public void AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { var graph = host.ExplorationServices.Searcher.ExecutionGraphBuilder as IVisualExecutionGraph; log = host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().SimpleLog; AppendLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); foreach (var rootNode in graph.ExecutionRootNodes) { LogRootNode(host, log, rootNode); } AppendLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); AppendLine("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); IFiniteMap <TypeName, StackFrameTree <PexStackFrameTag> .ExceptionNode> exceptions = host.Log.ExceptionFrameTree.GetExceptions(); foreach (var exception in exceptions) { AppendLine("TypeName: " + exception.Key); IIndexable <PexGeneratedTestName> indexable = exception.Value.Tag.Tests; foreach (var name in indexable) { AppendLine("ExceptionNode.Tag.Test: id: " + name.ID + " method: " + name.TestMethodName); } AppendLine("ExceptionNode.Tag.ExceptionState: " + exception.Value.Tag.ExceptionState); } AppendLine("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); return; }
public TargetBranchAnalyzer(PexMeDynamicDatabase pmd, IPexComponentServices services, IPexExplorationComponent explorationComponent) { this.pmd = pmd; = pmd; = services; this.explorationComponent = explorationComponent; }
private static string prettyPrintPathCondition(IPexExplorationComponent host, Term[] pathConditions) { var writer = new SafeStringWriter(); var codeWriter = host.Services.TestManager.Language.CreateBodyWriter( writer, VisibilityContext.Private, 100); var emitter = new TermEmitter( host.ExplorationServices.TermManager, new NameCreator()); for (int i = pathConditions.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var pathCondition = pathConditions[i]; if (!emitter.TryEvaluate( new Term[] { pathCondition }, 10000, // bound on size of expression we are going to pretty-print codeWriter)) { writer.WriteLine("(expression too big; consider using environment variable {0})", ExtendedReflectionEnvironmentSettings.NoCodeEmitterSizeLimit.Name); } else { codeWriter.Return(SystemTypes.Bool); } } return(writer.ToString()); }
private static string prettyPrintTerm(IPexExplorationComponent host, Term term, TypeEx type) { var writer = new SafeStringWriter(); var codeWriter = host.Services.TestManager.Language.CreateBodyWriter( writer, VisibilityContext.Private, 100); var emitter = new TermEmitter( host.ExplorationServices.TermManager, new NameCreator()); if (!emitter.TryEvaluate( new Term[] { term }, 10000, // bound on size of expression we are going to pretty-print codeWriter)) { writer.WriteLine("(expression too big; consider using environment variable {0})", ExtendedReflectionEnvironmentSettings.NoCodeEmitterSizeLimit.Name); } else { codeWriter.Return(type); } return(writer.ToString()); }
public object BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { MessageBox.Show("BeforeExploration"); // Subscribing to constraint problem handler host.Log.ProblemHandler += (problemEventArgs) => { var location = problemEventArgs.FlippedLocation.Method == null ? "" : (problemEventArgs.FlippedLocation.Method.FullName + ":" + problemEventArgs.FlippedLocation.Offset); Z3CallLocations.Add(location); }; // Subscribing to test emitting handler host.Log.GeneratedTestHandler += (generatedTestEventArgs) => { // Getting the number of the corresponding run var run = generatedTestEventArgs.GeneratedTest.Run; // Storing the result of the test (this is called before AfterRun) EmittedTestResult.Add(run, new Tuple <bool, string>(generatedTestEventArgs.GeneratedTest.IsFailure, generatedTestEventArgs.GeneratedTest.MethodCode)); }; return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets invoked befor the state of the exploration /// </summary> /// <param name="host"></param> /// <returns></returns> object IPexExplorationPackage.BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod = host.ExplorationServices.CurrentExploration.Exploration.Method; var currPUTSignature = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(pmd.CurrentPUTMethod); //Activate the methods of the current PUT from dormant foreach (var fss in pmd.FactorySuggestionsDictionary.Values) { foreach (var pucls in fss.locationStoreSpecificSequences.Values) { if (pucls.IsDormat()) { pucls.ActivateFromDormant(currPUTSignature); } } } pmd.PendingExplorationMethods.Add(currPUTSignature); //This code includes MSeqGen related stuff, primarily for evaluating the combined approach //if (PexMeConstants.ENABLE_MSEQGEN_RECOMMENDER) //{ // var explorableManager = host.ExplorationServices.ExplorableManager; // int numMethodsRecommended = 0; // foreach (var explorableCandidate in mseqgen.GetExplorableCandidates()) // { // explorableManager.AddExplorableCandidate(explorableCandidate); // numMethodsRecommended++; // } // // host.Log.LogMessage("MSeqGenRecommender", "Recommended " + numMethodsRecommended + " factory methods"); //} return(null); }
public void AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { var graph = host.ExplorationServices.Searcher.ExecutionGraphBuilder as IVisualExecutionGraph; log = host.GetService<ProblemTrackDatabase>().SimpleLog; AppendLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); foreach (var rootNode in graph.ExecutionRootNodes) { LogRootNode(host, log, rootNode); } AppendLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); AppendLine("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); IFiniteMap<TypeName, StackFrameTree<PexStackFrameTag>.ExceptionNode> exceptions = host.Log.ExceptionFrameTree.GetExceptions(); foreach (var exception in exceptions) { AppendLine("TypeName: " + exception.Key); IIndexable<PexGeneratedTestName> indexable = exception.Value.Tag.Tests; foreach (var name in indexable) { AppendLine("ExceptionNode.Tag.Test: id: " + name.ID + " method: "+name.TestMethodName); } AppendLine("ExceptionNode.Tag.ExceptionState: " + exception.Value.Tag.ExceptionState); } AppendLine("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); return; }
void IPexExplorationPackage.AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { if (this.iofo == null) { this.iofo = ServiceProviderHelper.GetService <InsufficientObjectFactoryObserver>(host.Site); } this.iofo.AfterExecution(); }
void IPexExplorationPackage.AfterExploration( IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { var observer = ServiceProviderHelper.GetService <InsufficientObjectFactoryObserver>(host.Site); observer.Dump(); }
protected override object BeforeExploration <TAbstractValue>(IPexExplorationComponent <TAbstractValue> host) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(host, "host"); host.ExplorationServices.ExceptionManager.AddAssumptionExceptionValidator( new Validator <TAbstractValue>(host) ); return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets invoked after the exploration /// </summary> /// <param name="host"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> void IPexExplorationPackage.AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { if (this.explorationObserver == null) { this.explorationObserver = host.GetService <IFieldAccessExplorationObserver>(); } this.explorationObserver.Dump(); }
void IPexExplorationPackage.AfterExploration( IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { FieldAccessObserver observer = ServiceProviderHelper.GetService <FieldAccessObserver>(host.Site); observer.Dump(); }
/// <summary> /// Method, which is called before each exploration. /// </summary> /// <param name="host"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override object BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { using (var gvWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl, true)) { gvWriter.WriteLine("digraph {"); gvWriter.WriteLine("node [ fontsize = \"16\" shape = \"box\" fillcolor = \"white\"];"); } using (var infoWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".info", true)) { infoWriter.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); infoWriter.WriteLine("<GraphInfo>"); } host.Log.ProblemHandler += (p1) => { try { var nodeStorage = host.GetService <PexExecutionNodeStorageComponent>(); nodeStorage.Z3Locations.Add((p1.FlippedLocation.Method == null ? "" : (p1.FlippedLocation.Method.FullName + ":" + p1.FlippedLocation.Offset))); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO : Exception handling? } }; using (var testWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".tests", true)) { testWriter.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); testWriter.WriteLine("<Methods>"); } host.Log.GeneratedTestHandler += (p1) => { try { var currentRun = p1.GeneratedTest.Run; var runStorage = host.GetService <PexRunAndTestStorageComponent>(); using (var testWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".tests", true)) { testWriter.WriteLine("<MethodCode Run=\"" + currentRun + "\" Exception=\"" + p1.GeneratedTest.ExceptionState + "\" Failed=\"" + p1.GeneratedTest.IsFailure + "\"><![CDATA["); testWriter.WriteLine(p1.GeneratedTest.MethodCode); testWriter.WriteLine("]]></MethodCode>"); } runStorage.Runs.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(currentRun, p1.GeneratedTest.IsFailure ? 2 : 1)); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO : Exception handling? } }; return(null); }
/// <summary> /// simplifies the term based on the contents of the term. all /// </summary> /// <param name="host"></param> /// <param name="termManager"></param> /// <param name="condition"></param> /// <param name="binOp"></param> private static Term SimplifyTerm(IPexExplorationComponent host, TermManager termManager, Term condition) { Term left, right; BinaryOperator binOp; if (!termManager.TryGetBinary(condition, out binOp, out left, out right)) { return(condition); } if (!IsInteger(termManager, left) || !IsInteger(termManager, right)) { return(condition); } //Check whether the term is of the form x > 20, where one side is a constant. then no simplification needs to be done if (termManager.IsValue(left)) { //one side is constant. so just return over here return(condition); } if (termManager.IsValue(right)) { //one side is constant. so just return over here return(condition); } //none of the sides are concrete. both sides are symbolic. //find out which side can be more controlled based on the variables //contained on that side SafeList <Field> allFieldsInLeftCondition = new SafeList <Field>(); SafeList <TypeEx> allFieldTypes = new SafeList <TypeEx>(); SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder> leftfields = new SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder>(); VariablesCollector.Collect(termManager, left, leftfields, allFieldsInLeftCondition, allFieldTypes); //TODO: How to get the concrete value of the other side, could be either left //or right. and make a term out of the concrete value int lvalue; if (termManager.TryGetI4Constant(left, out lvalue)) { } int rvalue; if (termManager.TryGetI4Constant(right, out rvalue)) { } return(condition); }
private void LogNode(IExecutionNode rootNode, StringBuilder log, IPexExplorationComponent host) { var visualExecutionNode = rootNode as IVisualExecutionNode; IIndexable <PexPathExecutionResult> indexable = visualExecutionNode.AttachedPathExecutionResults; if (rootNode.CodeLocation != null && rootNode.CodeLocation.Method != null) { AppendLine("node CodeLocation: " + rootNode.CodeLocation.Method.FullName + ":" + rootNode.CodeLocation.Offset); } else { AppendLine("node CodeLocation: " + rootNode.CodeLocation); } if (rootNode.InCodeBranch != null && rootNode.InCodeBranch.Method != null) { CodeLocation location = rootNode.InCodeBranch.Method.GetBranchLabelSource(rootNode.InCodeBranch.BranchLabel); AppendLine("node InCodeBranch: " + location.Method.FullName + ":" + location.Offset.ToString("x") + " out: " + rootNode.InCodeBranch.BranchLabel); AppendLine("node InCodeBranch: " + rootNode.InCodeBranch); } else { AppendLine("node InCodeBranch: " + rootNode.InCodeBranch); } AppendLine("node Pathcondition: "); foreach (var term in rootNode.GetPathCondition().Conjuncts) { AppendLine(prettyPrintPathCondition(host, new[] { term })); } AppendLine("node OutCodeBranches: "); foreach (CodeBranch branch in rootNode.OutCodeBranches) { if (branch != null && branch.Method != null) { CodeLocation location = branch.Method.GetBranchLabelSource(branch.BranchLabel); AppendLine("node OutCodeBranch: " + location.Method.FullName + ":" + location.Offset.ToString("x") + " out: " + branch.BranchLabel); } else { AppendLine("node OutCodeBranch: " + branch); } } foreach (PexPathExecutionResult result in indexable) { AppendLine("node result: " + result.Kind); } AppendLine("node Pathcondition: " + rootNode.ModelHints); AppendLine(); }
private void LogRootNode(IPexExplorationComponent host, StringBuilder log, IExecutionNode rootNode) { AppendLine("node: "); LogNode(rootNode, log, host); // host.GetService<IssueTrackDatabase>(). IFiniteMap <Term, IExecutionNode> successors = rootNode.Successors; AppendLine("Successors: "); foreach (SafeKeyValuePair <Term, IExecutionNode> keyValuePair in successors) { AppendLine("term: " + prettyPrintPathCondition(host, new[] { keyValuePair.Key })); LogRootNode(host, log, keyValuePair.Value); } }
public void AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { foreach (var vertex in Vertices.Values) { // Modifying shape based on Z3 calls if (Z3CallLocations.Contains(vertex.MethodName + ":" + vertex.ILOffset)) { vertex.Shape = SENode.NodeShape.Ellipse; } // Adding the path condition var t = PrettyPathConditionTasks[vertex.Id]; t.Wait(); vertex.PathCondition = t.Result; } foreach (var vertex in Vertices.Values) { // Adding the incremental path condition if (ParentNodes.ContainsKey(vertex.Id)) { vertex.IncrementalPathCondition = CalculateIncrementalPathCondition(vertex.PathCondition, Vertices[ParentNodes[vertex.Id]].PathCondition); } else { // If the node is the first one (has no parents), then the incremental equals the full PC vertex.IncrementalPathCondition = vertex.PathCondition; } } // Adding vertices and edges to the graph Graph.AddVertexRange(Vertices.Values); foreach (var edgeDictionary in Edges.Values) { Graph.AddEdgeRange(edgeDictionary.Values); } // Checking if temporary SEViz folder exists if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetTempPath() + "SEViz")) { var dir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath() + "SEViz"); } // Getting the temporary folder var tempDir = Path.GetTempPath() + "SEViz\\"; // Serializing the graph into graphml SEGraph.Serialize(Graph, tempDir); }
/// <summary> /// Method, which is called after each exploration. /// </summary> /// <param name="host"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> protected override void AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { base.AfterExploration(host, data); var runStorage = host.GetService <PexRunAndTestStorageComponent>(); var nodeStorage = host.GetService <PexExecutionNodeStorageComponent>(); using (var testWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".tests", true)) { testWriter.WriteLine("</Methods>"); } using (StreamWriter runWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".runs", true)) { foreach (var run in runStorage.Runs.OrderBy(t => t.Item1)) { StringBuilder indexes = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var node in runStorage.NodesInPath[run.Item1]) { indexes.Append(node); indexes.Append(","); } indexes.Remove(indexes.Length - 1, 1); runWriter.WriteLine(run.Item1 + "|" + run.Item2 + "|" + indexes.ToString()); } } var gvStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var node in nodeStorage.NodeLocations) { if (nodeStorage.Z3Locations.Contains(node.Value)) { gvStringBuilder.AppendLine(node.Key + " [shape=ellipse]"); } } foreach (var run in runStorage.Runs.OrderBy(t => t.Item1)) { int last = -1; if (runStorage.NodesInPath.ContainsKey(run.Item1)) { last = runStorage.NodesInPath[run.Item1].Last(); } if (last != -1) { gvStringBuilder.AppendLine(last + " [fillcolor=" + ((run.Item2 == 0) ? "orange" : (run.Item2 == 1 ? "limegreen" : "firebrick")) + "]"); } } gvStringBuilder.AppendLine("}"); using (var gvWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl, true)) { gvWriter.WriteLine(gvStringBuilder.ToString()); } using (var exhWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".exh", true)) { foreach (var node in nodeStorage.NodeInstances) { exhWriter.WriteLine(node.Key + "|" + node.Value.ExhaustedReason); } } using (var infoWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".info", true)) { infoWriter.WriteLine("</GraphInfo>"); } /* * using (var metaWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileUrl + ".metainfo")) * { * metaWriter.WriteLine("maxdepth:"+nodeStorage.NodeInstances.Max(n => n.Value.Depth)); * metaWriter.WriteLine("nodecount:"+nodeStorage.NodeInstances.Count); * }*/ // Invoking GraphViz string strCmdText = "/C dot -Tplain-ext -o " + outFileUrl + ".plain " + outFileUrl; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("CMD.exe", strCmdText); var dir = outFileUrl.TrimEnd(outFileUrl.Split('\\').Last().ToCharArray()); string fileName = outFileUrl.Split('\\').Last(); // Waiting GraphViz to complete... TODO Thread.Sleep(5000); using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) { zip.AddFile(dir + fileName, "files"); zip.AddFile(dir + fileName + ".plain", "files"); zip.AddFile(dir + fileName + ".info", "files"); zip.AddFile(dir + fileName + ".runs", "files"); zip.AddFile(dir + fileName + ".tests", "files"); zip.AddFile(dir + fileName + ".exh", "files"); zip.Save(dir + fileName + ".sviz"); } // Deleting temporary files File.Delete(dir + fileName); File.Delete(dir + fileName + ".plain"); File.Delete(dir + fileName + ".info"); File.Delete(dir + fileName + ".runs"); File.Delete(dir + fileName + ".tests"); File.Delete(dir + fileName + ".exh"); }
/// <summary> /// Solves a term and computes the actual and expected values of fields. There are various possibilites of the term. The actual /// fiels in a condition, returned by this function should be only from one side. /// /// a. One side of the term is concrete and not symbolic. It is easy to handle this case as one side is concrete /// b. Both the sides are symbolic. Pex assigns different values to both the sides, since both are symbolic, but this is not possible /// in the context of ours. So, we treat one side as a concrete and other side as symbolic. We use heuristics in deciding which /// side is concrete and which side is symbolic. /// </summary> /// <param name="host"></param> /// <param name="condition"></param> /// <param name="binOp"></param> /// <param name="actualFieldValues"></param> /// <param name="expectedFieldValues"></param> /// <param name="allFieldsInCondition"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SolveTerm(IPexExplorationComponent host, Term condition, BinaryOperator binOp, out SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder> actualFieldValues, out SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder> expectedFieldValues, out SafeList <Field> allFieldsInCondition, out SafeList <TypeEx> allFieldTypes) { var termManager = host.ExplorationServices.TermManager; var solverFactory = host.ExplorationServices.SolverFactory; var solverStatistics = solverFactory.CreateStatistics(); actualFieldValues = new SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder>(); expectedFieldValues = new SafeDictionary <Field, FieldValueHolder>(); allFieldTypes = new SafeList <TypeEx>(); //Simplifies term based on the contents within the term. gathering a simplied form of condition condition = SimplifyTerm(host, termManager, condition); allFieldsInCondition = new SafeList <Field>(); var variables = VariablesCollector.Collect(termManager, condition, actualFieldValues, allFieldsInCondition, allFieldTypes); using (var solver = solverFactory.CreateSolver(solverStatistics)) { var writer = new SafeStringWriter(); foreach (var symbolIdWithType in variables) { writer.WriteLine("variable: {0}", symbolIdWithType.Description); solver.AddDomainVariable(0, symbolIdWithType); } writer.WriteLine("condition: {0}", prettyPrintTerm(host, condition, SystemTypes.Bool)); solver.Assert("is satisfiable check", condition); IModel model; var result = solver.TryGetModel(null, out model); writer.WriteLine("TryGetModel => {0}", result); if (result == TryGetModelResult.Success) { foreach (var symbolIdWithType in variables) { writer.Write("{0} => ", symbolIdWithType.Description); var variable = termManager.Symbol(symbolIdWithType); var value = model.GetValue(variable); writer.WriteLine(prettyPrintTerm(host, value, symbolIdWithType.Type)); TypeEx type; if (symbolIdWithType.Layout.Kind == LayoutKind.Ref && termManager.TryGetObjectType(value, out type) && type != SystemTypes.Null) { foreach (var field in type.InstanceFields) { var fieldVariable = termManager.SelectInstanceFieldInInitialState(variable, field); var fieldValue = model.GetValue(fieldVariable); writer.Write("{0}.{1} => ", symbolIdWithType.Description, field.ShortName); writer.WriteLine(prettyPrintTerm(host, fieldValue, field.Type)); TypeEx fieldValueType; if (termManager.TryGetObjectType(fieldValue, out fieldValueType)) // is this an object, and if so, what’s its type? { // do the same thing are before for the nested fields foreach (var nestedField in field.Type.InstanceFields) { var nestedFieldVariable = termManager.SelectInstanceFieldInInitialState(fieldValue, nestedField); var nestedFieldValue = model.GetValue(nestedFieldVariable); writer.Write("{0}.{1}.{2} => ", symbolIdWithType.Description, field.ShortName, nestedField.ShortName); writer.WriteLine(prettyPrintTerm(host, nestedFieldValue, nestedField.Type)); } } //stores the field value into expected field values StoreFieldValue(termManager, field, fieldValue, expectedFieldValues, actualFieldValues, allFieldsInCondition, host, condition, binOp); } } } } if (model != null) { model.Dispose(); } host.Log.Dump("Satisfiable Checker", "TermSolver", writer.ToString()); } return(true); }
private void LogNode(IExecutionNode rootNode, StringBuilder log, IPexExplorationComponent host) { var visualExecutionNode = rootNode as IVisualExecutionNode; IIndexable<PexPathExecutionResult> indexable = visualExecutionNode.AttachedPathExecutionResults; if (rootNode.CodeLocation != null && rootNode.CodeLocation.Method != null) { AppendLine("node CodeLocation: " + rootNode.CodeLocation.Method.FullName + ":" + rootNode.CodeLocation.Offset); } else { AppendLine("node CodeLocation: " + rootNode.CodeLocation); } if (rootNode.InCodeBranch != null && rootNode.InCodeBranch.Method != null) { CodeLocation location = rootNode.InCodeBranch.Method.GetBranchLabelSource(rootNode.InCodeBranch.BranchLabel); AppendLine("node InCodeBranch: " + location.Method.FullName + ":" + location.Offset.ToString("x") + " out: " + rootNode.InCodeBranch.BranchLabel); AppendLine("node InCodeBranch: " + rootNode.InCodeBranch); } else { AppendLine("node InCodeBranch: " + rootNode.InCodeBranch); } AppendLine("node Pathcondition: "); foreach (var term in rootNode.GetPathCondition().Conjuncts) { AppendLine(prettyPrintPathCondition(host, new[]{term})); } AppendLine("node OutCodeBranches: "); foreach (CodeBranch branch in rootNode.OutCodeBranches) { if (branch != null && branch.Method != null) { CodeLocation location = branch.Method.GetBranchLabelSource(branch.BranchLabel); AppendLine("node OutCodeBranch: " + location.Method.FullName + ":" + location.Offset.ToString("x") + " out: " + branch.BranchLabel); } else { AppendLine("node OutCodeBranch: " + branch); } } foreach (PexPathExecutionResult result in indexable) { AppendLine("node result: " + result.Kind); } AppendLine("node Pathcondition: " + rootNode.ModelHints); AppendLine(); }
void IPexExplorationPackage.AfterExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { if(this.iofo == null) this.iofo = ServiceProviderHelper.GetService<InsufficientObjectFactoryObserver>(host.Site); this.iofo.AfterExecution(); }
public Validator(IPexExplorationComponent <TAbstractValue> host) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(host, "host"); = host; }
private static string prettyPrintPathCondition(IPexExplorationComponent host, Term[] pathConditions) { var writer = new SafeStringWriter(); var codeWriter = host.Services.TestManager.Language.CreateBodyWriter( writer, VisibilityContext.Private, 100); var emitter = new TermEmitter( host.ExplorationServices.TermManager, new NameCreator()); for (int i = pathConditions.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var pathCondition = pathConditions[i]; if (!emitter.TryEvaluate( new Term[] { pathCondition }, 10000, // bound on size of expression we are going to pretty-print codeWriter)) { writer.WriteLine("(expression too big; consider using environment variable {0})", ExtendedReflectionEnvironmentSettings.NoCodeEmitterSizeLimit.Name); } else { codeWriter.Return(SystemTypes.Bool); } } return writer.ToString(); }
public object BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { return null; }
object IPexExplorationPackage.BeforeExploration( IPexExplorationComponent host) { return(null); }
protected override bool TryCreateArithmeticSolver( IPexExplorationComponent host, out IArithmeticSolver solver) { int fitnessEvals = Convert.ToInt32(GetEnvironmentVariable("pex_custom_arithmetic_solver_evals", "100000")); string customSolver = GetEnvironmentVariable("pex_custom_arithmetic_solver", "ES"); currentExploration = host.ExplorationServices.CurrentExploration.Exploration.Method.FullName; if (customSolver != null && customSolver.Equals("AVM")) { solver = new PexAlternatingVariableHillClimbingArithmeticSolver( currentExploration, true, false, fitnessEvals, host.ExplorationServices.CurrentExploration.Exploration.Method); } else if (customSolver != null && customSolver.Equals("ES")) { int parents = Convert.ToInt32(GetEnvironmentVariable("es_solver_parents", "15")); int offspring = Convert.ToInt32(GetEnvironmentVariable("es_solver_offspring", "100")); PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.RecombinationStrategy recombination; PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.MutationStrategy mutation; switch (GetEnvironmentVariable("es_solver_recomb", "GlobalDiscrete")) { case "Discrete": recombination = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.RecombinationStrategy.Discrete; break; case "GlobalDiscrete": recombination = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.RecombinationStrategy.GlobalDiscrete; break; case "GlobalIntermediate": recombination = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.RecombinationStrategy.GlobalIntermediate; break; case "Intermediate": recombination = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.RecombinationStrategy.Intermediate; break; case "None": default: recombination = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.RecombinationStrategy.None; break; } switch (GetEnvironmentVariable("es_solver_mut", "Single")) { case "Multi": mutation = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.MutationStrategy.Multi; break; case "Single": mutation = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.MutationStrategy.Single; break; case "None": default: mutation = PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver.MutationStrategy.None; break; } solver = new PexEvolutionStrategyArithmeticSolver( currentExploration, true, false, fitnessEvals, parents, offspring, recombination, mutation, false, host.ExplorationServices.CurrentExploration.Exploration.Method); } else { host.Log.LogMessage(PexLogCategories.ArithmeticSolver, "pex_custom_arithmetic_solver set to wrong value"); solver = null; return(false); } return(true); }
public object BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { return(null); }
object IPexExplorationPackage.BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { return null; }
private void LogRootNode(IPexExplorationComponent host, StringBuilder log, IExecutionNode rootNode) { AppendLine("node: "); LogNode(rootNode, log,host); // host.GetService<IssueTrackDatabase>(). IFiniteMap<Term, IExecutionNode> successors = rootNode.Successors; AppendLine("Successors: "); foreach (SafeKeyValuePair<Term, IExecutionNode> keyValuePair in successors) { AppendLine("term: " + prettyPrintPathCondition(host, new[] {keyValuePair.Key})); LogRootNode(host, log, keyValuePair.Value); } }