public async Task DelRank([Summary("Name of the rank to delete")][Remainder] string name) { await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); var ranks = await _rankService.GetRanks(Context.Guild); var role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (role == null) { await ReplyAsync("That role does not exist!"); return; } if (ranks.All(x => x.Id != role.Id)) { await ReplyAsync("That role is not a rank yet!"); return; } await _rankService.RemoveRank(Context.Guild.Id, role.Id); //await ReplyAsync($"The role {role.Mention} has been removed from the ranks!"); await Context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync("Rank Removed", $"The role {role.Mention} had been removed from the ranks!", await _servers.GetEmbedColor(Context.Guild.Id)); await _servers.SendLogsAsync(Context.Guild, "Rank removed", $"{Context.User.Mention} removed the rank {role.Mention}."); _logger.LogInformation("{user} removed {role} from the ranks in {server}", Context.User.Username, role.Name, Context.Guild.Name); }