private Dictionary <string, IConnection> CreateConnectionList() { var connections = GetConnectionsFromSettings(); var localEngines = _installationService.GetCompatibleEngines().ToList(); // Remove missing engines and add engines missing from saved connections // Set 'is used created' to false if path points to locally found interpreter foreach (var kvp in connections.Where(c => !c.Value.IsRemote).ToList()) { var valid = IsValidLocalConnection(kvp.Value.Name, kvp.Value.Path); if (!valid) { connections.Remove(kvp.Key); } } // For MRS and MRC always use generated name. These upgrade in place // so keeping old name with old version doesn't make sense. // TODO: handle this better in the future by storing version. foreach (var kvp in connections.Where(c => c.Value.Path.ContainsIgnoreCase("R_SERVER")).ToList()) { connections.Remove(kvp.Key); } // Add newly installed engines foreach (var e in localEngines) { if (!connections.Values.Any(x => x.Path.PathEquals(e.InstallPath))) { connections[e.Name] = Connection.Create(_securityService, e.Name, e.InstallPath, string.Empty, false, _settings.ShowHostLoadMeter); } } // Verify that most recently used connection is still valid var last = _settings.LastActiveConnection; if (last != null && !IsRemoteConnection(last.Path) && !IsValidLocalConnection(last.Name, last.Path)) { // Installation was removed or otherwise disappeared _settings.LastActiveConnection = null; } if (_settings.LastActiveConnection == null && connections.Any()) { // Perhaps first time launch with R preinstalled. var connection = PickBestLocalRConnection(connections.Values, localEngines); connection.LastUsed = DateTime.Now; _settings.LastActiveConnection = new ConnectionInfo(connection) { LastUsed = DateTime.Now }; } return(connections); }
private IEnumerable <Interpreter> GetInterpreters() { if (_options.AutoDetect) { _logger.LogTrace(Resources.Trace_AutoDetectingR); var engines = _installationService.GetCompatibleEngines().AsList(); if (engines.Any()) { var interpreterId = 0; foreach (var e in engines) { var detected = new Interpreter(this, Invariant($"{interpreterId++}"), e.Name, e.InstallPath, e.BinPath, e.Version); _logger.LogTrace(Resources.Trace_DetectedR, detected.Version, detected.Path); yield return(detected); } } else { _logger.LogWarning(Resources.Error_NoRInterpreters); } } foreach (var kv in _options.Interpreters) { string id = kv.Key; InterpreterOptions options = kv.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.BasePath) && _fs.DirectoryExists(options.BasePath)) { var interpInfo = _installationService.CreateInfo(string.Empty, options.BasePath); if (interpInfo.VerifyInstallation()) { yield return(new Interpreter(this, id, options.Name, interpInfo.InstallPath, interpInfo.BinPath, interpInfo.Version)); continue; } } _logger.LogError(Resources.Error_FailedRInstallationData, options.Name ?? id, options.BasePath); } }
public async Task StartAsync(Action exited) { var rhostExe = Path.Combine(_rhostDirectory, RHostExe); if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(rhostExe)) { throw new RHostBinaryMissingException(); } var rhostBrokerExe = Path.Combine(_rhostBrokerDirectory, RHostBrokerExe); if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(rhostBrokerExe)) { throw new RHostBrokerBinaryMissingException(); } var rHome = _installations.GetCompatibleEngines().First().InstallPath; IProcess process = null; try { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = rhostBrokerExe, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = false, Arguments = $" --logging:logFolder \"{_logFolder.TrimTrailingSlash()}\"" + $" --logging:logHostOutput true" + $" --logging:logPackets true" + $" --urls" + // :0 means first available ephemeral port $" --startup:name \"{_name}\"" + $" --lifetime:parentProcessId {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}" + $" --security:secret \"{Password}\"" + $" --R:autoDetect false" + $" --R:interpreters:test:name \"{_name}\"" + $" --R:interpreters:test:basePath \"{rHome.TrimTrailingSlash()}\"" }; process = StartBroker(psi); process.Exited += (sender, e) => exited(); var port = ProcessUtils.GetPortByProcessId(process.Id).FirstOrDefault(); while (port == 0) { await Task.Delay(100); port = ProcessUtils.GetPortByProcessId(process.Id).FirstOrDefault(); } Address = $"{port}"; _brokerProcess = process; } finally { if (_brokerProcess == null) { try { process?.Kill(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { process?.Dispose(); } } } }