private static void EnumerateContents(ref IPortableDeviceContent content, PortableDeviceFolder parent) { IPortableDeviceProperties portableDeviceProperty; IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs enumPortableDeviceObjectId; string str; content.Properties(out portableDeviceProperty); content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out enumPortableDeviceObjectId); uint num = 0; do { enumPortableDeviceObjectId.Next(1, out str, ref num); if (num <= 0) { continue; } PortableDeviceObject portableDeviceObject = WrapObject(portableDeviceProperty, str); parent.Files.Add(portableDeviceObject); if (!(portableDeviceObject is PortableDeviceFolder)) { continue; } EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder)portableDeviceObject); }while (num > 0); }
private bool IsInFolderList(string objectId, IPortableDeviceContent content) { bool result = false; DeviceContent = content; IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceKeyCollection keys; properties.GetSupportedProperties(objectId, out keys); IPortableDeviceValues values; properties.GetValues(objectId, keys, out values); var theContentType = new ContentTypeProperty(values); var theName = new NameProperty(values); if (LoadFolders.Count == 0 || LoadFolders.Contains(theName.Value.ToUpper())) { result = true; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 获取总容量和可用容量 /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceContent"></param> /// <param name="storageId"></param> /// <param name="freeSpace"></param> /// <param name="storageCapacity"></param> private static void GetStorageCapacityAnFreeSpace(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string storageId, out ulong freeSpace, out ulong storageCapacity) { try { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); IPortableDeviceKeyCollection keyCollection = (IPortableDeviceKeyCollection) new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceKeyCollectionClass(); _tagpropertykey freeSpaceKey = new _tagpropertykey(); freeSpaceKey.fmtid = new Guid("01a3057a-74d6-4e80-bea7-dc4c212ce50a"); = 5; _tagpropertykey storageCapacityKey = new _tagpropertykey(); storageCapacityKey.fmtid = new Guid("01a3057a-74d6-4e80-bea7-dc4c212ce50a"); = 4; keyCollection.Add(freeSpaceKey); keyCollection.Add(storageCapacityKey); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; deviceProperties.GetValues(storageId, keyCollection, out deviceValues); deviceValues.GetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(ref freeSpaceKey, out freeSpace); deviceValues.GetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(ref storageCapacityKey, out storageCapacity); } catch { freeSpace = 0; storageCapacity = 0; } }
// private static string GetObjectName(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string objectId) // { // IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; // deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); // // var keyCollection = (IPortableDeviceKeyCollection)new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceKeyCollectionClass(); // keyCollection.Add(ref PortableDevicePropertyKeys.WPD_OBJECT_NAME); // // IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; // deviceProperties.GetValues(objectId, keyCollection, out deviceValues); // // string name; // deviceValues.GetStringValue(ref PortableDevicePropertyKeys.WPD_OBJECT_NAME, out name); // // return name; // } private static IEnumerable <string> GetObjectProperties(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string objectId) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; deviceProperties.GetValues(objectId, null, out deviceValues); var properties = new List <string>(); uint valueCount = 0; deviceValues.GetCount(ref valueCount); for (uint i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) { var key = new _tagpropertykey(); var value = new tag_inner_PROPVARIANT(); deviceValues.GetAt(i, ref key, ref value); properties.Add( String.Format("[{0}, {1}] : {2}", key.fmtid,, PropVariant.FromValue(value).AsString())); } return(properties); }
protected static void EnumerateContents(ref IPortableDeviceContent content, PortableDeviceFolder parent) { // Get the properties of the object IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); // Enumerate the items contained by the current object IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIds; content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out objectIds); uint fetched = 0; do { string objectId; objectIds.Next(1, out objectId, ref fetched); if (fetched > 0) { var currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectId); parent.Files.Add(currentObject); if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFolder) { EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder) currentObject); } } } while (fetched > 0); }
internal void Enumerate(ref IPortableDeviceContent pContent, string parentID, PortableDeviceContainerObject node, IObjectEnumerateHelper helper, bool detectNewObjects = false) { IPortableDeviceProperties properties; pContent.Properties(out properties); foreach (var objectID in ExtractObjectIds(pContent, parentID)) { if (detectNewObjects && ParentContainsChildsId(node, objectID)) { continue; } PortableDeviceObject current = ExtractInformation(properties, objectID); if (!helper.IsObjectMatching(current)) { continue; } node.AddChild(current); if (!helper.IsLastNode && current is PortableDeviceContainerObject) { Enumerate(ref pContent, objectID, (PortableDeviceContainerObject)current, helper.Next(), detectNewObjects); } } }
private static void EnumerateContents(ref IPortableDeviceContent content, PortableDeviceFolder parent) { // Get the properties of the object IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); // Enumerate the items contained by the current object IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIds; content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out objectIds); uint fetched = 0; do { string objectId; objectIds.Next(1, out objectId, ref fetched); if (fetched > 0) { var currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectId); parent.Files.Add(currentObject); if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFolder) { EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder)currentObject); } } } while (fetched > 0); }
private List <TransFileObject> GetObjects(string parentDirId, IPortableDeviceContent content, TransFileObject.ObjectKind kindFilter = TransFileObject.ObjectKind.ALL) { var retObjs = new List <TransFileObject>(); IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIDs; content.EnumObjects(0, parentDirId, null, out objectIDs); // オブジェクトを取得 string objectID; uint fetched = 0; while (true) { objectIDs.Next(1, out objectID, ref fetched); if (fetched <= 0) { break; } TransFileObject currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectID); if (kindFilter == TransFileObject.ObjectKind.ALL || currentObject.kind == kindFilter) { retObjs.Add(currentObject); } } return(retObjs); }
private void DownloadFile(TransFileObject file, string destPath, IPortableDeviceContent content) { IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); var downloadFileObj = WrapObject(properties, file.objId); IPortableDeviceResources resources; content.Transfer(out resources); PortableDeviceApiLib.IStream wpdStream; uint optimalTransferSize = 0; var property = new _tagpropertykey(); property.fmtid = new Guid(0xE81E79BE, 0x34F0, 0x41BF, 0xB5, 0x3F, 0xF1, 0xA0, 0x6A, 0xE8, 0x78, 0x42); = 0; resources.GetStream(file.objId, ref property, 0, ref optimalTransferSize, out wpdStream); System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream sourceStream = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream)wpdStream; FileStream targetStream = new FileStream(destPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); unsafe { var buffer = new byte[10240]; int bytesRead; do { sourceStream.Read(buffer, 10240, new IntPtr(&bytesRead)); if (bytesRead <= 0) { break; } targetStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } while (true /*bytesRead > 0*/); targetStream.Close(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceStream); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wpdStream); // ファイルの更新日時を更新 DateTime setDate = file.updateTime; if (setDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) == 0) { setDate = GetImgTakenDate(destPath); // Exifから撮影日時情報を取得 } File.SetLastWriteTime(destPath, setDate); }
/// <summary> /// create a folder storage object withing the specified parent /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceContent">unmanaged device</param> /// <param name="parentObjectId">parent object id</param> /// <param name="newFolder">name of the new folder</param> /// <returns>created object id</returns> public string CreateFolderObject(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string parentObjectId, string newFolder) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues = (IPortableDeviceValues) new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceValues(); GetRequiredPropertiesForFolder(parentObjectId, newFolder, ref deviceValues); string objectId = string.Empty; deviceContent.CreateObjectWithPropertiesOnly(deviceValues, ref objectId); return(objectId); }
private static IPortableDeviceValues GetDeviceValues(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, _tagpropertykey key, string objectId) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); var keyCollection = (IPortableDeviceKeyCollection) new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceKeyCollectionClass(); keyCollection.Add(key); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; deviceProperties.GetValues(objectId, keyCollection, out deviceValues); return(deviceValues); }
/// <summary> /// create a new resource stream in a parent object /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceContent">unmanged device</param> /// <param name="parentObjectId">the parent object</param> /// <param name="fileName">file to create</param> /// <param name="length">length of the file in bytes</param> /// <returns></returns> public IStream CreateResourceStream(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string parentObjectId, string fileName, long length) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); var deviceValues = GetRequiredPropertiesForFile(parentObjectId, fileName, length); IStream stream; uint optimalBufferSize = 0; deviceContent.CreateObjectWithPropertiesAndData(deviceValues, out stream, ref optimalBufferSize, null); return(stream); }
public Item(string objectId, IPortableDeviceContent content) : base(objectId) { DeviceContent = content; IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceKeyCollection keys; properties.GetSupportedProperties(objectId, out keys); IPortableDeviceValues values; properties.GetValues(objectId, keys, out values); ContentType = new ContentTypeProperty(values); Name = new NameProperty(values); // Only load the sub information if the current object is a folder or functional object. switch (ContentType.Type) { case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.FunctionalObject: { //TODO: Replace it back to LoadDeviceItems if not correct LoadDeviceItemsByThread(content); break; } case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.Folder: { OriginalFileName = new OriginalFileNameProperty(values); LoadDeviceItems(content); break; } case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.Image: case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.Video: case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.Audio: { OriginalFileName = new OriginalFileNameProperty(values); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// 连接设备 /// </summary> /// <param name="DeviceId"></param> /// <param name="portableDevice"></param> /// <param name="deviceContent"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static IPortableDeviceValues Connect(string DeviceId, out PortableDevice portableDevice, out IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent) { IPortableDeviceValues clientInfo = (IPortableDeviceValues) new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceValuesClass(); portableDevice = new PortableDeviceClass(); portableDevice.Open(DeviceId, clientInfo); portableDevice.Content(out deviceContent); IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; deviceProperties.GetValues("DEVICE", null, out deviceValues); return(deviceValues); }
public Device(PortableDeviceManager devices, string id) { = id; uint length = 0; devices.GetDeviceDescription(id, null, ref length); char[] bytes = new char[length]; devices.GetDeviceDescription(id, bytes, ref length); description = new string(bytes, 0, (int)length - 1); foobalator.Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Discovered {0}", description)); PortableDeviceValues values = new PortableDeviceValues(); values.SetUnsignedIntegerValue(Constants.WPD_CLIENT_DESIRED_ACCESS, Constants.GENERIC_READ | Constants.GENERIC_WRITE); PortableDevice device = new PortableDevice(); device.Open(id, values); device.Content(out content); content.Properties(out properties); DeviceObject root = new DeviceObject(this, "DEVICE"); DeviceObject phoneFolder = root.GetChildByName("Phone"); if (phoneFolder == null) { return; } musicFolder = phoneFolder.GetChildByName("Music"); if (musicFolder == null) { return; } playlistFolder = musicFolder.GetChildByName("Playlist"); if (playlistFolder == null) { return; } }
public void GetDate(MTPDevice device, MTPFileNode fileNode) { IPortableDeviceContent content = GetDeviceContent(device.DeviceId); IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceValues objectValues; properties.GetValues(fileNode.Id, null, out objectValues); //暂时只获取文件的创建、修改、最后访问时间 //由于不用手机设备对MTP协议的支持程度不同,导致不同设备可能获取到的多少不一致 fileNode.DateCreated = GetFileDateCreatedProperty(objectValues); fileNode.DateModified = GetFileDateModifiedProperty(objectValues); fileNode.DateAuthored = GetFileDateAuthoredProperty(objectValues); }
private static void EnumerateContents(PortableDevice parentDevice, ref IPortableDeviceContent content, PortableDeviceFolder parent) { // Get the properties of the object IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); // Enumerate the items contained by the current object IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIds; content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out objectIds); uint fetched = 0; do { fetched = 0; string objectId; objectIds.Next(1, out objectId, ref fetched); if (fetched > 0) { var currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectId); currentObject.content = content; currentObject.parentDevice = parentDevice; parent.Files.Add(currentObject); if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFolder) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "cat", "Opening: " + currentObject.Name + "\r\n"); //EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder) currentObject); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "cat", "Adding: " + currentObject.Name + "\r\n"); } } } while (fetched > 0); }
public Item(string objectId, IPortableDeviceContent content) : base(objectId) { DeviceContent = content; IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceKeyCollection keys; properties.GetSupportedProperties(objectId, out keys); IPortableDeviceValues values; properties.GetValues(objectId, keys, out values); ContentType = new ContentTypeProperty(values); Name = new NameProperty(values); // Only load the sub information if the current object is a folder or functional object. switch (ContentType.Type) { case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.FunctionalObject: { LoadDeviceItems(content); break; } case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.Folder: { OriginalFileName = new OriginalFileNameProperty(values); LoadDeviceItems(content); break; } case WindowsPortableDeviceEnumerators.ContentType.Image: { OriginalFileName = new OriginalFileNameProperty(values); break; } } }
public void EnumerateContents(ref IPortableDeviceContent content, PortableDeviceFolder parent, int level) { if (level < 2) { // Get the properties of the object IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); // Enumerate the items contained by the current object IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIds; content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out objectIds); uint fetched = 0; do { string objectId; objectIds.Next(1, out objectId, ref fetched); if (fetched > 0) { var currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectId); parent.Files.Add(currentObject); if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFolder) { if (!currentObject.Name.Equals("ServicePlatform")) { EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder)currentObject, level + 1); } else { ServicePlatformFolder = currentObject; EnumerateContents(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder)currentObject, 0); } } } } while (fetched > 0); } }
/** * Device must be connected! * * Returns the id of the new folder. */ public PortableDeviceFolder CreateDir(PortableDevice device, string folderName) { PortableDeviceFolder result = null; try { String newFolderId = ""; // Already got folderName? result = FindDir(folderName); if (null == result) { IPortableDeviceContent content = device.getContents(); // Get the properties of the object IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceValues createFolderValues = GetRequiredCreateDirPropertiesForContentType(Id, folderName); content.CreateObjectWithPropertiesOnly(createFolderValues, ref newFolderId); // Last, add to list of files. result = new PortableDeviceFolder(newFolderId, folderName); this.Files.Add(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); result = null; } return(result); }
private static void EnumerateFolderContent(ref IPortableDeviceContent content, PortableDeviceFolder parent, string currentFolder, string targetFolder, ref List <wpdFileInfo> retlist, ref string targetFolderID) { // save ID of the parent when target folder is reached if (targetFolder == currentFolder) { targetFolderID = parent.Id; } // Get the properties of the object IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); // Enumerate the items contained by the current object IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs objectIds; content.EnumObjects(0, parent.Id, null, out objectIds); uint fetched = 0; do { string objectId; objectIds.Next(1, out objectId, ref fetched); if (fetched > 0) { PortableDeviceObject currentObject = WrapObject(properties, objectId); // only collect objects within the targetFolder, ignore all other object if (targetFolder == currentFolder) { // build item string name = currentObject.Name; if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFolder) { // get file modified date IPortableDeviceKeyCollection keys; properties.GetSupportedProperties(currentObject.Id, out keys); IPortableDeviceValues values; properties.GetValues(currentObject.Id, keys, out values); string objDateStr = ""; _tagpropertykey property = new _tagpropertykey(); property.fmtid = new Guid("EF6B490D-5CD8-437A-AFFC-DA8B60EE4A3C"); = 19; //WPD_OBJECT_DATE_MODIFIED try { values.GetStringValue(property, out objDateStr); // 2016/10/19:18:52:52.000 } catch {; } retlist.Add(new wpdFileInfo("p:" + name, "wpd_" + currentObject.Id, 0, objDateStr)); } if (currentObject is PortableDeviceFile) { // get file properties IPortableDeviceKeyCollection keys; properties.GetSupportedProperties(currentObject.Id, out keys); IPortableDeviceValues values; properties.GetValues(currentObject.Id, keys, out values); // get file size long objSize; _tagpropertykey property = new _tagpropertykey(); property.fmtid = new Guid("EF6B490D-5CD8-437A-AFFC-DA8B60EE4A3C"); = 11; //WPD_OBJECT_SIZE; values.GetSignedLargeIntegerValue(property, out objSize); // get file modified date string objDateStr; = 19; //WPD_OBJECT_DATE_MODIFIED values.GetStringValue(property, out objDateStr); // 2016/10/19:18:52:52.000 //DateTime objDateUTC = (DateTime.ParseExact(objDateStr, "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal)).ToUniversalTime(); // 2016/10/19:18:52:52.000 // transfer file to return list retlist.Add(new wpdFileInfo("f:" + name, "wpd_" + currentObject.Id, objSize, objDateStr)); } } // a path sequence along the targetFolder is needed; as long as currentFolder is the beginning of the targetFolder, we are on the right track string latestFolder = Path.Combine(currentFolder, currentObject.Name); if ((targetFolder.StartsWith(latestFolder))) { // next level starts with a new currentFolder currentFolder = latestFolder; EnumerateFolderContent(ref content, (PortableDeviceFolder)currentObject, currentFolder, targetFolder, ref retlist, ref targetFolderID); // after returning from a deeper level, currentFolder needs to reset to the next higher level currentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFolder); } } } while (fetched > 0); }
private static IPortableDeviceValues GetDeviceValues(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, _tagpropertykey key, string objectId) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); var keyCollection = (IPortableDeviceKeyCollection)new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceKeyCollectionClass(); keyCollection.Add(key); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; deviceProperties.GetValues(objectId, keyCollection, out deviceValues); return deviceValues; }
/// <summary> /// 获取MTP设备文件系统树 /// </summary> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="asyn"></param> /// <returns>根节点</returns> public MTPFileNode GetRootFileNode(MTPDevice device, IAsyncTaskProgress asyn) { MTPFileNode root = new MTPFileNode() { Type = MTPFileNodeType.Root, Name = "Root", Childrens = new List <MTPFileNode>(), Level = -1 }; IPortableDeviceContent content = GetDeviceContent(device.DeviceId); IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; properties.GetValues("DEVICE", null, out deviceValues); List <string> storagesId = GetChildrenObjectIds(content, "DEVICE"); //获取存储卡设备 foreach (string storageId in storagesId) { MTPFileNode deviceNode = new MTPFileNode() { Type = MTPFileNodeType.Device, Name = GetNameById(storageId, properties), Id = storageId, Childrens = new List <MTPFileNode>(), Parent = root, //Level = 0 }; root.Childrens.Add(deviceNode); } foreach (var parentNode in root.Childrens) { List <string> objectsId = GetChildrenObjectIds(content, parentNode.Id); if (objectsId != null && objectsId.Count > 0) { foreach (string objectId in objectsId) { IPortableDeviceValues objectValues; properties.GetValues(objectId, null, out objectValues); MTPFileNode fileNode = new MTPFileNode() { Type = GetFileTypeProperty(objectValues), Name = GetFullNameProperty(objectValues), //FileSize = GetFileSizeProperty(objectValues), Id = objectId, Childrens = new List <MTPFileNode>(), Parent = parentNode, //Level = parentNode.Level + 1 }; parentNode.Childrens.Add(fileNode); if (fileNode.Type != MTPFileNodeType.File) { CreateTree(fileNode, content, properties, asyn); } } } } return(root); }
internal void Enumerate(ref IPortableDeviceContent pContent, string parentID, PortableDeviceContainerObject node, IObjectEnumerateHelper helper, bool detectNewObjects = false) { IPortableDeviceProperties properties; pContent.Properties(out properties); foreach (var objectID in ExtractObjectIds(pContent, parentID)) { if (detectNewObjects && ParentContainsChildsId(node, objectID)) continue; PortableDeviceObject current = ExtractInformation(properties, objectID); if(!helper.IsObjectMatching(current)) continue; node.AddChild(current); if (!helper.IsLastNode && current is PortableDeviceContainerObject) Enumerate(ref pContent, objectID, (PortableDeviceContainerObject)current, helper.Next(), detectNewObjects); } }
/// <summary> /// create a folder storage object withing the specified parent /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceContent">unmanaged device</param> /// <param name="parentObjectId">parent object id</param> /// <param name="newFolder">name of the new folder</param> /// <returns>created object id</returns> public string CreateFolderObject(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string parentObjectId, string newFolder) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues = (IPortableDeviceValues)new PortableDeviceTypesLib.PortableDeviceValues(); GetRequiredPropertiesForFolder(parentObjectId, newFolder, ref deviceValues); string objectId = string.Empty; deviceContent.CreateObjectWithPropertiesOnly(deviceValues,ref objectId); return objectId; }
/// <summary> /// create a new resource stream in a parent object /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceContent">unmanged device</param> /// <param name="parentObjectId">the parent object</param> /// <param name="fileName">file to create</param> /// <param name="length">length of the file in bytes</param> /// <returns></returns> public IStream CreateResourceStream(IPortableDeviceContent deviceContent, string parentObjectId, string fileName, long length) { IPortableDeviceProperties deviceProperties; deviceContent.Properties(out deviceProperties); var deviceValues = GetRequiredPropertiesForFile(parentObjectId, fileName, length); IStream stream; uint optimalBufferSize = 0; deviceContent.CreateObjectWithPropertiesAndData(deviceValues, out stream, ref optimalBufferSize, null); return stream; }
public MTPFileNode GetRootFileNode(MTPDevice device, IAsyncProgress asyn) { MTPFileNode root = new MTPFileNode() { Type = MTPFileNodeType.Root, Name = "Root", Childrens = new List <MTPFileNode>(), Level = -1 }; IPortableDeviceContent content = GetDeviceContent(device.DeviceId); IPortableDeviceProperties properties; content.Properties(out properties); IPortableDeviceValues deviceValues; properties.GetValues("DEVICE", null, out deviceValues); List <string> storagesId = GetChildrenObjectIds(content, "DEVICE"); //获取存储卡设备 //asyn.Advance(0, string.Format("获取到{0}个存储设备", storagesId.Count)); foreach (string storageId in storagesId) { MTPFileNode deviceNode = new MTPFileNode() { Type = MTPFileNodeType.Device, Name = GetNameById(storageId, properties), Id = storageId, Childrens = new List <MTPFileNode>(), Parent = root, //Level = 0 }; root.Childrens.Add(deviceNode); } foreach (var parentNode in root.Childrens) { //asyn.Advance(0, string.Format(LanguageHelper.Get("LANGKEY_KaiShiHuoQuDeWenJianXiTong_00553"), parentNode.Name)); List <string> objectsId = GetChildrenObjectIds(content, parentNode.Id); if (objectsId != null && objectsId.Count > 0) { foreach (string objectId in objectsId) { IPortableDeviceValues objectValues; properties.GetValues(objectId, null, out objectValues); MTPFileNode fileNode = new MTPFileNode() { Type = GetFileTypeProperty(objectValues), Name = GetFullNameProperty(objectValues), //FileSize = GetFileSizeProperty(objectValues), Id = objectId, Childrens = new List <MTPFileNode>(), Parent = parentNode, //Level = parentNode.Level + 1 }; parentNode.Childrens.Add(fileNode); //asyn.Advance(10.0 / root.Childrens.Count / objectsId.Count, string.Format(LanguageHelper.Get("LANGKEY_HuoQuJieDian_00554"), fileNode.Name)); if (fileNode.Type != MTPFileNodeType.File) { CreateTree(fileNode, content, properties, asyn); } } } } return(root); }