protected override void Execute()
            // To change the overall logging level you can manually edit SDLTradosStudio.exe.config
            // Simply set <level value="INFO" /> from the <root> element of the <log4net> section to
            // one of the available levels (listed from lowest to highest priority):
            // ALL (lowest priority), DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF (highest priority).
            // Logs with a lower priority level than the one specified in the config will not be
            // written to the log file.

            _pluginLog.Debug("This is a debug message ! ");

            _pluginLog.Info("This is an info message ! ");

            _pluginLog.Warn("This is a warning message ! ");

            _pluginLog.Error("This is an error message ! ");

            _pluginLog.Fatal("This is a fatal message ! ");

            catch (NotImplementedException ex)
                _pluginLog.Error("Logging exception", ex);

            MessageBox.Show("We generated some logs. Check the log file");