/// <summary> /// Creates process info used to start the project with no debugging. /// </summary> private ProcessStartInfo CreateProcessStartInfoNoDebug(string startupFile, IPythonProjectLaunchProperties props) { string command = CreateCommandLineNoDebug(startupFile, props); ProcessStartInfo startInfo; if (!(props.GetIsWindowsApplication() ?? false) && (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit || _pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit)) { command = "/c \"\"" + props.GetInterpreterPath() + "\" " + command; if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit && _pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) { command += " & pause"; } else if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit) { command += " & if not errorlevel 1 pause"; } else if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) { command += " & if errorlevel 1 pause"; } command += "\""; startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "cmd.exe"), command); } else { startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(props.GetInterpreterPath(), command); } startInfo.WorkingDirectory = props.GetWorkingDirectory(); //In order to update environment variables we have to set UseShellExecute to false startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; var env = new Dictionary <string, string>(props.GetEnvironment(true)); PythonProjectLaunchProperties.MergeEnvironmentBelow(env, null, true); foreach (var kv in env) { startInfo.EnvironmentVariables[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } return(startInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Creates process info used to start the project with no debugging. /// </summary> private ProcessStartInfo CreateProcessStartInfoNoDebug(string startupFile, IPythonProjectLaunchProperties props) { string command = CreateCommandLineNoDebug(startupFile, props); ProcessStartInfo startInfo; if (!(props.GetIsWindowsApplication() ?? false) && (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit || _pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit)) { command = "/c \"\"" + props.GetInterpreterPath() + "\" " + command; if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit && _pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) { command += " & pause"; } else if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit) { command += " & if not errorlevel 1 pause"; } else if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) { command += " & if errorlevel 1 pause"; } command += "\""; startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "cmd.exe"), command); } else { startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(props.GetInterpreterPath(), command); } startInfo.WorkingDirectory = props.GetWorkingDirectory(); //In order to update environment variables we have to set UseShellExecute to false startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; var env = new Dictionary<string, string>(props.GetEnvironment(true), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); PythonProjectLaunchProperties.MergeEnvironmentBelow(env, null, true); foreach (var kv in env) { startInfo.EnvironmentVariables[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } return startInfo; }
/// <summary> /// Sets up debugger information. /// </summary> private unsafe void SetupDebugInfo( ref VsDebugTargetInfo dbgInfo, string startupFile, IPythonProjectLaunchProperties props ) { bool enableNativeCodeDebugging = false; dbgInfo.dlo = DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION.DLO_CreateProcess; dbgInfo.bstrExe = props.GetInterpreterPath(); dbgInfo.bstrCurDir = props.GetWorkingDirectory(); dbgInfo.bstrArg = CreateCommandLineDebug(startupFile, props); dbgInfo.bstrRemoteMachine = null; dbgInfo.fSendStdoutToOutputWindow = 0; if (!enableNativeCodeDebugging) { string interpArgs = _project.GetProperty(PythonConstants.InterpreterArgumentsSetting); dbgInfo.bstrOptions = AD7Engine.VersionSetting + "=" + _project.GetInterpreterFactory().GetLanguageVersion().ToString(); if (!(props.GetIsWindowsApplication() ?? false)) { if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.WaitOnAbnormalExitSetting + "=True"; } if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.WaitOnNormalExitSetting + "=True"; } } if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.TeeStandardOutput) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.RedirectOutputSetting + "=True"; } if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.BreakOnSystemExitZero) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.BreakSystemExitZero + "=True"; } if (_pyService.DebuggerOptions.DebugStdLib) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.DebugStdLib + "=True"; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(interpArgs)) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.InterpreterOptions + "=" + interpArgs.Replace(";", ";;"); } var djangoDebugging = _project.GetProperty("DjangoDebugging"); bool enableDjango; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(djangoDebugging) && Boolean.TryParse(djangoDebugging, out enableDjango)) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.EnableDjangoDebugging + "=True"; } } var env = new Dictionary <string, string>(props.GetEnvironment(true)); PythonProjectLaunchProperties.MergeEnvironmentBelow(env, null, true); if (env.Any()) { //Environment variables should be passed as a //null-terminated block of null-terminated strings. //Each string is in the following form:name=value\0 var buf = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kv in env) { buf.AppendFormat("{0}={1}\0", kv.Key, kv.Value); } buf.Append("\0"); dbgInfo.bstrEnv = buf.ToString(); } if (props.GetIsNativeDebuggingEnabled() ?? false) { dbgInfo.dwClsidCount = 2; dbgInfo.pClsidList = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Guid) * 2); var engineGuids = (Guid *)dbgInfo.pClsidList; engineGuids[0] = dbgInfo.clsidCustom = DkmEngineId.NativeEng; engineGuids[1] = AD7Engine.DebugEngineGuid; } else { // Set the Python debugger dbgInfo.clsidCustom = new Guid(AD7Engine.DebugEngineId); dbgInfo.grfLaunch = (uint)__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS.DBGLAUNCH_StopDebuggingOnEnd; } }
/// <summary> /// Sets up debugger information. /// </summary> private unsafe void SetupDebugInfo( ref VsDebugTargetInfo dbgInfo, string startupFile, IPythonProjectLaunchProperties props ) { bool enableNativeCodeDebugging = false; dbgInfo.dlo = DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION.DLO_CreateProcess; dbgInfo.bstrExe = props.GetInterpreterPath(); dbgInfo.bstrCurDir = props.GetWorkingDirectory(); dbgInfo.bstrArg = CreateCommandLineDebug(startupFile, props); dbgInfo.bstrRemoteMachine = null; dbgInfo.fSendStdoutToOutputWindow = 0; if (!enableNativeCodeDebugging) { // Set up project- and environment-specific debug options. Global debug options are passed // to the engine by CustomDebuggerEventHandler via IDebugEngine2.SetMetric in response to // the VsPackageMessage.SetDebugOptions custom debug event. string interpArgs = _project.GetProperty(PythonConstants.InterpreterArgumentsSetting); dbgInfo.bstrOptions = AD7Engine.VersionSetting + "=" + _project.GetInterpreterFactory().GetLanguageVersion().ToString(); if (props.GetIsWindowsApplication() ?? false) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.IsWindowsApplication + "=True"; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(interpArgs)) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.InterpreterOptions + "=" + interpArgs.Replace(";", ";;"); } var djangoDebugging = _project.GetProperty("DjangoDebugging"); bool enableDjango; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(djangoDebugging) && Boolean.TryParse(djangoDebugging, out enableDjango)) { dbgInfo.bstrOptions += ";" + AD7Engine.EnableDjangoDebugging + "=True"; } } var env = new Dictionary<string, string>(props.GetEnvironment(true), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); PythonProjectLaunchProperties.MergeEnvironmentBelow(env, null, true); if (env.Any()) { //Environment variables should be passed as a //null-terminated block of null-terminated strings. //Each string is in the following form:name=value\0 var buf = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kv in env) { buf.AppendFormat("{0}={1}\0", kv.Key, kv.Value); } buf.Append("\0"); dbgInfo.bstrEnv = buf.ToString(); } if (props.GetIsNativeDebuggingEnabled() ?? false) { dbgInfo.dwClsidCount = 2; dbgInfo.pClsidList = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Guid) * 2); var engineGuids = (Guid*)dbgInfo.pClsidList; engineGuids[0] = dbgInfo.clsidCustom = DkmEngineId.NativeEng; engineGuids[1] = AD7Engine.DebugEngineGuid; } else { // Set the Python debugger dbgInfo.clsidCustom = new Guid(AD7Engine.DebugEngineId); dbgInfo.grfLaunch = (uint)__VSDBGLAUNCHFLAGS.DBGLAUNCH_StopDebuggingOnEnd; } }