public IActionResult CreateStudent(
            string ownerIdentityName,
            [FromBody]  StudentForCreationDto newStudentDto)
            if (newStudentDto == null)

            if (ModelState.IsValid == false)

            if (!_repo.ClassEntityExists(ownerIdentityName))

            var finalStudent = _mapper.Map <Entities.Student>(newStudentDto);

            //START: Might be able to replace this by defining student name as a Key value for EFCore
            var classStudents = _repo.GetAllStudentsFromClass(ownerIdentityName);

            foreach (var s in classStudents)
                if (s.Name == finalStudent.Name)
                    return(UnprocessableEntity("There is already a Student with that name in this Class"));
            //STOP: Might be able to replace this by defining student name as a Key value for EFCore

            _repo.AddStudent(ownerIdentityName, finalStudent);
            if (!_repo.Save())
                return(StatusCode(500, $"A problem happened while handling your request to create a student with name:  {newStudentDto.Name}."));
            var createdStudentToReturn = _mapper.Map <StudentDto>(finalStudent);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetStudent", new
                                   { studentId = createdStudentToReturn.Id }, createdStudentToReturn));