 public void RecalcMassDeviations(IPeakList peakList, int scanNumber, SilacType type, double isotopeCorrelationThreshold)
     foreach (MascotPeptide mp in peptides.Values)
         mp.RecalcMassDeviation(fixedMods, peakList, scanNumber, type, isotopeCorrelationThreshold);
        public static List <int[]> FindIsotopeClusters(
            byte minCharge,
            byte maxCharge,
            double correlationThreshold,
            double sigmas,
            double isotopeValleyFactor,
            out byte[] clusterCharges,
            int peakCount,
            double[] centerMz,
            float[] centerMzErrors,
            float[] minTimes,
            float[] maxTimes,
            Peak[] peaks,
            float[] intensities,
            IPeakList peakList)
            //** cluster assignments **
            List <int[]> clusterInd = CalcClusterIndices(minCharge, maxCharge, correlationThreshold, peakCount, centerMz,
                                                         centerMzErrors, minTimes, maxTimes, peaks, peakList);

            // ** discard any unclustered peaks **
            if (peaks != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < peaks.Length; i++)
                    if (peaks[i] != null)
                        peaks[i] = null;

            clusterCharges = new byte[clusterInd.Count];

            //** this is some of the worst programming I've ever seen **
            T02DeIsotoping deiso = new T02DeIsotoping();

            //** while(true) is this cool new thing... **
            //** or you know, perhaps while(hasChanged)... **

            //** iteratively improve cluster indices until no more improvements **
            for (;;)
                bool hasChanged;

                clusterInd = deiso.ImproveIsotopeClusterIndices(clusterInd, minCharge, maxCharge, correlationThreshold, sigmas,
                                                                isotopeValleyFactor, ref clusterCharges, out hasChanged, centerMz,
                                                                centerMzErrors, intensities, peakList);
                if (!hasChanged)
        private static double GetFullIsotopePatternMassEstimateNoBootstrapStat(int[] isoClusterIndices,
                                                                               int[] isotopePatternStart,
                                                                               double[] massShifts, double[,] mzCalibrationPar,
                                                                               double[,] intensityCalibrationPar, bool discard,
                                                                               out int npoints,
                                                                               IsotopeCluster[] isotopeClusters,
                                                                               IPeakList peakList, float[] intensities)
            npoints = 0;
            double result = 0;
            double norm   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < isoClusterIndices.Length; i++)
                if (isoClusterIndices[i] < 0)
                double intensity;
                int    np;
                double m =
                    GetFullIsotopePatternMassEstimateNoBootstrapStat(isotopeClusters[isoClusterIndices[i]], isotopePatternStart[i],
                                                                     out intensity,
                                                                     mzCalibrationPar, intensityCalibrationPar, discard, out np,
                                                                     peakList, intensities);
                result  += (m - massShifts[i]) * intensity;
                norm    += intensity;
                npoints += np;
            return(result / norm);
        public void RecalcMassDeviation(ushort[] mods, IPeakList peakList, int scanNumber, SilacType type, double isotopeCorrelationThreshold)
            Modification[] fixedMods = ArrayUtil.SubArray(Tables.modificationList, mods);
            double         m         = CalcMonoisotopicMass(sequence, modifications, fixedMods);
            int            charge;
            double         mz;
            double         mass1;

            T06MsmsPreparation.GetPrecursorInfo(out charge, out mz, out mass1, peakList, scanNumber, type, isotopeCorrelationThreshold, double.NaN);
            if (!double.IsNaN(mass1) && mass1 > 0)
                float x = (float)(mass1 - m);
                if (!float.IsNaN(x) && Math.Abs(x / m) < 1e-5)
                    deltaMass = x;
        public static int[][] FindChargePairs(int nsilac, SilacType silacType, double matchPpm,
                                              double silacTimeCorrelationThreshold, SilacCluster[] silacClusters,
                                              IsotopeCluster[] isotopeClusters, IPeakList peakList, float[] intensities,
                                              double[] centerMz)
            double[] m = new double[nsilac];
            for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
                SilacCluster si = silacClusters[i];
                m[i] = GetUncalibratedSilacMass(si, silacType, isotopeClusters, centerMz, intensities);
            int[] o = ArrayUtil.Order(m);
            m = ArrayUtil.SubArray(m, o);
            List <int[]> pairs = new List <int[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
                SilacCluster si      = silacClusters[o[i]];
                int          chargei = isotopeClusters[si.IsotopeClusterindex1].Charge;
                double       m1      = m[i];
                int          ind1    = ArrayUtil.CeilIndex(m, m1 - matchPpm * 1e-6 * m1);
                for (int j = ind1; j < i; j++)
                    SilacCluster sj      = silacClusters[o[j]];
                    int          chargej = isotopeClusters[sj.IsotopeClusterindex1].Charge;
                    if (chargei == chargej)
                    int      mini;
                    double[] pi = CalcSilacClusterProfile(si, out mini, silacType, isotopeClusters, peakList,
                    int      minj;
                    double[] pj = CalcSilacClusterProfile(sj, out minj, silacType, isotopeClusters, peakList,
                    if (T03SilacAssembly.Correlate(pi, mini, pj, minj) > silacTimeCorrelationThreshold)
                        pairs.Add(new int[] { o[i], o[j] });
        public List <int[]> ImproveIsotopeClusterIndices(IList <int[]> clusterInd, byte minCharge, byte maxCharge,
                                                         double correlationThreshold, double sigmas, double isotopeValleyFactor,
                                                         ref byte[] clusterCharges, out bool hasChanged, double[] centerMz,
                                                         float[] centerMzErrors, float[] intensities, IPeakList peakList)
            hasChanged = false;

            //** iterate through the clusters **
            for (int i = 0; i < clusterInd.Count; i++)
                //** initially, all charges are 0 **
                byte charge = clusterCharges[i];

                //** if the charge has already been assigned **
                if (charge > 0)
                    //** if charge is outside of prescribed range **
                    //** how does a cluster get assigned an out-of-bounds charge? **
                    if (charge < minCharge || charge > maxCharge)
                        hasChanged = true;

                //** else the cluster has not been assigned a charge **
                    byte ch;
                    //** tmpx is a 2D array of ints **
                    //** could be [original cluster] **
                    //** or [new cluster],[those removed] **
                    tmpx =
                        SplitIsotopeCluster(clusterInd[i], minCharge, maxCharge, correlationThreshold, sigmas, isotopeValleyFactor, out ch,
                                            centerMz, centerMzErrors, intensities, peakList);

                    //** if return has two arrays [new cluster][those removed] **
                    if (tmpx.Length > 1)
                        // it's changed
                        hasChanged = true;

                    //** iterate through each returned array **
                    for (int j = 0; j < tmpx.Length; j++)
                        //** a returned array with 1 peak cannot be processed further **
                        if (tmpx[j].Length == 1)
                            //do nothing

                        //** else it has more than one peak **
                        else if (tmpx[j].Length > 1)
                            //** collect it and its charge **
                            if (j == 0)
                        tmpx[j] = null;
                clusterInd[i] = null;

            //** IGNORE**
            for (int i = 0; i < clusterInd.Count; i++)
                clusterInd[i] = null;
            clusterCharges = resultClusterCharges.ToArray();
            return(new List <int[]>(resultClusters));
        //** cluster the peaks **
        public static List <int[]> CalcClusterIndices(int minCharge, int maxCharge, double correlationThreshold, int peakCount,
                                                      double[] centerMz, float[] centerMzErrors, float[] minTimes,
                                                      float[] maxTimes,
                                                      Peak[] peaks, IPeakList peakList)
            NeighbourList neighbourList = new NeighbourList();

            //** iterate through all peaks **
            for (int j = 0; j < peakCount; j++)
                //** current peak's mz and RT range **
                double massJ      = centerMz[j];
                float  massErrorJ = centerMzErrors[j];
                float  timeMinJ   = minTimes[j];
                float  timeMaxJ   = maxTimes[j];

                //** get index of nearest peak at or above current mass -1.1 **
                int start = ArrayUtil.CeilIndex(centerMz, massJ - 1.1);

                //** get index of nearest peak at or below current mass -1.2
                int w = ArrayUtil.FloorIndex(centerMz, massJ - 1.2);

                //** remove any peaks outside of massj - 1.2 **
                //** so there's a removal to the left of this peak outside 1.2 away... **
                //** what is this all about?? **

                for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                    if (peaks != null && peaks[i] != null)
                        peaks[i] = null;

                //** iterate from current peak at mass - 1.1 to current peak **
                //** iterates through left "adjacent" traces, neihbors with current trace (j) if valid **
                for (int i = start; i < j; i++)
                    //** comparing peak mz and RT range **
                    double massI      = centerMz[i];
                    double massErrorI = centerMzErrors[i];
                    double timeMinI   = minTimes[i];
                    double timeMaxI   = maxTimes[i];

                    //** difference in mass and synthesized mass error
                    double massDiff  = Math.Abs(massI - massJ);
                    double massError = 5 * Math.Sqrt(massErrorI * massErrorI + massErrorJ * massErrorJ);

                    //** invalidating conditions: **

                    //** 1) mass difference is greater than minimum **
                    if (massDiff > MolUtil.C13C12Diff + massError)

                    //** 2) no RT overlap
                    if (timeMinI >= timeMaxJ)

                    //** 2) no RT overlap
                    if (timeMinJ >= timeMaxI)

                    //** 3) mass difference doesn't match any charge states **
                    if (!FitsMassDifference(massDiff, massError, minCharge, maxCharge))

                    //** 4) The intensity profile correlation (cosine similarity) fails the threshold **
                    if (CalcCorrelation(peakList.GetPeakKeep(i), peakList.GetPeakKeep(j)) < correlationThreshold)

                    //** create an edge between peak I and peak J if valid: **
                    //** 1) mass difference exceeds minimum
                    //** 2) RT has overlap
                    //** 3) mass difference fits a charge state
                    //** 4) intensity profiles have strong correlation
                    neighbourList.Add(i, j);

            //** convert edge list to clusters! **
            List <int[]> clusterList = new List <int[]>();

            //** iterate through all peaks **
            for (int i = 0; i < peakCount; i++)
                //** if the peak has neighbors... **
                if (!neighbourList.IsEmptyAt(i))
                    HashSet <int> currentCluster = new HashSet <int>();

                    AddNeighbors(i, currentCluster, neighbourList);
                    int[] c = SortByMass(currentCluster.ToArray(), centerMz);
        //** splits a cluster into the longest envelope-consistent cluster and the excluded peaks **
        private int[][] SplitIsotopeCluster(int[] m, byte minCharge, byte maxCharge, double threshold, double sigmas,
                                            double isotopeValleyFactor, out byte resultCharge, double[] centerMz,
                                            float[] centerMzErrors, float[] intensities, IPeakList peakList)
            //** !!!!!!!!!! m is cluster !!!!!!!!!  **
            //** wonderful naming conventions **
            int n = m.Length;

            if (n < 2)
                throw new Exception("Cannot split cluster of length " + n + ".");

            int[] bestMatches = new int[0];

            //** if the cluster length is over 100 (why 100?)**
            if (n > 100)
                //TODO: find more elegant way of splitting
                resultCharge = 0;
                bestMatches  = new int[n / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < bestMatches.Length; i++)
                    bestMatches[i] = i;

                //** cosine correlations between each peak and all left-hand peaks **
                tmpCorr = new float[n][];

                //** stores all peaks in cluster locally **
                tmpPeaks = new Peak[n];

                //** get all peaks in cluster **
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmpPeaks[i] = peakList.GetPeakDiscard(m[i]);

                //** calculate the correlation between the each peak and all left-hand peaks **
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmpCorr[i] = new float[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        tmpCorr[i][j] = CalcCorrelation(tmpPeaks[i], tmpPeaks[j]);

                //** mass, mass error, intensity of each peak in cluster **
                tmpMasses     = ArrayUtil.SubArray(centerMz, m);
                tmpMassErrors = ArrayUtil.SubArray(centerMzErrors, m);
                tmpIntens     = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intensities, m);

                byte bestMatchesCharge = 0;
                //** iterate through charge states, descending from maximum **
                for (byte ch = maxCharge; ch >= minCharge; ch--)
                    //** iterate through the cluster **
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        //** threshold is correlation threshold **
                        //** i is the current peak in the cluster **

                        //** get set of peaks in cluster consistent with charge state, and envelope shape **
                        int[] matches =
                            GetMatches(ch, i, threshold, sigmas, tmpCorr, tmpMasses, tmpMassErrors, tmpIntens,

                        //** keep the longest match and its charge **
                        if (matches.Length > bestMatches.Length)
                            bestMatches       = matches;
                            bestMatchesCharge = ch;

                //** charge of best match **
                resultCharge = bestMatchesCharge;

                //** IGNORE **
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmpCorr[i] = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpPeaks.Length; i++)
                    tmpPeaks[i] = null;
                tmpCorr       = null;
                tmpPeaks      = null;
                tmpMasses     = null;
                tmpMassErrors = null;
                tmpIntens     = null;

            bestMatches = ArrayUtil.UniqueValues(bestMatches);

            //** if the best match is shorter than the inputted cluster **
            if (bestMatches.Length < n)
                //** then return the matched set and those not in the best match **
                return(new int[][]
                    ArrayUtil.SubArray(m, bestMatches),
                    ArrayUtil.SubArray(m, ArrayUtil.Complement(bestMatches, n))

            //** else return the original cluster as it is the best match **
            return(new int[][] { m });
        private static void ProcessMsm(string[] lines, string title, string origMass,
                                       HashSet <int> scanNumbers, StreamWriter[] silacWriters,
                                       TextWriter isoWriter, TextWriter peakWriter, TextWriter polyWriter,
                                       IPeakList peakList, double isotopeCorrelationThreshold, SilacType type,
                                       ref int silacCount, ref int isoCount, ref int peakCount, ref int polyCount)
            int scanNumber = ExtractScanNumber(title);

            if (scanNumbers.Contains(scanNumber))
            int[] silacInfo = peakList.GetSilacInfoForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
            if (silacInfo != null)
                int    silacId    = silacInfo[0];
                int    silacIndex = silacInfo[1];
                int    ch         = peakList.GetSilacCharge(silacId);
                double mass       = peakList.GetSilacMass(silacId, silacIndex, type);
                double mz         = mass / ch + MolUtil.MassProton;
                silacWriters[silacIndex].WriteLine("BEGIN IONS");
                silacWriters[silacIndex].WriteLine("PEPMASS=" + mz);
                silacWriters[silacIndex].WriteLine("CHARGE=" + ch + "+");
                silacWriters[silacIndex].WriteLine(title + " _sil_");
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                silacWriters[silacIndex].WriteLine("END IONS");
            int            isotopeIndex = peakList.GetIsotopeIndexForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
            IsotopeCluster ic           = null;

            if (isotopeIndex != -1)
                ic = peakList.GetIsotopeCluster(isotopeIndex);
            if (isotopeIndex != -1 && ic.IsotopeCorrelation >= isotopeCorrelationThreshold && ic.PolymerIndex == -1)
                int    ch   = ic.Charge;
                double mass = peakList.GetMassEstimate(new int[] { isotopeIndex },
                                                       new int[] { ic.IsotopePatternStart }, new double[] { 0 }, false);
                double mz = mass / ch + MolUtil.MassProton;
                isoWriter.WriteLine("BEGIN IONS");
                isoWriter.WriteLine("PEPMASS=" + mz);
                isoWriter.WriteLine("CHARGE=" + ch + "+");
                isoWriter.WriteLine(title + " _iso_");
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                isoWriter.WriteLine("END IONS");
            if (isotopeIndex != -1 && ic.PolymerIndex != -1)
                int    ch   = ic.Charge;
                double mass = peakList.GetMassEstimate(new int[] { isotopeIndex },
                                                       new int[] { ic.IsotopePatternStart }, new double[] { 0 }, false);
                double mz = mass / ch + MolUtil.MassProton;
                polyWriter.WriteLine("BEGIN IONS");
                polyWriter.WriteLine("PEPMASS=" + mz);
                polyWriter.WriteLine("CHARGE=" + ch + "+");
                polyWriter.WriteLine(title + " _iso_");
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                polyWriter.WriteLine("END IONS");
            peakWriter.WriteLine("BEGIN IONS");
            peakWriter.WriteLine("CHARGE=2+ and 3+");
            peakWriter.WriteLine(title + " _nix_");
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
            peakWriter.WriteLine("END IONS");
        public static double[] CalcSilacClusterProfile(SilacCluster cl, out int minIndex, SilacType type,
                                                       IsotopeCluster[] isotopeClusters, IPeakList peakList,
                                                       float[] intensities)
            int[] m = cl.GetIsotopeClusterIndices(type);
            int   n = m.Length;

            if (n == 1)
                return(T03SilacAssembly.CalcIsotopeClusterProfile(isotopeClusters[m[0]], out minIndex, peakList));
            double[][] profiles = new double[n][];
            int[]      mins     = new int[n];
            int[]      ends     = new int[n];
            double[]   intens   = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (m[i] == -1)
                IsotopeCluster ic = isotopeClusters[m[i]];
                profiles[i] = T03SilacAssembly.CalcIsotopeClusterProfile(ic, out mins[i], peakList);
                intens[i]   = T03SilacAssembly.GetIsotopeClusterIntensity(ic, intensities);
                ends[i]     = mins[i] + profiles[i].Length;
            minIndex = ArrayUtil.Min(mins);
            int maxEnd = ArrayUtil.Max(ends);
            int len    = maxEnd - minIndex;

            double[] result = new double[len];
            double   norm   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (m[i] == -1)
                norm += intens[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < profiles[i].Length; j++)
                    result[j + mins[i] - minIndex] += profiles[i][j] * intens[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                result[i] /= norm;
        public static void RecalibrateImpl(SilacType silacType, int nranges, int[] iranges, int[][] chargePairs,
                                           SilacCluster[] silacClusters, ref double[,] mzCalibrationParams,
                                           ref double[,] intensityCalibrationParams, double massErrorNormalization,
                                           IsotopeCluster[] isotopeCluster, IPeakList peakList, float[] intensities)
            double[] x   = new double[chargePairs.Length];
            double[] y   = new double[chargePairs.Length];
            double[] sig = new double[chargePairs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < chargePairs.Length; i++)
                x[i] = i;
                int          ind1 = chargePairs[i][0];
                int          ind2 = chargePairs[i][1];
                SilacCluster sc1  = silacClusters[ind1];
                SilacCluster sc2  = silacClusters[ind2];
                sig[i] = Math.Sqrt(sc1.GetMassError(massErrorNormalization) * sc1.GetMassError(massErrorNormalization) +
                                   sc2.GetMassError(massErrorNormalization) * sc2.GetMassError(massErrorNormalization));
            intensityCalibrationParams = new double[nranges, nparamsIntensityFit];
            double[,] icp = intensityCalibrationParams;
            Funcs2 f = delegate(double x1, double[] aa) {
                int ind  = (int)Math.Round(x1);
                int ind1 = chargePairs[ind][0];
                int ind2 = chargePairs[ind][1];
                double[,] mzAa = new double[nranges, nparamsMzFit];
                int c = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nparamsMzFit; i++)
                        mzAa[iranges[j], i] = aa[c++];
                double y1 = GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(silacClusters[ind1], mzAa, icp, silacType, isotopeCluster, peakList,
                double y2 = GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(silacClusters[ind2], mzAa, icp, silacType, isotopeCluster, peakList,
                double yy = y1 - y2;
            double chisq;

            double[] a      = new double[nparamsMzFit * iranges.Length];
            int      county = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nparamsMzFit; i++)
                    a[county++] = startValsMzFit[i];
            NumUtil.FitNonlin(x, y, sig, a, out chisq, f);
            mzCalibrationParams = new double[nranges, nparamsMzFit];
            int s = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nparamsMzFit; i++)
                    mzCalibrationParams[iranges[j], i] = a[s++];
            double[,] mcp = mzCalibrationParams;
            f             = delegate(double x1, double[] aa) {
                int ind  = (int)Math.Round(x1);
                int ind1 = chargePairs[ind][0];
                int ind2 = chargePairs[ind][1];
                double[,] intensityAa = new double[nranges, nparamsIntensityFit];
                int c = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nparamsIntensityFit; i++)
                        intensityAa[iranges[j], i] = aa[c++];
                double y1 = GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(silacClusters[ind1], mcp, intensityAa, silacType, isotopeCluster, peakList,
                double y2 = GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(silacClusters[ind2], mcp, intensityAa, silacType, isotopeCluster, peakList,
                double yy = y1 - y2;
            a = new double[nparamsIntensityFit * iranges.Length];
            NumUtil.FitNonlin(x, y, sig, a, out chisq, f);
            s = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nparamsIntensityFit; i++)
                    intensityCalibrationParams[iranges[j], i] = a[s++];
            icp = intensityCalibrationParams;
            f   = delegate(double x1, double[] aa) {
                int ind  = (int)Math.Round(x1);
                int ind1 = chargePairs[ind][0];
                int ind2 = chargePairs[ind][1];
                double[,] mzAa = new double[nranges, nparamsMzFit];
                int c = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nparamsMzFit; i++)
                        mzAa[iranges[j], i] = aa[c++];
                double y1 = GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(silacClusters[ind1], mzAa, icp, silacType, isotopeCluster, peakList,
                double y2 = GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(silacClusters[ind2], mzAa, icp, silacType, isotopeCluster, peakList,
                double yy = y1 - y2;
            a      = new double[nparamsMzFit * iranges.Length];
            county = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nparamsMzFit; i++)
                    a[county++] = mzCalibrationParams[iranges[j], i];
            NumUtil.FitNonlin(x, y, sig, a, out chisq, f);
            s = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < iranges.Length; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nparamsMzFit; i++)
                    mzCalibrationParams[iranges[j], i] = a[s++];
        public static void ParseMsm(string msmName, string[] silacMsmNames, string isoMsmName, string peakMsmName,
                                    string polyMsmName, IPeakList peakList, out int silacCount, out int isoCount,
                                    out int peakCount,
                                    out int polyCount, SilacType silacType, double isotopeCorrelationThreshold)
            HashSet <int> scanNumbers = new HashSet <int>();
            StreamReader  reader      = new StreamReader(msmName);

            StreamWriter[] silacWriters = new StreamWriter[silacMsmNames.GetLength(0)];
            for (int i = 0; i < silacWriters.GetLength(0); i++)
                silacWriters[i] = new StreamWriter(silacMsmNames[i]);
            StreamWriter  isoWriter  = new StreamWriter(isoMsmName);
            StreamWriter  peakWriter = new StreamWriter(peakMsmName);
            StreamWriter  polyWriter = new StreamWriter(polyMsmName);
            string        line;
            List <string> buffer = new List <string>();
            string        title  = null;
            string        mass   = null;

            silacCount = 0;
            isoCount   = 0;
            peakCount  = 0;
            polyCount  = 0;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line.IndexOf("BEGIN IONS") != -1)
                    buffer = new List <string>();
                else if (line.IndexOf("PEPMASS") != -1)
                    mass = line;
                else if (line.IndexOf("CHARGE") != -1)
                else if (line.IndexOf("TITLE") != -1)
                    title = line;
                else if (line.IndexOf("END IONS") != -1)
                    ProcessMsm(buffer.ToArray(), title, mass, scanNumbers, silacWriters, isoWriter, peakWriter, polyWriter,
                               peakList, isotopeCorrelationThreshold, silacType,
                               ref silacCount, ref isoCount, ref peakCount, ref polyCount);
                    if (line.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < silacWriters.GetLength(0); i++)
        public static double ReQuantifyDoublets(string sequence, int silacState, double[] deltaMass1,
                                                IsotopeCluster c, int icInd, IPeakList peakList, IRawFile rawFile,
                                                out double[] outIntens, out int[] counts, SpectrumCache spectrumCache,
                                                SilacLabel[] labels1, int maxSilacAa, bool subtractBackground,
                                                int backgroundSubtractionQuantile)
            AminoAcid[]       allAas             = CalcAllAas(labels1);
            char[]            allAaLetts         = AminoAcid.GetSingleLetters(allAas);
            LabelCombinations labelCombinations1 = new LabelCombinations(labels1, maxSilacAa, allAaLetts);

            AminoAcid[] a = new AminoAcid[labels1.Length];
            counts = new int[a.Length];
            double delta = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < a.Length; j++)
                a[j]      = AminoAcid.GetAminoAcidFromLabel(labels1[j]);
                counts[j] = GetAaCount(a[j].Letter, sequence);
                delta    += deltaMass1[j] * counts[j];
            if (AllZero(counts))
                counts    = null;
                outIntens = null;
            if (silacState == 1)
                delta *= -1;
            int[] members = c.Members;
            int   charge  = c.Charge;

            double[]  masses      = new double[members.Length];
            float[][] intens      = new float[members.Length][];
            int[][]   scanIndices = new int[members.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                masses[i] = charge * (peakList.GetMz(members[i]) - MolUtil.MassProton) + delta;
                Peak peak = peakList.GetPeakDiscard(members[i]);
                scanIndices[i] = peak.GetScanIndices();
                intens[i]      = IntegrateTranslatedPeak(peak, delta / charge, spectrumCache, rawFile,
                                                         subtractBackground, backgroundSubtractionQuantile);
                List <int> valids = new List <int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < intens[i].Length; j++)
                    if (intens[i][j] > 0)
                int[] val = valids.ToArray();
                intens[i]      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intens[i], val);
                scanIndices[i] = ArrayUtil.SubArray(scanIndices[i], val);
            List <int> valids1 = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                if (intens[i].Length > 0)
            int[] val1 = valids1.ToArray();
            masses      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(masses, val1);
            intens      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intens, val1);
            scanIndices = ArrayUtil.SubArray(scanIndices, val1);
            Molecule diff2 = labelCombinations1.CalcDiff1(counts);
            Molecule diff1 = labelCombinations1.CalcDiff2(counts);

            double[][] d1;
            double[][] d2;
            outIntens = new double[2];
            if (silacState == 0)
                d1           = diff1.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
                d2           = diff2.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
                outIntens[0] = peakList.GetIsotopeClusterIntensity(icInd);
                outIntens[1] = GetClusterIntensity(intens);
                d2           = diff1.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
                d1           = diff2.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
                outIntens[1] = peakList.GetIsotopeClusterIntensity(icInd);
                outIntens[0] = GetClusterIntensity(intens);
            Dictionary <int, double>[] w = peakList.Vectorize(c, d1, masses, intens, scanIndices, d2);
            double r = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w[0], w[1]);

            if (silacState == 1)
                r = 1.0 / r;
        public static double[] ReQuantifyTriplets(string sequence, int silacState, double[] deltaMass1,
                                                  double[] deltaMass2, IsotopeCluster c, int icInd, IPeakList peakList,
                                                  IRawFile rawFile, out double[] outIntens, out int[] counts,
                                                  SpectrumCache spectrumCache, SilacLabel[] labels1, SilacLabel[] labels2,
                                                  int maxSilacAa, bool subtractBackground, int backgroundSubtractionQuantile)
            AminoAcid[] allAas     = CalcAllAas(labels1, labels2);
            char[]      allAaLetts = AminoAcid.GetSingleLetters(allAas);
            counts = new int[allAaLetts.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < allAaLetts.Length; j++)
                counts[j] = GetAaCount(allAaLetts[j], sequence);
            if (AllZero(counts))
                counts    = null;
                outIntens = null;
            double deltaLow = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < labels1.Length; j++)
                int cc = GetAaCount(AminoAcid.GetAminoAcidFromLabel(labels1[j]).Letter, sequence);
                deltaLow += deltaMass1[j] * cc;
            double deltaHigh = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < labels2.Length; j++)
                int cc = GetAaCount(AminoAcid.GetAminoAcidFromLabel(labels2[j]).Letter, sequence);
                deltaHigh += deltaMass2[j] * cc;
            double delta1;
            double delta2;

            CalcDeltasForTriplets(silacState, deltaLow, deltaHigh, out delta1, out delta2);
            int[] members = c.Members;
            int   charge  = c.Charge;

            double[]  masses1      = new double[members.Length];
            float[][] intens1      = new float[members.Length][];
            int[][]   scanIndices1 = new int[members.Length][];
            double[]  masses2      = new double[members.Length];
            float[][] intens2      = new float[members.Length][];
            int[][]   scanIndices2 = new int[members.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                double m = charge * (peakList.GetMz(members[i]) - MolUtil.MassProton);
                masses1[i] = m + delta1;
                masses2[i] = m + delta2;
                Peak peak = peakList.GetPeakDiscard(members[i]);
                scanIndices1[i] = peak.GetScanIndices();
                scanIndices2[i] = peak.GetScanIndices();
                intens1[i]      = IntegrateTranslatedPeak(peak, delta1 / charge, spectrumCache, rawFile,
                                                          subtractBackground, backgroundSubtractionQuantile);
                intens2[i] = IntegrateTranslatedPeak(peak, delta2 / charge, spectrumCache, rawFile,
                                                     subtractBackground, backgroundSubtractionQuantile);
                List <int> valids = new List <int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < intens1[i].Length; j++)
                    if (intens1[i][j] > 0)
                int[] val = valids.ToArray();
                intens1[i]      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intens1[i], val);
                scanIndices1[i] = ArrayUtil.SubArray(scanIndices1[i], val);
                valids          = new List <int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < intens2[i].Length; j++)
                    if (intens2[i][j] > 0)
                val             = valids.ToArray();
                intens2[i]      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intens2[i], val);
                scanIndices2[i] = ArrayUtil.SubArray(scanIndices2[i], val);
            List <int> valids1 = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                if (intens1[i].Length > 0)
            int[] val1 = valids1.ToArray();
            masses1      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(masses1, val1);
            intens1      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intens1, val1);
            scanIndices1 = ArrayUtil.SubArray(scanIndices1, val1);
            List <int> valids2 = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
                if (intens2[i].Length > 0)
            int[] val2 = valids2.ToArray();
            masses2      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(masses2, val2);
            intens2      = ArrayUtil.SubArray(intens2, val2);
            scanIndices2 = ArrayUtil.SubArray(scanIndices2, val2);
            LabelCombinations labelCombinations01 = new LabelCombinations(labels1, maxSilacAa, allAaLetts);
            LabelCombinations labelCombinations02 = new LabelCombinations(labels2, maxSilacAa, allAaLetts);
            Molecule          x1    = labelCombinations01.CalcDiff1(counts);
            Molecule          x2    = labelCombinations01.CalcDiff2(counts);
            Molecule          y1    = labelCombinations02.CalcDiff1(counts);
            Molecule          y2    = labelCombinations02.CalcDiff2(counts);
            Molecule          max1  = Molecule.Max(x1, y1);
            Molecule          x11   = Molecule.GetDifferences(max1, x1)[0];
            Molecule          y11   = Molecule.GetDifferences(max1, y1)[0];
            Molecule          diff1 = max1;
            Molecule          diff2 = Molecule.Sum(x2, x11);
            Molecule          diff3 = Molecule.Sum(y2, y11);
            Molecule          max   = Molecule.Max(Molecule.Max(diff1, diff2), diff3);

            diff1 = Molecule.GetDifferences(max, diff1)[0];
            diff2 = Molecule.GetDifferences(max, diff2)[0];
            diff3 = Molecule.GetDifferences(max, diff3)[0];
            double[][] d1 = diff1.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
            double[][] d2 = diff2.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
            double[][] d3 = diff3.GetIsotopeDistribution(0.2);
            double     ratio10;
            double     ratio20;
            double     ratio21;

            outIntens = new double[3];
            switch (silacState)
            case 0: {
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w10 = peakList.Vectorize(c, d1, masses1, intens1, scanIndices1, d2);
                ratio10 = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w10[0], w10[1]);
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w20 = peakList.Vectorize(c, d1, masses2, intens2, scanIndices2, d3);
                ratio20 = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w20[0], w20[1]);
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w21 =
                    peakList.Vectorize(masses1, intens1, scanIndices1, d2, masses2, intens2, scanIndices2, d3, c.Charge);
                ratio21      = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w21[0], w21[1]);
                outIntens[0] = peakList.GetIsotopeClusterIntensity(icInd);
                outIntens[1] = GetClusterIntensity(intens1);
                outIntens[2] = GetClusterIntensity(intens2);

            case 1: {
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w01 = peakList.Vectorize(c, d2, masses1, intens1, scanIndices1, d1);
                ratio10 = 1.0 / T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w01[0], w01[1]);
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w20 =
                    peakList.Vectorize(masses1, intens1, scanIndices1, d1, masses2, intens2, scanIndices2, d3, c.Charge);
                ratio20 = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w20[0], w20[1]);
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w21 = peakList.Vectorize(c, d2, masses2, intens2, scanIndices2, d3);
                ratio21      = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w21[0], w21[1]);
                outIntens[1] = peakList.GetIsotopeClusterIntensity(icInd);
                outIntens[0] = GetClusterIntensity(intens1);
                outIntens[2] = GetClusterIntensity(intens2);

            case 2: {
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w10 =
                    peakList.Vectorize(masses1, intens1, scanIndices1, d1, masses2, intens2, scanIndices2, d2, c.Charge);
                ratio10 = T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w10[0], w10[1]);
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w02 = peakList.Vectorize(c, d3, masses1, intens1, scanIndices1, d1);
                ratio20 = 1.0 / T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w02[0], w02[1]);
                Dictionary <int, double>[] w12 = peakList.Vectorize(c, d3, masses2, intens2, scanIndices2, d2);
                ratio21      = 1.0 / T03SilacAssembly.FitRatio(w12[0], w12[1]);
                outIntens[2] = peakList.GetIsotopeClusterIntensity(icInd);
                outIntens[0] = GetClusterIntensity(intens1);
                outIntens[1] = GetClusterIntensity(intens2);

                throw new Exception("Impossible.");
            return(new double[] { ratio10, ratio20, ratio21 });
        private static double GetCalibratedSilacMassStat(SilacCluster sc, double[,] mzCalibrationPar,
                                                         double[,] intensityCalibrationPar,
                                                         SilacType type, IsotopeCluster[] isotopeCluster, IPeakList peakList,
                                                         float[] intensities)
            int dummy;

                (GetFullIsotopePatternMassEstimateNoBootstrapStat(sc.GetIsotopeClusterIndices(type), sc.GetIsotopePatternStarts(type),
                                                                  sc.GetMassDiffs(type), mzCalibrationPar, intensityCalibrationPar,
                                                                  out dummy, isotopeCluster, peakList, intensities));
        public static int[] ExtractMsm(string filename, IPeakList peakList, IRawFile rawFile, string msmName,
                                       string msmNameBinary, string msmNameIndex, int topx,
                                       double isotopeCorrelationThreshold, SilacType type, out long[] pointers)
            StreamWriter sw              = new StreamWriter(msmName);
            BinaryWriter writer          = FileUtil.GetBinaryWriter(msmNameBinary);
            List <long>  filePointers    = new List <long>();
            List <int>   fileScanNumbers = new List <int>();
            long         filePos         = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rawFile.MS2Count; i++)
                Spectrum s          = rawFile.GetMS2Spectrum(i);
                int      scanNumber = rawFile.GetScanNumberFromMs2Index(i);
                double   simpleMz   = rawFile.GetMS2MonoisotopicMz(i);
                if (double.IsNaN(simpleMz) || simpleMz < 1)
                    simpleMz = peakList.GetMs2Mz(i);
                    if (double.IsNaN(simpleMz) || simpleMz < 1)
                        simpleMz = 1;
                int    charge;
                double mz;
                double mass;
                GetPrecursorInfo(out charge, out mz, out mass, peakList, scanNumber, type, isotopeCorrelationThreshold, simpleMz);
                if (rawFile.GetMS2SignalType(i) != SignalType.Centroid)
                    double[] specMasses;
                    float[]  specIntensities;
                    T01PeakDetection.DetectPeaks(s, false, 3, CentroidPosition.gaussian, out specMasses, out specIntensities);
                    s = new Spectrum(specMasses, specIntensities);
                if (topx > 0)
                    s = s.TopX(topx, 100);
                int sn = rawFile.GetScanNumberFromMs2Index(i);
                if (s.Count == 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = 0; j < s.Count; j++)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0:F3}\t{1:F2}\n", s.GetMass(j), s.GetIntensity(j));
                    writer.Write(1.0 * s.GetIntensity(j));
                filePos += 16 * s.Count + 4;
                sw.WriteLine("BEGIN IONS");
                sw.WriteLine("PEPMASS={0:F6}", mz);
                if (charge > 0)
                    sw.WriteLine("CHARGE={0}+", charge);
                    sw.WriteLine("CHARGE=2+ and 3+");
                sw.WriteLine("TITLE=RawFile: {0} FinneganScanNumber: {1}", filename, sn);
                sw.WriteLine("END IONS");
            pointers = filePointers.ToArray();
 public static void GetPrecursorInfo(out int charge, out double mz, out double mass, IPeakList peakList, int scanNumber,
                                     SilacType type, double isotopeCorrelationThreshold, double simpleMz)
     charge = 0;
     mass   = 0;
     int[] silacInfo = peakList.GetSilacInfoForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
     if (silacInfo != null)
         int silacId    = silacInfo[0];
         int silacIndex = silacInfo[1];
         charge = peakList.GetSilacCharge(silacId);
         mass   = peakList.GetSilacMass(silacId, silacIndex, type);
         mz     = mass / charge + MolUtil.MassProton;
         int            isotopeIndex = peakList.GetIsotopeIndexForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
         IsotopeCluster ic           = null;
         if (isotopeIndex != -1)
             ic = peakList.GetIsotopeCluster(isotopeIndex);
         if (isotopeIndex != -1 && ic.IsotopeCorrelation >= isotopeCorrelationThreshold)
             charge = ic.Charge;
             mass   = peakList.GetMassEstimate(new int[] { isotopeIndex },
                                               new int[] { ic.IsotopePatternStart }, new double[] { 0 }, false);
             mz = mass / charge + MolUtil.MassProton;
             int peakIndex = peakList.GetPeakIndexForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
             mz = peakIndex >= 0 ? peakList.GetMz(peakIndex) : simpleMz;
        private static double GetFullIsotopePatternMassEstimateNoBootstrapStat(IsotopeCluster ic, int isotopePatternStart,
                                                                               out double intensity,
                                                                               double[,] mzCalibrationPar,
                                                                               double[,] intensityCalibrationPar, bool discard,
                                                                               out int npoints, IPeakList peakList,
                                                                               float[] intensities)
            double result = 0;

            intensity = 0;
            npoints   = 0;
            int charge = ic.Charge;

            for (int i = 0; i < ic.Count; i++)
                if (i + isotopePatternStart >= 0)
                    int    ind = ic.Members[i];
                    int    np;
                    double mz = discard
                                                        ? peakList.GetMzDiscard(ind, mzCalibrationPar, intensityCalibrationPar, out np)
                                peakList.GetMz(ind, mzCalibrationPar, intensityCalibrationPar, out np);
                    double m = (mz - MolUtil.MassProton) * charge;
                    result += intensities[ind] *
                              (m - MolUtil.GetAverageDifferenceToMonoisotope(m, i + isotopePatternStart));
                    intensity += intensities[ind];
                    npoints   += np;
            if (intensity == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ic.Count; i++)
                    int    ind = ic.Members[i];
                    int    np;
                    double mz = discard
                                                        ? peakList.GetMzDiscard(ind, mzCalibrationPar, intensityCalibrationPar, out np)
                                                        : peakList.GetMz(ind, mzCalibrationPar, intensityCalibrationPar, out np);
                    double m = (mz - MolUtil.MassProton) * charge;
                    result += intensities[ind] *
                              (m - (i + isotopePatternStart) * MolUtil.GetAverageDifferenceToMonoisotope(m, 1));
                    intensity += intensities[ind];
                    npoints   += np;
            return(result / intensity);
 public void ProcessPeptides(int fileIndex, Dictionary <string, int> proteinIdToGroupIndex, IPeakList peakList,
                             MsmsData msmsData, IIdentifiedPeptide[] identifiedPeptides, string[] peptideSequences,
                             ReQuantitationResult reQuantitationResult, bool reQuantify,
                             HashSet <string> labelModificationSet, IProteinSet proteinSet,
                             SilacType silacType, SilacLabel[] labels1, SilacLabel[] labels2, double ms2Tol,
                             string ms2TolUnit, int topx, string[] fixedMods)
     if (peptides == null)
     double[] monoIsoMz = peakList.MS2MonoisotopicMz;
     for (int i = 0; i < peptides.Length; i++)
         MascotPeptide[] p              = peptides[i];
         int             scanNumber     = scanNumbers[i];
         int             ms2ind         = peakList.GetMs2IndexFromScanNumber(scanNumber);
         double          mz             = peakList.GetMs2Mz(ms2ind);
         double          monotopicMz    = monoIsoMz[ms2ind];
         double          time           = peakList.GetMs2Rt(ms2ind);
         int             silacId        = -1;
         int             isotopeId      = -1;
         int             silacIndex     = -1;
         SilacCluster    silacCluster   = null;
         IsotopeCluster  isotopeCluster = null;
         if (type == MascotQueryType.Silac)
             int[] silacInfo = peakList.GetSilacInfoForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
             silacId      = silacInfo[0];
             silacIndex   = silacInfo[1];
             silacCluster = peakList.GetSilacCluster(silacId);
         else if (type == MascotQueryType.Isotope)
             isotopeId      = peakList.GetIsotopeIndexForMsmsScanNumber(scanNumber);
             isotopeCluster = peakList.GetIsotopeCluster(isotopeId);
         int index = Array.BinarySearch(peptideSequences, p[0].Sequence);
         if (index < 0)
         HashSet <int> tmpGroupInds = new HashSet <int>();
         foreach (int pi in p[0].ProteinIndex)
             string protId = proteinSet.GetName(pi);
             if (!proteinIdToGroupIndex.ContainsKey(protId))
             int groupInd = proteinIdToGroupIndex[protId];
             if (!tmpGroupInds.Contains(groupInd))
         double[] specMasses;
         float[]  specIntensities;
         bool     uniqueProtein = (p[0].ProteinIndex.Length == 1);
         bool     uniqueGroup   = (tmpGroupInds.Count == 1);
         msmsData.GetSpectrumFromScanNumber(scanNumber, out specMasses, out specIntensities);
         identifiedPeptides[index].AddMascotPeptideHit(p, scanNumber, fileIndex, type, silacId, silacIndex, isotopeId,
                                                       silacCluster, isotopeCluster, time, peakList, mz, monotopicMz,
                                                       fixedModifications[i], specMasses, specIntensities,
                                                       reQuantitationResult, reQuantify, labelModificationSet, silacType,
                                                       labels1, labels2, ms2Tol, ms2TolUnit, topx, fixedMods);
         identifiedPeptides[index].UniqueProtein = uniqueProtein;
         identifiedPeptides[index].UniqueGroup   = uniqueGroup;