public ImportXMLCommand(IBookService bookService, IGenreService genreService, IProducerService producerService, IStudioService studioService, IXMLParser xmlParser) { if (bookService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Book service cannnot be null."); } if (genreService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Genre service cannnot be null."); } if (producerService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Studio service cannnot be null."); } if (studioService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Studio service cannnot be null."); } if (xmlParser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("XML parser cannnot be null."); } this.bookService = bookService; this.genreService = genreService; this.producerService = producerService; this.studioService = studioService; this.xMLParser = xmlParser; }
public DrugController(IDrugService drugService, IGroupDrugService groupDrugService, IProducerService producerService, IMapper mapper) { _drugService = drugService; _groupDrugService = groupDrugService; _producerService = producerService; _mapper = mapper; }
public ChatController(IAspNetUser aspNetUser, IPostService postService, IProducerService producerService, IHubContext <ChatHub> hub) { _aspNetUser = aspNetUser; _postService = postService; _producerService = producerService; _hub = hub; }
public AvroMessageController(IProducerService _producerService, IConsumerService _consumerService, IConfiguration _configuration, ILogger <AvroMessageController> _logger) { producerService = _producerService; consumerService = _consumerService; configuration = _configuration; logger = _logger; }
public ProducerController(IMovieService movies, IActorService actors, IProducerService producers, IGenderService genders) { _movieDbService = movies; _actorDbService = actors; _producerDbService = producers; _genderDbService = genders; }
public MovieService( IRepository <Movie> movieRepository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMovieFactory movieFactory, IProducerService producerService, IStudioService studioService, IGenreService genreService, IBookService bookService, IStarService starService) { if (movieRepository == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Movie repository cannot be null!"); } if (unitOfWork == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Unit of work cannot be null!"); } if (movieFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Movie factory cannot be null!"); } if (producerService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Producer service cannot be null!"); } if (studioService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Studio service cannot be null!"); } if (genreService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Genre service cannot be null!"); } if (bookService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Book service cannot be null!"); } if (starService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Star service cannot be null!"); } this.movieRepository = movieRepository; this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork; this.movieFactory = movieFactory; this.producerService = producerService; this.studioService = studioService; this.genreService = genreService; this.bookService = bookService; this.starService = starService; }
public void Init() { this.AutoMapperInitializer(); this.cache = new HttpCacheService(); this.products = DataInitializer.GetProductsService(); this.producers = DataInitializer.GetProducersService(); this.controller = new HomeController(this.products, this.producers, this.cache); }
public ProductsController(IProductService products, IImageService images, IProducerService producers) { this.products = products; this.images = images; this.producers = producers; }
public void Init() { AutoMapperInitializer(); this.products = DataInitializer.GetProductsService(); this.producers = DataInitializer.GetProducersService(); this.images = DataInitializer.GetImagesService(); this.controller = new ProductsController(this.products, this.images, this.producers); }
public ShoppingCartController(IShoppingCartService shoppingCartService, GobelinsWorldDbContext db, ICategoryService categories, IProducerService producers, UserManager <User> userManager) { this.shoppingCartService = shoppingCartService; this.db = db; this.categories = categories; this.producers = producers; this.userManager = userManager; }
public ProducersAdminController( ICountryService countries, IProducerService producers, ICacheService cache) { this.countries = countries; this.producers = producers; this.cache = cache; }
public HomeController( IProductService products, IProducerService producers, ICacheService cache) { this.products = products; this.producers = producers; this.cache = cache; }
public CategoryViewComponent(IProductCategoryService productCategoryService, IMapper mapper, IProducerService producerService, IProductService productService) { _productCategoryService = productCategoryService; _producerService = producerService; _productService = productService; _mapper = mapper; }
public HandlerClick(IProductProcess productProcess, ICheckLast checkLast, IProductAdapter productAdapter, IProducerService producerService, WSS.Service.Report.ProductOnClick.Error.Model.ISettingRepository settingRepository, ICheckLinkValid checkLinkValid) { _productProcess = productProcess; _checkLast = checkLast; _productAdapter = productAdapter; _producerService = producerService; _checkLinkValid = checkLinkValid; _producer = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(settingRepository.RabbitMq), "Product.ErrorRequest"); }
public MainController ( IProducerService producerService, IConsumerService consumerService, MessageHub messageHub ) { _producerService = producerService; _consumerService = consumerService; _messageHub = messageHub; }
public ProductsController(IProductService productService, IMapper mapper, IProductCategoryService productCategoryService, IProducerService producerService, ISupplierService supplierService) { _productService = productService; _productCategoryService = productCategoryService; _producerService = producerService; _supplierService = supplierService; _mapper = mapper; }
public GoodsInMarketLessPage(IGoodsInMarketService goodsInMarketService, IOptions <AppSettings> settings, IMapper mapper, IProducerService producerService, ICategoryService categoryService) { _goodsInMarketService = goodsInMarketService; _mapper = mapper; _producerService = producerService; _categoryService = categoryService; _settings = settings.Value; InitializeComponent(); }
public MovieController(IMovieService movieService, IDirectorService directorService, IProducerService producerService, IPublisherService publisherService, ILogger <MovieController> logger) { _movieService = movieService; _directorService = directorService; _producerService = producerService; _publisherService = publisherService; _logger = logger; }
public ProducerPage(IProducerService producerService, ICountryService countryService, IOptions <AppSettings> settings, IMapper mapper) { _producerService = producerService; _countryService = countryService; _mapper = mapper; _settings = settings.Value; InitializeComponent(); UpdateDataGrid(); }
public ImportDrug(IDrugService drugService, IGroupDrugService groupDrugService, IProducerService producerService, IMapper mapper, IUserService userService, SignInManager <IdentityUser> signInManager, UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager, IReceiptImportService receiptImportService, IDetailReceiptImportService detailReceiptImportService) { _drugService = drugService; _groupDrugService = groupDrugService; _producerService = producerService; _mapper = mapper; _userService = userService; _signInManager = signInManager; _userManager = userManager; _receiptImportService = receiptImportService; _detailReceiptImportService = detailReceiptImportService; }
public ProductController(IProductService productService, IMapper mapper, IProducerService producerService, ISupplierService supplierService, IProductCategoryService productCategoryService, IHostingEnvironment env) { _productService = productService; _producerService = producerService; _supplierService = supplierService; _productCategoryService = productCategoryService; _env = env; _mapper = mapper; }
public ProductsAdminController( IProducerService producers, ICommonRepositoryService commons, IProductService products, ISanitizer sanitizer, ICacheService cache) { this.producers = producers; this.commons = commons; this.products = products; this.sanitizer = sanitizer; this.cache = cache; }
public ManagerProducerController(IProducerService producerService) { _producerService = producerService; var producer = _producerService.GetAll(); if (producer != null) { var producerViewModel = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <ProducerViewModel> >(producer); _listProducerViewModel = producerViewModel.ToList(); } }
public EditMovieController( IMovieService movieService, IMapper mapper, IProducerService producerService, IGenreService genreService, IActorService actorService) { _movieService = movieService; _mapper = mapper; _actorService = actorService; _producerService = producerService; _genreService = genreService; }
public EditorController(IMovieService movies, IActorService actors, IProducerService producers, IGenderService genders, IMappingService mappings) { _movieDbService = movies; _actorDbService = actors; _producerDbService = producers; _genderDbService = genders; _mappingService = mappings; _genders = _genderDbService.GetGenders(); }
public AccountController( UserManager <User> userManager, SignInManager <User> signInManager, IEmailSender emailSender, ILogger <AccountController> logger, ICategoryService categories, IProducerService producers) { _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; _emailSender = emailSender; _logger = logger; this.categories = categories; this.producers = producers; }
public ProducerPresenter(IProducerView view, IProducerService producerService) { if (view == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(view)); } if (producerService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(producerService)); } _view = view; _view.Observer = this; _producerService = producerService; }
public ListingController( IMovieService movies, IActorService actors, IProducerService producers, IMappingService mappingService, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, IGenderService genders) { _movieDbService = movies; _actorDbService = actors; _producerDbService = producers; _genderDbService = genders; _mappingService = mappingService; _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment; _genders = _genderDbService.GetGenders(); }
public CarValidator(IProducerService producerService) { _producerService = producerService; RuleFor(n => n.Name) .NotNull().WithMessage("Name can not be null") .Length(1, 256).WithMessage("Name lenght has to bo in [1, 255] range"); RuleFor(n => n.Year) .GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1900).WithMessage("Year must be greater than 1900") .LessThanOrEqualTo(DateTime.UtcNow.Year).WithMessage($"Year must be lower than {DateTime.UtcNow.Year}"); var availableProducersIds = _producerService.GetAll().Select(n => n.Id).ToList(); RuleFor(n => n.ProducerId) .Must(n => availableProducersIds.Any(m => m == n)).WithMessage("ProducerId is out of range"); }
public MovieController( IMovieService movieService, IActorService actorService, ICategoryService categoryService, IGenreService genreService, IProducerService producerService, IProductionService productionService, ILogger <MovieController> logger) { _movieService = movieService; _actorService = actorService; _categoryService = categoryService; _genreService = genreService; _producerService = producerService; _productionService = productionService; _logger = logger; }
public ActionResult All(string sortOrder, int page = GlobalConstants.DefaultPage) { ViewBag.NameSortParm = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; ViewBag.CountrySortParm = sortOrder == "Country" ? "country_desc" : "Country"; var producers = this.producers.GetProducers(); switch (sortOrder) { case "name_desc": producers = producers.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name); break; case "Country": producers = producers.OrderBy(p => p.Country.Name); break; case "country_desc": producers = producers.OrderByDescending(p => p.Country.Name); break; default: producers = producers.OrderBy(p => p.Name); break; } var allProducers = producers .Skip((page - 1) * GlobalConstants.ProducersPerPage) .Take(GlobalConstants.ProducersPerPage) .To<ProducerViewModel>() .ToList(); var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(producers.Count() / (decimal)GlobalConstants.ProducersPerPage); var model = new PagedProducersViewModel { PageCount = totalPages, PageNumber = page, Producers = allProducers, Order = sortOrder }; return View(model); }
public ProducersController(IProducerService producers) { this.producers = producers; }