        public void ChangeFilter(IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            Filter = filter;

            Settings.Default.Filter = Filters.First(f => f.Value == filter)?.Metadata?.UniqueIdentifier;
 public FilterChangedEventArgs(bool isEnabled, string name = null, string description = null, IPropoPlusFilter filter = null)
     : this()
     Filter      = filter;
     Name        = name;
     Description = description;
     IsEnabled   = isEnabled && filter != null;
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Pulse for Standard PPM</para>
        /// <para>A long (over 200 samples) leading high, then a short low, then up to six highs followed by short lows.</para>
        /// <para>The size of a high pulse may vary between 30 to 70 samples, mapped to joystick values of 1024 to 438</para>
        /// <para>where the mid-point of 50 samples is translated to joystick position of 731.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="filterChannels"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            if (width < PpmGlitch)

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 2 && gCtrlLogFile && !(_strtime_s(tbuffer, 10))/*&& !(i++%50)*/)
            //    fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, "\n%s - ProcessPulsePpm(width=%d, input=%d)", tbuffer, width, input);

            /* If pulse is a separator then go to the next one */
            if (width < PpmSeparator || FormerSync)
                _prevSeparator = true;
                FormerSync     = false;

            // Two separators in a row is an error - resseting
            if ((width < PpmSeparator) && _prevSeparator)
                _prevSeparator  = true;
                RawChannelCount = 0;
                DataCount       = 0;

            /* sync is detected at the end of a very long pulse (over 200 samples = 4.5mSec) */
            if (/*sync == 0 && */ width > PpmTrig)
                Sync = true;
                if (!DataCount.Equals(0))
                RawChannelCount = DataCount;
                DataCount       = 0;
                FormerSync      = true;
                _prevSeparator  = false;

            if (!Sync)
                /* still waiting for sync */

            // Two long pulse in a row is an error - resseting
            if (width > PpmSeparator)
                if (!_prevSeparator)
                    RawChannelCount = 0;
                    DataCount       = 0;
                    _prevSeparator  = false;

                _prevSeparator = false;

            // Cancel jitter /* Version 3.3.3 */
            width = PrevWidth[DataCount].Filter(width, PpmJitter);

            int newdata;

             * convert pulse width in samples to joystick position values (newdata)
             * joystick position of 0 correspond to width over 100 samples (2.25mSec)
             * joystick position of 1023 correspond to width under 30 samples (0.68mSec)
            if (input || JsChPostProc_selected != -1)
                newdata = (int)(1024 - (width - PpmMinPulseWidth) / (PpmMaxPulseWidth - PpmMinPulseWidth) * 1024); /* JR */
                newdata = (int)((width - PpmMinPulseWidth) / (PpmMaxPulseWidth - PpmMinPulseWidth) * 1024);             /* Futaba */
            /* Trim values into 0-1023 boundries */
            if (newdata < 0)
                newdata = 0;
            else if (newdata > 1023)
                newdata = 1023;

            /* Update _data - do not allow abrupt change */
            if (DataBuffer[DataCount] - newdata > 100)
                DataBuffer[DataCount] -= 100;
            else if (newdata - DataBuffer[DataCount] > 100)
                DataBuffer[DataCount] += 100;
                DataBuffer[DataCount] = (DataBuffer[DataCount] + newdata) / 2;

            //if (input|| m_JsChPostProc_selected!=-1)
            ChannelData[DataCount] = DataBuffer[DataCount];    /* JR - Assign data to joystick channels */
            //	switch (datacount)
            //{ // Futaba
            //case 0:   m_Position[1]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 1:   m_Position[2]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 2:   m_Position[0]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 3:   m_Position[3]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 4:   m_Position[4]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 5:   m_Position[5]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 6:   m_Position[6]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 7:   m_Position[7]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 8:   m_Position[8]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 9:   m_Position[9]  = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 10:  m_Position[10] = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */
            //case 11:  m_Position[11] = data[datacount];	break;/* Assign data to joystick channels */

            // Send Position and number of channels to the virtual joystick
            JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(RawChannelCount, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 3 && gCtrlLogFile /*&& !(i++%50)*/)
            //    fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, " data[%d]=%d", datacount, data[datacount]);

            if (DataCount == 11)
                Sync = false; /* Reset _sync after channel 12 */
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Walkera PCM pulse (Tested with Walkera WK-0701)</para>
        /// <para>ProcessPulseWalPcm</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="filterChannels"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            width = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(width / PwFutaba));

             *  Sync is determined as 18-bit wide pulse
             *  If detected, move state machine to sync=1 (wait for parity marker)
             *  and initialize all static params

            if (Sync == 0 && width == 18)
                Sync = 1;
                if (DataCount != 0)

                Bit       = 0;
                BitStream = 0;
                BitCount  = 0;
                DataCount = 0;

                //if (gDebugLevel>=2 && gCtrlLogFile &&  !( _strtime_s( tbuffer, 9 ))/*!(i++%50)*/)
                //    fprintf(gCtrlLogFile,"\n%s - ProcessPulseFutabaPcm(%d) %02d %02d %02d %02d ; %02d %02d %02d %02d ; %02d %02d %02d %02d ; %02d %02d %02d %02d - %02d %02d %02d %02d ; %02d %02d %02d %02d ; %02d %02d %02d %02d ; %02d %02d %02d %02d", tbuffer, width,\
                //    data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7],\
                //    data[8], data[9], data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13], data[14], data[15],\
                //    data[16], data[17], data[18], data[19], data[20], data[21], data[22], data[23],\
                //    data[24], data[25], data[26], data[27], data[28], data[29], data[30], data[31]\
                //    );


            if (Sync == 0)

            BitStream = (BitStream << width) | (Bit >> (32 - width));
            Bit      ^= Convert.ToInt32(0xFFFFFFFF);
            BitCount += width;

             *  Parity marker must follow the sync pulse (sync==1)
             *  It might take one of two forms:
             *  - EVEN parity marker is 000011.
             *  - ODD parity marker is 00000011.
             *  If either is found mode state machine to sync=2 (read raw data)

            if (Sync == 0)
                if (BitCount >= 6)
                    BitCount -= 6;
                    if (((BitStream >> BitCount) & 0x3F) == 0x03)
                        /* Even? */
                        Sync      = 2;
                        DataCount = 0; /* Even: Reset sextet counter to read the first (even) 16 ones */
                    else if (((BitStream >> BitCount) & 0x3F) == 0x00)
                        /* Odd? */
                        Sync      = 2;
                        DataCount = 16; /* Odd: Set sextet counter to 16  to read the last (odd) 16 ones */
                        BitCount -= 2;
                        Sync = 0;

             *  Read the next ten bits of raw data
             *  Convert then into a sextet
             *  Increment sextet counter
             *  If data is illegal reset state machine to sync=0
            if (BitCount >= 10)
                BitCount -= 10;
                if ((DataBuffer[DataCount++] = FutabaSymbol[(BitStream >> BitCount) & 0x3FF]) < 0)
                    Sync = 0;

             * Convert sextet data into channel (m_Position) data
             * Every channel is 10-bit, copied from POS in the corresponding packet.
             * Every channel is calculated only after the corresponding packet is ready (forth sextet is ready).
            switch (DataCount)
            /* Even frame */
            case 3:     /* 4th sextet of first packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[0] >> 4 != 0)
                    ChannelData[2] =
                        (DataBuffer[1] << 4) | (DataBuffer[2] >> 2);     /* Ch3: m_Position: packet[6:15] */

            case 7:     /* 4th sextet of second packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[0] >> 4 != 0)
                    ChannelData[3] =
                        (DataBuffer[5] << 4) | (DataBuffer[6] >> 2);    /* Ch4: m_Position: packet[6:15] */
                ChannelData[9] = ((DataBuffer[20] >> 4) & 1) * 512;     /* Ch 10: One of the auxilliary bits */

            case 11:     /* 4th sextet of 3rd packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[0] >> 4 != 0)
                    ChannelData[4] =
                        (DataBuffer[9] << 4) | (DataBuffer[10] >> 2);     /* Ch5: m_Position: packet[6:15] */

            case 15:     /* 4th sextet of 4th packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[0] >> 4 != 0)
                    ChannelData[6] =
                        (DataBuffer[13] << 4) | (DataBuffer[14] >> 2); /* Ch7: m_Position: packet[6:15] */
                ChannelData[8] = ((DataBuffer[12] >> 4) & 1) * 512;    /* Ch 9: One of the auxilliary bits */
                Sync           = 0;                                    /* End of even frame. Wait for sync */

            /* Odd frame */
            case 19:     /* 4th sextet of 4th packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[16] >> 4 != 1)
                    ChannelData[1] =
                        (DataBuffer[17] << 4) | (DataBuffer[18] >> 2);     /* Ch2: m_Position: packet[6:15] */

            case 23:     /* 4th sextet of 4th packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[16] >> 4 != 1)
                    ChannelData[0] =
                        (DataBuffer[21] << 4) | (DataBuffer[22] >> 2);  /* Ch1: m_Position: packet[6:15] */
                ChannelData[9] = ((DataBuffer[20] >> 4) & 1) * 512;     /* Ch 10: One of the auxilliary bits */

            case 27:     /* 4th sextet of 4th packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[16] >> 4 != 1)
                    ChannelData[5] =
                        (DataBuffer[25] << 4) | (DataBuffer[26] >> 2);     /* Ch6: m_Position: packet[6:15] */

            case 31:     /* 4th sextet of 4th packet is ready */
                if (DataBuffer[16] >> 4 != 1)
                    ChannelData[7] =
                        (DataBuffer[29] << 4) | (DataBuffer[30] >> 2);  /* Ch8: m_Position: packet[6:15] */
                ChannelData[8] = ((DataBuffer[28] >> 4) & 1) * 512;     /* Ch 9: One of the auxilliary bits */

            case 32:
                Sync = 0;             /* End of odd frame. Wait for sync */

                RawChannelCount = 10; // Fixed number of channels
                JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(RawChannelCount, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Walkera PCM pulse (Tested with Walkera WK-0701)</para>
        /// <para>ProcessPulseWalPcm</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="filterChannels"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 2 && gCtrlLogFile && i++ % 10 && !(_strtime_s(tbuffer, 9)))
            //    fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, "\n%s - ProcessPulseAirPcm1(%d)", tbuffer, width);

            if (width < 25)

            if (width < 50)
                _pulse = 1;
            else if (width < 90)
                _pulse = 2;
            else if (width < 130)
                _pulse = 3;
                _pulse = 4;

            // 4-bit pulse marks a bigining of a data chunk
            if (_pulse == 4)
                if (!input)
                    // First data chunk - clear chunnel counter
                    DataCount = 0;
                {                                                                          // Second data chunk - get joystick m_Position from channel data
                    ChannelData[0] = Smooth(ChannelData[0], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[8])); // Elevator (Ch1)
                    ChannelData[1] = Smooth(ChannelData[1], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[7])); // Ailron (Ch2)
                    ChannelData[2] = Smooth(ChannelData[2], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[6])); // Throttle (Ch3)
                    ChannelData[3] = Smooth(ChannelData[3], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[9])); // Rudder (Ch4)
                    ChannelData[4] = Smooth(ChannelData[4], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[1])); // Gear (Ch5)
                    ChannelData[5] = Smooth(ChannelData[5], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[2])); // Flaps (Ch6)
                    ChannelData[6] = Smooth(ChannelData[6], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[3])); // Aux1 (Ch7)
                    ChannelData[7] = Smooth(ChannelData[7], Convert15Bits(DataBuffer[4])); // Aux2 (Ch8)

                    JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(RawChannelCount, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);

                // Sync bit is set for the first 10 bits of the chunk (No channel data here)
                Sync      = true;
                BitStream = 0;
                BitCount  = -1;

                // Mark chunk polarity - 0: Low channels, 1: High channels
                _chunk = input ? 1 : 0;
                //return 0;

                if (DataCount == 5 && width < 160)

            //  9: Read the first 10 bits
            // 15: Read a channel data
            var shift = Sync ? 9 : 15;

            BitStream = ((BitStream << 1) + 1) << (_pulse - 1);
            BitCount += _pulse;

            if (BitCount >= shift)
                BitCount -= shift;
                DataBuffer[DataCount] = (BitStream >> BitCount) & 0x7FFF; // Put raw 15-bit channel data
                Sync = false;
                if (DataCount >= BufferLength + 2)
                    DataCount = 0;
 public void ChangeFilter(IPropoPlusFilter filter)
     Filter = filter;
 protected abstract override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter);
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Pulse for Walkera WK-2401 PPM</para>
        /// <para>This is just a permiscuous PPM that does not follow the PPM standard</para>
        /// <para>This is how it works:</para>
        /// <para>1. Minimal pulse width is 5</para>
        /// <para>2. Any pulse of over PPMW_TRIG(=200) is considered as a _sync pulse.</para>
        /// <para>3. _polarity('input') of the Sync pulse is the polarity of the following _data pulses</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="filterChannels"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            //var tbuffer = new char[9];

            if (width < 5)

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 2 && gCtrlLogFile && !(_strtime_s(tbuffer, 9)))
            //  fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, "\n%s - ProcessPulseWk2401Ppm(width=%d, input=%d)", tbuffer, width, input);

            //_sync is detected at the end of a very long pulse (over  4.5mSec)
            if (width > PpmTrig)
                Sync = true;
                if (!DataCount.Equals(0))
                RawChannelCount = DataCount;
                DataCount       = 0;
                _polarity       = input;

            if (!Sync)
                /* still waiting for _sync */

            // If this pulse is a separator - read the next pulse
            if (_polarity != input)

            // Cancel jitter /* Version 3.3.3 */
            width = PrevWidth[DataCount].Filter(width, PpmJitter);
            //var jitterValue = Math.Abs(PrevWidth[DataCount].Value - width);
            //if (jitterValue < PpmJitter)
            //    width = PrevWidth[DataCount].Value;

            //PrevWidth[DataCount].Value = width;

            /* convert pulse width in samples to joystick Position values (newdata)
             * joystick Position of 0 correspond to width over 100 samples (2.25mSec)
             * joystick Position of 1023 correspond to width under 30 samples (0.68mSec)*/

            var newdata = (int)((width - PpmMinPulseWidth) /
                                (PpmMaxPulseWidth - PpmMinPulseWidth) * 1024);

            /* Trim values into 0-1023 boundries */
            if (newdata < 0)
                newdata = 0;
            else if (newdata > 1023)
                newdata = 1023;

            /* Update _data - do not allow abrupt change */
            if (DataBuffer[DataCount] - newdata > 100)
                DataBuffer[DataCount] -= 100;
            else if (newdata - DataBuffer[DataCount] > 100)
                DataBuffer[DataCount] += 100;
                DataBuffer[DataCount] = (DataBuffer[DataCount] + newdata) / 2;

            //Assign _data to joystick channels
            ChannelData[DataCount] = DataBuffer[DataCount];

            // Send Position and number of channels to the virtual joystick
            ////SendPPJoy(11, _mPosition);
            JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(11, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 3 && gCtrlLogFile /*&& !(i++%50)*/)
            //  fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, " _data[%d]=%d", _datacount, _data[_datacount]);


            if (DataCount == 11)
                Sync = false; /* Reset _sync after channel 12 */
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Walkera PCM pulse (Tested with Walkera WK-0701)</para>
        /// <para>ProcessPulseWalPcm</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="filterChannels"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            //const int fixed_n_channel = 8;
            //var m_nChannels = 8;
            int vPulse;

            width = (int)(width * 44.1 / 192); // Normalize to 44.1K

            /* Detect Sync pulse - if detected then reset pulse counter and return */
            if (width > 56)
                _nPulse = 1;

            if (width < 11)

            /* Even pulses are binary, Odd pulses are Octal */
            if ((_nPulse & 1) != 0)
                vPulse = WalkeraConvert2Bin(width);
                vPulse = WalkeraConvert2Oct(width);
            if (vPulse < 8)
                _cycle[_nPulse] = vPulse;


            /* At the end of the 50-pulse cycle - calculate the channels */
            if (_nPulse == 50)
                /* Channels */
                var elevator = WalkeraElevator(_cycle);
                var ailerons = WalkeraAilerons(_cycle);
                var throttle = WalkeraThrottle(_cycle);
                var rudder   = WalkeraRudder(_cycle);
                var gear     = WalkeraGear(_cycle);
                var pitch    = WalkeraPitch(_cycle);
                var gyro     = WalkeraGyro(_cycle);     /* version 3.3.1 */
                var ch8      = WalkeraChannel8(_cycle); /* version 3.3.1 */

                /* Checksum */
                var checkSum = WalkeraCheckSum(_cycle);

                /* Copy data to joystick positions if checksum is valid (ch1-ch4) */
                if (checkSum[0] == _cycle[21] && checkSum[1] == _cycle[22])
                    ChannelData[0] = Smooth(ChannelData[0], elevator);
                    ChannelData[1] = Smooth(ChannelData[1], ailerons);
                    ChannelData[2] = Smooth(ChannelData[2], throttle);
                    ChannelData[3] = Smooth(ChannelData[3], rudder);

                /* Copy data to joystick positions if checksum is valid (ch5-ch8) */
                if (checkSum[2] == _cycle[47] && checkSum[3] == _cycle[48])
                    ChannelData[4] = Smooth(ChannelData[4], gear);
                    ChannelData[5] = Smooth(ChannelData[5], pitch);
                    ChannelData[6] = Smooth(ChannelData[6], gyro);
                    ChannelData[7] = Smooth(ChannelData[7], ch8);

                _nPulse = 0;

                //Send2vJoy(fixed_n_channel, m_Position);
                JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(RawChannelCount, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Walkera PCM pulse (Tested with Walkera WK-0701)</para>
        /// <para>ProcessPulseWalPcm</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 2 && gCtrlLogFile && !(i++ % 50) && !(_strtime_s(tbuffer, 9)))
            //    fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, "\n%s - ProcessPulseJrPcm(%d)", tbuffer, width);

            if (!Sync && Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(2.0 * width / PwJr + 0.5)) == 5)
                Sync = true;
                if (DataCount >= 8)

                BitStream = 0;
                BitCount  = -1;
                DataCount = 0;

            if (!Sync)

            width     = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)width / PwJr + 0.5));
            BitStream = ((BitStream << 1) + 1) << (width - 1);
            BitCount += width;

            if (BitCount >= 8)
                BitCount -= 8;
                if ((DataBuffer[DataCount++] = JrSymbol[(BitStream >> BitCount) & 0xFF]) < 0)
                    for (int dt = 0; dt < DataBuffer.Length; dt++)
                        DataBuffer[dt] = 0;

                    Sync = false;

            switch (DataCount)
            case 3:
                ChannelData[2] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[1] << 5) | DataBuffer[2]);

            case 6:
                ChannelData[0] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[4] << 5) | DataBuffer[5]);

            case 11:
                ChannelData[5] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[9] << 5) | DataBuffer[10]);

            case 14:
                ChannelData[7] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[12] << 5) | DataBuffer[13]);

            case 18:
                ChannelData[3] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[16] << 5) | DataBuffer[17]);

            case 21:
                ChannelData[1] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[19] << 5) | DataBuffer[20]);

            case 26:
                ChannelData[4] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[24] << 5) | DataBuffer[25]);

            case 29:
                ChannelData[6] = 1023 - ((DataBuffer[27] << 5) | DataBuffer[28]);

            case 30:
                Sync = false;

                RawChannelCount = BufferLength;     // Fixed number of channels

                JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(RawChannelCount, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Process Walkera PCM pulse (Tested with Walkera WK-0701)</para>
        /// <para>ProcessPulseWalPcm</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        protected override void Process(int width, bool input, bool filterChannels, IPropoPlusFilter filter)
            if (Monitor.IsEntered(MonitorLock))

            int pulse;
            int shift;

            //if (gDebugLevel >= 2 && gCtrlLogFile && !(i++ % 50) && !(_strtime_s(tbuffer, 9)))
            //    fprintf(gCtrlLogFile, "\n%s - ProcessPulseAirPcm2(Width=%d, input=%d)", tbuffer, width, input);

            if (width < 10)
            if (width < 70)
                pulse = 1;
            else if (width < 140)
                pulse = 2;
                pulse = 7;

            if (pulse == 7)  // 4-bit pulse marks a biginind of a data chunk
                if (!input)
                    // First data chunk - clear chunnel counter
                    DataCount = 0;
                {                                                                          // Second data chunk - get joystick m_Position from channel data
                    ChannelData[0] = Smooth(ChannelData[0], Convert20bits(DataBuffer[2])); // Elevator	(Ch1)
                    ChannelData[1] = Smooth(ChannelData[1], Convert20bits(DataBuffer[3])); // Ailerons	(Ch2)
                    ChannelData[2] = Smooth(ChannelData[2], Convert20bits(DataBuffer[6])); // Throtle	(Ch3)
                    ChannelData[3] = Smooth(ChannelData[3], Convert20bits(DataBuffer[7])); // Rudder	(Ch4)
                    ChannelData[4] = Smooth(ChannelData[4], Convert20bits(DataBuffer[1])); // Gear		(Ch5)
                    ChannelData[5] = Smooth(ChannelData[5], Convert20bits(DataBuffer[5])); // Flaps		(Ch6)

                    RawChannelCount = 6;
                    JoystickInteraction.Instance.Send(RawChannelCount, ChannelData, filterChannels, filter);

                    if (width < 420 && width > 390)

                Sync      = true;  // Sync bit is set for the first 10 bits of the chunk (No channel data here)
                BitStream = 0;
                BitCount  = -1;
                _chunk    = input; // Mark chunk polarity - 0: Low channels, 1: High channels
                //return 0;

            if (Sync)
                shift = 7;  // Read the first 10 bits
                shift = 20; // Read a channel data

            BitStream = ((BitStream << 1) + 1) << (pulse - 1);
            BitCount += pulse;

            if (BitCount >= shift)
                BitCount -= shift;
                DataBuffer[DataCount] = (BitStream >> BitCount) & 0xFFFFF; // Put raw 20-bit channel data
                Sync = false;
                if (DataCount >= 8)
                    DataCount = 0;
