public string PickNext(IRandomSource random) { var l = Builders.Build<uint>(random) / (double)uint.MaxValue; return Links .OrderBy (_ => Builders.Build<int>(random)) .Where (i => i.Probability > l) .Select(i => i.Value) .FirstOrDefault (); }
/// <summary> /// Take a sample from the distribution, using the provided <see cref="IRandomSource"/> as the source of entropy. /// </summary> /// <returns>A random sample.</returns> public double Sample(IRandomSource rng) { if (null != _sample) { double x = _sample.Value; _sample = null; return(x); } // Note. The Box-Muller transform generates samples in pairs. (double x1, double x2) = BoxMullerGaussian.Sample(rng, _mean, _stdDev); // Return the first sample and store the other for future use. _sample = x2; return(x1); }
/// <summary> /// Create a sampler for the uniform distribution with interval [0,max) or (-max,max). /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Data type of the samples.</typeparam> /// <param name="max">Maximum value (exclusive).</param> /// <param name="signed">If true the distribution has interval (-max,max); otherwise [0,max).</param> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="ISampler{T}"/>.</returns> public static ISampler <T> CreateSampler <T>(double max, bool signed, IRandomSource rng) where T : struct { if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) { return((ISampler <T>) new Double.UniformDistributionSampler(max, signed, rng)); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) { return((ISampler <T>) new Float.UniformDistributionSampler((float)max, signed, rng)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported type argument"); } }
/// <summary> /// For each species, allocate the EliteSizeInt, OffspringCount (broken down into OffspringAsexualCount and OffspringSexualCount), /// and SelectionSizeInt values. /// </summary> /// <param name="pop">The NEAT population to update species allocation sizes for.</param> /// <param name="eaSettings">Evolution algorithm settings object.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> private static void UpdateEliteSelectionOffspringCounts( NeatPopulation <T> pop, NeatEvolutionAlgorithmSettings eaSettings, IRandomSource rng) { Species <T>[] speciesArr = pop.SpeciesArray !; // Loop the species, calculating and storing the various size/count properties. int bestGenomeSpeciesIdx = pop.NeatPopulationStats.BestGenomeSpeciesIdx; for (int i = 0; i < speciesArr.Length; i++) { bool isBestGenomeSpecies = (bestGenomeSpeciesIdx == i); AllocateEliteSelectionOffspringCounts(speciesArr[i], eaSettings, isBestGenomeSpecies, rng); } }
/// <summary> /// Fill an array with samples from the standard Gaussian distribution, i.e. with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. /// </summary> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <param name="buf">The array to fill with samples.</param> public static void Sample(IRandomSource rng, double[] buf) { int i = 0; for (; i <= buf.Length - 2; i += 2) { var pair = Sample(rng); buf[i] = pair.Item1; buf[i + 1] = pair.Item2; } if (i < buf.Length) { buf[i] = Sample(rng).Item1; } }
/// <summary> /// Fill an array with samples from a Gaussian distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <param name="mean">Distribution mean.</param> /// <param name="stdDev">Distribution standard deviation.</param> /// <param name="buf">The array to fill with samples.</param> public static void Sample(IRandomSource rng, double mean, double stdDev, double[] buf) { int i = 0; for (; i <= buf.Length - 2; i += 2) { var pair = Sample(rng); buf[i] = mean + (pair.Item1 * stdDev); buf[i + 1] = mean + (pair.Item2 * stdDev); } if (i < buf.Length) { buf[i] = mean + (Sample(rng).Item1 *stdDev); } }
/// <summary> /// Fill a span with samples from a Gaussian distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <param name="mean">Distribution mean.</param> /// <param name="stdDev">Distribution standard deviation.</param> /// <param name="span">The span to fill with samples.</param> public static void Sample(IRandomSource rng, float mean, float stdDev, Span <float> span) { int i = 0; for (; i <= span.Length - 2; i += 2) { var pair = Sample(rng); span[i] = mean + (pair.Item1 * stdDev); span[i + 1] = mean + (pair.Item2 * stdDev); } if (i < span.Length) { span[i] = mean + (Sample(rng).Item1 *stdDev); } }
/// <summary> /// Randomly shuffles a sub-span of items within a list. /// </summary> /// <param name="list">The list to shuffle.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random number generator.</param> /// <param name="startIdx">The index of the first item in the segment.</param> /// <param name="endIdx">The index of the last item in the segment, i.e. endIdx is inclusive; the item at endIdx will participate in the shuffle.</param> public static void Shuffle <T>(IList <T> list, IRandomSource rng, int startIdx, int endIdx) { // Fisher–Yates shuffle. // // Determine how many items in the list will be being shuffled int itemCount = (endIdx - startIdx); for (int i = endIdx; i > startIdx; i--) { int swapIdx = startIdx + rng.Next((i - startIdx) + 1); T tmp = list[swapIdx]; list[swapIdx] = list[i]; list[i] = tmp; } }
/// <summary> /// Fill a span with samples from the standard Gaussian distribution, i.e. with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. /// </summary> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <param name="span">The span to fill with samples.</param> public static void Sample(IRandomSource rng, Span <float> span) { int i = 0; for (; i <= span.Length - 2; i += 2) { var pair = Sample(rng); span[i] = pair.Item1; span[i + 1] = pair.Item2; } if (i < span.Length) { span[i] = Sample(rng).Item1; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a sampler for the Gaussian distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Data type of the samples.</typeparam> /// <param name="mean">Distribution mean.</param> /// <param name="stdDev">Distribution standard deviation.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="ISampler{T}"/>.</returns> public static ISampler <T> CreateSampler <T>(double mean, double stdDev, IRandomSource rng) where T : struct { if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) { return((ISampler <T>) new Double.ZigguratGaussianSampler(mean, stdDev, rng)); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) { return((ISampler <T>) new Float.ZigguratGaussianSampler((float)mean, (float)stdDev, rng)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported type argument"); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new child genome based on the genetic content of two parent genome. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent1">Parent 1.</param> /// <param name="parent2">Parent 2.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <returns>A new child genome.</returns> public NeatGenome <T> CreateGenome( NeatGenome <T> parent1, NeatGenome <T> parent2, IRandomSource rng) { try { return(CreateGenomeInner(parent1, parent2, rng)); } finally { // Clear down ready for re-use of the builder on the next call to CreateGenome(). // Re-using in this way avoids having to de-alloc and re-alloc memory, thus reducing garbage collection overhead. _connGeneListBuilder.Clear(); } }
private List <NeatGenome <T> > CreateOffspring( Species <T>[] speciesArr, DiscreteDistribution speciesDist, DiscreteDistribution[] genomeDistArr, double interspeciesMatingProportion, IRandomSource rng) { // Calc total number of offspring to produce for the population as a whole. int offspringCount = speciesArr.Sum(x => x.Stats.OffspringCount); // Create an empty list to add the offspring to (with preallocated storage). var offspringList = new List <NeatGenome <T> >(offspringCount); for (int speciesIdx = 0; speciesIdx < speciesArr.Length; speciesIdx++) { // Get the current species. Species <T> species = speciesArr[speciesIdx]; // Get the DiscreteDistribution for genome selection within this species. DiscreteDistribution genomeDist = genomeDistArr[speciesIdx]; // Determine how many offspring to create through asexual and sexual reproduction. SpeciesStats stats = species.Stats; int offspringCountAsexual = stats.OffspringAsexualCount; int offspringCountSexual = stats.OffspringSexualCount; // Special case: A species with a single genome marked for selection, cannot perform intra-species sexual reproduction. if (species.Stats.SelectionSizeInt == 1) { // Note. here we assign all the sexual reproduction allocation to asexual reproduction. In principle // we could still perform inter species sexual reproduction, but that complicates the code further // for minimal gain. offspringCountAsexual += offspringCountSexual; offspringCountSexual = 0; } // Create a copy of speciesDist with the current species removed from the set of possibilities. // Note. The remaining probabilities are normalised to sum to one. DiscreteDistribution speciesDistUpdated = speciesDist.RemoveOutcome(speciesIdx); // Create offspring from the current species. CreateSpeciesOffspringAsexual(species, genomeDist, offspringCountAsexual, offspringList, rng); CreateSpeciesOffspringSexual(speciesArr, species, speciesDistUpdated, genomeDistArr, genomeDist, offspringCountSexual, offspringList, rng); } return(offspringList); }
public void UpdateSpeciesAllocationSizes() { IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(0); NeatEvolutionAlgorithmSettings eaSettings = new() { SpeciesCount = 4 }; // Create population. NeatPopulation <double> neatPop = CreateNeatPopulation(100, eaSettings.SpeciesCount, 2, 2, 1.0); // Manually set-up some species. var speciesArr = neatPop.SpeciesArray; speciesArr[0].GenomeList.AddRange(neatPop.GenomeList.Take(25)); speciesArr[1].GenomeList.AddRange(neatPop.GenomeList.Skip(25).Take(25)); speciesArr[2].GenomeList.AddRange(neatPop.GenomeList.Skip(50).Take(25)); speciesArr[3].GenomeList.AddRange(neatPop.GenomeList.Skip(75).Take(25)); // Manually assign fitness scores to the genomes. speciesArr[0].GenomeList.ForEach(x => x.FitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(100.0)); speciesArr[1].GenomeList.ForEach(x => x.FitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(200.0)); speciesArr[2].GenomeList.ForEach(x => x.FitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(400.0)); speciesArr[3].GenomeList.ForEach(x => x.FitnessInfo = new FitnessInfo(800.0)); // Invoke species target size calcs. neatPop.UpdateStats(PrimaryFitnessInfoComparer.Singleton, rng); SpeciesAllocationCalcs <double> .UpdateSpeciesAllocationSizes( neatPop, eaSettings, RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource()); // Species target sizes should be relative to the species mean fitness. double totalMeanFitness = 1500.0; double popSize = 100.0; Assert.Equal((100.0 / totalMeanFitness) * popSize, speciesArr[0].Stats.TargetSizeReal); Assert.Equal((200.0 / totalMeanFitness) * popSize, speciesArr[1].Stats.TargetSizeReal); Assert.Equal((400.0 / totalMeanFitness) * popSize, speciesArr[2].Stats.TargetSizeReal); Assert.Equal((800.0 / totalMeanFitness) * popSize, speciesArr[3].Stats.TargetSizeReal); // Note. Discretized target sizes will generally be equal to ceil(TargetSizeReal) or floor(TargetSizeReal), // but may not be due to the target size adjustment logic that is used to ensure that sum(TargetSizeInt) is equal // to the required population size. // Check that sum(TargetSizeInt) is equal to the required population size. Assert.Equal(speciesArr.Sum(x => x.Stats.TargetSizeInt), neatPop.GenomeList.Count); }
public void TestCreateGenome() { var metaNeatGenome = new MetaNeatGenome <double>( inputNodeCount: 10, outputNodeCount: 20, isAcyclic: true, activationFn: new SharpNeat.NeuralNet.Double.ActivationFunctions.ReLU()); var genomeBuilder = NeatGenomeBuilderFactory <double> .Create(metaNeatGenome); int count = 100; NeatPopulation <double> pop = NeatPopulationFactory <double> .CreatePopulation(metaNeatGenome, 0.1, count, RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource()); var strategy = new UniformCrossoverReproductionStrategy <double>( pop.MetaNeatGenome.IsAcyclic, 0.02, genomeBuilder, pop.GenomeIdSeq, pop.GenerationSeq); IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(0); var cyclicGraphAnalysis = new CyclicGraphAnalysis(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // Randomly select two parents from the population. var genome1 = pop.GenomeList[rng.Next(count)]; var genome2 = pop.GenomeList[rng.Next(count)]; var childGenome = strategy.CreateGenome(genome1, genome2, rng); // The connection genes should be sorted. Assert.IsTrue(SortUtils.IsSortedAscending(childGenome.ConnectionGenes._connArr)); // The child genome should describe an acyclic graph, i.e. the new connection should not have // formed a cycle in the graph. var digraph = childGenome.DirectedGraph; Assert.IsFalse(cyclicGraphAnalysis.IsCyclic(digraph)); // The child genome node IDs should be a superset of those from parent1 + parent2. var childNodeIdSet = GetNodeIdSet(childGenome); var parentIdSet = GetNodeIdSet(genome1); parentIdSet.IntersectWith(GetNodeIdSet(genome2)); Assert.IsTrue(childNodeIdSet.IsSupersetOf(parentIdSet)); } }
public void WriteZeroBytes() { byte[] buf = Array.Empty<byte>(); MemoryBlockStream ms = new MemoryBlockStream(); ms.Write(buf, 0, 0); Assert.Equal(0, ms.Length); IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(1234567); byte[] buf2 = new byte[100]; rng.NextBytes(buf2); ms.Write(buf2); Assert.Equal(ms.ToArray(), buf2); ms.Write(buf, 0, 0); Assert.Equal(ms.Length, buf2.Length); }
public AddNodeStrategy( MetaNeatGenome <T> metaNeatGenome, INeatGenomeBuilder <T> genomeBuilder, Int32Sequence genomeIdSeq, Int32Sequence innovationIdSeq, Int32Sequence generationSeq, AddedNodeBuffer addedNodeBuffer, IRandomSource rng) { _metaNeatGenome = metaNeatGenome; _genomeBuilder = genomeBuilder; _genomeIdSeq = genomeIdSeq; _innovationIdSeq = innovationIdSeq; _generationSeq = generationSeq; _addedNodeBuffer = addedNodeBuffer; _rng = rng; }
public void Setup() { // Alloc arrays. _keysRandom = new int[ArrayLength]; _keysNaturalRandom = new int[ArrayLength]; _vals = new int[ArrayLength]; _arrays = new int[ArrayCount][]; for(int i=0; i < _arrays.Length; i++) { _arrays[i] = new int[ArrayLength]; } // Fill key arrays with random values. IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(123); SortBenchmarkUtils.InitRandom(_keysRandom, rng); SortBenchmarkUtils.InitNatural(_keysNaturalRandom, rng); }
/// <summary> /// Construct with the given distribution and a random source. /// </summary> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> public UniformDistributionSampler(float max, bool signed, IRandomSource rng) { _max = max; _signed = signed; _rng = rng; // Note. We predetermine which of these two function variants to use at construction time, // thus avoiding a branch on each invocation of Sample() (i.e. this is a micro-optimization). if (signed) { _sampleFn = (r) => UniformDistribution.SampleSigned(r, _max); } else { _sampleFn = (r) => UniformDistribution.Sample(r, _max); } }
/// <summary> /// Randomly shuffles a sub-span of items within a list. /// </summary> /// <param name="list">The list to shuffle.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random number generator.</param> /// <param name="startIdx">The index of the first item in the segment.</param> /// <param name="endIdx">The index of the last item in the segment, i.e. endIdx is inclusive; the item at endIdx will participate in the shuffle.</param> public static void Shuffle <T>(IList <T> list, IRandomSource rng, int startIdx, int endIdx) { // Determine how many items in the list will be being shuffled int itemCount = (endIdx - startIdx); // This approach was suggested by Jon Skeet in a dotNet newsgroup post and // is also the technique used by the OpenJDK. The use of rnd.Next(i+1) introduces // the possibility of swapping an item with itself, I suspect the reasoning behind this // has to do with ensuring the probability of each possible permutation is approximately equal. for (int i = endIdx; i > startIdx; i--) { int swapIndex = startIdx + rng.Next((i - startIdx) + 1); T tmp = list[swapIndex]; list[swapIndex] = list[i]; list[i] = tmp; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the data generator. /// </summary> public DataGenerator(IRandomSource random) { m_maxArrayLength = 100; m_maxStringLength = 100; m_maxXmlAttributeCount = 10; m_maxXmlElementCount = 10; m_minDateTimeValue = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); m_maxDateTimeValue = new DateTime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); m_random = random; m_boundaryValueFrequency = 20; m_namespaceUris = new NamespaceTable(); m_serverUris = new StringTable(); // create a random source if none provided. if (m_random == null) { m_random = new RandomSource(); } // load the boundary values. m_boundaryValues = new SortedDictionary <string, object[]>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < s_AvailableBoundaryValues.Length; ii++) { m_boundaryValues[s_AvailableBoundaryValues[ii].SystemType.Name] = s_AvailableBoundaryValues[ii].Values.ToArray(); } // load the localized tokens. m_tokenValues = LoadStringData("Opc.Ua.Types.Utils.LocalizedData.txt"); if (m_tokenValues.Count == 0) { m_tokenValues = LoadStringData("Opc.Ua.Utils.LocalizedData.txt"); } // index the available locales. m_availableLocales = new string[m_tokenValues.Count]; int index = 0; foreach (string locale in m_tokenValues.Keys) { m_availableLocales[index++] = locale; } }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="eaSettings">NEAT evolution algorithm settings.</param> /// <param name="evaluator">An evaluator of lists of genomes.</param> /// <param name="speciationStrategy">Speciation strategy.</param> /// <param name="population">An initial population of genomes.</param> /// <param name="reproductionAsexualSettings">Asexual reproduction settings.</param> /// <param name="reproductionSexualSettings">Sexual reproduction settings.</param> /// <param name="weightMutationScheme">Connection weight mutation scheme.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> public NeatEvolutionAlgorithm( NeatEvolutionAlgorithmSettings eaSettings, IGenomeListEvaluator <NeatGenome <T> > evaluator, ISpeciationStrategy <NeatGenome <T>, T> speciationStrategy, NeatPopulation <T> population, NeatReproductionAsexualSettings reproductionAsexualSettings, NeatReproductionSexualSettings reproductionSexualSettings, WeightMutationScheme <T> weightMutationScheme, IRandomSource rng) { _eaSettings = eaSettings ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(eaSettings)); _evaluator = evaluator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(evaluator)); _speciationStrategy = speciationStrategy ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(speciationStrategy)); _pop = population ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(population)); if (reproductionAsexualSettings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reproductionAsexualSettings)); } if (reproductionSexualSettings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reproductionSexualSettings)); } _rng = rng; if (eaSettings.SpeciesCount > population.PopulationSize) { throw new ArgumentException("Species count is higher then the population size."); } _generationSeq = new Int32Sequence(); _reproductionAsexual = new NeatReproductionAsexual <T>( _pop.MetaNeatGenome, _pop.GenomeBuilder, _pop.GenomeIdSeq, population.InnovationIdSeq, _generationSeq, _pop.AddedNodeBuffer, reproductionAsexualSettings, weightMutationScheme); _reproductionSexual = new NeatReproductionSexual <T>( _pop.MetaNeatGenome, _pop.GenomeBuilder, _pop.GenomeIdSeq, population.InnovationIdSeq, _generationSeq, _pop.AddedNodeBuffer, reproductionSexualSettings); _offspringBuilder = new OffspringBuilder <T>(_reproductionAsexual, _reproductionSexual, _eaSettings.InterspeciesMatingProportion); }
private static NeatGenome <double> CreateAndTestChildGenome( NeatGenome <double> parentGenome, AddNodeStrategy <double> strategy, IRandomSource rng) { var nodeIdSet = GetNodeIdSet(parentGenome); var connSet = GetDirectedConnectionSet(parentGenome); var childGenome = strategy.CreateChildGenome(parentGenome, rng); // The connection genes should be sorted. Assert.IsTrue(SortUtils.IsSortedAscending(childGenome.ConnectionGenes._connArr)); // The child genome should have one more connection than parent. Assert.AreEqual(parentGenome.ConnectionGenes.Length + 1, childGenome.ConnectionGenes.Length); // The child genome should have one more node ID than the parent. var childNodeIdSet = GetNodeIdSet(childGenome); var newNodeIdList = new List <int>(childNodeIdSet.Except(nodeIdSet)); Assert.AreEqual(1, newNodeIdList.Count); int newNodeId = newNodeIdList[0]; // The child genome's new connections should not be a duplicate of any of the existing/parent connections. var childConnSet = GetDirectedConnectionSet(childGenome); var newConnList = new List <DirectedConnection>(childConnSet.Except(connSet)); Assert.AreEqual(2, newConnList.Count); // The parent should have one connection that the child does not, i.e. the connection that was replaced. var removedConnList = new List <DirectedConnection>(connSet.Except(childConnSet)); Assert.AreEqual(1, removedConnList.Count); // The two new connections should connect to the new node ID. var connRemoved = removedConnList[0]; var connA = newConnList[0]; var connB = newConnList[1]; Assert.IsTrue( (connA.SourceId == connRemoved.SourceId && connA.TargetId == newNodeId && connB.SourceId == newNodeId && connB.TargetId == connRemoved.TargetId) || (connB.SourceId == connRemoved.SourceId && connB.TargetId == newNodeId && connA.SourceId == newNodeId && connA.TargetId == connRemoved.TargetId)); return(childGenome); }
public static void TestSpeciateAdd( int popSize, int inputNodeCount, int outputNodeCount, double connectionsProportion, IDistanceMetric <double> distanceMetric, ISpeciationStrategy <NeatGenome <double>, double> speciationStrategy, IRandomSource rng, bool validateNearestSpecies = true) { // Create population. NeatPopulation <double> neatPop = CreateNeatPopulation(popSize, inputNodeCount, outputNodeCount, connectionsProportion); // Split the population into three. int popSize1 = popSize / 3; int popSize2 = popSize / 3; int popSize3 = popSize - (popSize1 + popSize2); var genomeList1 = neatPop.GenomeList.GetRange(0, popSize1); var genomeList2 = neatPop.GenomeList.GetRange(popSize1, popSize2); var genomeList3 = neatPop.GenomeList.GetRange(popSize1 + popSize2, popSize3); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int speciesCount = rng.Next(1, (neatPop.GenomeList.Count / 4) + 1); var fullGenomeList = new List <NeatGenome <double> >(genomeList1); // Invoke speciation strategy, and run tests var speciesArr = speciationStrategy.SpeciateAll(genomeList1, speciesCount, rng); ValidationTests(speciesArr, distanceMetric, speciesCount, fullGenomeList, validateNearestSpecies); // Add second batch of genomes, and re-run tests. speciationStrategy.SpeciateAdd(genomeList2, speciesArr, rng); fullGenomeList.AddRange(genomeList2); ValidationTests(speciesArr, distanceMetric, speciesCount, fullGenomeList, validateNearestSpecies); // Add third batch of genomes, and re-run tests. speciationStrategy.SpeciateAdd(genomeList3, speciesArr, rng); fullGenomeList.AddRange(genomeList3); ValidationTests(speciesArr, distanceMetric, speciesCount, fullGenomeList, validateNearestSpecies); } }
private static void TestRangeRandomOrderInner(int start, int count, IRandomSource rng) { // Enumerate the sequence and store the result in an array. int[] arr = EnumerableUtils.RangeRandomOrder(start, count, rng).ToArray(); // Perform some simple tests. AssertSimpleTests(start, count, arr); // Basic randomness test. // As we progress through the sequence, count the number of times and entry is higher and lower than the previous entry. // For an ordered sequence the 'lower' count will be zero. For a truly random sequence the two counts have an expected // 50/50 distribution, although any given random sequence may differ substantially from the expected value. By fixing the // random seed we at least ensure that the unit test will pass rather than passing most of the time(!) CountLowHighTransitions(arr, out int lo, out int hi); Assert.IsTrue(hi > 46); Assert.IsTrue(lo > 46); }
public NeatReproductionSexual( MetaNeatGenome <T> metaNeatGenome, INeatGenomeBuilder <T> genomeBuilder, Int32Sequence genomeIdSeq, Int32Sequence innovationIdSeq, Int32Sequence generationSeq, AddedNodeBuffer addedNodeBuffer, NeatReproductionSexualSettings settings, IRandomSourceBuilder rngBuilder) { _settings = settings; _rng = rngBuilder.Create(); _strategy = new UniformCrossoverReproductionStrategy <T>( metaNeatGenome, genomeBuilder, genomeIdSeq, generationSeq, rngBuilder.Create()); }
public AddCyclicConnectionStrategy( MetaNeatGenome <T> metaNeatGenome, INeatGenomeBuilder <T> genomeBuilder, Int32Sequence genomeIdSeq, Int32Sequence innovationIdSeq, Int32Sequence generationSeq, IRandomSource rng) { _metaNeatGenome = metaNeatGenome; _genomeBuilder = genomeBuilder; _genomeIdSeq = genomeIdSeq; _innovationIdSeq = innovationIdSeq; _generationSeq = generationSeq; _weightDistA = ContinuousDistributionFactory.CreateUniformDistribution <T>(_metaNeatGenome.ConnectionWeightRange, true); _weightDistB = ContinuousDistributionFactory.CreateUniformDistribution <T>(_metaNeatGenome.ConnectionWeightRange * 0.01, true); _rng = rng; }
public void SampleUniformWithoutReplacement_SampleAllChoices() { const int size = 5; IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(); // Sample all of the elements. int[] sampleArr = new int[size]; DiscreteDistribution.SampleUniformWithoutReplacement(rng, size, sampleArr); // Sort the samples. Array.Sort(sampleArr); // Confirm that all of the choices were selected. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Assert.Equal(i, sampleArr[i]); } }
public MemoryStreamFuzzer(MemoryStream strmA, MemoryBlockStream strmB, int seed) { _strmA = strmA; _strmB = strmB; _rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource((ulong)seed); _opDistribution = new DiscreteDistribution( new double[] { 0.688, // Write 0.05, // Write byte 0.05, // Change read/write head position. 0.05, // SetLength 0.05, // Seek 0.002, // Trim 0.01, // Read byte 0.1, // Read }); }
/// <summary>Generates a sequence of integral numbers within a specified range and in random order.</summary> /// <param name="start">The value of the first integer in the sequence.</param> /// <param name="count">The number of sequential integers to generate.</param> /// <param name="rng">Random source.</param> /// <returns>A new IEnumerable{int}.</returns> public static IEnumerable <int> RangeRandomOrder(int start, int count, IRandomSource rng) { if (count < 0 || (((long)start + count) - 1L) > int.MaxValue) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count)); } // Initialise an array of all indexes to be yielded. int[] arr = ArrayPool <int> .Shared.Rent(count); try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { arr[i] = start + i; } // Yield all values in turn, applying a Fisher–Yates shuffle as we go in order to randomize the yield order. // See for (int i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Select at random from the remaining available slots. int selectIdx = rng.Next(i + 1); // Store the yield value. int tmp = arr[selectIdx]; // Replace the selected slot value with a value that has not yet been selected. // This is half of the Fisher–Yates swap, but since we don't need the final // shuffled array we can omit moving the yielded value into its new slot. arr[selectIdx] = arr[i]; // Yield the value from the randomly selected slot. yield return(tmp); } // Yield final value. yield return(arr[0]); } finally { ArrayPool <int> .Shared.Return(arr); } }
public void SelectSubset_Uniqueness() { IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(); var strategy = new CardinalSubsetSelectionStrategy(30); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { int[] idxArr = strategy.SelectSubset(20, rng); HashSet <int> idxSet = new(); for (int j = 0; j < idxArr.Length; j++) { int val = idxArr[j]; Assert.DoesNotContain(val, idxSet); idxSet.Add(val); } } }
public void TestAddNode1() { var pop = CreateNeatPopulation(); var genomeBuilder = NeatGenomeBuilderFactory <double> .Create(pop.MetaNeatGenome); var genome = pop.GenomeList[0]; var strategy = new AddNodeStrategy <double>( pop.MetaNeatGenome, genomeBuilder, pop.GenomeIdSeq, pop.InnovationIdSeq, pop.GenerationSeq, pop.AddedNodeBuffer); IRandomSource rng = RandomDefaults.CreateRandomSource(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { NeatGenome <double> childGenome = CreateAndTestChildGenome(genome, strategy, rng); } }
public string Generate(int maxLength, IRandomSource random) { ChainItem current = null; var result = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; while (count < maxLength) { if (current == null) { current = _items.Values.Where (i => i.CanStart).OrderBy (_ => Builders.Build<int>(random)).First (); result.Append (current.Value); count++; continue; } if (current.CanFinish && Builders.Build<byte>(random) % 10 < 3) { result.Append (_endOfSequence + _separator); current = null; continue; } var next = current.PickNext(random); if (next == null) { result.Append (_endOfSequence + _separator); current = null; continue; } current = _items [next]; result.Append (_separator + current.Value); count++; } return result.ToString (); }
public static void Start(IRandomSource source) { _current = new Session(source); }
static int Generate(IRandomSource source) { return Math.Abs(Builders.Build<short>(source)) % 9000 + 1000; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the random numbers generator. /// </summary> public RandomSourceManager() { RandomSourceSettings settings = UserSettings.GetSettings(typeof(RandomSourceSettings)) as RandomSourceSettings; if (settings != null) { // Try reading the random source specified in the settings IRandomSource selectedRandomSource = null; foreach (TypeExtensionNode node in AddinManager.GetExtensionNodes("/RandomSourcesSupport/RandomSource")) { IRandomSource randomSource = node.CreateInstance() as IRandomSource; string randomSourceDescription; if (randomSource is IDescription) randomSourceDescription = ((IDescription)randomSource).Description; else randomSourceDescription = string.Empty; if (randomSourceDescription == settings.RngRandomSource) { selectedRandomSource = randomSource; break; } } if (selectedRandomSource == null) { // If the random source is still null use the default one TypeExtensionNode node = ExtensionsDefault.GetDefault("/RandomSourcesSupport/RandomSource"); if (node != null) selectedRandomSource = node.CreateInstance() as IRandomSource; } // Set the random source and initialize it this.randomSource = selectedRandomSource; } }
internal void SetRandomSource(IRandomSource randomSource) { Random = randomSource; }
private Session(IRandomSource source) { Source = source; }