private void trackZoom_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { IPosition66 ipos = sgworld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld().Position; double x, y, z, dir; //var cPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); double meters; double dist; CRailwayLine crwline = gRWScene.mMiddleLines.getMeterbyPos(marker.Position.Lng, marker.Position.Lat, out meters, out dist); gRWScene.mMiddleLines.getPosbyDKCode(crwline.mDKCode, meters, out x, out y, out z, out dir); double dis = Math.Pow(10, trackZoom.Value + 1); if (trackZoom.Value == 5) { dis = dis / 2; } IPosition66 dPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(x, y, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, dir, -70, 0, dis); //CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findNearestPos(cPos); sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(dPos); //double t = (double)(trackZoom.Value - trackZoom.Minimum) / (trackZoom.Maximum - trackZoom.Minimum); //int t2 = (int)((eTime.DayOfYear - sTime.DayOfYear) * t); //DateTime dt = sTime.AddDays(t2); //trackZoom.Tooltip = dt.ToString(); //sgworld.DateTime.Current = dt; //trackZoom.ShowToolTip(); }
//private void buildProjectTree() //{ // TreeNode root = treeView1.Nodes.Add("蒙内铁路"); // root.Checked = true; // TreeNode tn, leaf; // root.Tag = null; // tn = root.Nodes.Add("火车"); // tn.Checked = false; // tn.ImageIndex = 6; // if (CRailwayScene.mRoadList.Count > 0) // { // tn = root.Nodes.Add("路基"); // tn.Checked = true; // tn.ImageIndex = 1; // foreach (CRailwayProject p in CRailwayScene.mRoadList) // { // leaf = tn.Nodes.Add(p.mProjectName); // leaf.Tag = p; // leaf.ImageIndex = 1; // } // tn = root.Nodes.Add("桥梁"); // tn.Checked = true; // tn.ImageIndex = 2; // foreach (CRailwayProject p in CRailwayScene.mBridgeList) // { // leaf = tn.Nodes.Add(p.mProjectName); // leaf.Tag = p; // leaf.ImageIndex = 2; // } // tn = root.Nodes.Add("涵洞"); // tn.Checked = true; // tn.ImageIndex = 3; // foreach (CRailwayProject p in CRailwayScene.mTunnelList) // { // leaf = tn.Nodes.Add(p.mProjectName); // leaf.Tag = p; // leaf.ImageIndex = 3; // } // tn = root.Nodes.Add("车站工程"); // tn.Checked = true; // tn.ImageIndex = 4; // foreach (CRailwayProject p in CRailwayScene.mStationList) // { // leaf = tn.Nodes.Add(p.mProjectName); // leaf.Tag = p; // leaf.ImageIndex = 4; // } // tn = root.Nodes.Add("其他"); // tn.Checked = false; // tn.ImageIndex = 5; // foreach (CRailwayProject p in CRailwayScene.mOtherList) // { // leaf = tn.Nodes.Add(p.mProjectName); // leaf.Tag = p; // leaf.ImageIndex = 5; // } // } //} private void timerSyncronize_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IPosition66 wp = sgworld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld().Position; GMap.NET.PointLatLng LatLng = marker.Position; LatLng.Lat = wp.Y; LatLng.Lng = wp.X; marker.Position = LatLng; LatLng = markerTrain.Position; LatLng.Lat = GlobalVar.gScene.mDynamicTrain.Position.Y; LatLng.Lng = GlobalVar.gScene.mDynamicTrain.Position.X; markerTrain.Position = LatLng; if (isFlying) { flyingTick++; if (flyingTick % 100 == 0) { sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(GlobalVar.gScene.mDynamicTrain, nextFLyCode()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Train is not ready"); } }
public void Draw(ref SGWorld66 sgworld) { //绘制身:暂时用小圆点替代钻孔口模型 double radius = 10; var Style = SphereStyle.SPHERE_NORMAL; var nLineColor = 0xFF00FF00; var nFillColor = 0xFF646464; var SegmentDensity = -1; string gid = CreateGroup("地质点", ref sgworld); sgworld.ProjectTree.ExpandGroup(gid, true); IPosition66 cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(Top.X, Top.Y, Top.Z, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); SkylineBodyObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateSphere(cPos, radius, Style, nLineColor, nFillColor, SegmentDensity, gid, Name); //绘制旗子 var imageFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "flag.png"); SkylineMouthObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateImageLabel(cPos, imageFileName, null, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID); //绘制文字标签 var cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(); cLabelStyle.MultilineJustification = "Center"; cLabelStyle.LineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255); cLabelStyle.TextColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 0); cLabelStyle.TextAlignment = "Bottom, Center"; SkylineLabelObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, Name, cLabelStyle, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); RecordLabelSkyId(); }
/// <summary> /// 绘制边坡(需要用边坡模型) /// </summary> /// <param name="sgworld"></param> public void Draw(ref SGWorld66 sgworld, IObjData dataObj, double xOffset = 0.0, double yOffset = 0.0) { string signIsInTerrain = IsLoggingObjInTerrain(ref sgworld) ? "" : "【地图以外】"; //绘制孔口:暂时用小圆点替代钻孔口模型 double radius = 10; var Style = SphereStyle.SPHERE_NORMAL; var nLineColor = 0xFF00FF00; var nFillColor = 0xFF646464; var SegmentDensity = -1; string gid = CreateGroup("边坡", ref sgworld); sgworld.ProjectTree.ExpandGroup(gid, true); // 在地面创建边坡中心点的坐标 double centerX = (dataObj.Points.GetPoint(0).X + dataObj.Points.GetPoint(1).X + dataObj.Points.GetPoint(2).X) / 3; double centerY = (dataObj.Points.GetPoint(0).Y + dataObj.Points.GetPoint(1).Y + dataObj.Points.GetPoint(2).Y) / 3; IPosition66 cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition( centerX, centerY, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); // 创建标记物 SkylineMouthObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateSphere( cPos, radius, Style, nLineColor, nFillColor, SegmentDensity, gid, Name + signIsInTerrain); //绘制孔身 //var arrVertices = new double[] //{ // Top.X, Top.Y, Top.Z, // Bottom.X, Bottom.Y, Bottom.Z //}; //var lineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 128); //SkylineBodyObj = sgworld.Creator.CreatePolylineFromArray(arrVertices, lineColor, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, // sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); //绘制文字标签 var cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(); cLabelStyle.MultilineJustification = "Center"; cLabelStyle.LineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255); cLabelStyle.TextColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 0); cLabelStyle.TextAlignment = "Bottom, Center"; SkylineLabelObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, Name, cLabelStyle, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); RecordLabelSkyId(); }
private void timerSyncronize_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IPosition66 wp = sgworld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld().Position; GMap.NET.PointLatLng LatLng = marker.Position; LatLng.Lat = wp.Y; LatLng.Lng = wp.X; marker.Position = LatLng; //LatLng = markerTrain.Position; //LatLng.Lat = GlobalVar.gScene.mDynamicTrain.Position.Y; //LatLng.Lng = GlobalVar.gScene.mDynamicTrain.Position.X; //markerTrain.Position = LatLng; //if (isFlying) //{ // flyingTick++; // if (flyingTick % 100 == 0) //sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(GlobalVar.gScene.mDynamicTrain, nextFLyCode()); //} if (trainBack) { sgworld.Creator.DeleteObject(mDynamicTrain.ID); mDynamicTrain = sgworld.Creator.CreateDynamicObject(0, DynamicMotionStyle.MOTION_MANUAL, DynamicObjectType.DYNAMIC_3D_MODEL, fileName, 0.25, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, string.Empty, "Train");//创建对象 double[] x, y, z, d; int n; n = gRWScene.mMiddleLines.getSubLineByDKCode(gRWScene.mProjectList[0].Mileage_Start_Discription, gRWScene.mProjectList[1].Mileage_Start_Discription, 70, out x, out y, out z, out d); if (n > 0) { for (int i = 200; i < 500; i++) //CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.mPointNum 将一个工点上所有点addWaypoint { if (d[i] > 180) { d[i] = d[i] - 180; } mDynamicTrain.Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(x[i], y[i], z[i], 300, d[i])); } } mDynamicTrain.CircularRoute = false; sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(mDynamicTrain); trainBack = false; //trainFly = true; } if (trainFly) { trainFly = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Train is not ready"); } }
void btnRotate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //var sgworld = new SGWorld66(); IPosition66 resPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE);; resPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(resPos.X, resPos.Y, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, resPos.Yaw + 5, resPos.Pitch, resPos.Roll, 1500);//resPos.Altitude sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(resPos); }
bool OnLButtonUp(int Flags, int X, int Y) { mCurPos = sgworld.Window.PixelToWorld(X, Y).Position; //GlobalVar.gCurPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); GMap.NET.PointLatLng LatLng = marker.Position; LatLng.Lat = mCurPos.Y; LatLng.Lng = mCurPos.X; marker.Position = LatLng; //wp.Distance return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 绘制平硐洞口 /// </summary> /// <param name="sgworld"></param> public void Draw(ref SGWorld66 sgworld, double xOffset = 0.0, double yOffset = 0.0) { string signIsInTerrain = IsLoggingObjInTerrain(ref sgworld) ? "" : "【地图以外】"; //硐口 double radius = 10; var Style = SphereStyle.SPHERE_NORMAL; var nLineColor = 0xFF00FF00; var nFillColor = 0xFF64FF64; var SegmentDensity = -1; string gid = CreateGroup("硐探", ref sgworld); sgworld.ProjectTree.ExpandGroup(gid, true); IPosition66 cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition( Top.X + xOffset, Top.Y + yOffset, Top.Z, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); SkylineMouthObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateSphere( cPos, radius, Style, nLineColor, nFillColor, SegmentDensity, gid, Name + signIsInTerrain); //硐身 List <double> ListVertices = new List <double>(); foreach (var point in Links) { ListVertices.Add(point.X); ListVertices.Add(point.Y); ListVertices.Add(point.Z); } var lineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 128); SkylineBodyObj = sgworld.Creator.CreatePolylineFromArray(ListVertices.ToArray(), lineColor, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); //标签 var cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(); cLabelStyle.MultilineJustification = "Center"; cLabelStyle.LineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255); cLabelStyle.TextColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 0); cLabelStyle.TextAlignment = "Bottom, Center"; SkylineLabelObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, Name, cLabelStyle, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); RecordLabelSkyId(); }
/// <summary> /// 绘制钻孔孔口(需要用钻孔口模型) /// </summary> /// <param name="sgworld"></param> public void Draw(ref SGWorld66 sgworld, double xOffset = 0.0, double yOffset = 0.0) { string signIsInTerrain = IsLoggingObjInTerrain(ref sgworld) ? "" : "【地图以外】"; //绘制孔口:暂时用小圆点替代钻孔口模型 double radius = 10; var Style = SphereStyle.SPHERE_NORMAL; var nLineColor = 0xFF00FF00; var nFillColor = 0xFF646464; var SegmentDensity = -1; string gid = CreateGroup("钻探", ref sgworld); sgworld.ProjectTree.ExpandGroup(gid, true); IPosition66 cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition( Top.X + xOffset, Top.Y + yOffset, Top.Z, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); SkylineMouthObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateSphere( cPos, radius, Style, nLineColor, nFillColor, SegmentDensity, gid, Name + signIsInTerrain); //绘制孔身 var arrVertices = new double[] { Top.X, Top.Y, Top.Z, Bottom.X, Bottom.Y, Bottom.Z }; var lineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 128); SkylineBodyObj = sgworld.Creator.CreatePolylineFromArray(arrVertices, lineColor, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); //绘制文字标签 var cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(); cLabelStyle.MultilineJustification = "Center"; cLabelStyle.LineColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255); cLabelStyle.TextColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 0); cLabelStyle.TextAlignment = "Bottom, Center"; SkylineLabelObj = sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, Name, cLabelStyle, sgworld.ProjectTree.HiddenGroupID, Name); RecordLabelSkyId(); }
private void gMapControl1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { marker.Position = gMapControl1.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); double x, y, z, dir; //var cPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); double meters = CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findMeterbyCoor(marker.Position.Lng, marker.Position.Lat); CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findPosbyMeter(meters, out x, out y, out z, out dir); IPosition66 dPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(x, y, z, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, dir, -70, 0, 1500); //CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findNearestPos(cPos); sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(dPos); }
/// <summary> /// 创建图片标签 /// </summary> private void CreateImageLabel() { IPosition66 cPos = CreatePosition(); string imageFileName = @"F:\项目管理\智慧抚州\使用的Fly\data11\汽车图标\汽车整车.png"; var imageLabel = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateImageLabel(cPos, imageFileName, null, "", "1"); imageLabel.set_ClientData("id", "1"); imageLabel.SetParam(1, "汽车整车"); var cFlyToPos = cPos.Copy(); cFlyToPos.Pitch = -89.0; this.sgWorld.Navigate.FlyTo(cFlyToPos, ActionCode.AC_FLYTO); }
public override void Draw(ref SGWorld66 sgworld) { base.Draw(ref sgworld); //画小圆点表示(待改正) double radius = 8.0; var Style = SphereStyle.SPHERE_NORMAL; var nLineColor = 0xFFFF0000; var nFillColor = 0xFFFF6464; var SegmentDensity = -1; string gid = GeoHelper.CreateGroup("地质点", ref sgworld); IPosition66 cPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(X, Y, Z, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_ON_TERRAIN); var item = sgworld.Creator.CreateSphere(cPos, radius, Style, nLineColor, nFillColor, SegmentDensity, gid, Name); //获取Skyline中的ID SetSkylineObj(item); }
public CTECons(ConsLocation cl, CRailwayScene s, CTEScene ss) : base(s, ss) { sgworld = new SGWorld66(); consLoc = cl; IPosition66 p = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(cl.Longitude, cl.Latitude, 30, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -90.0, 0, 0); circlePeople = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(p, cl.Number * 2 + 200, 0xFF0000FF, 0x00FF00FF, mGroupIDDynamic, cl.ProjName + cl.Number); // circlePeople.LineStyle.Width = -3.0; circlePeople.Visibility.MinVisibilityDistance = 2000; //circle.SetParam labelSign = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(p, cl.Number + "", CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"Common\Textures\working.gif", CRWTEStandard.mLabelStyleL2, mGroupIDDynamic, "Con|" + cl.ProjName); //labelSign.Message.MessageID = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, cl.ToString(), MsgType.TYPE_TEXT, true).ID; }
public void stopPresentation() { if (isOnOneWay) { isOnOneWay = false; clearTrain(); mPresentation.Stop(); //sgworld.OnObjectAction -= Sgworld_OnObjectAction; } else { interruptViewTEObject(); // 关掉展示窗口或者停止presentation } IPosition66 resPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); resPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(resPos.X, resPos.Y, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, resPos.Yaw, resPos.Pitch, resPos.Roll, 1500);//resPos.Altitude sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(resPos); }
void OnProjectLoadFinished(bool bSuccess) { mCurPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(118.6, 36.6, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 341, -90.0, 0, 445000); //Camera.initial_latitude, Camera.initial_longitude, Camera.initial_heading, Camera., Camera.initial_tilt sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(mCurPos, ActionCode.AC_FLYTO); if (mTEScene == null) { mTEScene = new CTEScene(gRWScene); } mTEScene.createProjectTree(); // mTEScene = new CTEScene() //GlobalVar.gScene.createProjectTree(); timerSyncronize.Start(); }
public void mNavTrain_OnFlyTo() { mNavIndex++; if (mNavIndex < gRWScene.mHotSpotList.Count) { Console.WriteLine(gRWScene.mHotSpotList.Count + " Index " + mNavIndex); IPosition66 resPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); resPos = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(gRWScene.mHotSpotList[mNavIndex].CenterLongitude, gRWScene.mHotSpotList[mNavIndex].CenterLatitude, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, resPos.Yaw + 5, resPos.Pitch, resPos.Roll, 1500);//resPos.Altitude sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(resPos, ActionCode.AC_ARCPATTERN); //sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(gRWScene.mHotSpotList[mNavIndex].CenterLongitude, gRWScene.mHotSpotList[mNavIndex].CenterLatitude, 800, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE,0,0,-90,0), ActionCode.AC_FOLLOWABOVE); timerNav.Start(); } else { timerNav.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("end jounrey" + mNavIndex); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建圆 /// </summary> private void CreateCircle() { string msg = string.Empty; IPosition66 cPos = null; IColor66 cFillColor = null; ITerrainRegularPolygon66 cCircle = null; ITerraExplorerMessage66 cMessage = null; try { cPos = CreatePosition(); uint nLineColor = 0xFFFF0000; double dCircleRadius = 200; cCircle = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateCircle(cPos, dCircleRadius, nLineColor, cFillColor, string.Empty, "Circle"); double dNewCircleRadius = 300; double dCurrentCircleRadius = cCircle.Radius; cCircle.Radius = dNewCircleRadius; uint nRGB_Red = 0xFF0000; double dAlpha = 0.2; var cFillStyle = cCircle.FillStyle; cFillStyle.Color.FromRGBColor(nRGB_Red); cFillStyle.Color.SetAlpha(dAlpha); MsgTargetPosition eMsgTarget = MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP; string tMessage = "Hello Circle"; MsgType eMsgType = MsgType.TYPE_TEXT; bool bIsBringToFront = true; cMessage = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateMessage(eMsgTarget, tMessage, eMsgType, bIsBringToFront); cCircle.Message.MessageID = cMessage.ID; var cFlyToPos = cPos.Copy(); cFlyToPos.Pitch = -89.0; this.sgWorld.Navigate.FlyTo(cFlyToPos, ActionCode.AC_FLYTO); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = String.Format("CreateCircleButton_Click Exception: {0}", ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg); } }
public override void TECreate() { var sgworld = new SGWorld66(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mGroupIDStatic)) { mGroupIDStatic = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("KML"); } ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = mTEStandard.mLabelStyleL3; //= sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT); //{ // uint nBGRValue = 0xFF0000; // Blue // double dAlpha = 0.5; // 50% opacity // var cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color // cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue); // Set background to blue // cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(dAlpha); // Set transparency to 50% // cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = cBackgroundColor; // Set label style background color // cLabelStyle.FontName = "Arial"; // Set font name to Arial // cLabelStyle.Italic = true; // Set label style font to italic // cLabelStyle.Scale = 3; // Set label style scale // cLabelStyle.TextOnImage = false; //} foreach (CRailwayLine rl in mSceneData.mMiddleLines.mLineList) { double[] x, y, z, w; int[] f; int num; num = rl.getKML(true, out x, out y, out z, out w, out f); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(x[i], y[i], z[i] + 1, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE, w[i]); sgworld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cp, f[i] + "", cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, rl.mDKCode + f[i]); } } //for (int i = 0; i < mSceneData.mMiddleLines.mPointNum; i += 100) //{ // //} }
public CTEFirm(CRailwayFirm f, CRailwayScene s, CTEScene ss) : base(s, ss) { firm = f; sgworld = new SGWorld66(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firm.mPresentation)) { var id = sgworld.ProjectTree.FindItem("\\Presentation\\" + firm.mPresentation); mPresentation = (IPresentation66)(sgworld.ProjectTree.GetObject(id)); //if (CGisDataSettings.AppSpeed <= 2) // mPresentation.PlaySpeedFactor = PresentationPlaySpeed.PPS_VERYSLOW; //else if (CGisDataSettings.AppSpeed < 5) // mPresentation.PlaySpeedFactor = PresentationPlaySpeed.PPS_SLOW; //else if (CGisDataSettings.AppSpeed < 7) // mPresentation.PlaySpeedFactor = PresentationPlaySpeed.PPS_NORMAL; //else if (CGisDataSettings.AppSpeed < 9) // mPresentation.PlaySpeedFactor = PresentationPlaySpeed.PPS_FAST; //else // mPresentation.PlaySpeedFactor = PresentationPlaySpeed.PPS_VERYFAST; } ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle; IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(f.CenterLongitude, f.CenterLatitude, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); circlePeople = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(cp, f.NumStaff * 2 + 200, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FF00FF, mGroupIDStatic, f.FirmName + " " + f.NumStaff); circlePeople.LineStyle.Width = -3.0; circlePeople.Visibility.MinVisibilityDistance = 5000; if (f.FirmType.Equals("制梁场") || f.FirmType.Equals("项目部") || f.FirmType.Equals("监理单位")) { cLabelStyle = CRWTEStandard.mLabelStyleL2; } else { cLabelStyle = CRWTEStandard.mLabelStyleL1; } labelSign = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(cp, f.FirmName, CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"Common\地标图片\" + f.mLabelImage, cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, "Fir|" + f.FirmName); labelSign.Message.MessageID = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, f.ToString(), MsgType.TYPE_TEXT, true).ID; }
/// <summary> /// 创建TextLabel /// </summary> private void CreateLabel() { string msg = String.Empty; IPosition66 cPos = null; ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = null; ITerrainImageLabel66 cTextLabel = null; try { cPos = CreatePosition(); SGLabelStyle eLabelStyle = SGLabelStyle.LS_DEFAULT; cLabelStyle = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(eLabelStyle); uint nBGRValue = 0xFF0000; // Blue double dAlpha = 0.5; // 50% opacity var cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue); // Set background to blue cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(dAlpha); // Set transparency to 50% cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = cBackgroundColor; // Set label style background color cLabelStyle.FontName = "Arial"; // Set font name to Arial cLabelStyle.Italic = true; // Set label style font to italic cLabelStyle.Scale = 3; // Set label style scale string tText = "Skyline"; cTextLabel = this.sgWorld.Creator.CreateTextLabel(cPos, tText, cLabelStyle, string.Empty, "TextLabel"); //FlyTo text label var cFlyToPos = cPos.Copy(); cFlyToPos.Pitch = -89.0; this.sgWorld.Navigate.FlyTo(cFlyToPos, ActionCode.AC_FLYTO); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = String.Format("CreateLabelButton_Click Exception: {0}", ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg); } }
private void menuSG_ItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadialMenuItem item = sender as RadialMenuItem; if (item != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Text)) { switch (item.Text) { case "FlyAround": //var cPos = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_ABSOLUTE); IPosition66 cPos = CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findNearestPos(); this.menuSG.Visible = false; //CRailwayScene.mMiddleLine.findPosbyMeter(meters, out x, out y, out z, out dir); sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(cPos, ActionCode.AC_ARCPATTERN); break; case "NextPro": break; } //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} Menu item clicked: {1}\r\n", DateTime.Now, item.Text)); } }
void OnProjectLoadFinished(bool bSuccess) { mInitialPosition = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(118.6, 36.6, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 341, -90.0, 0, 445000); //Camera.initial_latitude, Camera.initial_longitude, Camera.initial_heading, Camera., Camera.initial_tilt sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(mInitialPosition, ActionCode.AC_FLYTO); if (mTEScene == null) { mTEScene = new CTEScene(gRWScene, timerFlyaround); } //mTEScene.ShowFinished += MTEScene_ShowFinished; //mTEScene.createProjectTree(); //sgworld.OnMouseWheel += new _ISGWorld66Events_OnMouseWheelEventHandler(OnMouseWheel); //sgworld.OnProjectTreeAction += new _ISGWorld66Events_OnProjectTreeActionEventHandler(OnProjectTreeAction); //sgworld.OnLButtonUp += OnLButtonUp; //sgworld.OnRButtonUp += sgworld_OnRButtonUp; //sgworld.OnDateTimeChanged += sgworld_OnDateTimeChanged; //sgworld.OnSGWorldMessage += sgworld_OnSGWorldMessage; //sgworld.OnObjectAction += sgworld_OnObjectAction; //sgworld.OnDrawHUD += sgworld_OnDrawHUD; timer2DSyncronize.Start(); mNavigatioinList = gRWScene.GetDefaultNavPathByMileage(); //curNavList.RemoveAt(0); // FIXME //mNavigatioinList.AddRange( gRWScene.GetContBeamNavPath()); //mNavigatioinList = gRWScene.GetContBeamNavPath(); mNavigationControl = new CTEPresentation(gRWScene, mTEScene, m2DProgressPanel, panelInfo1, timerFlyaround, mNavigatioinList);//,timerPresentation //mNavigationControl.OnToOnePlace += nav_ToOnePlace; //sgworld.OnPresentationFlyToReachedDestination += Sgworld_OnPresentationFlyToReachedDestination; //mContbeamNav.startPresentation(); //auto_Nav(ls); }
// 刷新2D形象进度面板 private void timer2DSynchronize_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool isInside = true; IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld().Position;// 检测屏幕中心经纬度 centerX = cp.X; centerY = cp.Y; if (centerX < 115 || centerX > 125 || centerY < 32 || centerY > 40) { isInside = false; } else { isGISLoaded = true; } if (isGISLoaded && isAutoNav && mNavigationControl.readyForNext && == ShowFormStatus.eClosing) { = ShowFormStatus.eReadyForNext; mNavigationControl.startNextPresentation(); } if (isGISLoaded) { labelRoll1.Refresh(); //labelRoll2.Refresh(); } if (!isInside) { return; } IWorldPointInfo66 w0 = sgworld.Window.PixelToWorld(axTE3DWindow1.Size.Width - 10, axTE3DWindow1.Size.Height - 10); double lx = w0.Position.X; double ly = w0.Position.Y; double distanceOffset = CoordinateConverter.getUTMDistance(lx, ly, oldXl, oldYl); if (distanceOffset < 10) { return; } oldXl = lx; oldYl = ly; double dis; //bool isInside; double mileageCenter; gRWScene.mMainPath.getPathMileagebyGPS(cp.X, cp.Y, out mileageCenter, out dis); //gRWScene.mMiddleLines.get mViewRadius = CoordinateConverter.getUTMDistance(cp.X, cp.Y, lx, ly); //屏幕半径对应的实际距离 mViewRadius = Math.Min(mViewRadius, 200000); if (m2DProgressPanel.Visible && !isAutoNav) // mileageCenter >= 0 && { m2DProgressPanel.update2DPanel(mileageCenter, mViewRadius); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("工点状态每秒定时更新错误"); } }
/// <summary> /// TODO 丁一明,显示聚类结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="groupID"></param> public override void TECreate() { /* string[] usrName; * string[] projName; * string[] consDate; * double[] x; * double[] y; * * var sgworld = new SGWorld66(); * var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.FindItem(groupID); * * int num; * num = CConsLog.findLast365Cons(out usrName, out projName, out consDate, out x, out y); * for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) * { * Console.WriteLine("{0} #\t: User {1}\t Project {2}\t x {3}\t y {4}\t Date {5}", i, usrName[i], projName[i], x[i], y[i], consDate[i]); * }*/ ///dym var sgworld = new SGWorld66(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mGroupIDDynamic)) { mGroupIDDynamic = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("Cons"); } //var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.FindItem(groupID); List <ConsLocation> ls; //ls = CConsLog.clusterConsByProj(); ls = CConsLog.clusterConsFromWebByProj(mTEScene.fromDate.ToString("u"), mTEScene.toDate.ToString("u")); //int maxParticles = 100; //string imageName = ""; //int rate = 2; //int shape = 0; //var branch = sgworld.ProjectTree.FindItem("Dying"); //ITerrainEffect66 gParticleLabel = (ITerrainEffect66)sgworld.ProjectTree.GetObject(branch); //var xml = gParticleLabel.EffectXML; //Console.WriteLine(xml); //var particleText = "$$PARTICLE$$UserDefine: \r\n <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> \r\n <Particle ID='Custom'>"; //particleText += "<ParticleEmitter ID='Disc' NumParticles='130' Texture='d:\\Campfire.png'>\r\n"; //particleText += "<Emitter Rate='13' Shape='Disc' SpeedShape='Disc' Scale='50,50,50' Speed='1,1,1' />\r\n"; //particleText += "<Cycle Value='1' /><Sort Value='1' /><Rotation Speed='1' Time='2' Initial='0' />\r\n"; //particleText += "<Render Value='Billboard' /><Gravity Value='0, 1, 0' /><Force Value='0' OverrideRotation='0' />\r\n"; //particleText += "<Position Value='0, 0, 0' /><Life Value='3.06' /><Speed Value='1.41' />\r\n"; //particleText += "<Color Value='0,0,255,255' /><Size Value='24,24' /><Drag Value='1' />\r\n"; //particleText += "<Blend Type='' /><Fade FadeIn='0.47' FadeOut='0.65' MaxFade='0.28' /></ParticleEmitter>\r\n"; //particleText += "</Particle>"; //IPosition66 tp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(118.086466892066, 36.9038495888797, 3, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, // 0, -90.0, 0, 0); //ITerrainRegularPolygon66 tcircle = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(tp, 200, 0xFF0000FF, 0x00FF00FF, branch, "测试点"); //tcircle.LineStyle.Width = -5.0; foreach (ConsLocation cl in ls) { IPosition66 p = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(cl.Longitude, cl.Latitude, 30, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -90.0, 0, 0); ITerrainRegularPolygon66 circle = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(p, cl.number * 2 + 200, 0xFF0000FF, 0x00FF00FF, mGroupIDDynamic, cl.ProjName + cl.number); // circle.LineStyle.Width = -5.0; circle.Visibility.MinVisibilityDistance = 100000; //circle.SetParam ITerrainLabel66 iLabel = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(p, cl.number + "", CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"Common\地标图片\worker.png", mTEStandard.mLabelStyleL2, mGroupIDDynamic, cl.ProjName); iLabel.Message.MessageID = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, cl.ToString(), MsgType.TYPE_TEXT, true).ID; // circle.Message.MessageID = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, cl.ToString(), MsgType.TYPE_TEXT, true).ID; //particleText += "<ParticleEmitter ID='ring' NumParticles='" + maxParticles + "' Texture='" + imageName + "'>" + "\r\n" + // "<Emitter Rate='" + rate + "' Shape='" + shape + "' SpeedShape='" + speedShape + "' Scale='" + scaleX + "," + scaleY + "," + scaleZ + "' Speed='" + speedX + "," + speedY + "," + speedZ + "' />" + "\r\n" + // shape:(Cone, Sphere, ShellCone, ShellSphere, Ring, Disc, Cube), scale:the size of the shape in meters, speed:(X,Alt,Z) disform the shape like it is in radius=1. // "<Cycle Value='1' />" + "\r\n" + // 0=one time , 1=loop // "<Sort Value='1' />" + "\r\n" + // rotationNodeConditional + // "<Render Value='" + render + "' />" + "\r\n" + // "<Gravity Value='" + gravityX + ", " + gravityY + ", " + gravityZ + "' />" + "\r\n" + // Gravity in X, Altitude and Z directions // "<Force Value='" + force + "' OverrideRotation='" + overrideRotation + "' />" + "\r\n" + // Gravity in X, Altitude and Z directions // "<Position Value='0, 0, 0' />" + "\r\n" + // doesn;t work // "<Life Value='" + timeSpan + "' />" + "\r\n" + // life of each particle in seconds // "<Speed Value='" + particleSpeed + "' />" + "\r\n" + // this value multiply the Emitter speed values (x,y,z) // "<Color Value='20," + colorR + "," + colorG + "," + colorB + "' />" + "\r\n" + // "<Size Value='" + sizeWithRatioX /*size*/ + "," + sizeWithRatioY /*size * sizeRatio*/ + "' />" + "\r\n" + // size of the particle image 1=original image size. Format: SizeX, SizeY // "<Drag Value='" + drag + "' />" + "\r\n" + // drag force (units like graviy) // "<Blend Type='" + blend + "' />" + "\r\n" + // //*** "<Rotation Speed='0' Time='1.7' />" + "\r\n" + // optional: should be in a checkbox // "<Fade FadeIn='" + fadeIn + "' FadeOut='" + fadeOut + "' MaxFade='" + maxFade + "' />" + "\r\n" + // fade of each particle. FadeIn/fade out in seconds. Max fade - the maximum fade value (alpha 0-1) //"</ParticleEmitter>" + "\r\n"; //particleText += "</Particle>"; //ITerrainEffect66 ite = sgworld.Creator.CreateEffect(p, particleText, branch, + cl.number); //ite.EffectXML = particleText; //ite.Terrain.BBox //Console.WriteLine("x: {0} y {1} number {2}", cl.longitude, cl.latitude, cl.number); } //DBSCAN.Cluster(); //for (int i = 0; i <; i++) //{ // IPosition66 p = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition([i].longitude,[i].latitude, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, // 341, -90.0, 0, 445000); // ITerrainRegularPolygon66 Circle = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(p, DBSCAN.p_count[i], 0x00FFFF, 0x00FF00, "", ""); // Circle.LineStyle.Width = -5.0; // // sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(p, DBSCAN.p_count[i]*100, 0x0000FF, 0x00FF00, "", ""); // //sgworld.Creator.CreateEllipse(p, DBSCAN.p_count[i], DBSCAN.p_count[i], 0x00FFFF, 0x00FF00, -1, "", ""); //} }
public override void TECreate() { SGWorld66 sgworld = new SGWorld66(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mGroupIDStatic)) { mGroupIDStatic = sgworld.ProjectTree.CreateGroup("Firms"); } ITerrainLabel66 iLabel; ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle; //ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_STREET); //ILabelStyle66 cLabelStyle = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(SGLabelStyle.LS_STATE); //{ // //uint nBGRValue = 0xff0000; // Blue // //double dAlpha = 0.5; // 50% opacity // //var cBackgroundColor = cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor; // Get label style background color // //cBackgroundColor.FromBGRColor(nBGRValue); // Set background to blue // //cBackgroundColor.SetAlpha(dAlpha); // Set transparency to 50% // //cLabelStyle.BackgroundColor = cBackgroundColor; // Set label style background color // cLabelStyle.FontName = "Arial"; // Set font name to Arial // cLabelStyle.Italic = true; // Set label style font to italic // cLabelStyle.Scale = 200; // Set label style scale // cLabelStyle.TextOnImage = false; // cLabelStyle.TextColor = sgworld.Creator.CreateColor(0, 255, 255, 255); // //cLabelStyle.SmallestVisibleSize = 7; //} foreach (CRailwayFirm rw in mSceneData.mFirmList) { IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(rw.CenterLongitude, rw.CenterLatitude, 10, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); ITerrainRegularPolygon66 circle = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(cp, rw.NumStaff * 2 + 200, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FF00FF, mGroupIDStatic, rw.FirmName + " " + rw.NumStaff); circle.LineStyle.Width = -5.0; if (rw.FirmType.Equals("制梁场") || rw.FirmType.Equals("项目部") || rw.FirmType.Equals("监理单位")) { cLabelStyle = mTEStandard.mLabelStyleL2; } else { cLabelStyle = mTEStandard.mLabelStyleL1; } iLabel = sgworld.Creator.CreateLabel(cp, rw.FirmName, CGisDataSettings.gDataPath + @"Common\地标图片\" + rw.mLabelImage, cLabelStyle, mGroupIDStatic, rw.FirmName); iLabel.Message.MessageID = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP, rw.ToString(), MsgType.TYPE_TEXT, true).ID; } // // F. Add Message to created circle // //{ // ITerraExplorerMessage66 cMessage = null; // // F1. Set message input parameters // MsgTargetPosition eMsgTarget = MsgTargetPosition.MTP_POPUP; // string tMessage = "Hello Circle"; // MsgType eMsgType = MsgType.TYPE_TEXT; // bool bIsBringToFront = true; // // F2. Create message and add to circle // cMessage = sgworld.Creator.CreateMessage(eMsgTarget, tMessage, eMsgType, bIsBringToFront); // //iLabel.Message.MessageID = cMessage.ID; //} //foreach (CRailwayStaff rs in mSceneData.mStaffList) //{ // IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(rs.longitude, rs.latitude, 10, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); // ITerrainRegularPolygon66 circle = sgworld.Creator.CreateCircle(cp, rs.numStaff * 2 + 200, 0xFFFF00FF, 0x00FF00FF, branch, rs.shorName + " " + rs.numStaff); // circle.LineStyle.Width = -5.0; // //circle.Tooltip = rs.shorName + " " + rs.numStaff; //} }
public bool startNextPresentation() { bool fromCurrent = true; if (mNavigationList == null || mNavigationList.Count == 0) { return(false); } readyForNext = false; // 屏幕中心坐标 IPosition66 cp = sgworld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld().Position; // 视点坐标 IPosition66 viewp = sgworld.Navigate.GetPosition(AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE); //起点与目标点距离 double len1 = mNavigationList[mNavIndex].getUTMDistance(cp.X, cp.Y) + viewp.Altitude; //如果漫游起点距离屏幕中心过远,从当前点漫游到起点 double fromX, fromY, fromZ; //if (mRan.Next(1,20) == 10) //{ // fromX = 118.6; // fromY = 36.6; // fromZ = 400000; // fromCurrent = false; //} //else if (len1 > 5000) { fromX = cp.X; fromY = cp.Y; fromZ = viewp.Altitude; fromCurrent = false; } else //否则从极点到下一点 { fromX = mNavigationList[mNavIndex].Longitude; fromY = mNavigationList[mNavIndex].Latitude; fromZ = mNavigationList[mNavIndex].Altitude; } double length = mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].getUTMDistance(fromX, fromY); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(mNavNextIndex + " 目的地 " + mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].ToString()); #endif if (length < 50) { ReachOnePlace(); return(true); } mTopSpeed = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(Math.Pow(2, CGisDataSettings.AppSpeed) * 20, 350)); double speed = Math.Min(length / 3.5, mTopSpeed); clearTrain(); isOnOneWay = true; mVirtualOnly = false; if (!fromCurrent || length > 30000) { double x, y; x = (fromX + mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Longitude) / 2; y = (fromY + mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Latitude) / 2; for (int i = mPresentation.Steps.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { mPresentation.DeleteStep(i); } mPresentation.CreateLocationStep(PresentationStepContinue.PSC_WAIT, 1, "Starting", sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(fromX, fromY, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -89, 0, Math.Max(350, fromZ))); // 如果距离过长,先到世界中心,再到当前工点 mPresentation.CreateCaptionStep(PresentationStepContinue.PSC_WAIT, 0, "Txt", "开始漫游", 3); if (length > 60000) { mPresentation.CreateLocationStep(PresentationStepContinue.PSC_WAIT, 1, "Ending", sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(118.6, 36.6, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 341, -90.0, 0, 445000)); } else { mPresentation.CreateLocationStep(PresentationStepContinue.PSC_WAIT, 1, "Ending", sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(x, y, 0, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -89, 0, Math.Max(length, 5000))); } mPresentation.CreateLocationStep(PresentationStepContinue.PSC_WAIT, 1, "Ended", sgworld.Creator.CreatePosition(mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Longitude, mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Latitude, 350, AltitudeTypeCode.ATC_TERRAIN_RELATIVE, 0, -89, 0, 0)); updatePresentationSpeed(mPresentation); mPresentation.Play(0); //mVirtualObj.Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(mPlaceList[nextIndex].Longitude, mPlaceList[nextIndex].Latitude, mPlaceList[nextIndex].Altitude + 150)); return(true); } //isPresentation = true; //sgworld.OnObjectAction += Sgworld_OnObjectAction; mStepm = length < 250 ? length / 5 : speed; mNavPath = new CSubPath(CRailwayLineList.gRealConnection, mNavigationList[mNavIndex].DKCode, mNavigationList[mNavIndex].Mileage, mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].DKCode, mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Mileage, 10); if (!mNavPath.hasPath) { // 如果没有路径,直接飞过去 double midx, midy, midz; midx = (fromX + mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Longitude) / 2; midy = (fromY + mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Latitude) / 2; midz = (fromZ + mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Altitude) / 2; mVirtualWayPointCount = 3; mVirtualObj.Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(fromX, fromY, fromZ + 150, speed)); mVirtualObj.Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(midx, midy, midz + 150, speed)); mVirtualObj.Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Longitude, mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Latitude, mNavigationList[mNavNextIndex].Altitude + 150, speed)); #if DEBUG ModelInfo.Helper.LogHelper.WriteLog(mNavIndex + "\t" + midx + "\t" + midy + "\t" + midz); #endif mVirtualOnly = true; mVirtualObj.CircularRoute = false; mVirtualObj.Pause = false; mVirtualObj.RestartRoute(); sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(mVirtualObj, ActionCode.AC_FOLLOWABOVE); // ReachOnePlace(); return(true); } panelInfo.Visible = true; prepareTrain(mNavPath, 0); // double[][] mm,mx, my, mz, md; // mx = new double[5][]; // my = new double[5][]; // mz = new double[5][]; // md = new double[5][]; // mm = new double[5][]; // double[] ms = { 0, 37, 86, 135, 172 }; // //mx[0] =; // //my[0] =; // //mz[0] =; // //md[0] =; // mTrainWayPointTotal = mTrainWayPointCount = mNavPath.mPointCount; // mDistoNext = mNavPath.mLength; // for (int i = 0; i< 5; i++) // { // ModelInfo.Helper.CSubLine.getSubLineByMileage(-ms[i], mNavPath.mLength-ms[i], mStepm,,,,,, // out mm[i], out mx[i], out my[i], out mz[i], out md[i], true); // } // //mDynamicTrain.Acceleration = 1; // double localspeed; // for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) // { // for (int i = 0; i < mTrainWayPointCount; i++) // { // // 逐渐加速,减速 // localspeed = Math.Min(5 + (mTrainWayPointCount - Math.Abs(mTrainWayPointCount - i / 2)) * 10, speed); //#if DEBUG // //Console.WriteLine(curIndex + "\t" + mx[i] + "\t" + my[i] + "\t" + mz[i] + "\t" + md[i]); // //ModelInfo.Helper.LogHelper.WriteLog(curIndex + "\t" + mx[i] + "\t" + my[i] + "\t" + mz[i] + "\t" + md[i]); // mDynamicTrain[j].Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(mx[j][i], my[j][i], mz[j][i], speed, md[j][i])); //#else // mDynamicTrain.Waypoints.AddWaypoint(sgworld.Creator.CreateRouteWaypoint(mx[j][i], my[j][i], mz[j][i], localspeed, md[j][i])); //#endif // } // mDynamicTrain[j].CircularRoute = false; // mDynamicTrain[j].Pause = false; // mDynamicTrain[j].RestartRoute(); // } // if (mTrainWayPointTotal < 15) // { // sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(mDynamicTrain[0], ActionCode.AC_FOLLOWBEHINDANDABOVE); // } // else // sgworld.Navigate.FlyTo(mDynamicTrain[0], ActionCode.AC_FOLLOWCOCKPIT); return(true); }