public override void DetectWebViewLoadFinishedEvent(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            UIApplicationState applicationState = application.ApplicationState;

            ((UnityUI_iOSViewController_UIWebView)MainViewController()).webView.LoadFinished += delegate {
                                #if DEBUG
                log("************** WEBVIEW LOAD FINISHED");

                if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0))
                    UIView.AnimationsEnabled = true;                      //enable again animation in all view  (see UnityUI_iOSViewController_UIWebView#loadWebView for details)

                // inform other weak delegates (if exist) about the web view finished event
                IPhoneServiceLocator.WebViewLoadingFinished(applicationState, launchOptions);

                // The NSDictionary options variable would contain any notification data if the user clicked the 'view' button on the notification
                // to launch the application.
                // This method processes these options from the FinishedLaunching.
                processLaunchOptions(launchOptions, true, applicationState);

                // Processing extra data received when launched externally (using custom scheme url)
         * public override void DecidePolicy (WKWebView webView, WKNavigationAction navigationAction, Action<WKNavigationActionPolicy> decisionHandler)
         * {
         *      Console.WriteLine ("**** DecidePolicy****: " + navigationAction.Request);
         *      webView.LoadRequest (navigationAction.Request);  // testing, it blocks the request load
         * }

        public override void DidFinishNavigation(WKWebView webView, WKNavigation navigation)
                        #if DEBUG
            SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.GUI, "AppverseWKNavigationDelegate ************** WEBVIEW LOAD FINISHED");
            if (_appDelegate != null && _application != null)
                UIApplicationState applicationState = _application.ApplicationState;

                // inform other weak delegates (if exist) about the web view finished event
                IPhoneServiceLocator.WebViewLoadingFinished(applicationState, _launchOptions);

                // The NSDictionary options variable would contain any notification data if the user clicked the 'view' button on the notification
                // to launch the application.
                // This method processes these options from the FinishedLaunching.
                _appDelegate.processLaunchOptions(_launchOptions, true, applicationState);

                // Processing extra data received when launched externally (using custom scheme url)
                                #if DEBUG
                SystemLogger.Log(SystemLogger.Module.GUI, "AppverseWKNavigationDelegate  ************** Application Delegate is not accessible. Stop processing notifications and/or launch data");