public void Initialize(string rootPath, ITheUserExperience userExperience = null)
            var pluginPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PlgDir"));
            var pluginRepositoryPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PginRepoPath"));
            var pluginPickerPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PluginPickerDirectory"));
            var theUserExperienceDirectory = Path.Combine(rootPath, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("UsrExpDir"));

            // Find The User Experience if available
            var theUserExperience = Utilities.GetTheUserExperience(theUserExperienceDirectory);

            // Find Repository factories available...
            var repositoryFactories = Utilities.GetPluginRepositoryFactories(pluginRepositoryPath);

            // ... if there are none, then use the fail safe, otherwise pick a random one to use
            if (repositoryFactories.Length == 0)
                repositoryFactories = new IPluginRepositoryFactory[] { new FailsafePluginRepositoryFactory() };

            if (repositoryFactories.Length == 1)
                PluginRepository = repositoryFactories[0].GetRepository();
                var selectedIndex = new Random().Next(pluginRepositoryPath.Length);
                PluginRepository = repositoryFactories[selectedIndex].GetRepository();

        private void Load()
            // Show Title (give time for it to all sink in)
            Dispatcher.Invoke(_onShowStoryboard, _titleSplosion);
            Dispatcher.Invoke(_onShowStoryboard, _showSubtitle);

            // Figure stuff out...
            ReceiveMessage("Delving into user settings");

            var args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            var rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]);
            if (rootPath == null)

                // Not really sure what to do here, but these steps usually work for me
                    "Woops! Uknown Error: Using the list below, proceed to the next item if the previus item does not correct the problem\n" +
                    "1) Restart application\n" +
                    "2) Reinstall application\n" +
                    "3) Reboot computer\n" +
                    "4) Reinstall Windows\n" +
                    "5) Purchase new computer :( \n", 1005);
                var pluginPath = MethodsAndStuff.GetPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PlgDir"));
                var pluginRepositoryPath = MethodsAndStuff.GetPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PginRepoPath"));
                var pluginPickerPath = MethodsAndStuff.GetPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PluginPickerDirectory"));

                // Find Repository factories available...
                ReceiveMessage("Finding Repository Factories...");
                var repositoryFactories = Utilities.GetPluginRepositoryFactories(pluginRepositoryPath);

                // ... if there are none, then use the fail safe, otherwise pick a random one to use
                ReceiveMessage("Building Repository...");
                if (repositoryFactories.Length == 0)
                    repositoryFactories = new IPluginRepositoryFactory[] {new FailsafePluginRepositoryFactory()};

                if (repositoryFactories.Length == 1)
                    Engine.PluginRepositoryFactory = repositoryFactories[0];
                    // For multiple repository factories, randomly choose one to be the
                    // one we use for this go-around
                    var selectedIndex = Engine.Randomizer.Randomize(repositoryFactories.Length);
                    Engine.PluginRepositoryFactory = repositoryFactories[selectedIndex];

                // Calculate the number of plugins so that the message can be "smart"
                int pluginCount = Engine.PluginRepository.Plugins.Length;
                ReceiveMessage(string.Format("Retrieving {0} Plugins...", pluginCount));

                // This is a clever trick I discovered on the internet:  the plugin collection
                // can be preloaded here simply by being accessed for the first time!  By doing
                // this here during the loading step, we can save time in the longrun
                var deleteMe = Engine.PluginRepository.Plugins;

            //close the window
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)delegate() { Close(); });