public GridServerPostHandler (string url, IRegistryCore registry, IGridService service, bool secure, string SessionID) :
         base("POST", url)
     m_secure = secure;
     m_GridService = service;
     m_registry = registry;
     m_SessionID = SessionID;
     TelehubConnector = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionConnector>();
 public GridServerPostHandler(string url, IRegistryCore registry, IGridService service, bool secure, ulong regionHandle) :
     base("POST", url)
     m_secure         = secure;
     m_GridService    = service;
     m_registry       = registry;
     m_regionHandle   = regionHandle;
     TelehubConnector = DataManager.RequestPlugin <IRegionConnector>();
        public void AddRegion(Scene scene)
            if (!m_enabled)

            RegionConnector = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionConnector>();
            m_scene = scene;

            scene.EventManager.OnNewClient += OnNewClient;
            scene.Permissions.OnTeleport += AllowTeleport;
            scene.EventManager.OnClosingClient += OnClosingClient;

            scene.AddCommand(this, "set regionsetting", "set regionsetting", "Sets a region setting for the given region. Valid params: Maturity - 0(PG),1(Mature),2(Adult); AddEstateBan,RemoveEstateBan,AddEstateManager,RemoveEstateManager - First name, Last name", SetRegionInfoOption);
            scene.AddCommand(this, "ban user", "ban user", "Bans a user from the current estate", BanUser);
 public GridServerPostHandler(IGridService service) :
         base("POST", "/grid")
     m_GridService = service;
     TelehubConnector = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionConnector>();
        public void Initialise(IScene scene, IConfigSource source, ISimulationBase openSimBase)
            IConfig config = source.Configs["EstateSettingsModule"];
            if (config != null)
                m_enabled = config.GetBoolean("Enabled", true);
                m_enabledBlockTeleportSeconds = config.GetBoolean("AllowBlockTeleportsMinTime", true);
                SecondsBeforeNextTeleport = config.GetFloat ("BlockTeleportsTime", 3);
                StartDisabled = config.GetBoolean ("StartDisabled", StartDisabled);
                ForceLandingPointsOnCrossing = config.GetBoolean ("ForceLandingPointsOnCrossing", ForceLandingPointsOnCrossing);

                string banCriteriaString = config.GetString("BanCriteria", "");
                if (banCriteriaString != "")
                    BanCriteria = banCriteriaString.Split(',');

            if (!m_enabled)


            RegionConnector = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionConnector>();

            scene.EventManager.OnNewClient += OnNewClient;
            scene.Permissions.OnAllowIncomingAgent += OnAllowedIncomingAgent;
            scene.Permissions.OnAllowedIncomingTeleport += OnAllowedIncomingTeleport;
            scene.EventManager.OnClosingClient += OnClosingClient;
            if (MainConsole.Instance != null)
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting maturity", "set regionsetting maturity [value]", "Sets a region's maturity - 0(PG),1(Mature),2(Adult)", SetRegionInfoOption);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting addestateban", "set regionsetting addestateban [first] [last]", "Add a user to the estate ban list", SetRegionInfoOption);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting removeestateban", "set regionsetting removeestateban [first] [last]", "Remove a user from the estate ban list", SetRegionInfoOption);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting addestatemanager", "set regionsetting addestatemanager [first] [last]", "Add a user to the estate manager list", SetRegionInfoOption);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting removeestatemanager", "set regionsetting removeestatemanager [first] [last]", "Remove a user from the estate manager list", SetRegionInfoOption);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting addestateaccess", "set regionsetting addestateaccess [first] [last]", "Add a user to the estate access list", SetRegionInfoOption);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "set regionsetting removeestateaccess", "set regionsetting removeestateaccess [first] [last]", "Remove a user from the estate access list", SetRegionInfoOption);

                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "ban user", "ban user", "Bans a user from the current estate", BanUser);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                    "unban user", "unban user", "Bans a user from the current estate", UnBanUser);
                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                        "login enable",
                        "login enable",
                        "Enable simulator logins",

                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                        "login disable",
                        "login disable",
                        "Disable simulator logins",

                MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand (
                        "login status",
                        "login status",
                        "Show login status",
 public TelehubInfoHandler()
     GridConnector = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionConnector>("IRegionConnectorLocal");
        public virtual void HandleMapItemRequest(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint flags,
                                                 uint EstateID, bool godlike, uint itemtype, ulong regionhandle)
            //All the parts are in for this, except for popular places and those are not in as they are not reqested anymore.

            List <mapItemReply> mapitems = new List <mapItemReply>();
            mapItemReply        mapitem  = new mapItemReply();
            uint xstart = 0;
            uint ystart = 0;

            Utils.LongToUInts(remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle, out xstart, out ystart);
            GridRegion GR = null;

            GR = regionhandle == 0 ? new GridRegion(remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo) : m_Scenes[0].GridService.GetRegionByPosition(remoteClient.AllScopeIDs, (int)xstart, (int)ystart);
            if (GR == null)
                //No region???

            #region Telehub

            if (itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.Telehub)
                IRegionConnector GF = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin <IRegionConnector>();
                if (GF == null)

                int tc = Environment.TickCount;
                //Find the telehub
                Telehub telehub = GF.FindTelehub(GR.RegionID, GR.RegionHandle);
                if (telehub != null)
                    mapitem = new mapItemReply
                        x      = (uint)(GR.RegionLocX + telehub.TelehubLocX),
                        y      = (uint)(GR.RegionLocY + telehub.TelehubLocY),
                        id     = GR.RegionID,
                        name   = Util.Md5Hash(GR.RegionName + tc.ToString()),
                        Extra  = 1,
                        Extra2 = 0
                    //The position is in GLOBAL coordinates (in meters)
                    //This is how the name is sent, go figure
                    //Not sure, but this is what gets sent

                    remoteClient.SendMapItemReply(mapitems.ToArray(), itemtype, flags);


            #region Land for sale

            //PG land that is for sale
            if (itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.LandForSale)
                if (directoryService == null)
                //Find all the land, use "0" for the flags so we get all land for sale, no price or area checking
                List <DirLandReplyData> Landdata = directoryService.FindLandForSaleInRegion("0", uint.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, GR.RegionID);

                int locX = 0;
                int locY = 0;
                foreach (DirLandReplyData landDir in Landdata)
                    if (landDir == null)
                    LandData landdata = directoryService.GetParcelInfo(landDir.parcelID);
                    if (landdata == null || landdata.Maturity != 0)
                        continue; //Not a PG land
#if (!ISWIN)
                    foreach (IScene scene in m_Scenes)
                        if (scene.RegionInfo.RegionID == landdata.RegionID)
                            //Global coords, so add the meters
                            locX = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX;
                            locY = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY;
                    foreach (IScene scene in m_Scenes.Where(scene => scene.RegionInfo.RegionID == landdata.RegionID))
                        //Global coords, so add the meters
                        locX = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX;
                        locY = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY;
                    if (locY == 0 && locX == 0)
                        //Ask the grid service for the coordinates if the region is not local
                        GridRegion r = m_Scenes[0].GridService.GetRegionByUUID(remoteClient.AllScopeIDs, landdata.RegionID);
                        if (r != null)
                            locX = r.RegionLocX;
                            locY = r.RegionLocY;
                    if (locY == 0 && locX == 0) //Couldn't find the region, don't send

                    mapitem = new mapItemReply
                        x      = (uint)(locX + landdata.UserLocation.X),
                        y      = (uint)(locY + landdata.UserLocation.Y),
                        id     = landDir.parcelID,
                        name   =,
                        Extra  = landDir.actualArea,
                        Extra2 = landDir.salePrice
                    //Global coords, so make sure its in meters
                //Send all the map items
                if (mapitems.Count != 0)
                    remoteClient.SendMapItemReply(mapitems.ToArray(), itemtype, flags);

            //Adult or mature land that is for sale
            if (itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.AdultLandForSale)
                if (directoryService == null)
                //Find all the land, use "0" for the flags so we get all land for sale, no price or area checking
                List <DirLandReplyData> Landdata = directoryService.FindLandForSale("0", uint.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, remoteClient.ScopeID);

                int locX = 0;
                int locY = 0;
                foreach (DirLandReplyData landDir in Landdata)
                    LandData landdata = directoryService.GetParcelInfo(landDir.parcelID);
                    if (landdata == null || landdata.Maturity == 0)
                        continue; //Its PG
#if (!ISWIN)
                    foreach (IScene scene in m_Scenes)
                        if (scene.RegionInfo.RegionID == landdata.RegionID)
                            locX = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX;
                            locY = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY;
                    foreach (IScene scene in m_Scenes.Where(scene => scene.RegionInfo.RegionID == landdata.RegionID))
                        locX = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX;
                        locY = scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY;
                    if (locY == 0 && locX == 0)
                        //Ask the grid service for the coordinates if the region is not local
                        GridRegion r = m_Scenes[0].GridService.GetRegionByUUID(remoteClient.AllScopeIDs, landdata.RegionID);
                        if (r != null)
                            locX = r.RegionLocX;
                            locY = r.RegionLocY;
                    if (locY == 0 && locX == 0) //Couldn't find the region, don't send

                    mapitem = new mapItemReply
                        x      = (uint)(locX + landdata.UserLocation.X),
                        y      = (uint)(locY + landdata.UserLocation.Y),
                        id     = landDir.parcelID,
                        name   =,
                        Extra  = landDir.actualArea,
                        Extra2 = landDir.salePrice
                    //Global coords, so make sure its in meters

                //Send the results if we have any
                if (mapitems.Count != 0)
                    remoteClient.SendMapItemReply(mapitems.ToArray(), itemtype, flags);


            #region Events

            if (itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.PgEvent ||
                itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.MatureEvent ||
                itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.AdultEvent)
                if (directoryService == null)

                //Find the maturity level
                int maturity = itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.PgEvent
                                   ? (int)DirectoryManager.EventFlags.PG
                                   : (itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.MatureEvent)
                                         ? (int)DirectoryManager.EventFlags.Mature
                                         : (int)DirectoryManager.EventFlags.Adult;

                //Gets all the events occuring in the given region by maturity level
                List <DirEventsReplyData> Eventdata = directoryService.FindAllEventsInRegion(GR.RegionName, maturity);

                foreach (DirEventsReplyData eventData in Eventdata)
                    //Get more info on the event
                    EventData eventdata = directoryService.GetEventInfo(eventData.eventID);
                    if (eventdata == null)
                        continue; //Can't do anything about it
                    Vector3 globalPos = eventdata.globalPos;
                    mapitem = new mapItemReply
                        x      = (uint)(globalPos.X + (remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX / 2)),
                        y      = (uint)(globalPos.Y + (remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY / 2)),
                        id     = UUID.Random(),
                        name   =,
                        Extra  = (int)eventdata.dateUTC,
                        Extra2 = (int)eventdata.eventID

                    //Use global position plus half the region so that it doesn't always appear in the bottom corner

                //Send if we have any
                if (mapitems.Count != 0)
                    remoteClient.SendMapItemReply(mapitems.ToArray(), itemtype, flags);


            #region Classified

            if (itemtype == (uint)GridItemType.Classified)
                if (directoryService == null)
                //Get all the classifieds in this region
                List <Classified> Classifieds = directoryService.GetClassifiedsInRegion(GR.RegionName);
                foreach (Classified classified in Classifieds)
                    //Get the region so we have its position
                    GridRegion region = m_Scenes[0].GridService.GetRegionByName(remoteClient.AllScopeIDs, classified.SimName);

                    mapitem = new mapItemReply
                        x = (uint)
                            (region.RegionLocX + classified.GlobalPos.X +
                             (remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX / 2)),
                        y = (uint)
                            (region.RegionLocY + classified.GlobalPos.Y +
                             (remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY / 2)),
                        id     = classified.CreatorUUID,
                        name   = classified.Name,
                        Extra  = 0,
                        Extra2 = 0

                    //Use global position plus half the sim so that all classifieds are not in the bottom corner

                //Send the events, if we have any
                if (mapitems.Count != 0)
                    remoteClient.SendMapItemReply(mapitems.ToArray(), itemtype, flags);

        public void Initialise(Scene scene, IConfigSource source, ISimulationBase openSimBase)
            IConfig config = source.Configs["EstateSettingsModule"];

            if (config != null)
                m_enabled = config.GetBoolean("Enabled", true);
                m_enabledBlockTeleportSeconds = config.GetBoolean("AllowBlockTeleportsMinTime", true);
                SecondsBeforeNextTeleport     = config.GetFloat("BlockTeleportsTime", 3);
                StartDisabled = config.GetBoolean("StartDisabled", StartDisabled);

                string banCriteriaString = config.GetString("BanCriteria", "");
                if (banCriteriaString != "")
                    BanCriteria = banCriteriaString.Split(',');

            if (!m_enabled)


            RegionConnector = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin <IRegionConnector>();

            scene.EventManager.OnNewClient              += OnNewClient;
            scene.Permissions.OnAllowIncomingAgent      += OnAllowedIncomingAgent;
            scene.Permissions.OnAllowedIncomingTeleport += OnAllowedIncomingTeleport;
            scene.EventManager.OnClosingClient          += OnClosingClient;

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting maturity", "set regionsetting maturity [value]", "Sets a region's maturity - 0(PG),1(Mature),2(Adult)", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting addestateban", "set regionsetting addestateban [first] [last]", "Add a user to the estate ban list", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting removeestateban", "set regionsetting removeestateban [first] [last]", "Remove a user from the estate ban list", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting addestatemanager", "set regionsetting addestatemanager [first] [last]", "Add a user to the estate manager list", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting removeestatemanager", "set regionsetting removeestatemanager [first] [last]", "Remove a user from the estate manager list", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting addestateaccess", "set regionsetting addestateaccess [first] [last]", "Add a user to the estate access list", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "set regionsetting removeestateaccess", "set regionsetting removeestateaccess [first] [last]", "Remove a user from the estate access list", SetRegionInfoOption);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                                                     "ban user", "ban user", "Bans a user from the current estate", BanUser);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("access", true,
                                                     "login enable",
                                                     "login enable",
                                                     "Enable simulator logins",

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("access", true,
                                                     "login disable",
                                                     "login disable",
                                                     "Disable simulator logins",

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("access", true,
                                                     "login status",
                                                     "login status",
                                                     "Show login status",
        public void Initialise(Scene scene, IConfigSource source, ISimulationBase openSimBase)
            IConfig config = source.Configs["EstateSettingsModule"];
            if (config != null)
                m_enabled = config.GetBoolean("Enabled", true);
                m_enabledBlockTeleportSeconds = config.GetBoolean("AllowBlockTeleportsMinTime", true);
                SecondsBeforeNextTeleport = config.GetFloat("BlockTeleportsTime", 3);
                StartDisabled = config.GetBoolean("StartDisabled", StartDisabled);

                string banCriteriaString = config.GetString("BanCriteria", "");
                if (banCriteriaString != "")
                    BanCriteria = banCriteriaString.Split(',');

            if (!m_enabled)


            RegionConnector = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionConnector>();

            scene.EventManager.OnNewClient += OnNewClient;
            scene.Permissions.OnAllowIncomingAgent += OnAllowedIncomingAgent;
            scene.Permissions.OnAllowedIncomingTeleport += OnAllowedIncomingTeleport;
            scene.EventManager.OnClosingClient += OnClosingClient;

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                "set regionsetting", "set regionsetting", "Sets a region setting for the given region. Valid params: Maturity - 0(PG),1(Mature),2(Adult); AddEstateBan,RemoveEstateBan,AddEstateManager,RemoveEstateManager - First name, Last name", SetRegionInfoOption);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand(this.Name, true,
                "ban user", "ban user", "Bans a user from the current estate", BanUser);
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("access", true,
                    "login enable",
                    "login enable",
                    "Enable simulator logins",

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("access", true,
                    "login disable",
                    "login disable",
                    "Disable simulator logins",

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("access", true,
                    "login status",
                    "login status",
                    "Show login status",