        public static void onUpdate(object sender, EventArgs args)

                // We need our load menu to be able to do things
                if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is TitleMenu)
                    if (TitleMenu.subMenu != null && (TitleMenu.subMenu.GetType() == typeof(LoadGameMenu)))
                        LoadGameMenu oldLoadMenu = ( LoadGameMenu )TitleMenu.subMenu;
                        NewLoadMenu  newLoadMenu = new NewLoadMenu();

                        IPrivateField <object> task = instance.Helper.Reflection.GetPrivateField <object>(oldLoadMenu, "_initTask");
                        newLoadMenu._initTask = (Task <List <SFarmer> >)task.GetValue();

                        TitleMenu.subMenu = newLoadMenu;
                prevMenu = Game1.activeClickableMenu;
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.error("Exception during update: " + e);
        /// <summary>Get the locale codes (like <c>ja-JP</c>) used in asset keys.</summary>
        /// <param name="reflection">Simplifies access to private game code.</param>
        private IDictionary <string, LanguageCode> GetKeyLocales(Reflector reflection)
            // get the private code field directly to avoid changed-code logic
            IPrivateField <LanguageCode> codeField = reflection.GetPrivateField <LanguageCode>(typeof(LocalizedContentManager), "_currentLangCode");

            // remember previous settings
            LanguageCode previousCode     = codeField.GetValue();
            string       previousOverride = this.LanguageCodeOverride;

            // create locale => code map
            IDictionary <string, LanguageCode> map = new Dictionary <string, LanguageCode>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            this.LanguageCodeOverride = null;
            foreach (LanguageCode code in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LanguageCode)))
                map[this.GetKeyLocale.Invoke <string>()] = code;

            // restore previous settings
            this.LanguageCodeOverride = previousOverride;

        ** Field values
        ** (shorthand since this is the most common case)
        /// <summary>Get the value of a private instance field.</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TValue">The field type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="obj">The object which has the field.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The field name.</param>
        /// <param name="required">Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the field value, or the default value for <typeparamref name="TValue"/> if the field wasn't found and <paramref name="required"/> is false.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a shortcut for <see cref="GetPrivateField{TValue}(object,string,bool)"/> followed by <see cref="IPrivateField{TValue}.GetValue"/>.
        /// When <paramref name="required" /> is false, this will return the default value if reflection fails. If you need to check whether the field exists, use <see cref="GetPrivateField{TValue}(object,string,bool)" /> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        public TValue GetPrivateValue <TValue>(object obj, string name, bool required = true)
            IPrivateField <TValue> field = this.GetPrivateField <TValue>(obj, name, required);

            return(field != null
                ? field.GetValue()
                : default(TValue));
        /// <summary>Get the value of a private static field.</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TValue">The field type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="type">The type which has the field.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The field name.</param>
        /// <param name="required">Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the field value, or the default value for <typeparamref name="TValue"/> if the field wasn't found and <paramref name="required"/> is false.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a shortcut for <see cref="GetPrivateField{TValue}(Type,string,bool)"/> followed by <see cref="IPrivateField{TValue}.GetValue"/>.
        /// When <paramref name="required" /> is false, this will return the default value if reflection fails. If you need to check whether the field exists, use <see cref="GetPrivateField{TValue}(Type,string,bool)" /> instead.
        /// </remarks>
        public TValue GetPrivateValue <TValue>(Type type, string name, bool required = true)
            IPrivateField <TValue> field = this.GetPrivateField <TValue>(type, name, required);

            return(field != null
                ? field.GetValue()
                : default(TValue));
        public TValue GetPrivateValue <TValue>(Type type, string name, bool required = true)
            this.DeprecationManager.Warn($"{nameof(IReflectionHelper)}.GetPrivate*", "2.3", DeprecationLevel.Notice);
            IPrivateField <TValue> field = (IPrivateField <TValue>) this.GetField <TValue>(type, name, required);

            return(field != null
                ? field.GetValue()
                : default(TValue));
        private void GameEvents_UpdateTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is CarpenterMenu carpenter)
                if (carpenter.CurrentBlueprint.name == "Aquaponics")
                    IPrivateField <Building> cBuilding = Helper.Reflection.GetPrivateField <Building>(carpenter, "currentBuilding");

                    if (!(cBuilding.GetValue() is Aquaponics))
                        cBuilding.SetValue(new Aquaponics(Vector2.Zero, Game1.getFarm()));
        private void OnPreRenderGuiEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is Billboard)
                Billboard menu          = (Billboard)Game1.activeClickableMenu;
                FieldInfo calendarField = menu.GetType().GetField("calendarDays", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (calendarField == null)
                    this.Monitor.Log("Could not find field 'calendarDays' in Billboard!", LogLevel.Error);
                List <ClickableTextureComponent> calendarDays = (List <ClickableTextureComponent>)calendarField.GetValue(menu);
                IPrivateField <string>           hoverField   = this.Helper.Reflection.GetPrivateField <string>(menu, "hoverText");
                string hoverText = hoverField.GetValue();
                if (calendarDays != null && !(hoverText.Contains("Shrooms") || hoverText.Contains("shrooms")))
                    for (int day = 1; day <= 28; day++)
                        ClickableTextureComponent component = calendarDays[day - 1];
                        if (component.bounds.Contains(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY()))
                            List <int> shrooms = this.GetShroomLayers(day - Game1.dayOfMonth);

                            if (hoverText.Length > 0)
                                hoverText += "\n";

                            if (shrooms.Count > 0)
                                hoverText += "Shrooms: " + string.Join(", ", shrooms);
                                hoverText += "No shrooms";


        public void selectChannel(StardewValley.Farmer who, string answer)
            string a = answer.Split(' ')[0];

            CustomTVMod.monitor.Log("Select Channel:" + a, LogLevel.Trace);

            if (a == "more")
                showChannels(currentpage + 1);

            if (actions.ContainsKey(a))
                actions[a].Invoke(tv, tvScreen.GetValue(), who, a);

        /// <summary>Temporarily dismount and set up the player to interact with a tile, then return it to the previous state afterwards.</summary>
        /// <param name="action">The action to perform.</param>
        private void TemporarilyFakeInteraction(Action action)
            // get references
            SFarmer player = Game1.player;
            IPrivateField <Horse> mountField = this.Reflection.GetPrivateField <Horse>(Game1.player, "mount");

            // save current state
            Horse       mount            = mountField.GetValue();
            Vector2     mountPosition    = this.Current.position;
            WateringCan wateringCan      = player.CurrentTool as WateringCan;
            int         waterInCan       = wateringCan?.WaterLeft ?? 0;
            float       stamina          = player.stamina;
            Vector2     position         = player.position;
            int         facingDirection  = player.facingDirection;
            int         currentToolIndex = player.CurrentToolIndex;
            bool        canMove          = Game1.player.canMove; // fix player frozen due to animations when performing an action

            // move mount out of the way
            this.Current.position = new Vector2(-5, -5);

            // perform action
                // move mount back
                this.Current.position = mountPosition;

                // restore previous state
                if (wateringCan != null)
                    wateringCan.WaterLeft = waterInCan;
                player.stamina          = stamina;
                player.position         = position;
                player.facingDirection  = facingDirection;
                player.CurrentToolIndex = currentToolIndex;
                Game1.player.canMove    = canMove;
        public static void onUpdate(object sender, EventArgs args)
            if (DEBUG)
                Game1.options.pauseWhenOutOfFocus = false;

                // We need our load menu to be able to do things
                if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is TitleMenu)
                    if (TitleMenu.subMenu is LoadGameMenu)
                        Log.debug("Found vanilla load game menu, replacing with ours.");

                        Multiplayer.lobby = true;

                        LoadGameMenu oldLoadMenu = ( LoadGameMenu )TitleMenu.subMenu;
                        NewLoadMenu  newLoadMenu = new NewLoadMenu();

                        IPrivateField <object> task = instance.Helper.Reflection.GetPrivateField <object>(oldLoadMenu, "_initTask");
                        newLoadMenu._initTask = (Task <List <SFarmer> >)task.GetValue();
                        Log.debug("Stole the save listing task, set it to: " + task);

                        TitleMenu.subMenu = newLoadMenu;
                prevMenu = Game1.activeClickableMenu;
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.error("Exception during update: " + e);
        /// <summary>Render the UI.</summary>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">The sprite batch being drawn.</param>
        public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            this.Monitor.InterceptErrors("drawing the lookup info", () =>
                ISubject subject = this.Subject;

                // disable when game is using immediate sprite sorting
                // (This prevents Lookup Anything from creating new sprite batches, which breaks its core rendering logic.
                // Fortunately this very rarely happens; the only known case is the Stardew Valley Fair, when the only thing
                // you can look up anyway is the farmer.)
                if (!this.ValidatedDrawMode)
                    IPrivateField <SpriteSortMode> sortModeField =
                        this.Reflection.GetPrivateField <SpriteSortMode>(Game1.spriteBatch, "spriteSortMode", required: false) // XNA
                        ?? this.Reflection.GetPrivateField <SpriteSortMode>(Game1.spriteBatch, "_sortMode");                   // MonoGame
                    if (sortModeField.GetValue() == SpriteSortMode.Immediate)
                        this.Monitor.Log("Aborted the lookup because the game's current rendering mode isn't compatible with the mod's UI. This only happens in rare cases (e.g. the Stardew Valley Fair).", LogLevel.Warn);
                        this.exitThisMenu(playSound: false);
                    this.ValidatedDrawMode = true;

                // calculate dimensions
                int x                = this.xPositionOnScreen;
                int y                = this.yPositionOnScreen;
                const int gutter     = 15;
                float leftOffset     = gutter;
                float topOffset      = gutter;
                float contentWidth   = this.width - gutter * 2;
                float contentHeight  = this.height - gutter * 2;
                int tableBorderWidth = 1;

                // get font
                SpriteFont font  = Game1.smallFont;
                float lineHeight = font.MeasureString("ABC").Y;
                float spaceWidth = DrawHelper.GetSpaceWidth(font);

                // draw background
                // (This uses a separate sprite batch because it needs to be drawn before the
                // foreground batch, and we can't use the foreground batch because the background is
                // outside the clipping area.)
                using (SpriteBatch backgroundBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice))
                    backgroundBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
                    backgroundBatch.DrawSprite(Sprites.Letter.Sheet, Sprites.Letter.Sprite, x, y, scale: this.width / (float)Sprites.Letter.Sprite.Width);

                // draw foreground
                // (This uses a separate sprite batch to set a clipping area for scrolling.)
                using (SpriteBatch contentBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice))
                    // begin draw
                    GraphicsDevice device   = Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice;
                    device.ScissorRectangle = new Rectangle(x + gutter, y + gutter, (int)contentWidth, (int)contentHeight);
                    contentBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, new RasterizerState {
                        ScissorTestEnable = true

                    // scroll view
                    this.CurrentScroll = Math.Max(0, this.CurrentScroll);              // don't scroll past top
                    this.CurrentScroll = Math.Min(this.MaxScroll, this.CurrentScroll); // don't scroll past bottom
                    topOffset         -= this.CurrentScroll;                           // scrolled down == move text up

                    // draw portrait
                    if (subject.DrawPortrait(contentBatch, new Vector2(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset), new Vector2(70, 70)))
                        leftOffset += 72;

                    // draw fields
                    float wrapWidth = this.width - leftOffset - gutter;
                        // draw name & item type
                            Vector2 nameSize = contentBatch.DrawTextBlock(font, $"{subject.Name}.", new Vector2(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset), wrapWidth, bold: Constant.AllowBold);
                            Vector2 typeSize = contentBatch.DrawTextBlock(font, $"{subject.Type}.", new Vector2(x + leftOffset + nameSize.X + spaceWidth, y + topOffset), wrapWidth);
                            topOffset       += Math.Max(nameSize.Y, typeSize.Y);

                        // draw description
                        if (subject.Description != null)
                            Vector2 size = contentBatch.DrawTextBlock(font, subject.Description?.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " "), new Vector2(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset), wrapWidth);
                            topOffset   += size.Y;

                        // draw spacer
                        topOffset += lineHeight;

                        // draw custom fields
                        if (this.Fields.Any())
                            ICustomField[] fields = this.Fields;
                            float cellPadding     = 3;
                            float labelWidth      = fields.Where(p => p.HasValue).Max(p => font.MeasureString(p.Label).X);
                            float valueWidth      = wrapWidth - labelWidth - cellPadding * 4 - tableBorderWidth;
                            foreach (ICustomField field in fields)
                                if (!field.HasValue)

                                // draw label & value
                                Vector2 labelSize     = contentBatch.DrawTextBlock(font, field.Label, new Vector2(x + leftOffset + cellPadding, y + topOffset + cellPadding), wrapWidth);
                                Vector2 valuePosition = new Vector2(x + leftOffset + labelWidth + cellPadding * 3, y + topOffset + cellPadding);
                                Vector2 valueSize     =
                                    field.DrawValue(contentBatch, font, valuePosition, valueWidth)
                                    ?? contentBatch.DrawTextBlock(font, field.Value, valuePosition, valueWidth);
                                Vector2 rowSize = new Vector2(labelWidth + valueWidth + cellPadding * 4, Math.Max(labelSize.Y, valueSize.Y));

                                // draw table row
                                Color lineColor = Color.Gray;
                                contentBatch.DrawLine(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset, new Vector2(rowSize.X, tableBorderWidth), lineColor);                                // top
                                contentBatch.DrawLine(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset + rowSize.Y, new Vector2(rowSize.X, tableBorderWidth), lineColor);                    // bottom
                                contentBatch.DrawLine(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset, new Vector2(tableBorderWidth, rowSize.Y), lineColor);                                // left
                                contentBatch.DrawLine(x + leftOffset + labelWidth + cellPadding * 2, y + topOffset, new Vector2(tableBorderWidth, rowSize.Y), lineColor); // middle
                                contentBatch.DrawLine(x + leftOffset + rowSize.X, y + topOffset, new Vector2(tableBorderWidth, rowSize.Y), lineColor);                    // right

                                // track link area
                                if (field is ILinkField linkField)
                                    this.LinkFieldAreas[linkField] = new Rectangle((int)valuePosition.X, (int)valuePosition.Y, (int)valueSize.X, (int)valueSize.Y);

                                // update offset
                                topOffset += Math.Max(labelSize.Y, valueSize.Y);

                    // update max scroll
                    this.MaxScroll = Math.Max(0, (int)(topOffset - contentHeight + this.CurrentScroll));

                    // draw scroll icons
                    if (this.MaxScroll > 0 && this.CurrentScroll > 0)
                    if (this.MaxScroll > 0 && this.CurrentScroll < this.MaxScroll)

                    // end draw

                // draw cursor
            }, this.OnDrawError);
        private void CurrentLocationChanged(object sender, EventArgsCurrentLocationChanged e)
            GameLocation loc = e.NewLocation;

            if (!Game1.killScreen && Game1.farmEvent == null && loc.currentEvent == null)
                foreach (ModEvent ev in this.Events)
                    int?id = ev.getID();
                    if (id == null)
                    if (id < 0)
                    if (ev.Location == loc.name)
                        this.Monitor.Log(id.ToString(), LogLevel.Trace);
                        if (ev.Repeatable)
                        int eventID = -1;

                        try {
                            eventID = this.Helper.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(loc, "checkEventPrecondition").Invoke <int>(ev.Condition);
                        } catch {
                            this.Monitor.Log("Failed to check condition for event " + id + "(at '" + loc.name + "')", LogLevel.Error);

                        if (eventID != -1)
                            loc.currentEvent = new Event(ev.Data, eventID);

                            if (Game1.player.getMount() != null)
                                loc.currentEvent.playerWasMounted = true;
                            foreach (NPC character in loc.characters)
                            Game1.eventUp        = true;
                            Game1.displayHUD     = false;
                            Game1.player.CanMove = false;

                            IPrivateField <List <Critter> > crittersF = this.Helper.Reflection.GetPrivateField <List <Critter> >(loc, "critters");
                            List <Critter> critters = crittersF.GetValue();
                            if (critters == null)