public static IEnumerable<IFeature> GetFeatures(this IFeatureClass featureClass, IQueryFilter queryFilter, RecyclingPolicy policy) { IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, RecyclingPolicy.Recycle == policy); IFeature feature; while (null != (feature = featureCursor.NextFeature())) { yield return feature; } //this is skipped in unit tests with cursor-mock if (Marshal.IsComObject(featureCursor)) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(featureCursor); } }
//,int Clusters = 10) //public dataPrepRandomForest(IRaster inputRaster, int Clusters, int trees, double ratio, int nSplitVar, bool buildImportanceGraph = false) //{ // inRs = inputRaster; // IRasterBandCollection rsBc = (IRasterBandCollection)inputRaster; // IDataset rsDset = (IDataset)((IRaster2)inputRaster).RasterDataset; // InTablePath = rsDset.Workspace.PathName+"\\" + rsDset.BrowseName; // DependentFieldNames = null; // string[] tInd = new string[rsBc.Count]; // for (int i = 0; i < rsBc.Count; i++) // { // tInd[i] = "Band_" + i.ToString(); // } // IndependentFieldNames = tInd; // Clustering = true; // numbCluster = Clusters; // nclasses = numbCluster; // nTrees = trees; // r = ratio; // advance = true; // nrndvars = nSplitVar; // variableImportanceGraph = buildImportanceGraph; //} public dataPrepRandomForest(string tablePath,string dependentField, string independentFields, string categoricalFields, int trees, double ratio, bool buildImportanceGraph=false, IQueryFilter qry = null) { InTablePath = tablePath; if (dependentField == null || dependentField.Length == 0) { DependentFieldNames = null; Clustering = true; //numbCluster = Clusters; } else { DependentFieldNames = dependentField.Split(new char[] { ',' }); } IndependentFieldNames = independentFields.Split(new char[] { ',' }); ClassFieldNames = categoricalFields.Split(new char[] { ',' }); nTrees = trees; generalQf = qry; r = ratio; variableImportanceGraph = buildImportanceGraph; }
public bool SetDynamicValues(IObject inObject, string mode, out List<IObject> ChangeFeatureList, out List<IObject> NewFeatureList) { ChangeFeatureList = null; NewFeatureList = null; IFeature inFeature = null; // IRow inRow = null; IMSegmentation mseg = null; INetworkFeature netFeat = null; IJunctionFeature iJuncFeat = null; IEdgeFeature iEdgeFeat = null; //ProgressBar ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialogFactory progressDialogFactory = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor stepProgressor = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2 progressDialog = null; // Create a CancelTracker ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel trackCancel = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.CancelTrackerClass(); try { if (AAState._PerformUpdates && AAState._dv == null) { AAState.WriteLine("Dynamic Value Table is missing - Name in Config:" + AAState._defaultsTableName); // MessageBox.Show("The Attribute Assistant is turned on, but the Dynamic Value table is missing, please add the table and toggle the extension on"); AAState._PerformUpdates = false; return false; } if (AAState._PerformUpdates && AAState._dv != null) { if (inObject == null) return false; if (inObject.Table == AAState._tab) { AAState.WriteLine("Dynamic Value Table is the table that is edited, skipping"); return false; } //Convert row to feature (test for feature is null before using - this could be a table update) inFeature = inObject as IFeature; // inRow = inObject as IRow; string modeVal; if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns[mode].DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.String")) { modeVal = "(" + mode + " = '1' or " + mode + " = 'Yes' or " + mode + " = 'YES' or " + mode + " = 'True' or " + mode + " = 'TRUE')"; } else { modeVal = mode + " = 1"; } System.Int32 int32_hWnd = ArcMap.Application.hWnd; progressDialogFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); stepProgressor = progressDialogFactory.Create(trackCancel, int32_hWnd); stepProgressor.MinRange = 0; stepProgressor.MaxRange = inObject.Fields.FieldCount; stepProgressor.StepValue = 1; stepProgressor.Message = "Attribute Assistant Progress"; // Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog progressDialog = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2)stepProgressor; // Explict Cast // Set the properties of the ProgressDialog progressDialog.CancelEnabled = true; progressDialog.Description = "Checking rules for " + inObject.Class.AliasName; progressDialog.Title = "Attribute Assistant Progress"; progressDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe; progressDialog.ShowDialog(); //for each field in this row/feature // Skip orphan junctions (saves time) if (Globals.isOrpanJunction(inFeature)) return false; //Get table name for this feature _currentDataset = inObject.Class as IDataset; _currentDatasetNameItems = _currentDataset.Name.Split('.'); tableName = _currentDatasetNameItems[_currentDatasetNameItems.GetLength(0) - 1]; stepProgressor.Message = "Checking rules for edited feature: " + inObject.Class.AliasName; progressDialog.Description = "Checking rules for edited feature: " + inObject.Class.AliasName; AAState.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); AAState.WriteLine("############ " + DateTime.Now + " ################"); AAState.WriteLine(""); AAState.WriteLine(" Setting sort order: Field - RUNORDER"); if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns.Contains("RUN_WEIGHT")) AAState._dv.Sort = "RUN_WEIGHT DESC"; AAState.WriteLine(" Querying table for Last Value for layer: " + inObject.Class.AliasName); AAState.WriteLine(" Query Used: (TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND VALUEMETHOD = 'Last_Value'"); AAState._dv.RowFilter = "(TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND VALUEMETHOD = 'Last_Value'"; AAState.WriteLine(" Number of results: " + AAState._dv.Count.ToString()); if (AAState._dv.Count > 0) { IRowChanges pRowChLast = inObject as IRowChanges; for (int retRows = 0; retRows < AAState._dv.Count; retRows++) { DataRowView drv = AAState._dv[retRows]; AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()); int fldLoc = inObject.Fields.FindField(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()); if (fldLoc > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + " field found at position: " + fldLoc); if (pRowChLast.get_ValueChanged(fldLoc)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + " Has Changed"); try { if (inObject.get_Value(fldLoc) != null) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldLoc) != DBNull.Value) { if (AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": " + inObject.get_Value(fldLoc).ToString()); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), inObject.get_Value(fldLoc)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": " + inObject.get_Value(fldLoc)); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), inObject.get_Value(fldLoc)); } } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(" Skipping null on create"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": NULL"); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), null); } } } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(" Skipping null on create"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": NULL"); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), null); } } } catch { //AAState.WriteLine(" Error Setting Last Value " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Name); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + " Has not changed"); } } } pRowChLast = null; // pRowChLast. } //if (inObject != null) //{ // inChanges = inObject as IRowChanges; // if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0) // { // if (intFldIdxs[0] > -1) // { // changed = inChanges.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]); // if (changed) // // if (fieldName.ToUpper() != "SHAPE") // try // { // // if (AAState.lastValueProperties. // // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); // if (AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[0]) != null) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); // AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString()); // AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); // } // else // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); // AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString()); // AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); // } // } // catch // { // //AAState.WriteLine(" Error Setting Last Value " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Name); // } // } // } //} AAState.WriteLine(" Querying table for rules for layer: " + inObject.Class.AliasName); AAState.WriteLine(" Query Used: (TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND " + modeVal); AAState._dv.RowFilter = "(TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND " + modeVal; AAState.WriteLine(" Number of results: " + AAState._dv.Count.ToString()); //AAState._processCount; if (AAState._processCount > 2) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400); } if (AAState._processCount > 15) { MessageBox.Show("You have more than 15 processes running, more than likely your rules are causing an infinite loop. Any rule that creates a new feature with * as the table name can cause this issue."); return false; } if (AAState._dv.Count > 0) { bool proc = false; AAState.WriteLine(" Looping through the rows"); for (int retRows = 0; retRows < AAState._dv.Count; retRows++) { DataRowView drv = AAState._dv[retRows]; AAState.WriteLine(" ------------------------------------------------"); AAState.WriteLine(" Row Info"); AAState.WriteLine(" Row Number " + (retRows + 1).ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" TableName: " + drv["TABLENAME"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" FieldName: " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" ValueInfo: " + drv["VALUEINFO"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" ValueMethod: " + drv["VALUEMETHOD"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" On Create: " + drv["ON_CREATE"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" On Change: " + drv["ON_CHANGE"].ToString()); if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns.Contains("RUNORDER")) AAState.WriteLine(" Order: " + drv["RUNORDER"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(""); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking for Subtype Restriction"); valFC = drv["TABLENAME"].ToString().Trim(); if (valFC.Contains("|")) { AAState.WriteLine(" Subtype restriction Found"); string[] spliVal = valFC.Split('|'); List<string> validSubtypes = new List<string>(spliVal[1].Split(',')); List<string> inValidSubtypes; if (spliVal.GetLength(0) == 3) { inValidSubtypes = new List<string>(spliVal[2].Split(',')); } else { inValidSubtypes = new List<string>(); } int obSubVal; ISubtypes pSub = inObject.Class as ISubtypes; if (pSub != null) { if (pSub.HasSubtype) { if (inObject.get_Value(pSub.SubtypeFieldIndex).ToString() != "") { obSubVal = Convert.ToInt32(inObject.get_Value(pSub.SubtypeFieldIndex).ToString()); if (validSubtypes.Contains("*")) { if (inValidSubtypes.Contains(obSubVal.ToString())) { AAState.WriteLine(" Skipping, not the subtype defined"); proc = false; continue; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Subtype is valid"); } } else if (validSubtypes.Contains(obSubVal.ToString())) { AAState.WriteLine(" Subtype is valid"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Skipping, not the subtype defined"); proc = false; continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Skipping, subtype is not set"); proc = false; continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Layer does not have subtypes"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Layer does not have subtypes"); } } valMethod = drv["VALUEMETHOD"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim(); valData = drv["VALUEINFO"].ToString().Trim(); if (valData.Contains(Environment.NewLine)) { valData = valData.Substring(0, valData.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine)); } List<string> strFldNames = new List<string>(); List<int> intFldIdxs = new List<int>(); fieldObj = null; if (drv["FIELDNAME"] != null && drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim() != "" && drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim() != "*" && drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim() != "#") { strFldNames = new List<string>(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim().Split(',')); foreach (string strFldName in strFldNames) { if (inObject.Fields.FindField(strFldName) >= 0) { int tem = inObject.Fields.FindField(strFldName); intFldIdxs.Add(tem); fieldObj = inObject.Fields.get_Field(tem); AAState.WriteLine(" Field Name: " + strFldName + " was found at index: " + tem); proc = true; } else if (inObject.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(strFldName) >= 0) { int tem = inObject.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(strFldName); intFldIdxs.Add(tem); fieldObj = inObject.Fields.get_Field(tem); AAState.WriteLine(" Field Name: " + strFldName + " was found at index: " + tem); proc = true; } else { intFldIdxs.Add(-1); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldName + " Field not found"); // strFldNames.Remove fieldObj = null; proc = false; } } } else if (drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() == "#") { AAState.WriteLine(" Field is set to edited field"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; IField pTmpFld = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; for (int i = 0; i < inObject.Fields.FieldCount; i++) { pTmpFld = inObject.Fields.get_Field(i); if (pTmpFld.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGlobalID && pTmpFld.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID && pTmpFld.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_LENGTH" && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.LEN" && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_AREA" && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.AREA") { if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(i) == true) { AAState.WriteLine(" Adding " + pTmpFld.Name + " to field array"); strFldNames.Add(pTmpFld.Name); intFldIdxs.Add(i); proc = true; } } } pRowCh = null; pTmpFld = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Field is not specified, empty, or set for all."); fieldObj = null; proc = true; } if (proc) { try { switch (valMethod) { case "FIELD_TRIGGER"://Value|FieldToChange|Value try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: FIELD_TRIGGER"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); string valToCheck = ""; string fldToChange = ""; string valToSet = ""; if (args.GetLength(0) == 3) { valToCheck = args[0]; fldToChange = args[1]; valToSet = args[2]; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Incorrect Value info was not found"); continue; } IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; //Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field Not Set"); continue; } if (intFldIdxs[0] == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field Not Found"); continue; } if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0])) { AAState.WriteLine(" Listed field changed"); if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() == valToCheck) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); int chngFldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, fldToChange); if (chngFldIdx == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field Not Found"); continue; } try { inObject.set_Value(chngFldIdx, valToSet); AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Could not store Value: " + valToSet); } } } pRowCh = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: FIELD_TRIGGER: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: FIELD_TRIGGER"); } break; case "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = null; IQueryFilter pQFilt = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; bool valueChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < intFldIdxs.Count; i++) { if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[i]) == true) { valueChanged = true; break; } } if (valueChanged == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP: Target value(s) did not change, skipping"); continue; } sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; //string[] destFieldNames = null; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 2) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: the valuemethod is not defined properly for this rule"); continue; } if ((sourceFieldNames != null) && (sourceFieldNames.Length > 0)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for layer: " + sourceLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } IFields pFlds = null; //IWorkspace pWork = null; IDataset pDs = null; string layNameFnd = ""; bool matchingLayFnd = false; IStandaloneTable pTbl = null; if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { pFlds = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields; pDs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass as IDataset; layNameFnd = sourceLayer.Name; matchingLayFnd = true; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); continue; } } else { pTbl = Globals.FindStandAloneTable(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName) as IStandaloneTable; if (pTbl != null) { if (pTbl.Table != null) { pFlds = pTbl.Table.Fields; pDs = pTbl.Table as IDataset; layNameFnd = pTbl.Name; matchingLayFnd = true; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); continue; } } if (matchingLayFnd == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " was not found"); continue; } sqlSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)(pDs.Workspace); string specChar = sqlSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_WildcardManyMatch); AAState.WriteLine(" Lookup layer " + layNameFnd + " was Found: " + sourceLayerName); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking for field in Lookup table"); // string missingFieldMess = null; if (sourceFieldNames.Length != intFldIdxs.Count) { AAState.WriteLine(" Number of listed fields do not match"); continue; } int[] sourceFieldNums = new int[sourceFieldNames.Length]; // missingFieldMess = ""; pQFilt = new QueryFilterClass(); string sqlString = ""; string sqlStringUpper = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNames.Length; i++) { sourceFieldNums[i] = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pFlds, sourceFieldNames[i].Trim()); if (sourceFieldNums[i] < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Fields Missing: " + sourceFieldName[i]); break; } if (pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { if (sqlString == "") { sqlString = pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString() + "'"; sqlStringUpper = "UPPER(" + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + ")" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString().ToUpper().Replace(" ", specChar) + specChar + "'"; } else { sqlString = sqlString + " AND " + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString() + "'"; sqlStringUpper = sqlStringUpper + " AND " + "UPPER(" + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + ")" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString().ToUpper().Replace(" ", specChar) + specChar + "'"; } } else { if (sqlString == "") { sqlString = pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]); sqlStringUpper = pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]) + specChar; } else { sqlString = sqlString + " AND " + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]); sqlStringUpper = sqlStringUpper + " AND " + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]) + specChar; } } } pQFilt.WhereClause = sqlString; //if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") //{ // if (mode == "ON_CREATE") // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Field Found"); // continue; // } // pQFilt.WhereClause = "1=1"; //} //else //{ //} AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); int intRecFound = 0; if (sourceLayer == null) { intRecFound = pTbl.Table.RowCount(pQFilt); } else { intRecFound = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); } AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound != 1) { //if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") //{ // pQFilt.WhereClause = "1=1"; //} //else //{ pQFilt.WhereClause = sqlStringUpper; // } AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); if (sourceLayer == null) { intRecFound = pTbl.Table.RowCount(pQFilt); } else { intRecFound = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); } AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Prompting for user input"); ICursor pCurs = null; if (sourceLayer == null) { pCurs = pTbl.Table.Search(pQFilt, true); } else { pCurs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true) as ICursor; } pQFilt = null; List<string> pLst = Globals.CursorToList(ref pCurs, sourceFieldNums); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; string selectVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(pLst, "Select an value to store", ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (selectVal == "||Cancelled||") { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value selected: " + selectVal); string[] strVals = selectVal.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNums.Length; i++) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[i], strVals[i]); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" One Exact match was found"); } pQFilt = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Invalid Value Info: " + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Not a feature or missing Value Info"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { pQFilt = null; sqlSyntax = null; pRowCh = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP"); } break; } case "ANGLE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: ANGLE"); if (inFeature != null) { if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Field not found"); continue; } if ((inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass).ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { AAState.WriteLine(" Input feature is not a line"); continue; } bool boolGeo = true; if (valData.Trim() != "") { if (valData.ToUpper() == "A") { boolGeo = false; } } AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Angle for feature"); IPolyline pLyLine = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; ILine pLine = new LineClass(); pLine.ToPoint = pLyLine.FromPoint; pLine.FromPoint = pLyLine.ToPoint; double angArth = pLine.Angle * 180 / Math.PI; if (angArth < 0) { angArth = 360 + angArth; } double angGeo = 270 - angArth; if (angGeo < 0) { angGeo = 360 + angGeo; } double ang; if (boolGeo) { ang = angGeo; } else { ang = angArth; } AAState.WriteLine(" Angle Calculated: " + ang); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], ang); AAState.WriteLine(" Angle Stored"); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" Could not store angle"); } pLine = null; pLyLine = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Done"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: ANGLE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: ANGLE"); } break; case "CREATE_PERP_LINE"://Layer to Search For|Offset Distante or Field|Search distance to look for a line|UseSnapPoint|TargetLayer|TargetLayerTemplate try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: CREATE_PERP_LINE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; double offsetVal = 5; bool useSnapPnt = false; string targetLayerName = ""; IFeatureLayer targetLayer = null; string targetLayerTemp = ""; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int fldOff = -1; if (args.GetLength(0) == 6) { // sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString(); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); //offsetVal = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); Boolean.TryParse(args[3], out useSnapPnt); targetLayerName = args[4]; targetLayerTemp = args[5]; } else if (args.GetLength(0) == 5) { // sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString(); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); //offsetVal = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); Boolean.TryParse(args[3], out useSnapPnt); targetLayerName = args[4]; targetLayerTemp = ""; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Incorrect Value info was not found"); continue; } if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: Input fields are not used for this tool"); continue; } targetLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (targetLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Target layer not found. " + targetLayerName); continue; } if (targetLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Target layer is not a line layer. " + targetLayerName); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") sourceLayerName = args[i].ToString(); if (i == 0) i++; boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: " + sourceLayer + " was not found"); continue; } IFeatureClass iFC = inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass; if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayer + " is a polygon layer"); break; } if (sourceLayer != null) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } IPoint snapPnt = null; while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { double dAlong = 0; if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); pIntPnt = null; //AAState.WriteLine(" Value set to: " + strDis); //inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); //break; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); pIntPnt = null; //AAState.WriteLine(" Value set to: " + strDis); // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); // break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Distance found: " + dAlong); IPoint pNewPt = new PointClass(); IConstructPoint2 pConsPoint = pNewPt as IConstructPoint2; if (fldOff != -1) { string temp = inObject.get_Value(fldOff).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(temp)) { Double.TryParse(temp, out offsetVal); } } AAState.WriteLine(" Offset Value: " + offsetVal); pConsPoint.ConstructOffset (sourceFeature.Shape as ICurve, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, dAlong, false, offsetVal); AAState.WriteLine(" Offset Constrcuted"); AAState.WriteLine(" Creating Line"); IPolyline pTempLine = new PolylineClass(); if (useSnapPnt && snapPnt != null) { if (snapPnt.IsEmpty) { AAState.WriteLine(" Using feature Point"); pTempLine.ToPoint = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Using Snap Point"); pTempLine.ToPoint = snapPnt; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Using feature Point"); pTempLine.ToPoint = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; } pTempLine.FromPoint = pNewPt; AAState.WriteLine(" Line Created"); IEditTemplate pTemp = null; IFeature pFeat = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for Edit Template"); if (targetLayerTemp != "") pTemp = Globals.GetEditTemplate(targetLayerTemp, targetLayer); if (pTemp != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Template found"); pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(pTempLine, pTemp, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Template not found and creating a feature without it"); pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(pTempLine, targetLayer, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } AAState.WriteLine(" Feature Created"); if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } AAState.WriteLine(" Added to the new feature list"); NewFeatureList.Add(pFeat); pTemp = null; pNewPt = null; pConsPoint = null; snapPnt = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Finished"); break; } //else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CREATE_PERP_LINE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: CREATE_PERP_LINE"); } break; case "AUTONUMBER"://Layer to Search For|Offset Distante or Field|Search distance to look for a line try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: AUTONUMBER"); if (inObject != null) { if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Field not found"); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Max value for Field: " + strFldNames[0]); string res = Globals.GetFieldStats(inObject.Class as IFeatureClass, strFldNames[0], Globals.statsType.Max); AAState.WriteLine(" Value returned: " + res); if (res == "External component has thrown an exception.") { AAState.WriteLine(" The field specified was not a numeric field"); } else { if (Globals.IsNumeric(res)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Value is numeric"); AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to Incriment " + res); long val = (Convert.ToInt64(res) + 1); AAState.WriteLine(" Incrimented to " + res); try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to set value " + res); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); AAState.WriteLine(" Value set" + res); } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Could not set value: " + ex.Message.ToString()); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value is not numeric: " + res); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: AUTONUMBER: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: AUTONUMBER"); } break; case "COPY_LINKED_RECORD"://Feature Layer|Field To Copy|Primary Key Field|Foreign Key Field { try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: COPY_LINKED_RECORD"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 4) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } if (inFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: The input features is null"); break; } string[] targetLayerNames; string targetFieldName = ""; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Value Info"); targetLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); targetFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string targetLayerName = ""; string sourceIDFieldName = args[2].ToString(); string targetIDFieldName = args[3].ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking values"); if (targetFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking Field in Edited Layer"); int fldIDSourecIdx = inObject.Fields.FindField(sourceIDFieldName); if (fldIDSourecIdx > -1 && intFldIdxs.Count > 0) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx) != null && inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx) != DBNull.Value) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() != "") { for (int i = 0; i < targetLayerNames.Length; i++) { targetLayerName = targetLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (targetLayerName != "") { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(" Checking for join record"); bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource); if (sourceLayer != null) { int fldValToCopyIdx = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(targetFieldName); int fldIDTargetIdx = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(targetIDFieldName); if (fldIDTargetIdx > -1 && fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx); } IFeatureCursor pCurs; pCurs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true); IFeature pRow; while ((pRow = pCurs.NextFeature()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to Copy Value from Record"); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx)); break; } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Could not Copy: " + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + strFldNames[0]); } pRow = null; } pRow = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Value successfully copied"); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: ID or Field to populate was not found"); } } else { ITable pTable = Globals.FindTable(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName); if (pTable != null) { int fldValToCopyIdx = pTable.Fields.FindField(targetFieldName); int fldIDTargetIdx = pTable.Fields.FindField(targetIDFieldName); if (fldIDTargetIdx > -1 && fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx); } ICursor pCurs; pCurs = pTable.Search(pQFilt, true); IRow pRow; while ((pRow = pCurs.NextRow()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to Copy Value from Record"); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx)); break; } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Could not Copy: " + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + strFldNames[0]); } pRow = null; } pRow = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Value successfully copied"); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: ID or Field to populate was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Table to populate not found: " + sourceLayerName); } pTable = null; } } } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: ID or Field to Copy was not found"); } //if ((!found) && (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable)) //{ // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); //} } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_LINKED_RECORD" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: COPY_LINKED_RECORD"); // intFldIdxs[0] = -1; } break; } case "OFFSET"://Layer to Search For|Offset Distante or Field|Search distance to look for a line try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: OFFSET"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; double offsetVal = 5; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int fldOff = -1; if (args.GetLength(0) >= 3) { // sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString(); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); //offsetVal = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); } else if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { // sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString(); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); //offsetVal = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse("1", out searchDistance); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Incorrect Value info was not found"); continue; } if (intFldIdxs.Count != 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: 2 fields in fieldname are required for this tool"); continue; } // Get layer for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") sourceLayerName = args[i].ToString(); if (i == 0) i++; boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: " + sourceLayer + " was not found"); continue; } IFeatureClass iFC = inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass; if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayer + " is a polygon layer"); break; } if (sourceLayer != null) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { double dAlong = 0; if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; pIntPnt = null; //AAState.WriteLine(" Value set to: " + strDis); //inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); //break; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; pIntPnt = null; //AAState.WriteLine(" Value set to: " + strDis); // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); // break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Distance found: " + dAlong); IPoint pNewPt = new PointClass(); IConstructPoint2 pConsPoint = pNewPt as IConstructPoint2; if (fldOff != -1) { string temp = inObject.get_Value(fldOff).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(temp)) { Double.TryParse(temp, out offsetVal); } } pConsPoint.ConstructOffset (sourceFeature.Shape as ICurve, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, dAlong, false, offsetVal); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pNewPt.X); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[1], pNewPt.Y); pNewPt = null; pConsPoint = null; } //else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: OFFSET: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: OFFSET"); } break; case "SIDE": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: SIDE"); try { //Layer|IDField|IDField source if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature and valueinfo is valid"); AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting up value info: " + valData); sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; string inputFieldName = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: SIDE: Value info does not have enough parameters"); continue; } switch (args.Length) { case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); inputFieldName = args[2].ToString(); break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: SIDE: Value info does not have enough parameters"); continue; } int fldValToCopyIdx = inObject.Fields.FindField(inputFieldName); if (fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceLayerName + " Layer found"); int fldValTargetJoinIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer, sourceFieldName); if (fldValTargetJoinIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldValTargetJoinIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldValTargetJoinIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldValTargetJoinIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx); } AAState.WriteLine(" Where Clause: " + pQFilt.WhereClause); int cnt = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); AAState.WriteLine(" Feature Found: " + cnt); if (cnt > 0) { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true); while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { bool side = false; if (Globals.GetPointOnLine(inFeature.Shape, sourceFeature.Shape, 450, out side) != null) { if (side) { AAState.WriteLine(" Right Side"); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], "Right"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Left Side"); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], "Left"); } if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); fCursor = null; continue; } } if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); fCursor = null; } pQFilt = null; } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: SIDE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); fCursor = null; // pRowCh = null AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: SIDE"); } break; } case "PROMPT": { //Loop through all fields list in the fieldname //If blank or null, prompt user for value //Store Value // IRowChanges pRowCh = null; IDomain pDom = default(IDomain); ISubtypes pSubType = null; List<Globals.DomSubList> lst = null; Globals.DomSubList dmRetVal = null; // ICodedValueDomain pCV = null; try { if ((inObject != null)) // (valData != null) && { // pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; //if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false) //{ // AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: Target value did not change, skipping"); // continue; //} //else //{ pSubType = (ISubtypes)inObject.Class; if (pSubType.HasSubtype) { int intSub; if (intFldIdxs.Contains(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex)) { lst = Globals.SubtypeToList(pSubType); if (inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == null || inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == "" || inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == DBNull.Value) { dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, "Provide a value for " + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + pSubType.SubtypeFieldName, "Provide a value for " + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + pSubType.SubtypeFieldName, ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); inObject.set_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex, dmRetVal.Value); intSub = Convert.ToInt32(dmRetVal.Value); } else { intSub = Convert.ToInt32(inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex)); } // intSub = (int)inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex); for (int l = 0; l < strFldNames.Count; l++) { if (intFldIdxs[l] == pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) continue; if (intFldIdxs[l] != -1) { pDom = pSubType.get_Domain(intSub, inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Name); //pDom = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Domain; if (pDom == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } else { if (pDom is CodedValueDomain) { //pCV = default(ICodedValueDomain); lst = Globals.DomainToList(pDom); if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], dmRetVal.Value); } catch { } lst = null; } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } } // IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); // string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strRetVal); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + strFldNames[l] + " was not found"); } } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == null) intSub = pSubType.DefaultSubtypeCode; else intSub = Convert.ToInt32(inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex)); for (int l = 0; l < strFldNames.Count; l++) { if (intFldIdxs[l] != -1) { pDom = pSubType.get_Domain(intSub, inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Name); //pDom = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Domain; if (pDom == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } else { if (pDom is CodedValueDomain) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { //pCV = default(ICodedValueDomain); lst = Globals.DomainToList(pDom); dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], dmRetVal.Value); } catch { } lst = null; } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } } // IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); // string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strRetVal); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + strFldNames[l] + " was not found"); } } } } else { for (int l = 0; l < strFldNames.Count; l++) { if (intFldIdxs[l] != -1) { pDom = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Domain; if (pDom == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } else { if (pDom is CodedValueDomain) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { //pCV = default(ICodedValueDomain); lst = Globals.DomainToList(pDom); dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], dmRetVal.Value); } catch { } lst = null; } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } } // IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); // string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], "Provide a value for " + strFldNames[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strRetVal); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + strFldNames[l] + " was not found"); } } } //} } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: PROMPT" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { // pRowCh = null AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: PROMPT"); pDom = null; pSubType = null; lst = null; dmRetVal = null; } break; } //Not Used case "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP_old_NOT USED": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = null; IQueryFilter pQFilt = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP: Target value did not change, skipping"); continue; } sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; //string[] destFieldNames = null; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 2) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: the valuemethod is not defined properly for this rule"); continue; } if ((sourceFieldNames != null) && (sourceFieldNames.Length > 0)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for layer: " + sourceLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { sqlSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)(((IDataset)sourceLayer.FeatureClass).Workspace); string specChar = sqlSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_WildcardManyMatch); AAState.WriteLine(" Lookup layer " + sourceLayer.Name + " was Found: " + sourceLayerName); string missingFieldMess = null; int[] sourceFieldNums = new int[sourceFieldNames.Length]; AAState.WriteLine(" Checking for field in Lookup table"); int fnum = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldNames[0].Trim()); if (fnum < 0) { fnum = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(sourceFieldNames[0].Trim()); } if (fnum != -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" Field Found"); pQFilt = new QueryFilterClass(); if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(" Field Found"); continue; } pQFilt.WhereClause = "1=1"; } else { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + "" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() + specChar + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) + specChar; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); int intRecFound = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound != 1) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") { pQFilt.WhereClause = "1=1"; } else { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "UPPER(" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + ")" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().ToUpper() + specChar + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) + specChar; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); intRecFound = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Prompting for user input"); IFeatureCursor pFCurs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true); pQFilt = null; ICursor pCurs = pFCurs as ICursor; List<string> pLst = Globals.CursorToList(ref pCurs, fnum); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; if (pFCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFCurs); pFCurs = null; string selectVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(pLst, "Select an value to store", ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (selectVal == "||Cancelled||") { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value selected: " + selectVal); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], selectVal as object); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" One Exact match was found"); } pQFilt = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Cant find field " + missingFieldMess); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); } } else { IStandaloneTable pTbl = Globals.FindStandAloneTable(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName) as IStandaloneTable; if (pTbl != null) { if (pTbl.Table != null) { sqlSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)(((IDataset)pTbl).Workspace); string specChar = sqlSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_WildcardManyMatch); AAState.WriteLine(" Lookup layer " + pTbl.Name + " was Found: " + sourceLayerName); string missingFieldMess = null; int[] sourceFieldNums = new int[sourceFieldNames.Length]; AAState.WriteLine(" Checking for field in Lookup table"); int fnum = pTbl.Table.FindField(sourceFieldNames[0].Trim()); if (fnum < 0) { fnum = pTbl.Table.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(sourceFieldNames[0].Trim()); } if (fnum != -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" Field Found"); pQFilt = new QueryFilterClass(); if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(" Empty Value on Create, skipping"); continue; } pQFilt.WhereClause = "1=1"; } else { if (pTbl.Table.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + pTbl.Table.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + "" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() + specChar + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = pTbl.Table.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) + specChar; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); int intRecFound = pTbl.Table.RowCount(pQFilt); AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound != 1) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") { pQFilt.WhereClause = "1=1"; } else { if (pTbl.Table.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "UPPER(" + pTbl.Table.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + ")" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().ToUpper() + specChar + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = pTbl.Table.Fields.get_Field(fnum).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) + specChar; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); intRecFound = pTbl.Table.RowCount(pQFilt); AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Prompting for user input"); ICursor pCurs = pTbl.Table.Search(pQFilt, true); List<string> pLst = Globals.CursorToList(ref pCurs, fnum); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; string selectVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(pLst, "Select an value to store", ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (selectVal == "||Cancelled||") { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value selected: " + selectVal); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], selectVal as object); } //AAState.WriteLine(" Value selected: " + selectVal); //inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], selectVal as object); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" One Exact match was found"); } pQFilt = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Cant find field " + missingFieldMess); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); } pTbl = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " was not found"); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Invalid Value Info: " + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Not a feature or missing Value Info"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { pQFilt = null; sqlSyntax = null; pRowCh = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP"); } break; } case "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE"); string flds; string targetLayer; IRowChanges pRowCh = null; //IFeature pNewFeat = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inObject != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature and valueinfo is valid"); AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting up value info: " + valData); //field name is the field to Check //value|Layer|tempalte|Cut or Copy|field-toField args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: Value info does not have enough parameters"); continue; } targetLayer = args[0]; flds = args[1]; bool bPrompt; if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[2].ToUpper() == "T" || args[2].ToUpper() == "TRUE" || args[2].ToUpper() == "YES") { bPrompt = true; } else { bPrompt = false; } } else { bPrompt = true; } pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: Target value did not change, skipping"); continue; } bool boolFoundAsLayer = true; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(ArcMap.Application, args[0].ToString(), ref boolFoundAsLayer) as IFeatureLayer; if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: Target layer was not found"); continue; } int intTargFld = -1; intTargFld = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(flds); if (intTargFld == -1) { intTargFld = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(flds); if (intTargFld != -1) { flds = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(intTargFld).Name; } } if (intTargFld > -1) { if (pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") continue; IQueryFilter pQFilt = new QueryFilterClass(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(intTargFld).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = flds + " = '" + pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0]) + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = flds + " = " + pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0]) + ""; } int featCnt = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); if (featCnt == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Skipping, no Matching records found"); } else { string promptLayname; //if (boolFoundAsLayer) //{ // promptLayname = sourceLayer.Name; //} //else //{ promptLayname = Globals.getClassName(sourceLayer); //} if (bPrompt) { if (MessageBox.Show("You are about to change " + featCnt + " rows in the " + promptLayname + " Feature Class, proceed?", "Cascade", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { AAState.WriteLine(" User accepted prompt"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" User declined prompt"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Prompt surpressed"); } } IFeatureCursor pCalcCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Update(pQFilt, false); IFeature updateFeat; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } while ((updateFeat = pCalcCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { updateFeat.set_Value(intTargFld, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); ChangeFeatureList.Add(updateFeat); } updateFeat = null; //ICalculator pCalc = new CalculatorClass(); // pCalc.Cursor = pCalcCursor as ICursor; // //pCalc.PreExpression = "Dim OldValue As String" + Environment.NewLine + // // "OldValue = Trim ( [" + flds + "])" + Environment.NewLine + // // "Dim newValue As String" + Environment.NewLine + // // "newValue = " + pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]); // if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(intTargFld).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) // { // pCalc.PreExpression = "Dim newValue" + Environment.NewLine + // "newValue = \"" + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() + "\""; // } // else // { // pCalc.PreExpression = "Dim newValue" + Environment.NewLine + // "newValue = " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() ; // } // pCalc.Expression = "newValue"; //// pCalc.Expression = inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString(); // pCalc.Field = flds; // pCalc.ShowErrorPrompt = true; // pCalc.Calculate(); // if (pCalcCursor != null) // { // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCalcCursor); // } // pCalc = null; if (pCalcCursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCalcCursor); } pCalcCursor = null; pQFilt = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: Field was not found"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { sourceLayer = null; pRowCh = null; // pNewFeat = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE"); } break; } case "COPY_FEATURE": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: COPY_FEATURE"); IFeatureLayer pTargetFL; string[] FldPairs; string targetValue; IRowChanges pRowCh = null; IFeature pNewFeat = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature and valueinfo is valid"); AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting up value info: " + valData); //field name is the field to Check //value|Layer|tempalte|Cut or Copy|field-toField args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Value info does not have enough parameters"); continue; } targetValue = args[0]; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" COPY_FEATURE: Field listed in the Field Name did not change, skipping"); continue; } if (inFeature.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() != targetValue.ToString()) { AAState.WriteLine(" COPY_FEATURE: Target value did not match listed value, skipping"); continue; } //changed = true; bool FCorLayerTarget = true; pTargetFL = Globals.FindLayer(ArcMap.Application, args[1].ToString(), ref FCorLayerTarget) as IFeatureLayer; if (pTargetFL == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Target layer was not found"); continue; } if (Globals.IsEditable(ref pTargetFL, ref AAState._editor) == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Target layer is not editable"); continue; } if (pTargetFL.FeatureClass.ShapeType != (inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass).ShapeType) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Target layer and Source layer are different geometry types"); continue; } FldPairs = null; //value|Layer|tempalte|Cut or Copy|field-toField IEditTemplate pEditTemp = null; string sourceAction = "COPY"; string fldMatching = null; switch (args.Length) { //case 2: // break; case 3: if (args[2].Trim() != "") { //pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplate(ArcMap.Application, pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplateGraphic(pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); } else { pEditTemp = null; } break; case 4: if (args[2].Trim() != "") { //pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplate(ArcMap.Application, pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplateGraphic(pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); } else { pEditTemp = null; } sourceAction = args[3].ToUpper().Trim(); //fldMatching = args[4].Trim(); break; case 5: if (args[2].Trim() != "") { //pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplate(ArcMap.Application, pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplateGraphic(pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); } else { pEditTemp = null; } sourceAction = args[3].ToUpper().Trim(); fldMatching = args[4].Trim(); break; } if (pEditTemp != null) { pNewFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(inFeature.ShapeCopy, pEditTemp, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } else { pNewFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(inFeature.ShapeCopy, pTargetFL, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } pEditTemp = null; if (fldMatching != null) { if (fldMatching == "") { FldPairs = new string[] { }; } else { FldPairs = fldMatching.Split(','); } } else { FldPairs = new string[] { }; } //pNewFeat = pTargetFL.FeatureClass.CreateFeature(); //pNewFeat.Shape = inFeature.Shape; List<string> targFilds = new List<string>(); foreach (string strFlpPair in FldPairs) { string[] fldMatch = strFlpPair.Split('-'); if (fldMatch.Length != 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Field pairing is not properly defined"); } else { string strSrcFldName = fldMatch[0]; string strTarFldName = fldMatch[1]; int intSrcFldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex((inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass).Fields, (strSrcFldName)); int intTarFldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTargetFL.FeatureClass.Fields, strTarFldName); if (intSrcFldIdx == -1 || intTarFldIdx == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Either the source or target field was not found"); } else { targFilds.Add(strTarFldName.ToUpper()); try { pNewFeat.set_Value(intTarFldIdx, inFeature.get_Value(intSrcFldIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE: Setting value: " + strFlpPair); } } } } IFields pTarFields = pTargetFL.FeatureClass.Fields; IField pTarField = null; for (int i = 0; i < pTarFields.FieldCount; i++) { pTarField = pTarFields.get_Field(i); if (pTarField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGlobalID && pTarField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID && pTarField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_LENGTH" && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.LEN" && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_AREA" && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.AREA") { if (targFilds.Contains(pTarField.Name.ToUpper()) == false) { int fldIdx = inFeature.Fields.FindField(pTarField.Name); if (fldIdx > 0) { try { pNewFeat.set_Value(i, inFeature.get_Value(fldIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: COPY_FEATURE: Setting value: " + pTarField.Name); } } } } } pTarFields = null; pTarField = null; if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //pNewFeat.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); NewFeatureList.Add(pNewFeat); if (sourceAction == "CUT") { MessageBox.Show("CUT is not supported at the moment"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value info was not correct"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: COPY_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { pTargetFL = null; pRowCh = null; pNewFeat = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: COPY_FEATURE"); } break; } case "VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY"); try { // if (netFeat != null) //IRowChanges pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; //changed = true; //if (mode != "ON_CREATE") //{ //} if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature and valueinfo is valid"); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if feature is in a geometric network"); bool validFeat = false; if (inFeature is INetworkFeature) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is in a geometric network"); AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting up value info: " + valData); args = valData.Split('|'); int connectionCnt = Globals.getConnectionCount(inFeature); foreach (string fldConPair in args) { string[] fldCon = fldConPair.Split(','); if (fldCon.Length == 1) { AAState.WriteLine(" No values for the specified fields"); if (Globals.IsNumeric(fldCon[0])) { if (connectionCnt == Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[0])) { AAState.WriteLine(" Valid Connection Rule Found"); validFeat = true; break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Connection value is not numeric"); } } else { if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" No values for the specified fields"); if (fldCon.Length == 2) { if (connectionCnt == Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1])) { AAState.WriteLine(" Valid Connection Rule Found"); validFeat = true; break; } } if (fldCon.Length > 2) { if (connectionCnt >= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1]) && connectionCnt <= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[2])) { AAState.WriteLine(" Valid Connection Rule Found"); validFeat = true; break; } } } else if (inFeature.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() == fldCon[0]) { if (fldCon.Length == 2) { if (connectionCnt == Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1])) { AAState.WriteLine(" Valid Connection Rule Found"); validFeat = true; break; } } if (fldCon.Length > 2) { if (connectionCnt >= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1]) && connectionCnt <= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[2])) { AAState.WriteLine(" Valid Connection Rule Found"); validFeat = true; break; } } //iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 1 } } } if (validFeat == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Feature is not a geometric network feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value info was not correct"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY"); } break; } case "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature and valueinfo is valid"); IRowChanges pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; changed = true; if (intFldIdxs != null && intFldIdxs.Count > 0 && mode != "ON_CREATE") { for (int fldIdx = 0; fldIdx < intFldIdxs.Count; fldIdx++) { AAState.WriteLine(" Row to monitor specified"); changed = pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[fldIdx]); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[fldIdx] + " changed value was " + changed); if (changed) break; } } if (changed) { args = valData.Split('|'); args = args[0].Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking fields to compare: " + args); if (args.Length > 0) { // IList<string> pFldsToEval = new List<String>(args); //pFldsToEval = args.ToList(); AAState.WriteLine(" Getting templates for feature class"); IList<ILayer> pLayList = Globals.FindLayersByClassID(((IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document).FocusMap, inObject.Class.ObjectClassID); if (pLayList != null) { if (pLayList.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + pLayList.Count + " Layers found"); bool ValidComb = false; foreach (ILayer pLay in pLayList) { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking " + pLay.Name); if (pLay is IFeatureLayer) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer is a featurelayer"); // IList<string> pEditTemplateNames = Globals.GetEditTemplateNames(ArcMap.Application, (IFeatureLayer)pLay); //IList<IEditTemplate> pEditTemplates = Globals.GetEditTemplates(ArcMap.Application, (IFeatureLayer)pLay); //foreach (string IEditTemplate in pEditTemplates) //{ //Globals.GetEditTemplate(pEditTemplateName, //} AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Edit Template Manager"); IEditTemplateManager pEdTmpManager = Globals.GetEditTemplateManager((IFeatureLayer)pLay); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking templates"); ValidComb = Globals.FeatureIsValidTemplate(pEdTmpManager, inFeature, args); AAState.WriteLine(" Template Found Status: " + ValidComb.ToString()); if (ValidComb == true) break; } } if (ValidComb == false) { AAState.WriteLine(" Abort Edit"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: No layers where found!"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: No layers where found!"); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Monitored fields where not changed"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES"); } break; } //case "SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE": // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); // try // { // if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) // { // intersectLayerName = ""; // intersectLayer = null; // args = valData.Split('|'); // if (args.Length > 0) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" " + args.Length + " Layers listed "); // for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) // { // intersectLayerName = args[i].Trim(); // AAState.WriteLine(" Searching for " + intersectLayerName); // boolLayerOrFC = true; // if (intersectLayerName.Contains("(")) // { // string[] tempSplt = intersectLayerName.Split('('); // intersectLayerName = tempSplt[0]; // intersectLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; // if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) // { // boolLayerOrFC = true; // } // else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) // { // boolLayerOrFC = true; // } // else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) // { // boolLayerOrFC = false; // } // else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) // { // boolLayerOrFC = false; // } // else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) // { // boolLayerOrFC = false; // } // else // { // boolLayerOrFC = true; // } // } // else // { // intersectLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; // } // if (intersectLayer != null) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Layer Found " + intersectLayerName); // if (intersectLayer.FeatureClass != null) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Datasource is valid for " + intersectLayerName); // // sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); // sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(intersectLayer, inFeature, false); // AAState.WriteLine(" Checking source Geometry Type"); // AAState.WriteLine(" Searching " + intersectLayerName + "for intersected feature"); // //if (boolLayerOrFC) // //{ // // fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); // //} // //else // //{ // // fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); // //} // pFS = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; // if (boolLayerOrFC) // { // if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) // { // pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); // fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; // } // else // { // fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); // } // } // else // { // fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); // } // IFeature intsersectFeature; // int idx = 1; // while ((intsersectFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) // { // if (intsersectFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting Intersected Feature number: " + idx); // idx++; // IFeatureEdit2 featureEdit = intsersectFeature as IFeatureEdit2; // ISet featset = featureEdit.SplitWithUpdate(inFeature.Shape); // AAState.WriteLine(" Adding split features to array to call the AA ext"); // if (featset.Count > 0) // { // if (NewFeatureList == null) // { // NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); // } // object featobj; // while ((featobj = featset.Next()) != null) // { // IFeature feature = featobj as IFeature; // //feature.Store(); // if (feature != null) // { // NewFeatureList.Add(feature as IObject); // } // feature = null; // } // } // AAState.WriteLine(" Split feature " + intersectLayerName + " into " + featset.Count); // if (intsersectFeature != null) // { // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(intsersectFeature); // } // featureEdit = null; // featset = null; // } // else if (intsersectFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && intsersectFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting Intersected Feature number: " + idx); // idx++; // IFeatureEdit2 featureEdit = intsersectFeature as IFeatureEdit2; // ISet featset = featureEdit.SplitWithUpdate(inFeature.Shape); // AAState.WriteLine(" Adding split features to array to call the AA ext"); // if (featset.Count > 0) // { // if (NewFeatureList == null) // { // NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); // } // object featobj; // while ((featobj = featset.Next()) != null) // { // IFeature feature = featobj as IFeature; // if (feature != null) // { // NewFeatureList.Add(feature as IObject); // } // feature = null; // // feature.Store(); // } // } // AAState.WriteLine(" Split feature " + intersectLayerName + " into " + featset.Count); // if (intsersectFeature != null) // { // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(intsersectFeature); // } // featureEdit = null; // featset = null; // } // } // intsersectFeature = null; // } // } // else // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Warning: Can't find intersecting layer: " + intersectLayerName); // } // } // } // else // { // AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Value Info: " + valData); // } // } // else // { // AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: not a feature or no Value Info"); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); // } // finally // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); // } // break; // } case "SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { intersectLayerName = ""; intersectLayer = null; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + args.Length + " Layers listed "); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { intersectLayerName = args[i].Trim(); AAState.WriteLine(" Searching for " + intersectLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (intersectLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = intersectLayerName.Split('('); intersectLayerName = tempSplt[0]; intersectLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { intersectLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } if (intersectLayer != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer Found " + intersectLayerName); if (intersectLayer.FeatureClass != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Datasource is valid for " + intersectLayerName); double snapTol = Globals.GetXYTolerance(intersectLayer); // sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(intersectLayer, inFeature, false); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking source Geometry Type"); AAState.WriteLine(" Searching " + intersectLayerName + "for intersected feature"); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } IFeature intsersectFeature; int idx = 1; while ((intsersectFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (intsersectFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting Intersected Feature number: " + idx); idx++; // IFeatureEdit2 featureEdit = intsersectFeature as IFeatureEdit2; //ISet featset = featureEdit.SplitWithUpdate(inFeature.ShapeCopy); if (intsersectFeature is INetworkFeature) { AAState.WriteLine(" Line to split is a Geometric Network line, this operation is not valid for these types of features"); } else { ISet featset = Globals.splitLineWithPoint(intsersectFeature, inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint, snapTol, null, "{0:0.00}", ArcMap.Application); if (featset != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Adding split features to array to call the AA ext"); if (featset.Count > 0) { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } object featobj; while ((featobj = featset.Next()) != null) { IFeature feature = featobj as IFeature; //feature.Store(); if (feature != null) { NewFeatureList.Add(feature as IObject); } feature = null; } } AAState.WriteLine(" Split feature " + intersectLayerName + " into " + featset.Count); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Split return no features"); } featset = null; } } if (intsersectFeature != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(intsersectFeature); } //featureEdit = null; else if (intsersectFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && intsersectFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(" Splitting Intersected Feature number: " + idx); idx++; if (intsersectFeature is INetworkFeature) { AAState.WriteLine(" Line to split is a Geometric Network line, this operation is not valid for these types of features"); } else { // IFeatureEdit2 featureEdit = intsersectFeature as IFeatureEdit2; //ISet featset = featureEdit.SplitWithUpdate(inFeature.Shape); ISet featset = Globals.splitLineWithPoint(intsersectFeature, inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint, snapTol, null, "{0:0.00}", ArcMap.Application); if (featset == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Error splitting feature, the feature may be a geometric network feature"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Adding split features to array to call the AA ext"); if (featset.Count > 0) { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } object featobj; while ((featobj = featset.Next()) != null) { IFeature feature = featobj as IFeature; if (feature != null) { NewFeatureList.Add(feature as IObject); } feature = null; // feature.Store(); } } AAState.WriteLine(" Split feature " + intersectLayerName + " into " + featset.Count); } featset = null; } if (intsersectFeature != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(intsersectFeature); } } } intsersectFeature = null; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Warning: Can't find intersecting layer: " + intersectLayerName); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Value Info: " + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: not a feature or no Value Info"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); } break; } case "NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES": { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; string[] destFieldNames = null; searchDistance = 0; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 3) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); destFieldNames = args[2].ToString().Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: search distance as not specified, defaulting to 0"); } else if (args.Length == 4) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); destFieldNames = args[2].ToString().Split(','); Double.TryParse(args[3], out searchDistance); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: the valuemethod is not defined properly for this rule"); continue; } if ((sourceFieldNames != null) && (destFieldNames != null) && (sourceFieldNames.Length > 0) && (destFieldNames.Length > 0) && (sourceFieldNames.Length == destFieldNames.Length)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for layer: " + sourceLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceLayer.Name + " layer Found: " + sourceLayerName); string missingFieldMess = null; int[] sourceFieldNums = new int[sourceFieldNames.Length]; int[] destFieldNums = new int[destFieldNames.Length]; AAState.WriteLine(" Checking Field Mapping"); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNums.Length; i++) { int fnum = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldNames[i].Trim()); if (fnum < 0) { missingFieldMess = sourceFieldNames[i].Trim() + " in table " + sourceLayerName; break; } sourceFieldNums[i] = fnum; } if (missingFieldMess == null) { for (int i = 0; i < destFieldNums.Length; i++) { int fnum = inFeature.Fields.FindField(destFieldNames[i].Trim()); if (fnum < 0) { missingFieldMess = destFieldNames[i].Trim() + " in table " + tableName; break; } destFieldNums[i] = fnum; } } if (missingFieldMess == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Field Mapping verified"); // found source and destination fields. //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); if (searchDistance > 0) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); //searchEnvelope = inFeature.ShapeCopy.Envelope; //searchEnvelope.Expand(searchDistance, searchDistance, false); //sFilter.Geometry = searchEnvelope; } else { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); //sFilter.Geometry = inFeature.ShapeCopy; } // sFilter.GeometryField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; // sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; AAState.WriteLine(" Searching for Nearest Feature"); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); //} //else //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); nearestFeature = null; proxOp = (IProximityOperator)inFeature.Shape; lastDistance = searchDistance; if (sourceFeature != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Features Found, looping for closest"); while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { //distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(sourceFeature.Shape); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { //distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(sourceFeature.Shape); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (nearestFeature != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Closest Feature is " + lastDistance + " Away with OID of " + nearestFeature.OID); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNums.Length; i++) { try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to copy " + sourceFieldNames[i] + " to " + destFieldNames[i]); inObject.set_Value(destFieldNums[i], nearestFeature.get_Value(sourceFieldNums[i])); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: copying " + sourceFieldNames[i] + " to " + destFieldNames[i]); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Feature was found, default fields"); for (int i = 0; i < destFieldNums.Length; i++) { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(destFieldNums[i]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(destFieldNums[i], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(destFieldNums[i], newval); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Cant find field " + missingFieldMess); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayerName + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Invalid Value Info: " + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Not a feature or missing Value Info"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES"); } break; } case "MINIMUM_LENGTH": { try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying MINIMUM_LENGTH"); double minlength; AAState.WriteLine(" Evaluating Minimum length value"); if (Double.TryParse(valData, out minlength)) { if (inFeature != null) { ICurve curve = inFeature.Shape as ICurve; if (curve != null) { if (curve.Length < minlength) { String mess = "Line is shorter than " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", minlength) + " " + Globals.GetSpatRefUnitName(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference, true) + ", aborting edit."; AAState.WriteLine(" " + mess); MessageBox.Show(mess, "Line too short"); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Feature is not a Line"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" Error MINIMUM_LENGTH \n" + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished MINIMUM_LENGTH"); } break; } case "LINK_TABLE_ASSET": try { intersectLayerName = ""; intersectTable = null; intersectLayer = null; List<string> intersectLayerFieldNameList = new List<string>(); List<int> intersectFieldPosList = new List<int>(); AAState.WriteLine(" Trying LINK_TABLE_ASSET"); args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // Feature Layer only intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: // Feature Layer| Field to copy intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldNameList = new List<string>(args[1].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); break; case 3: // Feature Layer| Field to copy | for future intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldNameList = new List<string>(args[1].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); //sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Value Method: " + valData); continue; // break; } bool FCorLayerIntersect = true; intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref FCorLayerIntersect); intersectTable = Globals.FindStandAloneTable(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName); if (intersectLayer != null) { ////Find Area Field foreach (string intersectLayerFieldName in intersectLayerFieldNameList) { intersectFieldPos = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Asset feature Layer Field(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } else { intersectFieldPosList.Add(intersectFieldPos); } } intersectLayerSelection = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (intersectLayerSelection.SelectionSet.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: No assests selected in " + intersectLayerName); break; } if (intersectLayerSelection.SelectionSet.Count > 1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: To many assests are selected in " + intersectLayerName); break; } intersectLayerSelection.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out cCurs); } else if (intersectTable != null) { if (intersectTable.Table == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Asset Layer(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } ////Find Area Field //intersectFieldPos = intersectTable.Table.Fields.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); //if (intersectFieldPos < 0) //{ // AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Asset Layer Field(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); // break; //} foreach (string intersectLayerFieldName in intersectLayerFieldNameList) { intersectFieldPos = intersectTable.Table.Fields.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Asset Layer Field(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } else { intersectFieldPosList.Add(intersectFieldPos); } } intersectTableSelection = (ITableSelection)intersectTable; if (intersectTableSelection.SelectionSet.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: No assests selected in " + intersectLayerName); break; } if (intersectTableSelection.SelectionSet.Count > 1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: To many assests are selected in " + intersectLayerName); break; } intersectTableSelection.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out cCurs); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Asset Layer(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } IRow row; while ((row = cCurs.NextRow()) != null) { int idx = 0; foreach (int fldIdxInt in intersectFieldPosList) { if (idx >= intFldIdxs.Count) continue; string val = row.get_Value(fldIdxInt).ToString(); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], val); else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(val)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], Convert.ToInt32(val)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field is a number and Value is not" + val); } } else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle || inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(val)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], Convert.ToDouble(val)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field is a number and Value is not:" + val); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], val); } idx++; } } if (row != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); row = null; } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: LINK_TABLE_ASSET" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { if (cCurs != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); cCurs = null; } AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: LINK_TABLE_ASSET"); } break; case "GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE": AAState.WriteLine(" Trying GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE"); List<IPoint> pPnts = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; searchDistance = 0; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 2) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); searchDistance = 2; AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: search distance as not specified, defaulting to 0"); } else if (args.Length == 3) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: the valuemethod is not defined properly for this rule"); continue; } //Globals.GetAddressInfo( if (sourceFieldNames.Length != 5) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: the valuemethod fields part does not have enough fields listed"); continue; } //AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for layer: " + sourceLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = false; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } // Globals.GetNearestFeature((inObject as IFeature).Shape, pPnts = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inObject as IFeature); if (pPnts.Count != 0) { AddressInfo pRetValu = Globals.GetAddressInfo(ArcMap.Application, pPnts[0] as IPoint, sourceLayerName, sourceFieldNames[0].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[1].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[2].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[3].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[4].Trim(), false, searchDistance); if (pRetValu != null) { if (pRetValu.Messages == "") { bool rightSide = true; IPoint pPnt = Globals.GetPointOnLine((inObject as IFeature).Shape as IPoint, pRetValu.StreetGeometry as IPolyline, 400, out rightSide); try { if (strFldNames.Count == 2) { if (intFldIdxs[0] != -1) { if (rightSide) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.RightAddress); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.LeftAddress); } } if (intFldIdxs[1] != -1) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[1], pRetValu.StreetName); } else { if (intFldIdxs[0] != -1) { if (rightSide) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.RightAddress + " " + pRetValu.StreetName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.LeftAddress + " " + pRetValu.StreetName); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Error setting field values, GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Error getting address info from the centerline: " + pRetValu.Messages); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Error getting address info from the centerline, GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Error getting Location, GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE"); pPnts = null; } break; case "GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER": { IReverseGeocoding reverseGeocoding = null; IAddressGeocoding addressGeocoding = null; IPoint revGCLoc = null; IFields matchFields = null; IField shapeField = null; IReverseGeocodingProperties reverseGeocodingProperties = null; IPropertySet addressProperties = null; IAddressInputs addressInputs = null; IFields addressFields = null; object key = null; object value = null; try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to get address locator"); reverseGeocoding = Globals.OpenLocator(args[0], args[1]); if (reverseGeocoding == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Reverse Address not locator found"); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Reverse Address locator found"); AAState.WriteLine(" Retrieving Location to reverse geocode"); revGCLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature)[0]; AAState.WriteLine(" Location retrieved"); // Create a Point at which to find the address. addressGeocoding = (IAddressGeocoding)reverseGeocoding; matchFields = addressGeocoding.MatchFields; int shpFld = matchFields.FindField("Shape"); shapeField = matchFields.get_Field(shpFld); AAState.WriteLine(" Setting distance"); // Set the search tolerance for reverse geocoding. reverseGeocodingProperties = (IReverseGeocodingProperties)reverseGeocoding; reverseGeocodingProperties.SearchDistance = 100; reverseGeocodingProperties.SearchDistanceUnits = esriUnits.esriFeet; reverseGeocoding.InitDefaults(); // Find the address nearest the Point. addressProperties = reverseGeocoding.ReverseGeocode(revGCLoc, false); // Print the address properties. addressInputs = (IAddressInputs)reverseGeocoding; addressFields = addressInputs.AddressFields; addressProperties.GetAllProperties(out key, out value); string tempVal = ""; for (int i = 0; i < addressFields.FieldCount; i++) { IField addressField = addressFields.get_Field(i); if (tempVal == "") { tempVal = addressProperties.GetProperty(addressField.Name).ToString(); } else { tempVal = tempVal + ", " + addressProperties.GetProperty(addressField.Name).ToString(); } } inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], tempVal); } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER"); reverseGeocoding = null; addressGeocoding = null; revGCLoc = null; matchFields = null; shapeField = null; reverseGeocodingProperties = null; addressProperties = null; addressInputs = null; addressFields = null; key = null; value = null; } break; } case "GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE": //ARGS: url try { IPoint revGCLoc = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Trying GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE"); if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { args = valData.Split('|'); revGCLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature)[0]; int wkid = inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference.FactoryCode; if (revGCLoc != null) { //Test for user specified URL if (valData.Trim() != "") { if (args.Length == 2) { wkid = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } if (Globals.IsUrl(args[0])) { locatorURL = args[0]; /////locatorURL.TrimEnd(char[] ); if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith(reverseGeocodeStr))) { if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith(GeocodeStr))) { if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith("/"))) { locatorURL += "/" + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; } else { locatorURL += GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; } } else { if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith("/"))) { locatorURL += "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; } else { locatorURL += reverseGeocodeStr; } } } } else if (args[0] == "TA_Streets_US_10") { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + args[0] + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 102100; } else if (args[0] == "TA_Address_NA_10" || args[0] == "TA_Address_EU") { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + args[0] + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 4326; } //Default to AGS Online USA geocode service else if (_agsOnlineLocators.Substring(_agsOnlineLocators.LastIndexOf('/', _agsOnlineLocators.Length - 2)).Contains("Locator")) { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + "TA_Address_NA_10" + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 4326; } else { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; ; // wkid = 4326; } } else { if (_agsOnlineLocators.Substring(_agsOnlineLocators.LastIndexOf('/', _agsOnlineLocators.Length - 2)).Contains(GeocodeStr)) { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 4326; } else { _agsOnlineLocators = _agsOnlineLocators + "/" + GeocodeStr; locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 4326; } } if (!locatorURL.ToUpper().Contains("/REST/")) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Thre url to the geocoder is not to the rest endpoint"); } else { //Copy point from this current feature _copyPoint = revGCLoc;//inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; //Project point to WGS84 StreamReader reader = null; HttpWebRequest request = null; try { // Create the web request request = WebRequest.Create(_agsOnlineLocators) as HttpWebRequest; // Get response using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { // Get the response stream reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); string resp = reader.ReadToEnd(); resp = resp.Substring(resp.IndexOf("Spatial Reference:")); resp = resp.Substring(0, resp.IndexOf("<br/>")); resp = resp.Substring(resp.IndexOf("</b>") + 4); wkid = Convert.ToInt32(resp.Split(' ')[0]); //XmlDictionaryReader xr = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReaderreader.ReadToEnd(), XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max); //doc.Load(reader.ReadToEnd()); // Console application output // Console.WriteLine(reader.ReadToEnd()); } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" Error getting service projection information"); wkid = 4326; } finally { reader = null; request = null; } _copyPoint.Project(Globals.CreateSpatRef(wkid)); //Include location parameters in URL string results = Globals.FormatLocationRequest(locatorURL, _copyPoint.X, _copyPoint.Y, 100); //Send and receieve the request WebRequest req = null; WebResponse res = null; XmlDictionaryReader xr = null; XmlDocument doc = null; try { req = WebRequest.Create(results); res = req.GetResponse(); //Convert response from JSON to XML doc = new XmlDocument(); using (Stream s = res.GetResponseStream()) { xr = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(s, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max); doc.Load(xr); xr.Close(); s.Close(); string val = ""; for (int h = 0; h < doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count - 1; h++) { if (doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].Name.Contains("Match") == false) { if (val == "") { val = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].InnerText; } else { val = val + ", " + doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].InnerText; } } } val = val.Trim(); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); } } catch { } finally { req = null; res = null; xr = null; doc = null; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Could not get location to Reverse Geocode"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE"); } break; case "TIMESTAMP": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: TIMESTAMP"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length > 0) { try { //if (args[0].ToString() == "DATE") //{ // if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.Date); // else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.Date.ToString()); //} //else if (args[0].ToString() == "TIME") //{ // if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay); // else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString()); //} //else //{ if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now); else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString(args[0])); // } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Date/Time Format is invalid"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is empty"); if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now); else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is empty"); if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now); else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TIMESTAMP " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TIMESTAMP"); } break; case "LAST_VALUE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: LAST_VALUE"); bool CheckForValue = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE") { CheckForValue = true; } } //if (args.Length != 2) //{ // AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); // break; //} } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is empty"); } if (CheckForValue && (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null && inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != DBNull.Value)) { } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { lastValue = AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[0]); if (lastValue != null) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], lastValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + lastValue); } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null) { AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); } } } else if (mode == "ON_CHANGE")//&& inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) == null { IRowChanges pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; changed = pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]); if (!changed) { lastValue = AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[0]); if (lastValue != null) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], lastValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + lastValue); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //if (mode == "ON_CREATE") //{ // if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null) // { // AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); // } //} //else //{ AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: LAST_VALUE " + ex.Message); // } } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: LAST_VALUE"); } break; case "X_COORDINATE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: X_COORDINATE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.Shape as IPoint; inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPoint.X); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.FromPoint.X); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.ToPoint.X); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].X); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Geometry"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: X_COORDINATE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: X_COORDINATE"); } break; case "Y_COORDINATE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: Y_COORDINATE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.Shape as IPoint; inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPoint.Y); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.FromPoint.Y); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.ToPoint.Y); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].Y); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Geometry"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Y_COORDINATE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: Y_COORDINATE"); } break; case "LATITUDE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: LATITUDE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; _copyPoint.Project(AAState._sr1); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPoint.Y); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline; _copyPolyline.Project(AAState._sr1); if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.FromPoint.Y); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.ToPoint.Y); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; _copyPolygon.Project(AAState._sr1); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].Y); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Geometry"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" Error: LATITUDE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: LATITUDE"); } break; case "LONGITUDE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: LONGITUDE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; _copyPoint.Project(AAState._sr1); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPoint.X); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; _copyPolyline.Project(AAState._sr1); if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.FromPoint.X); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.ToPoint.X); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; _copyPolygon.Project(AAState._sr1); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].X); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported Geometry"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: LONGITUDE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: LONGITUDE"); } break; case "FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: Field"); // verify that field to copy exists if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); fieldCopy = inObject.Fields.FindField(args[0] as string); if (fieldCopy > -1) { bool useDisplayValue = true; if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[1].ToUpper() == "CODE") useDisplayValue = false; } //if (mode == "ON_CREATE") //{ try { if (useDisplayValue) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetDomainDisplay(inObject.get_Value(fieldCopy), inObject as IFeature, inObject.Fields.get_Field(fieldCopy))); AAState.WriteLine(" Value set"); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], inObject.get_Value(fieldCopy)); AAState.WriteLine(" Value set"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + ex.Message); } //if (mode == "ON_CHANGE") //{ // //copy value only if current field is empty // if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() == "") // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], inObject.get_Value(fieldCopy)); //} } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + valData + " is not found"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: Field"); } break; //CURRENT_USER //Value Data options: //U - windows username only //W or (blank) - full username including domain i.e. domain\username //D - database user if available and not dbo case "CURRENT_USER": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: CURRENT_USER"); lastEditorName = AAState._currentUserInfo.GetCurrentUser(valData, fieldObj.Length); AAState.WriteLine(" Usernmae: " + lastEditorName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastEditorName)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], lastEditorName); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CURRENT_USER: "******" Finished: CURRENT_USER"); } break; case "JUNCTION_ROTATION": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: JUNCTION_ROTATION"); if ((inFeature != null)) { AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolGeographic; args = null; AAState.rCalc.UseDiameter = false; AAState.rCalc.DiameterFieldName = ""; AAState.rCalc.SpinAngle = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 0) { // if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolGeographic; } else if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolArithmetic; } else if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolArithmetic; if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1].ToString())) AAState.rCalc.SpinAngle = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); } else if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolArithmetic; if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1].ToString())) AAState.rCalc.SpinAngle = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); AAState.rCalc.UseDiameter = true; AAState.rCalc.DiameterFieldName = args[2].ToString(); } else { AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolGeographic; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + AAState.rCalc.RotationType.ToString() + " is being used"); rotationAngle = AAState.rCalc.GetRotationUsingConnectedEdges(inFeature); if (rotationAngle == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Rotation Angle not found or errored out"); continue; } //Accept optional second argument to provide extra rotation //if ((args != null) && (args.Length > 1) && (Globals.IsInteger(args[1]))) // rotationAngle += System.Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); if (rotationAngle != -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" Rotation Angle set to: " + rotationAngle.ToString()); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], rotationAngle); AAState.WriteLine(" Rotation Angle set"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: JUNCTION_ROTATION \r\n" + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: JUNCTION_ROTATION"); } break; //For Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: Length - stores calculated length of line feature case "LENGTH": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: LENGTH"); if (inFeature != null) { curve = (ICurve)inFeature.Shape; if (curve != null) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], curve.Length); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: LENGTH: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: LENGTH"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: SET_MEASURES - stores calculated M values (from 0 to length of line) for line feature //Value Data options: //P = Percent - Ms will be zero to 100 //default - Ms will be zero to length of line case "SET_MEASURES": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: SET_MEASURES"); if (inFeature != null) { curve = inFeature.Shape as ICurve; mseg = inFeature.Shape as IMSegmentation; if (curve != null && mseg != null) if (valData != null && valData != "" && valData.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() == "P") mseg.SetAndInterpolateMsBetween(0, 100); else mseg.SetAndInterpolateMsBetween(0, curve.Length); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: SET_MEASURES: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: SET_MEASURES"); } break; //case "EDGE_INTERSECT_SECOND": // try // { // if (inFeature != null) // { // netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; // if (netFeat != null) // { // if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) // { // iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; // ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; // if (iSJunc == null) // break; // if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 1) // break; // iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(1); // // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists // IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(valData as string); // if (juncField > -1) // { // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); // } // } // } // } // } // catch // { // } // break; //case "EDGE_INTERSECT_FIRST": // try // { // if (inFeature != null) // { // netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; // if (netFeat != null) // { // if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) // { // iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; // ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; // if (iSJunc == null) // break; // if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) // break; // iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(0); // IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(valData as string); // if (juncField > -1) // { // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); // } // } // } // } // } // catch // { // } // break; //Release: 2.0 //New Dynamic Value Method: TO_EDGE_FIELD transfers a field value from a connected egde feature to a junction feature //Takes value from the frist edge whose "TO" point connects with this junction case "TO_EDGE_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: TO_EDGE_FIELD"); if (inFeature != null) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is null"); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction found, Class name of junction is: " + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction does not match, breaking"); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction matches, checking for field restriction"); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Values dont match Match"); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Missing Field restriction and value info"); } } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + " field not found in edge"); } pRow = null; break; } } catch { } iSJunc = null; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_EDGE_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_EDGE_FIELD"); } break; //Release: 2.0 //New Dynamic Value Method: FROM_EDGE_FIELD transfers a field value from a connected egde feature to a junction feature //Takes value from the frist edge whose "FROM" point connects with this junction case "FROM_EDGE_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: FROM_EDGE_FIELD"); if (inFeature != null) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is null"); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction found, Class name of junction is: " + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction does not match, breaking"); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction matches, checking for field restriction"); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Values dont match Match"); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Missing Field restriction and value info"); } } iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + iSJunc + " field not found"); } pRow = null; break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" error "); } iSJunc = null; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: FROM_EDGE_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: FROM_EDGE_FIELD"); } break; case "TO_EDGE_STATS": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); string statType = "MAX"; switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); statType = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: TO_EDGE_STATS"); int AverageCount = 0; double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a network feature"); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a junction feature"); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is From or To"); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge is a To-Edge"); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Field From To-Edge"); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Non numeric value returned: " + test); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is From Edge, skipping"); } } catch { } }//end loop try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value was not set on feature: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "FROM_EDGE_STATS": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); string statType = "MAX"; switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); statType = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: FROM_EDGE_STATS"); int AverageCount = 0; double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a network feature"); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a junction feature"); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is From or To"); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge is a From-Edge"); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Field From From-Edge"); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Non numeric value returned: " + test); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is To Edge, skipping"); } } catch { } }//end loop try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value was not set on feature: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "EDGE_STATS": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); string statType = "MAX"; switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); statType = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: EDGE_STATS"); int AverageCount = 0; double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a network feature"); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a junction feature"); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Field From Edge"); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Non numeric value returned: " + test); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } catch { } }//end loop try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value was not set on feature: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "TO_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT": try { if (valData == null) break; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int popFldIdx = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" Parsing Valueinfo"); sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); string[] fieldsToPop = args[1].ToString().Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: TO_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a network feature"); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a junction feature"); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is From or To"); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge is a To-Edge"); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Field From To-Edge"); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; int tempFieldNum = inObject.Fields.FindField(fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, test); popFldIdx++; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is From Edge, skipping"); } } catch { } }//end loop } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "FROM_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT": try { if (valData == null) break; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int popFldIdx = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" Parsing Valueinfo"); sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); string[] fieldsToPop = args[1].ToString().Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: FROM_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a network feature"); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a junction feature"); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is From or To"); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(" Edge is a From-Edge"); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Field From From-Edge"); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; int tempFieldNum = inObject.Fields.FindField(fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, test); popFldIdx++; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking if Edge is To Edge, skipping"); } } catch { } }//end loop } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD"); if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is null"); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction found, Class name of junction is: " + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction does not match, breaking"); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction matches, checking for field restriction"); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Values dont match Match"); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Missing Field restriction and value info"); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(juncField)); } else AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + " field not found"); } else AAState.WriteLine(" not an edge feature"); } else AAState.WriteLine(" Not a network feature"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: TO_JUNCTION_FIELD transfers a field value from a junction connected at terminal end of a line feature case "TO_JUNCTION_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: TO_JUNCTION_FIELD"); if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Value info is null"); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction found, Class name of junction is: " + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction does not match, breaking"); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Layer restriction matches, checking for field restriction"); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Values dont match Match"); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Missing Field restriction and value info"); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netField); //juncField = ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields.FindField(valData as string); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(juncField)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + " field not found"); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an edge feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an geometric network feature"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: TO_JUNCTION_FIELD:" + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: TO_JUNCTION_FIELD"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: GENERATE_ID - uses value in specificed table and increments it as specified case "GENERATE_ID": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: GENERATE_ID"); if (AAState._gentab != null) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; formatString = ""; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); formatString = args[2].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: you are trying to pad your id with a more than 25 - 0's"); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } else if (sequencePadding > 50) { MessageBox.Show("You are trying to add 50 places to your ID, this is not supported, please fix your dynamic value table"); } qFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); qFilter.WhereClause = "SEQNAME = '" + sequenceColumnName + "'"; cCurs = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilter, false); sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQCOUNTER"); //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = cCurs.NextRow(); if (row == null) { break; } if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); sequenceValue += 1; // _editEvents.OnChangeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; // _editEvents.OnCreateFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName + " changed to " + sequenceValue); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; // _editEvents.OnChangeFeature += OnChangeFeature; // _editEvents.OnCreateFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID: Sequence Not Found"); } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || formatString.ToLower().IndexOf("[seq]") == -1) { string setVal = (sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix).ToString(); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < setVal.Length && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length != 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sequenceValue + " is to long for field " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).AliasName + " set to " + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); } } else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); } //formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < formatString.Length && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length != 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + formatString + " is to long for field " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).AliasName + " set to " + formatString); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + sequenceColumnNum + " changed to " + sequenceValue); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID table is not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID: " + ex.Message); } finally { if (cCurs != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); cCurs = null; } AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GENERATE_ID"); } break; case "GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT"); if (AAState._gentab != null && inFeature != null && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; //genIdAreaFieldName = ""; intersectLayerName = ""; intersectLayerFieldName = ""; formatString = ""; intersectFieldPos = -1; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.GetLength(0) < 3) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Improper value method"); break; } switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 3: //columnName intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); // genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); break; case 4: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth //sequenceFixedWidth formats the sequence with leading zeros to create specified width intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); //genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = Convert.ToString(0); formatString = args[3].ToString(); break; case 5: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString //formatString must contain [seq] and [id] and may contain [area] plus any desired text intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); //genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[3].ToString(); formatString = args[4].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Find Area Layer // FindLayerByName(areaLayerName, out areaLayer); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (intersectLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = intersectLayerName.Split('('); intersectLayerName = tempSplt[0]; intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (intersectLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature Layer(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } //Find Area Field intersectFieldPos = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature Layer Field(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } //Find GenID Area Field //genIdAreaFieldPos = areaLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(genIdAreaFieldName); //if (genIdAreaFieldPos < 0) break; //Perform spatial search IGeometry pSearchGeo = (IGeometry)inFeature.ShapeCopy; pSearchGeo.SpatialReference = (inFeature.Class as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference; pSearchGeo.Project((intersectLayer as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference); //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //sFilter.Geometry = pSearchGeo; //sFilter.GeometryField = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; //sFilter.SubFields = intersectLayerFieldName; //sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(intersectLayer, inFeature, false); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); intersectValue = "-9999.1"; if (sourceFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature not found"); break; } else { while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { intersectValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(intersectFieldPos).ToString(); break; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { intersectValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(intersectFieldPos).ToString(); break; } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (intersectValue == "-9999.1") { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature not found"); break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: you are trying to pad your id with a more than 25 - 0's"); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } sequenceColumnName = sequenceColumnName + intersectValue; AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for a field called " + sequenceColumnName + " in the generate ID table"); qFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); qFilter.WhereClause = "SEQNAME = '" + sequenceColumnName + "'"; cCurs = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilter, false); sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQCOUNTER"); //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = cCurs.NextRow(); if (row == null) { break; } if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); sequenceValue += 1; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Sequence number not found"); } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || (formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]") == -1 && formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[ID]") == -1)) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], intersectValue + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[ID]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 4); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, intersectValue); } // formatString = formatString.Replace("[id]", intersectValue); // formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { string sequenceValuePad = sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding); formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValuePad.ToString()); } // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); } else inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID table is not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT"); } break; //Modified for Release 1.2 (No longer uses ICalculator) //Requires valid VBScript expression //Can include string, numeric, and date fields by name in square brackets [] //Example: DateDiff("yyyy",[INSTALLDATE],Now()) case "GENERATE_ID_OLD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: GENERATE_ID"); if (AAState._gentab != null) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; formatString = ""; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); formatString = args[2].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: you are trying to pad your id with a more than 25 - 0's"); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } else if (sequencePadding > 50) { MessageBox.Show("You are trying to add 50 places to your ID, this is not supported, please fix your dynamic value table"); } //Check for sequence column in generate id table sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.FindField(sequenceColumnName); if (AAState._gentab.FindField(sequenceColumnName) >= 0) { //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = AAState._gentab.Update(null, false).NextRow(); if (row == null) { break; } if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); sequenceValue += 1; // _editEvents.OnChangeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; // _editEvents.OnCreateFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName + " changed to " + sequenceValue); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; // _editEvents.OnChangeFeature += OnChangeFeature; // _editEvents.OnCreateFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID: Sequence Not Found"); } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || formatString.ToLower().IndexOf("[seq]") == -1) { string setVal = (sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix).ToString(); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < setVal.Length && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length != 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sequenceValue + " is to long for field " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).AliasName + " set to " + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); } } else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); } //formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < formatString.Length && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length != 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + formatString + " is to long for field " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).AliasName + " set to " + formatString); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + sequenceColumnNum + " changed to " + sequenceValue); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Sequence Field not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID table is not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GENERATE_ID"); } break; case "GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT_OLD": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT"); if (AAState._gentab != null && inFeature != null && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; //genIdAreaFieldName = ""; intersectLayerName = ""; intersectLayerFieldName = ""; formatString = ""; intersectFieldPos = -1; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.GetLength(0) < 3) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Improper value method"); break; } switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 3: //columnName intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); // genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); break; case 4: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth //sequenceFixedWidth formats the sequence with leading zeros to create specified width intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); //genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = Convert.ToString(0); formatString = args[3].ToString(); break; case 5: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString //formatString must contain [seq] and [id] and may contain [area] plus any desired text intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); //genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[3].ToString(); formatString = args[4].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Find Area Layer // FindLayerByName(areaLayerName, out areaLayer); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (intersectLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = intersectLayerName.Split('('); intersectLayerName = tempSplt[0]; intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (intersectLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature Layer(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } //Find Area Field intersectFieldPos = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature Layer Field(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } //Find GenID Area Field //genIdAreaFieldPos = areaLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(genIdAreaFieldName); //if (genIdAreaFieldPos < 0) break; //Perform spatial search IGeometry pSearchGeo = (IGeometry)inFeature.ShapeCopy; pSearchGeo.SpatialReference = (inFeature.Class as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference; pSearchGeo.Project((intersectLayer as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference); //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //sFilter.Geometry = pSearchGeo; //sFilter.GeometryField = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; //sFilter.SubFields = intersectLayerFieldName; //sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(intersectLayer, inFeature, false); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); intersectValue = "-9999.1"; if (sourceFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature not found"); break; } else { while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { intersectValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(intersectFieldPos).ToString(); break; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { intersectValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(intersectFieldPos).ToString(); break; } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (intersectValue == "-9999.1") { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature not found"); break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: you are trying to pad your id with a more than 25 - 0's"); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } sequenceColumnName = sequenceColumnName + intersectValue; AAState.WriteLine(" Looking for a field called " + sequenceColumnName + " in the generate ID table"); sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.FindField(sequenceColumnName); if (sequenceColumnNum > -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" Field Found"); //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilter, false).NextRow(); if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); sequenceValue += 1; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Sequence number not found"); } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || (formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]") == -1 && formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[ID]") == -1)) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], intersectValue + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[ID]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 4); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, intersectValue); } // formatString = formatString.Replace("[id]", intersectValue); // formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValue.ToString()); } // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); } else inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field NOT Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID table is not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT"); } break; //Modified for Release 1.2 (No longer uses ICalculator) //Requires valid VBScript expression //Can include string, numeric, and date fields by name in square brackets [] //Example: DateDiff("yyyy",[INSTALLDATE],Now()) case "GENERATE_ID_BY_AREA": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: GENERATE_ID_BY_AREA"); if (AAState._gentab != null && inFeature != null && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; genIdAreaFieldName = ""; areaLayerName = ""; areaLayerFieldName = ""; formatString = ""; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.GetLength(0) < 3) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Improper Value Method"); break; } switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 4: //columnName areaLayerName = args[0].ToString(); areaLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[3].ToString(); break; case 5: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth //sequenceFixedWidth formats the sequence with leading zeros to create specified width areaLayerName = args[0].ToString(); areaLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[3].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[4].ToString(); break; case 6: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString //formatString must contain [seq] and may contain [area] plus any desired text areaLayerName = args[0].ToString(); areaLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[3].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[4].ToString(); formatString = args[5].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Find Area Layer // FindLayerByName(areaLayerName, out areaLayer); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (areaLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = areaLayerName.Split('('); areaLayerName = tempSplt[0]; areaLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, areaLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { areaLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, areaLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (areaLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Area Layer not found: " + areaLayerName); break; } //Find Area Field areaFieldPos = areaLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(areaLayerFieldName); if (areaFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Area Layer field not found: " + areaLayerFieldName); break; } //Find GenID Area Field //genIdAreaFieldPos = areaLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(genIdAreaFieldName); //if (genIdAreaFieldPos < 0) break; //Perform spatial search //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //sFilter.Geometry = (IGeometry)inFeature.ShapeCopy; //sFilter.GeometryField = areaLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; //sFilter.SubFields = areaLayerFieldName; //sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; Globals.createSpatialFilter(areaLayer, inFeature, false); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = areaLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = areaLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)areaLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = areaLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = areaLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); areaValue = "-9999.1"; if (sourceFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature not found"); break; } else { while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { areaValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(areaFieldPos).ToString(); break; } if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { areaValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(areaFieldPos).ToString(); break; } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (areaValue == "-9999.1") { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Intersecting feature not found"); break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.FindField(sequenceColumnName); if (sequenceColumnNum > -1) { qFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); qFilter.SubFields = areaLayerFieldName + "," + sequenceColumnName; ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)AAState._editor.EditWorkspace; char[] charBuf = sqlSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix).ToCharArray(); string strSC = new string(charBuf); switch (strSC) { case "": qFilter.WhereClause = genIdAreaFieldName + " = '" + areaValue + "'"; break; case "[": qFilter.WhereClause = "[" + genIdAreaFieldName + "]" + " = '" + areaValue + "'"; break; default: qFilter.WhereClause = "\"" + genIdAreaFieldName + "\" = '" + areaValue + "'"; break; } //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilter, false).NextRow(); if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); sequenceValue += 1; sequenceValue += 1; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { //TODO raise error } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || formatString.IndexOf("[seq]") == -1) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], areaValue + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); else { formatString = formatString.Replace("[area]", areaValue); formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); } else inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID table is not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: GENERATE_ID_BY_AREA: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: GENERATE_ID_BY_AREA"); } break; //Modified for Release 1.2 (No longer uses ICalculator) //Requires valid VBScript expression //Can include string, numeric, and date fields by name in square brackets [] //Example: DateDiff("yyyy",[INSTALLDATE],Now()) case "EXPRESSION": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: EXPRESSION"); if (inObject != null & valData != null) { int intTargetFld = -1; if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { } else { intTargetFld = intFldIdxs[0]; } newValue = valData; for (int i = 0; i <= inObject.Fields.FieldCount; i++) { string strTmpFldName; int intTmpIdx; if (i == inObject.Fields.FieldCount) { testField = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); strTmpFldName = "#"; intTmpIdx = intFldIdxs[0]; } else { testField = inObject.Fields.get_Field(i); strTmpFldName = testField.Name; intTmpIdx = i; } int indFld = newValue.ToUpper().IndexOf("[" + strTmpFldName.ToUpper() + "]"); while (indFld >= 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" replace field: " + testField.Name + " with a value"); int fldLen = strTmpFldName.Length; string tmpStr1 = newValue.Substring(0, indFld + 1); string tmpStr2 = newValue.Substring(indFld + fldLen + 1); newValue = tmpStr1 + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + tmpStr2; switch (testField.Type) { case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } } // newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + testField.Name + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); break; case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "" || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\"");//"\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "CDATE(\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\")"); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "CDATE(\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\")"); } } // newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + testField.Name + "]", "CDATE(\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\")"); break; default: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\"");// "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + ""); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString()); } } // newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + testField.Name + "]", inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString()); break; } indFld = newValue.ToUpper().IndexOf("[" + testField.Name.ToUpper() + "]"); } } //MessageBox.Show(newValue); try { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking to verify there is a field to store the expression"); if (intTargetFld > -1) { newValue = script.Eval(newValue).ToString(); if (newValue.ToUpper() == "<Null>".ToUpper()) { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Null"); inObject.set_Value(intTargetFld, DBNull.Value); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTargetFld).ToString() != newValue) { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value to: " + newValue.Trim()); inObject.set_Value(intTargetFld, newValue.Trim()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: evaluating the expression for feature in " + inObject.Class.AliasName + " with OID of " + inObject.OID); AAState.WriteLine(" " + ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: EXPRESSION: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: EXPRESSION"); } break; // GUID values are calculated into text fields or into native GUID field types // When using text field you have an optional argument (valdata) to specify the format // N-none 32 chars, D-dash 36, B-braces 38, P-Parenthesis 38 case "GUID": try { if (inObject != null) { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGUID) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B")); else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length >= 32) { valData = valData.Trim(); if (valData != "N" && valData != "D" && valData != "B" && valData != "P") if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length >= 38) valData = "B"; //Default to braces else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < 36) valData = "N"; else valData = "D"; inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(valData)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: EXPRESSION: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: EXPRESSION"); } break; case "CREATE_LINKED_RECORD"://Feature Layer|Field To Copy|Field To Populate|Primary Key Field|Foreign Key Field { try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: CREATE_LINKED_RECORD"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 5) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } if (inFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: The input features is null"); break; } sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Value Info"); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string targetFieldName = args[2].ToString(); string sourceIDFieldName = args[3].ToString(); string targetIDFieldName = args[4].ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking values"); if (sourceFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking Fields in Source Layer"); int fldValToCopyIdx = inObject.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); int fldIDToCopyIdx = inObject.Fields.FindField(sourceIDFieldName); if (fldValToCopyIdx > -1 && fldIDToCopyIdx > -1) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(" Checking for table to populate"); bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource); if (sourceLayer != null) { } else { ITable pTable = Globals.FindTable(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName); if (pTable != null) { int fldValToPopIdx = pTable.Fields.FindField(targetFieldName); int fldIDToPopIdx = pTable.Fields.FindField(targetIDFieldName); if (fldValToPopIdx > -1 && fldIDToPopIdx > -1) { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to create a row in the target table"); IRow pNewRow = pTable.CreateRow(); AAState.WriteLine(" Row Created"); AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to Copy ID"); try { pNewRow.set_Value(fldIDToPopIdx, inObject.get_Value(fldIDToCopyIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Could not Copy: " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + targetIDFieldName); } AAState.WriteLine(" ID successfully copied"); AAState.WriteLine(" Trying to Copy Value"); try { pNewRow.set_Value(fldValToPopIdx, inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Could not Copy: " + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + targetFieldName); } //AAState.WriteLine(" Value successfully copied"); ////} //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //pNewRow.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } IObject featobj = pNewRow as IObject; if (featobj != null) { NewFeatureList.Add(featobj); } //featobj.Store(); AAState.WriteLine(" Row successfully stored"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: ID or Field to populate was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Table to populate not found: " + sourceLayerName); } } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: ID or Field to Copy was not found"); } //if ((!found) && (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable)) //{ // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); //} } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: CREATE_LINKED_RECORD" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: CREATE_LINKED_RECORD"); // intFldIdxs[0] = -1; } break; } case "UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"://Intersected Feature|FieldIntersectingFeatureToChange|FromFieldinModifiedFeature { try { IFeatureCursor fLocalCursor = null; IFeature sourceFeatureLocal = null; AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 3) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Format of valdata incorrect"); break; } if (inFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: The input features is null"); break; } sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Value Info"); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string targetFieldName = args[2].ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Checking values"); if (sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (Globals.IsEditable(ref sourceLayer, ref AAState._editor)) { if (inObject.Class.ObjectClassID != sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ObjectClassID) { sourceField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); int fldIdx = inFeature.Fields.FindField(targetFieldName); AAState.WriteLine(" " + targetFieldName + " at index " + fldIdx); string test = targetFieldName; if (fldIdx > -1) { test = inFeature.get_Value(fldIdx).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Value Found " + test); } AAState.WriteLine(" Value used " + test); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); //} //else //{ // fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fLocalCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } while ((sourceFeatureLocal = fLocalCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { try { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Class.ObjectClassID != inFeature.Class.ObjectClassID) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test); //} //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); ////AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length-13); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } else { if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToInt32(test)); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToDouble(test)); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; // break; } } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; // break; } } } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeatureLocal.OID != inFeature.OID) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } else { if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToInt32(test)); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToDouble(test)); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; // break; } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New feature being store, AA rules will fire on it now"); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.indent = AAState.indent + " "; //string rowFiltPre = AAState._dv.RowFilter; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState._dv.RowFilter = rowFiltPre; //AAState.indent = AAState.indent.Substring(0, AAState.indent.Length - " ".Length); //AAState.WriteLine(" _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_"); //AAState.WriteLine(" INFO: New Feature Complete"); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; //sourceFeatureLocal.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } } } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR setting value"); } finally { } //if (found) //{ // break; //} } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Source field not found: " + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Source field not found: " + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer is not editable: " + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer not found: " + sourceLayerName); } } } if (found) { break; } //if ((!found) && (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable)) //{ // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); //} } fLocalCursor = null; sourceFeatureLocal = null; } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); // intFldIdxs[0] = -1; } break; } case "MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int popFldIdx = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) > 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" Parsing Valueinfo"); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string[] fieldsToPop = args[2].ToString().Split(','); if (args.GetLength(0) == 4) { AAState.WriteLine(" Search distance specified"); if (Globals.IsDouble(args[3])) { searchDistance = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]); } else { searchDistance = 0.0; } } else { searchDistance = 0.0; } if (sourceFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Looping Through Layers"); for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { sourceField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) //{ //searchEnvelope = Globals.CalcSearchExtent(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance); // sFilter.Geometry = searchEnvelope; //} //else //{ // sFilter.Geometry = inFeature.ShapeCopy; //} //sFilter.GeometryField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; //sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); int tempFieldNum = inObject.Fields.FindField(fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); popFldIdx++; if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); int tempFieldNum = inObject.Fields.FindField(fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); popFldIdx++; if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Source field not found: " + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Datasource is invalid: " + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer not found: " + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer string is empty"); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field name is invalid"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Invalid Value method definition"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); } break; case "INTERSECT_STATS": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: INTERSECT_STATS"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int AverageCount = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) > 2) { AAState.WriteLine(" Parsing Valueinfo"); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string statType = args[2].ToString(); if (args.GetLength(0) == 4) { AAState.WriteLine(" Search distance specified"); if (Globals.IsDouble(args[3])) searchDistance = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]); else searchDistance = 0.0; } else { searchDistance = 0.0; } double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (sourceFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Looping Through Layers"); for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { sourceField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Non numeric value returned: " + test); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Non numeric value returned: " + test); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Source field not found: " + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Datasource is invalid: " + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer not found: " + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer string is empty"); } } try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value was not set on feature: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field name is invalid"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Invalid Value method definition"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECT_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: INTERSECT_STATS"); } break; case "FEATURE_STATS": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: FEATURE_STATS"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int AverageCount = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) > 1) { AAState.WriteLine(" Parsing Valueinfo"); string[] sourceFieldNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); string statType = args[1].ToString(); double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (sourceFieldNames != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Looping Through Fields"); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNames.Length; i++) { sourceFieldName = sourceFieldNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceFieldName != "") { sourceField = inObject.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { string test = inObject.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Non numeric value returned: " + test); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Unsupported stat type: " + test); break; } } } } } try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value was not set on feature: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Field name is invalid"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Invalid Value method definition"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: FEATURE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: FEATURE_STATS"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_EDGE": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: INTERSECTING_EDGE"); if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a network feature"); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature is a junction feature"); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(" Edge Count: " + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Field From Edge"); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Attempting to store: " + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], test); continue; } catch { } }//end loop try { } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value was not set on feature: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Connected Edges Found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" not an junction feature"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Not a Geometric Network Feature"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_EDGE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: INTERSECTING_EDGE"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_FEATURE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Starting to process rule"); sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" Value Info is: " + valData); // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); //if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) if (args.Length >= 2) { AAState.intersectOptions strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; switch (args.Length) { case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); switch (args[2].ToString().ToUpper()) { case "PROMPT": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "P": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "CENTROID": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "C": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "F": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; case "FIRST": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; } break; default: break; } if (sourceFieldName != null) { List<Globals.OptionsToPresent> pFoundFeat = new List<Globals.OptionsToPresent>(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } // Get layer if (sourceLayer != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Layer Found: " + sourceLayer.Name); sourceField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldName); AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceFieldName + ": at " + sourceField); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid); if (sFilter == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Filter is null, this will cause an error"); continue; } //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" Searching on Layer"); if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Searching on Selection Set"); pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; AAState.WriteLine(" Cursor created"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No Selected Features"); fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); AAState.WriteLine(" Cursor created"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Searching on feature Class"); fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); AAState.WriteLine(" Cursor created"); } if (fCursor == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Cursor is null"); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" Starring Loop of found features"); while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Checking Class"); if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(" Different FCs"); if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceFeature.Fields.FindField(sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display; } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID; } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value: " + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); found = true; } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(" Same FC"); if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { //pFoundFeat.Add(sourceFeature.OID.ToString()); Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceFeature.Fields.FindField(sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display; } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID; } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value: " + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); found = true; } } if (found == true) break; } if (found == false && AAState._CheckEnvelope && pFoundFeat.Count == 0) { sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects; // sFilter.SpatialRelDescription = "T*T***T*T"; //if (boolLayerOrFC) //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); //} //else //{ // fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); //} pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); while (sourceFeature != null) { if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceFeature.Fields.FindField(sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display; } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID; } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); //pFoundFeat.Add(sourceFeature.OID.ToString()); } else { if (found) { break; } string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value: " + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); found = true; } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (found) { break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Source field not found: " + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: Source Layer not found: " + sourceLayerName); } } } if (pFoundFeat.Count > 0 && strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent strRetVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(pFoundFeat, "Select A feature", "Select A feature", ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (strRetVal != null) { sourceFeature = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(strRetVal.OID); string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value: " + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); found = true; } } //if (!found) //{ // //IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); // //object newval = field.DefaultValue; // //if (newval == null) // //{ // // if (field.IsNullable) // // { // // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value default null value"); // // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); // // AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); // // } // //} // //else // //{ // // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Value default value"); // // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); // // AAState.WriteLine(" Value Set"); // //} //} } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_FEATURE: source field name is null"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_FEATURE: Value Info is not in the expected format"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_FEATURE: Input Feature or Value Info is null"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_FEATURE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_RASTER": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: INTERSECTING_RASTER"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; formatString = ""; found = false; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 1) break; switch (args.Length) { case 1: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); break; case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } // Get layer for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); IPoint pLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature)[0]; if (pLoc != null) { string cellVal = GetCellValue(sourceLayerName, pLoc, AAState._editor.Map);// Globals.GetCellValue(sourceLayerName, pLoc, _editor.Map); AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARING: No cell value or raster was found: " + sourceLayerName); if (cellVal != null && cellVal != "" && cellVal != "No Raster") { if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], cellVal); found = true; break; } else { // formatString = formatString.Replace("[value]",cellVal); formatString = formatString + cellVal; inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); found = true; break; } } } } if (!(found) && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_RASTER: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: INTERSECTING_RASTER"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; formatString = ""; found = false; List<string> matchPattern = null; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length >= 1) { AAState.intersectOptions strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; switch (args.Length) { case 1: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = "P"; break; case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); switch (args[2].ToString().ToUpper()) { case "PROMPT": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "P": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "CENTROID": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "C": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "F": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; case "FIRST": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; } break; case 4: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); switch (args[2].ToString().ToUpper()) { case "PROMPT": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "P": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "CENTROID": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "C": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "F": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; case "FIRST": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; } matchPattern = new List<string>(args[3].ToString().Split(',')); //matchPattern = .ToList<string>(); break; default: break; } List<Globals.OptionsToPresent> strFiles = new List<Globals.OptionsToPresent>(); // Get layer for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); //AAState.WriteLine(" Getting Features Centeroid"); //IPoint pLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature); IGeometry pGeo = inFeature.ShapeCopy; List<IGeometry> pGeos = new List<IGeometry>(); if (pGeo != null) { if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid) { List<IPoint> pGeoPnts = Globals.GetGeomCenter(pGeo); pGeos = pGeoPnts.ConvertAll(new Converter<IPoint, IGeometry>(Globals.PointToGeometry)); } else { pGeos.Add(pGeo); } // AAState.WriteLine(" Centroid Found"); AAState.WriteLine(" Getting list of " + sourceLayerName + " Layers"); IEnumLayer pEnum = Globals.GetLayers(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName); if (pEnum != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" List retrieved of " + sourceLayerName + " Layers"); AAState.WriteLine(" Starting Loop"); ILayer pLay = pEnum.Next(); //ISpatialFilter pSpatFilt; while (pLay != null) { intersectLayerDetailsFunctions(pLay, pGeos, strOpt, ref found, ref strFiles, ref inObject, intFldIdxs[0], matchPattern); if (found) { AAState.WriteLine(" Exiting Layer Loop"); break; } pLay = pEnum.Next(); } pLay = null; pEnum = null; } else { bool FCorLayerTemp = true; ILayer pLay = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref FCorLayerTemp); if (pLay != null) { intersectLayerDetailsFunctions(pLay, pGeos, strOpt, ref found, ref strFiles, ref inObject, intFldIdxs[0], matchPattern); } pLay = null; } if (pEnum != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pEnum); pEnum = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Geo not Found"); } if (found) { AAState.WriteLine(" Exiting Layer Loop"); break; } pGeo = null; pGeos = null; } if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti && strFiles.Count > 0) { Globals.OptionsToPresent strRetVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(strFiles, "Select a intersect layer", "Select a intersect layer", ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (strRetVal != null) { try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strRetVal.Display); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error Setting the value in the Intersecting_Layer_Details"); } found = true; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Value info is not correct"); } //if (!(found) && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { // sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString(); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); } // Get layer if (sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") sourceLayerName = args[i].ToString(); if (i == 0) i++; boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR/WARNING: " + sourceLayerName + " was not found"); continue; } IFeatureClass iFC = inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass; if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayer + " is a polygon layer"); break; } if (sourceLayer != null) { sourceField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; double dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; string strUnit = Globals.GetSpatRefUnitName(Globals.GetLayersCoordinateSystem(sourceLayer.FeatureClass), true); if (strUnit == "Foot" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Feet"; } else if (strUnit == "Meter" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Meters"; } string strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + " along " + sourceLayer.Name + " with " + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).AliasName + " of " + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + ": " + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); AAState.WriteLine(" Text is to long, defaulting to length along: " + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } else { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Text is to long, defaulting to length along: " + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value set to: " + strDis); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; double dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; string strUnit = Globals.GetSpatRefUnitName(Globals.GetLayersCoordinateSystem(sourceLayer.FeatureClass), true); if (strUnit == "Foot" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Feet"; } else if (strUnit == "Meter" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Meters"; } string strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + " along " + sourceLayer.Name + " with " + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).AliasName + " of " + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + ": " + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); AAState.WriteLine(" Text is to long, defaulting to length along: " + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } else { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" Text is to long, defaulting to length along: " + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Value set to: " + strDis); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } } //else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable) // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayer + ": field: " + sourceFieldName + " was not found"); } } else { } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: NEARSET_FEATURE - similiar to INTERSECTING_FEATURE but requires a search distance. case "NEAREST_FEATURE": try { AAState.WriteLine(" Trying: NEAREST_FEATURE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { string sourceMatField = ""; string targetMatField = ""; sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; searchDistance = 0; found = false; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.Length) { case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); break; case 4: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Incorrect value method"); break; case 5: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); sourceMatField = args[3].ToString(); targetMatField = args[4].ToString(); break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Incorrect value method"); break; } if (sourceLayerNames.Length > 0 & sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource) as IFeatureLayer; if (sourceLayer != null) { sourceField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { //sFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //if (searchDistance > 0) //{ // searchEnvelope = inFeature.ShapeCopy.Envelope; // searchEnvelope.Expand(searchDistance, searchDistance, false); // sFilter.Geometry = searchEnvelope; //} //else // sFilter.Geometry = inFeature.ShapeCopy; //sFilter.GeometryField = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; //sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" Searching the layer"); if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" There is a seleciton set, only checking selected features"); pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Searching the feature class"); fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } nearestFeature = null; proxOp = (IProximityOperator)inFeature.ShapeCopy; lastDistance = searchDistance; while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature Classes are different"); if (targetMatField == "" && sourceMatField == "") { AAState.WriteLine(" No matching fields specified"); try { IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error in the Nearest Feature - Proximity Operator. This may be caused by corrupt data in the layer, Please run Check/Repair Geometry GP tool on your layer"); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" matching fields specified"); int idxTargetFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer, targetMatField); int idxSourceFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceMatField); if (idxSourceFld >= 0 && idxTargetFld >= 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Fields Found"); if (inObject.get_Value(idxSourceFld).ToString() == sourceFeature.get_Value(idxTargetFld).ToString()) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); //distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(sourceFeature.Shape); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Values does not Match: " + inObject.get_Value(idxSourceFld).ToString() + " - " + sourceFeature.get_Value(idxTargetFld).ToString()); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Fields Not Found"); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; //distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(sourceFeature.Shape); if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(" matching fields specified"); int idxTargetFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer, targetMatField); int idxSourceFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceMatField); if (idxSourceFld >= 0 && idxTargetFld >= 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" Fields Found"); if (inObject.get_Value(idxSourceFld).ToString() == sourceFeature.get_Value(idxTargetFld).ToString()) { AAState.WriteLine(" Values Match"); // distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(sourceFeature.Shape); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Fields Not Found"); //distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(sourceFeature.Shape); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } } // sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } if (nearestFeature != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature found: " + nearestFeature.Class.AliasName + ":" + nearestFeature.OID); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], nearestFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); found = true; break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayer + ": field: " + sourceFieldName + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: " + sourceLayer + " was not found"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: Empty source layer name"); } } if (!found) { //IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); //object newval = field.DefaultValue; //if (newval == null) //{ // if (field.IsNullable) // { // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); // } //} //else //{ // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); //} } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(" ERROR: NEAREST_FEATURE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(" Finished: NEAREST_FEATURE"); } break; default: // MessageBox.Show(valMethod + " for layer " + tableName + " is not a valid method, check the dynamic value table", "Attribute Assistant"); AAState.WriteLine("ERROR: " + valMethod + " for layer " + tableName + " is not a valid method, check the dynamic value table"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("TableName:" + tableName + " FieldName:" + strFldNames[0] + System.Environment.NewLine + "ValueMethod:" + valMethod + " ValueData:" + valData + System.Environment.NewLine + "Message: " + ex.Message, "Attribute Assistant Message"); AAState.WriteLine("ERROR: TableName:" + tableName + " FieldName:" + strFldNames[0] + System.Environment.NewLine + "ValueMethod:" + valMethod + " ValueData:" + valData + System.Environment.NewLine + "Message: " + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Rule not processed"); } try { if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0 && strFldNames.Count > 0) { for (int p = 0; p < strFldNames.Count; p++) { // string fldname = strFldNames[p]; IRowChanges inChanges = inObject as IRowChanges; bool changed = inChanges.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[p]); if (changed) // if (fieldName.ToUpper() != "SHAPE") try { // if (AAState.lastValueProperties. // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); if (AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[p]) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); if (mode == "ON_CREATE" && (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString() == "")) { AAState.WriteLine(" Null Value in the create Method, not storing in last value array"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[p] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString()); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[p], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p])); } } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE" && (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString() == "")) { AAState.WriteLine(" Null Value in the create Method, not storing in last value array"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[p] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString()); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[p], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p])); } } } catch { //AAState.WriteLine(" Error Setting Last Value " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Name); } } } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" Error Setting Last Value"); } //if (inObject != null) //{ // inChanges = inObject as IRowChanges; // if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0) // { // if (intFldIdxs[0] > -1) // { // changed = inChanges.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]); // if (changed) // // if (fieldName.ToUpper() != "SHAPE") // try // { // // if (AAState.lastValueProperties. // // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); // if (AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[0]) != null) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); // AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString()); // AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); // } // else // { // AAState.WriteLine(" Setting Last Value"); // AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString()); // AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); // } // } // catch // { // //AAState.WriteLine(" Error Setting Last Value " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Name); // } // } // } //} AAState.WriteLine(" ------------------------------------------------"); } } //for (int intFldIdxs[0] = 0; intFldIdxs[0] <= inObject.Fields.FieldCount; intFldIdxs[0]++) //{ // stepProgressor.Step(); // bool editable = true; // if (intFldIdxs[0] == inObject.Fields.FieldCount) // { // fieldObj = null; // fieldName = ""; // stepProgressor.Message = "Checking rules for field null fields in" + inObject.Class.AliasName; // progressDialog.Description = "Checking rules for field null fields in" + inObject.Class.AliasName; // AAState.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); // AAState.WriteLine(""); // AAState.WriteLine("############ " + DateTime.Now + " ################"); // editable = true; // // intFldIdxs[0]++; // } // else // { // fieldObj = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); // fieldName = fieldObj.Name; // stepProgressor.Message = "Checking rules for field " + fieldName + " in " + inObject.Class.AliasName; // progressDialog.Description = "Checking rules for field " + fieldName + " in " + inObject.Class.AliasName; // AAState.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); // AAState.WriteLine(""); // AAState.WriteLine("############ " + fieldName + " ################"); // AAState.WriteLine("############ " + DateTime.Now + " ################"); // AAState.WriteLine("Is field - " + fieldName + " Editable = " + fieldObj.Editable); // editable = fieldObj.Editable; // } // bool proc = false; // if (editable == true && fieldObj != null) // { // AAState.WriteLine("Checking rules for field " + fieldName + " in " + inObject.Class.AliasName); // AAState._dv.RowFilter = "(TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') And FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' and " + modeVal; // // // AAState.WriteLine(" Row Query: " + "TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') And FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' and " + modeVal); // if (AAState._dv.Count == 0) // { // AAState._dv.RowFilter = "TABLENAME = '*' And FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' and " + modeVal; // AAState.WriteLine(" Query using " + fieldName + " did not produce any results, trying all fields"); // AAState.WriteLine(" Row Query: " + "TABLENAME = '*' And FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' and " + modeVal); // } // if (AAState._dv.Count == 0) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" No entries found"); // proc = false; // } // else // { // proc = true; // } // } // else if (editable && fieldObj == null) // { // fieldName = ""; // AAState._dv.RowFilter = "(TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') And (FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' or FIELDNAME IS NULL) and " + modeVal; // // // AAState.WriteLine(" Row Query: " + "TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') And (FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' or FIELDNAME IS NULL) and " + modeVal); // if (AAState._dv.Count == 0) // { // AAState._dv.RowFilter = "TABLENAME = '*' And (FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' or FIELDNAME IS NULL) and " + modeVal; // AAState.WriteLine(" Query using " + fieldName + " did not produce any results, trying all fields"); // AAState.WriteLine(" Row Query: " + "TABLENAME = '*' And And (FIELDNAME = '" + fieldName + "' or FIELDNAME IS NULL) and " + modeVal); // } // if (AAState._dv.Count == 0) // { // AAState.WriteLine(" No entries found"); // proc = false; // } // else // { // proc = true; // } // } //} } return false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Problem in setup." + System.Environment.NewLine + "Message:" + ex.Message, "Attribute Assistant Message"); AAState.WriteLine("Error in setup"); return false; } finally { if (AAState._tab == inObject.Class || AAState._gentab == inObject.Class) { AAState.reInitExt(); } if (progressDialog != null) { progressDialog.HideDialog(); } AAState.WriteLine("DONE"); AAState.WriteLine("---------------------------------------"); if (fCursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); } inFeature = null; mseg = null; netFeat = null; iEdgeFeat = null; iJuncFeat = null; progressDialogFactory = null; stepProgressor = null; progressDialog = null; trackCancel = null; } }
public static ICriteria Or(this ICriteria criteria,IQueryFilter filter) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Queries for the rows that satisfies the attribute and/or spatial query as specified by an /// <paramref name="filter" /> object /// and executes the specified <paramref name="action" /> on each feature returned from the query. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="filter">The attribute and/or spatial requirement that the rows must satisify.</param> /// <param name="action">The action to take for each row in the cursor.</param> /// <returns> /// Returns a <see cref="int" /> representing the number of features affected by the action. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">action</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">action</exception> public static int FetchAsync(this ITable source, IQueryFilter filter, Func <IRow, bool> action) { return(Task.Wait(() => source.Fetch(filter, action))); }
private void SelectByQueryFilter(IQueryFilter queryFilter) { _hluFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)_hluLayer; // _hluLayer.DisplayFeatureClass ?? // invalidate only the selection cache. Flag the original selection _hluView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null); // perform selection _hluFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(queryFilter, esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultNew, false); }
public bool SetDynamicValues(IObject inObject, string mode, out List<IObject> ChangeFeatureList, out List<IObject> NewFeatureList, out List<IObject> ChangeFeatureGeoList) { NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AA_CultureInfo"), false).NumberFormat; nfi.NumberGroupSeparator = ""; ChangeFeatureList = null; NewFeatureList = null; ChangeFeatureGeoList = null; IMSegmentation mseg = null; INetworkFeature netFeat = null; IJunctionFeature iJuncFeat = null; IEdgeFeature iEdgeFeat = null; //ProgressBar //ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialogFactory progressDialogFactory = null; //ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor stepProgressor = null; //ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2 progressDialog = null; //// Create a CancelTracker //ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel trackCancel = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.CancelTrackerClass(); //trackCancel.CancelOnKeyPress = true; // trackCancel.CancelOnClick = true; try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14d")); if (AAState.PerformUpdates == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14a")); } if (AAState.PerformUpdates && AAState._dv == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14b") + AAState._defaultsTableName); AAState.PerformUpdates = false; return false; } if (AAState.PerformUpdates && AAState._dv != null) { if (AAState._dv.Table == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14c")); return false; } if (inObject == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14e")); return false; } if (inObject.Table == AAState._tab) { if (inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("VALUEMETHOD")).ToString().ToUpper() == "LAST_VALUE") { if (inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("FIELDNAME")) != null) { if (inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("FIELDNAME")) != DBNull.Value) { try { LastValueEntry lstVal = AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("FIELDNAME")).ToString()) as LastValueEntry; if (lstVal != null) { lstVal.On_Manual = Globals.toBoolean(inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("ON_MANUAL")).ToString()); lstVal.On_Create = Globals.toBoolean(inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("ON_CREATE")).ToString()); lstVal.On_ChangeAtt = Globals.toBoolean(inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("ON_CHANGE")).ToString()); if (inObject.Fields.FindField("ON_CHANGEGEO") >= 0) { lstVal.On_ChangeGeo = Globals.toBoolean(inObject.get_Value(inObject.Fields.FindField("ON_CHANGEGEO")).ToString()); } } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14f")); } catch { //property does not exist } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14g")); } return false; } string modeVal; if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns[mode] == null) { AAState.WriteLine(mode + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14h")); mode = mode.Replace("GEO", ""); } if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns[mode].DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.String")) { modeVal = "(" + mode + " = '1' or " + mode + " = 'Yes' or " + mode + " = 'YES' or " + mode + " = 'True' or " + mode + " = 'TRUE')"; } else { modeVal = mode + " = 1"; } //System.Int32 int32_hWnd = ArcMap.Application.hWnd; //progressDialogFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); //stepProgressor = progressDialogFactory.Create(trackCancel, int32_hWnd); //stepProgressor.MinRange = 0; //stepProgressor.MaxRange = inObject.Fields.FieldCount; //stepProgressor.StepValue = 1; //stepProgressor.Message = "Attribute Assistant Progress"; //// Create the ProgressDialog. This automatically displays the dialog //progressDialog = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IProgressDialog2)stepProgressor; // Explict Cast //// Set the properties of the ProgressDialog //progressDialog.CancelEnabled = true; ArcMap.Application.StatusBar.set_Message(0, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14i") + inObject.Class.AliasName); //progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14i") + inObject.Class.AliasName; //progressDialog.Title = "Attribute Assistant Progress"; //progressDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe; //progressDialog.ShowDialog(); //Optional skip junctions feature class //if (Globals.isOrpanJunction(inFeature)) // return false; //Get table name for this feature _currentDataset = inObject.Class as IDataset; _currentDatasetNameItems = _currentDataset.Name.Split('.'); tableName = _currentDatasetNameItems[_currentDatasetNameItems.GetLength(0) - 1]; ArcMap.Application.StatusBar.set_Message(0, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain10") + inObject.Class.AliasName); //stepProgressor.Message = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain10") + inObject.Class.AliasName; // progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain10") + inObject.Class.AliasName; AAState.WriteLine("***********************************************************"); AAState.WriteLine("############ " + DateTime.Now + " ################"); AAState.WriteLine(""); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain11")); if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns.Contains("RUN_WEIGHT")) AAState._dv.Sort = "RUN_WEIGHT DESC"; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14j") + inObject.Class.AliasName); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14k") + "(TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND VALUEMETHOD = 'Last_Value'"); AAState._dv.RowFilter = "(TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND VALUEMETHOD = 'Last_Value'"; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14l") + AAState._dv.Count.ToString()); if (AAState._dv.Count > 0) { IRowChanges pRowChLast = inObject as IRowChanges; for (int retRows = 0; retRows < AAState._dv.Count; retRows++) { DataRowView drv = AAState._dv[retRows]; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14m") + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()); int fldLoc = inObject.Fields.FindField(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()); if (fldLoc > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14n") + fldLoc); if (pRowChLast.get_ValueChanged(fldLoc)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14o") ); try { LastValueEntry lstVal = (AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()) as LastValueEntry); if (lstVal != null) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldLoc) != null) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldLoc) != DBNull.Value) { if (lstVal.Value != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14p") ); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": " + inObject.get_Value(fldLoc).ToString()); lstVal.Value = inObject.get_Value(fldLoc); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), lstVal); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14p") ); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": " + inObject.get_Value(fldLoc)); lstVal.Value = inObject.get_Value(fldLoc); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), lstVal); } } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14q") ); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14p") ); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": NULL"); lstVal.Value = null; AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), lstVal); } } } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14q") ); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14p") ); AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + ": NULL"); lstVal.Value = null; AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), lstVal); } } } else { lstVal = new LastValueEntry(); lstVal.Value = inObject.get_Value(fldLoc); lstVal.On_Manual = Globals.toBoolean(drv["ON_MANUAL"].ToString()); lstVal.On_Create = Globals.toBoolean(drv["ON_CREATE"].ToString()); lstVal.On_ChangeAtt = Globals.toBoolean(drv["ON_CHANGE"].ToString()); if (drv["ON_CHANGEGEO"] != null) { lstVal.On_ChangeGeo = Globals.toBoolean(drv["ON_CHANGEGEO"].ToString()); } AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString(), lstVal); } } catch { } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14r") ); } } } pRowChLast = null; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14s") + inObject.Class.AliasName); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14k") + "(TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND " + modeVal); AAState._dv.RowFilter = "(TABLENAME = '*' OR TABLENAME = '" + tableName + "' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|*' OR TABLENAME like '" + tableName + "|%') AND " + modeVal; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14l") + AAState._dv.Count.ToString()); if (AAState._processCount > 2) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400); } if (AAState._processCount > 15) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14t") ); return false; } if (AAState._dv.Count > 0) { bool proc = false; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14u") ); for (int retRows = 0; retRows < AAState._dv.Count; retRows++) { DataRowView drv = AAState._dv[retRows]; AAState.WriteLine(" ------------------------------------------------"); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14v") ); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14w") + (retRows + 1).ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14x") + drv["TABLENAME"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14y") + drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14z") + drv["VALUEINFO"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14aa") + drv["VALUEMETHOD"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ab") + drv["ON_CREATE"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ac") + drv["ON_CHANGE"].ToString()); if (AAState._dv.Table.Columns.Contains("RUNORDER")) AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ad") + drv["RUNORDER"].ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(""); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ae") ); valFC = drv["TABLENAME"].ToString().Trim(); if (valFC.Contains("|")) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14af") ); string[] spliVal = valFC.Split('|'); List<string> validSubtypes = new List<string>(spliVal[1].Split(',')); List<string> inValidSubtypes; if (spliVal.GetLength(0) == 3) { inValidSubtypes = new List<string>(spliVal[2].Split(',')); } else { inValidSubtypes = new List<string>(); } int obSubVal; ISubtypes pSub = inObject.Class as ISubtypes; if (pSub != null) { if (pSub.HasSubtype) { if (inObject.get_Value(pSub.SubtypeFieldIndex).ToString() != "") { obSubVal = Convert.ToInt32(inObject.get_Value(pSub.SubtypeFieldIndex).ToString()); if (validSubtypes.Contains("*")) { if (inValidSubtypes.Contains(obSubVal.ToString())) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ag") ); proc = false; continue; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ah") ); } } else if (validSubtypes.Contains(obSubVal.ToString())) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ah") ); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ag") ); proc = false; continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ai") ); proc = false; continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14aj") ); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14aj") ); } } valMethod = drv["VALUEMETHOD"].ToString().ToUpper().Trim(); valData = drv["VALUEINFO"].ToString().Trim(); if (valData.Contains(Environment.NewLine)) { valData = valData.Substring(0, valData.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine)); } List<string> strFldNames = new List<string>(); List<string> strFldAlias = new List<string>(); List<int> intFldIdxs = new List<int>(); fieldObj = null; if (drv["FIELDNAME"] != null && drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim() != "" && drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim() != "*" && drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim() != "#") { strFldNames = new List<string>(drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString().Trim().Split(',')); foreach (string strFldName in strFldNames) { if (inObject.Fields.FindField(strFldName) >= 0) { strFldAlias.Add(inObject.Fields.get_Field(inObject.Fields.FindField(strFldName)).AliasName); int tem = inObject.Fields.FindField(strFldName); intFldIdxs.Add(tem); fieldObj = inObject.Fields.get_Field(tem); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ak") + inObject.Fields.get_Field(inObject.Fields.FindField(strFldName)).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14al") + tem); proc = true; } else if (inObject.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(strFldName) >= 0) { int tem = inObject.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(strFldName); intFldIdxs.Add(tem); strFldAlias.Add(inObject.Fields.get_Field(tem).AliasName); fieldObj = inObject.Fields.get_Field(tem); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ak") + strFldName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14al") + tem); proc = true; } else { intFldIdxs.Add(-1); strFldAlias.Add("{Not Found}"); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); fieldObj = null; proc = false; } } } else if (drv["FIELDNAME"].ToString() == "#") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14an") ); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; IField pTmpFld = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; for (int i = 0; i < inObject.Fields.FieldCount; i++) { pTmpFld = inObject.Fields.get_Field(i); if (pTmpFld.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGlobalID && pTmpFld.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID && pTmpFld.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_LENGTH" && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.LEN" && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_AREA" && pTmpFld.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.AREA") { if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(i) == true) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ao") + pTmpFld.Name + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ap") ); strFldNames.Add(pTmpFld.Name); intFldIdxs.Add(i); proc = true; } } } pRowCh = null; pTmpFld = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14aq") ); fieldObj = null; proc = true; } if (proc) { try { switch (valMethod) { case "FIELD_TRIGGER"://Value|FieldToChange|Value try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "FIELD_TRIGGER" ); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); string valToCheck = ""; string fldToChange = ""; string valToSet = ""; if (args.GetLength(0) == 3) { valToCheck = args[0]; fldToChange = args[1]; valToSet = args[2]; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14av")); continue; } IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14aw")); continue; } if (intFldIdxs[0] == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am")); continue; } if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0])) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ax")); if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() == valToCheck) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); int chngFldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, fldToChange); if (chngFldIdx == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am")); continue; } try { inObject.set_Value(chngFldIdx, valToSet); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14c") + valToSet); } } } pRowCh = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "FIELD_TRIGGER: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "FIELD_TRIGGER"); } break; case "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = null; IQueryFilter pQFilt = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inObject != null)) { pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; bool valueChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < intFldIdxs.Count; i++) { if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[i]) == true) { valueChanged = true; break; } } if (valueChanged == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain12")); continue; } sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 2) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14d")); continue; } if ((sourceFieldNames != null) && (sourceFieldNames.Length > 0)) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain13") + sourceLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } IFields pFlds = null; IDataset pDs = null; string layNameFnd = ""; bool matchingLayFnd = false; IStandaloneTable pTbl = null; if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { pFlds = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields; pDs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass as IDataset; layNameFnd = sourceLayer.Name; matchingLayFnd = true; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); continue; } } else { pTbl = Globals.FindStandAloneTable(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName) as IStandaloneTable; if (pTbl != null) { if (pTbl.Table != null) { pFlds = pTbl.Table.Fields; pDs = pTbl.Table as IDataset; layNameFnd = pTbl.Name; matchingLayFnd = true; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); continue; } } if (matchingLayFnd == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); continue; } sqlSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)(pDs.Workspace); string specChar = sqlSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_WildcardManyMatch); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain14") + layNameFnd + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain15") + sourceLayerName); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain16")); if (sourceFieldNames.Length != intFldIdxs.Count) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain17")); continue; } int[] sourceFieldNums = new int[sourceFieldNames.Length]; pQFilt = new QueryFilterClass(); string sqlString = ""; string sqlStringUpper = ""; string sqlUpp = ""; if (sqlSyntax.GetStringComparisonCase()) { sqlUpp = "UPPER"; } for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNames.Length; i++) { sourceFieldNums[i] = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pFlds, sourceFieldNames[i].Trim()); if (sourceFieldNums[i] < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain18") + sourceFieldName[i]); break; } if (pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { if (sqlString == "") { sqlString = pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString() + "'"; sqlStringUpper = sqlUpp + "(" + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + ")" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString().ToUpper().Replace(" ", specChar) + specChar + "'"; } else { sqlString = sqlString + " AND " + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString() + "'"; sqlStringUpper = sqlStringUpper + " AND " + sqlUpp + "(" + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + ")" + " LIKE '" + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]).ToString().ToUpper().Replace(" ", specChar) + specChar + "'"; } } else { if (sqlString == "") { sqlString = pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]); sqlStringUpper = pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]) + specChar; } else { sqlString = sqlString + " AND " + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]); sqlStringUpper = sqlStringUpper + " AND " + pFlds.get_Field(sourceFieldNums[i]).Name + " LIKE " + specChar + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[i]) + specChar; } } } pQFilt.WhereClause = sqlString; AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); int intRecFound = 0; if (sourceLayer == null) { intRecFound = pTbl.Table.RowCount(pQFilt); } else { intRecFound = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); } AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found using " + sqlString); if (intRecFound != 1) { pQFilt.WhereClause = sqlStringUpper; AAState.WriteLine(" " + pQFilt.WhereClause + " used to search for matching record"); if (sourceLayer == null) { intRecFound = pTbl.Table.RowCount(pQFilt); } else { intRecFound = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); } AAState.WriteLine(" " + intRecFound + " rows found"); if (intRecFound == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain19")); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain20")); ICursor pCurs = null; if (sourceLayer == null) { pCurs = pTbl.Table.Search(pQFilt, true); } else { pCurs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true) as ICursor; } pQFilt = null; List<string> pLst = Globals.CursorToList(ref pCurs, sourceFieldNums); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; string disFld = ""; for (int j = 0; j < sourceFieldNames.Length - 1; j++) { disFld = disFld == "" ? sourceFieldNames[j] : disFld + "|" + sourceFieldNames[j]; } string selectVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(pLst, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain21") + disFld, ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (selectVal == "||Cancelled||") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain19")); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain22") + selectVal); string[] strVals = selectVal.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNums.Length; i++) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[i], (strVals[i].Trim())); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain23")); } pQFilt = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14e") + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14f")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { pQFilt = null; sqlSyntax = null; pRowCh = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP"); } break; } case "PREVIOUS_VALUE": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "PREVIOUS_VALUE"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inObject != null)) { pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; bool valueChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < intFldIdxs.Count; i++) { if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[i]) == true) { valueChanged = true; break; } } if (valueChanged == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain24")); continue; } string[] sourceFieldNames = null; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 1) { sourceFieldNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14d")); continue; } if ((sourceFieldNames != null) && (sourceFieldNames.Length > 0)) { int flx = inObject.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldNames[0]); if (flx > 0) { inObject.set_Value(flx, pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0])); inObject.Store(); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14e") + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14f")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "PREVIOUS_VALUE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { pRowCh = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "PREVIOUS_VALUE"); } break; } case "ANGLE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "ANGLE"); if (inFeature != null) { if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain25")); continue; } if ((inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass).ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain26")); continue; } bool boolGeo = true; if (valData.Trim() != "") { if (valData.ToUpper() == "A") { boolGeo = false; } } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain27")); IPolyline pLyLine = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; ILine pLine = new LineClass(); pLine.ToPoint = pLyLine.FromPoint; pLine.FromPoint = pLyLine.ToPoint; double angArth = pLine.Angle * 180 / Math.PI; if (angArth < 0) { angArth = 360 + angArth; } double angGeo = 270 - angArth; if (angGeo < 0) { angGeo = 360 + angGeo; } double ang; if (boolGeo) { ang = angGeo; } else { ang = angArth; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain28") + ang); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], ang); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain29")); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain30")); } pLine = null; pLyLine = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain31")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "ANGLE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "ANGLE"); } break; case "CREATE_PERP_LINE"://Layer to Search For|Offset Distante or Field|Search distance to look for a line|UseSnapPoint|TargetLayer|TargetLayerTemplate try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "CREATE_PERP_LINE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; double offsetVal = 5; bool useSnapPnt = false; string targetLayerName = ""; IFeatureLayer targetLayer = null; string targetLayerTemp = ""; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int fldOff = -1; if (args.GetLength(0) == 6) { sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); Boolean.TryParse(args[3], out useSnapPnt); targetLayerName = args[4]; targetLayerTemp = args[5]; } else if (args.GetLength(0) == 5) { sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); Boolean.TryParse(args[3], out useSnapPnt); targetLayerName = args[4]; targetLayerTemp = ""; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14av")); continue; } if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain32")); continue; } targetLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (targetLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14g") + targetLayerName); continue; } if (targetLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14h") + targetLayerName); continue; } if (targetLayer is ICadastralFabricSubLayer2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14i") + targetLayerName); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") sourceLayerName = args[i].ToString(); if (i == 0) i++; boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14b") + sourceLayer + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); continue; } if (fldOff != -1) { try { string temp = inObject.get_Value(fldOff).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(temp)) { Double.TryParse(temp, out offsetVal); } } catch { } } IPolyline pTempLine = new PolylineClass(); pTempLine = Globals.CreateAngledLineFromLocationOnLine((IPoint)inFeature.Shape, sourceLayer, boolLayerOrFC, Globals.ConvertDegToRads(90), offsetVal, "true", true, false); IEditTemplate pTemp = null; IFeature pFeat = null; if (targetLayerTemp != "") pTemp = Globals.GetEditTemplate(targetLayerTemp, targetLayer); if (pTemp != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain33")); pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(pTempLine, pTemp, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } else { pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(pTempLine, targetLayer, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain34")); NewFeatureList.Add(pFeat); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CREATE_PERP_LINE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "CREATE_PERP_LINE"); } break; case "AUTONUMBER"://Layer to Search For|Offset Distante or Field|Search distance to look for a line try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "AUTONUMBER"); if (inObject != null) { if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain25")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain35") + strFldNames[0]); string res = Globals.GetFieldStats(inObject.Class as IFeatureClass, strFldNames[0], Globals.statsType.Max); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain36") + res); if (res == "External component has thrown an exception.") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain37")); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cm")); long val = 1; try { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14co")); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14j") + ex.Message.ToString()); } } else { if (Globals.IsNumeric(res)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cs")); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cr") + res); try { long val = (Convert.ToInt64(res) + 1); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cq") + res); try { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14co") + res); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az") + res); } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14j") + ex.Message.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14j") + ex.Message.ToString()); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cp")); long val = 1; inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cn") + res); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cm")); long val = 1; try { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14co") + res); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az") + res); } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14j") + ex.Message.ToString()); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "AUTONUMBER: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "AUTONUMBER"); } break; case "COPY_LINKED_RECORD"://Feature Layer|Field To Copy|Primary Key Field|Foreign Key Field { try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "COPY_LINKED_RECORD"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 4) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } if (inObject == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ak")); break; } string[] targetLayerNames; string targetFieldName = ""; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bs")); targetLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); targetFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string targetLayerName = ""; string sourceIDFieldName = args[2].ToString(); string targetIDFieldName = args[3].ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bt")); if (targetFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cj")); int fldIDSourecIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceIDFieldName); if (fldIDSourecIdx > -1 && intFldIdxs.Count > 0) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx) != null && inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx) != DBNull.Value) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() != "") { for (int i = 0; i < targetLayerNames.Length; i++) { targetLayerName = targetLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (targetLayerName != "") { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cl")); bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource); if (sourceLayer != null) { int fldValToCopyIdx = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(targetFieldName); int fldIDTargetIdx = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(targetIDFieldName); if (fldIDTargetIdx > -1 && fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx); } IFeatureCursor pCurs; pCurs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true); IFeature pRow; while ((pRow = pCurs.NextFeature()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cf")); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx)); break; } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aw") + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + strFldNames[0]); } pRow = null; } pRow = null; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cd")); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14k")); } } else { ITable pTable = Globals.FindTable(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName); if (pTable != null) { int fldValToCopyIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTable.Fields, targetFieldName); int fldIDTargetIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTable.Fields, targetIDFieldName); if (fldIDTargetIdx > -1 && fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx); } ICursor pCurs; pCurs = pTable.Search(pQFilt, true); IRow pRow; bool valSet = false; pRow = pCurs.NextRow(); while (pRow != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cf")); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + pRow.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx).ToString() + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ch")); valSet = true; break; } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aw") + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + strFldNames[0]); } pRow = pCurs.NextRow(); } pRow = null; if (valSet) AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cd")); else AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ce")); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14k")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ax") + sourceLayerName); } pTable = null; } } } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ck")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_LINKED_RECORD" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "COPY_LINKED_RECORD"); } break; } case "UPDATE_LINKED_RECORD"://Feature Layer|Field To Copy|Primary Key Field|Foreign Key Field { try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "UPDATE_LINKED_RECORD"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 4) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } if (inObject == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ak")); break; } IRowChanges pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false && mode != "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ck")); pRowCh = null; continue; } else { pRowCh = null; string[] targetLayerNames; string targetFieldName = ""; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bs")); targetLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); targetFieldName = args[1].ToString(); string targetLayerName = ""; string sourceIDFieldName = args[2].ToString(); string targetIDFieldName = args[3].ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bt")); if (targetFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cj")); int fldIDSourecIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceIDFieldName); if (fldIDSourecIdx > -1 && intFldIdxs.Count > 0) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx) != null && inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx) != DBNull.Value) { if (inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() != "") { for (int i = 0; i < targetLayerNames.Length; i++) { targetLayerName = targetLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (targetLayerName != "") { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ci")); bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource); if (sourceLayer != null) { int fldValToCopyIdx = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(targetFieldName); int fldIDTargetIdx = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(targetIDFieldName); if (fldIDTargetIdx > -1 && fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx); } IFeatureCursor pCurs; pCurs = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true); IFeature pRow; bool valSet = false; while ((pRow = pCurs.NextFeature()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cg")); try { pRow.set_Value(fldValToCopyIdx, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); pRow.Store(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ch")); valSet = true; } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aw") + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() + " to field: " + targetFieldName); } pRow = null; } pRow = null; if (valSet) AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cd")); else AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ce")); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14k")); } } else { ITable pTable = Globals.FindTable(AAState._editor.Map, targetLayerName); if (pTable != null) { int fldValToCopyIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTable.Fields, targetFieldName); int fldIDTargetIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTable.Fields, targetIDFieldName); if (fldIDTargetIdx > -1 && fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = pTable.Fields.get_Field(fldIDTargetIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldIDSourecIdx); } ICursor pCurs; pCurs = pTable.Search(pQFilt, false); IRow pRow; bool valSet = false; pRow = pCurs.NextRow(); while (pRow != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cf")); try { pRow.set_Value(fldValToCopyIdx, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); pRow.Store(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ch")); valSet = true; } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aw") + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + strFldNames[0]); } pRow = pCurs.NextRow(); } pRow = null; if (valSet) AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cd")); else AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ce")); if (pCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCurs); pCurs = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14k")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ax") + sourceLayerName); } pTable = null; } } } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ay")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "UPDATE_LINKED_RECORD" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "UPDATE_LINKED_RECORD"); } break; } case "OFFSET"://Layer to Search For|Offset Distante or Field|Search distance to look for a line try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "OFFSET"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; double offsetVal = 5; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int fldOff = -1; if (args.GetLength(0) >= 3) { sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); } else if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1])) Double.TryParse(args[1], out offsetVal); else { fldOff = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[1]); } Double.TryParse("1", out searchDistance); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14av")); continue; } if (intFldIdxs.Count != 2) { AAState.WriteLine( A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bn")); continue; } // Get layer for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") sourceLayerName = args[i].ToString(); if (i == 0) i++; boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14b") + sourceLayer + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); continue; } IFeatureClass iFC = inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass; if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayer + " is a polygon layer"); break; } if (sourceLayer != null) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { double dAlong = 0; if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; pIntPnt = null; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; pIntPnt = null; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cc") + dAlong); IPoint pNewPt = new PointClass(); IConstructPoint2 pConsPoint = pNewPt as IConstructPoint2; if (fldOff != -1) { string temp = inObject.get_Value(fldOff).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(temp)) { Double.TryParse(temp, out offsetVal); } } pConsPoint.ConstructOffset (sourceFeature.Shape as ICurve, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, dAlong, false, offsetVal); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pNewPt.X); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[1], pNewPt.Y); pNewPt = null; pConsPoint = null; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "OFFSET: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "OFFSET"); } break; case "SIDE": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "SIDE"); try { //Layer|IDField|IDField source if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cb")); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ca") + valData); sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; string inputFieldName = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "SIDE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bm")); continue; } switch (args.Length) { case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); inputFieldName = args[2].ToString(); break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "SIDE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bm")); continue; } int fldValToCopyIdx = inObject.Fields.FindField(inputFieldName); if (fldValToCopyIdx > -1) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bz")); int fldValTargetJoinIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer, sourceFieldName); if (fldValTargetJoinIdx > -1) { IQueryFilter pQFilt = Globals.createQueryFilter(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldValTargetJoinIdx).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = "" + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldValTargetJoinIdx).Name + "" + " = '" + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx).ToString() + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(fldValTargetJoinIdx).Name + " = " + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx); } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bx") + pQFilt.WhereClause); int cnt = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14by") + cnt); if (cnt > 0) { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(pQFilt, true); while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { bool side = false; if (Globals.GetPointOnLine(inFeature.Shape, sourceFeature.Shape, 450, out side) != null) { if (side) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain38")); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], "Right"); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain39")); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], "Left"); } if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); fCursor = null; continue; } } if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); fCursor = null; } pQFilt = null; } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "SIDE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); fCursor = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "SIDE"); } break; } case "PROMPT": { //Loop through all fields list in the fieldname //If blank or null, prompt user for value //Store Value IDomain pDom = default(IDomain); ISubtypes pSubType = null; List<Globals.DomSubList> lst = null; Globals.DomSubList dmRetVal = null; try { if ((inObject != null)) { pSubType = (ISubtypes)inObject.Class; if (pSubType.HasSubtype) { int intSub; if (intFldIdxs.Contains(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex)) { lst = Globals.SubtypeToList(pSubType); if (inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == null || inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == "" || inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == DBNull.Value) { dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + pSubType.SubtypeFieldName, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + pSubType.SubtypeFieldName, ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); inObject.set_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex, dmRetVal.Value); intSub = Convert.ToInt32(dmRetVal.Value); } else { intSub = Convert.ToInt32(inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex)); } for (int l = 0; l < strFldNames.Count; l++) { if (intFldIdxs[l] == pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) continue; if (intFldIdxs[l] != -1) { pDom = pSubType.get_Domain(intSub, inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Name); if (pDom == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + inObject.Class.AliasName + ":" + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } else { if (pDom is CodedValueDomain) { lst = Globals.DomainToList(pDom); if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], dmRetVal.Value); } catch { } lst = null; } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + strFldNames[l] + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex) == null) intSub = pSubType.DefaultSubtypeCode; else intSub = Convert.ToInt32(inObject.get_Value(pSubType.SubtypeFieldIndex)); for (int l = 0; l < strFldNames.Count; l++) { if (intFldIdxs[l] != -1) { pDom = pSubType.get_Domain(intSub, inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Name); if (pDom == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } else { if (pDom is CodedValueDomain) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { lst = Globals.DomainToList(pDom); dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], dmRetVal.Value); } catch { } lst = null; } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + strFldNames[l] + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } } } else { for (int l = 0; l < strFldNames.Count; l++) { if (intFldIdxs[l] != -1) { pDom = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[l]).Domain; if (pDom == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } else { if (pDom is CodedValueDomain) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { lst = Globals.DomainToList(pDom); dmRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(lst, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], dmRetVal.Value); } catch { } lst = null; } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == "" || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[l]) == DBNull.Value) { IList<string> pVals = new List<string>(); string strRetVal = Globals.showValuesOptionsForm(pVals, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bw") + strFldAlias[l], ComboBoxStyle.DropDown); try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[l], strRetVal); } catch { } pVals = null; } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" PROMPT: " + strFldNames[l] + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "PROMPT" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "PROMPT"); pDom = null; pSubType = null; lst = null; dmRetVal = null; } break; } case "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE"); string flds; string targetLayer; IRowChanges pRowCh = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inObject != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cb")); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ca") + valData); //field name is the field to Check //value|Layer|tempalte|Cut or Copy|field-toField args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bl")); continue; } targetLayer = args[0]; flds = args[1]; bool bPrompt; if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[2].ToUpper() == "T" || args[2].ToUpper() == "TRUE" || args[2].ToUpper() == "YES") { bPrompt = true; } else { bPrompt = false; } } else { bPrompt = true; } pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bk")); continue; } bool boolFoundAsLayer = true; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(ArcMap.Application, args[0].ToString(), ref boolFoundAsLayer) as IFeatureLayer; if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bj")); continue; } int intTargFld = -1; intTargFld = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(flds); if (intTargFld == -1) { intTargFld = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindFieldByAliasName(flds); if (intTargFld != -1) { flds = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(intTargFld).Name; } } if (intTargFld > -1) { bool proceed = true; if (pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() == "") continue; IQueryFilter pQFilt = new QueryFilterClass(); if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(intTargFld).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { pQFilt.WhereClause = flds + " = '" + pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0]) + "'"; } else { pQFilt.WhereClause = flds + " = " + pRowCh.get_OriginalValue(intFldIdxs[0]) + ""; } int featCnt = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQFilt); if (featCnt == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain40")); } else { string promptLayname; promptLayname = Globals.getClassName(sourceLayer); if (bPrompt) { if (MessageBox.Show("You are about to change " + featCnt + " rows in the " + promptLayname + " Feature Class, proceed?", "Cascade", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain41")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain42")); proceed = false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain43")); } if (proceed) { IFeatureCursor pCalcCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Update(pQFilt, false); IFeature updateFeat; if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } while ((updateFeat = pCalcCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { updateFeat.set_Value(intTargFld, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); ChangeFeatureList.Add(updateFeat); //if (!trackCancel.Continue()) //{ // AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain19")); // AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); // return false; //} } updateFeat = null; if (pCalcCursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCalcCursor); } pCalcCursor = null; pQFilt = null; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bi")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { sourceLayer = null; pRowCh = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE"); } break; } case "COPY_FEATURE": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "COPY_FEATURE"); IFeatureLayer pTargetFL; string[] FldPairs; string targetValue; IRowChanges pRowCh = null; IFeature pNewFeat = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cb")); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ca") + valData); //field name is the field to Check //value|Layer|tempalte|Cut or Copy|field-toField args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bh")); continue; } targetValue = args[0]; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0) { if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == false && mode != "ON_CREATE") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain44")); continue; } if (inFeature.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() != targetValue.ToString()) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain45")); continue; } } bool FCorLayerTarget = true; pTargetFL = Globals.FindLayer(ArcMap.Application, args[1].ToString(), ref FCorLayerTarget) as IFeatureLayer; if (pTargetFL == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bg")); continue; } if (Globals.IsEditable(ref pTargetFL, ref AAState._editor) == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14be")); continue; } if (pTargetFL.FeatureClass.ShapeType != (inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass).ShapeType) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bf")); continue; } FldPairs = null; //value|Layer|tempalte|Cut or Copy|field-toField IEditTemplate pEditTemp = null; string sourceAction = "COPY"; string fldMatching = null; switch (args.Length) { //case 2: // break; case 3: if (args[2].Trim() != "") { pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplateGraphic(pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); } else { pEditTemp = null; } break; case 4: if (args[2].Trim() != "") { pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplateGraphic(pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); } else { pEditTemp = null; } sourceAction = args[3].ToUpper().Trim(); break; case 5: if (args[2].Trim() != "") { pEditTemp = Globals.PromptAndGetEditTemplateGraphic(pTargetFL, args[2].Trim()); } else { pEditTemp = null; } sourceAction = args[3].ToUpper().Trim(); fldMatching = args[4].Trim(); break; } if (pEditTemp != null) { pNewFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(inFeature.ShapeCopy, pEditTemp, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } else { pNewFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(inFeature.ShapeCopy, pTargetFL, AAState._editor, ArcMap.Application, false, false, false); } pEditTemp = null; if (fldMatching != null) { if (fldMatching == "") { FldPairs = new string[] { }; } else { FldPairs = fldMatching.Split(','); } } else { FldPairs = new string[] { }; } List<string> targFilds = new List<string>(); foreach (string strFlpPair in FldPairs) { string[] fldMatch = strFlpPair.Split('-'); if (fldMatch.Length != 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bd")); } else { string strSrcFldName = fldMatch[0]; string strTarFldName = fldMatch[1]; int intSrcFldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex((inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass).Fields, (strSrcFldName)); int intTarFldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTargetFL.FeatureClass.Fields, strTarFldName); if (intSrcFldIdx == -1 || intTarFldIdx == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bc")); } else { targFilds.Add(strTarFldName.ToUpper()); try { pNewFeat.set_Value(intTarFldIdx, inFeature.get_Value(intSrcFldIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14bb") + strFlpPair); } } } } IFields pTarFields = pTargetFL.FeatureClass.Fields; IField pTarField = null; for (int i = 0; i < pTarFields.FieldCount; i++) { pTarField = pTarFields.get_Field(i); if (pTarField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGlobalID && pTarField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID && pTarField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_LENGTH" && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.LEN" && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE_AREA" && pTarField.Name.ToUpper() != "SHAPE.AREA") { if (targFilds.Contains(pTarField.Name.ToUpper()) == false) { int fldIdx = inFeature.Fields.FindField(pTarField.Name); if (fldIdx > 0) { try { pNewFeat.set_Value(i, inFeature.get_Value(fldIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain46") + pTarField.Name); } } } } } pTarFields = null; pTarField = null; if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(pNewFeat); if (sourceAction == "CUT") { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain47")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain48")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "COPY_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { pTargetFL = null; pRowCh = null; pNewFeat = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "COPY_FEATURE"); } break; } case "VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cb")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain49")); bool validFeat = false; if (inFeature is INetworkFeature) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain50")); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ca") + valData); args = valData.Split('|'); int connectionCnt = Globals.getConnectionCount(inFeature); foreach (string fldConPair in args) { string[] fldCon = fldConPair.Split(','); if (fldCon.Length == 1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain51")); if (Globals.IsNumeric(fldCon[0])) { if (connectionCnt == Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[0])) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain52")); validFeat = true; break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain53")); } } else { if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain51")); if (fldCon.Length == 2) { if (connectionCnt == Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1])) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain52")); validFeat = true; break; } } if (fldCon.Length > 2) { if (connectionCnt >= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1]) && connectionCnt <= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[2])) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain52")); validFeat = true; break; } } } else if (inFeature.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString() == fldCon[0]) { if (fldCon.Length == 2) { if (connectionCnt == Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1])) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain52")); validFeat = true; break; } } if (fldCon.Length > 2) { if (connectionCnt >= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[1]) && connectionCnt <= Convert.ToInt32(fldCon[2])) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain52")); validFeat = true; break; } } } } } if (validFeat == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain19")); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain54")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain48")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY"); } break; } case "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14cb")); IRowChanges pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; changed = true; if (intFldIdxs != null && intFldIdxs.Count > 0 && mode != "ON_CREATE") { for (int fldIdx = 0; fldIdx < intFldIdxs.Count; fldIdx++) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain55")); changed = pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[fldIdx]); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[fldIdx] + " changed value was " + changed); if (changed) break; } } if (changed) { args = valData.Split('|'); args = args[0].Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain56") + args); if (args.Length > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain57")); IList<ILayer> pLayList = Globals.FindLayersByClassID(((IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document).FocusMap, inObject.Class.ObjectClassID); if (pLayList != null) { if (pLayList.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + pLayList.Count + " Layers found"); bool ValidComb = false; foreach (ILayer pLay in pLayList) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain58") + pLay.Name); if (pLay is IFeatureLayer) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain59")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain60")); IEditTemplateManager pEdTmpManager = Globals.GetEditTemplateManager((IFeatureLayer)pLay); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain61")); ValidComb = Globals.FeatureIsValidTemplate(pEdTmpManager, inFeature, args); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain62") + ValidComb.ToString()); if (ValidComb == true) break; } } if (ValidComb == false) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain19")); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain63")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain63")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain64")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES"); } break; } case "SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { intersectLayerName = ""; intersectLayer = null; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + args.Length + " Layers listed "); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { intersectLayerName = args[i].Trim(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain65") + intersectLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (intersectLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = intersectLayerName.Split('('); intersectLayerName = tempSplt[0]; intersectLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { intersectLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } if (intersectLayer != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain66") + intersectLayerName); if (intersectLayer.FeatureClass != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain67") + intersectLayerName); double snapTol = Globals.GetXYTolerance(intersectLayer); sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(intersectLayer, inFeature, false); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain68")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain69") + intersectLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain70")); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } IFeature intsersectFeature; int idx = 1; while ((intsersectFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (intsersectFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain71") + idx); idx++; if (intsersectFeature is INetworkFeature) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain72")); } else { ISet featset = Globals.splitLineWithPoint(intsersectFeature, inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint, snapTol, null, "{0:0.00}", ArcMap.Application); if (featset != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain73")); if (featset.Count > 0) { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } object featobj; while ((featobj = featset.Next()) != null) { IFeature feature = featobj as IFeature; if (feature != null) { NewFeatureList.Add(feature as IObject); } feature = null; } } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain74") + intersectLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain75") + featset.Count); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain76")); } featset = null; } } if (intsersectFeature != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(intsersectFeature); } else if (intsersectFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && intsersectFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain71") + idx); idx++; if (intsersectFeature is INetworkFeature) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain72")); } else { ISet featset = Globals.splitLineWithPoint(intsersectFeature, inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint, snapTol, null, "{0:0.00}", ArcMap.Application); if (featset == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain77")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain73")); if (featset.Count > 0) { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } object featobj; while ((featobj = featset.Next()) != null) { IFeature feature = featobj as IFeature; if (feature != null) { NewFeatureList.Add(feature as IObject); } feature = null; } } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain74") + intersectLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain75") + featset.Count); } featset = null; } if (intsersectFeature != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(intsersectFeature); } } } intsersectFeature = null; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain78") + intersectLayerName); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14l") + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14m")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); } break; } case "NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES": { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES"); try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; string[] destFieldNames = null; searchDistance = 0; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 3) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); destFieldNames = args[2].ToString().Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain79")); } else if (args.Length == 4) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); destFieldNames = args[2].ToString().Split(','); Double.TryParse(args[3], out searchDistance); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14d")); continue; } if ((sourceFieldNames != null) && (destFieldNames != null) && (sourceFieldNames.Length > 0) && (destFieldNames.Length > 0) && (sourceFieldNames.Length == destFieldNames.Length)) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain13") + sourceLayerName); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC) as IFeatureLayer; } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceLayer.Name + " layer Found: " + sourceLayerName); string missingFieldMess = null; int[] sourceFieldNums = new int[sourceFieldNames.Length]; int[] destFieldNums = new int[destFieldNames.Length]; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain80")); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNums.Length; i++) { int fnum = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(sourceFieldNames[i].Trim()); if (fnum < 0) { missingFieldMess = sourceFieldNames[i].Trim() + " in table " + sourceLayerName; break; } sourceFieldNums[i] = fnum; } if (missingFieldMess == null) { for (int i = 0; i < destFieldNums.Length; i++) { int fnum = inFeature.Fields.FindField(destFieldNames[i].Trim()); if (fnum < 0) { missingFieldMess = destFieldNames[i].Trim() + " in table " + tableName; break; } destFieldNums[i] = fnum; } } if (missingFieldMess == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain81")); // found source and destination fields. if (searchDistance > 0) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); } else { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain82")); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); nearestFeature = null; proxOp = (IProximityOperator)inFeature.Shape; lastDistance = searchDistance; if (sourceFeature != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain83")); while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (nearestFeature != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain84") + lastDistance + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain85") + nearestFeature.OID); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNums.Length; i++) { try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain86") + sourceFieldNames[i] + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain87") + destFieldNames[i]); inObject.set_Value(destFieldNums[i], nearestFeature.get_Value(sourceFieldNums[i])); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14n") + sourceFieldNames[i] + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain87") + destFieldNames[i]); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain88")); for (int i = 0; i < destFieldNums.Length; i++) { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(destFieldNums[i]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(destFieldNums[i], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(destFieldNums[i], newval); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14o") + missingFieldMess); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayerName + " data source is not set"); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14e") + valData); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14f")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES"); } break; } case "MINIMUM_LENGTH": { try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "MINIMUM_LENGTH"); double minlength; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain89")); if (Double.TryParse(valData, out minlength)) { if (inFeature != null) { ICurve curve = inFeature.Shape as ICurve; if (curve != null) { if (curve.Length < minlength) { String mess = "Line is shorter than " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", minlength) + " " + Globals.GetSpatRefUnitName(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference, true) + ", aborting edit."; AAState.WriteLine(" " + mess); MessageBox.Show(mess, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain90")); AAState._editor.AbortOperation(); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14p")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "MINIMUM_LENGTH \n" + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "MINIMUM_LENGTH"); } break; } case "LINK_TABLE_ASSET": try { intersectLayerName = ""; intersectTable = null; intersectLayer = null; List<string> intersectLayerFieldNameList = new List<string>(); List<int> intersectFieldPosList = new List<int>(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "LINK_TABLE_ASSET"); args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // Feature Layer only intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: // Feature Layer| Field to copy intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldNameList = new List<string>(args[1].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); break; case 3: // Feature Layer| Field to copy | for future intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldNameList = new List<string>(args[1].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14q") + valData); continue; } bool FCorLayerIntersect = true; intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref FCorLayerIntersect); intersectTable = Globals.FindStandAloneTable(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName); if (intersectLayer != null) { //Find Area Field foreach (string intersectLayerFieldName in intersectLayerFieldNameList) { intersectFieldPos = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14r") +"(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } else { intersectFieldPosList.Add(intersectFieldPos); } } intersectLayerSelection = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (intersectLayerSelection.SelectionSet.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14s") + intersectLayerName); break; } if (intersectLayerSelection.SelectionSet.Count > 1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14t") + intersectLayerName); break; } intersectLayerSelection.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out cCurs); } else if (intersectTable != null) { if (intersectTable.Table == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14u") + "(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } foreach (string intersectLayerFieldName in intersectLayerFieldNameList) { intersectFieldPos = intersectTable.Table.Fields.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14v") + "(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } else { intersectFieldPosList.Add(intersectFieldPos); } } intersectTableSelection = (ITableSelection)intersectTable; if (intersectTableSelection.SelectionSet.Count == 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14s") + intersectLayerName); break; } if (intersectTableSelection.SelectionSet.Count > 1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14t") + intersectLayerName); break; } intersectTableSelection.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out cCurs); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14u") + "(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } IRow row; while ((row = cCurs.NextRow()) != null) { int idx = 0; foreach (int fldIdxInt in intersectFieldPosList) { if (idx >= intFldIdxs.Count) continue; string val = row.get_Value(fldIdxInt).ToString(); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], val); else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(val)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], Convert.ToInt32(val)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14w") + val); } } else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle || inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[idx]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble) { if (Globals.IsNumeric(val)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], Convert.ToDouble(val)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14x") + val); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[idx], val); } idx++; } } if (row != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); row = null; } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "LINK_TABLE_ASSET" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { if (cCurs != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); cCurs = null; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "LINK_TABLE_ASSET"); } break; case "GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE": AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE"); List<IPoint> pPnts = null; try { if ((valData != null) && (inFeature != null)) { sourceLayerName = ""; string[] sourceFieldNames = null; searchDistance = 0; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 2) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); searchDistance = 2; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain79")); } else if (args.Length == 3) { sourceLayerName = args[0].ToString().Trim(); sourceFieldNames = args[1].ToString().Split(','); Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14d")); continue; } if (sourceFieldNames.Length != 5) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14y")); continue; } boolLayerOrFC = false; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } pPnts = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inObject as IFeature); if (pPnts.Count != 0) { AddressInfo pRetValu = Globals.GetAddressInfo(ArcMap.Application, pPnts[0] as IPoint, sourceLayerName, sourceFieldNames[0].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[1].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[2].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[3].Trim(), sourceFieldNames[4].Trim(), false, searchDistance); if (pRetValu != null) { if (pRetValu.Messages == "") { bool rightSide = true; IPoint pPnt = Globals.GetPointOnLine((inObject as IFeature).Shape as IPoint, pRetValu.StreetGeometry as IPolyline, 400, out rightSide); try { if (strFldNames.Count == 2) { if (intFldIdxs[0] != -1) { if (rightSide) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.RightAddress); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.LeftAddress); } } if (intFldIdxs[1] != -1) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[1], pRetValu.StreetName); } else { if (intFldIdxs[0] != -1) { if (rightSide) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.RightAddress + " " + pRetValu.StreetName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRetValu.LeftAddress + " " + pRetValu.StreetName); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14z") + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aa") + pRetValu.Messages); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ab")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ac")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE"); pPnts = null; } break; case "GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER": { IReverseGeocoding reverseGeocoding = null; IAddressGeocoding addressGeocoding = null; IPoint revGCLoc = null; IFields matchFields = null; IField shapeField = null; IReverseGeocodingProperties reverseGeocodingProperties = null; IPropertySet addressProperties = null; IAddressInputs addressInputs = null; IFields addressFields = null; object key = null; object value = null; try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain91")); reverseGeocoding = Globals.OpenLocator(args[0], args[1]); if (reverseGeocoding == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ae")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain92")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain93")); revGCLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature)[0]; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain94")); // Create a Point at which to find the address. addressGeocoding = (IAddressGeocoding)reverseGeocoding; matchFields = addressGeocoding.MatchFields; int shpFld = matchFields.FindField("Shape"); shapeField = matchFields.get_Field(shpFld); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain95")); // Set the search tolerance for reverse geocoding. reverseGeocodingProperties = (IReverseGeocodingProperties)reverseGeocoding; reverseGeocodingProperties.SearchDistance = 100; reverseGeocodingProperties.SearchDistanceUnits = esriUnits.esriFeet; reverseGeocoding.InitDefaults(); // Find the address nearest the Point. addressProperties = reverseGeocoding.ReverseGeocode(revGCLoc, false); // Print the address properties. addressInputs = (IAddressInputs)reverseGeocoding; addressFields = addressInputs.AddressFields; addressProperties.GetAllProperties(out key, out value); string tempVal = ""; for (int i = 0; i < addressFields.FieldCount; i++) { IField addressField = addressFields.get_Field(i); if (tempVal == "") { tempVal = addressProperties.GetProperty(addressField.Name).ToString(); } else { tempVal = tempVal + ", " + addressProperties.GetProperty(addressField.Name).ToString(); } } inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], tempVal); } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER"); reverseGeocoding = null; addressGeocoding = null; revGCLoc = null; matchFields = null; shapeField = null; reverseGeocodingProperties = null; addressProperties = null; addressInputs = null; addressFields = null; key = null; value = null; } break; } case "GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE": //ARGS: url try { IPoint revGCLoc = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE"); if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { args = valData.Split('|'); revGCLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature)[0]; int wkid = inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference.FactoryCode; if (revGCLoc != null) { //Test for user specified URL if (valData.Trim() != "") { if (args.Length == 2) { wkid = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } if (Globals.IsUrl(args[0])) { locatorURL = args[0]; if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith(reverseGeocodeStr))) { if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith(GeocodeStr))) { if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith("/"))) { locatorURL += "/" + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; } else { locatorURL += GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; } } else { if (!(locatorURL.EndsWith("/"))) { locatorURL += "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; } else { locatorURL += reverseGeocodeStr; } } } } //else if (args[0] == "TA_Streets_US_10") //{ // locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + args[0] + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // // wkid = 102100; //} //else if (args[0] == "TA_Address_NA_10" || args[0] == "TA_Address_EU") //{ // locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + args[0] + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // // wkid = 4326; //} ////Default to AGS Online USA geocode service //else if (_agsOnlineLocators.Substring(_agsOnlineLocators.LastIndexOf('/', _agsOnlineLocators.Length - 2)).Contains("Locator")) //{ // locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + "TA_Address_NA_10" + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // // wkid = 4326; //} else { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + GeocodeStr + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; ; // wkid = 4326; } } else { if (_agsOnlineLocators.Substring(_agsOnlineLocators.LastIndexOf('/', _agsOnlineLocators.Length - 2)).Contains(GeocodeStr)) { locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 4326; } else { _agsOnlineLocators = _agsOnlineLocators + "/" + GeocodeStr; locatorURL = _agsOnlineLocators + "/" + reverseGeocodeStr; // wkid = 4326; } } if (!locatorURL.ToUpper().Contains("/REST/")) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14af")); } else { //Copy point from this current feature _copyPoint = revGCLoc;//inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; StreamReader reader = null; HttpWebRequest request = null; try { // Create the web request request = WebRequest.Create(_agsOnlineLocators) as HttpWebRequest; // Get response using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { // Get the response stream reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); string resp = reader.ReadToEnd(); resp = resp.Substring(resp.IndexOf("Spatial Reference:")); resp = resp.Substring(0, resp.IndexOf("<br/>")); resp = resp.Substring(resp.IndexOf("</b>") + 4); wkid = Convert.ToInt32(resp.Split(' ')[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain96")); wkid = 4326; } finally { reader = null; request = null; } _copyPoint.Project(Globals.CreateSpatRef(wkid)); //Include location parameters in URL string results = Globals.FormatLocationRequest(locatorURL, _copyPoint.X, _copyPoint.Y, 100); //Send and receieve the request WebRequest req = null; WebResponse res = null; XmlDictionaryReader xr = null; XmlDocument doc = null; try { req = WebRequest.Create(results); res = req.GetResponse(); //Convert response from JSON to XML doc = new XmlDocument(); using (Stream s = res.GetResponseStream()) { xr = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(s, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max); doc.Load(xr); xr.Close(); s.Close(); string val = ""; for (int h = 0; h < doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count - 1; h++) { if (doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].Name.Contains("Match") == false) { if (val == "") { val = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].InnerText; } else { if (val.EndsWith(",")) val = val + " " + doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].InnerText; else val = val + ", " + doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes[h].InnerText; } } val = val.Trim(); } inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], val); } } catch { } finally { req = null; res = null; xr = null; doc = null; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain97")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE"); } break; case "TIMESTAMP": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TIMESTAMP"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length > 0) { try { if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) { if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DATE") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.Date); } else if (args[0].ToString().Trim() != "") { try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString(args[0])); } catch { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now); } } else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DATE") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.Date); } else if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "TIME") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")); } else if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "TIME24") { // ReadOnlyCollection<System.TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = System.TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones(); // string s = System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, timeZones[0]).ToString("HH:mm:ss"); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")); } else if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "YEAR") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); } else if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "MONTH") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.Month.ToString()); } else if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DAY") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString()); } else if (args[0].ToString().Trim() != "") { try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString(args[0])); } catch { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ag")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain98")); if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now); else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain98")); if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now); else if (fieldObj.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TIMESTAMP: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TIMESTAMP"); } break; case "LAST_VALUE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "LAST_VALUE"); bool CheckForValue = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE") { CheckForValue = true; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain98")); } if (CheckForValue && (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null && inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != DBNull.Value)) { } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE") { lastValue = AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[0]) as LastValueEntry; if (lastValue == null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != DBNull.Value) { AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); } } } else if (lastValue.Value != null) { if (lastValue.Value != DBNull.Value) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], lastValue.Value); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + lastValue.Value); } } else { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null) { if (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != DBNull.Value) { AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[0], inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); } } } } else if (mode == "ON_CHANGE") { IRowChanges pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; changed = pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]); if (!changed) { lastValue = AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[0]) as LastValueEntry; if (lastValue != null) { if (lastValue.Value != null) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], lastValue.Value); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[0] + ": " + lastValue.Value); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "LAST_VALUE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "LAST_VALUE"); } break; case "X_COORDINATE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "X_COORDINATE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.Shape as IPoint; inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPoint.X); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; if (valData.Trim() == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.FromPoint.X); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.ToPoint.X); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; if (valData.Trim() == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].X); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolygon.FromPoint.X); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolygon.ToPoint.X); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].X); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ah")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "X_COORDINATE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "X_COORDINATE"); } break; case "Y_COORDINATE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "Y_COORDINATE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.Shape as IPoint; inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPoint.Y); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.FromPoint.Y); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolyline.ToPoint.Y); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; if (valData.Trim() == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].Y); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolygon.FromPoint.Y); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], _copyPolygon.ToPoint.Y); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].Y); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ah")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "Y_COORDINATE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "Y_COORDINATE"); } break; case "LATITUDE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "LATITUDE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; _copyPoint.Project(AAState._sr1); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPoint.Y.ToString())); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline; _copyPolyline.Project(AAState._sr1); if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y.ToString())); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolyline.FromPoint.Y.ToString())); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolyline.ToPoint.Y.ToString())); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].Y.ToString())); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; _copyPolygon.Project(AAState._sr1); if (valData.Trim() == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].Y.ToString())); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolygon.FromPoint.Y.ToString())); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolygon.ToPoint.Y.ToString())); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].Y.ToString())); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ah")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "LATITUDE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "LATITUDE"); } break; case "LONGITUDE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "LONGITUDE"); if ((inFeature != null) && (inFeature.Shape != null) && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { _copyPoint = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; _copyPoint.Project(AAState._sr1); inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPoint.X.ToString())); } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { _copyPolyline = inFeature.Shape as IPolyline; _copyPolyline.Project(AAState._sr1); if (valData == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X.ToString())); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolyline.FromPoint.X.ToString())); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolyline.ToPoint.X.ToString())); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolyline)[0].X.ToString())); } } } else if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { _copyPolygon = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolygon; _copyPolygon.Project(AAState._sr1); if (valData.Trim() == "") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].X.ToString())); } else { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args[0].ToUpper() == "S") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolygon.FromPoint.X.ToString())); } else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "E") { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), _copyPolygon.ToPoint.X.ToString())); } else { inFeature.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.FormatValueToFieldLength(inFeature.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]), Globals.GetGeomCenter(_copyPolygon)[0].X.ToString())); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ah")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "LONGITUDE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "LONGITUDE"); } break; case "FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "Field"); // verify that field to copy exists if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); fieldCopy = inObject.Fields.FindField(args[0] as string); if (fieldCopy > -1) { bool useDisplayValue = true; if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[1].ToUpper() == "CODE") useDisplayValue = false; } try { if (useDisplayValue) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], Globals.GetDomainDisplay(inObject.get_Value(fieldCopy), inObject as IFeature, inObject.Fields.get_Field(fieldCopy))); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], inObject.get_Value(fieldCopy)); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + valData + " is not found"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "Field: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "Field"); } break; //CURRENT_USER //Value Data options: //U - windows username only //W or (blank) - full username including domain i.e. domain\username //D - database user if available and not dbo case "CURRENT_USER": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "CURRENT_USER"); lastEditorName = AAState._currentUserInfo.GetCurrentUser(valData, fieldObj.Length); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain99") + lastEditorName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastEditorName)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], lastEditorName); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CURRENT_USER: "******"AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "CURRENT_USER"); } break; case "JUNCTION_ROTATION": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "JUNCTION_ROTATION"); if ((inFeature != null)) { AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolGeographic; args = null; AAState.rCalc.UseDiameter = false; AAState.rCalc.DiameterFieldName = ""; AAState.rCalc.SpinAngle = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length == 0) { AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolGeographic; } else if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolArithmetic; } else if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolArithmetic; if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1].ToString())) AAState.rCalc.SpinAngle = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); } else if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0].Substring(0, 1).ToLower() == "a") AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolArithmetic; if (Globals.IsNumeric(args[1].ToString())) AAState.rCalc.SpinAngle = Convert.ToDouble(args[1]); AAState.rCalc.UseDiameter = true; AAState.rCalc.DiameterFieldName = args[2].ToString(); } else { AAState.rCalc.RotationType = esriSymbolRotationType.esriRotateSymbolGeographic; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + AAState.rCalc.RotationType.ToString() + " is being used"); rotationAngle = AAState.rCalc.GetRotationUsingConnectedEdges(inFeature); if (rotationAngle == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain100")); continue; } //Accept optional second argument to provide extra rotation if (rotationAngle != -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain101") + rotationAngle.ToString()); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], rotationAngle); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain102")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "JUNCTION_ROTATION \r\n" + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "JUNCTION_ROTATION"); } break; //For Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: Length - stores calculated length of line feature case "LENGTH": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "LENGTH"); if (inFeature != null) { curve = (ICurve)inFeature.Shape; if (curve != null) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], curve.Length); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "LENGTH: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "LENGTH"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: SET_MEASURES - stores calculated M values (from 0 to length of line) for line feature //Value Data options: //P = Percent - Ms will be zero to 100 //default - Ms will be zero to length of line case "SET_MEASURES": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "SET_MEASURES"); if (inFeature != null) { curve = inFeature.Shape as ICurve; mseg = inFeature.Shape as IMSegmentation; if (curve != null && mseg != null) if (valData != null && valData != "" && valData.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() == "P") mseg.SetAndInterpolateMsBetween(0, 100); else mseg.SetAndInterpolateMsBetween(0, curve.Length); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "SET_MEASURES: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "SET_MEASURES"); } break; //case "EDGE_INTERSECT_SECOND": // try // { // if (inFeature != null) // { // netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; // if (netFeat != null) // { // if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) // { // iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; // ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; // if (iSJunc == null) // break; // if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 1) // break; // iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(1); // // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists // IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(valData as string); // if (juncField > -1) // { // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); // } // } // } // } // } // catch // { // } // break; //case "EDGE_INTERSECT_FIRST": // try // { // if (inFeature != null) // { // netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; // if (netFeat != null) // { // if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) // { // iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; // ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; // if (iSJunc == null) // break; // if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) // break; // iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(0); // IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(valData as string); // if (juncField > -1) // { // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); // } // } // } // } // } // catch // { // } // break; //Release: 2.0 //New Dynamic Value Method: TO_EDGE_FIELD transfers a field value from a connected egde feature to a junction feature //Takes value from the frist edge whose "TO" point connects with this junction case "TO_EDGE_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TO_EDGE_FIELD"); if (inFeature != null) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + " field not found in edge"); } pRow = null; break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14an")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } iSJunc = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_EDGE_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_EDGE_FIELD"); } break; //Release: 2.0 //New Dynamic Value Method: FROM_EDGE_FIELD transfers a field value from a connected egde feature to a junction feature //Takes value from the frist edge whose "FROM" point connects with this junction case "FROM_EDGE_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "FROM_EDGE_FIELD"); if (inFeature != null) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pRow.get_Value(juncField)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + iSJunc + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); } pRow = null; break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14an")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } iSJunc = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "FROM_EDGE_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "FROM_EDGE_FIELD"); } break; case "TO_EDGE_STATS": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); string statType = "MAX"; switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); statType = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TO_EDGE_STATS"); int AverageCount = 0; double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain103")); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain104")); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain106")); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain107")); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain108")); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14d") + test); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain109")); } } catch { } }//end loop try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aj") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "FROM_EDGE_STATS": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); string statType = "MAX"; switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); statType = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "FROM_EDGE_STATS"); int AverageCount = 0; double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain103")); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain104")); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain106")); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain110")); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain111")); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14d") + test); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain112")); } } catch { } }//end loop try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aj") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "EDGE_STATS": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); string statType = "MAX"; switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); statType = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "EDGE_STATS"); int AverageCount = 0; double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain103")); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain104")); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain113")); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14d") + test); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } catch { } }//end loop try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aj") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "TO_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT": try { if (valData == null) break; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int popFldIdx = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain114")); sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); string[] fieldsToPop = args[1].ToString().Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TO_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain103")); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain104")); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain106")); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain107")); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain108")); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; int tempFieldNum = inObject.Fields.FindField(fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, test); popFldIdx++; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain109")); } } catch { } }//end loop } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "FROM_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT": try { if (valData == null) break; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int popFldIdx = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain114")); sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); string[] fieldsToPop = args[1].ToString().Split(','); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "FROM_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain103")); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain104")); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain106")); iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain110")); IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain111")); juncField = pRow.Fields.FindField(sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; int tempFieldNum = inObject.Fields.FindField(fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, test); popFldIdx++; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain112")); } } catch { } }//end loop } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_EDGE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_EDGE_STATS"); } break; case "FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD"); if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(juncField)); } else AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); } else AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bc")); } else AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain115")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: TO_JUNCTION_FIELD transfers a field value from a junction connected at terminal end of a line feature case "TO_JUNCTION_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TO_JUNCTION_FIELD"); if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netField); //juncField = ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields.FindField(valData as string); if (juncField > -1) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(juncField)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bc")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bd")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TO_JUNCTION_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TO_JUNCTION_FIELD"); } break; case "UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION_FIELD"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netField); //juncField = ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields.FindField(valData as string); if (juncField > -1) { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).set_Value(juncField, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bc")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bd")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION_FIELD"); } break; case "UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netField); //juncField = ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields.FindField(valData as string); if (juncField > -1) { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ((IFeature)iJuncFeat).set_Value(juncField, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bc")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bd")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD"); } break; case "UPDATE_FROM_EDGE_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "UPDATE_FROM_EDGE_FIELD"); if (inFeature != null) { IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { IFeature pRow = iEdgeFeat as IFeature; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } pRow.set_Value(juncField, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)pRow)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + iSJunc + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14am") ); } pRow = null; break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14an")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } iSJunc = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "UPDATE_FROM_EDGE_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "UPDATE_FROM_EDGE_FIELD"); } break; case "UPDATE_TO_EDGE_FIELD": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "UPDATE_TO_EDGE_FIELD"); if (inFeature != null) { IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { IFeature pRow = iEdgeFeat as IFeature; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, netField); if (juncField > -1) { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } pRow.set_Value(juncField, inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0])); ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)pRow)); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netField + " field not found in edge"); } pRow = null; break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14an")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } iSJunc = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "UPDATE_TO_EDGE_FIELD: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "UPDATE_TO_EDGE_FIELD"); } break; //***************8 case "TRIGGER_UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"://Intersected Feature|FieldIntersectingFeatureToChange|FromFieldinModifiedFeature { try { IFeatureCursor fLocalCursor = null; IFeature sourceFeatureLocal = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 3) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } if (inFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ak")); break; } bool cont = true; if (intFldIdxs.Count > 1) { IRowChanges inChanges = inObject as IRowChanges; if (inChanges.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0])) { cont = true; } else { cont = false; } inChanges = null; } if (cont) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bs")); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString().Trim(); string targetFieldName = args[2].ToString().Trim(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bt")); if (sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0].Trim(); sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (Globals.IsEditable(ref sourceLayer, ref AAState._editor)) { if (inObject.Class.ObjectClassID != sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ObjectClassID) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fLocalCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } while ((sourceFeatureLocal = fLocalCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { try { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Class.ObjectClassID != inFeature.Class.ObjectClassID) { if (sourceFieldName == "CREATE") { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)sourceFeatureLocal)); } else if (sourceFieldName == "CHANGEGEO") { if (ChangeFeatureGeoList == null) { ChangeFeatureGeoList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureGeoList.Add(((IFeature)sourceFeatureLocal)); } else { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)sourceFeatureLocal)); } } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeatureLocal.OID != inFeature.OID) { if (sourceFieldName == "CREATE") { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)sourceFeatureLocal)); } else if (sourceFieldName == "CHANGEGEO") { if (ChangeFeatureGeoList == null) { ChangeFeatureGeoList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureGeoList.Add(((IFeature)sourceFeatureLocal)); } else { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)sourceFeatureLocal)); } } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14al")); } finally { } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14b") + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } } } if (found) { break; } } fLocalCursor = null; sourceFeatureLocal = null; } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); } break; } case "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists if (netField == "CREATE") { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } else if (netField == "CHANGEGEO") { if (ChangeFeatureGeoList == null) { ChangeFeatureGeoList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureGeoList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } else { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bc")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bd")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION"); } break; case "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION"); IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iEdgeFeat = (IEdgeFeature)netFeat; iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); break; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } if (netField == "CREATE") { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } else if (netField == "CHANGEGEO") { if (ChangeFeatureGeoList == null) { ChangeFeatureGeoList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureGeoList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } else { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iJuncFeat)); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bc")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bd")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION"); } break; case "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_EDGE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_EDGE"); if (inFeature != null) { IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } iJuncFeat = iEdgeFeat.ToJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { if (netField == "CREATE") { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat)); } else if (netField == "CHANGEGEO") { if (ChangeFeatureGeoList == null) { ChangeFeatureGeoList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureGeoList.Add(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat)); } else { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat)); } break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14an")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } iSJunc = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_EDGE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_FROM_EDGE"); } break; case "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_EDGE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_EDGE"); if (inFeature != null) { IRowChanges pRowCh = null; pRowCh = inObject as IRowChanges; if (pRowCh.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0]) == true) { if (valData == null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ba")); break; } netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; if (netFeat != null) { if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { string netField = ""; string netRestrictFC = ""; string netRestrictField = ""; string netRestrictValue = ""; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString netField = args[0].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictFC = args[1].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictField = args[2].ToString().Trim(); netRestrictValue = args[3].ToString().Trim(); break; default: break; } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; // IComplexJunctionFeature iCEd = iJuncFeat as IComplexJunctionFeature; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { if (netRestrictFC != "") { string strClsName = Globals.getClassName(((IDataset)((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Class)); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bf") + strClsName); if (strClsName != netRestrictFC) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bg")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bh")); if (netRestrictField != "" && netRestrictValue != "") { int intTmpFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).Fields, netRestrictField); if (intTmpFld > -1) { //IFeature pTest = ((IFeature)iEdgeFeat); if (((IFeature)iEdgeFeat).get_Value(intTmpFld).ToString() == netRestrictValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bl")); continue; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + netRestrictField + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bm")); } } iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)iEdgeFeat.FromJunctionFeature; if (((IFeature)iJuncFeat).Shape.Equals(inFeature.Shape)) { if (netField == "CREATE") { if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } NewFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat)); } else if (netField == "CHANGEGEO") { if (ChangeFeatureGeoList == null) { ChangeFeatureGeoList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureGeoList.Add(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat)); } else { if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(((IFeature)iEdgeFeat)); } break; break; } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14an")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } iSJunc = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14be")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_EDGE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "TRIGGER_UPDATE_TO_EDGE"); } break; //***********8 //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: GENERATE_ID - uses value in specificed table and increments it as specified case "GENERATE_ID": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "GENERATE_ID"); if (AAState._gentab != null) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; formatString = ""; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); formatString = args[2].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain116")); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } else if (sequencePadding > 50) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain117")); } qFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); qFilter.WhereClause = "SEQNAME = '" + sequenceColumnName + "'"; cCurs = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilter, false); sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQCOUNTER"); //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = cCurs.NextRow(); if (row == null) { break; } if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); // _editEvents.OnChangeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; // _editEvents.OnCreateFeature -= OnCreateFeature; int sequenceInt = 1; if (AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV") > 0) { if (row.get_Value(AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV")) != null) { if (row.get_Value(AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV")) != DBNull.Value) sequenceInt = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV"))); } } sequenceValue = sequenceValue + sequenceInt; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName + " changed to " + sequenceValue); //AAState.changeFeature -= OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature -= OnCreateFeature; row.Store(); //AAState.changeFeature += OnChangeFeature; //AAState.createFeature += OnCreateFeature; // _editEvents.OnChangeFeature += OnChangeFeature; // _editEvents.OnCreateFeature += OnCreateFeature; if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ao")); } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || formatString.ToLower().IndexOf("[seq]") == -1) { string setVal = (sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix).ToString(); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < setVal.Length && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length != 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sequenceValue + " is to long for field " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], (sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix).Trim()); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).AliasName + " set to " + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); } } else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); } //formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < formatString.Length && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length != 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + formatString + " is to long for field " + row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName); } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString.Trim()); AAState.WriteLine(" " + inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).AliasName + " set to " + formatString); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + sequenceColumnNum + " changed to " + sequenceValue); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ap")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + ex.Message); } finally { if (cCurs != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); cCurs = null; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "GENERATE_ID"); } break; case "GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT"); if (AAState._gentab != null && inFeature != null && !(inFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceValue = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; //genIdAreaFieldName = ""; intersectLayerName = ""; intersectLayerFieldName = ""; formatString = ""; intersectFieldPos = -1; // Parse arguments if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.GetLength(0) < 3) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ap")); break; } switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 3: //columnName intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); // genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); break; case 4: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth //sequenceFixedWidth formats the sequence with leading zeros to create specified width intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); //genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = Convert.ToString(0); formatString = args[3].ToString(); break; case 5: // columnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString //formatString must contain [seq] and [id] and may contain [area] plus any desired text intersectLayerName = args[0].ToString(); intersectLayerFieldName = args[1].ToString(); //genIdAreaFieldName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceColumnName = args[2].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[3].ToString(); formatString = args[4].ToString(); break; default: break; } //Find Area Layer // FindLayerByName(areaLayerName, out areaLayer); boolLayerOrFC = true; if (intersectLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = intersectLayerName.Split('('); intersectLayerName = tempSplt[0]; intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { intersectLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, intersectLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (intersectLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aq") +"(" + intersectLayerName + ") not found"); break; } //Find Area Field intersectFieldPos = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.FindField(intersectLayerFieldName); if (intersectFieldPos < 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14as") +"(" + intersectLayerFieldName + ") not found"); break; } //Perform spatial search IGeometry pSearchGeo = Globals.GetGeomCenter((IGeometry)inFeature.ShapeCopy)[0]; pSearchGeo.SpatialReference = (inFeature.Class as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference; pSearchGeo.Project((intersectLayer as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference); sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(intersectLayer, inFeature, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)intersectLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = intersectLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); intersectValue = "-9999.1"; if (sourceFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14at")); break; } else { while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { intersectValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(intersectFieldPos).ToString(); break; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { intersectValue = sourceFeature.get_Value(intersectFieldPos).ToString(); break; } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (intersectValue == "-9999.1") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14at")); break; } //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain116")); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } sequenceColumnName = sequenceColumnName + intersectValue; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bn") + sequenceColumnName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bo")); qFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); qFilter.WhereClause = "SEQNAME = '" + sequenceColumnName + "'"; cCurs = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilter, false); sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQCOUNTER"); //get value of first row, increment it, and return incremented value for (int j = 0; j < 51; j++) { row = cCurs.NextRow(); if (row == null) { break; } if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum) == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum).ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)); int sequenceInt = 1; if (AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV") > 0) { if (row.get_Value(AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV")) != null) { if (row.get_Value(AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV")) != DBNull.Value) sequenceInt = Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV"))); } } sequenceValue = sequenceValue + sequenceInt; row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); row.Store(); if (Convert.ToInt32(row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum)) == sequenceValue) break; } if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14au")); } else { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || (formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]") == -1 && formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[ID]") == -1)) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], intersectValue + sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix); else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[ID]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 4); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, intersectValue); } locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { string sequenceValuePad = sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding); formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValuePad.ToString()); } // inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); } else inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sequenceValue); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ap")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT"); } break; //Modified for Release 1.2 (No longer uses ICalculator) //Requires valid VBScript expression //Can include string, numeric, and date fields by name in square brackets [] //Example: DateDiff("yyyy",[INSTALLDATE],Now()) case "EXPRESSION": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "EXPRESSION"); if (inObject != null & valData != null) { int intTargetFld = -1; if (intFldIdxs.Count == 0) { } else { intTargetFld = intFldIdxs[0]; } newValue = valData; for (int i = 0; i <= inObject.Fields.FieldCount; i++) { string strTmpFldName; int intTmpIdx; if (i == inObject.Fields.FieldCount) { testField = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); strTmpFldName = "#"; intTmpIdx = intFldIdxs[0]; } else { testField = inObject.Fields.get_Field(i); strTmpFldName = testField.Name; intTmpIdx = i; } int indFld = newValue.ToUpper().IndexOf("[" + strTmpFldName.ToUpper() + "]"); while (indFld >= 0) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bp") + testField.Name + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bq")); int fldLen = strTmpFldName.Length; string tmpStr1 = newValue.Substring(0, indFld + 1); string tmpStr2 = newValue.Substring(indFld + fldLen + 1); newValue = tmpStr1 + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + tmpStr2; switch (testField.Type) { case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } } break; case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "" || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\"");//"\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "CDATE(\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\")"); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "CDATE(\"" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + "\")"); } } break; case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + ""); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { double val; Double.TryParse(inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString(), out val); // ' string test2 = test.ToString("N",nfi); newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", val.ToString("N", nfi)); } } break; default: if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null || inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("isNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("isNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (newValue.Contains("ISNULL")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("ISNULL([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "True"); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == null) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx) == DBNull.Value) { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() == "") { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "\"" + "\""); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", "" + inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString() + ""); } } else { if (newValue.Contains("IsNull")) { newValue = newValue.Replace("IsNull([" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "])", "False"); } else { newValue = newValue.Replace("[" + "_REPLACE_VAL_" + "]", inObject.get_Value(intTmpIdx).ToString()); } } break; } indFld = newValue.ToUpper().IndexOf("[" + testField.Name.ToUpper() + "]"); } } try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain118")); if (intTargetFld > -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14br") + newValue); newValue = script.Eval(newValue).ToString(); if (newValue.ToUpper() == "<Null>".ToUpper()) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain119")); inObject.set_Value(intTargetFld, DBNull.Value); } else if (inObject.get_Value(intTargetFld).ToString() != newValue) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain120") + newValue.Trim()); inObject.set_Value(intTargetFld, newValue.Trim()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14av") + inObject.Class.AliasName + " with OID of " + inObject.OID); AAState.WriteLine(" " + ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "EXPRESSION: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "EXPRESSION"); } break; // GUID values are calculated into text fields or into native GUID field types // When using text field you have an optional argument (valdata) to specify the format // N-none 32 chars, D-dash 36, B-braces 38, P-Parenthesis 38 case "GUID": try { if (inObject != null) { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGUID) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B")); else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length >= 32) { valData = valData.Trim(); if (valData != "N" && valData != "D" && valData != "B" && valData != "P") if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length >= 38) valData = "B"; //Default to braces else if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < 36) valData = "N"; else valData = "D"; inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(valData)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "EXPRESSION: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "EXPRESSION"); } break; case "CREATE_LINKED_RECORD"://Feature Layer|Field To Copy|Field To Populate|Primary Key Field|Foreign Key Field { try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "CREATE_LINKED_RECORD"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 5) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } if (inObject == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ak")); break; } sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bs")); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString().Trim(); string targetFieldName = args[2].ToString().Trim(); string sourceIDFieldName = args[3].ToString().Trim(); string targetIDFieldName = args[4].ToString().Trim(); int countFld = 1; if (args.Length == 6) { if (!Globals.IsNumeric(args[5].ToString().Trim())) { int fldx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, args[5].ToString().Trim()); if (fldx > 0) { string tempVal = inObject.get_Value(fldx).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(tempVal)) countFld = Convert.ToInt32(tempVal); } } else { countFld = Convert.ToInt32(args[5].ToString().Trim()); } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bt")); if (sourceFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain121")); int fldValToCopyIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceFieldName); int fldIDToCopyIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceIDFieldName); if (fldValToCopyIdx > -1 && fldIDToCopyIdx > -1) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { // Get layer AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain122")); bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource); if (sourceLayer != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } else { ITable pTable = Globals.FindTable(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName); if (pTable != null) { int fldValToPopIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTable.Fields, targetFieldName); int fldIDToPopIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pTable.Fields, targetIDFieldName); if (fldValToPopIdx > -1 && fldIDToPopIdx > -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain123")); IRow pNewRow; for (int j = 0; j < countFld; j++) { pNewRow = pTable.CreateRow(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain124")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain125")); try { pNewRow.set_Value(fldIDToPopIdx, inObject.get_Value(fldIDToCopyIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aw") + inObject.get_Value(fldIDToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + targetIDFieldName); } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain126")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain127")); try { pNewRow.set_Value(fldValToPopIdx, inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx)); } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aw") + inObject.get_Value(fldValToCopyIdx) + " to field: " + targetFieldName); } if (NewFeatureList == null) { NewFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } IObject featobj = pNewRow as IObject; if (featobj != null) { NewFeatureList.Add(featobj); } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain128")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14k")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ax") + sourceLayerName); } } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ay")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "CREATE_LINKED_RECORD" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "CREATE_LINKED_RECORD"); } break; } case "UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"://Intersected Feature|FieldIntersectingFeatureToChange|FromFieldinModifiedFeature { try { IFeatureCursor fLocalCursor = null; IFeature sourceFeatureLocal = null; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valData)) { args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length != 3) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ad")); break; } if (inFeature == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ak")); break; } bool cont = true; if (intFldIdxs.Count > 1) { IRowChanges inChanges = inObject as IRowChanges; if (inChanges.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[0])) { cont = true; } else { cont = false; } inChanges = null; } if (cont) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bs")); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString().Trim(); string targetFieldName = args[2].ToString().Trim(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bt")); if (sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0].Trim(); sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (Globals.IsEditable(ref sourceLayer, ref AAState._editor)) { if (inObject.Class.ObjectClassID != sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ObjectClassID) { sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields, sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); int fldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inFeature.Fields, targetFieldName); AAState.WriteLine(" " + targetFieldName + " at index " + fldIdx); string test = targetFieldName; if (fldIdx > -1) { test = inFeature.get_Value(fldIdx).ToString().Trim(); AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bu") + test); } AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bv") + test); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fLocalCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { fLocalCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } while ((sourceFeatureLocal = fLocalCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { try { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Class.ObjectClassID != inFeature.Class.ObjectClassID) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } else { if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToInt32(test)); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; //break; } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToDouble(test)); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } } } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeatureLocal.OID != inFeature.OID) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } else { if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToInt32(test)); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } else if (sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble || sourceFeatureLocal.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle) { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, Convert.ToDouble(test)); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } } else { sourceFeatureLocal.set_Value(sourceField, test as object); if (ChangeFeatureList == null) { ChangeFeatureList = new List<IObject>(); } ChangeFeatureList.Add(sourceFeatureLocal); found = true; } } } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14al")); } finally { } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14b") + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } } } if (found) { break; } } } fLocalCursor = null; sourceFeatureLocal = null; } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); } break; } case "MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int popFldIdx = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) > 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain114")); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString().Trim(); string[] fieldsToPop = args[2].ToString().Split(','); if (args.GetLength(0) == 4) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain129")); if (Globals.IsDouble(args[3])) { searchDistance = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]); } else { searchDistance = 0.0; } } else { searchDistance = 0.0; } if (sourceFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain130")); for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0].Trim(); sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields, sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString().Trim(); int tempFieldNum = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); popFldIdx++; if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { if (fieldsToPop.Length == popFldIdx) break; string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString().Trim(); int tempFieldNum = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, fieldsToPop[popFldIdx]); popFldIdx++; if (tempFieldNum > -1) { inObject.set_Value(tempFieldNum, sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14f") + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14e")); } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14az")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ba")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT"); } break; case "INTERSECT_STATS": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECT_STATS"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int AverageCount = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) > 2) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain114")); sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString().Trim(); string statType = args[2].ToString().Trim(); if (args.GetLength(0) == 4) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain129")); if (Globals.IsDouble(args[3])) searchDistance = Convert.ToDouble(args[3]); else searchDistance = 0.0; } else { searchDistance = 0.0; } double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (sourceFieldName != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain130")); for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0].Trim(); sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer != null) { if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass != null) { sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields, sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); while (sourceFeature != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString().Trim(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14d") + test); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14d") + test); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14f") + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14e")); } } try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aj") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14az")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ba")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECT_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECT_STATS"); } break; case "FEATURE_STATS": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "FEATURE_STATS"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; //LayerToIntersect|Field To Elevate // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); int AverageCount = 0; if (args.GetLength(0) > 1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain114")); string[] sourceFieldNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); string statType = args[1].ToString(); double result = -999999.1; string textRes = ""; if (sourceFieldNames != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain131")); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFieldNames.Length; i++) { sourceFieldName = sourceFieldNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceFieldName != "") { sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { string test = inObject.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); if (Globals.IsNumeric(test)) { double valToTest = Convert.ToDouble(test); if (result == -999999.1) { result = valToTest; } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "MAX": if (result < valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "MIN": if (result > valToTest) { result = valToTest; } break; case "SUM": result += valToTest; break; case "AVERAGE": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "MEAN": result += valToTest; AverageCount++; break; case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(valToTest.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += valToTest.ToString(); } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + valToTest.ToString(); } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } else { switch (statType.ToUpper()) { case "CONCAT": if (textRes.Contains(test.ToString() + ConcatDelim)) { } else if (textRes.Contains(ConcatDelim + test.ToString())) { } else { if (textRes == "") { textRes += test; } else { textRes += ConcatDelim + test; } } break; default: AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14d") + test); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ai") + test); break; } } } } } try { if (textRes != "") { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], textRes); } else if (result != -999999.1) { if (AverageCount != 0) { result = result / AverageCount; } inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], result); } else { IField field = inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]); object newval = field.DefaultValue; if (newval == null) { if (field.IsNullable) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], newval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aj") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14az")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ba")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "FEATURE_STATS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "FEATURE_STATS"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_EDGE": try { if (valData == null) break; args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: sourceFieldName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECTING_EDGE"); if (inFeature != null) { netFeat = inFeature as INetworkFeature; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain132")); if (netFeat != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain103")); if (inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexJunction || inFeature.FeatureType == esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleJunction) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain104")); iJuncFeat = (IJunctionFeature)netFeat; ISimpleJunctionFeature iSJunc = iJuncFeat as ISimpleJunctionFeature; if (iSJunc == null) break; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain105") + iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount); if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount <= 0) break; if (iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < iSJunc.EdgeFeatureCount; i++) { iEdgeFeat = iSJunc.get_EdgeFeature(i); try { IRow pRow = iEdgeFeat as IRow; // verify that field (in junction) to copy exists AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain113")); juncField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pRow.Fields, sourceFieldName); string test = pRow.get_Value(juncField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain133") + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], test); continue; } catch { } }//end loop try { } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14aj") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bi")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bj")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bk")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECTING_EDGE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECTING_EDGE"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_FEATURE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain134")); sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain135") + valData); // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); //if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) if (args.Length >= 2) { AAState.intersectOptions strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; switch (args.Length) { case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); switch (args[2].ToString().ToUpper()) { case "PROMPT": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "P": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "CENTROID": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "C": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "F": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; case "L": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Last; break; case "FIRST": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; } break; default: break; } if (sourceFieldName != null) { List<Globals.OptionsToPresent> pFoundFeat = new List<Globals.OptionsToPresent>(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0].Trim(); sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } // Get layer if (sourceLayer != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain136") + sourceLayer.Name); sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields, sourceFieldName); AAState.WriteLine(" " + sourceFieldName + ": at " + sourceField); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid); if (sFilter == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain137")); continue; } pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain138")); if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain139")); pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain140")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain141")); fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain140")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain142")); fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain140")); } if (fCursor == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain143")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain144")); while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain145")); if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain146")); if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceFeature.Fields, sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); pOp.Value = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Last) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceFeature.Fields, sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); pOp.Value = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); found = true; } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain148")); if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceFeature.Fields, sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); pOp.Value = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Last) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceFeature.Fields, sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); pOp.Value = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else { string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); found = true; } } if (found == true) break; } if (found == false && AAState._CheckEnvelope && pFoundFeat.Count == 0) { sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects; pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); while (sourceFeature != null) { if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceFeature.Fields, sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); pOp.Value = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Last) { Globals.OptionsToPresent pOp = new Globals.OptionsToPresent(); pOp.Display = sourceFeature.get_Value(Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceFeature.Fields, sourceLayer.DisplayField)).ToString(); pOp.Value = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (pOp.Display.Trim() != "") { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + pOp.Display + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } else { pOp.Display = sourceLayer.Name + ": " + sourceFeature.OID + " value = " + pOp.Value.ToString(); } pOp.OID = sourceFeature.OID; pOp.LayerName = sourceLayer.Name; pFoundFeat.Add(pOp); } else { if (found) { break; } string test = sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); found = true; } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); } } if (found) { break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14am") + sourceFieldName); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } } } if (pFoundFeat.Count > 0 && strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti) { Globals.OptionsToPresent strRetVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(pFoundFeat, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain149") + sourceFieldName, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain149") + sourceFieldName, ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (strRetVal != null) { //sourceFeature = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(strRetVal.OID); string test = strRetVal.Value.ToString();//sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strRetVal.Value); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); found = true; } } else if (pFoundFeat.Count > 0 && strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Last) { //sourceFeature = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(pFoundFeat[pFoundFeat.Count - 1].OID); string test = pFoundFeat[pFoundFeat.Count - 1].Value.ToString(); //sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField).ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + test); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], pFoundFeat[pFoundFeat.Count - 1].Value); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); found = true; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain150")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain151")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain152")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECTING_FEATURE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECTING_FEATURE"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_BOOLEAN": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECTING_BOOLEAN"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain134")); sourceLayerName = ""; string valTrue = ""; string valFalse = ""; found = false; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain135") + valData); // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); //if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) if (args.Length == 3) { AAState.intersectOptions strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; switch (args.Length) { case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); valTrue = args[1].ToString(); valFalse = args[2].ToString(); break; default: break; } for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0].Trim(); sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } // Get layer if (sourceLayer != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain136") + sourceLayer.Name); sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid); if (sFilter == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain137")); continue; } pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain138")); if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain139")); pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain140")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain141")); fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain140")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain142")); fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain140")); } if (fCursor == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain143")); continue; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain144")); while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain145")); if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain146")); found = true; } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain148")); found = true; } if (found == true) break; } if (found == false && AAState._CheckEnvelope) { sFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects; pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature(); while (sourceFeature != null) { found = true; break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } if (found) { break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14a") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorWarn_14c") + sourceLayerName); } } if (found) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + valTrue); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], valTrue); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain147") + valFalse); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], valFalse); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14az")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain153")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain154")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECTING_BOOLEAN: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECTING_BOOLEAN"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_RASTER": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECTING_RASTER"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; formatString = ""; found = false; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length < 1) break; switch (args.Length) { case 1: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); break; case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); break; default: break; } // Get layer for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); IPoint pLoc = Globals.GetGeomCenter(inFeature)[0]; if (pLoc != null) { string cellVal = Globals.GetCellValue(sourceLayerName, pLoc, AAState._editor.Map); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain155") + sourceLayerName); if (cellVal != null && cellVal != "" && cellVal != "No Raster") { if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)) { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], cellVal); found = true; break; } else { formatString = formatString + cellVal; inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], formatString); found = true; break; } } } } if (!(found) && inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).IsNullable) inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], null); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECTING_RASTER: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECTING_RASTER"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; formatString = ""; found = false; List<string> matchPattern = null; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.Length >= 1) { AAState.intersectOptions strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; switch (args.Length) { case 1: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = "P"; break; case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); switch (args[2].ToString().ToUpper()) { case "PROMPT": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "P": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "CENTROID": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "C": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "F": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; case "FIRST": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; } break; case 4: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); formatString = args[1].ToString(); switch (args[2].ToString().ToUpper()) { case "PROMPT": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "P": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti; break; case "CENTROID": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "C": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid; break; case "F": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; case "FIRST": strOpt = AAState.intersectOptions.First; break; } matchPattern = new List<string>(args[3].ToString().Split(',')); break; default: break; } List<Globals.OptionsToPresent> strFiles = new List<Globals.OptionsToPresent>(); // Get layer for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString().Trim(); IGeometry pGeo = inFeature.ShapeCopy; List<IGeometry> pGeos = new List<IGeometry>(); if (pGeo != null) { if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.Centroid) { List<IPoint> pGeoPnts = Globals.GetGeomCenter(pGeo); pGeos = pGeoPnts.ConvertAll(new Converter<IPoint, IGeometry>(Globals.PointToGeometry)); } else { pGeos.Add(pGeo); } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain156") + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain157")); IEnumLayer pEnum = Globals.GetLayers(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName); if (pEnum != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain158") + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain157")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain159")); ILayer pLay = pEnum.Next(); while (pLay != null) { intersectLayerDetailsFunctions(pLay, pGeos, strOpt, ref found, ref strFiles, ref inObject, intFldIdxs[0], matchPattern); if (found) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain160")); break; } pLay = pEnum.Next(); } pLay = null; pEnum = null; } else { bool FCorLayerTemp = true; ILayer pLay = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref FCorLayerTemp); if (pLay != null) { intersectLayerDetailsFunctions(pLay, pGeos, strOpt, ref found, ref strFiles, ref inObject, intFldIdxs[0], matchPattern); } pLay = null; } if (pEnum != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pEnum); pEnum = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain161")); } if (found) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain160")); break; } pGeo = null; pGeos = null; } if (strOpt == AAState.intersectOptions.PromptMulti && strFiles.Count > 0) { Globals.OptionsToPresent strRetVal = Globals.showOptionsForm(strFiles, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain162") + strFldNames[0], A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain163") + strFldNames[0], ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList); if (strRetVal != null) { try { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strRetVal.Display); } catch { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain164")); } found = true; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain165")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS"); } break; case "INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; sourceField = -1; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); if (args.GetLength(0) >= 2) { sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString().Trim(); } // Get layer if (sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") sourceLayerName = args[i].ToString(); if (i == 0) i++; boolLayerOrFC = true; if (sourceLayerName.Contains("(")) { string[] tempSplt = sourceLayerName.Split('('); sourceLayerName = tempSplt[0]; sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("LAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURELAYER)")) { boolLayerOrFC = true; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURECLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("CLASS)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else if (tempSplt[1].ToUpper().Contains("FEATURE)")) { boolLayerOrFC = false; } else { boolLayerOrFC = true; } } else { sourceLayer = (IFeatureLayer)Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref boolLayerOrFC); } if (sourceLayer == null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14b") + sourceLayerName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); continue; } IFeatureClass iFC = inFeature.Class as IFeatureClass; if (sourceLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayer + " is a polygon layer"); break; } if (sourceLayer != null) { sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields, sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, true, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, true); } } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, true); } while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; double dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; string strUnit = Globals.GetSpatRefUnitName(Globals.GetLayersCoordinateSystem(sourceLayer.FeatureClass), true); if (strUnit == "Foot" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Feet"; } else if (strUnit == "Meter" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Meters"; } string strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + " along " + sourceLayer.Name + " with " + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Of") + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + ": " + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain166") + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } else { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain166") + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain167") + strDis); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { IPoint pIntPnt; if (inFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pIntPnt = Globals.GetIntersection(inFeature.ShapeCopy, sourceFeature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline) as IPoint; } else pIntPnt = inFeature.ShapeCopy as IPoint; IPoint snapPnt = null; double dAlong = Globals.PointDistanceOnLine(pIntPnt, sourceFeature.Shape as IPolyline, 2, out snapPnt); snapPnt = null; string strUnit = Globals.GetSpatRefUnitName(Globals.GetLayersCoordinateSystem(sourceLayer.FeatureClass), true); if (strUnit == "Foot" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Feet"; } else if (strUnit == "Meter" && dAlong != 1) { strUnit = "Meters"; } string strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + " along " + sourceLayer.Name + " with " + sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(sourceField).AliasName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Of") + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong + " " + strUnit + ": " + sourceFeature.get_Value(sourceField); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain166") + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } else { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain166") + strDis); if (inObject.Fields.get_Field(intFldIdxs[0]).Length < strDis.Length - 1) { strDis = dAlong.ToString(); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } else { inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain167") + strDis); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], strDis); break; } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayer + ": field: " + sourceFieldName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE"); } break; //Release: 1.2 //New Dynamic Value Method: NEARSET_FEATURE - similiar to INTERSECTING_FEATURE but requires a search distance. case "NEAREST_FEATURE": try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "NEAREST_FEATURE"); if (inFeature != null & valData != null) { string sourceMatField = ""; string targetMatField = ""; sourceLayerName = ""; sourceFieldName = ""; searchDistance = 0; found = false; // Parse arguments args = valData.Split('|'); switch (args.Length) { case 2: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); break; case 4: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain168")); break; case 5: sourceLayerNames = args[0].ToString().Split(','); sourceFieldName = args[1].ToString(); Double.TryParse(args[2], out searchDistance); sourceMatField = args[3].ToString(); targetMatField = args[4].ToString(); break; default: AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain168")); break; } if (sourceLayerNames.Length > 0 & sourceFieldName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sourceLayerNames.Length; i++) { sourceLayerName = sourceLayerNames[i].ToString(); if (sourceLayerName != "") { bool FCorLayerSource = true; sourceLayer = Globals.FindLayer(AAState._editor.Map, sourceLayerName, ref FCorLayerSource) as IFeatureLayer; if (sourceLayer != null) { sourceField = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Fields, sourceFieldName); if (sourceField > -1) { sFilter = Globals.createSpatialFilter(sourceLayer, inFeature, searchDistance, false); pFS = (IFeatureSelection)sourceLayer; if (boolLayerOrFC) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain169")); if (pFS.SelectionSet.Count > 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain170")); pFS.SelectionSet.Search(sFilter, false, out cCurs); fCursor = cCurs as IFeatureCursor; } else { fCursor = sourceLayer.Search(sFilter, false); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain171")); fCursor = sourceLayer.FeatureClass.Search(sFilter, false); } nearestFeature = null; proxOp = (IProximityOperator)inFeature.ShapeCopy; lastDistance = searchDistance; while ((sourceFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain172")); if (targetMatField == "" && sourceMatField == "") { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain173")); try { IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } pTempGeo = null; } catch { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain174")); return false; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain175")); int idxTargetFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer, targetMatField); int idxSourceFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceMatField); if (idxSourceFld >= 0 && idxTargetFld >= 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain176")); if (inObject.get_Value(idxSourceFld).ToString() == sourceFeature.get_Value(idxTargetFld).ToString()) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } pTempGeo = null; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" Values does not Match: " + inObject.get_Value(idxSourceFld).ToString() + " - " + sourceFeature.get_Value(idxTargetFld).ToString()); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain177")); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } pTempGeo = null; } } } else if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain175")); int idxTargetFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(sourceLayer, targetMatField); int idxSourceFld = Globals.GetFieldIndex(inObject.Fields, sourceMatField); if (idxSourceFld >= 0 && idxTargetFld >= 0) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain176")); if (inObject.get_Value(idxSourceFld).ToString() == sourceFeature.get_Value(idxTargetFld).ToString()) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ay")); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } pTempGeo = null; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain177")); IGeometry pTempGeo = sourceFeature.ShapeCopy; pTempGeo.Project(inFeature.Shape.SpatialReference); distance = proxOp.ReturnDistance(pTempGeo); pTempGeo = null; if (distance <= lastDistance) { nearestFeature = sourceFeature; lastDistance = distance; } pTempGeo = null; } } } if (nearestFeature != null) { AAState.WriteLine(" Feature found: " + nearestFeature.Class.AliasName + ":" + nearestFeature.OID); inObject.set_Value(intFldIdxs[0], nearestFeature.get_Value(sourceField)); found = true; break; } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayer + ": field: " + sourceFieldName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + sourceLayer + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14bb")); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain178")); } } if (!found) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "NEAREST_FEATURE: " + ex.Message); } finally { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "NEAREST_FEATURE"); } break; default: AAState.WriteLine("ERROR: " + valMethod + " for layer " + tableName + " is not a valid method, check the dynamic value table"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain179") + tableName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain180") + strFldNames[0] + System.Environment.NewLine + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain181") + valMethod + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain182") + valData + System.Environment.NewLine + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain183") + ex.Message, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain184")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain185") + tableName + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain180") + strFldNames[0] + System.Environment.NewLine + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain181") + valMethod + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain182") + valData + System.Environment.NewLine + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain183") + ex.Message); } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain186")); } try { if (intFldIdxs.Count > 0 && strFldNames.Count > 0) { for (int p = 0; p < strFldNames.Count; p++) { IRowChanges inChanges = inObject as IRowChanges; bool changed = inChanges.get_ValueChanged(intFldIdxs[p]); if (changed) try { if (AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[p]) != null) { LastValueEntry lstVal = AAState.lastValueProperties.GetProperty(strFldNames[p]) as LastValueEntry; if (lstVal != null) { if (mode == "ON_CREATE" && lstVal.On_Create == false) { string test = ""; } else if (mode == "ON_MANUAL" && lstVal.On_Manual == false) { string test = ""; } else if (mode == "ON_CHANGE" && lstVal.On_ChangeAtt == false) { string test = ""; } else if (mode == "ON_CHANGEGEO" && lstVal.On_ChangeGeo == false) { string test = ""; } else { if (lstVal.Value != null) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14p") ); if (mode == "ON_CREATE" && (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString() == "")) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain187")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[p] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString()); lstVal.Value = inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[p], lstVal); } } else { if (mode == "ON_CREATE" && (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]) == null || inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString() == "")) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain187")); } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14p") ); AAState.WriteLine(" " + strFldNames[p] + ": " + inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]).ToString()); lstVal.Value = inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[p]); AAState.lastValueProperties.SetProperty(strFldNames[p], lstVal); } } } } } } catch { } } } } catch { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain188")); } AAState.WriteLine(" ------------------------------------------------"); } } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain189") + System.Environment.NewLine + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain190") + ex.Message, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain184")); AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain189")); return false; } finally { if (AAState._tab == inObject.Class || AAState._gentab == inObject.Class) { AAState.reInitExt(); } //if (progressDialog != null) //{ // progressDialog.HideDialog(); //} AAState.WriteLine("DONE"); AAState.WriteLine("---------------------------------------"); if (fCursor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); } inFeature = null; mseg = null; netFeat = null; iEdgeFeat = null; iJuncFeat = null; //progressDialogFactory = null; //stepProgressor = null; //progressDialog = null; //trackCancel = null; ArcMap.Application.StatusBar.set_Message(0, A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain191")); } }
public static string For(CallSpecAndTarget[] querySpec, ICall[] receivedCalls, CallSpecAndTarget[] callsSpecifiedButNotReceived, ICall[] callsReceivedButNotSpecified, IQueryFilter queryFilter) { var sequenceFormatter = new SequenceFormatter("\n ", querySpec, receivedCalls); var sequenceFormatterForUnexpectedAndExcessiveCalls = new SequenceFormatter("\n ", callsSpecifiedButNotReceived, callsReceivedButNotSpecified); return(String.Format("\nExpected to receive only these calls:\n{0}{1}\n\n" + "Actually received the following calls:\n{0}{2}\n\n" + "Calls expected but not received:\n{0}{3}\n\n" + "Calls received but not expected:\n{0}{4}\n\n" + "{5}\n\n" , "\n " , sequenceFormatter.FormatQuery() , sequenceFormatter.FormatActualCalls() , sequenceFormatterForUnexpectedAndExcessiveCalls.FormatQuery() , sequenceFormatterForUnexpectedAndExcessiveCalls.FormatActualCalls() , $"*** Note: calls to {queryFilter.WhatIsFiltered} are not considered part of the query. ***")); //bug! }
private void SplitFeature(IQueryFilter selectionQueryFilter, string lastToidFragmentID, string[] historyColumns) { // make sure selection changed event handler won't intervene _selectFieldOrdinals = null; if (_pipeData == null) _pipeData = new List<string>(); try { lock (_pipeData) { // clear the pipe _pipeData.Clear(); // check if HLU layer is being edited if (!HluLayerBeingEdited) return; // make sure at least two features are selected if (_hluFeatureSelection == null) _hluFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)_hluLayer; if (_hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count < 2) return; // write history field names and types to pipe int[] historyFieldOrdinals = HistorySchema(historyColumns); // get the lowest OID in selection set (using query filter for safety) ICursor cursor; _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(selectionQueryFilter, true, out cursor); ITableSort tableSort = new TableSortClass(); tableSort.Table = (ITable)_hluFeatureClass; tableSort.Cursor = cursor; tableSort.Fields = _hluFeatureClass.OIDFieldName; tableSort.set_Ascending(_hluFeatureClass.OIDFieldName, true); tableSort.Sort(null); ICursor sortCursor = tableSort.Rows; IRow row = sortCursor.NextRow(); int minOID = row.OID; FlushCursor(false, ref cursor); // start workspace edit session and operation StartEditing(); try { // get features to be updated IFeatureCursor updateCursor = _hluFeatureClass.Update(selectionQueryFilter, false); string numFormat = String.Format("D{0}", lastToidFragmentID.Length); int newToidFragmentIDnum = Int32.Parse(lastToidFragmentID); int toidFragOrdinal = _hluFieldMap[_hluLayerStructure.toid_fragment_idColumn.Ordinal]; // temporary history list, sorted before adding to _pipeData List<string> historyList = new List<string>(); int originalFeatureIx = -1; int i = 0; IFeature updateFeature; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXED: KI106 (Shape area and length values) // Includes updates for the geom1 and geom2 columns as the features // have changed in size // Check if the current layer is a shapefile bool isShp = IsShp(_hluWS as IWorkspace); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- while ((updateFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (updateFeature.OID != minOID) { // Set the toid_fragment_id to the next available number updateFeature.set_Value(toidFragOrdinal, (++newToidFragmentIDnum).ToString(numFormat)); } else { // Store the original feature number originalFeatureIx = i; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXED: KI106 (Shape area and length values) // Includes updates for the geom1 and geom2 columns as the features // have changed in size // If it is a shapefile then update the geometry fields if (isShp) { double geom1; double geom2; GetGeometryProperties(updateFeature, out geom1, out geom2); int ixGeom1 = updateFeature.Fields.FindField("shape_leng"); int ixGeom2 = updateFeature.Fields.FindField("shape_area"); updateFeature.set_Value(ixGeom1, geom1); updateFeature.set_Value(ixGeom2, geom2); } // Update the feature updateCursor.UpdateFeature(updateFeature); //updateFeature.Store(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- historyList.Add(History(updateFeature, historyFieldOrdinals, null)); i++; } // make sure original feature is on top of the list _pipeData.Add(historyList[originalFeatureIx]); _pipeData.AddRange(historyList.Where((h, index) => index != originalFeatureIx)); FlushCursor(false, ref updateCursor); // stop edit operation and session CommitEdits(); // redraw selected HLU features _hluView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, _hluLayer, _hluView.Extent); } catch { DiscardEdits(); throw; } } } catch { _pipeData.Clear(); } }
private string GenerateID(string valData) { string sequenceColumnName, sequenceFixedWidth, sequencePostfix = ""; int sequenceColumnNum; int sequenceIntColumnNum; int sequencePadding; string formatString; string[] args = null; string output = null; List <int> intFldIdxs = new List <int>(); ITable _gentab = Globals.FindTable(ArcMap.Application, "GenerateId"); try { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14ar") + "GENERATE_ID"); if (_gentab != null) { sequenceColumnName = ""; sequenceColumnNum = -1; sequenceFixedWidth = ""; sequencePadding = 0; formatString = ""; bool onlyWhenNull = false; // Parse arguments if (valData != null) { args = valData.Split('|'); } switch (args.GetLength(0)) { case 1: // sequenceColumnName only sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); break; case 2: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); break; case 3: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); formatString = args[2].ToString(); break; case 4: // sequenceColumnName|sequenceFixedWidth|formatString sequenceColumnName = args[0].ToString(); sequenceFixedWidth = args[1].ToString(); formatString = args[2].ToString(); onlyWhenNull = args[3].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? true : false; break; default: break; } //object val = inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]); bool proceed = true; //if (onlyWhenNull && // (inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != null && // inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]) != DBNull.Value && // inObject.get_Value(intFldIdxs[0]).ToString().Trim() != "") // ) //{ // proceed = false; //} if (proceed) { //Check for requested zero padding of sequence number if (sequenceFixedWidth != "") { int.TryParse(sequenceFixedWidth.ToString(), out sequencePadding); } if (sequencePadding > 25) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain116")); AAState.WriteLine(" WARNING: " + sequencePadding + " 0's is what you have"); } else if (sequencePadding > 50) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain117")); } qFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); qFilter.WhereClause = "SEQNAME = '" + sequenceColumnName + "'"; sequenceColumnNum = AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQCOUNTER"); sequenceIntColumnNum = AAState._gentab.Fields.FindField("SEQINTERV"); ITransactions pTras = null; long sequenceValue = unversionedEdit(qFilter, sequenceColumnNum, sequenceIntColumnNum, 1, ref pTras); //Debug.WriteLine(sequenceValue.ToString()); pTras = null; if (sequenceValue == -1) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ao")); } else { if (formatString == null || formatString == "" || formatString.ToLower().IndexOf("[seq]") == -1) { string setVal = (sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix).ToString(); output = (sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding) + sequencePostfix).Trim(); } else { int locIdx = formatString.ToUpper().IndexOf("[SEQ]"); if (locIdx >= 0) { formatString = formatString.Remove(locIdx, 5); formatString = formatString.Insert(locIdx, sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); } //formatString = formatString.Replace("[seq]", sequenceValue.ToString("D" + sequencePadding)); output = formatString.Trim(); } } } } else { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14ap")); } } catch (Exception ex) { AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorError_14a") + "GENERATE_ID: " + ex.Message); } finally { if (qFilter != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(qFilter); GC.Collect(300); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); qFilter = null; } AAState.WriteLine(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorMess_14as") + "GENERATE_ID"); } return(output); }
public long unversionedEdit(IQueryFilter qFilterGen, int sequenceColumnNum, int idxSeqField, int curLoop, ref ITransactions transactions) { long sequenceValue = -1; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { if (AAState._gentabWorkspace.IsInEditOperation) { // throw new Exception("Cannot use ITransactions during an edit operation."); } // Begin a transaction. if (transactions == null) { transactions = (ITransactions)AAState._gentabWorkspace; } transactions.StartTransaction(); try { // Use ITable.Update to create an update cursor. ICursor seq_updateCursor = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilterGen, true); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(seq_updateCursor); IRow seq_row = null; seq_row = seq_updateCursor.NextRow(); int sequenceInt = 1; if (seq_row != null) { if (idxSeqField > 0) { object seqInt = seq_row.get_Value(idxSeqField); if (seqInt != null) { if (seqInt != DBNull.Value) { try { sequenceInt = Convert.ToInt32(seqInt); } catch { } } } } object seqValue = seq_row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum); if (seqValue == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (seqValue.ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else { try { sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt64(seqValue); } catch { sequenceValue = 0; } } AAState.WriteLine(" " + sequenceValue + " is the existing value and the interval is " + sequenceInt + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); sequenceValue = sequenceValue + sequenceInt; seq_row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + seq_row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName + " changed to " + sequenceValue + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); seq_updateCursor.UpdateRow(seq_row); transactions.CommitTransaction(); seq_updateCursor = AAState._gentab.Search(qFilter, true); if (seq_row != null) { seqValue = seq_row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum); if (seqValue == null) { return(sequenceValue); } else if (seqValue.ToString() == "") { return(sequenceValue); } else { try { if (sequenceValue == Convert.ToInt64(seqValue)) { return(sequenceValue); } else { if (curLoop > 30) { MessageBox.Show("A unique ID could not be generated after 30 attempts: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); } else { return(unversionedEdit(qFilterGen, sequenceColumnNum, idxSeqField, curLoop + 1, ref transactions)); } } } catch { return(sequenceValue); } } } return(sequenceValue); } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No records found in Generate ID table" + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); transactions.AbortTransaction(); return(-1); } } catch (COMException comExc) { AAState.WriteLine(" Error saving transaction to DB" + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); // If an error occurs during the inserts and updates, rollback the transaction. transactions.AbortTransaction(); return(-1); } } }
public virtual void Visit(IQueryFilter customFiltersScore) { }
async public static Task <bool> ModifyFilter(IServiceMap map, ITableClass tClass, IQueryFilter filter) { if (filter == null || tClass == null) { return(false); } string subFields = filter.SubFields; if (subFields != "*") { filter.SubFields = String.Empty; foreach (string subField in subFields.Split(' ')) { string fname = subField; if (subFields.StartsWith(filter.fieldPrefix) && subFields.EndsWith(filter.fieldPostfix)) { fname = fname.Substring(filter.fieldPrefix.Length, fname.Length - filter.fieldPrefix.Length - filter.fieldPostfix.Length); } if (tClass.Fields != null) { if (tClass.FindField(fname) != null || (tClass is IFeatureClass && ((IFeatureClass)tClass).ShapeFieldName == fname)) { filter.AddField(fname); } } } } try { XmlDocument xmlFilter = new XmlDocument(); string xml = await Xml.ToXml(tClass, filter); xmlFilter.LoadXml(xml); XmlNodeList propertyNames = xmlFilter.SelectNodes("//PropertyName"); foreach (XmlNode propertyName in propertyNames) { if (propertyName.InnerText == MergedObjectIDName) { XmlNode literal = propertyName.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("Literal"); if (literal == null) { return(false); } long mergedID; if (!long.TryParse(literal.InnerText, out mergedID)) { return(false); } int classID = GetClassID(map, tClass), propertyClassID = GetClassID(mergedID); if (classID != propertyClassID) { propertyName.ParentNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild(propertyName.ParentNode); continue; } propertyName.InnerText = tClass.IDFieldName; literal.InnerText = GetObjectID(mergedID).ToString(); } else if (tClass.Fields.FindField(propertyName.InnerText) == null) { propertyName.ParentNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild( propertyName.ParentNode); } } // keine Properties übgrig geblieben sind -> nicht abfraten... if (propertyNames.Count > 0 && xmlFilter.SelectNodes("//PropertyName").Count == 0) { return(false); } IQueryFilter f = Xml.FromXml(tClass, xmlFilter.SelectSingleNode("Filter")); // Prüfen, ob vom Filter noch was übrig bleibt... if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.WhereClause) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(f.WhereClause)) { return(false); } filter.WhereClause = f.WhereClause; } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
virtual public DbCommand SelectCommand(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName) { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; filter.fieldPostfix = filter.fieldPrefix = "\""; if (filter.SubFields == "*") { filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = ""; if (filter is ISpatialFilter) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; if (sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope) { where = fc.ShapeFieldName + " && " + gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.Envelope2box2(sFilter.Geometry as IEnvelope, fc.SpatialReference); } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { where = fc.ShapeFieldName + " && " + gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.Envelope2box2(sFilter.Geometry.Envelope, fc.SpatialReference); } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; if (where != "" && filterWhereClause != "") { where += " AND "; } where += filterWhereClause; StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.SubFields.Split(' ')) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "\"" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "\"") { fieldNames.Append("ST_AsBinary(\"" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "\") as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } DbCommand command = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + DbTableName(fc.Name) + ((where != "") ? " WHERE " + where : ""); return(command); }
protected override IFeatureCursor FeatureCursor(IQueryFilter filter) { string response = ""; string srsName = _sRef != null ? _sRef.Name : String.Empty; if (filter is ISpatialFilter) { filter = SpatialFilter.Project(filter as ISpatialFilter, this.SpatialReference); ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference = this.SpatialReference; } if (_dataset._getCapabilities.Post_OnlineResource == String.Empty && _dataset._getCapabilities.Get_OnlineResource != String.Empty) { string param = "VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=" + this.Name + "&MAXFEATURES=10&FILTER="; if (_dataset._getCapabilities.Get_OnlineResource.IndexOf("&SERVICE=") == -1 && _dataset._getCapabilities.Get_OnlineResource.IndexOf("?SERVICE=") == -1) { param = "SERVICE=WFS&" + param; } string wfsFilter = Filter.ToWFS(this, filter, _dataset._filter_capabilites, _dataset._gmlVersion); string url = _dataset._getFeature.Get_OnlineResource; response = WebFunctions.HttpSendRequest(url, "GET", null); } else if (_dataset._getCapabilities.Post_OnlineResource != String.Empty) { string url = _dataset._getFeature.Post_OnlineResource; if (_dataset._getCapabilities.Get_OnlineResource.IndexOf("&SERVICE=") == -1 && _dataset._getCapabilities.Get_OnlineResource.IndexOf("?SERVICE=") == -1) { url = WMSDataset.Append2Url(url, "SERVICE=WFS"); } string wfsFilter = GetFeatureRequest.Create(this, this.Name, filter, srsName, _dataset._filter_capabilites, _dataset._gmlVersion); response = WebFunctions.HttpSendRequest(url, "POST", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(wfsFilter)); } if (response == String.Empty) { return(null); } try { StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(response); XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); //doc.LoadXml(response); XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); ns.AddNamespace("GML", ""); ns.AddNamespace("WFS", ""); ns.AddNamespace("OGC", ""); ns.AddNamespace("myns", _targetNamespace); //XmlNode featureCollection = doc.SelectSingleNode("WFS:FeatureCollection", ns); //if (featureCollection == null) // featureCollection = doc.SelectSingleNode("GML:FeatureCollection", ns); //if (featureCollection == null) return null; return(new gView.Framework.OGC.GML.FeatureCursor2(this, xmlReader, ns, filter, _dataset._gmlVersion, _dataset._filter_capabilites)); } catch { } return(null); }
public CtrlAttrubuteGrid(IMapControl4 pMapControl, ref IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer, IQueryFilter pQueryFilter) { try { InitializeComponent(); if (pFeatureLayer == null) { return; } queryFilter = pQueryFilter; spatialFilter = pQueryFilter as ISpatialFilter; featureLayer = pFeatureLayer; oidFieldName = (featureLayer.FeatureClass as ITable).OIDFieldName; selectionRowsTable = GetSelectionRowsTable(featureLayer); allRowsTable = CteateCtrlAttributeTable(featureLayer); allRowsTable.DefaultView.Sort = oidFieldName + " ASC"; allRowsTable = allRowsTable.DefaultView.ToTable(); selectionRowsTable.DefaultView.Sort = oidFieldName + " ASC"; selectionRowsTable = selectionRowsTable.DefaultView.ToTable(); allRowsTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { allRowsTable.Columns[oidFieldName] }; selectionRowsTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { selectionRowsTable.Columns[oidFieldName] }; gridAllAttribute.DataSource = allRowsTable; gridSelectAttribute.DataSource = selectionRowsTable; gviewSelect.Columns[0].Visible = false; gridAllAttribute.Visible = true; gridAllAttribute.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; gridAllAttribute.Refresh(); gridAllAttribute.RefreshDataSource(); gridSelectAttribute.Visible = false; ctrlGridNavigation1.InitCtrl(allRowsTable, gridAllAttribute, new int[] { 50, 100, 500 }); for (int i = 1; i < gviewAll.Columns.Count; i++) { gviewAll.Columns[i].OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; } gviewAll.BestFitColumns(); PageTag = 0; BindingMapControl = pMapControl; pActiveViewEvents = BindingMapControl.Map as IActiveViewEvents_Event; pActiveViewEvents.SelectionChanged += new IActiveViewEvents_SelectionChangedEventHandler(ActiveViewEvents_SelectionChanged); } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show("属性表初始化失败"); } }
private void FlashFeature(IQueryFilter queryFilter) { if (_pipeData == null) _pipeData = new List<string>(); else _pipeData.Clear(); try { ICursor cursor; _hluFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)_hluLayer; _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(queryFilter, true, out cursor); IFeatureCursor featCursor = (IFeatureCursor)cursor; IFeature feature = featCursor.NextFeature(); if (feature != null) { IFeatureIdentifyObj featureIdObj = new FeatureIdentifyObjectClass(); featureIdObj.Feature = feature; IIdentifyObj idObj = (IIdentifyObj)featureIdObj; idObj.Flash(((IMxApplication)_application).Display); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(featCursor); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); } catch { } }
private void btOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string pBasePointFileName = cboBoxPointLayer.SelectedItem.ToString(); string pAlignmentPointnName = comboBoxExCenterlineLayer.SelectedItem.ToString(); IFeatureLayer pBasePointLayer = null; IFeatureLayer pCenterlinePointLayer = null; for (int i = 0; i < pMapcontrol.LayerCount; i++) { if (pBasePointFileName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name) { pBasePointLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer; } if (pAlignmentPointnName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name) { pCenterlinePointLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer; } } IFeatureClass pAlignmentPointFC = pCenterlinePointLayer.FeatureClass; IFeatureClass pPointFC = pBasePointLayer.FeatureClass; IQueryFilter pQF = null; DataTable alignmentPointTable = AOFunctions.GDB.ITableUtil.GetDataTableFromITable(pAlignmentPointFC as ITable, pQF); DataTable baseTable = AOFunctions.GDB.ITableUtil.GetDataTableFromITable(pPointFC as ITable, pQF); //IMUTable => basetable, Centerlinetable => alignmenttable double beginM = (double)numericUpDown1.Value; double endM = (double)numericUpDown2.Value; string baseMeasureColumn = comboBoxBaseMeasureField.SelectedItem.ToString(); string AlingMeasureColumn = comboBoxMeasureField.SelectedItem.ToString(); DataView dv = baseTable.DefaultView; dv.Sort = baseMeasureColumn + " ASC"; baseTable = dv.ToTable(); dv = alignmentPointTable.DefaultView; dv.Sort = AlingMeasureColumn + " ASC"; alignmentPointTable = dv.ToTable(); double centerlineLength = endM - beginM; alignmentPointTable.Columns.Add("特征点里程差"); alignmentPointTable.Columns.Add("对齐里程"); double endIMUM = Convert.ToDouble(alignmentPointTable.Rows[alignmentPointTable.Rows.Count - 1][AlingMeasureColumn]); double beginIMUM = Convert.ToDouble(alignmentPointTable.Rows[0][AlingMeasureColumn]); double IMULength = endIMUM - beginM; List <DataRow> WantouPointList = (from DataRow r in alignmentPointTable.Rows where r["类型"].ToString().Contains("弯头") select r).ToList(); List <DataRow> GuandianPointList = (from DataRow r in baseTable.Rows where r["类型"].ToString().Contains("弯头") select r).ToList(); Dictionary <DataRow, DataRow> MatchedDataRowPair = new Dictionary <DataRow, DataRow>(); for (int i = 0; i < WantouPointList.Count; i++) { DataRow IMUr = WantouPointList[i]; double ActionIMUM = (Convert.ToDouble(IMUr[AlingMeasureColumn]) - beginIMUM) * centerlineLength / IMULength + beginM; List <DataRow> Featurerow = (from r in GuandianPointList where Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(r[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM) < Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown3.Value) select r).OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(x[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM)).ToList(); if (Featurerow.Count > 0) { DataRow NearestR = Featurerow[0]; if (MatchedDataRowPair.Values.Contains(NearestR) == false) { IMUr["特征点里程差"] = Convert.ToDouble(NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM; MatchedDataRowPair.Add(IMUr, NearestR); } else { DataRow mathcedIMUr = (from DataRow k in MatchedDataRowPair.Keys where MatchedDataRowPair[k].Equals(NearestR) select k).ToList().First(); double dis = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM); double olddis = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(mathcedIMUr["特征点里程差"])); if (dis < olddis) { MatchedDataRowPair.Remove(mathcedIMUr); IMUr["特征点里程差"] = Convert.ToDouble(NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM; MatchedDataRowPair.Add(IMUr, NearestR); } else { continue; } } } } foreach (DataRow r in MatchedDataRowPair.Keys) { r["对齐里程"] = MatchedDataRowPair[r][baseMeasureColumn]; } alignmentPointTable.Rows[0]["对齐里程"] = beginM; alignmentPointTable.Rows[alignmentPointTable.Rows.Count - 1]["对齐里程"] = endM; DataRow PrevRowWithM = null; for (int i = 0; i < alignmentPointTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow r = alignmentPointTable.Rows[i]; if (r["对齐里程"] != DBNull.Value) { PrevRowWithM = r; } else { DataRow NextRowWithM = null; for (int j = i + 1; j < alignmentPointTable.Rows.Count; j++) { DataRow r2 = alignmentPointTable.Rows[j]; if (r2["对齐里程"] != DBNull.Value) { NextRowWithM = r2; break; } } if (PrevRowWithM == null || NextRowWithM == null) { break; } double BeginJiluM = Convert.ToDouble(PrevRowWithM[AlingMeasureColumn]); double endJiluM = Convert.ToDouble(NextRowWithM[AlingMeasureColumn]); double BeginAM = Convert.ToDouble(PrevRowWithM["对齐里程"]); double endAM = Convert.ToDouble(NextRowWithM["对齐里程"]); double currentJiluM = Convert.ToDouble(r[AlingMeasureColumn]); r["对齐里程"] = (currentJiluM - BeginJiluM) * (endAM - BeginAM) / (endJiluM - BeginJiluM) + BeginAM; } } MatchedDataRowPair.Clear(); alignmentPointTable.Columns.Add("对齐基准点里程"); alignmentPointTable.Columns.Add("对齐基准点里程差"); alignmentPointTable.Columns.Add("对齐基准点类型"); foreach (DataRow IMUr in alignmentPointTable.Rows) { double ActionIMUM = Convert.ToDouble(IMUr["对齐里程"]); List <DataRow> Featurerow = (from DataRow r in baseTable.Rows where Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(r[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM) < Convert.ToDouble(numericUpDown3.Value) && ((r["类型"].ToString().Contains("弯头") && IMUr["类型"].ToString().Contains("弯头")) || (r["类型"].ToString().Contains("异常") && IMUr["类型"].ToString().Contains("异常"))) select r).OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(x[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM)).ToList(); if (Featurerow.Count > 0) { DataRow NearestR = Featurerow[0]; if (MatchedDataRowPair.Values.Contains(NearestR) == false) { IMUr["对齐基准点里程差"] = Convert.ToDouble(NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM; IMUr["对齐基准点里程"] = NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]; IMUr["对齐基准点类型"] = NearestR["类型"]; MatchedDataRowPair.Add(IMUr, NearestR); } else { DataRow mathcedIMUr = (from DataRow k in MatchedDataRowPair.Keys where MatchedDataRowPair[k].Equals(NearestR) select k).ToList().First(); double dis = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM); double olddis = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(mathcedIMUr["对齐基准点里程差"])); if (dis < olddis) { MatchedDataRowPair.Remove(mathcedIMUr); IMUr["对齐基准点里程差"] = Convert.ToDouble(NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]) - ActionIMUM; IMUr["对齐基准点里程"] = NearestR[baseMeasureColumn]; IMUr["对齐基准点类型"] = NearestR["类型"]; MatchedDataRowPair.Add(IMUr, NearestR); } else { continue; } } } } FrmIMUAlignmentresult frm = new FrmIMUAlignmentresult(alignmentPointTable); frm.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void ExportInsertFeatures(IDisplayTable hluDisplayTable, IQueryFilter exportQueryFilter, int exportRowCount, int[] exportFieldMap, bool isShp, object outWS, IFeatureClass outFeatureClass) { IStatusBar statusBar = _application.StatusBar; IStepProgressor progressBar = statusBar.ProgressBar; progressBar.Position = 0; statusBar.ShowProgressBar("Exporting...", 0, exportRowCount, 1, true); IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = null; IWorkspace wsOut = outWS as IWorkspace; bool restoreEditSession = InEditingSession; if (restoreEditSession) CloseEditSession(true); if (wsOut.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace) { Editor.StartEditing(wsOut); Editor.StartOperation(); } else { workspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)outWS; workspaceEdit.StartEditing(true); workspaceEdit.StartEditOperation(); } IFeatureCursor exportFeatureCursor = (IFeatureCursor)hluDisplayTable.SearchDisplayTable(exportQueryFilter, true); IFeature exportFeature; IFeatureCursor insertCursor = outFeatureClass.Insert(true); IFeatureBuffer featureBuffer = outFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer(); bool calcGeometry = _hluFeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint || isShp; double geom1; double geom2; int ixGeom1 = featureBuffer.Fields.FieldCount - 2; int ixGeom2 = featureBuffer.Fields.FieldCount - 1; try { object item; while ((exportFeature = exportFeatureCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { featureBuffer.Shape = exportFeature.ShapeCopy; for (int i = 2; i < exportFieldMap.Length; i++) { item = exportFeature.get_Value(exportFieldMap[i]); if (item != DBNull.Value) featureBuffer.set_Value(i, item); } if (calcGeometry) { GetGeometryProperties(exportFeature, out geom1, out geom2); if (geom1 != -1) featureBuffer.set_Value(ixGeom1, geom1); if (geom2 != -1) featureBuffer.set_Value(ixGeom2, geom2); } try { insertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer); } catch { } progressBar.Step(); } FlushCursor(false, ref insertCursor); if (workspaceEdit == null) { Editor.StopOperation(String.Empty); Editor.StopEditing(true); } else { workspaceEdit.StopEditOperation(); workspaceEdit.StopEditing(true); } } catch { if (workspaceEdit == null) { Editor.AbortOperation(); Editor.StopEditing(false); } else { workspaceEdit.AbortEditOperation(); workspaceEdit.StopEditOperation(); workspaceEdit.StopEditing(false); } throw; } finally { FlushCursor(true, ref exportFeatureCursor); if (restoreEditSession) OpenEditSession(); statusBar.set_Message((int)esriStatusBarPanes.esriStatusMain, ""); statusBar.HideProgressBar(); } }
public void CanCreateSpatialFilterWithSubResolutionPolyline() { IFeatureWorkspace ws = OpenTestWorkspace(); IFeatureClass fc = ws.OpenFeatureClass("TOPGIS_TLM.TLM_STRASSE"); IPolyline subResolutionPolyline = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(2600000, 1200000, 2600000.0001, 1200000.0001); subResolutionPolyline.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)fc).SpatialReference; Exception expectedEx = null; try { ISpatialFilter standardFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); standardFilter.Geometry = subResolutionPolyline; standardFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects; // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable IFeatureCursor failingCursor = fc.Search(standardFilter, true); } catch (Exception ex) { expectedEx = ex; } if (RuntimeUtils.Is10_2 || RuntimeUtils.Is10_3 || RuntimeUtils.Is10_4orHigher) { Assert.Null(expectedEx); } else { Assert.NotNull(expectedEx); } IQueryFilter filter = GdbQueryUtils.CreateSpatialFilter( fc, subResolutionPolyline, esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects, false, null); Assert.True(((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterOwnsGeometry, "Filter should own geometry due to cloned geometry in GetValidSearchGeometry."); Assert.AreEqual(((ISpatialFilter)filter).SearchOrder, esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial, "Default should be spatial."); Assert.AreEqual(((ISpatialFilter)filter).SpatialRel, esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects, "Default should be spatial."); IFeatureCursor cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); // test the exact half of the resolution - which is the limit double resolution = GeometryUtils.GetXyResolution(fc); subResolutionPolyline = GeometryFactory.CreatePolyline(2600000 - 0.00001, 1200000 - 0.00001, 2600000 + resolution - 0.00001, 1200000 + resolution - 0.00001); filter = GdbQueryUtils.CreateSpatialFilter( fc, subResolutionPolyline, esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects, false, null); cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); }
private void ZoomSelectedCursor(IQueryFilter queryFilter) { if ((queryFilter == null) || (_hluFeatureClass == null) || (_hluView == null)) return; IEnumGeometryBind enumGeometryBind = new EnumFeatureGeometryClass(); enumGeometryBind.BindGeometrySource(queryFilter, _hluFeatureClass); IGeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryEnvironmentClass(); IGeometry geom = geometryFactory.CreateGeometryFromEnumerator((IEnumGeometry)enumGeometryBind); _hluView.Extent = geom.Envelope; _hluView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, _hluLayer, _hluView.Extent); }
public ExportMethodItem(string text, IQueryFilter filter) { _text = text; _filter = filter; }
private void UpdateAttributes(IQueryFilter queryFilter, List<int> updateFieldOrdinals, List<object> updateValues, string[] historyColumns) { // make sure selection changed event handler won't intervene _selectFieldOrdinals = null; if (_pipeData == null) _pipeData = new List<string>(); try { lock (_pipeData) { // clear the pipe _pipeData.Clear(); IFeatureCursor updateCursor = _hluFeatureClass.Search(queryFilter, false); UpdateAttributesAction(updateCursor, historyColumns, updateFieldOrdinals, updateValues); } } catch { _pipeData.Clear(); } }
public ExportFeatureClassDialog(IDisplay display, IFeatureLayer sourceFeatureLayer) { InitializeComponent(); _sourceFeatureClass = sourceFeatureLayer.Class as IFeatureClass; #region Filter //All Features //Selected Features //Features in actual extent cmbExport.Items.Add(new ExportMethodItem("All Features", null)); if (sourceFeatureLayer is IFeatureSelection && ((IFeatureSelection)sourceFeatureLayer).SelectionSet != null && ((IFeatureSelection)sourceFeatureLayer).SelectionSet.Count > 0) { ISelectionSet selectionSet = ((IFeatureSelection)sourceFeatureLayer).SelectionSet; IQueryFilter selFilter = null; if (selectionSet is IIDSelectionSet) { selFilter = new RowIDFilter(_sourceFeatureClass.IDFieldName, ((IIDSelectionSet)selectionSet).IDs); } else if (selectionSet is IGlobalIDSelectionSet) { selFilter = new GlobalRowIDFilter(_sourceFeatureClass.IDFieldName, ((IGlobalIDSelectionSet)selectionSet).IDs); } else if (selectionSet is IQueryFilteredSelectionSet) { selFilter = ((IQueryFilteredSelectionSet)selectionSet).QueryFilter.Clone() as IQueryFilter; } if (selFilter != null) { selFilter.SubFields = "*"; ExportMethodItem item = new ExportMethodItem("Selected Features", selFilter); cmbExport.Items.Add(item); cmbExport.SelectedItem = item; } } if (display != null && display.Envelope != null) { SpatialFilter dispFilter = new SpatialFilter(); dispFilter.SubFields = "*"; dispFilter.FilterSpatialReference = display.SpatialReference; dispFilter.Geometry = display.Envelope; dispFilter.SpatialRelation = spatialRelation.SpatialRelationIntersects; cmbExport.Items.Add(new ExportMethodItem("Features in actual extent", dispFilter)); } if (cmbExport.SelectedIndex == -1) { cmbExport.SelectedIndex = 0; } #endregion _listViewItem = new FeatureClassListViewItem(_sourceFeatureClass, 255); gvFields.DataSource = _listViewItem.Fields; panelStep1.Dock = panelStep2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; SetPanelVisibity(); }
void IMapViewController.ZoomToSelectQueryFilter(int layerIndex, IQueryFilter qrf) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
protected override void OnClick() { m_bNoUpdates = false; m_sReport = "Direction Inverse Report:"; IEditor m_pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing) { MessageBox.Show("Please start editing first, and try again.", "Start Editing"); return; } UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete Parcels command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected Parcels"); return; } try { IEditProperties2 pEditorProps2 = (IEditProperties2)m_pEd; IArray LineLyrArr; IMap pMap = m_pEd.Map; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; //ISpatialReference pSpatRef = m_pEd.Map.SpatialReference; //IProjectedCoordinateSystem2 pPCS = null; IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; //double dMetersPerUnit = 1; //if (pSpatRef == null) // ; //else if (pSpatRef is IProjectedCoordinateSystem2) //{ // pPCS = (IProjectedCoordinateSystem2)pSpatRef; // string sUnit = pPCS.CoordinateUnit.Name; // if (sUnit.Contains("Foot") && sUnit.Contains("US")) // sUnit = "U.S. Feet"; // dMetersPerUnit = pPCS.CoordinateUnit.MetersPerUnit; //} IAngularConverter pAngConv = new AngularConverterClass(); Utilities Utils = new Utilities(); if (!Utils.GetFabricSubLayers(pMap, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines, out LineLyrArr)) { return; } //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; } if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!Utils.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } List <int> lstLineIds = new List <int>(); IFeatureClass pFabricLinesFC = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); int idxParcelIDFld = pFabricLinesFC.Fields.FindField("ParcelID"); int idxCENTERPTID = pFabricLinesFC.Fields.FindField("CenterPointID"); int idxRADIUS = pFabricLinesFC.Fields.FindField("Radius"); bool bFieldsPresent = true; if (idxParcelIDFld == -1) { bFieldsPresent = false; } if (idxCENTERPTID == -1) { bFieldsPresent = false; } if (idxRADIUS == -1) { bFieldsPresent = false; } if (!bFieldsPresent) { MessageBox.Show("Fields missing."); return; } Dictionary <int, List <string> > dictLineToCurveNeighbourData = new Dictionary <int, List <string> >(); m_pFIDSetParcels = new FIDSet(); for (int i = 0; i < LineLyrArr.Count; i++) { IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = LineLyrArr.Element[i] as IFeatureSelection; ISelectionSet pSelSet = pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor); IFeature pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; while (pLineFeat != null) { if (!lstLineIds.Contains(pLineFeat.OID)) { IGeometry pGeom = pLineFeat.ShapeCopy; ISegmentCollection pSegColl = pGeom as ISegmentCollection; ISegment pSeg = null; if (pSegColl.SegmentCount == 1) { pSeg = pSegColl.get_Segment(0); } else { //todo: but for now, only deals with single segment short segments Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; continue; } //check geometry for circular arc if (pSeg is ICircularArc) { object dVal1 = pLineFeat.get_Value(idxRADIUS); object dVal2 = pLineFeat.get_Value(idxCENTERPTID); ICircularArc pCircArc = pSeg as ICircularArc; if (dVal1 != DBNull.Value && dVal2 != DBNull.Value) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; continue; } } //query near lines int iFoundTangent = 0; List <string> sCurveInfoFromNeighbours = new List <string>(); if (Utils.HasTangentCurveMatchFeatures(pFabricLinesFC, (IPolycurve)pGeom, "", 1.5, 0.033, 1, (pSeg.Length * 1.1), out iFoundTangent, ref sCurveInfoFromNeighbours)) { lstLineIds.Add(pLineFeat.OID); int j = (int)pLineFeat.get_Value(idxParcelIDFld); m_pFIDSetParcels.Add(j); dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.Add(pLineFeat.OID, sCurveInfoFromNeighbours); } if (iFoundTangent == 1) //if there's only one tangent look further afield { int iFoundLinesCount = 0; int iFoundParallel = 0; if (Utils.HasParallelCurveMatchFeatures(pFabricLinesFC, (IPolycurve)pGeom, "", 1.5, 70, out iFoundLinesCount, out iFoundParallel, ref sCurveInfoFromNeighbours)) { if (!dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.ContainsKey(pLineFeat.OID)) { dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.Add(pLineFeat.OID, sCurveInfoFromNeighbours); } } } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); pLineFeat = pCursor.NextRow() as IFeature; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); } #region line to curve candidate analysis if (lstLineIds.Count == 0) { return; } RefineToBestRadiusAndCenterPoint(dictLineToCurveNeighbourData); #endregion if (dictLineToCurveNeighbourData.Count == 0) { return; } bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = m_pEd.EditWorkspace; IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); if (!Utils.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, m_pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) { return; } #region Create Cadastral Job string sTime = ""; if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job. DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now; sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow); ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass(); pJob.Name = sTime; pJob.Owner = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName; pJob.Description = "Convert lines to curves"; try { Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob); } catch (COMException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return; } } #endregion #region Test for Edit Locks ICadastralFabricLocks pFabLocks = (ICadastralFabricLocks)pCadFabric; //only need to get locks for parcels that have lines that are to be changed int[] pParcelIds = new int[m_pFIDSetParcels.Count()]; ILongArray pParcelsToLock = new LongArrayClass(); Utils.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pParcelsToLock, ref pParcelIds, m_pStepProgressor); if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { pFabLocks.LockingJob = sTime; ILongArray pLocksInConflict = null; ILongArray pSoftLcksInConflict = null; if (m_bShowProgressor && !bIsFileBasedGDB) { m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Testing for edit locks on parcels..."; } try { pFabLocks.AcquireLocks(pParcelsToLock, true, ref pLocksInConflict, ref pSoftLcksInConflict); } catch (COMException pCOMEx) { if (pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS || pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_CURRENTLY_EDITED) { MessageBox.Show("Edit Locks could not be acquired on all selected parcels."); // since the operation is being aborted, release any locks that were acquired pFabLocks.UndoLastAcquiredLocks(); } else { MessageBox.Show(pCOMEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(pCOMEx.ErrorCode)); } return; } } #endregion if (m_pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { m_pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { m_pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again m_pEd.StartOperation(); } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!Utils.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { return; } } ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields((ITable)pFabricLinesFC, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines); //release for edits m_pQF = new QueryFilter(); // m_pEd.StartOperation(); List <string> sInClauseList = Utils.InClauseFromOIDsList(lstLineIds, 995); foreach (string InClause in sInClauseList) { m_pQF.WhereClause = pFabricLinesFC.OIDFieldName + " IN (" + InClause + ")"; if (!UpdateCircularArcValues((ITable)pFabricLinesFC, m_pQF, bIsUnVersioned, dictLineToCurveNeighbourData)) { ; } } m_pEd.StopOperation("Insert missing circular arc information."); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); m_pEd.AbortOperation(); } finally { } }
protected override void OnClick() { bool bShowProgressor = false; IStepProgressor pStepProgressor = null; //Create a CancelTracker. ITrackCancel pTrackCancel = null; IProgressDialogFactory pProgressorDialogFact; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //first get the selected parcel features UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete linepoint command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected LinePoints"); return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFLinePointLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(FabricUTILS.GetLinePointLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFLinePointLayers))) return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; ITable pLinePointTable = null; try { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again pEd.StartOperation(); } } IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFLinePointLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) return; //loop through each linepoint layer and //Get the selection of linepoints int iCnt = 0; int iTotalSelectionCount = 0; for (; iCnt < CFLinePointLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFLinePointLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; iTotalSelectionCount += pSelSet.Count; } if (iTotalSelectionCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select some line points and try again.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFLinePointLayers = null; } return; } bShowProgressor = (iTotalSelectionCount > 10); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); pStepProgressor = pProgressorDialogFact.Create(pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)pStepProgressor; pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; pStepProgressor.MaxRange = iTotalSelectionCount; pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } //loop through each linepoint layer and //delete from its selection m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); iCnt = 0; for (; iCnt < CFLinePointLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFLinePointLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; string sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); string sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting line point data..."; } //Add the OIDs of all the selected linepoints into a new feature IDSet bool bCont = true; m_pFIDSetLinePoints = new FIDSetClass(); ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);//code deletes all selected line points IFeatureCursor pLinePointFeatCurs = (IFeatureCursor)pCursor; IFeature pLinePointFeat = pLinePointFeatCurs.NextFeature(); while (pLinePointFeat != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (bShowProgressor) { bCont = pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) break; } bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetLinePoints.Find(pLinePointFeat.OID, out bExists); if (!bExists) m_pFIDSetLinePoints.Add(pLinePointFeat.OID); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointFeat); //garbage collection pLinePointFeat = pLinePointFeatCurs.NextFeature(); if (bShowProgressor) { if (pStepProgressor.Position < pStepProgressor.MaxRange) pStepProgressor.Step(); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); //garbage collection if (!bCont) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!FabricUTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; return; } } //delete all the line point records if (bShowProgressor) pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting selected line points..."; bool bSuccess = true; pLinePointTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints); if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pLinePointTable, m_pFIDSetLinePoints, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pLinePointTable, m_pFIDSetLinePoints, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); if (!bSuccess) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) FabricUTILS.StopEditing(pWS); if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) pEd.StopOperation("Delete Line Points"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } finally { RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFLinePointLayers); //update the TOC IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document); for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++) { IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i); pCV.Refresh(null); } if (pProgressorDialog != null) pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFLinePointLayers = null; } if (pMouseCursor != null) pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); } }
public static T setFilter <T>(this T query, IQueryFilter filter) where T : IDBQueryFilterable { query.Filter = filter; return(query); }
void IGMap.ZoomToSelectQueryFilter(int layerIndex, IQueryFilter qrf) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void UpdateParameters(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager pEnvMgr) { try { IGPUtilities3 gpUtilities3 = new GPUtilitiesClass(); IGPParameter inputOSMParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_osmFeatureClassNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPValue inputOSMGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(inputOSMParameter); if (inputOSMGPValue.IsEmpty() == false) { if (inputOSMParameter.Altered == true) { IGPParameter attributeCollectionParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_attributeSelectorNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPValue attributeCollectionGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(attributeCollectionParameter); if (inputOSMParameter.HasBeenValidated == false && ((IGPMultiValue)attributeCollectionGPValue).Count == 0) { IFeatureClass osmFeatureClass = null; ITable osmInputTable = null; IQueryFilter osmQueryFilter = null; try { gpUtilities3.DecodeFeatureLayer(inputOSMGPValue, out osmFeatureClass, out osmQueryFilter); osmInputTable = osmFeatureClass as ITable; } catch { } try { if (osmInputTable == null) { gpUtilities3.DecodeTableView(inputOSMGPValue, out osmInputTable, out osmQueryFilter); } } catch { } if (osmInputTable == null) { return; } using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { ICursor osmCursor = osmInputTable.Search(osmQueryFilter, true); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(osmCursor); IRow osmRow = osmCursor.NextRow(); List <string> potentialOSMFields = new List <string>(); if (osmRow != null) { IFields osmFields = osmRow.Fields; for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < osmFields.FieldCount; fieldIndex++) { if (osmFields.get_Field(fieldIndex).Name.Substring(0, 4).Equals("osm_")) { potentialOSMFields.Add(osmFields.get_Field(fieldIndex).Name); } } } if (potentialOSMFields.Count == 0) { return; } IGPCodedValueDomain osmTagKeyCodedValues = new GPCodedValueDomainClass(); foreach (string tagOSMField in potentialOSMFields) { osmTagKeyCodedValues.AddStringCode(tagOSMField, tagOSMField); } ((IGPParameterEdit)attributeCollectionParameter).Domain = (IGPDomain)osmTagKeyCodedValues; } } } } } catch { } }
protected override void OnShutdown() { try { script = null; lastValue = null; areaLayer = null; intersectLayer = null; intersectTable = null; intersectLayerSelection = null; intersectTableSelection = null; qFilter = null; row = null; testField = null; curve = null; sourceLayer = null; pFS = null; _copyPoint = null; _copyPolyline = null; _copyPolygon = null; sFilter = null; try { if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); if (cCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); if (sourceFeature != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceFeature); } catch { } fCursor = null; cCurs = null; sourceFeature = null; nearestFeature = null; fieldObj = null; _currentDataset = null; proxOp = null; } catch { } try { if (AAState._sw != null) { AAState._sw.Flush(); AAState._sw.Close(); AAState._sw = null; } } catch { } try { //ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMap.IApplicationStatusEvents_Event appStatusEvents = ArcMap.Application as ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMap.IApplicationStatusEvents_Event; //appStatusEvents.Initialized -= new ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMap.IApplicationStatusEvents_InitializedEventHandler(appStatusEvents_Initialized); if (ArcMap.Events != null) { ArcMap.Events.NewDocument -= ArcMap_NewOpenDocument; ArcMap.Events.OpenDocument -= ArcMap_NewOpenDocument; } if (AAState._editor != null) { if (AAState._editor != null) { //Wire editor events. AAState._editEvents = (IEditEvents_Event)AAState._editor; AAState._editEvents.OnStartEditing -= OnStartEditing; AAState._editEvents.OnStopEditing -= OnStopEditing; AAState._editor = null; AAState._editEvents = null; } } try { AAState.bmpOff.Dispose(); AAState.bmpOn.Dispose(); AAState.commandItem = null; } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("OnShutdown: " + ex.Message); } }
public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel TrackCancel, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IGPMessages message) { try { IGPUtilities3 execute_Utilities = new GPUtilitiesClass(); OSMUtility osmUtility = new OSMUtility(); if (TrackCancel == null) { TrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); } IGPParameter inputOSMParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_osmFeatureClassNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPValue inputOSMGPValue = execute_Utilities.UnpackGPValue(inputOSMParameter); IGPParameter tagFieldsParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_attributeSelectorNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPMultiValue tagCollectionGPValue = execute_Utilities.UnpackGPValue(tagFieldsParameter) as IGPMultiValue; if (tagCollectionGPValue == null) { message.AddError(120048, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_NullPointerParameterType"), tagFieldsParameter.Name)); return; } IFeatureClass osmFeatureClass = null; ITable osmInputTable = null; IQueryFilter osmQueryFilter = null; try { execute_Utilities.DecodeFeatureLayer(inputOSMGPValue, out osmFeatureClass, out osmQueryFilter); osmInputTable = osmFeatureClass as ITable; } catch { } try { if (osmInputTable == null) { execute_Utilities.DecodeTableView(inputOSMGPValue, out osmInputTable, out osmQueryFilter); } } catch { } if (osmInputTable == null) { return; } // find the field that holds tag binary/xml field int osmTagCollectionFieldIndex = osmInputTable.FindField("osmTags"); // if the Field doesn't exist - wasn't found (index = -1) get out if (osmTagCollectionFieldIndex == -1) { message.AddError(120005, resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPAttributeSelector_notagfieldfound")); return; } // set up the progress indicator IStepProgressor stepProgressor = TrackCancel as IStepProgressor; if (stepProgressor != null) { int featureCount = osmInputTable.RowCount(osmQueryFilter); stepProgressor.MinRange = 0; stepProgressor.MaxRange = featureCount; stepProgressor.Position = 0; stepProgressor.Message = resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPCombineAttributes_progressMessage"); stepProgressor.StepValue = 1; stepProgressor.Show(); } String illegalCharacters = String.Empty; ISQLSyntax sqlSyntax = ((IDataset)osmInputTable).Workspace as ISQLSyntax; if (sqlSyntax != null) { illegalCharacters = sqlSyntax.GetInvalidCharacters(); } // establish the list of field indexes only once Dictionary <string, int> fieldIndexes = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int selectedGPValueIndex = 0; selectedGPValueIndex < tagCollectionGPValue.Count; selectedGPValueIndex++) { // find the field index int fieldIndex = osmInputTable.FindField(tagCollectionGPValue.get_Value(selectedGPValueIndex).GetAsText()); if (fieldIndex != -1) { string tagKeyName = osmInputTable.Fields.get_Field(fieldIndex).Name; tagKeyName = OSMGPAttributeSelector.convert2OSMKey(tagKeyName, illegalCharacters); fieldIndexes.Add(tagKeyName, fieldIndex); } } ICursor updateCursor = null; IRow osmRow = null; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { updateCursor = osmInputTable.Update(osmQueryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(updateCursor); osmRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); int progressIndex = 0; while (osmRow != null) { // get the current tag collection from the row ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.OSMClassExtension.tag[] osmTags = osmUtility.retrieveOSMTags(osmRow, osmTagCollectionFieldIndex, ((IDataset)osmInputTable).Workspace); Dictionary <string, string> tagsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < osmTags.Length; tagIndex++) { tagsDictionary.Add(osmTags[tagIndex].k, osmTags[tagIndex].v); } // look if the tag needs to be updated or added bool tagsUpdated = false; foreach (var fieldItem in fieldIndexes) { object fldValue = osmRow.get_Value(fieldItem.Value); if (fldValue != System.DBNull.Value) { if (tagsDictionary.ContainsKey(fieldItem.Key)) { if (!tagsDictionary[fieldItem.Key].Equals(fldValue)) { tagsDictionary[fieldItem.Key] = Convert.ToString(fldValue); tagsUpdated = true; } } else { tagsDictionary.Add(fieldItem.Key, Convert.ToString(fldValue)); tagsUpdated = true; } } } if (tagsUpdated) { List <ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.OSMClassExtension.tag> updatedTags = new List <ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.OSMClassExtension.tag>(); foreach (var tagItem in tagsDictionary) { ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.OSMClassExtension.tag newTag = new ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.OSMClassExtension.tag(); newTag.k = tagItem.Key; newTag.v = tagItem.Value; updatedTags.Add(newTag); } // insert the tags back into the collection field if (updatedTags.Count != 0) { osmUtility.insertOSMTags(osmTagCollectionFieldIndex, osmRow, updatedTags.ToArray(), ((IDataset)osmInputTable).Workspace); updateCursor.UpdateRow(osmRow); } } progressIndex++; if (stepProgressor != null) { stepProgressor.Position = progressIndex; } if (osmRow != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(osmRow); } osmRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); } if (stepProgressor != null) { stepProgressor.Hide(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120007, ex.Message); } }
private void btnQry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ftClsStr = cmbSampleFeatureClass.Text; if (ftClsStr == null || ftClsStr == "") { MessageBox.Show("You must select a table or feature class before specifying an attribute query", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { ITable sTbl = rstDic[ftClsStr]; qf = geoUtil.createQuery(sTbl); //MessageBox.Show(qf.WhereClause); } }
protected override void OnClick() { bool bShowProgressor=false; IStepProgressor pStepProgressor = null; //Create a CancelTracker. ITrackCancel pTrackCancel = null; IProgressDialogFactory pProgressorDialogFact; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); //first get the selected parcel features UID pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}"; ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); ICadastralEditor pCadEd = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID); //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active =========== ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan; if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen) { MessageBox.Show("The Delete Control command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.", "Delete Selected Control"); return; } IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor"); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap; ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null; clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils(); IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null; //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric; if (pCadFabric == null) {//find the first fabric in the map if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric)) { MessageBox.Show ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again."); return; } } IArray CFControlLayers = new ArrayClass(); if (!(FabricUTILS.GetControlLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFControlLayers))) return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric bool bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false; IWorkspace pWS = null; ITable pPointsTable = null; ITable pControlTable = null; try { if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) { try { pEd.StartOperation(); } catch { pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again pEd.StartOperation(); } } IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFControlLayers.get_Element(0); IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass; pWS = pDS.Workspace; if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB, out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete)) return; //loop through each control layer and //Get the selection of control int iCnt=0; int iTotalSelectionCount = 0; for (; iCnt < CFControlLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFControlLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; iTotalSelectionCount += pSelSet.Count; } if (iTotalSelectionCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select some fabric control points and try again.", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFControlLayers = null; } return; } bShowProgressor = (iTotalSelectionCount > 10); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialogFact = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); pTrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); pStepProgressor = pProgressorDialogFact.Create(pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd); pProgressorDialog = (IProgressDialog2)pStepProgressor; pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1; pStepProgressor.MaxRange = iTotalSelectionCount * 2; //(runs through selection twice) pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral; } //loop through each control layer and //delete from its selection m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass(); iCnt=0; for (; iCnt < CFControlLayers.Count; iCnt++) { pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFControlLayers.get_Element(iCnt); IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL; ISelectionSet2 pSelSet = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet; ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS; string sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix); string sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix); if (bShowProgressor) { pProgressorDialog.ShowDialog(); pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting Control point data..."; } //Add the OIDs of all the selected control points into a new feature IDSet string[] sOIDListPoints = { "(" }; int tokenLimit = 995; //int tokenLimit = 5; //temp for testing bool bCont = true; int j = 0; int iCounter = 0; m_pFIDSetControl = new FIDSetClass(); ICursor pCursor = null; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);//code deletes all selected control points IFeatureCursor pControlFeatCurs = (IFeatureCursor)pCursor; IFeature pControlFeat = pControlFeatCurs.NextFeature(); int iPointID = pControlFeatCurs.FindField("POINTID"); while (pControlFeat != null) { //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (bShowProgressor) { bCont = pTrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) break; } bool bExists = false; m_pFIDSetControl.Find(pControlFeat.OID, out bExists); if (!bExists) { m_pFIDSetControl.Add(pControlFeat.OID); object obj = pControlFeat.get_Value(iPointID); if (iCounter <= tokenLimit) { //if the PointID is not null add it to a query string as well if (obj != DBNull.Value) sOIDListPoints[j] += Convert.ToString(obj) + ","; iCounter++; } else {//maximum tokens reached //set up the next OIDList sOIDListPoints[j] = sOIDListPoints[j].Trim(); iCounter = 0; j++; FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sOIDListPoints, 1); sOIDListPoints[j] = "("; if (obj != DBNull.Value) sOIDListPoints[j] += Convert.ToString(obj) + ","; } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pControlFeat); //garbage collection pControlFeat = pControlFeatCurs.NextFeature(); if (bShowProgressor) { if (pStepProgressor.Position < pStepProgressor.MaxRange) pStepProgressor.Step(); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); //garbage collection if (!bCont) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { if (!FabricUTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned)) { if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; return; } } //first delete all the control point records if (bShowProgressor) pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting control points..."; bool bSuccess = true; pPointsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); pControlTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete) bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pControlTable, m_pFIDSetControl, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pControlTable, m_pFIDSetControl, pStepProgressor, pTrackCancel); if (!bSuccess) { AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS); return; } //next need to use an in clause to update the points, ... ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric; //...for each item in the sOIDListPoints array foreach (string inClause in sOIDListPoints) { string sClause = inClause.Trim().TrimEnd(','); if (sClause.EndsWith("(")) continue; if (sClause.Length < 3) continue; pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pPointsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); m_pQF.WhereClause = (sPref + pPointsTable.OIDFieldName + sSuff).Trim() + " IN " + sClause + ")"; if (!FabricUTILS.ResetPointAssociations(pPointsTable, m_pQF, bIsUnVersioned)) { pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); return; } pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); } } if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) FabricUTILS.StopEditing(pWS); if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing) pEd.StopOperation("Delete Control Points"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } finally { RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFControlLayers); //update the TOC IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document); for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++) { IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i); pCV.Refresh(null); } if (pProgressorDialog != null) pProgressorDialog.HideDialog(); if (bUseNonVersionedDelete) { pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null; CFControlLayers = null; } if (pMouseCursor != null) pMouseCursor.SetCursor(0); } }
/// <summary> /// Merges the geometries of features in the HLU layer's current selection set into one result feature /// located through the queryFilter passed in and deletes the other features from the HLU feature class. /// </summary> /// <param name="resultFeatureQueryFilter">Query filter that identifies the result feature in the selection set.</param> /// <param name="mergeFeaturesQueryFilter">Query filter that identifies the features in the selection set /// that are to be merged to the result feature.</param> private void MergeFeatures(IQueryFilter resultFeatureQueryFilter, string newToidFragmentID, string[] historyColumns) { // make sure selection changed event handler won't intervene _selectFieldOrdinals = null; if (_pipeData == null) _pipeData = new List<string>(); try { lock (_pipeData) { // clear the pipe _pipeData.Clear(); // make sure at least two features are selected if (_hluFeatureSelection == null) _hluFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)_hluLayer; if (_hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count < 2) return; // write history field names and types to pipe int[] historyFieldOrdinals = HistorySchema(historyColumns); // get OID of result feature ICursor cursor; _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(resultFeatureQueryFilter, true, out cursor); IFeatureCursor featCursor = (IFeatureCursor)cursor; IFeature resultFeature = featCursor.NextFeature(); if (resultFeature != null) { IGeometry resultGeom = resultFeature.ShapeCopy; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(featCursor); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); // start workspace edit session and operation StartEditing(); try { // get features to be merged and deleted IQueryFilter mergeFeaturesQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); mergeFeaturesQueryFilter.WhereClause = String.Format("{0} <> {1}", _hluFeatureClass.OIDFieldName, resultFeature.OID); _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(mergeFeaturesQueryFilter, false, out cursor); IFeatureCursor updateCursor = (IFeatureCursor)cursor; // merge geometries and delete features IFeature mergeFeature; while ((mergeFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { _pipeData.Add(History(mergeFeature, historyFieldOrdinals, null)); resultGeom = ((ITopologicalOperator4)resultGeom).Union(mergeFeature.Shape); mergeFeature.Delete(); } FlushCursor(false, ref updateCursor); // get the result feature for update resultFeatureQueryFilter.WhereClause = String.Format("{0} = {1}", _hluFeatureClass.OIDFieldName, resultFeature.OID); updateCursor = _hluFeatureClass.Update(resultFeatureQueryFilter, false); resultFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature(); resultFeature.Shape = resultGeom; resultFeature.set_Value( _hluFieldMap[_hluLayerStructure.toid_fragment_idColumn.Ordinal], newToidFragmentID); resultFeature.Store(); // add result feature to history (for updating incid_mm_polygon geometry data) _pipeData.Add(History(resultFeature, historyFieldOrdinals, null)); FlushCursor(false, ref updateCursor); FlushCursor(true, ref cursor); // stop edit operation and session CommitEdits(); // redraw HLU layer within current map extent _hluView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, _hluLayer, _hluView.Extent); } catch { DiscardEdits(); throw; } } } } catch { _pipeData.Clear(); } }
public long unversionedEdit(IQueryFilter qFilterGen, int sequenceColumnNum, int idxSeqField, int curLoop, ref ITransactions transactions) { long sequenceValue = -1; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { if (AAState._gentabWorkspace.IsInEditOperation) { // throw new Exception("Cannot use ITransactions during an edit operation."); } // Begin a transaction. if (transactions == null) { transactions = (ITransactions)AAState._gentabWorkspace; } transactions.StartTransaction(); try { // Use ITable.Update to create an update cursor. ICursor seq_updateCursor = AAState._gentab.Update(qFilterGen, true); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(seq_updateCursor); IRow seq_row = null; seq_row = seq_updateCursor.NextRow(); int sequenceInt = 1; if (seq_row != null) { if (idxSeqField > 0) { object seqInt = seq_row.get_Value(idxSeqField); if (seqInt != null) { if (seqInt != DBNull.Value) try { sequenceInt = Convert.ToInt32(seqInt); } catch { } } } object seqValue = seq_row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum); if (seqValue == null) { sequenceValue = 0; } else if (seqValue.ToString() == "") { sequenceValue = 0; } else try { sequenceValue = Convert.ToInt64(seqValue); } catch { sequenceValue = 0; } AAState.WriteLine(" " + sequenceValue + " is the existing value and the interval is " + sequenceInt + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); sequenceValue = sequenceValue + sequenceInt; seq_row.set_Value(sequenceColumnNum, sequenceValue); AAState.WriteLine(" " + seq_row.Fields.get_Field(sequenceColumnNum).AliasName + " changed to " + sequenceValue + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); seq_updateCursor.UpdateRow(seq_row); transactions.CommitTransaction(); seq_updateCursor = AAState._gentab.Search(qFilter, true); if (seq_row != null) { seqValue = seq_row.get_Value(sequenceColumnNum); if (seqValue == null) { return sequenceValue; } else if (seqValue.ToString() == "") { return sequenceValue; } else try { if (sequenceValue == Convert.ToInt64(seqValue)) { return sequenceValue; } else { if (curLoop > 30) { MessageBox.Show("A unique ID could not be generated after 30 attempts: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); } else { return unversionedEdit(qFilterGen, sequenceColumnNum, idxSeqField, curLoop + 1, ref transactions); } } } catch { return sequenceValue; } } return sequenceValue; } else { AAState.WriteLine(" No records found in Generate ID table" + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); transactions.AbortTransaction(); return -1; } } catch (COMException comExc) { AAState.WriteLine(" Error saving transaction to DB" + ": " + DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")); // If an error occurs during the inserts and updates, rollback the transaction. transactions.AbortTransaction(); return -1; } } }
public static List <T> GetEntities <T>(this IFeatureClass featureClass, IQueryFilter queryFilter) where T : class, new() { if (featureClass == null) { return(null); } ITable pTable = featureClass as ITable; ICursor pCursor = pTable.Search(queryFilter, false); IRow pRow = pCursor.NextRow(); List <T> entities = new List <T>(); while (pRow != null) { T entity = new T(); Type type = entity.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.GetField); //获取指定名称的属性 StringBuilder strBuild = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < pRow.Fields.FieldCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < propertyInfos.Length; j++) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info = propertyInfos[j]; if (pRow.Fields.get_Field(i).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry) { } else if (pRow.Fields.get_Field(i).Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) { //pDataRow[i] = "Element"; } else if (pRow.Fields.Field[i].Name == info.Name) { object[] objAttrs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomAttribute), true); if (objAttrs != null && objAttrs.Length > 0) { CustomAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as CustomAttribute; if (attr != null) { if (attr.EnumType != null) { int value = 0; try { value = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(attr.EnumType, Convert.ToString(pRow.get_Value(i)))); } catch { value = 0; } finally { info.SetValue(entity, value, null); } } else { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(pRow.get_Value(i))) { type = info.PropertyType; //判断convertsionType是否为nullable泛型类 if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable <>))) { //如果type为nullable类,声明一个NullableConverter类,该类提供从Nullable类到基础基元类型的转换 System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter nullableConverter = new System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter(type); //将type转换为nullable对的基础基元类型 type = nullableConverter.UnderlyingType; info.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType(pRow.get_Value(i), type), null); } else { info.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType(pRow.get_Value(i), info.PropertyType), null); } } } } } else { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(pRow.get_Value(i))) { type = info.PropertyType; //判断convertsionType是否为nullable泛型类 if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable <>))) { //如果type为nullable类,声明一个NullableConverter类,该类提供从Nullable类到基础基元类型的转换 System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter nullableConverter = new System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter(type); //将type转换为nullable对的基础基元类型 type = nullableConverter.UnderlyingType; info.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType(pRow.get_Value(i), type), null); } else { info.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType(pRow.get_Value(i), info.PropertyType), null); } } } } } } entities.Add(entity); pRow = pCursor.NextRow(); } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); return(entities); }
private void btOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pPointFileName = cboBoxPointLayer.SelectedItem.ToString(); string pCenterlinName = comboBoxExCenterlineLayer.SelectedItem.ToString(); IFeatureLayer pPointLayer = null; IFeatureLayer pCenterlineLayer = null; for (int i = 0; i < pMapcontrol.LayerCount; i++) { if (pPointFileName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name) { pPointLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer; } if (pCenterlinName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name) { pCenterlineLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer; } } IFeatureClass pLineFC = pCenterlineLayer.FeatureClass; IFeatureClass pPointFC = pPointLayer.FeatureClass; IQueryFilter pQF = null; IFeatureCursor pLineCursor = pLineFC.Search(null, false); IFeatureCursor pPointCursor = pPointFC.Search(null, false); IFeature pLineFeature = pLineCursor.NextFeature(); DataTable ptTable = AOFunctions.GDB.ITableUtil.GetDataTableFromITable(pPointFC as ITable, pQF); ptTable.Columns.Add("长度"); ptTable.Columns.Add("距离"); ptTable.Columns.Add("中间点坐标"); if (pLineFeature != null) { ISpatialReferenceFactory spatialReferenceFactory = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass(); //wgs 84 IGeographicCoordinateSystem wgs84 = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem(4326) as IGeographicCoordinateSystem; IUnit meterUnit = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateUnit((int)ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSRUnitType.esriSRUnit_Meter); IPolyline pline = pLineFeature.Shape as IPolyline; pline.SpatialReference = wgs84; IProximityOperator pPO = pline as IProximityOperator; IFeature ptFeature = pPointCursor.NextFeature(); int idx = 0; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(spatialReferenceFactory); while (ptFeature != null) { DataRow row = ptTable.Rows[idx]; IPoint pt = ptFeature.Shape as IPoint; pt.SpatialReference = wgs84; IPoint nearestpt = pPO.ReturnNearestPoint(pt, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension); double distance = DataAlignment.DataAlignment.CalculateDistanceBetween84TwoPoints(pt, nearestpt); // = pPO.ReturnDistance(pt); row["距离"] = distance; if (idx == 0) { row["长度"] = 0; } else { DataRow preRow = ptTable.Rows[idx - 1]; row["长度"] = Convert.ToDouble(row[EvConfig.IMUMoveDistanceField]) - Convert.ToDouble(preRow[EvConfig.IMUMoveDistanceField]); } ptFeature = pPointCursor.NextFeature(); idx++; } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(spatialReferenceFactory); } DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); dt2.Columns.Add("名称"); dt2.Columns.Add("长度"); dt2.Columns.Add("比例"); // List<DataRow> rowlist = (dt2.Rows.Where(e => Convert.ToDouble(e["距离"]) <= 2)).ToList(); List <DataRow> less1 = (from DataRow r in ptTable.Rows where Convert.ToDouble(r["距离"]) <= 1 select r).ToList(); double length1 = less1.Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x["长度"])); int sum1 = less1.Count; List <DataRow> Great2 = (from DataRow r in ptTable.Rows where Convert.ToDouble(r["距离"]) > 2 select r).ToList(); double length2 = Great2.Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x["长度"])); int sum2 = Great2.Count; List <DataRow> Medium2 = (from DataRow r in ptTable.Rows where Convert.ToDouble(r["距离"]) > 1 && Convert.ToDouble(r["距离"]) <= 2 select r).ToList(); double length3 = Medium2.Sum(x => Convert.ToDouble(x["长度"])); int sum3 = Medium2.Count; DataRow r1; r1 = dt2.Rows.Add(); r1[0] = "≤1米"; r1[1] = length1; r1[2] = 1.0 * sum1 / (sum1 + sum2 + sum3); r1 = dt2.Rows.Add(); r1[0] = ">1米且≤2米"; r1[1] = length3; r1[2] = 1.0 * sum3 / (sum1 + sum2 + sum3); r1 = dt2.Rows.Add(); r1[0] = "大于2米"; r1[1] = length2; r1[2] = 1.0 * sum2 / (sum1 + sum2 + sum3); List <DataTable> tablelist = new List <DataTable>(); tablelist.Add(ptTable); tablelist.Add(dt2); FRMInsideInspectionReport frm = new FRMInsideInspectionReport(tablelist); frm.ShowDialog(); }
private List<string> extractAllTags(ITable osmInputTable, IQueryFilter osmQueryFilter, int osmTagCollectionFieldIndex) { HashSet<string> listOfAllTags = new HashSet<string>(); if (osmInputTable == null) { return listOfAllTags.ToList(); } IWorkspace datasetWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmInputTable).Workspace; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { if (osmQueryFilter == null) { osmQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); } //osmQueryFilter.SubFields = osmInputTable.Fields.get_Field(osmTagCollectionFieldIndex).Name; ICursor osmCursor = osmInputTable.Search(osmQueryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(osmCursor); IRow osmRow = osmCursor.NextRow(); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(osmRow); while (osmRow != null) { ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.OSMClassExtension.tag[] storedTags = null; try { storedTags = _osmUtility.retrieveOSMTags(osmRow, osmTagCollectionFieldIndex, null); } catch { } if (storedTags != null) { foreach (tag tagItem in storedTags) { listOfAllTags.Add(tagItem.k); } } osmRow = osmCursor.NextRow(); } } // sort the tag name alphabetically IEnumerable<string> sortedTags = listOfAllTags.OrderBy(nameOfTag => nameOfTag); return sortedTags.ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// отфильтировать IQueryable используя IQueryFilter /// </summary> public static IQueryable <TEntity> ApplyFilter <TEntity>(this IQueryable <TEntity> src, IQueryFilter <TEntity> filter) where TEntity : class, IDbEntity { if (filter != null) { src = filter.GetSatisfiedItems(src); } return(src); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a query for PostGIS from an IQueryFilter for a Layer /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="postGisLayer"></param> /// <param name="fields">output fields for the query</param> /// <param name="where">output where clause for the query</param> public static void aoQryToPostGisQry(IQueryFilter query, Layer postGisLayer, out string fields, out string where) { log.enterFunc("aoQryToPostGisQry"); if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug(Helper.objectToString(query) + "," + Helper.objectToString(postGisLayer)); // Todo - must use the IQueryFilter::OutputSpatialReference // to project the resulting geometries. fields = ""; where = ""; try { // Get the SQL stuff. fields = query.SubFields; // Add the spatial stuff. ISpatialFilter sQuery = query as ISpatialFilter; //Paolo: FactoryCode=0 for srid=-1 int outSrid = postGisLayer.SpatialReference.FactoryCode; if (outSrid == 0) { outSrid = -1; } //if outSrid=-1, could be that the Sr is set to Unknown, but srid is != -1 (for PostGIS layers with a srid not supported from esri, ex: 27563) if (outSrid == -1 && postGisLayer.srid > 0) { outSrid = postGisLayer.srid; } aoFieldsToPostGisFields(ref fields, postGisLayer, outSrid); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(query.WhereClause); //if there is a spatial filter do the following... if (sQuery != null) { /* ISpatialReference sRef = sQuery.Geometry.SpatialReference; if (sRef != null && sRef.FactoryCode != 0) srid = sRef.FactoryCode; aoFieldsToPostGisFields(ref fields, postGisLayer, srid); */ // Debug - just create a polygon from the envelope for now. object o = System.Type.Missing; IEnvelope env = sQuery.Geometry.Envelope; IPointCollection pg = (IPointCollection)(new PolygonClass()); pg.AddPoint(env.LowerLeft, ref o, ref o); pg.AddPoint(env.LowerRight, ref o, ref o); pg.AddPoint(env.UpperRight, ref o, ref o); pg.AddPoint(env.UpperLeft, ref o, ref o); if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(" and "); //Paolo: for srid=-1 not doing transform sb.Append("intersects("); sb.Append("transform("); sb.Append(aoPolygonToWkt((IPolygon)pg, true, outSrid)); sb.Append("," + outSrid.ToString() + "),"); sb.Append("transform(" + postGisLayer.geometryField + "," + outSrid.ToString() + ")"); sb.Append(")=true"); } where = sb.ToString(); //System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("GeomHelper.aoQryToPostGisQry", where, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information); if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug(fields); log.Debug(where); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug("GeomHelper.aoQryToPostGisQry", ex); } finally { log.leaveFunc(); } }
/// <summary> /// 查询分页数据 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TResult">分页数据类型</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="TFilter">过滤器类型</typeparam> /// <param name="pageIndex">页码</param> /// <param name="pageSize">页尺寸</param> /// <param name="querySql">查询Sql语句</param> /// <param name="countSql">统计Sql语句</param> /// <param name="orderBy">排序字段</param> /// <param name="filter">过滤器</param> /// <returns></returns> List <TResult> GetPagedData1 <TResult, TFilter>(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string countSql, string querySql, IQueryFilter filter) where TResult : class, new() where TFilter : IQueryFilter, new() { List <TResult> list = new List <TResult>(); pageSize = pageSize < 1 ? 20 : pageSize; int totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetDataCount <TFilter>(countSql, filter) * 1.0 / pageSize); totalPages = totalPages < 1 ? 1 : totalPages; pageIndex = pageIndex < 1 ? 1 : (pageIndex > totalPages ? totalPages : pageIndex); MySqlParameter[] paras; string where = (filter ?? new TFilter()).ToSqlWhere(out paras); //string sql = string.Format("{0} where {1}>=(select {2} {3}{4} order by {5} desc limit {6},1) limit {7}", querySql, orderBy, orderBy, querySql.Substring(querySql.ToLower().IndexOf("from")), where, orderBy, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize); string sql = string.Format("{0} limit {1},{2}", querySql, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize); list = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader <TResult>(sql, paras); return(list); }
private void FlashFeature(IQueryFilter queryFilter) { if (_pipeData == null) _pipeData = new List<string>(); else _pipeData.Clear(); try { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // CHANGED: CR23 (Merged features) // Flash all the features relating to the selected incid at once. // This method may be triggered more than once if there are too // many to pass via the Named Pipes in one go. // IEnumGeometryBind enumGeometryBind = new EnumFeatureGeometryClass(); enumGeometryBind.BindGeometrySource(null, _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Select(queryFilter, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, null)); IGeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryEnvironmentClass(); IGeometry geom = geometryFactory.CreateGeometryFromEnumerator((IEnumGeometry)enumGeometryBind); IMxDocument mxDoc = (IMxDocument)_application.Document; IActiveView activeView = mxDoc.FocusMap as IActiveView; IScreenDisplay screenDisplay = activeView.ScreenDisplay; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIX: 018 Bring ArcGIS and MapInfo into line by flashing all features twice FlashGeometry(geom, screenDisplay, 300, 2); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- } catch { } }
public UserLatestSelectRepository(IDbContext context, IQueryFilter filter) : base(context, filter) { }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- #endregion #region Merge /// <summary> /// Merges the geometries of features in the HLU layer's current selection set into one result feature /// located through the queryFilter passed in and deletes the other features from the HLU feature class. /// </summary> /// <param name="resultFeatureQueryFilter">Query filter that identifies the result feature in the selection set.</param> /// <param name="mergeFeaturesQueryFilter">Query filter that identifies the features in the selection set /// that are to be merged to the result feature.</param> private void MergeFeatures(IQueryFilter resultFeatureQueryFilter, string newToidFragmentID, string[] historyColumns) { // make sure selection changed event handler won't intervene _selectFieldOrdinals = null; if (_pipeData == null) _pipeData = new List<string>(); try { lock (_pipeData) { // clear the pipe _pipeData.Clear(); // make sure at least two features are selected if (_hluFeatureSelection == null) _hluFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)_hluLayer; if (_hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count < 2) return; // write history field names and types to pipe int[] historyFieldOrdinals = HistorySchema(historyColumns); // get OID of result feature ICursor cursor; _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(resultFeatureQueryFilter, true, out cursor); IFeatureCursor featCursor = (IFeatureCursor)cursor; IFeature resultFeature = featCursor.NextFeature(); if (resultFeature != null) { IGeometry resultGeom = resultFeature.ShapeCopy; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(featCursor); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); // start workspace edit session and operation StartEditing(); try { // get features to be merged and deleted IQueryFilter mergeFeaturesQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); mergeFeaturesQueryFilter.WhereClause = String.Format("{0} <> {1}", _hluFeatureClass.OIDFieldName, resultFeature.OID); _hluFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(mergeFeaturesQueryFilter, false, out cursor); IFeatureCursor updateCursor = (IFeatureCursor)cursor; // merge geometries and delete features IFeature mergeFeature; while ((mergeFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { _pipeData.Add(History(mergeFeature, historyFieldOrdinals, null)); resultGeom = ((ITopologicalOperator4)resultGeom).Union(mergeFeature.Shape); mergeFeature.Delete(); } FlushCursor(false, ref updateCursor); // get the result feature for update resultFeatureQueryFilter.WhereClause = String.Format("{0} = {1}", _hluFeatureClass.OIDFieldName, resultFeature.OID); updateCursor = _hluFeatureClass.Update(resultFeatureQueryFilter, false); resultFeature = updateCursor.NextFeature(); // Update the shape to the new merged geometry resultFeature.Shape = resultGeom; // Set the toid_fragment_id to the same value (passed to this function) for all fragments resultFeature.set_Value( _hluFieldMap[_hluLayerStructure.toid_fragment_idColumn.Ordinal], newToidFragmentID); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXED: KI106 (Shape area and length values) // Includes updates for the geom1 and geom2 columns as the features // have changed in size // Check if the current layer is a shapefile bool isShp = IsShp(_hluWS as IWorkspace); // If it is a shapefile then update the geometry fields if (isShp) { double geom1; double geom2; GetGeometryProperties(resultFeature, out geom1, out geom2); int ixGeom1 = resultFeature.Fields.FindField("shape_leng"); int ixGeom2 = resultFeature.Fields.FindField("shape_area"); resultFeature.set_Value(ixGeom1, geom1); resultFeature.set_Value(ixGeom2, geom2); } // Update the feature updateCursor.UpdateFeature(resultFeature); //resultFeature.Store(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // add result feature to history (for updating incid_mm_polygon geometry data) _pipeData.Add(History(resultFeature, historyFieldOrdinals, null)); FlushCursor(false, ref updateCursor); FlushCursor(true, ref cursor); // stop edit operation and session CommitEdits(); // redraw HLU layer within current map extent _hluView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, _hluLayer, _hluView.Extent); } catch { DiscardEdits(); throw; } } } } catch { _pipeData.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// Return filtered list of registered users from the system. /// </summary> /// <param name="queryFilter">Filter conditions.</param> /// <returns>List of users.</returns> public IList <AdminUserDTO> GetUsers(IQueryFilter queryFilter) { LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().LogClientIP("GetUsers"); if (queryFilter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("queryFilter"); } var records = new List <AdminUserDTO>(); var masterConnectioString = dbManager.GetMasterConnection(DefaultFolder); using (var mc = new MasterEntities(masterConnectioString)) { //TODO: remove duplicated code with GetJournalsCounts() method var query = from u in mc.Users select u; if (queryFilter is TextSearchFilter) { var textSearchFilter = queryFilter as TextSearchFilter; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textSearchFilter.Contains)) { query = from user in query where user.Login.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) || user.Email.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) || user.DatabasePath.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) || user.ServiceUrl.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) select user; } } if (queryFilter.NotOlderThen.HasValue) { query = from user in query where user.LastAccess >= queryFilter.NotOlderThen.Value select user; } if (queryFilter.Upto.HasValue) { query = from user in query where user.LastAccess < queryFilter.Upto.Value select user; } query = query.OrderBy(user => user.Registered); if (queryFilter.Skip.HasValue) { query = query.Skip(queryFilter.Skip.Value); } if (queryFilter.Take.HasValue) { query = query.Take(queryFilter.Take.Value); } // End of duplicated code var res = query.ToList(); // No users take place yet, so nothing to return if (res.Count == 0) { return(records); } var userMaper = ObjectMapperManager.DefaultInstance.GetMapper <User, AdminUserDTO>(); records = res.Select(userMaper.Map) .Select(dto => { // Do not return password hash to client // by security considerations dto.Password = null; return(dto); }) .ToList(); } var drivesCache = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (var adminUser in records) { var resolvedFile = DatabaseManager.ResolveDataDirectory(adminUser.DatabasePath); if (File.Exists(resolvedFile)) { var file = new FileInfo(resolvedFile); adminUser.DatabaseSize = file.Length; // C:\ or D:\ etc. var driveName = Path.GetPathRoot(file.FullName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(driveName)) { if (!drivesCache.ContainsKey(driveName)) { try { // Check drive free space info availability if (new DriveInfo(driveName).AvailableFreeSpace > 0) { drivesCache[driveName] = true; } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error("DriveInfo.AvailableFreeSpace for " + driveName + " is denied."); drivesCache[driveName] = false; } } if (drivesCache[driveName]) { // Free space available for IIS AppPool user account, not the entire disk long freeSpace = new DriveInfo(driveName).AvailableFreeSpace; adminUser.FreeDiskSpaceAvailable = freeSpace; } } } } return(records); }
private void ExportInsertFeatures(IDisplayTable hluDisplayTable, IQueryFilter exportQueryFilter, int exportRowCount, int[] exportFieldMap, bool isShp, object outWS, IFeatureClass outFeatureClass) { // Create a Cancel Tracker. ITrackCancel trackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); // Create the Progress Dialog. This automatically displays the dialog. IProgressDialogFactory progressDlgFactory = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); IProgressDialog2 progressDlg = progressDlgFactory.Create(trackCancel, _application.hWnd) as IProgressDialog2; // Set the properties of the Progress Dialog. progressDlg.CancelEnabled = true; progressDlg.Title = "Export Progress"; progressDlg.Description = string.Format("Exporting HLU Features and Attributes\n({0} features)", exportRowCount.ToString()); progressDlg.Animation = esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriNoAnimation; // Set the properties of the Step Progressor. IStepProgressor stepProgressor = progressDlg as IStepProgressor; stepProgressor.MinRange = 0; stepProgressor.MaxRange = exportRowCount; stepProgressor.StepValue = 1; stepProgressor.Message = ""; // Set the continue progress to true. bool contProgress = true; IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = null; IWorkspace wsOut = outWS as IWorkspace; bool restoreEditSession = InEditingSession; if (restoreEditSession) CloseEditSession(true); // If the workspace is remote then the data is being accessed // via ArcSDE. if (wsOut.WorkspaceFactory.WorkspaceType == esriWorkspaceType.esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace) { Editor.StartEditing(wsOut); Editor.StartOperation(); } // Otherwise, it must be a FileSystem (for shapefiles) // or LocalDatabase (for geodatabases) workspace. else { workspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)outWS; workspaceEdit.StartEditing(true); workspaceEdit.StartEditOperation(); } IFeatureCursor exportFeatureCursor = (IFeatureCursor)hluDisplayTable.SearchDisplayTable(exportQueryFilter, true); IFeature exportFeature; IFeatureCursor insertCursor = outFeatureClass.Insert(true); IFeatureBuffer featureBuffer = outFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer(); bool calcGeometry = _hluFeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint || isShp; double geom1; double geom2; // The last two fields are always the geometry fields. int ixGeom1 = featureBuffer.Fields.FieldCount - 2; int ixGeom2 = featureBuffer.Fields.FieldCount - 1; try { object item; while ((exportFeature = exportFeatureCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { featureBuffer.Shape = exportFeature.ShapeCopy; for (int i = 2; i < exportFieldMap.Length; i++) { item = exportFeature.get_Value(exportFieldMap[i]); if (item != DBNull.Value) featureBuffer.set_Value(i, item); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIX: 036 Clear all missing fields when exporting features from ArcGIS. else featureBuffer.set_Value(i, null); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- } if (calcGeometry) { GetGeometryProperties(exportFeature, out geom1, out geom2); if (geom1 != -1) featureBuffer.set_Value(ixGeom1, geom1); if (geom2 != -1) featureBuffer.set_Value(ixGeom2, geom2); } try { insertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer); } catch { } // Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop the process. contProgress = trackCancel.Continue(); if (!contProgress) throw new Exception("Export cancelled by user."); } FlushCursor(false, ref insertCursor); if (workspaceEdit == null) { Editor.StopOperation(String.Empty); Editor.StopEditing(true); } else { workspaceEdit.StopEditOperation(); workspaceEdit.StopEditing(true); } } catch { if (workspaceEdit == null) { Editor.AbortOperation(); Editor.StopEditing(false); } else { workspaceEdit.AbortEditOperation(); workspaceEdit.StopEditOperation(); workspaceEdit.StopEditing(false); } throw; } finally { FlushCursor(true, ref exportFeatureCursor); if (restoreEditSession) OpenEditSession(); // Hide the progress dialog. trackCancel = null; stepProgressor = null; progressDlg.HideDialog(); progressDlg = null; progressDlgFactory = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Return count of users based on search filter. /// </summary> /// <param name="queryFilter">Filter conditions.</param> /// <returns>Count of filtered users.</returns> public int GetUsersCount(IQueryFilter queryFilter) { LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().LogClientIP("GetUsersCount"); if (queryFilter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("queryFilter"); } int count; var masterConnectioString = dbManager.GetMasterConnection(DefaultFolder); using (var mc = new MasterEntities(masterConnectioString)) { var query = from u in mc.Users select u; if (queryFilter is TextSearchFilter) { var textSearchFilter = queryFilter as TextSearchFilter; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textSearchFilter.Contains)) { query = from user in query where user.Login.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) || user.Email.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) || user.DatabasePath.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) || user.ServiceUrl.Contains(textSearchFilter.Contains) select user; } } if (queryFilter.NotOlderThen.HasValue) { query = from user in query where user.LastAccess >= queryFilter.NotOlderThen.Value select user; } if (queryFilter.Upto.HasValue) { query = from user in query where user.LastAccess < queryFilter.Upto.Value select user; } query = query.OrderBy(user => user.Registered); if (queryFilter.Skip.HasValue) { query = query.Skip(queryFilter.Skip.Value); } if (queryFilter.Take.HasValue) { query = query.Take(queryFilter.Take.Value); } count = query.Count(); } return(count); }
void IMapViewController.ZoomToSelectQueryFilter(string layerName, IQueryFilter qrf) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ICursor Search(IQueryFilter filter) { _lastException = null; return(GetFeatures(filter)); }
protected override void OnShutdown() { try { script = null; lastValue = null; intersectLayer = null; intersectTable = null; intersectLayerSelection = null; intersectTableSelection = null; qFilter = null; row = null; testField = null; curve = null; sourceLayer = null; pFS = null; _copyPoint = null; _copyPolyline = null; _copyPolygon = null; sFilter = null; try { if (fCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fCursor); if (cCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cCurs); if (sourceFeature != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceFeature); } catch { } fCursor = null; cCurs = null; sourceFeature = null; nearestFeature = null; fieldObj = null; _currentDataset = null; proxOp = null; } catch { } try { if (AAState._sw != null) { AAState._sw.Flush(); AAState._sw.Close(); AAState._sw = null; } } catch { } try { if (ArcMap.Events != null) { ArcMap.Events.NewDocument -= ArcMap_NewOpenDocument; ArcMap.Events.OpenDocument -= ArcMap_NewOpenDocument; } if (AAState._editor != null) { if (AAState._editor != null) { //Wire editor events. AAState._editEvents = (IEditEvents_Event)AAState._editor; AAState._editEvents.OnStartEditing -= OnStartEditing; AAState._editEvents.OnStopEditing -= OnStopEditing; AAState._editEvents2 = (IEditEvents2_Event)AAState._editor;// SG Jan 2003 AAState._editor = null; AAState._editEvents = null; AAState._editEvents2 = null; // SG Jan 2003 } } try { AAState.bmpOff.Dispose(); AAState.bmpOn.Dispose(); AAState.commandItem = null; } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("AttributeAssistantEditorChain5") + ex.Message); } }
public void PrepareQueryFilter(IFeatureLayer layer, IQueryFilter filter) { }
private bool UpdateCircularArcValues(IFeatureClass LineTable, IQueryFilter QueryFilter, bool Unversioned, IDictionary<int, InferredCurve> CurveLookup, myProgessor progressor, Dictionary<int, int> MaxSequenceCache) { IFeature pLineFeat = null; IFeatureBuffer buffer = null; IFeatureCursor pLineCurs = null; IFeatureCursor pRadialCur = null; IFeatureCursor maxCursor = null; IDataStatistics dataStatistics = null; IGeometryFactory3 geometryFactory = new GeometryEnvironmentClass(); IGeometry geometry = new PolylineClass(); geometryFactory.CreateEmptyGeometryByType(LineTable.ShapeType, out geometry); IGeometryDef geometryDef = LineTable.Fields.get_Field(LineTable.FindField(LineTable.ShapeFieldName)).GeometryDef; if (geometryDef.HasZ) { IZAware zAware = (IZAware)(geometry); zAware.ZAware = true; } if (geometryDef.HasM) { IMAware mAware = (IMAware)(geometry); mAware.MAware = true; } try { CurveByInferenceSettings.FieldPositions positions = new CurveByInferenceSettings.FieldPositions((ITable)LineTable); buffer = LineTable.CreateFeatureBuffer(); pLineCurs = LineTable.Update(QueryFilter, false); pRadialCur = LineTable.Insert(false); while ((pLineFeat = pLineCurs.NextFeature()) != null) { //loop through all of the given lines, and update centerpoint ids, radius, and arc length values if (!progressor.Continue()) return false; progressor.Step(); InferredCurve curveInfo = CurveLookup[pLineFeat.OID]; pLineFeat.set_Value(positions.RadiusFieldIdx, curveInfo.InferredRadius); pLineFeat.set_Value(positions.CenterpointIDFieldIdx, curveInfo.InferredCenterpointID); IFeature feature = pLineFeat as IFeature; double length = 0; if (feature != null) { IPolyline polyline = feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline; if (polyline != null) { length = ((IProximityOperator)polyline.FromPoint).ReturnDistance(polyline.ToPoint); pLineFeat.set_Value(positions.ArcLengthFieldIdx, length); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(polyline); } } if (Unversioned) pLineCurs.UpdateFeature(pLineFeat); else pLineFeat.Store(); //fine the max sequence value int maxSequence = -1; if (MaxSequenceCache.ContainsKey(curveInfo.Parcel)) { maxSequence = MaxSequenceCache[curveInfo.Parcel]; } else { maxCursor = LineTable.Search(new QueryFilter() { SubFields = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", LineTable.OIDFieldName, CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.SequenceFieldName, CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.ParcelIDFieldName), WhereClause = String.Format("{0} = {1}", CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.ParcelIDFieldName, curveInfo.Parcel) }, true); int seqenceIdx = maxCursor.Fields.FindField(CurveByInferenceSettings.Instance.SequenceFieldName); IRow maxFeat = null; while ((maxFeat = maxCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { maxSequence = Math.Max((int)maxFeat.get_Value(seqenceIdx), maxSequence); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(maxFeat); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(maxCursor); MaxSequenceCache.Add(curveInfo.Parcel, maxSequence); dataStatistics = null; maxCursor = null; } if (maxSequence <= 0) throw new Exception("Failed to find max sequence value"); //the chord bearing double featureBearing = (double)pLineFeat.get_Value(positions.BearingFieldIdx); //half the delta of the proposed curve would be: double halfdelta = toDegrees(Math.Asin(length / 2 / curveInfo.InferredRadius.Value)); //perpendicular to the chord double perpendicular = (curveInfo.InferredRadius.Value > 0) ? featureBearing + 90 : featureBearing - 90; if (perpendicular > 360) perpendicular = perpendicular - 360; else if (perpendicular < 0) perpendicular = perpendicular + 360; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { buffer.set_Value(positions.ParcelIDFieldIdx, curveInfo.Parcel); buffer.set_Value(positions.ToPointFieldIdx, curveInfo.InferredCenterpointID); buffer.set_Value(positions.CategoryFieldIdx, 4); buffer.set_Value(positions.SequenceFieldIdx, ++maxSequence); buffer.set_Value(positions.TypeFieldIdx, 0); buffer.set_Value(positions.DistanceFieldIdx, curveInfo.InferredRadius); buffer.set_Value(positions.HistoricalFieldIdx, 0); buffer.set_Value(positions.LineParametersFieldIdx, 0); buffer.set_Value(positions.DensifyTypeIdx, 0); buffer.set_Value(positions.SystemStartDateFieldIdx, pLineFeat.get_Value(positions.SystemStartDateFieldIdx)); buffer.Shape = geometry; if (i == 0) // startpoing { buffer.set_Value(positions.FromPointFieldIdx, pLineFeat.get_Value(positions.FromPointFieldIdx)); buffer.set_Value(positions.BearingFieldIdx, perpendicular + halfdelta); } else //endpoint { buffer.set_Value(positions.FromPointFieldIdx, pLineFeat.get_Value(positions.ToPointFieldIdx)); buffer.set_Value(positions.BearingFieldIdx, perpendicular - halfdelta); } pRadialCur.InsertFeature(buffer); } MaxSequenceCache[curveInfo.Parcel] = maxSequence; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineFeat); } return true; } catch (COMException ex) { messageBox.Show(String.Format("Problem updating circular arc: {0} ({1})", ex.Message, ex.ErrorCode)); return false; } finally { if(pLineCurs != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineCurs); if(buffer != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(buffer); if(pRadialCur != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pRadialCur); if(dataStatistics != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dataStatistics); if (maxCursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(maxCursor); if (geometry != null) Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(geometry); if (geometryFactory != null) Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(geometryFactory); } }
private byte[] ExportGeoJsonHandler(NameValueCollection boundVariables, JsonObject operationInput, string outputFormat, string requestProperties, out string responseProperties) { responseProperties = "{\"Content-Type\" : \"application/json\"}";; bool applyQuery = true; bool useBbox = true; bool useBboxSR = true; string retval = ""; string whereClause; string boxClause; int bboxSRID = 0; IPolygon queryGeom = null; Helpers helper = new Helpers(); bool found = operationInput.TryGetString("query", out whereClause); if (!found || string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereClause)) { //then no definition query applyQuery = false; } string ssrid; found = operationInput.TryGetString("bboxSR", out ssrid); if (!found || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ssrid)) { //then no definition query useBboxSR = false; } else { int srid; bool valid = int.TryParse(ssrid, out srid); if (valid) { bboxSRID = srid; } else { useBboxSR = false; } } found = operationInput.TryGetString("bbox", out boxClause); if (!found || string.IsNullOrEmpty(boxClause)) { //then no definition query useBbox = false; } if (useBbox) { try { double xmin; double ymin; double xmax; double ymax; string[] vals = boxClause.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (vals.Length == 4) { bool bxmin = double.TryParse(vals[0], out xmin); bool bymin = double.TryParse(vals[1], out ymin); bool bxmax = double.TryParse(vals[2], out xmax); bool bymax = double.TryParse(vals[3], out ymax); if (bxmin && bymin && bxmax && bymax) { ISpatialReference sr = null; if (useBboxSR) { sr = helper.GetSpatialReference(bboxSRID); if (sr == null) { //erroneous srid, ignore bounding box useBbox = false; } } else { sr = helper.getWGS84(); } if (useBbox) { queryGeom = new Polygon() as IPolygon; IPointCollection coll = queryGeom as IPointCollection; coll.AddPoint(new Point() { X = xmin, Y = ymin, SpatialReference = sr }); coll.AddPoint(new Point() { X = xmin, Y = ymax, SpatialReference = sr }); coll.AddPoint(new Point() { X = xmax, Y = ymax, SpatialReference = sr }); coll.AddPoint(new Point() { X = xmax, Y = ymin, SpatialReference = sr }); coll.AddPoint(new Point() { X = xmin, Y = ymin, SpatialReference = sr }); queryGeom.SpatialReference = sr; } } else { useBbox = false; } } else { useBbox = false; } } catch { useBbox = false; } } long?layerOrdinal; found = operationInput.TryGetAsLong("layer", out layerOrdinal); //.TryGetString("layer", out parm2Value); if (!found) { throw new ArgumentNullException("layer"); } string s = ""; ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMapServer mapServer = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMapServer)serverObjectHelper.ServerObject; ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMapServerDataAccess mapServerObjects = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMapServerDataAccess)mapServer; var lyr = mapServerObjects.GetDataSource(mapServer.DefaultMapName, Convert.ToInt32(layerOrdinal)); if (lyr is IFeatureClass) { IFeatureClass fclass = (IFeatureClass)lyr; retval = "{\"shape\": \"" + fclass.ShapeFieldName + "\"}"; IQueryFilter filter = null; if (useBbox) { IGeoDataset gds = fclass as IGeoDataset; filter = new SpatialFilterClass(); ISpatialFilter spf = filter as ISpatialFilter; spf.Geometry = helper.TransformShapeCS(queryGeom, queryGeom.SpatialReference, gds.SpatialReference); spf.GeometryField = fclass.ShapeFieldName; spf.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; } else { filter = new QueryFilterClass(); } filter.set_OutputSpatialReference(fclass.ShapeFieldName, getWGS84()); if (applyQuery) { filter.WhereClause = whereClause; } IFeatureCursor curs = fclass.Search(filter, false); //apply extension methods here try { s = curs.ToGeoJson(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(curs); } catch (Exception ex) { s = ex.GetBaseException().ToString(); //.StackTrace; } retval = s; } else { throw new Exception("Layer " + layerOrdinal.ToString() + " is not a feature layer."); } return(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(retval)); }
public Criteria(IWorkspace workspace,IQueryFilter filter) { CurrentWorkspace = workspace; filter = filter; }
public override DbCommand SelectCommand(gView.Framework.OGC.DB.OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName) { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; DbCommand command = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); filter.fieldPrefix = "["; filter.fieldPostfix = "]"; if (filter.SubFields == "*") { filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields.ToEnumerable()) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = String.Empty; if (filter is ISpatialFilter && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry != null) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; if (sFilter.SpatialRelation == spatialRelation.SpatialRelationMapEnvelopeIntersects || sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".Filter("; where += "geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(179.99, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(179.99, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + "))',4326))=1"; } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STIntersects("; where += "geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(180.0, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(180.0, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + "))',4326))=1"; } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.SubFields.Split(' ')) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "[" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "]") { fieldNames.Append(fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STAsBinary() as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } command.CommandText = "SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + fc.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + where + ((filterWhereClause != "") ? " AND " + filterWhereClause : ""); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterWhereClause)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + filterWhereClause; } //command.CommandText = "SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + table + ((filterWhereClause != "") ? " WHERE " + filterWhereClause : ""); return(command); }
void IGMap.ZoomToSelectQueryFilter(string layerName, IQueryFilter qrf) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ConfigRepository(IDbContext context, IQueryFilter filter) : base(context, filter) { }
public virtual void Visit(IQueryFilter filter) { Write("query"); }
/// <summary> /// Queries for the rows that satisfy the attribute query as specified by an <paramref name="filter" /> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="filter">The attribute requirement that the rows must satisify.</param> /// <returns> /// Returns a <see cref="List{IRow}" /> representing the rows returned from the query. /// </returns> public static IList <IRow> FetchAsync(this ITable source, IQueryFilter filter) { return(Task.Wait(() => source.Fetch(filter))); }