValue("backgroundType")?.ToString();

            if (backgroundType != "2")
                // It's not a slide-show, remove the entire section.
                themeData.Keys.Where(k => k.StartsWith("Slideshow"))
                .ForEach(k => themeData.Remove(k));

            // Colours
            using IRegistryKey colorsKey = hKeyCurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\Colors");
            foreach (string valueName in colorsKey.GetValueNames())
                if (colorsKey.GetValue(valueName, null) is string value)
                    themeData[$"Control Panel\\Colors.{valueName}"] = value;

            // if the directory for the saveAs file doesn't exist, create it now
            var saveAsPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(saveAs);

            if (Directory.Exists(saveAsPath) == false)

            Ini writer = new();
            await writer.ReadFile(currentThemeFile);

            writer.WriteData(themeData !);
            await writer.WriteFile(saveAs);

            // Make windows use this theme file when restoring high-contrast.
            using IRegistryKey highContrastKey =
            highContrastKey.SetValue("Pre-High Contrast Scheme", saveAs);